• Published 4th May 2023
  • 1,349 Views, 54 Comments

Clockwork Dreams - Madforce Entertainment

My name is Alex and I was kill by a truck. I woke up in another world called Equestria, and for some reason I become Penny Polendina.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Crystal mine

Author's Note:

Hey guy's here's the next chapter of clockwork dreams.

This will be the last update for this year.

if you guys see any mistakes or any misspellings please let me know and I'll fix ASAP.

Thank you all so much for your support and patience.

It has been about a week since Penny came to this world. Her arm has fully healed, and she has been doing as much research as possible on this new world.

Luna has been helping her with her research.

“So I’m in a world called Equestria, and there’s Grimm.” Penny thought to herself almost Finishing her research. So is this world an odd mix of two worlds? “Interesting..” But what do they use for power? Penny looked at the lamps humming.

Penny saw Luna organizing her library. “Luna, what do you use for power?” Penny asked, closing her book.

“We use Crystals.” Luna replied, grabbing a book on crystals. “Here this can explain it.”

"I see," Penny said, taking the book from Luna and reading some of it.
“Oh I see.” She nods, “Do you have any?”

"Of course I do." Luna said, “There everywhere, in the manor. Oh wait here a moment.”

“Ok, I’ll wait.” Penny replied seeing Luna leave the library.

In a few moments Luna returned with a small box. Penny watched her place the box on the table. Luna opened the box, Penny saw a blue crystal inside. “Is this a crystal?”

"It is.” Luna answered, “A water crystal to be exact."

“I see.’ Penny said, “Can I touch it?”

"Of course," Luna said, “I brought it for you to study.”

“Oh?” Penny looked at Luna with a surprise look. “Thank you Luna.” She grabs the crystal. Penny examines the water stone. “How do you use it?”

“I use my Aura and water comes out.” Luna explained, “it’s quite simple really.”

"Wow…” Penny smiled looking at the crystal. “Can I try?”

"Sure," Luna said, she placed a cup next to Penny. “Just pour the water into this cup.”

“Okay.” Remembering how to use her Aura, Panny channels it into her hand and
through the crystal.

Water started pouring out from the crystal. “Wow I’m making water.” Panny Cheered.

"Indeed you are," Luna said, seeing the cup overflowing. “And you're wetting my table.”

"Oops," Penny blushed, “Sorry.” She tried stopping the water, but it kept going. “Umm Luna….” Penny began to panic. “Help.”

Luna takes the Crystal from Penny and it stops making water. “Ok let’s get this mess cleaned up," Luna said

“Of course.” Penny was blushing, from making a mess. “Sorry Luna.”

“It’s fine Penny.” Luna said, using her magic to levitate the water into a vase. “Accidents happen.” Luna placed some flowers in the vase. “I remember my first Crystal accident.” She said giggling. “My sister…..” Luna stopped her face falling to regret and sadness.

Penny reached out and held Luna’s hand. “Are you ok?” She asked in concern.

Luna gently squeezed Penny’s hand. “I’m ok Penny.” Luna replied with a small smile.

“Are you sure?” Penny asked, “We can talk about it.”

Luna was touched by Penny’s words, but Penny was her guest so this had nothing to do with her. “Thank you Penny,” Luna said, holding her hand. “But I’ll be fine.” Luna hugged her.

Penny hugged back. “Okay, But if you need to talk I’ll be here.”

Luna finished the hug. “Thank you,” she smiled, “bu-” The phone rang. “Who could that be?” Luna answered the phone. “Hello?…..I see….I’ll be there soon.”

Penny watched Luna’s one sided conversation. “Is everything ok?”

“Grimm in a crystal mine.” Penny shivered from Luna’s answer. “I’m going to help the miners, by clearing them out.” Luna said walking to the door.

Penny watched her walking to the door, she knew Luna was about to go on a dangerous mission.

“Luna?” Penny stood from her chair. “Will you be fighting alone?”

Luna stood at the door and looked at Penny. “Yes, I shall battle them alone.” Luna opens the door. “I’ll return soon Penny.”

“Alone?” Penny quickly ran after Luna. “Luna, wait!” She called out.

Luna stopped in the hallway, letting Penny catch up to her. “What's wrong Penny?”

“You shouldn’t go alone.” Penny said, “Let me come with you.”

Luna looked at Penny with a concerned look. “Are you sure?” She asked, “After what happened to you…”

“Luna, you did so much for me, and I can not in good conscience stay here, and let you face the Grimm by yourself.” Penny explains to Luna. “Please let me help you.”

Luna can see the determination in Penny’s eyes, she can see Penny wants to help Luna, to repay everything she has done for her. “Are you sure you’re ready?” Luna asked once more.

Penny took a deep breath, choosing her next words and knew what to say. “I’m combat ready.” Luna deadpanned from Penny’s answer. “It wasn’t crying, was it?” Penny asked with puppy dog eyes.

Luna sighs and pats Penny’s head. “You’re cute.” She said, submitting to Penny’s cuteness. “I’ll be leaving in 10 minutes.” She told Penny, removing her hand from Penny’s head. “Meet outside when your combat ready.”

This time Penny deadpanned. “Ok a little cringe.” She ran to her room. “I’ll meet you outside.”

“Meet you outside.” Luna said,

Penny enters her room and grabs her backpack, her heart beating faster than a moment ago. She placed her hand on her chest to calm it down.

“It’s ok.” She told her heart. “It’s going to be ok.” Her heart rate goes down little by little. “I can do this, I can push past this.” Penny subpoenaed her ear of the Grimm and the dreadful hound. “I’m stronger than fear.” She declared, “I am stronger than fear.” She repeated to herself.

Penny feels her anxiety and fear fade away little by little. “Okay, let’s not keep Luna waiting.” Penny slung her back pack over her shoulders, and leaves her room to join Luna outside.

Luna stans at the main entrance waiting for Penny, she checks her pocket watch. “2 minutes Penny.” Penny climbs down the stairs, and Luna sees her. “Huh, speak of the devil and she’ll appear.”

“Excuse me?” Penny asked barely hearing what Luna just said.

“Nothing.” Luna smiles, “Do you have everything you need?”

“Yes.” Penny answers. “I have everything I need.”

“Good.” Luna summons her sword with her magic. “Now let us hunt some Grimm.”

Penny nods with a determined look. “Right behind you.”
Luna leads Penny to an armored German half track, Penny Jews almost dropped from seeing this vehicle. “A Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251? I’ve only seen those vehicles in World War 2 films and games.”

The back door opens and a man with dark blonde with light blonde streaks dressed like a minor steps out, looks at Luna and bows. “It has been a while my lady.”

“It has.” Luna said, returning the bow.

Penny was confused from the bowing. “Ummm do I bow too?” She asked.

“No.” Luna answers, straightened up. “This is just how we greet one another.”

“Oh? So who is this man?” Penny asked,

“Forgive my rudeness.” Said the miner. “I am Rockhoof.” The miner introduced himself.

“Salutations Rockhoof, I am Penny Polendina.” Penny introduced herself, like how the original Penny would have interpreted herself.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Penny.” Rockhoof said, with a bow.

“I’m sorry.” Luna cuts in. “But time is of essence.”’

“Right.” Penny nod,

“Of course.” Rockhoof said stepping back in the Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251. “I’ll explain the situation on the way.” He sat in the driver’s seat, and started the engine. Penny and Luna climb aboard the Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251.

After some time of driving Penny and Luna reached the Grimm infested mine.
During the ride Rockhoof explained the situation, the miners breached a new crystal vein and found a nest of Centinel’s.
Unfortunately there were fatalities, the fear and anxiety caused by the Centinel’s will attracted more Grimm to this mine.

Penny and Luna stood at the entrance, Penny stared into the darkness.
She knows the Grimm are inside waiting for them to enter.

“Penny?” Luna saw Penny staring into the mine, she placed her hand on Penny’s shoulder, Penny was snapped out of her trance, she looked at Luna. “Are you ok?”

Penny smiled. “I’m ok.” She said, trying to hide her fears and anxiety. “Just eager to start.”

Luna can see through Penny bluff. “Penny,who are you trying to convince?” Luna asked, “Me or yourself?”

Penny blushed and fiddled her thumbs. “You can tell?”

“Yes, Penny.” Luna said, softly like an elder sister. “If you are not ready to fight the Grimm, there’s no shame in staying behind.”

“No.” Penny looked at Luna. “I can do this.” She declared.

Luna sighed, “She looks like she made up her mind.” Rockhoof said, swinging his pickaxe over his shoulder. “She’ll be safe with us.”

“You’re coming with us?” Luna asked.

“You’ll need an escort.” Rockhoof said, “I know this mine well, you’ll get lost without me.”

“Hmmm.” Luna thinks Rockhoof was making sense; they need a guide to help them navigate the mine. “Ok Rockhoof, you may join us.”

“Gladly.” Rockhoof laughed.

Luna turned to Penny. “Penny, you're under obligation to enter this mine.”

“I know,” Penny said, “But if I run from this, I’ll run from every other battle against the Grimm.” Penny takes a deep breath. “Luna, I can do this.” Penny looked at the mine. “Please Luna let me try.”

Luna sighed and looked at Penny. “Okay, but you must follow my instructions to the letter.” She told Penny with a stern voice. “Understood?”

“Yes ma’am!” Penny said, saluting like a soldier from Atlas.

Luna sighed, patting Penny’s head. “Cute.”

Penny blushed, from the headpating. “I’m not cute.”

Rockhoof laughed at Penny and Luna. “Alright, are you two done yet?” He asked, leaning on his pickaxe.

“Yes.” Luna cleared her voice. “Yes, we’re ready.”

Penny nods, “I’m ready too.”

“Right!” Roockhoof kicked his pickaxe swinging it over his shoulders, and resting it on his right shoulder.
“Follow me and stay close.”

Luna draws her rapire, and Penny opens her pack, using her strings she pulled out two swords and grabs them in mid air.

Luna, Penny and Rockhoof enter the Grimm infested mine, knowing not what lurking within it’s darkness.

To Be Continued…….