• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 428 Views, 34 Comments

large bot small battles - Status L

A [displaced] gundam appears with a retired championship challanger pilot's mind.

  • ...

The chase

"Ugh did we get it?" Stygian asked after waking up first.

"Oh all of you are nocked out." Therefor he tried waking them by levetating 6 bowls of cold water directly from the frige. "Hey wake up." He said as he dropped the water on his friends faces.

"Hu hey I havent done my 20 laps around the keep yet!" Calmly stated Flash Magnus.

"I do not think that is the problem here flash." Said Mage Meadowbrook.

"Yeah the giant construct ran got away." Mistmane pointed out.

"What do you mean Misty?" asked Starswirl.

"Wel the trees are not destroyed in a strait line but as if something large ran through it." Answered Somnambula.

"An exelent point I supose we shall head over to the closest village in that area to try and stop it am I corect?" Questioned Rockhoof.

And here they are heading over to canterlot to hopefully safe the civilians.

But as they were travveling they came across a problem.

"Uhm it seems one the ropes from the rope bridge snapped." Stated one of the ponies.

"We should really beuld a stone bridge at some point this is getting annoying." said another one.

"But we currently do not have the time for that flash please reatatch the bridge." Came from the mouth of a groundpony.

"Okay." And he did with the bridge repaired they desided to cross it but one unicorn still had a question. "yeah but how did it get over the ravine?" this was ansered by a "He propebly jumped."

After crossing the creepy trees and river helping a manticore with a splinter in her paw and going past a sertain clif wher a substantially sized suit is hiding they finally arived at the edge of the never sealed forest.

"Okay so it seems the trail has stopped." Stated Somnambula. "This is discouraging where cold it have gone?"

"I do not have the slightest clue but I suppose we should probbibly try going to the settlement and see if there are any damages now that we are out here." Informed Rockhoof while somehow none of the ponies noticed the large pile of gundamium following them.

"Hey how did it actuly defeat us?" Asked an excited Mistmane to the rest of the group.

"Well it seams that thing somehow broke apart the Rainbow Laserâ„¢ and I have no idea how no villain has ever acomplished that meaning we are dealing with an extreamly powerful one that may not be conected to the minotour empire like Flash originally thought and therefore we should be making preperations for wen we encounter it again but what is it actually like its name or even species." Sir Rockhoof gave as an anser to miss Mistmane's question making the large suit think. 'I really wish I could understand this languige made up of variyng noises that usually come from quadrepedal creatures that big one seems quite intelligent.'

But nontheles they contineud on their yourney and shal soon arive there and they may or may not met a certain pair of unicorn fillies that shall make mr gundam's life mutch harder.

Author's Note:

I really hope I used the advice I got corectly but i wonder if there are any problems with my storytelling I saw the like discount ratio and am not afraid to ask the readers questions.