• Published 13th Apr 2023
  • 593 Views, 7 Comments

Equestrian Girls: Justice Faiz - Kamen rider accel 2

They say human has potential in one self. What if a human can grow to become something more then human.

  • ...

Faiz 1

A man was running in the dark forest in night. With him was a girl as she was holding a briefcase in her hand as they ran in high speed. The sound of numerous assailants were coming not to far from behind. The light Flashes in the night trying to spot the two.

He has been running from them to get them. To get the secret weapon away from them and save her daughter from them. He grabbed her hand and took a turn to the left as branches broke from his steps.

He reached a river sight and saw the boat there. Great it's a better escape but they will spot them if they see hear the boats motor sound. He looked back the man who were still coming after them and looked at her daughter who was taking breath and was holding on to the case. He has sto make a choice and needs to quick before they get to them and get the secret weapon. He took a deep breath and then made a choice..

"Ok sweetie listen. I'm gonna go and distract the men from coming after you. You take the boat and use it to get out of hear." He quickly told.

"WHAT?!" The girl nearly shouted."No way. No way. No way! I'm not leaving you out hear so you could die dad. We could-"

"No sweetie we can't!" He cut her off."I know its hard for you now but please this weapon can't go in to the wrong hands and if it does then the world is doomed."He told the girl grabbing her by the cheeks softly and liked at her in the eyes. He could see the tears coming from them. Its hard but he has to make a choice."Listen. Your my treasure of all things and I don't want anything happening to you. If they find you they would not hesitate to kill you to get what they want. I know that we have less time but please go while I distract them and give you an opening. Once your away from hear go to your relatives house and hide there."

"I- I don't want to leave y-you" she almost cried."What if they find me. What will happen then?"

"They won't,Ok, They won't." He told her then saw the lights were getting closer so her looked back at her daughter for one last time and kissed her on the forehead."Always remember this. I love you and will always be there for you. So please keep going." He told her as she nodded. He let go of her and then ran off to the other side as he made some noise getting the men's attention.

"I heard a sound from there. He must have fled that way!"

The men start to chase him at that direction leaving the girl alone who clime on the boat as she soon started the engine and drove off. She looked back one last time with tears in her eyes but look back at the briefcase again. What ever it is. She has to protect it from these people grasp.

It was a normal day in the city of Canterlot. Various people are song there own thing for entertainment. One was on his way some where else.

He was an average teen boy with blue hair and yellow skin and has blue eye colour. He's Flash Sentry the main protagonist of the story. Now I know people want to see the girls in this story but it's about him not them right now. Flash drive his car towards school as he wore his uniform. It wasn't his CHS uniform which they don't have actually. It was of a different high school and was of there rival school Crystal Prep school. The most pretentious high school there was and the most expensive.

He drove towards the school as his mind was back at the conversation he had with the principal of his old school.

(Flash Back Yesterday)

"I'm sorry what did you say?" Flash asked the principal.

Principal Celestia was a fair skin women with beautiful colour hair, Had light pink eye colour and wore blue geans and yellow jacket over a red shirt and wore a bracelet that looked like a sun on her arm. Behind her is her sister who had violet dark purple skin and purple hair, Black eye colour and she wore simple pink pants and a purple shirt and had a bracelet like Celestia but was of a moon. They had just called in Flash to give him the news they were given.

"You hurd us right young man. We are sending you to another school." Celestia told the young teen boy who had a shock look.

"Ok. But may I ask why and how and why me?" Flash eagerly asked.

"It simple really. You see the principal of That school and the school board wanted to do an experiment in question to change some methods used in the other schools. They want the students of there school to experience on what it's like in different schools and the study so they could get to know the others better." Luna explained to him."Right now the students of different schools don't know how our and we don't know there school system works and what they are doing. So we thought why not and agreed to the board orders."

"So wait let me get this straight then. I'm picked for this experiment of yours which your higher ups have chosen for a exchange student project which would help in both of us. To get to know one another and to know more about how the other school works." Flash theories the situation. He was getting a bit excited and shock to hear the news of this.

"That's right. But rest assured that the school will pay for your education and the uniform and supplies needed for your transfer to the other school. If the project works out successful in the coming years then the board would decide to join to school together." Celestia said with excitement in her voice.

"Now now sis. The boy first got to need to know the school and how it works."

"But my question hasn't been answered. Why am I being selected for the exchange program." Flash asked."I don't know if I'm any good or anything else."

"That's were your wrong there young man. You see we suspected and checked your grades and as a result we were impressed by it nothing the less."

"Yes. You have A+ in the English language subject, B+ and A in history and Chemistry. A in physics and lastly A and B in maths. Your test score shows that your also fit in sports and also good in music class. With these type of score your a perfect candidate for the exchange." Luna read Flash report and the women was impressed aswell by his mind skills.

"Well. I have a good teacher at home. And the reason I'm good at these subjects is because I want to be a forensic scientist in the CCPD and want to help in the police group." Flash explained his cause which made the two women smile at his dream.

"Well that is a great dream you have there. That is why I think your a perfect candidate for this experiment. Once you accept this you'll be able to expand your knowledge and experience new things you couldn't see." Celestia told her potential student. She saw the look on his face as it had a bit of doubt."Your still not sure are you?"

"... Its not that I don't want to. Its.. it's that I don't know if I should." Flash said confusing them." Its a great deal your giving me hear principal Celestia but.. I don't think I'm cut out for this time of thing. What if I meas up. What if I lose this and make everything go down. I don't want to cause something big and then make a hole and throw everything down."

"We get it. Your felling doubt in your self. Your felling that you fail then the others would abaddon you. But I can assure you they won't. Flash,Listen to us young man." She told in kind toon."You may feel doubt in your self but remember this that your human and it's ok to feel it. But sometimes you just gotta let it go and take the opportunity given to you. If you don't then you'll regret it for the rest of your life. You have potential in your self young man and it's our job to help you expand that potential of yours. Your saying you want to be a police man right."

"More then anything. My dad was one of a police officer and he was amazing. I want to be just like him." Flash quickly told the principal.

"Then you gotta learn to do so. If you hold your self back from this then you'll fail to achieve your goal. You have well good potential to do so and become something great. So how about it."

Flash looked at them and thought about it. His being given a chance to expand his skills and help them out aswell. How can he turn this wide opportunity down. He remembered what his dad told that 'if he has a goal set in his mind then he can achieve anything along as he believes in it.' So why not accept this and do it. He liked at them and then made the decision.

"Ok then. I'm in." Both smiled at his answer. "Excellent answer. We'll send the other schools principal your answer and you'll get your documents ready in no time."

Flash smiled but then he remembered what he wanted to ask."Wait which school am I going to attend anyway?"

(End Flashback)

"Crystal prep. Why that school?" He muttered as he drove there and stopped at the parking area. He got out to see he reached his destination. He looked at the school and marvel the site seeing the school first hand. If he didn't knew any better, He'll say it's a crystal castles with all the shining mirrors there. He took a second to marvel and snapped out of it."Ok Sentry you are in one of the pratigous school in a school assignment. You better not disappoint and make your self a fool." He hold him self.

He then went towards the school gate But suddenly his feet tripped causing him to fall down right on a puddle..


He fell face first on the puddle as the students walking by saw this and laughed and some just went on there way minding there own business. Flash pulled his head out as it was wet and dirty a bit. He looked to see he made a mess of him self on his first day.

"When did it rain?"

He went in the bathroom of the school to clean him self up. After getting cleaned up he went to find the principals office but couldn't find it. He was getting confused on how everyone gets to where?

"Just what does it take to find the office room." He muttered in irritation. He was begging to think he was lost.

"You skipping class there buddy." Flash looked back to see a girl. She had light teal skin and reddish eyes. Her purple hair was cut to chin length and had pink streaks with a sun hair clip in it. She was dressed in the complete ensemble of the Crystal Prep female uniform consisting of a white shirt, burgundy blazer, blue ribbon tie, purple plaid skirt, blue socks and shoes.

Flash saw her a bit cute if being honest but he remembered why he was hear."Wh-What no. No I was- I was ah." He was lost in his words when she suddenly laughed at his reaction.

"Hahah.. don't worry I know that your the new guy around hear."She told him Easing his tension."I saw you this morning. Your the guy who fell in the puddle this morning right."

Flash felt a pain in his chest as he was reminded that."Why does everyone remind me of that. It happened about 10 min ago." He muttered.

"Words travel fats around hear. Once they find a good scoop they gossip around which travel faster then you see in channel 7 news." She told him seeing his expression."By the way you lost or something."

"Oh yeah actually I'm looking for the principal office." Flash getting out of his pain said.

"Oh that's right you must be the exchange student guy we were told about this morning." She remembers the morning announcement as she looked at him."We haven't introduced our self well. I'm Sunny flare." She held her hand out.

"Flash. Flash Sentry." He shook hers.

"So your hear for the peace thing which the school told you about. Never thought one of our rival schools was gonna send us a student to make peace." Sunny flare commented.

"Well you never know what I can do you know. A wise man once said ' It some times take one man to make a difference in a place.' So I can make a difference hear then and show we could be friends." Flash told her.

"Hm... Nice comment though that won't simply get you no where. If you want to make peace you gotta sgkw it first." Flash smirked at the challenge."I intend to do that."

"Well mister Wiseman let's see that soon." She said looking at Flash. She gotta admit he looks cute and handsome if she could say this."So let's git you to the principal office and check you out then."

"Yeah that be helpful right about now." Flash agreed as they went to the principal office.

At the street a man was driving a motorbike through the road. He had dressed up as a punk type outfit and wore no shirt. He also wore a helmet over his head. The man drive through the road and soon stopped infornt of the bar.

Inside the bar there was a fishing tank with different small fishes and also had a small shark there.

There was a man playing a piano amd was playing a gentle charming toon and a women was seen at the bar area drinking her alcohol. The biker man went towards her and sat beside her. She was busy admiring her drink when he tapped the glass to get her attention. She looked at him with a simple look.

"So I heard that you want to join in the lucky clover am I right." The man nodded as he waited for the women approval."But we can't just let anyone get in that easy you know. To do that you have to do one thing for us."

"Name it and I can get it. What do you want money or is it to get rid of someone." The biker man said. The women smirked seeing the man's aim to get hear. She slid an envelope to him as he opened it to find a girl no older then a teens photo init. She looked foreign type with yellow hair and looked Asian to be precise. She was holding a case in her hand."We want you to retrieve this case from the girl. Once you bring it hear you'll become the new member of lucky clover then."

The man smirked which had a evil look on it."What off the girl then?" The women gave him a look that said 'Isn't it obvious' "You get rid of her that's all. Make sure to leave no evidence." The man nodded and left the shop. When he was gone the man at the piano looked at her in question as he spoke."You really think that idiot could be able to get our weapon back. You know what the gear could do."

"Oh Draky. Don't you trust in us. I mean even if the girl has the Faiz gear with her she can't use it. Only our kind could be able to use it." She answered.

"Even so. It doesn't give us the right to just ease up and lay back while the weapon for our king is out there." Drake muttered as he watched his co-workers attitude. He wonder why he was put up with her when he's far stronger.

"Just relax and enjoy the show. We are doing this for our king so we just need some time and all will be seat." She told."Your just being paranoid and even if someone managed to use the gear. It doesn't mean the person would get an easy life." She smirked wickedly as marking started to form on her face.

Flash is now going towards the cafeteria room as it's lunch period time. He had meet with the Principal of the school and lest just say he's getting the 'Your boyfriend dumped you hard vibe.' but he managed to not make his luck back fire. So he spend the other day in classes and they were quite hard but nothing he couldn't handle. Right now he was looking for a place to eat as he got to the cafeteria. They were quite full but he was looking around to find a seat.

"Hey Puddle boy over hear!" He heard a familiar voice and looked to see sunny flare sitting with a group of girls and was waving at him. She gestures him to come sit with her. He simply went there without question as he had some familiar to talk to.

"Hey Sunny flare. How's it going." Flash greeted the light teel skin girl and setted next to her.

"Going good. Girls I like you all to meet the boy I talked about this morning to you." Sunny flare USAID to her friends..

The first girl had pale yellow skin with freckled dotting her cheeks. She had purple eyes highlighted by blue eye shadow. Her long, pink hair had teal streaks and was tied up in a ponytail with a berry hair tie. She wore the Crystal Prep uniform forgoing the burgundy blazer.

The second had light blue skin and long, whitish blue hair tied into pigtails with a red hairclip in the shape of a spoon. She wore a pair of orange rimmed glasses and a pair of leggings under her Crystal Prep uniform.

The third had a pale complexion with shoulder length blue hair in three different shades. She had orange eyes and a pair of orange goggles on her head. Her left ear was adorned in golden piercings, a lightning bolt on her lobe and rings on her ear.

The fifth girl had a reddish complexion with yellow eyes. Her long hair fell down to her waist and resembled lemon-lime soda due to it green and yellow coloring. Like Sour Sweet, her eyes were highlighted by light blue eye shadow. Like Sunny Flare, she wore the complete uniform with the exception of keeping her sleeves rolled up. Her most noticeable trait was the pair of headphones covering her ears.

The last girl had brown hair and was style like Sunny flare but was a bit longer and had blue eyes. Her face was of Asian and Japanese showing that she was from our side country and her eye were highlighted aswell. She also wore the complete uniform of the school. She looked rather on guard as Flash could tell.

"Flash meet my friends. The blue hair girl over there is Indigo Zap."

"Yo" she fake saluted.

"Our School famous gymnastics girl. Sour Sweet."

"Heya." She waved.

"Our clean queen Sugarcoat"

"Don't call me that." She got annoyed but simply nodded at Flash.

"What you do tent to go overboard in cleaning things up." Indigo said making the girl glare at her."Oh you know it's true."

"Then there's our music planer and roller blader Lemon Zest. Fair warning she tends to not like someone who makes fun of the band she likes." Sunny Flare whispered as Flash nodded.

"Hi There. Nice to meet you Flash!" She excitedly greeted the blue hair teen."So do you like Music. If so which one do you like the most is it The Queen. Or is the Battles or may be one of BTS song." She quickly asked.

Flash blinked seeing her energy but didn't mind as he felt with one energy person him self. Make that two for the other one."Well I do love music. The classic are the best as well as the new ones. My favourite song is of 'The Rose' kinda relaxing when work is needed to be done. Or need to keep the mind relaxed."

"I know right. Its way good especially if you want to feel energetic or relaxed. But if you really want to listen to the good one hear the new song of Jim from BTS. Its called 'The moon'. Its way much better." Lemon Zest suggested.

"I think about that. Sounds good to listen to." He then looked at the last girl who was looking at her food and didn't pay attention to the conversation."Hey who's she?"

"Oh that's my cousin. Her name is An yu and she's from Japan. She transferred hear a few months ago. Her dad had an accident a few months back and is now reported missing leaving her behind so she came hear at Canterlot City. She lives with me and my Mom, Dad." Sunny flare explained. Flash looked at her seeing her just simply eat her food without any thought of what is happening..

"Oh, Well it's hitting her pretty hard then. But I think she open up soon or later if you give her time." He told her out of the others ear shot. "Good luck with that. I tried to once or twice but soon leave it behind when I found out why she is like this."

Flash looked at her when she spoke."Trust me. Its a very good reason why I help her this way."

"But anyway so your the new kid who replaced our old one hah. Well I have to say your kinda of a cute one to be precise then the last one." Indigo complemented

"Um thanks then." Flash siad in confusion.

"So you got any hobbies of some sort anything like music. Science or anything interesting." Sugarcoat asked

"Oh yeah..I'm good at music and am god at singing. I love to do parkour and learn new things." Flash told them.

"Wait you play music?" Sunny Flare asked

"Yeah, I was in a band before coming hear so I had to leave. But if you guys need a singer or guitarist then I'm your best man."

"Hah. We'll think about it if needed to. Your quite better then the last girl who was hear and now she s at your school. She was really a nerd type girl and caused a lot of trouble by her 'Curisoty'" Sour sweet told empathizing the last statement.

"What? Who was the one chosen to go at my school." Flash asked as he didn't know who the student was.

The girls were going to tell when they heard a noise. They quickly looked at the noise and looked to see Four taller boys harassing another teen who was trying to get away. They hold him back as they laughed."Who's that?"

Sunny Flare made an annoyed look seeing the large teen picking on the other kid."That's the school bully, Bull horn. He and his goons tend to hurt the others hear and cause school damage."

"They went in to detention many times but they never learn from there mistakes or anything. They even one time picked on a poor boy so much that he had to transfer to another school." Sugarcoat told

"Yeah and they also hurt another school mate who was a track runner. Said he broke his leg and made it looked like an accident. The guy never ran again." Lemon Zest said sadly.

"Those guys just don't stop do they. It just make me sick seeing them do this." Sour sweet she may make fun of some people but she knows that it isn't right to hurt them like this.

"Hey where did Flash go." Indigo asked looking to see the Blue hair teen not there.

"Come on, we just want the money nothing else." Bull horn said to the teen as he shoved him back against the wall. The other three of his goons were behind him.

"I-I don't have a-any money I swear I-"

"Listen I don't got all day so just hand the fucking money over or else your gonna be eating food through a straw." He warned as the teen whimper back."last warning pal give or get" He riled his fist back as the teen closed his eyes in fear. He launched the fist at his face but it was grabbed in mid attack."Huh?" Bull horn muttered seeing another teen boy with Blue hair stopped his fist."Who the heck are you? What do you want?"


Flash punched Bull right In the face making him take back a fall down. The cafeteria was shocked seeing the exchange student come in and hit the bully. They thought that he was crazy or something to do this. The bulky in question got up holding his nose as it was bleeding a bit. That shocked him as the new teen had guts to that.

"Opps. Sorry about that. I was looking for the garbage can but I saw your face and thought why aren't you in it. Shouldn't you be there right now other then making the cafeteria stink." Flash told making the students in the cafeteria take back as well as the bullies."Now Your gonna say 'You! Who the hell do you think you are to buzz on my fun'" He told

Bull horn now got mad as he glared at the teen."You! Who the hell do you think you are to buzz on my fun!" He demanded then was shocked.

"Me... I'm just a simple school boy who was hoping to not be so seen. But guess what. I have to take care of trash like you so I need to come out of the shadows." Flash said he then looked at them"Now your gonna say 'Oh yeah. Well to bad you went way over your head. Boys get him'"

"Oh yeah. Well to bad you went way over your head. Boys get him!" He ordered his goons but was shocked again as the teen predicted his lines as the goons got out of there stupidity and went after him.

Flash simply smirked as he doged a swing and grabbed one goons arm and kicked him in the stomach making him grunt but gave Flash the chance to hit him on the foot and then throwing him back towards the other goon who caught him. But didn't see Flash coming in punching him in the face then kicking the other one towards the wall. Flash doged the swings from the second goon as he grabbed his arms in right time twisting them making the teen grunt as Flash hit his head right on his face knocking him out as he fall down. Flash then ducked from the attack from behind as he kicked the third Goon of his feet making him fall down but before he could Flash jumped and kicked him right in the stomach as he was Flung back and hit the other table were some students were eating and fall down.

After the goons were down Flash turned towards the bully who had a shocked look as he saw the new boy take down his goons with ease.

"So mister tuff guy. What do you have to say for your self. Oh right your to, How do you say?" He faked guessed."Oh right, To weak to say anything."

Now he got pissed and charged right at Flash. Flash saw this coming and soon did a Nick cage thing and bend down when the bulky came closer and delivered a punch... Right at his jewels. Everyone in the cafeteria winced at that as bull horn made a high pitch sound holding his private area. Flash saw the opening and used the table as help and jumped up and kicking him right on the face as he was flung back skidding by the floor and soon hitting a table making the food fall on his face.

Flash dusted his hands as he went towards the one who was being bullied. He age a hand."You ok there." He asked as the young boy nodded dumbfounded looking at his Saviour and getting up."You should watch out for those guys. They tend to stick around a lot. But I think they won't be bothering you anymore." He patted his shoulder. He went towards his table as the students looked at him dumbfounded.

He reached the table and sat down with the girls."So where were we." He asked not paying attention to there shocked looks."What?" He asked confused.

"Dude. You just toon down Bull horn and his gang with ease and your asking on what happened?"

"That please~ it wasn't a big of a deal." Flash truthfully told.

"Not being of a deal. Bull horn is know to be a tuff cookie around hear and he is know to be ruthless in fights. He also I say has a gang to take things care for him. And not big of a deal is all you could say right now." Sunny Flare asked him bewildered.

Flash just rolled his eyes at that."I took him down easily so how can he be the tuff cookie now. And Beside anyone could have done that."

"Yeah, if they want there face mashed into potato salad." Lemon Zest bluntly told."The way you took them down was like it was straight out of an action movie or something. And then you did a Joseph Joester thing where he predicts a persons line on what he's gonna say. Who thought you how to fight and do that!"

"Well I had a bit ups and downs so my uncle thought it was a good idea for me to learn self defence. I did got in to street fights two times."

"WAIT WHAT?!" They all shouted in shock mius An yu who looked at him curious for the time being.

"Its not like I wanted to fight the gang.. It's well that my hair colour as you can see is quite different. Many have different hair style but somehow mine always got the attention for trouble. Where ever I went some guys always thought it's nice to pick on me. So I learned to fight back and now boom. They don't even bother me or anything except some want a rematch from me but still."

"Hah, if I don't know any better I say your story is like of an anime character who fights spirits with a badass sword who want to harm the after life and real life." Lemon Zest guessed out of the blue. Flash looked at her seeing some Deja vu right now but can't figure what.

"But your gonna be in trouble if the Vice principal fine out about the fight. She's the one who is kinda of gentle but strict." Sunny Flare warned him.

"..like that could happen right now."

= Would Flash Sentry please report to the Vice principals office now. I repeat would Flash Sentry report to the vice principal office now=

They all heard the intercom and then looked at Flash who seemingly gave a tired look."You were saying something." She gave him a smirk as Flash gave her a small glare.

"So you know why your hear now young man." Vice principal Dean Cadence told. With her was a man with white skin and dark blue hair. He wore a gym teacher uniform and was standing beside her.

"Um.. is that a question or are you asking on why I was hear." He joked a bit to get the mood down sadly it didn't work.

"Don't get smart hear young man. You were accused of starting a fight in the cafeteria area this morning. And on your first day of not mistaken." She told him with a stern toon like a mother scolding a child.

"Well to be honest. The one who I fought was picking on someone else and no one was doing anything so I had to step in to save him or else he would have been hurt." Flash explained."And also it was kinda self defence if I was fighting him. He had three other teens with him."

"We know that actually. Mister Bull Horn has been reported many times of bullying and causing property damage. He also was accused of stealing from the teachers of test papers. We had to deal with him many times but he got off Scott free cause of his dad influence who owns half ten school board giving the power to do as he please." Cadence explained his back ground.

"What you did back there was reckless kid and you could have gotten hurt. As your teacher we could punish you for This." Shining Armor told.

"But he was getting hurt and bullied. I couldn't just let him be done with that and do nothing. What would be the point of helping others." Flash shot back but Shining raised his hand to stop him."You didn't let me finish kid. I said as a teacher its our job to stop the fights but as an adult I say you did good back there."

"... Really..?" Flash asked in confusion.

"Yeah. That boy had caused a lot of trouble in my cales aswell. He always end up hurting others physically to much that we may even get a lawsuit in our hands. Because of him I lost a really good track runner. But you showed him who's boss and took him down. Nice fighting by the way where did you learn to do so."

"Shining not now." Cadence quickly cut him off. She looked back at the teen."Today were just giving you a warning this time and say you fought in self defence. But don't think for a minute that we let another incident like this slide. But next time if you want to help call the teacher so we could help deal with the problem. As teachers it's our job to teach you to become better. The board want to see there experiment come in complete success."

"Wait so I'm free to go?" He asked the vice principal."Indeed but don't get into other fights ok or you'll won't be lucky next time. Understood."

"Yes mam." Flash nodded and took his leave. Once he was out both looked at each other."So what do you think of him." Cadence asked Shining as he looked where he went..

"He's a good kid. I read his track record saying he's has his ups and downs but they weren't his fault what do ever. Its because sometimes he was at a wrong place at the wrong time." Shining told."But now he's been picked for this project of this.im glade we are accepting this But why did we have to pick Twilight to go to Canterlot High School and not someone else. She could get her self in trouble." He worriedly said as his brother instinct kicked in.

"Shining you need to let her go for now. She come home you know. And besides she was picked cause she had the best high scores in school. Well other then gym class but still she is the best pick to transfer to the other school. Maybe there she could learn to make friends there other then having only one friend in family and a doggy friend."

"Hey she loves me ok."He argued with her as she playfully smiled ."But anyway what off the meeting."

"Its gonna be held soon with the chairman of the Smart Brains agency and will further discuss it later. Right now I need someone tie to relax before anything else happens." She muttered not knowing what will happen soon.

Bull Horn was now on the street as he and his goons were going somewhere. He had sported bandages over his nose and so does his goons have some.

"Dang that new kid did a number on us. Who knew he was a fighter."

"Shut Up! That little shit just got lucky that all! We just underestimated him. There's no way he could take on all of us!" He shouted at his one henchmen.

He couldn't accept that some kid managed to beat him in a fight and one that he wasn't even trying to even take seriously at. He saw his face, The face of someone looking down at you who thinks your nothing. Well he'll show him who's boss. He just haven't know what he can do that's all and once he's father finds out about this he be living in hell.

"Hey you brats." He was called out to see a biker man was standing before them."I'm looking for someone hear. You seen this chick anywhere." The man showed him the photo of An yu as Bull recognise her. The man saw his look and knew he had answers."So you do know where she is. Then you won't mind telling me her location then."

Bull got angry."What if I know where she is. Why should I tell you about her anyway then?!" He demanded as he got in to fighting position.

"Hah.. That wasn't a request or question brat.... That was an order." Markings appeared on his face as his entire figure changed into something monster type. The goons and bull got back seeing that as the man came at them.

Flash just had finished the first day of his new school and was surprised to see it wasn't that bad. The study was good and the sports gym wasn't half bad. Plus he had made some friends today of he guessed.

"Hey you leaving home Flash." Sunny Flare called out as her cousin was with her carrying a bag with her.

"Yeah. Just done with today and thought of just go straight home." Flash told.

"Mind giving us a lift then. We forgot to get the bike of ours and had to walk home cause of not being late. I forgot it at home in a hurry and forgot we had one." Sunny Flare asked her new friend. Beside she didn't wamted to walk to far.

"Sure we're do you live?"

"Its 299 Hove's street around the neighborhood." She gave the address.

"Huh. That just about half ten blocks away from my home. I live in 307 Hove's street." Flash said surprising her.

"Really Hah? Never thought we be neighbours then. So you won't mind giving us a lift."

"Not at all. Come in then, it's a least I could do for helping me this morning." He said as they got in. Sunny Flare sat at the front seat with Flash as an yu sat at the back. They soon drove off at there destination. On there way it was quite as they didn't say anything. Flash then thought to start the conversation.

"So. Sunny Flare I never asked but what does your family do for a living." Flash asked hoping not to get in to an awkward moment.

"My parents work out seas and mostly go in art dealing. There quite successful in business and have made a name for them self in our seas." She explained

"Hah. So you love alone at your home then." She looked at him."why do you ask. Want to hang out with me." She gave him a smirk as he rolled his eyes..

"Haha... No just asking that's all." He kept his Cool head to not go out of question.

"Yeah I did a few months back but then An yu showed up one day at our door step saying she needed a pace to stay. Then one thing led to another and now hear we are then."

"So wait. She just showed up there. Why what happened to her dad or mom?" Flash asked looking back to see her stiff up meaning he's crossing the line.

"Listen it's not my Place to tell anything. What happens to her is her own personal life she doesn't want to share with anyone. So I kindly request you not to ask her about this." Sunny Flare warned the teen boy. Flash looked at her distressed look and nodded.

"Sorry about that just got curious that's all. Didn't mean to bring in any bad memories what so ever." He apologized as An yu got comfortable again. He liked back at the road.

"So Flash what does your-" She was cut off when Flash hit the brakes skidded the car to stop. Glade she was wearing seat belts or she would have hit her head. She looked at the ten ready to yell at him but stopped seeing his face. He had a shocked look on his face as he looked Infront of him. She looked at his direction to see what and saw Bull horn and his gang lying down in the street unconscious.

Flash quickly got out to check so did the two others. Flash ran to check the large kid but just as he touched bull horn, To his shock the bully turned to dust leaving his clothes behind. The three teens were shocked by this.

"What the hell!" Flash shouted seeing this soon the three goons body also evaporated in to dust aswell."What the hell happened hear?!"

Sunny Flare saw her cousin look to see she had a look of terror on her face. Like she knew what caused this."We have to leave." She spoke for the first time confusing Flash."We have to leave now. The one who did this may still be hear." She told shocking them.

"Well at least someone had the brains to guess." The biker man spoke up getting the teens attention as he came out of the alley. He saw the bag and the girl as he smirked finding his target."Hand ove the bag little girl and I let you all off easily." He threaten them.

Flash got Infront of the girls after getting out of his shock."Yeah no way pal. You killed four students and threaten to kill us so you'll be talking to the police then."

"I wasn't giving you any other choice brat and I did offer you all a chance to give it but you didn't took it. So what happened is on you." Then he changed his appearance shocking the three especially An yu who was getting more scared. He looked like a great humanoid being wit a starfish type head and wore half a Armor. This was the Starfish Orphanoach."Now hand over the bag a s I'll make your deaths quick and painless."

Flash was shocked seeing this as he never saw anything like this. But he had a second to think before he was grabbed by Sunny flare by the arm a nd was dragged away running with them. The sting fish orphanoach saw them as he grunted. Then suddenly his lower body changed in blue flames and he now has a fish tail. He flew after them giving chase.

The teen ran fast as they could as they wanted to get away from the orphanoach as far as possible. They reached the woods area and stopped taking a breath..

"Ok, Can someone explain to me on what that was back there. Like who was that man and how did he turned in to something like that and why was it after you." Flash demanded as he didn't wanted didn't wanted to make this his first day.

"That wasn't a man. He isn't even human. What you saw back there was know to be an orphanoach." An yu told.

"Wait you mean to tell me the thing that attacked you days back is real?!" Sunny Flare shouted as her cousin nodded.

"What what's an orphanoach?!" Flash said as he was still confused."You mean to tell me that Guy who killed Bull horn isn't a human but a monster."

"Yes and it's after the gear which we have. If they get that then humanity would be doomed." Flash was taken back by this.

"Move out." He grabbed Sunny Flare and An yu and moved in the nick of time as the orphanoach flew by as it missed. They looked at the being as it flew up words and was gonna attack again.

An yu knelt don and opened the bag. She knew the device won't work on her but she had to make a choice so she quickly toon out the case from before and opened it reveling the gear inside the orphanoach landed on the ground changing his legs back. He saw what she was doing and laughed."Foolish Humans. You think you could use the Faiz gear and make it work. Only an orphanoach can use the gear to its full potential."

"Flash use this now!" Flash looked to see she goose him a silver buckle belt as he was confused so as well as Sunny flare."Put it on quick!" He did as He was told and put it on his waist. She bring out a phone and pressed the code of 555 on it.


It released a pulsing noise as she put the phone in belt and places it side ways.


At that, red lines formed along Flash armor before a blinding red flash caused everyone, monster included, to shield their eyes. Flash was now in a suit that was all black with red neon lines across the entire suit, a large solid silver chest place covered most of his torso with black armor framing his sides and back, rounded shoulder armor with a red line across them connected to the chest armor, as the neon stripes went down his arms to armored braces around his forearms, his fingers flexed as each of his fingers were tipped in metal; the red lines went down his stomach and his legs through metal knee pads, and connecting to black boots with silver accents. His helmet was rounded and black, it had a silver mouth guard with lines making a fanged pattern, one singular orange eye split into two by twin red lines that formed antenna/fins on top of his head.
The others were shocked seeing the teen changed in to an armored fighter.

"Faiz!" The orphanoach screech in fear. How can a human us the Faiz gear thats impossible.

"What.... The....Heck just happened!" Sunny Flare demanded.

Flash or Faiz in question looked at his hands to see the Armor on him. How does that happen to him."Flash! There's no time for gawing on the suite. Go fight the orphanoach now!" He heard An yu yell as he looked back then at the kaijin. Right now he felt power inside of him pumping through his veins and he felt like he could take on anyone so went for the attack.

The orphanoach launched three strikes at Faiz chest plate and arms but Faiz doged them and when he was hit on the chest he brushed it off. He delivered two punches with force at the orphanoach face making it stager back. He didn't give him time as he jumped and gave him a kick on the chest making it fly back. Once it was fallen down Faiz ran and grabbed him by the shoulders and kneed him in the stomach and then gave him a punch in the face. He faced thugs with metal pipes before and knew how to fight so he was in ease while Fighting an enemy who fights a long range type. The orphanoach had enough as he suddenly summoned a spear in his hand. Now Flash had a bit of trouble with weapon which was used for long range. He sent a thrust at my chest, but I side stepped and gave him a kick to the gut. He stumbled back, but recovered quickly and gave me a slash to the chest, making me stumbled back. I brush off the wound quickly and charged. He was used to facing an opponent that had a longer reach than me. I move my head in time to avoid a stab to my head and quickly jump back to avoid getting it, before I ducked under a slash for my head and tackled the Orphnoch, making us roll over the ground before the Orphnoch landed on top, Thinking fast, I kicked the Orphnoch off. He rolled on the ground and I got back up quickly.

The orphanoach launched the spear at him directly as he quickly doged but didn't see the tentacle coming right at him hitting him in the face and chest. Faiz felt the damage but brush it off as he had faced worse but because of the Armor he was lucky as it took most of it. He grabbed the tentacle and pulled the orphanoach at him with well strength as he was was flung towards Faiz. Faiz delivered a spinning kick on his face as the orphanoach was flung back hitting a tree. Flash ran at him and jumped up hitting him with a double kick which was enough force that the orphanoach broke through the tree and fall back.

The two girls were watching this and both were astonished by the fight. But that soon changed when the kaijin had enough damage and was down giving Faiz the chance so An yu ran and got the Faiz pointer out of the case. "Flash!" She shouted getting his attention and she throw the device as he caught it."Use the Faiz pointer and attach it on your right foot and press the enter button on the phone at your buckel! That will activate the finisher to end the orphanoach!" She explained."Do it before he gets up!"

Faiz nodded as he attached the Faiz Pointer to his right foot and then Flipped the phone phone up and pressing the 'ENTER' Button then closing it.


Suddenly red energy start to travel from the belt to gis right leg. Faiz crouched down and ran forward at the Orphanoach as it had less time to go away when he got up. Faiz jumped in mid air and flipped around then going to a kicking posting as red energy shot out of Faiz pointer and made a image off a cone as it hit the orphanoach on the chest keeping him in position as Faiz came in and then went through the cone and orphanoach directly and now was behind him. A few seconds later the orphanoach burst in to blue flames as a symbol of a circle with a cut appeared infront of the orphanoach.

"Gah.. Curse You!"The Orphanage screamed as it's body disintegrated leaving dust behind.

Faiz then soon breath in a sign of relief as his body relaxed a bit. He looked back to see the girls were coming towards him. They had a look of amazement on them on what he did. But Flash while wearing a helmet the other would have seen he had a look of question on what happened.

"Ok. So mind explaining to me on what just happened." Faiz asked or demanded as he looked at An yu. She knew about the Monster and the suite and he wants to know what happened.

An yu looked at him and then looked around. She didn't enter anyone else finding out about any of this."Ok but not hear. We have to go to a quiet place were others won't ease drop on our conversation. So let's go to our palace then." Faiz looked at her nodded as they went off.

He couldn't just believe what happened today. He just became an Armored Hero and fought a monster. Just what is happening?

Author's Note:

Open your eyes for the next Faiz:

I want the Faiz gear back at all cost.

What have I done to deserve this

Ok you have some explaining to hear mister.

Orphanoach are the next step of human evolution to Living a peaceful life.

My dad was a worker in smart brains before this.

Give me the gear little girl.

Can't believe I have to do this.

Faiz 2: Getting Answers