• Published 21st Mar 2023
  • 694 Views, 20 Comments

Love Pie - Partycannon_

What happens when Pinkie Pie's best friends fall head over hooves for her?

  • ...

Chapter 1: TwiPie

The dark Canterlot alleyway held a strong fog, unknown liquids funneled down pipes landing in puddles. The sky was dark and very little light echoed in the narrow passageway. A happy hum to the music of a birthday song began to fill the dark alley as a pink party pony joyfully bounced down it with a small plastic box holding a delicious pie. Suddenly a door opens and the bright orange light flooded the surroundings.

"Um, hello?" Pinkie called, tilting her head curiously.

"Please... Ente-" *COUGH* "rr!" a cloaked store pony gestured inside.

"Alrighty, but are you okay Mr. Shady Pony?" Pinkie bounced inside and turned to the store owner.

"I'm-" *COUGH* "fine, the alleyway just triggers my allergies," he states as he begins clearing out his throat.

"That's not very fun, why do you have a store in an alley anyways?" Pinkie darted around the room touching everything.

"Its cheap rent. But now you are probably wondering why I asked you here," the stallion smirked crookedly. "Please buy something, the land lord will be here tomorrow and I need some bits," he began to beg as he threw himself to Pinkie's hooves.

"Okay!" Pinkie's smile grew, she jumped from item to item and inspected them closely. Finally, the party pony saw a pie and threw herself to the product with wide eyes. "NO WAY!" Pinkie held the pie. "This is the exact same weight as my pie, same packaging too. PIE TWINS! How much?" Pinkie turned to the shop owner.

"Six bits, would you like to hear the items description?" he asked almost smiling.

"Sure," Pinkie nodded.

A large grin cracked on the shopkeepers face and the party pony's smile grew too.

"The PONYNOMICON! It’s said if you peer into this book that you shall learn the ancient threads that hold all of reality, ONLY FOR TWELVE BITS!" he announced full of pride.

"Shop keep! I think you are talking about the book over there with the pony face stretched across it," Pinkie said politely.

"Oh," he blushed slightly. *COUGH* "The LOVE PIE! It has been told that the Pie's eyes bring out a lovely surprise... Something, something, something, AND words of truth may break the spell."

"I'm sold! Do you accept credit?" Pinkie smirked.

The moon lay dormant in the sky above, the quite night air rudely interrupted by a rushing of train wheels on a track. Not many ponies where on the train and even fewer were awake. Pinkie Pie found a secluded area on the train after noticing all the sleeping ponies on board. She sat the two identical pies in the seat next to her before opening her window. The continual sound of the wheels turning and the cold wind blowing on her face made her smirk.

"The cold breeze, the quite air, I forget how fun night is sometimes," Pinkie giggled but quickly stopped as she smiled wholeheartedly.

The party pony's eyes eventually fell to the two pies then her normally absent mind filled with the thought of the sweet pastries touching her starving mouth. She quickly looked away hoping to forget but it wasn't long before her eyes landed on the pies once more.

"No, no, no, no!" she started. "I can't eat them, I told my friends that I would bring a ultra delicious pie to our next picnic," Pinkie held her head between her hooves.

Pinkie Pie looked back to the two pastries.

"A ultra delicious pie..."

The train began to slow, then coming to a complete stop. Pinkie yawned and stretched before picking up her one pie. She trotted up to her window and lowered it down. Pinkie gave herself a long stare in the reflection.

"Umm... My pupils are normally blue..."

A lavender unicorn rested on her wooden floor, the books surrounding her supplied a nice pillow. Yet the unicorn's ears began twitching.


Her body finally started waking up but she felt a wave of tiredness begin to challenge her. She forced herself to the door and opened it in a yawn.

"Pinkie?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Of course, who else bothers you in the middle of the night. Wait, it’s the eyes isn't it?" Pinkie began to freak out on the porch.

"No, sorry, I just wasn't expecting you. What's this about your ey-" Twilight's heart skipped a beat as the party pony looked into her eyes.

"I ate a magic pie then poof, next thing I know my pupils were pink. You missed it, I freaked out, then after calming down I came here, also I ran home and put away a different pie," Pinkie explained.

Twilight quickly turned her back on the pink pony, her pupils darting throughout the room as she began to blush.

"Twilight? Are you okay?" Pinkie began entering the tree.

"Y-Yeah, let me clean myself up a bit, make yourself at home," the unicorn said quickly as her horn cast a teleportation spell.

"That was odd. Normally Twilight doesn't leave me alone with her books," Pinkie smiled mischievously.

After some time, the lavender unicorn reentered the room to find a small fort built out of her books. The pink party pony exited the small fort to gather more book in a hop.

"You built this in just a few minutes?" Twilight asked, shocked.

"Nope, you were gone for about an hour. Please don't be mad," Pinkie rubbed the back of her head in guilt.

"Oh, it’s okay Pinkie," Twilight smiled.

"I know... Wait, it is?" the party pony asked.

"Yeah, I um, have to reorganize anyways," the unicorn lied.

"Hold on, are you wearing a ponytail? I knew you would look awesome in it! You finally took my advice!" Pinkie clapped with a wide grin.

Twilight began hiding her face as she held her hair.

"Oh! Twilight! Do you want to take the tour of the book fort?" Pinkie jumped.

The unicorn only nodded while avoiding eye contact. Both ponies entered the small book fort, they were shoulder to shoulder, sitting upright. The party pony turned her head to the unicorn and a blushing Twilight turned to her friend; both of their muzzles began touching. The unicorn wanted to turn and hide her red face but she also wanted to stay here forever while her friend has never had the concept of personal space.

"This is the kitchen, bedroom, living room, master bedroom-" Pinkie continued.

Twilight didn't listen, her mind too busy. Pinkie's scent began to strangle her, the pink eyes gazing deep into her own. Her heartbeat tripled, racing like it never had. The Pie started caused the unicorn to melt away.

"Twilight? Twilight? Are you okay?"


"HUH!? WHAT?!" Twilight shot up.

"Twilight are you okay? You were knocked out cold... Well, I should say 'knocked out hot'," Pinkie asked as seriously as the party pony could while holding a water bucket on her head.

"P-Pinkie?" Twilight began blushing again. "How much of that did we- Pinkie when did I pass out?" Twilight's face only grew more red.

"When we were in the book fort, why? Is something wrong?" the party pony asked worriedly.

The unicorn relaxed slightly, letting out a sigh of relief. "Everything is fine Pinkie, sorry my imagination has been in overdrive today," Twilight smiled lightheartedly.

"Oh, no problem! My imagination is always in overdrive," the pink pony giggled. "What's in your imagination?"

*COUGH COUGH* "Oh, nothing! Just books and... More books," the unicorn faked a smile.

"Oh jeez! Now you are coughing too, I didn't expect the allergens to follow me all the way back," Pinkie frowned.

"No, i-it’s not allergies or anything like that," Twilight responded, not meeting eye contact.

"Then what is it? Maybe I can help?" the party pony dashed up to her friend with a gentle smile.

Twilight once again turned away while blushing, not knowing how to respond. "Um, so did you need me to look at your eyes?" she attempted to change the subject.

"Sure! I'm mostly over it now but I still want my blue eyes back," the pink pony stated.

"I should have some medical devices in the basement for a general checkup," Twilight thought aloud.

"Oki doki loki!"

The unicorn lead the way while the earth pony bounced behind her. The large yet claustrophobic basement of the tree held many scattered papers with many machines and even more blinking bulbs. Their hooves in the cellar gave off small echoes as they moved throughout. Twilight took out a stethoscope and placed the cold bell across Pinkies chest.

*Lub-Dub Lub-Dub Lub-Dub Lub-Dub*

"Your heartbeats good," the unicorn stated almost sadly. She gave the pink party horse a thermometer and she bit it through the levitation spell.

"So... Pinkie, do have any plans tomorrow?" Twilight asked slowly, glancing up from her medical sheet.

"Nope!" She answered enthusiastically. "Why? do ya hath thomething fun planed?"

"Yeah, there was a new pastry shop opening nearby. I was wondering if you wanted to go?" Twilight hid in her sheets, scared of rejection.

"Thoundths like fun! Thould I invite the otherths?" Pinkie asked childishly.

"I was sort of hoping it would just be the two of us... Does that make sense?"

Pinkie put her hoof over Twilights papers and pushed them out of the way while she moved her head close to her friends, the unicorns face turned beet red and Pinkie grew a large smile.

"Yep!" she blurted. The thermometer gave a light *Beep* and Pinkie took it out of her mouth. "One hundred degrees Fahrenheit," the party pony stated before hitting the reset button on the device and putting it in Twilight's mouth. "I think you need this more than me," Pinkie grinned.

The unicorn felt like melting again as she lost balance in her hooves. Her pupils turning into small hearts. She felt her friend's saliva swirling inside her mouth, yet a large portion of her brain told her she was creepy for enjoying it. Then her mind officially broke once her brain processed the fact that Pinkie said 'yes' to her date. Twilight dropped to the floor in a *THUD* and the broken thermometer fell from the unicorn's mouth.

"Good idea on scoping out the new pastry shop Twilight, we might be able to trade some secret recipes," Pinkie schemed. "But first lets... Twilight?"

Spike entered the main library room with a yawn and saw a bright pink pony leave the basement.

"Pinkie Pie, what's with all the racket, it’s hardly turning morning," Spike asked in his pajamas.

"Oh, hi Spike. Twilight was attempting to look at my eyes but she kind of passed out... Again. I'm just getting another water bucket," Pinkie rubbed the back of her head with a smirk.

"Whoa! Your pupils are different, what happened?" Spike stared at the pony's different colored eyes.

"I ate a pie. Hey Spike, has Twilight been acting weird lately? She has been acting like she's a filly going to ask a colt to be her special some pony," Pinkie questioned as she threw the bucket on her head.

Spike hummed to himself. "Not that I know of, I don't think Twilight has ever had a crush before. Well, unless you count her books. I think I have a pretty good idea on how she will start acting if she ever finds a pony she likes," Spike humbled himself.

"Oh, do tell!" Pinkie giggled.

"You see I have read all the romance books Twilight has," the humble Spike realized what he said. "Um, anyways, she would probably blush a lot and hide her face. She isn't the most outgoing of ponies after all and she isn't the best about controlling her emotions."

Pinkie listened intently, nodding frequently.

"She probably would ask them on a date to her special pony's favorite type of place, its listed in almost every book that we have read. So, like, if someone asked Rarity out then the date would be at a fashion show or a clothing shop in Canterlot," Spike blushed slightly.

"Anything else?" Pinkie questioned.

"Yeah, the biggest one would probably be; not getting mad or upset if her crush ruined her organization. Sometimes she gets mad at herself for that," Spike stated.

Pinkie and Spike both looked to their side to see the small book fort. The dragon slowly turned back to the pink pony.

"Did you say yes?" Spike asked plainly.

"I didn't know it was a date," Pinkie responded blankly staring at the book fort.

"What are you going to do?"

"WHAT SHOULD I DO?!" the party pony picked up the baby dragon and shook him. Pinkie began to blush, brightening her pink face.

"Um, maybe go on the date?" Spike suggested timidly.

"I-I don't know... I can't hurt her feelings and it’s not like I want to say no," Pinkie dropped the dragon and darted around the room.

"If you don't want to say no then why don't you say yes?" Spike questioned.

"Because I don't know if this is how she truly feels or not, the pie I ate was magic Spike, a magic PIE! I can't even consider going on a date with Twilight until my eyes return to normal," Pinkie spoke frantically.

"Well, I haven't fallen in love with you," Spike shrugged.

"Right but the spell might not work on dragons, or boys, or boy dragons," the pink pony dashed around the book fort.

"Pinkie Pie, please calm down. I think it would pretty awesome if you dated Twi," Spike smiled.

"Really?" the pink blur slowed.

"Yeah, I mean, it would be like getting another big sister!" Spike beamed.

The party pony stopped with an awkward grin. "Spike, I would love to have you as a little brother but I couldn't, at least until I know for sure if it has nothing to do with the pie," Pinkie gave the dragon a lighthearted smile.

"I understand, so, what are you going to do about the date? She would be devastated if you backtracked on that," Spike asked.

"I really don't know yet; can you act like I was never here?" Pinkie questioned.

"Can do!" Spike saluted.

"Thanks, I'll bake you the best gem cake when this is all over," the party pony thanked the small dragon.

"Looking forward to it!" Spike gave a large smile.

The baby dragon climbed to the top of the wooden ladder and placed the final book on the shelf, as he did a door opened behind him. He turned to find a sleepy unicorn stumbling into the library from the basement.

"Wow, you look exhausted" Spike said, sliding down the ladder.

Twilight answered in a low tired hum. "What time is it?"

"Its almost lunch, do you want me to fix something?" he asked politely.

"That's okay Spike, I'll make something soon," the unicorn stated.

"Hey Twilight, what's with your hair?" Spike tilted his head.

"Oh, its a ponytail. I, um, just wanted to try it out," the unicorn faked a small smile.

"Wow, you really are in love with Pinkie Pie," Spike blurted then immediately threw his hands over his mouth.

"Wha-" Twilight's face lit up brightly.

"Oops," Spike cringed.

Author's Note:

First I would like to say that this is the first story I have written that is an actual Romance and doesn't have a main filly or foal lead. This is really my first step into ship culture and contribution of it.

Hopefully you readers find my interpretation of Twilight and her crush on her friend to be entertaining and somewhat in character. I have yet to find an editor or another writer to rely on when it comes to these questions and I'm often times too bashful to ask for help or the person I ask wants something to go in a different direction.

Updates will be slow, this story is not at the top of my priorities, yet this has been one of the most fun chapters I have written in a few months and I can't wait to continue! :twilightsheepish:

I'll answer some questions that I feel like I might receive here:

Do you ship Pinkie Pie with any of the main six?
Not exactly but it can be very fun to explore it (and write!), although I feel she would work romantically much better with some over others.

How are you deciding the ending of the story?
The story will have six endings, Pinkie Pie romantically pairing up with each of the main six. The extra one will be a wildcard. Or at least that's the plan anyways.

What season is this taken place in and why?
I don't have a concrete answer yet but obviously before the finale of season three. I feel this concept of the story works more simply here then in later seasons with Glimmer, Discord, and others. That's not to say it wouldn't work in later seasons, it would, just be slightly more complicated with extra characters.

I'm curious to see what character in the main six you all ship with Pinkie. Share them in the comments :twilightsmile: