• Published 27th Mar 2023
  • 2,888 Views, 174 Comments

A canterlot wedding - Aiko-Arts

Not everything we saw at the royal wedding was the only thing that happened that day.... At her brother's wedding, after chrysalis sends her to the cave, twilight loses consciousness and has a vision, a dream in which she meets a nine-tailed beast

  • ...

The awakening of the Kyubi

"My ninja way!"
CH4 Fight till the end, red flames and the scarlet warrior!

"I want this place burned in flames."

"Yes majesty, what do you want us to do with the mares here?"

"Kill them, they are useless."

Twilight was sick of it all, she was sick of not being able to get her dream, she was sick of everyone telling her what to do and what not to do, of them running her life like she was a puppet, she was sick of the fake apologies, she was sick of herself, now she would end this once and for all, even if it meant "Killing".

"You! i won't let you win"

"Huh? ah it's you, tell me what you're going to do, without the elements you can't do anything...Quick! send her to the dungeons in Inukashi Mountain".

"C'mon gurls!"

Then the soldiers created a magic string to restrain twilight which released some magic to break it.

"Transformation" twilight would release a transformation spell on some changelings that turned into small creatures.

"You insolent bastards! Can't you do right?!" chrysalis would send some changelings flying.

and she would fly to twilight

Twilight would put her arms in the shape of an X to protect herself.

'Ugh! fuck' tought Twilight, and would do a back flip deflecting chrysalis hit creating a lot of smoke from the broken wall.

"You think you're pretty brave don't you?" chrysalis would activate her Changeling vision to see through the smoke.

"C'mon, come out of hiding, it's worthless!

chrysalis would grab a crystal and power it with her magic, she would throw it at twilight which would graze her face.

"Are you scared? fearful-cat?"

"Pepper breath!" twilight would throw a spell trying to send chrysalis flying, chrysalis would increase her magic to defend herself, twilight would run and throw a punch in the stomach, chrysalis would jump and hit her in the chin, twilight would back up and throw a powerful lightning bolt at chrysalis grazing her.

"Mhmm, honestly awesome, but tell me... what is the meaning of living when you don't even have the right to live?"

twilight was shocked to hear these words coming from her adversary.

"I don't know what you're talking about, and I actually don't care, my only objective now is to defeat you!"

Chrysalis would create a large amount of energy in her horn and throw it at twilight, twilight would run but chrysalis would put an immobilization spell on her, twilight would fall next to her other friends.

"MHMM!" Applejack with a gag in her mouth would scream.

"How dare you! MONSTER!"


twilight would struggle to her feet spitting up some blood, she would teleport to chrysalis and hit him in the back, chrysalis would use her magic to break his fall and go after twilight.

"Tell me, how does it feel to lose everything you have huh?"

"What do you mean...!"

chrysalis would throw a lightning bolt at her friends, the changelings would disperse and attack the mane 5.


twilight would go for her 'friends' and help them, but all she would get would be several hits.

"You know I really got tired of playing, I thought you'd at least give me a fight."

twilight was fed up with his words

"No! I'm not going to let you defeat me so easily! I'm going to keep fighting until the end, even if it costs me my life, because I will defeat you! I always...I ALWAYS KEEP MY PROMISES!"

twilight would start to release a half orange purple aura, it would start throwing hard hits to chrysalis, who couldn't defend herself very well.

"haha, really?! *coff* *coff*, do you think you can beat me with those silly powers?!" chrysalis would spit out some blood realizing that twilight has talent

"Ha, the only thing you'll accomplish will be the cost of your friends and family's lives, everyone in this world is so happy *coff* that seeing them sad makes me...happy."

"You have no feelings, you have no idea what it's like to lose someone" Twilight would scream and go to Chrysalis.

"Now yeah! get ready" chrysalis would create a field to increase her chances of winning, she would hit twilight in the face with a strong blow, twilight would take advantage and give her an elbow, both would use a giant beam, this beam would disassemble in seconds because of the high pressure, twilight would create shadows to reach chrysalis, which would multiply in 2 to finish with this, twilight would throw a ball of energy and with her horn would go through part of chrysalis's wing.

"AH!" chrysalis would get serious and start attacking twilight hard, creating shock waves.


chrysalis would use her mind control magic to bring several crystals from the panels, with her magic she would throw them at twilight, some went through to her body and others grazed them, 2 changelings that came to help the queen wanted to attack twilight, she would steal their dagger and vote them sending them flying into the wall, chrysalis would use her seal, this allowed her to see her opponent's flow of magic, but this one was better in the dark, with this twilight and chrysalis would launch themselves at the same time using lazers, twilight would create a giant ball of energy and chrysalis would use the crystals and lightning to her advantage, this would impact against the wall, chrysalis would quickly use all her magic and hit twilight's stomach, with her magic she would teleport metal bars towards twilight nailing her, twilight would be spilling a lot of blood for this.


"In not much time, all this would cause you to hemorrhage *Coff*" chrysalis was already getting the effect of the blows so she would call various changelings to attack twilight.

"Fa...FAST!" Chrysalis could barely speak and with her magic she would create a giant lightning bolt.

the mane 5 would join twilight to protect her, unfortunately their wounds were so severe that they could barely move.

"Ha! what a lovely sentiment.... I'll take it on myself to kill you!"

"TWILY!" Shining would shout but would be held back by many changelings Cadance went from behind but was discovered chrysalis.

"Don't come any closer or you'll be next."

Twilight would try to stand up but couldn't *COFF* twilight was still shedding a lot of blood, chrysalis would approach her and kick her stomach, making twilight writhe in pain

"STOP IT NOW!" spike would scream crying.

"Or what if I don't?" chrysalis would stomp on twilight's arm.

Twilight would scream out in pain, everyone watched the scene.

"I always expected something more from all of you, I thought at least you were good for something, I was wrong..." chrysalis would say as she continued torturing twilight, chrysalis would create a lightning bolt on her horn and launch it sending twilight flying into the glass, it would break and fall on her.

"TWILIGHT!" The mane 5 would scream, these would be silenced and hit by other soldiers.

"Shut up and don't interrupt" chrysalis would continue torturing twilight, this time she would press her back until it broke, she would continue agonizing from the pain no one could continue watching this scene without crying.

Chrysalis would channel a lot of magic in her horn and would throw it at Twilight, she would fall towards the walls, she was...dead.

"General*COFF*, make sure she's not alive and if she is, kill her" chrysalis would say, coughing.

"Yes majesty, you want me to send a soldier to help her?"

"No, just take care of it unless you can't do that well either."


"She's dead majesty"

The mane 5, spike, shining and cadance started to cry.

"HOW DARE YOU YOU BLOODY MONSTER, YOU KILLED MY SISTER YOU!..." Shining couldn't speak, he was broken, he broke his promise and he couldn't save his sister from this monster.

Chrysalis would look happily at her work, finally she could take revenge, she had taken from Celestia what she loved the most as they did with her when she was a filly changeling.

"How pathetic" then several shifter soldiers came to the wedding hall, they were going to imprison everyone there.

"Why, WHY, why are you doing this to us, we didn't do anything to you!" then the soldiers went to Rainbow, she would be the first one.

"I'm not finished yet, I WILL KILL YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE HIVE!"

the soldiers would go for the chains, meanwhile twilight was lying there, there was no sign of life.

'If only i could...'

Twilight would wake up frightened with a choked scream, was it just a dream? or was she in heaven, no she was not, that prison in which kurama was there was she.

"I see you woke up" Twilight would be shocked, that was not Kurama's voice.

When she turned around she would see a tall pony with gray skin, his eyes were white, he had wrinkles and a light brown hair half reddish, he had 2 horns on the top of his head.

"Who...who are you!"

"I am Hagoromo outsutsuki"

"What? Where is Kurama!"

"Relax, you'd better take it easy, your wounds are still healing, if I hadn't arrived you would have died already"

"For a moment I thought I was, but that doesn't answer my question!"

"Twilight, you damn brat can't you have a little respect?"

"But he's a stranger."

"No he's not, he's a god, the sage of the six ways."

"Huh? You're a God?...sorry I'm really sorry!"

"Hagoromo would give her a bottle, it looked like water but it was different when Twilight tasted it.

"What is this?"

"It's a healing drink, it contains herbs that will help you recover, kurama helped too."

"Kurama? Did you really do that for me?"

"Don't think I like you!"

"But how, my bones were broken, I felt it, I knew it!"

"Kurama's chakra together with mine creates a kind of healing blanket, this drink helps it go faster."

"If I may ask how did you get here?"

"I am an omnipotent God, but I am like a ghost, but you, you are not like any other jinchuriki, in this case your magic and chakra fused with kurama's making it 2 times stronger"

"Eh really, I don't even know how to use it."

"It's not necessary because I can help you with that."

"How? You said it yourself, you're a ghost so you can't do it."

"I didn't say I couldn't help you, I just said I was a ghost."

"Well, hey kurama then will you help me?"

"Yes idiot"

"Well, you don't need to learn it per se, you can use muscle memory, something that will help you to perform some jutsu without having practiced them."

"Then can you help me with that now, sorry first when I wake up...will I be alive?"

"You are definitely dumb"

"Of course you will be alive, this applies not only to your mind, but to your whole body."

"Good, then I'm ready"

"Not yet" kurama would say.

"I'll give you some of my chakra, this will give you the muscle memory of the previous Jinchurikis" hagoromo would use his horn and put it on Twilight, she would instantly feel as if she had muscles and was more agile.

"This is like,,;"

"You will get used to it, however I have to go, if you need help consult kurama, he will help you, right kurama?"

"Yes" kurama would say in a strong tone, then Hagoromo would appear a portal and go through it, it would disappear afterwards.

"Kurama, Hagoromo said that your power and mine are merged, so can I access your power?"

"yes but there's a seal that prevents it, that's why I can't get through".

"Then I have to break it?"

"Yes, but my evil self or myself would have control of your body, once you do that the fusion will be complete, in fact the seal was almost broken, but hagoromo put it back on."

"Well if there is no going back it doesn't matter, I will kill them all, I will make them pay for what they did to me, I will prove to them that I am really someone special."

"You shouldn't do it for revenge you idiot!, my former Jinchuriki.... despite what I did to him he never took revenge on me or anyone else, he protected them, even with the doors to the path of evil open, he didn't do it."

"Well, i'm not the same, but i'll consider it, but now... It's time to do something" twilight would jump up and break the seal with her magic.

then a red mantle would begin to surround her, anger and hatred, she would kill them herself, she would kill someone specific, she was going to get revenge, even if it included killing.


"Leave them, I need to do something with them" the changelings would leave the room, they were all locked in chains in the room, there were no dungeons.

"Pathetic!" chrysalis would say looking at the helpless ponies who once thought they could defeat her.

"You realize this is all your fault?" chrysalis would say playfully.

"Don't you dare talk like that, when we can escape we will kill you!!!"

"Oops, look how scared I am, too bad you won't be able to do it and I'll take care of it!"

then shining would try again to make a shield.

"My love will give you strength..."

"My love will give you strength, what strength huh? they don't have any" chrysalis would hit some of the mane 5.

Everyone was crying for twilight, they still couldn't believe that she had died, then a red glow appeared, blinding everyone, even chrysalis with her shifter vision, the shifters that were outside in the city would see this and would head towards the place, all the ponies would see it too, then the ground started to shake very hard and several houses fell down, the bricks broke, then everything stopped, the red glow would become strong and then it would disappear.


"What...what was that?! I'm scared!" fluttershy would cry louder everyone was scared, then the smoke would start to disappear showing a figure through it.

"No...IT'S IMPOSSIBLE, YOU'RE DEAD.... NO!" Chrysalis was trembling, for the first time she had 'fear' in her life, she was trembling, to see someone revive from the dead?, you don't see that every day, besides she saw how the capsule in which there were several ponies had broken, they would wake up, the celestial princess too, chrysalis now thought that her dream had turned into a nightmare

"CHRYSALIS!" Celestia shouted trying to get up

everyone would try to observe the figure that could not be seen because of the smoke.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! NO IT'S NOT TRUE!!!" everyone would look on as the smoke dispersed.

"TWI...LIGHT" everyone who had watched twilight's death would look on in amazement as she stood upright, without a scratch, then around her a red cloak came out and she took the shape of a fox.

chrysalis would launch a great charge of energy that would be able to kill her, it simply fell apart when it touched twilight.

"TWILIGHT, it's...you're alive!" spike would cry loudly.

"How?! I could see it too from the capsule this..."

everyone was shocked

chrysalis would fly directly at twilight and throw a punch charged with magic to power it up, this would create a shockwave, as the smoke dispersed everyone saw how twilight with a single finger had stopped chrysalis' shock.


chrysalis would step back she was impressed with twilight's new look and the incredible amount of magic she was giving off, she had 3 fox-like whiskers on her face.

Then twilight opened her eyes, they were red and her pupils looked very similar to the aforementioned animal.

"How?! I killed you, I checked it out!"

Twilight would only growl, she would stare at chrysalis as if she was the devil himself, in fact she was, chrysalis would watch as twilight's wounds healed.

"I'm not going to let you win Dattebasa!" twilight would say in anger tone

'what is that intimidating power, and what is that red magic coming out of it?'

then twilight would run directly to chrysalis, she would hit chrysalis 3 times in her stomach, it was so fast that chrysalis couldn't react, quickly twilight would hit her legs and then another one in her chin sending chrysalis to fly, then she would activate her full changing vision, twilight would go up and with her 2 helmets she would hit chrysalis sending her to the wall that was close to her.


"You should know!..." twilight would angrily approach chrysalis to hit her, chrysalis would hardly defend herself, then another horn would come out of chrysalis, now she was in her full form, she had absorbed all the magic of her changelings to do it.

then twilight would throw herself at chrysalis and chrysalis at twilight, chrysalis would punch her, leaving her helmet red, twilight would hit the ground, then twilight would vanish.


Most of the ponies would leave the room and seek shelter while twilight and chrysalis fought.

"Kagebunshin no jutsu!" then several clones of twilight would hit chrysalis, she would go flying towards a column, then her main horn would grow, on her legs it would grow like a protection, the final form of a changeling, when a changeling uses that transformation it can only live 5 more years, even an immortal one

"No matter how hard you try! UNDERSTAND THAT YOU WILL NEVER DEFEAT ME"

"No, I will never give up, because that is my way..." ' my ninja way' then twilight would throw herself at chrysalis, chrysalis would create some shadows to catch twilight, twilight would dodge them and twilight would hit chrysalis, chrysalis would decide to end this once and for all, this in her horn would carry a very strong spell that she could only use on this transformation

"ARGHH!" Chrysalis would go charging attack

then twilight would do the same, she would decide to use a ball of energy that 'naruto' the former jinchuriki of kurama had used, then twilight would charge a large amount of chakra and magic in her helmet, in this would begin to create winds and little by little they would generate the spell

"PREPARE!" Chrysalis and twilight would launch at the same time.



then both attacks collided, but twilight's attack was much stronger, twilight would press and put more chakra, then chrysalis's attack would disappear, twilight's rasengan would finally hit chrysalis, chrysalis would fall to the ground, chrysalis couldn't take it anymore, then twilight would approach chrysalis, and would create a kick to chrysalis, chrysalis would try to stand up but twilight would stop it, twilight would rip off her wings and hit her in the stomach, she would step on her back and grab her horn, now she was not reacting, she was acting like a wild animal, twilight was going to rip it off but someone interrupted her.

"Twilight stop!" Spike shouted.
"You're not like that, please come back."
for a moment twilight would come back

"Twilight STOP IT NOW!" Cadance would shout.
"You're not like that, please come back."
for a moment twilight would come back

"Twilight STOP IT NOW!" Cadance would shout.

twilight would look at cadance with a look of hatred, now twilight would run towards cadance, she was going to hit her when princess luna would come in and throw a lightning bolt paralyzing twilight.

"Cadance are you okay?"

cadance couldn't answer when twilight would get up and attack her scratching her, luna and celestia put their magic together and attacked twilight putting her to sleep.

"CADANCE!" Shining would go for Cadance.

Cadance would join her magic with shining's, creating a shield, chrysalis in agony would fly away decomposing from the 2 great impact on her body, then cadance and shining would fall to the ground.

"Princess cadance, Captain shining armor!"

then twilight fell asleep, she had used a lot of her magic and had spent a lot of chakra, she could die from attrition, but at least she was, almost happy, she had been able to kill the insect that stole everything she loved the most... but she didn't achieve everything, now she just wanted to wake up, WAKE UP, AWAKE

Author's Note:

Hi, well I want you to tell me what you thought of the chapter, I really worked hard, it's 12:21 a.m, I really made an effort, I lost count of the time but well, this was the weekly chapter, see you soon.