• Published 7th Jan 2023
  • 3,395 Views, 221 Comments

Flurry Heart’s Story: Go North, Young Dragon - AleximusPrime

A familiar dragon arrives in Ponyville to give Spike some news that will change his life forever.

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4. A Dragon in Rage

Everyone watched as the unnamed raging dragon flew over their heads. It landed on a nearby cliff and roared loudly to make its claim to the land as several smaller dragons scattered.

“Well what are we waiting for?! Get that monster out of here!” shouted one of the large adult dragons as he charged the large brute.

“Everyone else, get the children to safety!” shouted another as he backed up the first one.

Three large male dragons began wrestling the raging dragon. The first one served as a distraction by flying around its head as it snapped at him with its powerful jaws. Another came up behind it and wrapped his arms around its neck while the third one grabbed an arm. Finally the first one landed and tried to grab the other arm, but the raging dragon threw the one on the other side right at him. After it discarded both of them, it reached behind and grabbed the one around its neck and tossed him aside like a ragdoll. It lost some of the loot from the ship it was carrying and began picking up. Several more large adult dragons came in to try taking it down, but they met the same fate.

“Who is that guy?!” asked Pumpkin.

“I don’t know, but he’s obviously the one Dad was out wrangling this morning! He’s got Dad’s crown!” shouted Scorch as he stood over the kids with his wings covering them.

“Scorch, we have to get the kids underground! It’s not safe for them out here!” Barb called as she picked up Chip and Annie.

“What about Dad? Is he even okay?” Spike asked.

“We’re gonna have to find Dad later, Spike!” Singe told his brother, putting his hand on his shoulder.

“Get the little ones to safety! I’ll take care of this brute!” said Chara as she blew smoke from her nostrils and lunged toward the raging dragon.

The dragon saw her and tried to snap at her, but Chara dodged it with grace. In the process, she wrapped her prehensile tail around its neck, grabbed one of its wings to prevent it from flying and dragged it off the cliff. The dragon was pinned down and its loot spilled everywhere. Chara had it with its belly facing down so its arms could not reach her, but her grip on its neck with her tail was slipping and the dragon reached up to untie it. It pulled her by her tail and threw her a hundred yards away where she crashed into a pathway that Barb and the others were headed to with the kids.

“MOM!” shouted Spike and Buttercream as they rushed forward to check on her with everyone else.

“He’s too strong,” Chara said, wearily. “I’ve never wrangled a dragon this tough before.”

“How are we gonna stop him then?” asked Singe.

“Everyone look! IT’S SMITE!!” shouted a random dragon on a nearby cliff.

Spike looked out to the south to see another dragon emerge from the clouds. This time it actually was his father, Smite. Although he was not as big as the raging dragon they were dealing with, he was one of the biggest compared to all the other dragons. He was very large and fat, with a long wingspan. He did bear a striking resemblance to Spike just as everyone had said. He was purple with green spikes, though his shade was a bit darker and his underbelly was yellow along with the inside of his wing flaps and his eyes. Spike wished he could have met his father under finer circumstances, but he was so glad to see him come in to save the day. Smite looked very mad, but it was the look of a powerful king who was not about to let his people down. Even though he did not yet know him, Spike already felt a sense of pride seeing his father like this.

All the other dragons erupted in applause. Spike’s siblings pumped their fists in the air and cheered loudly as Chara put her hands to her chest and smiled.

“He’s alive!” she cried.

The raging dragon was too busy picking up its loot to notice what the other dragons were cheering for, but it turned his head to see Smite getting closer, ready to take him out with a flying kick to the face.

“GET OFF MY MOUNTAIN!!” Smite shouted in a heroic baritone voice.

The mighty king of Nordo Dracos kicked the raging dragon square in its face and pushed its head into the ground. While the dragon was down, Smite lifted it up above his head and threw it into a nearby cliff. Finally, he leapt into the air and did an elbow slam onto the dragon with all his might. Smite picked up his crown from all the treasure that littered the ground before him. He put the crown back on his head as everyone cheered loudly.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, everybody. Complicated business,” he said with a smile as they continued.

“That’s Dad?” Spike asked eagerly.

“That’s our dad! That is the mighty King Smite!” Scorch replied, proudly.

As Singe and Barb were clapping and whooping, Buttercream had donned a cheerleader’s outfit she pulled out of her satchel. She started waving pom-poms and dancing.


Smite hadn’t noticed Spike or the ponies yet in all the commotion, but he started walking forward while addressing the crowd.

“Unfortunately, I think we’re gonna have to send this guy to Oster Dra…uh oh.”

As Smite spoke, the raging dragon got back up and lifted its head to shake off the pain. Smite turned around to see his fighting had barely any effect on it. The dragon roared in his face and Smite reached forward to grab it by the jaws. They both tugged at each other until the raging dragon gained the upper hand. It threw Smite into a cliff where he just barely missed a group of young dragons. Some siding from the cliff crumbled and plummeted toward them, but Smite reached out and grabbed the rock before it could land.

“Kids, get somewhere safe! This guy’s a real loose canon!” he ordered.

“Yes, King Smite!” said the kids as they rushed toward their mother.

Smite turned around to see more dragons step in to fight the raging dragon. They would need all the help they could get and Smite had an idea.

“EVERYONE HOLD HIM DOWN FOR ME!” Smite called before throwing the rock at its head to distract it.

Five of them grabbed the arms, legs, neck and tail of the dragon as Smite flew high up in the air. He let himself fall onto it again with far more force than before. This put the dragon out momentarily, but it was still moving so Smite started pummeling it with several powerful punches. This only made the dragon angrier and it managed to pull its tail out from the grasp of one of the dragons helping to keep it down. It wrapped its tail around Smite’s neck and threw him down before Chara and the others.

Smite skidded in front of them and stopped right before Spike, groaning as Chara tended to him. He opened his eyes and saw a small chubby purple and green dragon before him. He wasn’t sure who this was at first, but then he remembered something: Buttercream had told him that she figured out that Princess Twilight Sparkle’s assistant was the missing purple egg they had lost years ago. Smite shared glances with the little dragon that resembled him in color and physique.

“Dad?” Spike asked.

“Spike, it’s…it’s you. You came to us.”

“I had to.”

“Spike, I…”

Smite was interrupted by the sound of rocks falling and dragons roaring and grunting. He was so distracted by meeting Spike for the first time; he nearly forgot about the raging dragon behind him.

“Spike, I’m sorry, buddy. I’m a little busy right now. We’ll talk later; I promise.”

“Ok, Dad.”

“Chara, get everyone inside the catacombs. That guy might come after our little equine visitors.”

Smite pointed to the kids and Spike’s siblings began picking them up. They took off flying in the opposite direction of the fight so they could circle back around and head to the entrance to the underground passages. Smite watched them as they left and then turned back to see all his fellow dragons still attempting to wrangle the raging dragon.

“SMITE!” called His Elevated Eminence. “Bring him to me! I’ll take care of him!”

“Got it! Everyone, bait him toward His Elevated Eminence! He’ll use his beams!” Smite called to the others.

The dragons all started blowing fire simultaneously at the raging dragon. It finally got annoyed with them and carried its precious cargo to the northern end of the mountain range where His Elevated Eminence was. The dragon noticed the mountain peak with a face and began flying towards His Elevated Eminence, but his eyes turned red and fired a powerful beam at the dragon. The beam hurt it, but did not stun it for very long. It picked up some of his loot and ducked down behind some cliffs to avoid the beam. Although this dragon was in rage mode, it was smart enough to figure out how to avoid being hit again.

Meanwhile, Barb, Scorch, Singe, Spike, Buttercream and all the kids ran through an underground maze. They heard rumbles and saw dust and stones fall from the ceiling every few seconds. There were glowing crystals to light the way and Barb knew this area well enough, so everyone followed her. This was a special underground village where children and young adult dragons would come for clubs and other activities, but it also served as a safe zone when wranglings got out of control outside. They finally entered a large room where other dragons had gathered. There were a few large holes in the walls meant for large dragons to look through and communicate with the smaller dragons inside. Outside, His Elevated Eminence could be seen and the sounds of the dragon roaring carried through.

“Barb, will they take care of him?” Flurry asked.

“I don’t know, Flurry. I’ve never seen a dragon in rage mode that grew to be quite that large,” Barb said.

“You think maybe he’s gone permanent?” Scorch asked his sister.

“I’m afraid so.”

“Wait, that dragon can’t turn back now?” Spike asked.

“Not if he’s been like this for more than three days,” Barb continued. “Maybe that’s why he’s so huge and hard to keep down. That guy could have been out collecting things and growing for a week now and nobody saw till just this morning when complaints were sent. By the time Dad got there, it was already too late.”

“So what do they do with him now?” Pumpkin asked.

“They’ll banish him to Oster Dracos,” Singe told her. “That’s where we take raging dragons that can’t be reasoned with.”

“That’s what Barb told me and Spike earlier, but how do you guys get him to leave?” Flurry asked.

“Well His Elevated Eminence helps with that,” Barb explained. “He can fire a powerful beam from his eyes that should be enough to stun any dragon into submission. We then tie the dragon up in crystal cords and ship it off on a raft that leads to Oster Dracos.”

“His Elevated Eminence can shoot lasers from his eyes? AWESOME!” Stormy squealed.

“So those lasers should be able to take that dragon down?” Chip asked Barb.

“I’ve never seen a dragon that went permanent, but that’s how it’s supposed to work. His Elevated Eminence should be able to handle him.”

“Um…guys, about that…” Pound said as he looked out of the biggest hole.

Everyone walked over to the hole to see that His Elevated Eminence was firing repeatedly at the dragon, but it was doing no good. The mighty mountain was wearing himself out already and the other dragons had to go back to wrangling.

“Ah great. It’s not working,” Scorch said, gloomily.

“What? How’s that possible?!” one of the other young adult dragons asked. “King Smite said that’s always worked in the past!”

“Well that’s not good. How do we deal with it now?” asked another.

“Something seems a little familiar about that dragon,” Spike said under his breath, stroking his chin.

“What was that, Spike?” Buttercream asked.


Outside, Smite and several others slammed into the dragon, which caused the ship with all the treasure to fall out. The ship flew towards the hole that everyone was looking through. Barb and the others thought quickly and grabbed the kids to get them out of the way.

“EVERYBODY MOVE!!” shouted Barb.

“FLURRY! TELEPORT!” Spike called to the little princess.

Flurry used her teleportation spell on her friends and several baby dragons in the room to get them safely off to the side. All the larger dragons elsewhere shielded the young ones with their wings to protect against any debris. The ship crashed against the wall and it caved in, creating a large gaping hole. Some of the loot from the ship poured into the room and scattered everywhere. It was mostly gold from the ship, but there were also crystals, uprooted plants, rocks, tree branches, dirt and a few random household items that probably came from Equestria. Spike had Pound and Pumpkin covered with his arms while Flurry, Stormy, Chip, Annie and several baby dragons were behind them. Thankfully, no one was hurt from the barrage, but something on the ground suddenly caught Spike’s eye.

Before him was a white pillow with three grey lines. It was losing some of its stuffing and looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in years. Spike slowly got up and walked over to pick it up. He looked closely at it. This was the same pillow he used to have on his bed years ago: the one that Sludge made off with when he left after admitting he was not his father. Spike looked out the huge hole in the wall and got a closer look at the raging dragon.

“No…it can’t be.”

“Spike, what’s wrong?” Buttercream asked.

“Butter, remember when I told you about Sludge?”

“You mean the guy who lied about being…oh wait, you don’t think-”

“Yes. That’s him. That’s Sludge.”

Spike took another look at the dragon. It was hard to tell at first since his colors were a slightly darker shade and his physique was similar to most dragons going through rage mode, but he could tell it was definitely Sludge. After taking the pillow, he obviously couldn’t help himself with taking other things. The treasure he found at sea probably caused him to start entering his greed-induced state again until he was in rage mode permanently.

“EVERYBODY, GET OUT OF HERE!” Smite shouted to them as he blocked the hole.

“HE’S RIGHT! RUN!!” Scorch hollered.

Everyone left the room where the treasure had spilled. Smite was grabbed and thrown aside by Sludge who began clawing away at all the treasure he lost in the cave-in. Smite came up behind him, but Sludge was so driven now to keep everything that he barely budged when Smite tried to pull him off. Several other dragons came in to help, but Sludge turned his head and blew fire at them till they backed away. He finished retrieving everything and made off again, only leaving behind a few gold coins and crystals. Spike had also managed to keep the pillow from him. This time, Sludge flew quickly out of range of His Elevated Eminence’s eyes so he could not be blasted. He flew up behind the mighty mountain and landed in the top of his crater where he set the ship inside.

Smite, we are clearly at an impasse,” His Elevated Eminence called. “Let him stay up there and I will concentrate my powers. Perhaps I can chase him away once I’ve recharged.”

Smite sighed and hung his head. He flew down to land in the valley below to rest after all the action. Spike and the others returned to the edge of the cave-in and watched their king as he knelt in defeat.

“Now what?” asked Annie.

“I guess we wait,” Barb responded. “If His Elevated Eminence can concentrate his powers, he should be able to create a surge of magic that will annoy that dragon until he leaves. At least that dragon won’t be able to reach his heart stone. We’d be doomed if he got a hold of it.”

“Yeah, but he’ll just keep trying to take over other mountains in Nordo Dracos regardless. We’ll never get him to Oster Dracos,” Singe said.

“Princess Barb, will we all have to move away from here?” asked one of the female baby dragons, walking up to Barb.

“We’ll be fine, Flicker,” Barb said, kneeling down to console the little dragon. “But I just hope that dragon leaves His Elevated Eminence alone.”

“I think I know how to stop him,” Spike said, stepping forward with the pillow.

“What? Spike, what do you mean?” Flurry asked.

“That dragon is Sludge. This is the pillow he took when he left years ago.”

The kids all gasped as they noticed the pillow. They had all heard this story and knew what Spike was talking about.

“Wait, Spike, are you trying to say you can persuade him?” asked Scorch.

“Yes. It worked with me and Buttercream, it can work with him too.”

“Spike, wait!” called Barb.

Spike flew down to where Smite was kneeling. He had his hand over his forehead and looked very lost. He noticed Spike landing next to him.

“Spike? Son, are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m okay, Dad. Are you?”

“I took quite a beating, but it’s nothing. Spike, I’m so sorry this happened when you came to see me. We’ve never had a wrangling go this wrong before, at least not while I was king.”

“It’s okay, Dad. I think I know how we can stop that dragon.”

“What? How?”

“I know who he is. His name is Sludge.”

“Wait, you know this guy?”

“He came to Ponyville years ago and told me he was my father. Turns out he wasn’t; he just wanted a life of luxury in the castle I was living in at that time. He used me.”

“He lied about being your father?”

“Yeah, but I can’t help but feel like there’s still good in him. Right after he came clean, he willingly took off. All he left with was this pillow. Obviously his greed got the best of him over time.”

“Spike, that dragon’s gone permanent. He won’t turn back. Dragons that can’t be wrangled have to be sent to Oster Dracos to live with the wyverns.”

“But if I could talk to him, maybe he’ll listen. That’s what happened with Buttercream and it worked with me too. All it took was for my old friend Rarity to show me that fire ruby. I gave it to her as a gift and it caused me to remember her.”

“Butter told me about how Nightwatch did something similar, but who’s Rarity?”

“A unicorn girl I care about. She didn’t even know I was the huge rampaging dragon that captured her when it happened. It required barely any effort. I can stop him but I’m gonna need your help.”

“Spike, it’s too dangerous. We’ve only just met and I can’t put my own son whom I’ve been missing all these years in harm’s way.”

“Please, Dad. I want to help. I’m probably the only one who can do this.”

“Will he even remember you? Did he treat you right at all when you thought he was your father?”

“I mean he did take advantage of me, but I think a part of him still cared. Dad, I’ve been brought up all my life to see the good in others. I’ve been like a brother to the Princess of Friendship herself. She’s taught me so much.”

“Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“Yes. And Princess Flurry Heart here has already helped out with reforming two major villains. We even got Lord Tirek to listen recently.” Spike said as Flurry stood next to him.

“It’s true, King Smite,” she said.

“So that was you guys.”

Smite stood still for a while to think. He was too afraid to let his own son he had just gotten to know near such a dragon, but he had a feeling he could trust Spike to do the right thing. He could already see Spike had had a wholesome upbringing. The Northern Drakes had always stressed the importance of family and building close bonds with communities, and much like Buttercream, Spike had been taught to do the same. He looked back to see Chara and the others behind him. Chara nodded her head to let him know she agreed with Spike. Smite finally turned back to his son and smiled.

“Alright, Spike. I’ll go with you. Just stay in my hands and do the talking. I’ll be there in case things get messy.”

Spike smiled back to his father and walked right into Smite’s large claws. Smite spread his wings and took flight, slowly ascending towards the top of His Elevated Eminence’s peak where Sludge had already made himself comfortable.

“I hope he knows what he’s doing,” Barb said, anxiously.

“Spike has a heart of gold, Barb,” Flurry replied confidently. “He’s got this.”