• Published 4th May 2023
  • 1,349 Views, 54 Comments

Clockwork Dreams - Madforce Entertainment

My name is Alex and I was kill by a truck. I woke up in another world called Equestria, and for some reason I become Penny Polendina.

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Chapter 3 crystal mine part 2

Author's Note:

Hey guys, here’s the next chapter of Clockwork Dreams.
Sorry for making you all wait for an update, I have be dealing with a lot or personal stuff recently.

Not gonna go into details, but some of it was because of the news with Rooster teeth.

I hate making you wait for updates, and I’m truly grateful for your support and patience.

As always if you see any mistakes, please let me know, and I’ll fix it ASAP.

Till then take care.

Penny, Luna and Rockhoof searched the mine for the Grimm, and any other minders who may be trapped within.

Penny used her flashlight to look for any clues and tunnel entrances.

“Say, I don’t see any crystals.” She said, continuing to look.

“This tunnel has been stripped of anything valuable.” Rockhoof declared. “It was converted to a ventilation chamber.”

Penny looked at Rockhoof. “Oh? How did you convert it?” She asked wondering how it was possible.

Rockhoof pointed to the ceiling. “See those holes?”

Penny looks up seeing some of the holes. “I see them.”

“We drill those holes into the ceiling, and connect them to a building with fans blowing air into this tunnel.” Rockhoof explains,

“Wow,” Penny was impressed, she wondered if the miners from her world did the same thing. “Wait, wouldn't that be dangerous?”

“You would think so, but we use crystals to strengthen the tunnels.” Rockhoof explains, “We even-”

“Shhhhh.” Luna alerts Penny and Rockhoof, she jesters to turn off the lights.

Penny and Rockhoof turned off the lights, and armed themselves, Penny with three swords, and Rockhoof with his pickaxe.

Luna looked around the corner, she saw Centinels crawling around. She quickly returns to Penny and Rockhoof. “Centinels,” she whispered, “Four of them.” They nod, Luna leads them back to the corner and pulls out a white crystal. “Cover your eyes.”

Luna throws the crystal and it releases a huge flash. The Centinels screeched in pain, but they were soon silenced by Luna’s blade.

Penny saw Luna standing Proudly over the fading Grimm, She was amazed from seeing how fast and strong Luna truly was.

Rockhoof walked past Penny and growled. “Damn Centinels! These Grimm courses have so many cave-ins.” He kicked one of the Grimm remains in discus.

Penny walks towards Rockhoof. “Is that it?” She asked,

“No.” Luna answered, sheathing her sword. “There’s going to be more Grimm in this mine.” She picked up the crystal. “Dead.” She buried it in the ground.

Penny looked at Luna, seeing her bury a crystal seems odd. “Why are you burying it?”

“This is how we recharged crystal.” Rockhoof answered, “The came from the earth, and once they die we return them to the earth to be given life once more.”

“You talk like the Crystals are alive.” Penny stated.

“In a way they are.” Luna Replied patting the ground. “They have the same energy as us.”

“They do?” Penny asked, fascinated by this information. “So this isn’t a mine, more like some kind of farm?”

Rockhoof raised an eyebrow. “No, young lass, not a farm. A mine.” He declared.

Luna giggled, and leaned closed to Penny’s ear. “It is, but let the men have their opinions.” She whispered, making Penny blush. “Now let’s get moving.”

“R-Right.” Penny stutters, still blushing.

Luna walked ahead, and Rockhoof looked at her. “What did you tell her?” He asked,

“Oh nothing.” Luna replied, walking further ahead.

Rockhoof walked behind. “I know you said something.”

“It was nothing.” Luna replied.

“I know it was something.” Rockhoof repeated.

Penny watched this back and forth, it was like they were siblings. “Wow they must be close.” Penny began to realize she was getting left behind. “Hey wait.” She quickly jogged to catch up with Luna and Rockhoof.

After some time of exploring, Luna, Rockhoof, and Penny killed more Centinels.

Rockhoof looked at the holes, and filled them quickly. “Where are they coming from?” He groaned, “We been killing Centinels for almost an hour.” He rubs his shoulders.

Luna sighed, sheathing her sword once more. “Something doesn’t seem right.” She said, “We only seen Centinels, but no other type of Grimm.” She scanned the cave. “Something doesn't feel right here.”

Penny put her swords back in her pack, and looked around, she noticed a crystal in the wall. “Oh, that could be handy.” She approached the crystal, once she was close enough, she grabbed the crystal with both hands and pulled.

Rockhoof saw Penny pulling the crystal, he smiled seeing Penny struggle with the crystal. “Never that easy.” He place his pickaxe on his back, and walked towards Penny. “Y-” He saw the ground cracking under her feet. “STOP!”

Penny pulls the crystal out, and the ground collapse under her, as she fell she heard Luna and Rockhoof calling her name.

Penny fell into the darkness seeing Luna and Rockhoof get smaller and smaller. During the fall this felt familiar, she had a flashback of her falling from a bridge, but this didn’t last, she soon hit the hard ground knocking her out.

While unconscious Penny dreamt of a battle, she saw a black void, with glowing bridges. Then she was surrounded by flames and a hand thrust towards her.

She felt it impale her chest. From the pain she screams and wakes up on the ground hyperventilating. She sat up seeing only darkness surrounding her, the only source of light she had was from the hole she fell from.

With the image of the hand in her mind, Penny unfastened her clothes and checked her chest. “Wait….” She breathed slowly and calmed down. “It was a dream, or a nightmare.” She saw her chest and blushed. “That’s right, I’m a woman now.” She sighed, rebutting her shirt up.

Once Penny was finished, she looked up, she looked for any sign of Luna or Rockhoof. “Can’t see them.” Penny noticed how far the hole was, “Guessing this chamber is quite huge.” She rose to her feet and saw only darkness surrounding her.

“Ok, Gonna need some light.” Penny looked around for a moment, and saw the Crystal she grabbed. “Oh Lucky.” She smiled picking up the stone. “Ok, let’s see what type you are.” Penny used her aura to activate the crystal's power.

It glows, lighting the darkness. “Light Crystal,” She smiles using it like a flashlight. “This will come in handy.” Penny used the light to see her surroundings more clearly.

She saw a single tunnel, “Only one way to go.” Penny walked to the tunnel, and entered it.

As she walks through the tunnel, Penny thinks about everything that happened. Dying as Alex after being hit by Truck Kun, then waking up as Penny Polendina. Then she remembers the hound ripping off her arm. Remembering that Grimm made her shiver.

But she remembered Luna saving her. Penny smiled, she wondered if Luna and Rockhoof were okay, she needed to get back as soon as she could, Penny pushed on picking the speed, but she soon stopped seeing a hole in the ground.

“Hmm.” Penny used her light to see if she could walk around the hole. But the outer rims of the hole were too narrow to stand on. “No good,” She sighed. “Have to turn back.” Penny turned, once she turned, a red tentacle crept behind her, and lassoed her legs. “GAH!”

Penny was dragged into the hole, as she was pulled into the darkness, Penny Quick used her strings and grabbed one of her swords, cutting the tentacle.

The second she was freed Penny used her swords to latch on to the walls. “What the hell was that?” Penny grabs her Crystal looking for the creature that grabbed her.

She saw a black lake. “What’s that? Filthy water?” Penny saw something in the lake and more red tentacles shot out towards her.

Penny dodge from the tentacles, using her swords like spider legs. They kept dodging the tentacles, “Need somewhere to land.” Penny looked and found some safe ground from the lake. “There!”

Penny while dodging made her way to the ground, once she landed she drew all her blades for battle.

The red tentacles zoomed towards Penny, and Penny chopped them up like a blender.

Penny cuts all the tentacles and something raised from the black waters. A humanoid Grimm with a bowler hat, and an umbrella.

“That’s a new one.” Penny mumbles seeing the Grimm points its umbrella at her, Something about this Grimm seems familiar to Penny, but how?

The Grimm ran on the water towards Penny, who was ready to fight.

Penny made the first assault, by sending four blades at the Grimm. Who opened the umbrella to block the blades, and realized a small blade at the tip.

The Grimm thrust its weapon at Penny who, evaded by standing aside.

Penny pulled her strings recalling her swords back, aiming for the Grimm’s back. The Grimm pulled out a second blade and cut Penny's strings, making the swords fall into the lake.

The Grimm Swings its second sword at Penny who jumps back. Penny looked at the Grimm and immediately recognised this fighting style, It was the same style as Neapolitan’s.

Is this Grimm a clone? Or was it actually Neo inside, like the Hound from the show? Penny’s heart beats fast thinking of the Hound once more.

“N-Not now!” Penny clenched her chest, before she began to hyperventilate.
The Grimm ran at Penny thrusting the umbrella at her, Penny moved and tripped.

Penny rolled on the ground, she quickly tried to push herself up, but her right arm felt numb. “M-my arm?”

The Grimm kicks Penny over, and tries to stab her, Penny rolled out of the way, but the Grimm cuts one of the straps.

Penny Stood up with her pack hanging by its only strap, her arm was still dead, her heart was still beating fast, she couldn’t breathe in enough air for her lungs.

“I need to- The Grimm threw its blade at Penny making her move to avoid it.

Once away, Penny noticed she was missing her pack. “M-my- She saw the Grimm holding her pack.

It held like it was taunting her, just like how Neo would. Penny used her good hand to throw her strings to reclaim her precious pack, but the Grimm dropped it into the lake.

Penny gasped seeing her pack sink into the black lake. Penny with only seconds to spare, used her strings to pulled out four more swords, just before her pack sank into the lake, the swords came her good arm, floating next to her. She was still hyperventilating, she needed to regain control of herself.

She knew that Grimm can sense her fear, her anxiety, her……..Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Penny shuck her head, she needs to regain control, or she'll be killed by this Neo copy. With her left hand, she pulled back her four swords, and grabs one of her swords, she stabs the remaining three blades into the ground.

The Grimm points its umbrella at Penny, ready to resume the fight.

“Ok, don’t let your PTSD take over, you can do this, you’re stronger than this Grimm.” Penny told herself, and it helped her calm down, taking slow breaths.

The Grimm ran towards Penny, and Penny stood her ground, ready for a fight.

As the Grimm draws closer, Penny starts to feel her arm again, and she used her strings a little trap.

Once close enough, Penny Swung her blade at the Grimm, and it jumped over her, “knew you’d do that.” Penny smiled, with her restored hand, pulled a rock towards the Grimm and smashed it against its skull head.

The Grimm fell and rolled on the Grimm disorientated, and Penny with her other three swords slashed the Grimm, disarming it, The Grimm stumbled back to its feet, and Penny used another rock smashing the Grimm’s head again, breaking its mask.

Penny sent one of her swords towards its face, but stopped last second, Seeing someone trapped inside.

She saw part of their right side of her pale face, with Pink and some Brown hair, and a pink eye, looking her with in terror

“N-Neo?” Penny Gasped, seeing Neo look at her with fear and crying for help. “I'm gonna save you.” Penny called, as her blade fell, the Grimm regenerate its skull covering Neo’s face.

Penny pulled back her sword, thinking of a plan to save Neo from this Grimm, but she soon turned pale, seeing more Grimm emerging from the lake, Centinels, and Beowolfs.

“Shit!” Penny saw the number of Grimm increasing by the second. “There’s too many of them.”

She needed a way to save Neo and escape with their lives, but what could she do?

The Grimm soon began to attack Penny, she used her swords, cutting them but for everyone she killed two more took its place.

“I can’t do this alone!” Penny saw the Grimm Neo, watching her, “I need to save her.” Penny began to move, cutting through the Grimm pack, making her way to Neo.

Then Penny heard a Beringel falling from above, she dodged from the incoming ape, the Beringel smashed the ground, and roared as it pulled out a boulder from the ground and threw it at her.

Penny used one of her swords to cut the boulder in two, she used her strings to grab the two halves, and used them like flails, hitting any Grimm in their way.

The Beringel roared and charged towards Penny, who swung her boulders at it, she sandwiched the Beringel between the rocks killing it from the impact.

Penny smiled as she was making leeway fighting off the Grimm, but she soon discovered it wasn’t meant to last, more Grimm rose from the lake.

Penny saw more and more Grimm rising from the lake, now with Seers and Tempest. “What now?” She remembers Luna’s trick with the Crystal, she scanned for her crystal she used before.

Penny saw it on the ground, she ran towards the crystal, She uses her strings to reel it in; she grabs it and before the Grimm could swarm her, Penny floods the Crystal with her Aura, and it releases a huge flash, blinding the Grimm.

Penny ran towards Neo, taking this moment of opportunity, but she soon learned Neo used her umbrella to protect herself from the flash.

Neo with her second blade drawn attacked Penny, who parried Neo's attack.

Penny kept fighting Neo, and soon saw the Grimm regain their sight.

Neo saw Penny distracted and stabbed her right foot, “AHHH!” Penny screamed from the pain, and as Neo pulled her blade out, Penny couldn’t stand on her right foot.

She can feel the blood pouring out, and the surrounding Grimm can smell her blood.

Penny flows her last sword around her, and holds the second sword. She looked for something to help her, but the situation looked so dire.


Like a child hearing their mother’s call, Penny turned her head in the direction voice. She saw Luna with Rockhoof at the entrance.

“Luna, Rockhoof!.” Penny called back, happy to see Luna and Rockhoof, seeing them gave her hope, but it soon her hope was snuffed out by Red tentacles wrapped around Penny’s arms, legs and Neck. “GAH!” The tentacles began to squeeze Penny’s neck and limbs.

Luna saw the tentacles wrapping around Penny. “PENNY!” She won’t let Penny become a victim of the Grimm, not again!

“We’re coming less!” Rockhoof called, striking his pickaxe into the ground coursing an earthquake clearing a path.

Luna ran down the path Rockhoof made, running towards Penny, but Neo stood in Luna’s way.

Luna and Neo began to fight, and Penny watched, as the tentacles squeezed through her Aura, tightening its grip on her neck.

“Can’t breathe! Need to break free!” Penny looked for something to save her, but her vision was going away. “No! Running out of oxygen! Need more air!” She tried to take a breath, but the tentacles wouldn’t let her.

Rockhoof saw Penny struggling, he pulled out a handful of crystals and threw them into the air. Like a baseball player, she swung his pickaxe sending his crystals into the Grimm releasing their elemental powers of Fire, Electricity, and Ice.

Rockhoof killed a number of the Grimm, but their ranks refilled in seconds.

“This is going to be a problem.” Rockhoof said, as a Creep crept up behind him, he swung his pickaxe at the Grimm, killing it. “Where are they coming from!?”

Luna broke away from Neo, and she rushed towards Penny, but she was soon halted by more Grimm. “Vail beast!” She hissed, swinging her sword.

Penny saw Luna fighting the Grimm, she can hear Rockhoof using more crystals, this wasn’t fair, once again she was at the mercy of the Grimm, and needed saving.

Penny began to cry, why was this happening again? Why does she need saving again? Why was she so weak? Why couldn’t she save….. “N-Neo…..”

She remembers the way Neo looked at her when she broke the mask, the look of fear and terror begging for help. She grit her teeth, and crunched her hands into fist.

“Come on! Break free!” Penny pulled back against the strangling tentacles. “You promised her!” She told herself feeling something inside. “Save her!” Her eyes began to glow. “SAVE THEM!”

Then from Penny’s eyes a huge flash of silver light, taking the form of wings, engulfed the chamber in light, turning the Grimm into stone.

Luna and Rockhoof covered their eyes.

Soon the light faded, Luna and Rockhoof recovered their sight, and saw the statues of Grimm.

Luna touched one of the statues and it crumbled immediately. “How?”

“I don’t know.” Rockhoof spoke, seeing the statues. “Did Penny do this?”

Luna looked and saw Penny on the ground. “Penny!” Luna ran towards her, once by her side, she kneeled down next to her. “Penny? Speak to me!” Luna lifted her up, and listened for breathing, but heard nothing. “Penny!” Luna gently shook her, and Penny released an unconscious moan. “Thank God.”

“Luna.” Rockhoof said, pushing a statue away. “We should leave, there might be more Grimm lurking.”

“You’re right.” Luna picked up Penny with her magic. “Let’s leave and regroup outside.”

“Right.” Rockhoof nods, “Follow me.” He pushed more Grimm statues out of his way.

Luna followed him, carrying Penny with her magic, as she walked Luna saw the Neo statue, she glared at it, this Grimm seemed unlike the others, she shook her head, Penny was more important than this Grimm, she walked past it knocking it over.

The moment it hit the ground, it shattered, freeing Neo from its grasp.
Luna saw Neo on the ground unconscious. “Rockhoof!” She called, looking at the unconscious girl on the ground.

Rockhoof returned and he saw Neo on the ground. “Where did she come from?”

“She was in one of the statues.” Luna replied,

“She was?” Rockhoof looked at Luna.

“Yes.” Luna replied, using her magic to lift Neo. “Rockhoof once your search is done seal this mine off completely.”

“Yes Princess Luna.” Rockhoof nods, “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

Luna followed Rockhoof out of the Mine, while carrying Neo and Penny with her magic.

To Be Continued……

Comments ( 9 )

because of the news with Rooster teeth.


neo! well i do hope penny will tell the truth about who she once was so that they know that she is not the true penny at some point in time
still nice chapter can't wait for more to come out soon:heart:

i think they might have disbanded but im not too sure myself at this time so i can't say for sure:unsuresweetie:

Haven’t you heard? Rooster Teeth is shutting down.

I have a few plans for little Neo.:raritywink:

ok but what do you have planed for penny's true past story as they will need to be told at some point in time that she is not the real penny?

No spoilers, you have to wait and see.

Excellent work keep it up

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