• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 431 Views, 34 Comments

large bot small battles - Status L

A [displaced] gundam appears with a retired championship challanger pilot's mind.

  • ...

Starswirl observation notes

Research notes on creature nicnamed LGBA (*2) by Starswirl.

7 years 1st season 3 months and 12 days AF (*1).

After the initial sightings of the subject 12 days ago by myself and my coworkers that lead to the adoption of two unicorn siblings we have been looking for cleus on where it went after escaping.

This lead us to dicover that it has gone to varying towns when Flash Magnus had arived to subdue it he saw the towns in difrent states of destruction the first on simply had al of the ponies drained of their magic I suspect LGBA is bihind this deu to it being in these towns and the only two survivors from such towns that we have found say a large metal creature attaked their town, but nontheless the more towns there were the more destroied as if it was getting more violent they were this takes the form of missing chunks of land to most commenly ripped apart books it is currently unknown as to why it acts this way.

7 years 1st season 3 months and 19 days AF.

We had just gotten a request for backup from a town that repported LGBA attaking it but we were only able to help the survivors rebuilt after it retreated at the sight of us implying that it regognises us as a threat but it also seams that the
local townsponies were not drained this time it may have collected enough magic to complete its goal whatever it may be.

7 years 1st season 3 months and 27 days AF.

After tracking it down this went easy deu to it no longer hiding and destroying far more we found LGBA in a curled up position with the cristeline parts no longer glowing suspecting that it was asleep we went to imobelise it but as soon as we got close LGBA woke up and jumped about 30 hooves away from us inspecting what we were doing something we notiched was that its shoulder gaurds were sagging comared to what it was when we first encountered it but some of the pillars stayed at the tower to take care of the foals we were unable to use harmony on itit seems to recognize this as it did not run away this time instead it levitated the surounding hils revealing recently crushed grass beneath them displayng once again how powerful it is before throwing those clifs at us but as we got out of the rubble we had notiched that it had flown away towards the south if the broken treetops where any good indication.

7 years 1st season 3 months and 32 days AF.

Since yesterday it seems to have dissapeared from our radar but if the discovery of drained ponies northwise is any indication we shal have to go there next despite LGBA clearly going north luckilly we prepaired the seed of harmony incase we lose permenantly we have left the care of the siblings to the Counsil(*3) till we return.

*1. After the founding of Equestria
*2. Large Green Bipedal Armor
*3. This is the name given to the founders of Equestria who began to rule over the land as one goverment body 2 years before the establishment of the pillars by Stygian.

Author's Note:

I went camping and am going to sleep for school tomorow please inform me of anny mistakes you might spot to improve the quality of my work and thank you for reading.