• Published 21st Mar 2023
  • 696 Views, 20 Comments

Love Pie - Partycannon_

What happens when Pinkie Pie's best friends fall head over hooves for her?

  • ...

Chapter 3: RariPie


"You look exhausted my dear," Rarity cooed. "Do you need help getting back home?"

"S-Sorry Rarity, I'm okay I just haven't got a whole lot of sleep," Pinkie once again yawned in her hoof.

The pink earth pony sat in a cushioned seat with her eyes hardly staying open. The white unicorn stood close with a small box lifted next to her filled with different stylish eyewear. The Carousel Boutique was empty besides the two ponies.

"Hmm, how about these?" Rarity's glow wrapped around three pairs of glasses and flew next to Pinkie.

The earth pony forced her eyes open long enough to get a look. Pinkie's hooves tiredly moved under one of the pairs and the glow disintegrated, dropping the glasses into her pink hooves. The party pony threw the bright yellow star glasses on her face then immediately passed out.

"Did you speak with Twilight yet? She came by yesterday morning, said she wanted to speak with you," Rarity asked as she lifted the box to the ground.


A few moments passed quietly until the earth pony began snoring. The white unicorn sighed as she lifted the pink pony onto her back. Rarity started struggling as she moved slowly to the stairs.

"I-I know you love your sweets but could you cut back... Especially if..." Rarity paused as she thought about what she was going to say.

The unicorn's blue eyes landed on the pink sleeping face on her back and answered herself in a hum. Finally, she worked over to the stairs and looked up them with a frown. Starting the trot up, Pinkie instinctively wrapped her hooves around Rarity's neck and the earth pony's soft breathing played in the unicorn’s ears. Suddenly Rarity easily found herself scaling the once daunting staircase.

The white unicorn quickly trotted to her bed and lifted the blankets off before lightly placing her friend in place. Rarity quietly tucked back in the blankets over the party pony then stood by the bed. The unicorn smiled as she began playing lightly with Pinkie's hair until two pink hooves flew out of the blankets and trapped her own hoof in place. Rarity giggled slightly as she pulled her hoof back gently but it didn't budge, she tried again this time with more strength but the results didn't change.

Pinkie slowly began to awake but the soft bed wanted to keep her, she wasn't sure where she was but that didn't bother her. The party pony kept fiddling with a soft pillow wrapped in her hooves as she was attempting to leave her tempting prison. After a minute Pinkie slowly realized the pillow wasn't a pillow. Her eyes flew open and saw Rarity's sleeping head rested on the bed as she sat on the floor. Pinkie looked down to what she had grappled and found a white hoof.

"Eyes..." She thought aloud to herself as she sat up. "EYES!" the party pony yelled then threw her hooves over her eyelids.

"Hmm," Rarity got up groggily.

"Rarity it’s very important that no one sees my eyes, do you have any glasses?" Pinkie asked, panicked.

"Why of course darling, you asked for them last night," Rarity answered, still waking up. "Here," Pinkie felt plastic touch her hoof.

The party pony grabbed it quickly and threw it on in a sigh of relief. Pinkie then opened her eyes to find her friend smiling oddly at her.

"It seemed like you didn't want me to leave last night, is there anything you wanted to tell me?" Rarity cooed.

"Um, sorry about holding onto your hoof. How much do I owe you for the glasses?" Pinkie bounced out of bed with mixed emotions.

"It’s on the house darling... I don't wish to impose but you will stay for a little while, won't you?" the unicorn imposed.

"Um, I guess it’s okay for a little bit. Did you need my help with something?" Pinkie tilted her head.

"Nope, I just wanted to do something fun," Rarity smiled.

"Oh? Really?" Pinkie felt some color flood back into her as she smiled back. "That sounds great, all the 'fun' recently hasn't been all that 'fun' looking back on it," she answered wholeheartedly.

"Then shall we get started?" the unicorn pushed.

"Sure!" Pinkie jumped with full color.

Pinkie threw on a brightly colored fake knight costume and a fake sword wrapped around her barrel. She poked the sword with a smile then turned to her friend. Rarity cautiously put on a beautiful princess gown and finished with putting a tiara on her head.

"These costumes look very pretty Rarity. What is the occasion?" Pinkie bounced.

"Well, I wanted to try my hoof at writing a play and sense I had plenty of time last night I decided to write one," Rarity floated a few pages to the party pony.

"Awesome! Is it a medieval comedy? Maybe a fantasy epic?" Pinkie tackled the sheets of paper.

"Just wait and see, no looking ahead. I think you will find the twists and turns to be enjoyable in the moment," the unicorn announced.

"Oki doki loki!" Pinkie answered.

"Because it is my play, I'll be the narrator, you read all the lines with your name," Rarity cleaned her throat.

"Sure! One small detail Rarity. Usually, the script has the character’s name not the actors," the party pony lifted her paper with her hair.

"Right... Well, I couldn't think of any names so we are just using our own," the unicorn lied.

"Awesome! Start us off Rarity!" Pinkie smiled brightly.

Pinkie brought out her play sword and frowned at the mannequin. The white silhouette charged with its sword, pinkie flawlessly deflected the blade and playfully counterattacked. The figure drops and the earth pony sheathed her sword.

"The princess is now safe, you may rest now," the party pony read.

"P-Pinkie... My curse, I won't last until sunrise," the princess stated.

"Rarity, my sweet Rarity. Surly I may break thou curse?" the knight lifted the princesses head as she lay.

"Of course, you may... My love..." the deathly princess allowed.

"Um, Rarity it says here that we are supposed to, um, kiss? Did you want me to kiss you on the forehead?" Pinkie asked with a sad undertone.

"Hmm, well it does say that we kiss 'muzzle to muzzle' so if it wouldn't be too much of a bother," the unicorn stated clinically.

"Well... Okay, I guess its fine," Pinkie faked a smile.

The pink earth pony continued propping the unicorns head on her hoof, hesitantly she moved her head down uncomfortably. The princess threw her hooves around the knight’s neck with a suggestive smile. Pinkie began slowly backing her head away before Rarity quickly placed her mouth over her friends. The earth pony's color quickly evaporated, she yanked her head up and away, unintentionally bringing Rarity to her hooves before she finally let go.

"Sorry, I guess I got too carried away acting. Well, only one more scene left, the wedding scene," the unicorn blushed.

"You saw my eyes, didn't you?" Pinkie spat angrily.

"Darling, are you okay?" Rarity looked with worry.

"No, No, NO!" Pinkie shouted. "I am NOT okay! YOU MADE THAT PLAY JUST TO KISS ME!" she puffed.

"I will admit that I made it just for the two of us, it was mostly-"

"SAY YOU MADE IT TO KISS ME! SAY IT! SAY IT! SAY IT!" the grey earth pony stomped her hoof.

"Pinkie, please... you’re scaring me," Rarity cowered.

Pinkie Pie threw her costume on the floor bitterly, she once again stomped angrily before slowly trotting out the door. Rarity shook slightly as her friend left. The unicorn heard shouting from the other side of the door and slowly more and more tears came from her eyes.

Author's Note:

Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter.

I struggled with pacing in this one but hopefully I managed to fix it slightly for you all. Have a good one!