• Published 27th Mar 2023
  • 2,926 Views, 174 Comments

A canterlot wedding - Aiko-Arts

Not everything we saw at the royal wedding was the only thing that happened that day.... At her brother's wedding, after chrysalis sends her to the cave, twilight loses consciousness and has a vision, a dream in which she meets a nine-tailed beast

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CH8 The danger of mystery! into the unknown

The invasion had left many ponies wounded, currently the situation in Canterlot and its surroundings had improved, most ponies were in the hospital, in the same hospital rested a purple pony.

"When is she going to wake up?" A mysterious voice was heard from behind the door.

"Ma'am, we don't know anything"

"Does she..."

"If she doesn't wake up today or tomorrow, it means she is in coma, as I say the blows she received are enough to kill someone, it is incredible that she survived".

"Me!" then some cries were heard.

"Miss Twilight velvet I..."

"You shut up! If you had just listened to her none of this would have happened!" Twilight Velvet, Twilight's mother, said.

"Shining..." His dad looked at Shining with a very disappointed look on his face.

" Dad I..."Shining said with tears in his eyes

"I'm so disappointed! If your sister dies it will be your fault, you were supposed to protect her, you weren't there for her! In the end she was the one who had to save you!" His mother would say

"Gentlemen please stay calm, you are alerting the others."

"Shining Armor, we talk later, really I..." Her father couldn't take it anymore and left.

"I really messed up didn't I?" Shining said with tears in his eyes

"Captain Armor" From the back a figure would emerge.

"Princess Luna! I didn't see you" Shining would say trying to wipe away the tears that were falling down his cheek.

"Honestly, sometimes I think the royal guards don't know how to do their job, you're supposed to lead the royal guard right?"


"I'm going to go check on the others."

Then Princess Luna disappeared, Shining was left alone in the room, he was still processing everything that had happened, for the first time there was no one to support him.

Meanwhile, in a room far away stood a lavender pony.

'Wake up'
'Uhh' The lavender pony was still asleep.


That lavender pony kept hearing those voices, and was moving a lot.


"Ah!" The lavender pony had woken up.

"Where... Twilight would see the bandages on her arm and all over her body.

"What? What happened to me?" Twilight would say worried, then she would remember everything that had happened, now she felt sick.

"The lady just woke up!" a pony would say from outside the room, Twilight was still thinking, then several doctors and nurses would come in.

"Ow! Majesties!"

"TWILIGHT!" Then Celestia would shout, she was worried about Twilight, however they wouldn't let her near, Twilight would try to use her magic but would find that it had been blocked.

"You won't be able to use your magic" Princess Luna would say with 2 guards behind her.

"What did you just say?" Twilight would ask in annoyance.

"What you heard" Celestia would say.

"Sparkle, you're a great danger to us, you're a monster!"

"Monster? I'm not a beast!"

"Maybe deep down you are..." Luna would say with an angry tone

"You're a danger, you're lucky you're not under arrest, You're to blame for several ponies getting hurt!" One pony would say

"Prince Blueblood" would say a Duke.

Twilight would watch as they all turned away from her and glared at her.

"What! Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're a damn beast!" Blueblood would say in disgust turning away from Twilight.

"Stop treating me like I'm one! I was protecting you!" twilight would say rubbing her head, it was hurting so much since she woke up.

"Calm down Twilight! You're acting completely irrational," Celestia would say.

"You were the one who acted irrationally Celestia!" Twilight would say, then 2 guards went into battle mode, threatening Twilight with their spears.

"Twilight Sparkle, you have no right to speak to royalty like that" Luna would say angrily, even though Twilight was the one who had saved her and helped her, right now she was a danger to Equestria.

Then the doors opened and several ponies came in.

"Twilight!" said everyone who had just entered.

Twilight recognized the voices, they were her family and friends.

"Oh my dear!" then a lady came running up to Twilight and hugged her sobbing.

"Mom?" Twilight said, then the guards forced Twilight's mom to separate from her.

In the meantime her friends were standing there as they could not get close to Twilight.

The guards would take Twilight's parents to where her friends and the princesses were to clarify the whole issue.

"Excuse me but why can't we get closer!? she's our daughter!" Night light exclaimed helplessly.

"I can't let them approach because right now she is a danger to everyone" Princess Luna would say trying to calm the situation.

"What do you... your Majesties mean?" Twilight velvet would say

"I guess Captain Armor hasn't told them" Princess Celestia would say.

"We only found out what happened to him, not what he did, however I'm not worried about what he did! I'm worried about his health!" Twilight's mother would say

"He's already stable" a doctor would say

"But how?" Twilight's parents would say in unison.

"I guess there's a force behind this" Princess Celestia would say.

"I really want to know what's going on!"

"You really want to know? Well, your daughter attacked part of the Royal family, and endangered the citizens, I really doubt it's a good idea to let her out" Princess Luna would say.

"Twilight did what?...it can't be possible, she! She would never do that" said her mother.

"Maybe it's not all as you think after all" said Princess Celestia.

After a few hours Twilight could leave, right now she was finishing taking her medicine, and although she wanted to be alone and have the freedom to go wherever she wanted, she could not, she was being watched, and two guards were following her.

"Very well, she is discharged, but I would like to talk to her parents alone" said a doctor stuttering, she was trembling, you could see that all the doctors were afraid, not of the Princesses but that they were afraid of Twilight, after what happened at the wedding, no one wanted to go near Twilight.

The royal doctor would go to where Twilight's parents were to talk to them, a few days ago they had talked to them, but now they wanted to specify and they wanted to interrogate them.

"Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle, it's nice to see you again" ' Not really... what if they are like their daughter? I doubt it'.

"Dr. Brief" Twilight's father would say with a bow.

"We didn't really finish talking last time, I tried to communicate with you but it seems you didn't want to or didn't respond, that's not the point nor do I care, I just watch out for the safety of all the ponies."

"However, I doubt they will ever look at Twilight again with those sweet eyes of theirs, things change after all..."

'Why they look at me Like that...?'

'Stop looking at me like that!'