• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 16,085 Views, 442 Comments

Eclipse - IncoherentOrange

A human colony vessel is sent to Equestria, and does not expect sapient inhabitants.

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Chapter Five: Reception

Chapter Five: Reception

A number of picnic tables marked the area the orange pony had led them, with a barn-like structure and an orchard nearby, most definitely of the red fruit. On each were what could only be foodstuffs. The striking similarity in these pastries' appearance to those found in Earth cuisine, such as round pies, what appeared to be fritters, and more as part of the assortment, puzzled the Skipper. His mouth watered slightly, though he kept it shut and was happy to be unable to smell the visually tempting treats through the air filter of his helmet. Undoubtedly, they couldn't eat this food, as Kathy had quickly determined that there were elements of the cellular structure of organisms here that appeared to be incompatible with human digestive systems. Each of the present farmers bore marks on their rears that indicated methods of preparing the fruit, and other farming-related imagery. Orchard workers, the Skipper thought.

"Have they laid this out for us?" Kathy asked, evidently to nobody in particular. The answer was unclear to each of the humans, and Killian, technically the only non-human of the group, appeared to be gazing into space. "Killian, is something wrong?"

"I haven't smelled pie in almost twenty years, that's all," Killian replied, inciting a chuckle from the biologist.

"Oh. What's it smell like? Any particular kind?"

"Kind of like cinnamon," Killian continued, before correcting himself, "apples, I smell prepared apples."

"That's not the only thing apple-like about these fruits. I never would've figured that we'd find something so closely analogous on this planet as to smell like it and look like it, to a tee."

Killian felt quite privileged to be able to consume such tasty-smelling things. The regular diet of everyone aboard Eclipse was devoid of things like pies and pastry. Often, what they ate was mostly corn, with variety in tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, peas, and lettuce in a rotation which differed with each of the ship's eight modules. These plants were more filling, larger, grew faster, and were more nutritious than their natural counterparts, but it was repetitive, only partially mitigated by seasoning packets, issued scarcely on occasions such as Earth holidays and journey milestones. More plant seeds had been brought along for use after landing, such as those of various fruit trees, but it was certain that it would be a significant while before anything like that which he smelled could be prepared by the colony.

The orange pony had apparently waited for them to stop talking before turning to the lavender unicorn beside her.


"I'd figure we'd better show 'em what we mean. They look kind of nervous," Applejack whispered.

Twilight nodded. "You've explained things here?"

"As best I could. The folks were glad to help out with this. It ain't every day you get to meet aliens and hold a little bit of a welcome for 'em, after all." Twilight nodded again at the response, and Applejack turned to face the numerous ponies standing in groups nearby the tables. "Alright everypony, don't be shy! Make sure they feel welcome!"

The silence broken, small conversations sprang up amongst the ponies, as they began to make picks of the refreshments laid out. The atmosphere was uncomfortable, tense. Applejack looked back at the aliens, who themselves were surveying the scene. With a gesture, she asked them to follow.


The orange alien led them to the nearest table, and with surprising ease, managed to pick up with one of her front hooves a... fritter, from the look of it, from the table. Making sure she'd shown it to all involved, she swiftly put it in her mouth, then pointed at them, and again at the table, nodding.

"That answers that question," the Skipper said, "Killian-" Killian's digestive system was known to accept the local variety of plant life, and had subsisted on a paste derived from the samples recovered since his transformation. Needless to say, he wasn't overly happy about eating plant mush.

"I know, I know. I've got to eat some, because you guys can't." He smiled, "I'm not complaining." In an attempt to imitate the orange pony, he tried to pick up one of the fritters in a hoof, but ended up dropping it on the ground. He sighed as the purple alien whispered something to the other, inciting a nod, in response to which Killian rolled his eyes. Deciding better of the matter, he decided to pick another one up in his mouth, and this time, succeeded in securing his prize. The Skipper was now beset by the orange alien's expectant gaze, as though it was his turn.

"In offering us food, we have further evidence that these aliens mean us no harm, unless, of course, we have misjudged their way of thinking somehow. This is encouraging," Sanders said into his recorder.

Slowly, the Skipper motioned at the treats, then at himself, then shook his head. In response the alien only turned her head, so he elaborated further. Motioning again at the treats, and mocking a motion of putting things in his mouth, he ran a finger in a horizontal line across the neck protector of his helmet.

The lavender unicorn reciprocated with her standard motion for asking why. Kathy intervened, "I'll handle this." She opened her sample backpack, kneeled, and pulled a sample of ship-grown corn and one of a local plant, holding one in each hand, allowing the unicorn to examine each before setting them down. Next, she pointed at one, the corn, pointed at the sky, and nodded. Then she pointed at the other plant, pointed at the ground, and shook her head.


"What's that mean? They won't eat the food from here?" Applejack asked, flabbergasted. "They grow that corn wherever they come from?"

"I think they mean to say that our food is toxic to them," Twilight explained, "but the earth pony there seems to be just fine eating it. Maybe-" Applejack interrupted her.

"Don't worry, it'll all be fine. Now, let's focus on lettin' these folks know that they're welcome." Welcome, Twilight thought, but what do they want?


The unicorn nodded at the farmer. It occurred to the Skipper yet again that this alien's specific occupation was unknown to him, as had been the two pegasi's. Given the apparent disposition of the leader figure to her, did she hold a public office of some sort? What of the pegasi? Butterflies didn't appear to signify an occupation or talent, and a rainbow-colored lightning bolt? Magic may have been the new catch-all term for all of the unexplainable happenings here, but how did these marks relate to the individual? How were they formed? Killian had finished the first of his treats, and, apparently deciding to break the tension, grabbed another one in his mouth. "Good move," he whispered to the navigator, who nodded in return, chewing slowly, as though savoring the treat.

"The lead native seemed to be concerned greatly about something," Sanders said to his recorder, "this indicates that they are not taking our arrival lightly. Their capacity and usage of inflection appears to be extremely similar to our own, something that I've only now taken notice of. With so many ways these people mirror our mannerisms, we should be cautious, and determine what we do not share to avoid miscommunication."

"I wonder what that over there tastes like," Killian said, almost excitedly, "Skipper?" The Skipper nodded in approval, and the group followed several meters behind as he proceeded to another table, which already had a group of natives around it. They appeared to regard Killian with curious glances and appraising looks. He'd never taken the navigator for one to particularly enjoy food, or anything, for that matter. Although, this was the first prepared food he'd eaten in years, and it could stand to reason that it simply didn't matter what he thought of food in general.

"Oh, they taste like apples, too, more or less," he said, taking another sweet from the table. It was a tad messy, but he did not complain about the method. However it was that the aliens had learned to grasp things well enough to build tools, and apparently to write, Killian had no such skill, at least not yet.

"So similar, but so far apart... it's uncanny!" Kathy exclaimed, picking up a specimen of the apple-like fruit from the nearest table in her hand. The Skipper smirked. Science wasn't just a job to Kathy: she loved her work, everything about it. Numerous times already she'd brought up the idea of just taking one of the shuttles and going to the surface for a few days, and they'd just gotten there and had two crew members afflicted by strange ailments courtesy of local flora and fauna, which she had also been happily studying. However, she appeared to know full well the implications here, and had exhibited restraint in her curious spirit so far, though that left the rest of the scientist's manners to deal with. "I really should take one of these back. We didn't find any of these in the forest."

Killian swallowed. "Pack a few for the road."

"What, did you not like your alien plant paste?" She chuckled, placing several of the apple-like fruits in sample containers and into her backpack. "And I thought I was a good cook."

"The only things you know how to cook are beakers full of chemicals, bacterial cultures and weird-tasting, mushed, alien spinach."

"Well, actually, that particular plant has more in common with an Earth dandelion." Killian glared at her.


"Do you think they like us? I mean, they don't look unhappy, 'cept for that pony. Poor fellow must be so confused. How long did you say he's been a pony for? How long's it been since he got exposed to poison joke? Do you know?"

Twilight shook her head. "I have no idea, Applejack."

"It'd be much better if we had some way of communicatin'. I'm sure they came here for a reason, but we can't speak their language, and they can't speak ours, neither. It's a mighty pickle, if you ask me."

The unicorn brought a hoof to her chin in contemplation. Applejack was right; they didn't know what they wanted, because she still hadn't asked them what they wanted. "Aha! How did I not think of this sooner?" Her vocalized realization had drawn the attention of the aliens.


The purple alien first did her gesture for not knowing; a cock of the head, then pointed at the Skipper. She hesitated, gestured toward herself, then at the area around her.

"I think she wants to know what we want with them," Sanders said.

"Well, I'd imagine so. It's not every day some spaceship comes landing in your backyard," Killian added.

The Skipper nodded, and picked up a stick. He kneeled beside a patch of dirt, and began to draw. First, a rounded shape, with the rough shape of the continent picked as a landing site in the center. The unicorn levitated a stick, and added the planet's moon, between it and the large circle, she placed a small circle. She had noticed us?


The alien nodded as though indicating that she was right, and began drawing lines in the dirt. He drew seven lines, then a large diagonal cross shape. He drew three sets of ten lines, each with another cross shape between them, encircled it, gestured to his group, and drew an arrow from the line sets to the small circle she had drawn.

"This is... math!" Twilight exclaimed, "I think it means thirty-seven." Twilight levitated her stick, and drew thirty-seven lines in the dirt. The alien stared at them for a moment, before shaking his head. He used his stick to draw three lines, a cross, then another three lines. He made a cross shape between them, drew two long horizontal lines, and drew nine lines on the other end of it. Multiplication, was it? Seven thousand? "Applejack, there's... seven thousand of them up there." The alien nodded at her, and drew a dotted line ending in an arrow from the small circle to the center of the large one, then marked it with a horizontal cross. "They want to land here."


The unicorn's contemplative expression had become well-known to the Skipper, as she wore it perhaps more often than any other he'd seen her have. A long pause, punctuated by whispers from the various aliens nearby, followed. The unicorn let out a deep breath, and nodded slowly, yes.

"Are you sure she understood, Skipper?" Killian asked. "I don't know if I would in her place." He began to munch down another morsel from the nearby table.

"She was thinking about something, that's for sure," Kathy added, "and she doesn't seem confused."

"She's certain of her decision, whatever that decision concerns. We should try to clarify," Sanders said.

The Skipper picked up his stick again, and on a clear patch of dirt, traced a long, slightly curved line. Above it, he placed a rectangle, then drew a crude stick figure inside it. He then drew an arrow to the center of the curve, and looked at the unicorn.

Another nod. "That was easier than I thought it would be," Killian murmured, licking the corners of his mouth clean of the leftovers of his snack. The natives had just given their permission for Eclipse to land, or, at least, their ambassador had. Still, this left two more objectives; getting help for Powell and transforming Killian back to his normal self. He nodded at the unicorn, and pointed at Killian, then at himself. The unicorn nodded, and motioned for them to follow.


Twilight hoped that Zecora and Fluttershy were ready at the spa, where it had been determined they would meet if anypony ever needed a potion of some kind, as it provided facilities for topical application of said potions. "Applejack, thank you for doing this, I think they appreciate the sentiment. They want to help their friend, so I'm taking them to the spa, alright?" The orange earth pony nodded in reply and bowed at the group. Twilight was surprised to see the lead figure return the gesture.



Throughout their guided journey into the alien town, stares met each of them, inciting just a slight uneasiness in Killian. Where is she leading us? he wondered. This question would be answered by their stopping in front of a pleasant-looking building, where two natives were standing; the yellow pegasus from earlier, and one with drastically-different color patterns, more akin to a zebra than a colorful horse. She wore various golden ornaments, not unlike those worn by the large alien from the landing site. Why had she left the purple unicorn in charge, anyway? There wasn't an air of authority about this one that he could detect.


"Zecora, are you ready?" Twilight asked.

Zecora was staring at the aliens in an appraising manner. "With the assistance of your friend, we have come to our desired end." She pulled a pouch from her saddlebag, and then put it back. "This is a cure for the one who appears here today," she took another object, a liquid potion, from her saddlebag, "and this is for the cockatrice's prey."

"Excellent. We'd better get started. How does that potion work?"

"You pour it on them," Fluttershy elaborated, "right?"

"That is true, now let us cure this one who appears so blue." She was looking at the alien earth pony, who returned her gaze with his regular stern one.


Potions, Killian thought. The zebra alien was some kind of witch doctor? The unicorn waved them into the building. Inside, the walls were brightly colored; the smell of it was, unmistakably, that of perfume. Bottles of things lined several shelves, a pool of water in a sort of large tub was steaming, and two very similar-looking aliens, differing seemingly only in coloration, stood behind a counter of sorts. Their reaction was of rather obvious surprise. After a lengthy conversation with the unicorn, they nodded. "Looks a lot like some sort of spa," Kathy said, "or some other place meant for beautification of oneself."

"Smells like it, too," Killian added. What could this place have to do with curing his condition? They followed the striped alien and unicorn to the pool of water, into which the former added the contents of the pouch she'd produced earlier. As he watched it dissolve, the water changed color.

"They can't possibly-" Killian began.

"They do. Get in, Killian," the Skipper ordered.

The unicorn pointed at him, then at the water, and nodded. Killian sighed, and hesitantly dipped a hoof into the water. One at a time, he put his legs into the water, standing as tall as he could before lowering himself so that the water was at his neck. "Go under," Kathy instructed. "If this is some topical application of some sort of medicinal cure, then you will want to submerge the entire affected area to the best of your ability."

A peculiar tingling took hold across his entire body as he dipped his head into the water. A sensation unlike anything he'd ever felt before followed. Slowly, he felt his limbs elongate, and before long, he could feel his hands and feet. He poked his head up to the surface, took in a breath, and realized something; he was naked. "Agh. Skipper, grab me that towel."

"That was remarkably quick," Kathy noted, discreetly taking a sample vial of the diluted water.


The aliens were quite the hairless bunch, as could be clearly seen in the uncovered alien, who wrapped his midsection with a towel the lead alien had provided as he rose to his feet and stepped out of the pool, shivering slightly and dripping. Still, this provided insight on their anatomy. Limbs terminated in hands and feet, now known to have extremely short claws on the ends of their digits. A better and alternative view to an alien's head had also been provided... A more detailed summary could be written later on, though. There were more pressing matters at hoof; she'd yet to show the aliens where they could land. She took note now of a slight hissing noise that came with each helmeted alien's breaths, but that was not present in the helmetless one. A filter?

Suddenly, the naked alien moved a hand to his belly, and his face contorted slightly.


"Killian, we'd better get you back to the ship," Kathy said, "we'll probably want to remove the alien food from your system as soon as possible."

The Skipper nodded, and tapped the unicorn lightly. She appeared surprised, but he had her attention. He gestured at their group, and pointed upward. She held a hoof up in the air, slammed it down audibly, and galloped toward the door.


"Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

"No time to explain. They want to go back to their, uh... their spaceship, and I've got to show them where they can land. Make sure they stay here. Thank you, Zecora!"

"It was a simple request," the zebra replied, "return quickly, do your best."

Twilight bolted out the door, steering herself toward the library. She would need her Danger Suit if she was going up there. If they wore helmets down here, then she should wear a helmet up there, and have an oxygen supply.

She burst into the library. "Twilight, where'd you go?" Spike asked as she began levitating her saddlebag and filling them with pencils, paper, and several books.

"No time to explain. Can you get my Hazard Suit from the basement?"


Sanders spoke for the first time in nearly half an hour. "I've just noticed something." He turned on his recorder. "Another alien, with a striped coat and mane, appears to speak in rhymes."

"Killian, still feeling alright?" Kathy asked.

"Fit as a fiddle," he deadpanned. He had dried off by now and continued to hold his gut. "No worse than I was a few minutes ago."

The Skipper switched communications channels. "Eclipse, prepare quarantine procedures." He then switched to their Luna's channel. "How are things over there? We'll be heading back shortly, I think."

"A trio of aliens–children, from the looks of it–tried to get into the ship, but they scampered off when we raised our voices," came the reply. Can't blame them, I suppose, he thought.

An alien burst through the door, clad in a full-body suit of its own, filter included. From the see-through faceplate, horn-shaped covered protrusion on the forehead, and bag it wore on its back bearing the mark seen on the rear of the purple unicorn, it was evident who had returned. The Skipper couldn't help but smile; she intended on going with them. Where she had gotten such a suit, he could only guess, though it could be argued that their technological progression hadn't exactly followed humanity's. It was the Skipper's turn to motion for her to follow.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Kathy asked. The zebra placed the liquid potion into the unicorn's bag. From what he could guess, it was for Powell.

"No, but they have shown us their home and given Killian his regular form back, we should show ourselves to them. It's a courtesy I'm fairly certain they'll understand. She may also be able to help us pick a landing site," he replied.

Single-file, they left the spa, Killian taking his towel with him, and headed in the direction of the shuttle.


"Skipper?" one of the linguists asked on the channel as they came into view of the site. "Is that one of the natives? Is Chief Reynolds alright?"

He answered to the affirmative, and guided the team into the shuttle. The unicorn was hesitant, but joined them after a moment.


The statue of the afflicted alien was as it was when she'd left the landing site. She levitated the potion of anti-petrification, uncorked it, and poured it onto him.

Slowly, the curse wore off, and the alien fell to the floor of the contraption, letting out a groan. The aliens looked at their colleague, and again at her, before moving to their fallen, who opened his eyes and let out a loud noise at the sight of her. His friends responded in soothing tones and explanations, and before long, he was sitting in one of the seats inside the ship, rattling off questions in a somewhat-shaky voice.

Twilight turned her attention to the interior of this craft, apparently the one they'd be taking to their larger one... in space. She had never been in space, nor had any regular pony; Princess Luna had been banished to her moon, and that was the only case she'd ever heard of. The interior of this one was mostly gray or white, with some outliers: a blue cross adorned a box mounted on the wall, a red handle on the door they'd just entered through and had just closed.

It occurred to Twilight that she was heading into the purely unknown, into places ponies had only dreamt of going. The craft shuddered, the ground fell away from view through the several windows of the craft, and she fell into a sitting position. She swallowed. This is it.