• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 16,085 Views, 442 Comments

Eclipse - IncoherentOrange

A human colony vessel is sent to Equestria, and does not expect sapient inhabitants.

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Chapter Four: Redefine Possible

Chapter Four: Redefine Possible

The regal alien had disembarked from her chariot of sorts, and was speaking to the lavender unicorn. Quietly, the Skipper watched the exchange unfold. Perhaps, from the other aliens' demeanor around this larger alien, he could determine just who she really was to them, and who she would be to his crew.


"What is happening, Twilight?" the Princess asked, trotting slowly to the side of the unicorn, her gaze transfixed on the leading helmeted figure.

"Have you seen them before? Do you know where they come from?"

The Princess looked to the unicorn. "Twilight, I don't. These beings..." She paused to examine one. "Whoever they may be, are not from Equestria, nor any of its surrounding lands nor lands of its allies. This, I am sure. Though, judging from the earth pony that stands among them, they couldn't be-"

"The earth pony isn't from here either," Twilight began, then continued hesitantly, "they're... from space."

The winged unicorn's expression momentarily morphed into a frown. "You are certain of this?" With such a thing staring her in the face, she couldn't possibly deny their looking distinctly alien.

Twilight summarized in her mind the events of the day, before saying, "I-I think so, Princess. This pony used to be one of them, but was exposed to poison joke somehow, and turned into a pony. Another one has been turned to stone by a cockatrice, so this leads me to assume that they were in the Everfree Forest and ran into trouble there. They can't understand our language, and I can't understand theirs. We've been... trying to communicate with gestures. That's how I know that they came from space, and also how I know that that pony isn't a pony at all."

The Princess nodded slowly, her insightful eyes combing each of the helmeted figures in turn. As she did so, they frequently looked at one another. Nervous, she thought. "I see."

"How should we..."

"Proceed?" The Princess' expression faded into a more serious one, as it often did when she was deep in thought.

"We have to find out as much as we can. Find out what kind of weapons they bear, if any, and what magic they can use, again, if they have any. If Equestria is in danger, we must know the full extent of their abilities as soon as possible. If they are from space, as you say, then we can assume that their power is great, and never should we underestimate them. Though, perhaps more important than all that, we must determine why they have come here. When travelling through the gulfs between stars, things like this probably do not happen accidentally. They're here for a reason, and I doubt just this many have come."

"But... what could they want, Princess? Maybe they just stopped to... do something, and ran into trouble, and they're here to ask for help. Besides, if they wanted to fight, they would be a little more threatening, don't you think?"

"Twilight, have I ever told you what it's like to deal with foreign powers? In the many thousands of years I've been alive, I've come to know that almost nothing is ever exactly as simple as it seems. It's either even simpler... or much more complex. We shall get to the bottom of this, Twilight, and you," she looked at the unicorn at her side, "will play a key part in it."

"So... we'll be working together on this?"

"In a way. I must manage Equestria from Canterlot, make announcements on these new arrivals, make sure no panic arises." The diarch chuckled, "After all, spaceponies don't sound like especially good news, especially from word of mouth. Twilight, I am allowing you to make the decisions here."

Twilight was taken aback. This was serious; they'd need the most experienced ponies Equestria had on this, and Celestia most likely topped the list. She, on the other hoof, didn't even near the top hundred, or perhaps even thousand. "I... don't know, Princess. Really, you know what to do better than I do."

"Twilight, I'm asking you to do this because I know I can count on you. I've taught you much, you've learned more on your own, and I trust that you will make the right choices using what you've learned. You're a smart pony, Twilight, you can deal with this in my stead, I'm sure of it."

"But... what if they want to speak to you? Surely it's obvious that they know you're our leader, and what if they want something big and I don't know-"

The Princess interrupted, "I am willing to provide whatever aid they need, Twilight, within reasonable bounds, of course. This matter is quite important and is undoubtedly delicate. Twilight, you are inquisitive, curious, intelligent, and most of all, dedicated. I couldn't ask for a better ambassador for Equestria."

"So... I'll make all of the calls, handle all of the relations..." She stopped. "Is this another test?"

"A rather unexpected one, I suppose," the Princess replied in an amused tone. "You've proven yourself very capable of making new friends throughout your stay in Ponyville, Twilight."

Fluttershy spoke up. "If you don't mind me interrupting, Princess..."

The alicorn looked at the pegasus. "Do you have a suggestion, Fluttershy?"

"Yes... I do." She pointed at the petred alien. "Can you cure him? I don't think these, uh... aliens know how."

"An excellent suggestion, Fluttershy. Twilight, do you have a solution you can apply to this situation?"

Twilight cleared her throat, "Yes, Princess, I think so. After I had a close call with a cockatrice, myself, I looked into finding a cure. As it turns out, I do have one, an herbal remedy, from my copy of Supernaturals. Zecora would know how to make it. Fluttershy, can you go to Zecora's and tell her?" The zebra would certainly be busy today.

"T-Through the Everfree Forest?"

The Princess smiled lightly. "Rest assured, Fluttershy; you will be well-protected." With a nod, two golden-armored pegasi from the diarch's retinue moved to the pegasus mare's side.

"Oh... alright, then."

With that, she and her escort were off. The aliens had begun to murmur amongst themselves for a moment, before the lead figure hushed them. It could only be confusing to be on a world on which they didn't speak the language. They were going to have to learn it if they were intending on staying here. Did they intend on staying here? What now?


Silence reigned. The baffling winged unicorn was staring at the purple unicorn, who appeared to be in thought. She doesn't know what to do, the Skipper thought, but we don't, either. Someone here had to think of something. The situation hadn't gotten any simpler since the arrival of the larger alien, and he hadn't yet pieced much together from her exchange with the others. His mind wandered to the purpose of Eclipse.

Earth had been a cradle of sorts, humanity being the baby within. As was the case with many children, humanity had a tendency to be tactile in their learnings and, again like children, have broken some things along the way, made mistakes, picked fights, spilled things, and eventually learned from these things, but left their cradle a mess.

Throughout the twenty-second century especially, many things resultant of humanity's stumblings, like the world's population and the displacement of inhabitants due to increasing water levels, came to a peak. It had been a costly endeavor to make efforts to correct the damages over the next century, and a significant number of people did not live through it, and the world still bore many of the scars.

Eclipse's main purpose was to put the lessons learned from those times into practice, on a planet like Earth. In theory, the availability of all of this planet's resources to the unified colony would deter the development of any conflict over resources. However, the colony's role may just have changed with the discovery of the sentient species living on this planet. He could add teleportation to the tally of unexplainables, unless something proves otherwise, which didn't seem too likely.

Before he could piece together much from the conversation he'd just witnessed, another alien arrived, one with an orange coat, wearing a hat over blond hair and bearing a mark of three fruit-like objects, aesthetically resembling apples, on its flanks, as all natives–and Killian–had displayed. It didn't look like a tattoo, and certainly hadn't been in Killian's case, nor did it appear to be part of the coat. The arriving alien looked puzzled, and upon getting closer, bowed slightly before beginning to speak.


"Hey Princess, howdy Twi', Pinkie. If y'all don't mind me askin', what's going on here? This thing certainly wasn't here yesterday. Who are... they?" Applejack went to stand at Twilight's side.

"Applejack, these..." Twilight replied, gesturing a hoof toward them, "are aliens, from another planet. We don't know why they're here, but they need our help." She specifically indicated the petrified alien. The earth pony mare brought a hoof to her chin in thought.

"Oh, I see," she eventually replied, "I'd reckon that other planets are far away, and I'd also reckon that they'd be tired from all of that travellin'. I think it'd be a good idea to show them some Ponyville hospitality, regardless of where they're from. They don't look like the kind that'd bite'cha."

"But, Applejack, we can't even speak to them, they can't understand us and we can't understand them," Twilight explained.

Waving a hoof dismissively, Applejack replied, "Oh, don't you worry, Twi'; food is a universal negotiator. Trust me; we've had foreign folks 'round Sweet Apple Acres before. 'Sides, aliens from another world ain't somethin' that come to Ponyville every day now, this is a special occasion."

Before the unicorn could reply, Pinkie blurted, "So we're going to have a party? ...Why didn't I think of that?"

"Maybe because it's not a very good idea. Applejack, Pinkie, we don't even know if they have the concept of a party where they're from. Too much excitement might make them nervous, or scared, or even hostile. We can't take the risk of giving them the wrong impression!"

"N-no parties? Is that even... possible?" The pink pony seemed almost faint.

"Then we'll just feed 'em. They definitely know what food is. I mean, they've got mouths, or at least, I think they do. Speaking of that, why do you figure they're wearin' those things on their heads?"

"I don't understand their purpose, to be honest." Twilight had seen diving equipment, which usually involved tanks of air and a helmet or snorkel of sorts, but these appeared to be lacking any sort of air supply. Was it some sort of equipment for working in space? If so, why didn't they take them off?

"Ah. Well, I'm off to round up the folks to help us give these travelers a proper reception." With that, the orange pony was off. Pinkie Pie also began to trot away.

"Pinkie, where are you going?" Twilight said, warningly. She'd already ordered no parties.

"Oh, I'm going to plan a party. Not for our new guests, you said not to do that, but I think we should celebrate anyway! They don't have to be there, but it sure would be great if you changed your mind! If they don't know parties, then I'm sure I could teach them parties. Just a suggestion!" Pinkie changed her pace to a bounce, and soon left the scene.

"I hope everything turns out okay," Twilight whispered discreetly to her mentor, whose inactivity stood to show how independent she had to be in her command of this situation.

"Communication, Twilight," the Princess instructed without replying, "is key."

"Yes, right. Back to that." Twilight locked eyes with the lead figure, who'd occupied himself with watching them. His eyes didn't betray any hostility, but hints of what seemed almost like courteousness and most definitely curiosity, to her. Nervousness crept over her once more. What could she say? The Princess brought a piece of paper and a pencil from the chariot with her levitation.

"You should be taking notes, Twilight."


The Skipper's mouth hung open as the lavender unicorn's horn glowed in turn, her own purple glow encapsulating the paper and writing implement. What was..? Slowly, he pulled a handheld combined Geiger counter and metal detector from one of his uniform pockets, slowly extending it toward the floating paper. Nothing. He held it closer, and the larger alien lowered her head to nearby the detector, and nodded at it. The Skipper raised an eyebrow, and nodded in return, wondering what she would do. The device was gently taken from his hand, wreathed in the same glow that the paper had been before being passed, in a matter of speaking, to the unicorn. She began to examine the device visually. The horn had to be a power source of some kind, but there was no indication of their being artificial. The metal detector portion was still active, and appeared to have detected the larger alien's regalia from the readout. By this point, he was merely a meter away from the pair, though the larger one's armored guards, obviously soldiers of some kind, hadn't moved. The purple alien had been writing with the pencil she was levitating, alternating between looking at the page and at him.

Kathy broke the silence, "Anything, Skipper?"

"...No, nothing. No radiation, no unexpected metal. I can't detect anything out of the ordinary at all," he replied, shaking his head. The Geiger counter had apparently been adequately appraised by the winged unicorn, as the device slowly made its way to hover in the air over where his right hand was. He took hold of it, and pocketed the device as the glow around it dissipated. He stared at the alien and received a smile in return.

The Skipper backed up to rejoin his group, turning to face them. "It's just the same as any other thing about this place..." Killian muttered. "Maybe there's some sort of... I don't know... new form of sub-atomic... no. I just don't see how any of this is possible. This place and its people break the rules of physics so often we may need to account for something else, re-make our model... But we can't do that until we can measure whatever it is that's at work here."


"It has a gauge on it. It looks like some sort of measuring implement," the Princess said.

"He... doesn't know what magic is," Twilight said in disbelief.

"This object, it's not magical, or mechanical," the Princess added. "It's electrical."

"Electrical? No magic at all?" Electric power was widespread throughout Equestria, and was mostly used for lighting and heating, though magic could easily replace it in those capacities, making the technology a mere convenience.

"If they did have magic, I could've detected leftover energy. This device," the Princess explained, "bears none of it."

"So... there's no magic where they came from? How did they get here?"

"That's a good question, Twilight. It appears as though they've gotten along without it, since they've managed to get here. Perhaps we should attempt to explain it, as their tools don't appear to be telling them anything about it."


"The purple one is signing something," Sanders pointed out, diverting all of their attentions to the unicorn once again.

Paper and pencil still in her grip, she began making motions with her hooves, tapping her glowing horn, and then gesturing toward the paper. The horn was the source of power, yes. What kind of power? How?

"Well, unlike the cockatrice here, it looks like these aliens have at least a possible point from which their... abilities... come from," Kathy noted. "I don't think we can get much more from field investigation."

"We could take one aboard," Killian suggested, "if one of them wants to, and with adequate precautions, of course."

Before the Skipper could reply, the cerulean pegasus alien could be seen flying toward them. She landed and began to speak to the other two. What kind of errand had she just run for the purple one?


"Zecora says she'll have those things ready by this evening, or maybe before that. Fluttershy's staying to help her out," Rainbow reported.

"That's great, Rainbow Dash, I think they'll appreciate it."

"I don't think they understand what you meant by your gesture, Twilight. Perhaps you should demonstrate different spells," the Princess suggested.

Why didn't I think of that? she thought. "Yes, of course." She set down the paper and pencil, the glow of her horn fading for a moment before intensifying once again. With a flash, she teleported several meters to the side, the aliens watching in awe. She decided not to perform any projectile spells, lest they consider them a weapon, and continued performing a standard routine she'd devised to strengthen her magical endurance and hone her skills with all sorts of spells. She had to look her best for the Princess.

First, she cast a light spell, a basic one many foals learn early on. Hers had been amply practiced, and it was relatively mundane, yet the aliens seemed quite interested even in that. Next, she performed an antigravity spell, followed by a self-levitation spell to mitigate the fall from the other wearing off. Again, the aliens seemed impressed. She plucked a number of blades of grass and began to weave them together, practicing telekinetic dexterity, something that had taken her quite a long time to master. She then shaped the woven grass into a rounded shape, and cast a transmutation spell. The grass became an apple. As she continued her practice, the aliens began to talk amongst themselves.


"That's... quite a show," Kathy muttered, awed by the various feats this unicorn was performing in rapid succession and with practiced fluidity.

"It looks... magical," Sanders added. Indeed, with many of the tricks she performed came glows, flashes, and sparkles. It became evident to the Skipper what this particular alien's mark represented; magic. If the marks were natural, then this unicorn's ability with these 'spells' was also natural. Or was it? What kind of tool that small could look like an animal's horn, yet be packed with so many impossible features, such as a personal teleporter, personal levitation at will, levitation of other objects, transmutation, and personal antigravity?

"She does... she is," the Skipper replied softly. "The unicorns are magical. I don't believe it, but there it is. And they're not the only thing. Killian, you are no longer human, because a plant turned you into an alien. Sean Powell, as he stands right there, turned to stone. Magically, by this cockatrice, which obviously couldn't have done it by any measurable means. Same with the blue plant. The people, the animals, the plants, probably even the star... all of it."

"So much for things eventually making sense," Killian said dryly. Nobody else spoke as the unicorn finished her demonstration. Something about the large alien caught the Skipper's eye for the first time. What was her mark supposed to mean? Did she..?


"Do you think they understand now?" Twilight asked her mentor, who nodded slowly.

"See for yourself."

The lead figure appeared to be deep in thought, staring into space before looking at her again, narrowing his eyes. He pointed at the Sun.

Princess Celestia stepped forward; her horn glowed intensely for a moment. As though not directed toward anyone nearby in particular, the alien said something in his language, then pointed at her, and then at the sun again. The Princess nodded. His eyes widened, as though he'd just made some shocking discovery. It occurred to Twilight; he didn't know that the Princess controlled the Sun.


...She did. This alien controlled the star here with her magic. Or, rather, Eclipse would be able to tell him if this was so, in less than ten minutes, and if this wasn't some sort of facade, and these beings really did have extreme technological abilities that somehow remained undetectable. This seemed unlikely now, with the Skipper's deduction that magic was indeed at work here, and that these creatures were incredibly powerful indeed.

"This alien," the Skipper began, taking a deep breath, "controls that star up there. That's why it orbits this planet."

"Excuse me, Skipper, that doesn't make any sense. We're talking something thousands of times the mass of this entire planet, and you say that this being here, this winged unicorn, no bigger than two men, can simply move it?" Killian interjected.

"We'll know in-"

"A few minutes, Skipper, I know. We can't be jumping to conclusions like this all the time. Didn't you say not to jump to conclusions? I know you're not a full scientist, but you couldn't possibly not know what you're implying here."

"I know exactly what I'm implying, and I don't like it any more than you do, but that's what all evidence we currently have points to. What we now know is that this alien is what causes this, she claims it to be so herself. If I were a leader on a first contact mission, I wouldn't lie about that sort of thing. You're right, Killian. It makes no sense at all, but if there's one thing we need to do if we want to survive and live here, it's to learn to adapt to all of these new concepts as they appear, not try to justify them as we know them where we're from, and ignore the evidence. We're not on Earth anymore, we're here, and this place has very different rules. They don't make sense, no, but there they are, right in front of us." The Skipper's speech was delivered in an unflinching, calm, commanding tone, one he only very rarely made use of.

Several anxious minutes passed, not a single one of the beings present making a move; the Skipper's stern speech had apparently killed the mood fairly efficiently. The comm circuit in the Skipper's helmet activated, and Marcus' voice came through. "As you said, Skipper, astrometrics lab has reported a major trajectory change. How did you know that would happen? What's going on down there?"

The Skipper replied, "Don't worry about it. I'll explain later." He pointed at the star again, then at the winged unicorn. She'd better change it back, he thought.


With a glow of her horn, the Princess responded to the alien's signal. The Sun would now return to its proper place, or, Twilight assumed that to be the purpose of the spell.

"I do not believe that leaves them any doubt," the Princess stated.

Twilight nodded in return, "I wonder what it's like, to just... discover magic. I can't imagine life without it."

"...And they can hardly comprehend life with it."

The pair of guards that had been sent with Fluttershy returned, bearing the message that Zecora would escort her out of the forest herself, and that Fluttershy had dismissed them.

"Twilight, I leave this matter in your hooves. I must go make announcements about these visitors' arrival."

Having boarded her chariot, the Princess gave the leading figure one last glance before departing for Canterlot.


Many minutes of signed attempted discussion, mostly about magic, had kept Twilight occupied and taking notes when Applejack returned. Her voice prompted the unicorn to raise her head from the paper. Apart from the aliens, she was alone; Rainbow Dash had quickly become bored, and headed off.

"Hey Twi', the folks and I have put together a little somethin' for our guests. Come on, bring 'em with you."

In a just recently established manner of gesturing and communication, movements and even a few noises to represent various things rather vaguely, Twilight attempted to ask the visitors to follow, though that particular motion hadn't been defined yet. Others had, like 'I don't know', which was denoted by a shrug, and 'yes', indicated by a nod or an 'ah', 'no' being indicated by 'uh' or a shake of the head. Its rudimentary nature reminded Twilight of what ancient pony language had been described to her as. Applejack waved a hoof at them and whistled. That works, Twilight mused, smiling.


The Skipper interpreted the message clearly; to follow. "Cox, Grant, take care of things here, watch the cockatrice, and bring Powell inside the ship. Killian, Kathy, Sanders, let's go. I think they've got something to show us."