• Member Since 13th Aug, 2022
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Comments ( 178 )

The premise is interesting , writing is a bit scratchy (kinda hard for me to read since I’m not a native English user:fluttershyouch:), but you can improve along the way.

Plz keep it up! I’m curious about what happens next.:moustache:

is this pony equivalent of white hair red eyes loli vampire?

Thanks for the feedback, I know what you mean not being a native English user and writer :twilightblush:. I also dyslexic so I will have a lot of word verbs and adjective problem when writing, But will working hard on it thanks again for reading :heart:.

Next chapter is soon out as I have look up some info about "Ophiocordyceps unilateralis" and rework it a bit.

Yes you are correct about this, it's will start as lite this a least. Hopefully this will work out.
Thanks for reading:heart:.

will she join adventurer's guild?

I read "mental sickness," as mental illness. That being said let's see what you have.

Well I have some Ideas where to take her. Some of them are she will become a "sell sword" (old name for mercenary). Still working on the fine detail :twilightblush:.

Well 'mental sickness' will be based on trauma form her former life. I have some went through some myself, so will use what I went through and what I learn by speaking with psychologists and therapist. There will be some that will be triggered by stress, hopefully I can make it right.

Thanks for reading:heart:.

very hardcore. very chad.

hope we got a reasonable celestia.

as a fellow anon, i hope the protagonist will committed to our sacred duty of shitposting.
first objective should be trying to spread the name of allah and then normalized nicknames for celestia. such as sunbutt and cake leach.

No offense, but this needs an editor.
I understand you aren't a native speaker, but this is pretty janky.

Yeah I know I need an editor :twilightblush: I been looking for one to help me out, but no luck on my part. It dose't help I'm dyslexic.
Thanks for your comment, I will continue to work hard to get better.

Thanks for reading. :heart:

Hehe, There will be nicknames for Celestia like "cake flank" and others, I have heard quite a bit through many readings.

Thanks for reading and upholding your sacred duty.:heart:

I haven't decided on how this Celestia shall be like a 100%, I will have to make a chose soon, as the she will be a big part in the next big chapter.
I will be honest with you I have made the main character with stats so when I write about the adventure and come to a hard point, I just roll the dice on the stats and let it play out after that.:twilightblush:

So in the future there might be some odd things that will happen based on the roll of the dice. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for reading.:heart:

Well, the fucking parents of the protagonist / heroine are already a boring classic. I'm not saying that it's bad, but personally I don't feel any compassion anymore.
I will continue to follow the development of the story.

Yep, just another classic tragic backstory. He played as a rouge too many times .

I shorten the backstory a lot. There wear a bit of abuse and other things that didn't make it in the last draft. I know this was a basic tragic backstory.

Thanks for reading and comments.:heart:
It helps me to hear you thoughts.:twilightblush:

So nightmare moon in this fanfic is a family friendly tamed one.

she's in such position that she can be either luna's or celestia's spy.
or double agents.
or triple agent.

I think Celestia should adopt considering ponies need a hard lesson in humility considering the nobles are so stuck up that if their noses got any higher they be touching the moon. And the zecora trouble wouldn't have happened if ponies weren't so ignorant when it came to non ponies. Plus I don't know how many ponies would be willing to adopt a non pony.

Well, for me, this story is going to the trash.
At first, the story as a whole went well, although there were bells and whistles indicating the character's superpower. However, when she starts to show conscious mastery of magic above her current level - well, this is called "cheats for life"
Best wishes.

I'm sure if the nobles acted nice they would be treated nice. From what I've seen and heard about them if their noses were any higher they could touch the moon. Personally I still think Celestia would be a good choice. Not only does it expose her to many people but also politics and the things she might need to know considering changelings don't show themselves to others so the lessons her mom left probably aren't what another ruler in the world eye would have to use.

Nice work like the rest. My only criticism is more the advice of looking into finding someone to proof read for you. There were more than a few grammar/spelling mistakes. I also noticed it throughout the other chapters. If nothing else, I'd suggest re-reading through the chapter to double check before posting it from now on.

A wasted oppotunity for a sex joke.

sex(not decide, but aleast sexuall preference)

What do you mean by that?

I see, I have missed a lot of comment sorry about that, private things have been shit. So I will try to answer as many I can now.

Well I'm really bad at sex joke, it would only be like "that's what she said, or something like that":twilightblush:

sex(not decide, but aleast sexuall preference) = their might be hints that the characters have had sex or are going to have it (this is what's not decided). But there will always talk about preference, like does she like mare/girls or stallions/boys, might be both and so on. The drafts are still low on content of such things. Hope this will gives you an answer your looking for.

Yeah, still looking for a proof reader, I have been speaking with my friend about looking through my chapters. But no luck, :twilightsheepish: sorry once again for the mistakes in the chapter.

One of the reasons they don't want Celestia to take in Tec is the noble will throw a fit. and yeah your right about the nobles as I quote yourself

From what I've seen and heard about them if their noses were any higher they could touch the moon.

they're stiff and set in their old way, just because their families where there when Celestia move the capital to Canterlot.

Thanks you all for reading and commenting. I don't know when the next chapter will be out, as I have some stuff in private that's need taking care off. I hope you all don't wait to long. Thanks again. :twilightblush:

Are they going to turned her into child soilder?

Nah, I have look up info on changelings from rpg books and sites, in some of them I found that some insect like changeling can sense other changeling by sensing their magic or smell. So I was thinking that ESS will use Tec to figure out other changelings.

The warriors starts to argue between them. The 3 wants to take revenge against the Dark Angels while Sevatar wants to join Horus at the crusade against Terra.

This is star gate?

Hello sorry for the late reply. It comes from Warhammer 40K (Horus heresy) form the book "prince of crows" one of my favorite books.

This scene happens in the beginning of the book as the Night Lords been crushing defeated and their primarch is in a coma.

Url to the book:

Here's a part of the first chapter:
THE BROTHERS ALWAYS met in darkness. Their penchant for convening in a lightless chamber wasn’t for the theatrics of symbolism, nor from a need for secrecy. Some traditions simply existed unchanged from their genesis, born of habit rather than artifice. Once, the darkness had mattered. Now, it simply was. Red eye-lenses cut through the gloom, accompanied by the grinding purrs of joint servos and active power cables. Mark IV armour wasn’t a silent invention, by any means. It was even louder when it was damaged.

The three brothers stood in silence. Defeat cloaked their shoulders, clinging closer than the shadows in which they stood. Their shame was fresh enough that none of them had even repaired the damage to their armour. Occasional sparks from ruptured joints cast flares of light across the chamber, while the air slowly ripened with the scent of battle emanating from their broken suits of ceramite. The chemical stench of fyceline clashed with the crude tang of promethium. Behind it all was the grey scent of gunsmoke, insipidly close to charcoal.

‘Three of us,’said one of the brothers. ‘Three of us survived.’ ‘There may yet be more,’said another. The first scoffed at the notion. ‘There won’t be any more. Have you been blind for the last nine hours? Did you not see what just happened? How many ships did we lose?’ The third brother leaned on the edge of the central table, his crested helm tilting to regard his kindred in turn. ‘We cannot know. Not until the fleet masses again. I saw the Praxis Mundi break apart and take out seven of her escorts. The Lady Sapienta died before her. The Aeternum Dread. The Throneless King. The Obfuscate. Those are merely the cruisers I saw die. I cannot speak of how many frigates and destroyers. Too many to name.’

Very good fanfiction. Interesting and lively. Too bad there is no title picture.

Age is just a number...

Thanks for reading.
I have been working on a pic for this fanfic, it's long from prefect, still a newbie on drawing with tablet pen. The original model is from here Artis. I have done some cropping, redraw (trailing) added my on wings. I will do a real one when I learned to use this tablet and funktions.

Thanks again.

Wait a mushroom? Is that plant related to the cordyceps fungus?

Ice Pike enters her friends Light Sparks home dressed in a fine blue silk dress matching my eyes, with small white gems decorating me. Many nobles has gathered here today to gossip and to make deals, I recognize many of them as its always the same family's that gets together. We have the 'Gilded Hoofs' they are gold miners and they supply Equestria with the gold to make Bits. 'Greed is their name if I could name them. Always finding ways to bend the laws so they can make the most Bits from it' .

That's basically their obligation as capitalists.

'Well this became a shit show. I'm sorry Sparks and I'm sorry Celestia..... Tec I'm sorry but you will have to fight sooner then Celestia planed.

It's mainly celestia's fault. Nobility system is basically what so called "late stage capitalism" will end up as.
She has thousand years to change it to something better. Even farcism is better than this.

Yeah your right, it's Celestias fault. She made this system to make sure that Equestria don't go into another civil war after Nightmare Moons war, so she establish the Council of loyal followers that help her rule Equestria. But it's most of the time the older once die and the younger generation waste what was build up and so forth. Now we're in the last generation that exist before a get change.

As always there will be three fractions loyalists, nobles and neutral. All to gain the upper hand/hoof in power.

thanks for always commenting. :twilightsmile:

It's very impressive that she can kept the same regime going for a thousand years without collapsing into itself. Each factions must constantly consolidate power and growth in order to survice without stability of the whole system as lower of impotence. It's unstable by nature.

End of FiM twilight baaically kept using this system until equestria literally collapse in G5. Seeing as they mentioned her as last ruler of equestria.

Celestia has put in some things for safety. First ESS (Equestria secret service) that work in the shadows of Eqestria, to keep an eye on the nobels and their activity's and more. Second is that there are rules in place to stop the nobles from taking over, such as high taxing on them and all of their work need to be accepted by Celestia herself (with the help of ESS, she get the right info). This is so there will be no new civil war.
Most of the Council right now are loyalist.
There're more things but it would be bad writing to tell everything here.

Will i get to see guilotine?

I haven't decided yet (if/when) a execution is coming. That it will be by axe or guilotine.

Must her punishments needed to involve some kind of BDSM play?
I hope she bring car to equestria too. Let’s turned the horse nation to suburban hellscape yay:fluttershysad:

No worries High Lights case was an accident, had I written it from Tec's 'POV' she would have question High Light in her mind as she's not used to creatures feel pleasure from pain.

There is a changes car can become part of Equestria but Tec don't truly know how they work, but she has the basic knowledge about them. But that's a future adventure.

Just a question. Is English your first language? And if not, is this translated?

it's my second, I try to use the correct words in my translation, but with my dyxlexi it takes time and a bit of google-fu:twilightsmile:

Fair enough.
Might want to find an editor.
It's not too bad, but it would definitely help.

Yeah, still looking for one. Got a lot of drafts that need an over look as some re-write.

If you're looking for an editor, I can gladly help you out. Just DM me

What happened to the Nox family?

They're coming in next chapter.:twilightsmile: They had to travel from far away to come to Canterlot.

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