• Published 13th Apr 2023
  • 596 Views, 7 Comments

Equestrian Girls: Justice Faiz - Kamen rider accel 2

They say human has potential in one self. What if a human can grow to become something more then human.

  • ...

Faiz 2

In an unknown dark room a figure was scene tampering with a chemical compound in the container. In side the container was a belt of some kind that looked like the one Flash wore, But it's design was a bit different and it had wires attached on it. The figure proceeded to drop red liquid in the chemical container and soon the belt start to dissolve down into ashes. The figure signed in disappointment as the experiment failed.

"Still not enough... Still not enough to fully access it."

It was night time at the city as people were minding there own business as per usual. No one seems to care for what was happening around them. One particular individual was walking through the crowd of people as he looked like a complete dead man.

He wore baggy red shirt with a horse picture on it and wore blue geans and a green trench coat over his shirt which had a design of a Horse shoe. He had light grey skin and had yellow hair which were messed around. It looked like he had just gone through a break up or funeral of some sort as he looked lost. People looked at him and some even commented on his look and some saif he looked like a zombie of some sort. But he didn't care as he kept walking down the busy street.

He walked to the road where the signal was showing red as some people waited for the signal to turn green. Well no one but one. As he didn't wait as he just walked right to the street. The people saw him go as they trying to stop him.

"Hey get back hear or you'll get hurt!"

"Oi are you out of your mind get back hear now!"

"Is this guy insane or something to go to an open road."

"Hey! Hey come back now young man. Hey!"

But there voices were Deaf to his ear as he then saw a light coming towards him as he thought it was heaven light. But it took to second to realise that it was of a car as the car tried to stop in time but failed to do so.


The street was then filled with screams panic as the people around looked to see what happened."Some one call an ambulance now, He needs help right now!" One person shouted as he looked at the body of the boy layed Infront.

At Sunny Flare house right now the three teens have came back from the fight a while back.

Flash was able to Detransformed from the suite with ease. He was glad or else he would have to go back home wearing it He didn't want to freak out his aunt. Right now there in the living room as Sunny Flare went in to the kitchen to get some refreshments. Both have changed into there house attires except for Flash who was still in his uniform. Soon she came back bringing two cups with her.

"Hot Coco any one?" She asked as she gave one to Flash.

"Thanks." He accepted and blowed on it. He then looked at the other girl who was looking down at the cup as Flash could tell She was feeling a bit nervous."So Mind, Explaining to me on what that thing was back there? Also what happened to me back there and the suite what was that? It felt weird."

"I thought it looked cool. You looked like a superhero back there." Sunny Flare told him."I would agree with you on that if I didn't fought for my life back then." Flash argued back.

"But you managed to win against it. And also did a cool finisher move to end it." She reminded.

"Ok, we want to know is what was that thing? You called it... An Orphnoch or something?" Flash asked her.

They looked at the silent girl, who was looked at the cup with a nervous expression. She then finally spoke."To begin, The thing you saw back there known to be an Orphnoch. An Orphnoch is know to be the next level of human evolution." This got there attention fast.

"Wait. Human evolution as in involvement of human being?" Flash said wondering he heard it right or not.

She nodded."When a human enters the Orphnoch form he or she would be able to achieve what every other human being wants. Immortality." When she told this both of the teen's. They were slightly taken back by this. Immortality, It's the thing which simple human being want to achieve there whole life and some even sacrifice anything for it."But don't think this is a gift of some sort that you can get. Its a curse that is forbidden."

This got them curious."What do you mean about this cousin? If a human can achieve eternal life, Then it can bring change in everything. The people could be able to do many things without the worry of death."

"Hold on there Flare." Flash stopped her in her mind scape."If the human can achieve immortality by the Orphnoch form. I'm sensing there's a 'but' in it coming. Nothing without consequences is given."

"Your right, There is told that there is a 10% chance that the human would turn in to an Orphnoch. But the remaining 90% shows if the human isn't capable to it then... They'll die." She explained to them. They were shocked by this as they didn't know about the process."Wait, if they can't die, Then how was Flash able to kill the Orphnoch back there. Shouldn't it be impossible to do that if his immortal?" Sunny Flare asked.

"That's were the suite comes in." She took out a book as both went to check and saw there were drawings of the Armor Flash wore."The belt you wore back there is actually made to combat against these monsters. If there is a right user for it then the belt can show its full potential. It could help in causing damage to the Orphnoch body."

"So if we use this belt then we could be able to stop the monsters." Flash clarified."But, can't anyone else use it aswell."

"That's the thing, I actually don't think it works on the human body. You remember what the one who attacked us told, Humans can't use the belt power. Only orphanoach can use it no one else. Its actually a miracle that your able to tap into it even Henshin aswell. If anyone else used it the belt would have killed them directly or not accept them."

"So thus meaning, If this guy over hear wasn't capable. He would be six feet under right now then and we would be monster food." Sunny Flare clarified pointing at the teen in question.

"Well thanks for the positive feed back there." He commented in thick sarcasm."But what I want to know is what's there goal? What do these Orphnoch want from us? If they were human shouldn't they help instead of killing us."

"That... I don't know.." An yu honestly answered."But I know is they want the belt so they won't have to fear that this weapon being used against them. And since you are able to use the gear then your the one using it then." She told making Flash take back.

"What what do you mean I'll be using it then?! Shouldn't we take it to the police or the government? They can handle this rather then letting us school teens deal with this mess."

"No way! Do you have any idea how stupid that is. If the police or government finds anything out about this belt they would either use it for there own benefit or would be the enemy in disguise waiting for the right moment to get it. The Orphnoch are around the world and would easily get the belt of we report about it."

"Oh so what?! We fight these monsters and do some superhero thing that happens in TV shows were the man take care of the Monster when it attacks and save the day."Flash angrily said to her."No, it's real life where we could die if not careful. Why not let someone who is well cable of using this gear to fight them."

"Cause there aren't any other cable of using this gear. You for some reason got the chance to use the gear power and now your afraid. What gives I thought you want to help people?!" An yu said in anger. She thought she saw some potential in him not this.

"Helping people and taking a life of some other human being is different!" He argued back. Sunny Flare saw this, It was getting almost out of han, She needes to step in before it get any worse.

"Okkkk.. That's enough you two we don't want to cause a ruckus now do we." She quickly told getting between them."Let's just calm down ok, We went through something horrible today and we aren't in the right mind to think right now. So let's just calm down now." She hoped that it would work which it did. Both of the teens calmed down but still had a glare with one another.

"I'm gonna go back to my house. I catch you guys Tomorrow at school then." Flash quickly told leaving there house as he went out closing the door behind. When he was gone An yu grunted as she looked where he went."Dang it! What's he's problem. The fate of humanity is relying on him right now and he's not even taking this opportunity. I thought he want to help others not be a coward."

"Cousin, I think he does want to help. He just afraid to do so. I mean he did just fought for his life back there. He felt a bit afraid while facing that thing... I know I would have been afraid." She came in his defence."Come on, You should take some rest now. We could discuss this tomorrow at school ok, we need some time to our self. I know I could use some shut eye." She muttered then walker away.

An yu was left in her thoughts, she soon yawned and thought to go get some bed rest. she devel on this tomorrow.

It was morning time, Flash drove to school. While he was driving to school he looked back at the bag he was given as it had the Faiz gear inside. Since he told him that he was a well user for the belt then it was good to give him the belt so he could use it to transform if another attack happens. He still not ok with killing another human life right now as he wants to figure out what they want. The Orphnoch are still human thought but the way that one killed his school fellow was making him have doubts.

"Why can't I just give it to someone who is ok with this?" Flash question as he thought about it and the argument he had.'She kinda right about that. I want to help others but to take there life wouldn't that make me a bad guy.... No, He took the life of the other students. So I had stopped him from harming others that's all, But still.'

He mentally thought about this, when suddenly someone came Infront of his car. Flash quickly stopped in the nick of time from hitting that person."Hey man what gives?!" He angry shouted at the man Infront. But stopped, when he saw the man panic state and saw the his head turn into ashes as he disintegrated right Infront of him. Flash got out of the car and looked around quickly to find the culprit. He then saw a figure hiding behind the corner of the street. The figure saw him and hide back."Hey! You stop right there!"

He quickly grabbed the bag and took out the belt and phone. He strapped it on and ran after the suspect.

Meanwhile at Crystal Prep, Sunny Flare just reached the school gate with her cousin, As they both waited for Flash to come by. Since he had the case he was the important person then. Both of them were getting impatient because of this.

"Uhhh.. Where's that idiot now? He's getting late and school is about to start." An yu muttered as she and her cousin waited for him."Give him the thing I was suppose to keep a secret why not. Now he's doing what ever he wants with it and who knows what will happen!"

"Would you relax, Your getting paranoid over this. Yes he has the Faiz gear, Weird name thought, But he is responsible to handle it. He may be just stuck in traffic and all."Sunny Flare said to her. But she only received a look saying 'Are you sure?' from her.

"Yeah, Next thing we know he's out there doing something stupid or lose the gear when he isn't looking!." She shouted in despair as sunny flare rolled her eyes at her."Your being to paranoid. Just give it time he'll be hear ok." She assured her but she also had a bit of doubt.

"Who's gonna be hear?" A voice spoke startling them as both looked back to see Lemon Zest standing behind them."Hey girls what you both talking about?"

"Oh, were.. just talking about Flash! Since his late an all. We were starting to get worried of something happened to him or anything else." Sunny Flare quickly told. An yu nodded aswell. Lemon Zest saw there looks a bit closer then accepted the excuse.

"Yeah I know your worried for him. Since his the top news in school today an all." Lemon Zest excitedly commented getting there attention. What is she talking about?

"Um lemon Zest what are you talking about Flash being the top news of the school today. He just came hear yesterday and all." Sunny Flare asked her hyped friend.

Lemon Zest smiled and took out a paper and showed it to them. They both looked to see what it was and there eyes widen. On the paper was the photo of Flash as he Fought Bull horn and in the top line written ,' School's Hero who stopped the rain of terror of Bullying' ,On the article it told how Flash single handedly stopped the abuse which they were giving to the school students and soon got the four students expelled from school yesterday. Wait? that last one got them confused.

"Wait, what does the paper mean that Bull horn got expelled from School?" Sunny Flare slowly asked her."Oh you didn't hear, after the fight his dad was called and told of what happened and everything he did to the students. His dad got so mad and made Bull transfer to another school were he would learn to change him self and so aswell as the three goons of his. Now that happened everyone is calling Flash the school hero. Isn't that great!" Lemon Zest excitedly cheered not seeing the two girls shocked looks."Hm? Why are you girls making that face? Its like you seen a ghost or something?"

Sunny Flare snapped out of her shock."Oh, were just surprised that we didn't get.. to see it! Man it would have been funny to see Bull horn at his mercy that time." She quickly said with a fake smile. The memory from before played in her mind again of the incident. She quickly shook it off not to be seen suspicious.

"Yeah it would have been. But it happened after school, so we couldn't see it. So now that he's gone for good we can finally enjoy the peace around hear and not be tempered with bulling again." Lemon Zest nodded as she saw the time on her watch."We'll, we gotta go now girls it's almost school time. See you in class and once Flash comes tell him what happened ok? Bye!" She skipped to class cheerfully leaving the two girls alone.

When she was gone An yu looked at her cousin."How can this be?! We saw Bull die Infront of us yesterday. How can his dad come and say he just transferred his son to another school, when he's already dead!" She quietly yelled not to get out of ear shot.

"I don't know Ok, Also I'm just as confused as you are. One: We saw his corpse Infront of us and disappear into ashes. And Two: How did a father who is the chair man of the school council come and take his dead son away when he's not even real." Sunny Flare admitted as she put her hands on her head."What's happening right now? This is getting weird and very much mysterious." She muttered to her self then it hit her."Wait... Flash still not hear?"

"You don't think he was.." An yu trailed off but stopped once the bell rang singling that school has started."Dang it, We worry about that later now. We have to go to class." As much as they want and needed to figure it out they can't go out because of the school rules and people would get suspicious on them on why the aren't at school.

Flash ran to an empty construction area where the supplies were kept out side. He looked around for the culprit who killed the man as he couldn't see where it went.

He then doged an incoming attack by a blurry thing as he rolled around the ground. He looked at his attacker to find it was another Orphnoch. This one was different as it had a female type body with linto type Armor and shoulder paths and she had the Face of a cheetah on her with Two large horns on her head and markings made around her face to bottom. She was the Cheetah Orphnoch.

She looked at Flash and scoffed at seeing his state."I was told to get the Faiz gear back, But I never aspected you a mare human to have that on your position."

Flash quickly got up as he knew he was in danger and had to either fight or flight and running away wasn't an option. He Flipped the phone open and pressed the Code '555' and flipped it back.


"Henshin!" He shouted position it up words then In one swift motion, Inui brought the phone straight down into a slot in the front buckle, locking it into the belt, and pushed it down so the phone became parallel with the belt.


Red lines formed over Flash body as he got in to position. Soon the red light shines and died down revealing Faiz in his position. Faiz got in to a fighting position as the Cheetah Orphnoch simply waited for him.

Faiz ran at her and delivered a fist to her face but she doged with ease with great reflex and again did the same when he launched more strikes at her. She was moving with blinding speed as she ducked from a spin kick and then back flipped from him. Faiz saw her movement were fast for anyone to see were she was going. Any one but him as his visors start to glow yellow. From inside he could detect her movement as he doged an incoming strike that took her by surprise. What surprise her more when he delivered a kick on her side making her take back. She looked back at him as he got in position.

"Hm, Guess your not that gullible. But I wont go easy now since your showing me what you can do. So is good for me to show you aswell."She ran at him as both delivered attacks on one another. They moved and doged in close call but Faiz had the upper hand as he saw her opening and delivered a elbow to the gut and face and grabbing her shoulder thud hitting her with his foot on the stomach.

He thought he hitter her but saw she was holding on to his foot. She looked back at him as like she was smirking and blue flames appear on her arms making gunglets with razer claws. She let go of the foot and slashed him in the chest as he was taken by surprise. That gave her the chance as she slashed more on his chest making sparks Fly and jumping up and kicking him in speed.

Faiz was flung back and rolled on the ground. He could feel the pain in it and the claw marks. Apparently the suite may protect him from damage but to much can cause him injury. He start to got up but was kicked down and soon a foot was on his chest keeping him down. Faiz struggling to get the foot off him as the Cheetah Orphnoch got ready to deliver the strike.


Bullets came in flying hitting her making her take back as she was hit. Fiaz looked at his Saviour to find a mechanical type Robot that looked futuristic and looked half like a bike with the parts on his back and was holding a bike wheel as a shield as it had bullet holes on the side. The visors of the robot glowed as it launched more gun fire at her. The Orphnoch got back to avoid the bullets. Faiz got the chance and flipped back up and saw the Cheetah Orphnoch occupied and ran at her. Before she could see what was happening Faiz kicked her right on the side of the stomach making. She fel back in pain as she saw the rider and the robot coming towards her.

"Tich. Damn you Kamen Rider.." She shouted as she got up and ran off.

Faiz stopped as she was long gone. He signed as he looked at the robot in question."Um who the heck are you?"

The robot looked at him as it was scanning him."I'm a friend, Auto-Vajin" It spoke in robotic voice.


Back at school Sunny Flare waited in class as the teacher was lecturing the Class of the history of computer. She didn't care for that right now as she waited for Flash to enter. He hasn't come to school yet and the news she just heard made her even more worried and curious on what is happening.

"And this when the vacuum tube was made in to a lower class model to work inside the CPU it wasn't easy as it often had burned ou-" The teacher was cut off by the classroom door opening.

"I'm hear! Sorry I'm late!" A familiar voice spoke making Sunny Flare tension less but what she saw quite grew it back.

"Ah, Mister Sentry, So wonderful of you to- Mister Sentry What happened to you?!" The teacher asked in shock and concern toon as he saw Flash was covered in dirt and had a bit of cut marks on his face and his clothes seem a bit messy but some places were cut. It looked like the boy ha dust went through a boxing match right now. The whole class minus Sunny Flare had the look of shock on them wondering what happened that caused this.

"Oh.. This.. I was actually attacked by some thugs who wanted my car. I managed to fight off them but they got a jump on me. Still I managed to held time off for enough time for the police to show up. But they got away." Technically it was some part true. He did fought the attacker and managed to make her retreat with a little help.

"Um Mister Sentry, I think you should see the school nurse to check up your self." The teacher suggested seeing the boy condition."Would any one like to-?" .

"I'll do it!" Sunny Flare quickly told as she went and took Flash to the infirmary as the teacher blinked being left alone with the students."O-Oh, Ok then since that settled let's continue on the lesson then and just a heads up. There will be a pop quiz" The students instantly groaned at that.

"Dang it. Sunny got the Free pass." Indigo Zap muttered laying her head down on the table.

At a large apartment building the integrity of the building was beautiful and amazing. It was like it was of a rich people building.

Inside a room the wind blew threw the curtain and the opened window as there laid the same boy from the car accident laying on the bed. He soon start to gain concessness as his eyes opened slowly. He got up from bed to find him self inside a luxury room. He was confused at this as he remembered he was hit by a car.

'What the? I could have sworn I was run over and died again. How did I got hear then?'He mentally thought as he looked around. Suddenly the door of his room opened as a secretary in black came in surprising him. The secretary looked at him motionlessly as he stared back at her.'Ok please say something, This is getting ackward right now. Um quick do something mysterious so she'll say something.'

"Its seems that you have awoken from your nap." She spoke breaking the tension."Now you must be wondering why and how your hear and not dead am I right." The boy nodded."Then allow me to explain, You can't die actually since you have achieved the level to become an Orphnoch."

"Orphnoch?" He muttered getting out of bed to see he wasn't wearing any shirt."Yes, Now you must be questioning what's an Orphnoch and what dies it have to do with you. Well an Orphnoch is the next evolution of human kind. It is believed when a person dead he or she could access the Orphnoch form of there's and can not die." This got his attention fast as he looked shocked hearing this."I know that you have more questions so would you kindly please fallow me down and I will explain everything to you."

The secretary lead him down to the down hall as he was dressed in normal clothes. He looked around the room to see the interior of the building was quite well. When he finally reached down he saw a man waiting for him down stairs at the sofa. He had dark skin colour and had red bloody eyes which gave him the murder look and long black hair. He was dressed in a business suit and wore a red tie.

"Its good to see your up Mr Hoves. Thought you'll sleep some more." The man spoke surprising him on how he knew his name."Your name is Charles Hoves right. How do I know this? Well I have very good Intel. So why not come hear and sit so we could have a talk with one another."

The boy named Charles nodded as he came and sat on the sofa Infront of him."Um, Thank you mister Sombra for letting me stay hear. I didn't think anyone would do so since the.." He trailed off in a sad look

"Think nothing of this my boy. I was just doing this when my business partner asked me to look out for you." This got his attention."Business partner you say?"

"That's right. As you now may were told this that you have become an Orphnoch. Now what I'm going to tell you is very much a big secret that partner told me to tell no one but you. So what ever I tell you, Don't let it be told to anyone. If so then there be consequences and very big one." Sombra told dead serious to the teen boy.

"I-I Understand Mister Sombra. I won't let anyone find out about this or anything. I promise!" He quickly told him.

"Good then. So As you were told the Orphnoch are know to the next step of human evolution that will take the future of the world to the next level and change what we think of death to erase. The one who known about the Orphnochs is the president and the CEO of the famous company you may know as 'Smart Brains'." When the company name was told. Charle was taken back as his mind went to over drive.

The biggest company that help in making the Technology and helping in environmental protection is the one behind this. How is this possible? Who else knows about this? Is this man Infront of him also one of them? What else doesn't he know?

"I know that look you have" Sombra said getting him out of his thoughts..

"Excuse me?"

"I know what your thinking and yes. The company that has gained billions of dollars and has logos and advertisement all around the world, Is the same company that is controlling the Orphnoch in secret." Sombra said."You see boy, The president of the Company wants to make you a deal."

A deal? What does the man who has anything wants with him?"Why would the president of the company want me for? All info is screwup and cause nothing but pain. So what will he get out of me then?" The toon in his voice was like a broken man.

"Well, If you were a screw up then he wouldn't have been interested in you. You may look like trash to others. But to us, Your a prize gift and one that would lead us to a better future." Sombra told." But right now if your feeling well. Then, I'll come back later to see if you are willing to agree to our terms. But For right now I'll be going." He got up and left but not before looking back."Oh and use this apartment as you please your rent would be taken care of. So good day sir."

Now Charles Hoves was left alone to think on what to do.

Flash sat in the infirmary as Sunny flare applied bandages on his cheeks. He told her on what happened and safe to say she was glade he was alright but the last part where he told her when the bike transformed into a robot. That one was a little hard to believe.

"Are you sure you weren't hit on the head real hard. Cause anyone can hallucinate in that time." She asked worriedly.

"I'm telling you it was real. Who else would have saved me that time when I was gonna get stabbed." He told her but she didn't believe him much.

"Just saying, anyone can see anything in desperate time. Beside that Orphnoch did a number on you." She muttered while fixing the injury.

"No need to remind me about it." Flash muttered as he then signed a bit."Still, The Orphnoch is long gone by now so that gives us a bit of time then. You said that the school thinks that Bull horn is expelled from Crystal Prep. His father took him away and so we're his goons expelled with him. But that is boges, We saw him die right Infront of us that time!"

"Yeah, We were there, But the school news team wrote that he got off legally and alive yesterday, That was the same time we were attacked that time. I asked someone of the other students even my friends and they said that his dad took him away." Sunny Flare explained. That shocked him as this just got mysterious more and more."Either that our memories were changed that time when we left off, or.."

"The school is hiding what really happened back there." Flash finished her sentence. This was the only thing coming in there mind. Just then the door opened as An yu came in.

"Oh good your hear in one peace then."

"Thanks for the worrying." Flash sarcastically muttered as she smirked at him.

"So she got you up to date on what happened then?" Flash nodded."Good, Cause the way the school is hiding the truth about the incident, Then is to assume that it has something to do with the school board and the principal of the school."

"So we gotta have to snoop around and find out what? and why? There hiding it then." Sunny Flare suggested.

"Yes but also No." She said confusing the two as they looked at her."I want you two to go find out what happened and who made the news. But don't let anyone else find out you know what really happened that time. Cause if word gets out then we could get in way much trouble then before."

"You suspect that the school board may be Orphnoch or are working with them? are they?" He questioned which she nodded in response."But if that is the case, Then who is the one giving the orders then. Also won't the students be in danger then!" He got worried on that. His school was also in the project, So does that mean there are Orphnoch there aswell. If so they all could be in danger right now.

"We... Actually don't know. We could go to there later to check it out then. If there is any danger there we could or more specifically you can take care of it. If you want to that is?" She asked him this time with a question look."You were right actually and I was putting to much pressure on you that time. You just gotten the power and didn't know about it. I've been thinking this over and now know that it's a dangerous path to go. So I ask you this, if you want to help then be ready to face the enemies that would want to get there hands on the belt, If not, Then give it back so I could find another user for it."

Flash... Was honestly taken by this. But he could see that the girl had a troubled look and by the swing of it, It means she's been hiding and running from these 'people' all her life. If he agrees to this, He'll become there targets and would be hunted down and forced to fight these monsters for his and everyone's lives, He'll also have the risk of putting them in harm's way, But if not... He'll regret it for the rest of his life and it won't help him at all. So he finally made a choice then.

"I'll do it." answered Flash as the girls were surprised by this. He accepted this knowing the danger and all."I know the consequences of what I'm going through now. But, someone has to fight those monsters in order to save people and others. Right now I have the power to do so and stop them on all I can and if I just give up and walk away. Then I'm just disrespecting my Dad legacy then. He always told me, 'when ever there is trouble or if someone calling for help. Never turn your back on them or you'll regret it for the rest of your life.' And of now I'm given a chance to help you so I am." Declared Flash making the girls astonishing of his declaration and kind heart.

They couldn't help but smile at him,"Well if your joining in this super hero bit then count me in." Sunny Flare said."Beside Your my family, so I'll be there to help you no matter what. Also I was there when the first attack happened so I'm kinda bonded to the team then."

An yu nodded then. She couldn't help but smile as she is getting help and would be able to find her dad. If his alive or not? But she still believes in his well being and knows he is and wil find him. But right now, The first problem needed to be solved..

"Well then if continue this, Then our first mission is to investigate and find out who wrote the school new paper on yesterday event." She told the two."If we find the one who is responsible for this, We may get some answers in finding more about the school and the things happening around."

"That's actually a good idea... Ok I'll go check out the news reporter club while you girls ask around,But make sure you won't get caught" Flash told as they nodded. The girls then quickly went off to find answers.

He grabbed the newspaper and looked at it, But then he saw something down his story. It was of the track team players quitting the game."This is interesting."

It didn't take long for the investigation to begin. The three had split up and tried to cover more ground and look for any suspicious rumer or anything. They had to act cautious cause who knows which student can be trusted.

Flash went to the track field ground and soon spotted the person he was looking for. At the track field a teen who looked two years younger then Flash and wore the school uniform was taking pictures of a girl running on the field. The boy had light red skin colour and orange hair done in a boul cut. He took the picture of the girl in every direction as she ran by.

"Hey are you Nose Hound, The school photographer of the newspaper club." He looked to see Flash standing beside him. He got excited seeing him hear.

"Oh, Your Flash Sentry aren't you, The one to stoped Bull Horns rain of terror!" He said as he was bubbling with excitement like a kid meeting his idol,"I can't believe I'm talking to a hero of the school. What can I do for you sir!"

Flash rubbed the back of his head and smiled a bit. He wasn't good with getting the attention span, It was mostly rainbow dash thing as she loved to boost around. But he'll think of that later as he needed to do the mission first.

"Um, Hey listen I was wondering. When Bull Horn was expelled from Crystal Prep yesterday. Did you happened to see him leaving after the expulsion or anyone of his family?"

Nose Hound thought about it but soon shook his head."No actually, I was hear the whole time and as I was told to fill in the photos for today's paper. I didn't see anyone coming in or out that time. Then this morning principal cinch announced his expulsion and then you know the rest." He finished telling Flash the story as that hit the nail in the coffin. So it was a cover up and the students are all ready dead. Meaning the principal has a hand in this."So why did you ask this now?"

He snapped out of his thoughts."Oh, Um, Just wondering since a friend of mine.. thought she saw someone going in the school. But she never saw him leave. So meaning he must have went from the back door or something." He quickly lied hoping for him to buy it. Which he did so, Flash then saw the track runner as he got curious.

"Hey um, Who's she supposed to be?"

"Oh, That's lightning Dust. She's our famous track runner and has won many sport trophies and even lead our school to the finals but had to stop cause of her friends sudden death." He told as Flash looked at him with curious eyes." See, She had a school rival name Light beam. She and her were the best of friends and rivals to the fullest. But when it came to the finals of the school sport day. Our school was going to the finals soon. That's when it happened,"His voice soon became grimmer."Light beam was caught in a car accedent which took her life. When lightning Dust heard the news of her friend. She was devastated and quite sports that time making our school lose. But after a few months, She's back on track trying to get back lost time."

Flash heard all this and couldn't help but feel pity for lightning Dust. He knows the pain of losing someone and knows what it leaves a person to... Despair. He felt that a long time ago. But now that also got him thinking of something very important.

"Hey, I need to ask one more important question." Flash said in serious toon.

Lightning Dust ran through the streets in her jogging uniform. She ran in the park through the trees and rocks. While hiding behind some trees were the three students. Flash had told the two on what he found and told that to keep an eye on her.

"So you think she's the next target for the Orphnoch to attack." Sunny Flare looking through the binoculars spoke.

"Not think, I Know that she's next." Flash admitted serious toon.

"Yeah, The previous track team members were found injured back and some quiet because they were told off by someone. No one knows who, It is certain it's the work of the Orphnoch that attacked."An yu told.

"Also, The guy I saw today who was murdered. He was also in the track team.. Meaning it is the same killer." Flash clarified and soon got quite when Lightning Dust stopped and sat on the bench for rest.

The three waited for anything to happen. Soon they saw another person come towards lightning Dust. They waited for her to make a move so they'll strike.

Lightning Dust saw the stranger come towards her. When she came closer Her blood ran cold and her heart almost was in a panic attack. The person Infront of her is non other then her old friend, Light Beam.

Her words were caught in her throat as she couldn't speak. But took the courage to do so."Li-Light...?"

Light beam smirked as she saw her old best friend."Hey there Dusty. How ya been these years? Good? Cause I have been doing swell!"

"How.... How are you."

"Alive?" She cut her off."well let's just say I have gotten a generous gift from a very, very good person. See that when I was at my death bed. I thought I was done for. But nope, Life gave me another chance and now look where I am, Standing right Infront of you all well. Also I got another deal by the said person. He helped in it a lot. All I had to do was fallow his deal and he gave me everything I dreamed of."

Lightning Dust was still in disbelief as she listened to every word she said. Some one gave her, Her life back. How?! " What are you doing hear.. what do you want to do"

"Hm?... You don't get it. Remember we both were the best in our school and always stayed in top spot right." She nodded slowly."Well I'm hear to offer you a deal of the life time."

"What's the deal?"

"Simple, Leave your humanity behind and join me." That caused lightning Dust to stop on her thoughts."See I had become something more then a human. Because of that I got everything I wanted from the start. If you join me now we both could rule the school together. We'll be top queen like we used to be, lIke the old times were no one could dare compete with us. We'll have the power that no one else has-"


"Hah, Excuse me?" She asked in shock and confused toon."I'm sorry what did you say? I didn't hear you well."

"I said no.." lightning Dust firmly told making the group who were hiding surprised at her answer."Light.. what we did back there.. what we were before... We were nothing but Bullies that time! When you died that day. I thought I lost a friend the same day. I didn't know what to do. I start to lose my interest in sports and soon start to reflect on our past. We hurt others cause we thought nothing would go wrong. We thought we could do anything. But no, we were nothing more then some spoiled brats who thought nothing but them self's! Soon I toon the track back so I could at least honour you and stop our mistakes. But now your hear Infront of me. Telling me to go back to the thing I now hate. No way! Not ever! That wasn't me and never will!"

"....Hm.. Looks like I did all of this for nothing then." Light beam muttered."You changed and in don't like that one bit. I did all of the hard work for nothing. So guess what? I don't need you then." She declared and soon changed into her Orphnoch form taking her by shock.

The cheetah Orphnoch then went towards her. But before she could reach Sunny Flare and An yu came in running and throwing a sack Infront of her. She saw it and slashed it as flour burst out of the sack causing it to cover her vision.

"Come on!" Sunny Flare quickly took the shocked teen hand and the girls ran away quickly. The Cheetah Orphnoch recovered from the surprise as she looked around but saw there were gone."You'll be dealing with me now." She lied to see Flash coming wearing the belt. He quickly pressed the code in the phone.




His armor formed around completing his look. Then in some instinct Faiz Flicked his wrist. He ran at the Orphnoch as she did the same.

Both delivered a punch to each other bit Faiz have most of the damage to her. Faiz ran and gave her a quick strike and elbow on the face. She made her claws appear and strike again. But Faiz side stepped in the nick of time and grabbed her hand. He delivered knee blows right at stomach and then gave a spin kick making her fall back. She quickly got up and ran at him in high speed and came from every direction hitting with each time she came. Fiaz waited for her movement to get a bit directive and then saw the opening as he ducked and tripped her as she fall forward but he didn't let go as he delivered blows in mid air and gave a solid punch in the middle of the chest. The Orphnoch Flung back and hitted many trees breaking some in the impact. She flinch from the pain. But still got up as she wasn't gonna let him take her down this easy.

"She's your friend, But your willing to kill her just cause she doesn't agree on one thing with you." Faiz demanded from her.

"Shut up you. What do you know anything about us. We could have been more but she's refusing to do so like a coward or weakling lie she has become!" The Orphnoch shouted back.

"Its not wrong to admit your weak. It helps one to become stronger in the future. You just refuse to accept it cause of the simple minded you are. That is what different you from humans. You never learn from your mistake and cause harm to others." Faiz told her. He then heard a sound of engine and saw the motor cycle coming towards him and stopped right Infront of him. Faiz then grabbed the handle bar of the bike and pulled it back soon revealing a red light sword as it soon glowed red.

Faiz thought it looked like a light saber bit think about that later on. He ran at her as did she with her claws. Both strike each other and soon sparks came out. Both were in a sword play but flash had the upper hand as he had took part in kendo classes and soon slashing her back as she yell in pain. He needed to end this so he grabbed the memory on the phone front and removed it and put it in the sword end holder.


The Faiz edge glowed and was ready for the finisher.

"HAHHHH!" Faiz yelled and ran at he before she could recover and delivered a final slash on her as Flash stopped behind her. She didn't move but soon blue flames leaked from her body.

"Gah! Curse you Kamen Rider!" Those were her last words before she disintegrated leaving nothing but ashes around.

Faiz got out of the position and turned to look at the mess. He then went towards the bike driving off to were the girls were.

In another unknown dark area. A figure was scene watching footage of Faiz fight in the computer. The figure looked far impressed at the fight. His phone start to ring as he picked up the call.

"That Fight went well Sombra, The data on Faiz was good."

= Your welcome sir, Now that the skills have been set should we go to plan B now then.=

"No, We save that for later. What I want you do is what I told you." The figure spoke in clear toon that promised pain if not fallowed."Did the kid agreed to our demand then."

= Not yet sir. He's still in doubt, But he's still thinking of it. We just give him time and he'll agree to it.=

"Good then, As for Faiz right now he's in weaker mode. He still hasn't reached his full potential on what the gear could do. He hasn't matured yet, so safe to say He's still stage down. So send out another agent to take care of him." He ordered

= Yes sir right away.=

"Good then." He cut the call and looked at the monitor again. He changed the scene to another location and it was of some scientists experimenting. As they hold something in a vile liquid.

Flash just reached his home area and parked his car Infront of the house. He went off but bumped into someone by accident.

"Oh, Sorry didn't mean to bump into you." He apologized.

"Oh no worries, I didn't look were I was going. So sorry about that." The person said revealing to be Charles Hoves.

He then went off as did Flash. But both felt a weird tingle in there spine telling them they'll meet soon after. They shrugged it off and went on here ways.

Author's Note:

Open Your Eyes For The Next Faiz:

Failure is unacceptable.

What are we doing hear again?

We need to see if the same thing is happening in this school.

Hi, I'm new to this things. Can you help me.

I want the Faiz gear back no matter what.


He transformed! But how?!

What is happening right now?!

Faiz 3: Looking Around Town