• Published 7th Jan 2023
  • 3,395 Views, 221 Comments

Flurry Heart’s Story: Go North, Young Dragon - AleximusPrime

A familiar dragon arrives in Ponyville to give Spike some news that will change his life forever.

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1. An Unexpected Visitor

Above the rooftops in Ponyville flew a chubby female dragon. She was yellow with pink spikes, a bright yellow underbelly and lovely blue eyes. She was a young adult dragon that could have been the same age as Spike though she stood a bit shorter than him. She was very happy to be in Ponyville, for she too had spent all her life surrounded by ponies and was very fond of them. This young dragoness was Buttercream. Ponies of Equestria knew about her through a recent video game that had been released titled “Super Dragon Warriors” in which she was a playable character. Buttercream had been spending the past few years reaching out to dragons all around. She would often send them random presents in an effort to strengthen bonds with the dragons and ponies. She had been on many adventures in the past with her adoptive unicorn brother Nightwatch, but fortuitous circumstances kept her from ever meeting Spike or any of his friends until now. She was in Ponyville for a very personal and important mission.

“So this is Ponyville,” she said, happily, “This place reminds me a lot of Daleshire. So homey and welcoming!”

“Sis, look! Is that who I think it is?” shouted a young unicorn colt below.

“It’s Buttercream the dragon!” his sister replied.

“Hey down there!” Buttercream said as she turned and landed to greet the little ponies.

“Buttercream! We love playing as you in ‘Super Dragon Warriors!’” said the colt.

“You’re my favorite character!” his sister exclaimed as she gave Buttercream a hug.

“Daw, I appreciate that!” Buttercream replied, patting her on the head. “I think they kinda need to nerf the Cupcake-Throw move, but I love playing as me too! I’m more of a Smelt kinda gal, but my brother plays as me all the time!”

“Oh that’s right! You were raised by unicorns, weren’t you?”

“Sure was! Just like you guys!”

“Well hey, I’m Pine Cone and this is my sister Fern!” said the colt.

“It’s great to meet you guys!”

“Kids? What’s going on?” asked a stallion walking out of the house with his wife.

“Daddy, Daddy! Look! It’s Buttercream the Dragon! She’s in that one video game we play!” shouted Fern.

“Oh my goodness, that is her!” said her mom. “She looks just like she does in the game!”

“Yeah, I’m one of the few they got the look right for,” Buttercream said. “They kinda took some liberties with the designs of the more historical characters. Hehe.”

“Mom, can we get a picture with her before she leaves?” asked Pine Cone.

“Sure dear!”

The mother unicorn went inside real quick to get a camera. She came out and Buttercream kneeled down behind the kids with her arms around them.

“Alright! Say cheese!”


The camera flashed and all three of them smiled. She took a few more photos in case the first one failed.

“Well thank you so much for coming by, Miss Buttercream!” said their mom.

“These kids really love that game. It’s great to see one of their heroes stop by!” their dad added.

“It was my pleasure, everypony!” Buttercream responded. “And I’ll probably see you again cuz I might be staying here a lot more frequently.”

“You will?” the kids both said.

“I am definitely considering it! By the way, do you guys know where I can find Spike the dragon? Princess Celestia told me he should be here in Ponyville at the moment and I really need to talk to him.”

“Spike? Yeah, he should be over at the Crystal Castle over there looking after Princess Flurry Heart and her friends,” their dad said, pointing to the castle in the distance.

“Ah, I see it! Thank you so much! Oh, here kids: a little present before I go.”

Buttercream reached into a satchel she was carrying and took out two small pillows. One of them was navy blue and had a picture of a telescope on it while the other one was yellow with little pink pom-poms along its side and had the message “You Can Do It!” written in blue letters.

“Aw, mine looks like you!” said Fern.

“Thank you, Buttercream,” said Pine Cone.

“My unicorn mama made those herself. And Pine Cone, yours has the cutie mark of my brother. Take good care of them!”

“BYE BUTTERCREAM!” said the unicorn family as the chubby dragon took off to search Ponyville for Spike.

“Bye Pine Cone! Bye Fern! Till we meet again!”

In the front lawn of the Crystal Castle, Flurry and all her friends were sitting down on a blanket, eating snacks and listening to a song by Melody Heartsong on Pumpkin’s boom box.

“Feels so good to listen to her music,” Flurry said, calmly.

“Yeah, especially after the other day,” Pumpkin added.

“You guys think we’ll ever meet Melody like we did Rara?” asked Annie.

“We might. Rara said Melody’s in an apartment in Canterlot right now but is thinking of moving to Ponyville,” said Flurry.

“Wow, really?” asked Pound. “That would be great to see her perform in concert!”

“Yeah, plus she sounds really friendly too,” added Chip.

“GUYS!” shouted Stormy who was looking at something off to the side.

“Stormy, what is it?” asked Pound.

“Look! Is that who I think it is?!”

Everyone looked to see what Stormy was pointing at. They saw Buttercream flying in towards the castle. She had just noticed them all and was waving.

“IT’S BUTTERCREAM THE DRAGON!!!” screeched Pumpkin as she leapt in the air with her legs flailing around.

“Hey, kids!” shouted Buttercream as she landed and ran over to meet them.

The kids all gathered around her and stared in amazement. Aside from Ember, they never thought they’d meet one of the characters from “Super Dragon Warriors” in the flesh.

“Buttercream? Is that really you?!” asked Flurry with her hooves on her cheeks.

“It’s really me! And you must be Princess Flurry Heart!"

"Yes, I'm Flurry, and these are my friends: Pound Cake, Pumpkin Cake, Apple Chip, Annie Smith, and Storm Streak!"

"It's great seeing you kids! I’m guessing you guys have played my game too?”

“Yeah, we unlocked you a few weeks ago!” Chip said.

“You’re my favorite character!” Pumpkin said as she hugged Buttercream’s plump, soft belly.

“Daw, thanks! I get that quite a lot!”

“It’s so awesome to see one of the Super Dragon Warriors characters here like this!” beamed Stormy as he flew around and examined Buttercream.

“You look just like you do in the game!” Annie said.

“Minus the polygons and the pixelated irises,” Chip added.

“Is it true you can stun someone by blowing a kiss to them?” Stormy asked.

“Hehe, I wish, but that’s just a typical video game effect. I can give some really strong hugs, but I’ll only demonstrate the softer version of that on you cuties!” Buttercream said as she held Flurry like a kitten.

“Aw!” Flurry giggled.

“So kids, do any of you guys know where I can find Spike?”

“Spike? Yeah, he’s inside right now doing some cleaning to the castle,” Pound answered.

Buttercream let Flurry go and then looked to the castle.

“The castle? He’s inside right now?” she asked.

“That’s the one! You wanna go talk to him? I’m sure he’d love to see another dragon, especially one from his favorite video game.” Pumpkin told her.

Buttercream suddenly looked scared. She took a gulp and started fanning herself with one of her hands.

“Oooooh! I can’t do this! I’m too nervous! What if he doesn’t believe me?”

“Uh...are you okay?” Flurry asked.

“I’m okay, it’s just…well, I might as well tell you kids right now, but then I gotta go tell him right away. Just a fair warning: this is huuuuuuuge news and it’s going to blow all your minds!”

“News? What sort of news?” Stormy asked.

“Alright, come on in…”

All the kids got closer to Buttercream as she whispered something into their ears.

All was silent inside the castle until the front doors swung open. Flurry entered and started screaming. She had never been more excited in her life.

“AAAAAGH! SPIKE! SPIKE, WHERE ARE YOU?! WE HAVE SOMEONE YOU NEED TO MEET!” she shouted as she zoomed down the hall.

The rest of them followed Flurry while Pound and Pumpkin pushed Buttercream along, sliding her over the ground.

“Do you think he’ll like me?” she asked nervously.

“Like you?! What kind of soulless monster doesn’t like Buttercream the dragon?! He’s gonna love you!” Pumpkin replied, exuberantly.

“I think his favorite character to play as is Grumblebog, but he loves playing as you too, so I’m sure he’ll be fine with you in real life,” Pound added. “I mean he has to be now that we know this!”

“You know what, you’re right. Based on everything Princess Celestia told me, he’s a really good dragon. Plus I’m sure he’ll be so happy to hear this news. I know I was!”

Feeling confident, Buttercream started walking on her own and followed the kids. Flurry led them into a room where Spike was positioning a portrait on the wall. He had just finished and went airborne to check its alignment from a distance. Suddenly, Flurry and the others entered and didn’t waste any time shouting for him.

“SPIKE!” Flurry hollered as the others joined in.

“Kids, what’s going on?” Spike asked.

Just as Spike turned around, he saw Buttercream enter the room. For a second he thought he was playing Super Dragon Warriors.

“Huh? Whoa! Is…is that?”

“It’s Buttercream, Spike!” Stormy shouted.

“We wanted you to meet her! She’s got something she needs to tell you!” Flurry added, not being able to keep in her enthusiasm.

Buttercream smiled bashfully with her hands behind her back. She trembled but still managed to speak.

“Hey, Spike,” she said anxiously.

“Buttercream…I never thought I’d meet someone from Super Dragon Warriors this soon! It’s great to see you!” Spike said, walking forward to shake her hand.

“I’m just so sorry it took me this long to find you. Honestly, this should have happened years ago; things just got in the way. I guess now is better than never.”

“Uh…what do you mean?”

“Well…you see…”

Buttercream started sweating and looked behind her. The kids had huge smiles on their faces and nodded their heads.

“Go on! Tell him!” Flurry whispered.

“I’ve always wondered where I came from, so I finally went searching for my parents the other day and I…I found them in Nordo Dracos…you know, the land of the Northern Drakes. They told me everything: apparently, my egg was stolen by a roc years ago and landed in a forest in Daleshire where I grew up with my unicorn family, but here’s the thing: I learned there was another egg next to me…a purple egg…your egg.”

Spike’s eyes widened and his heart nearly stopped at hearing this. He already knew what was going on, but he was not ready for this news.

“Princess Celestia showed me the remains of your egg. I took it to my real dragon parents and they confirmed it along with my own. The roc that Celestia rescued you from must have dropped my egg first in Daleshire, which is right between Nordo Dracos and Canterlot. Spike, don’t you see? I’m your sister. Me and you…we’re twins.”

The kids continued to smile and Flurry looked like she was ready to cry. Spike stepped back a few feet. He began to tremble. He had waited all his life to hear anything about his parents or siblings, and now he was standing face to face with a dragon he already knew about that was his own blood this entire time. Not only that, but the rest of his family was out there. A warm and happy feeling came over him. He put his hands over his heart and began to smile as tears formed in his eyes.

“Buttercream the dragon is my sister? I’ve…I’ve found my family?”

Spike locked eyes with Buttercream. She smiled and started crying too. For a few seconds they just stared as their lips quivered. Finally they both opened their arms and embraced each other in a big warm hug. The kids all started whooping and shouting for joy. Spike and his sister hugged for what seemed like an hour.

“I’m so happy I finally found you!” she cried.

“I can’t believe we finally met! Like, I’ve already forgotten that you’re famous through a video game. You’re not just that to me anymore, Buttercream… You’re my sister!”

“I’ve always wondered where I came from, but I still had good ponies taking care of me this entire time that I wouldn’t have traded for the world. Now I’ve got two families!”

“What took you so long to find me exactly?”

“It’s kind of a long story.”

They both stopped hugging and parted as the kids danced around them.

“SPIKE, YOU ARE BUTTERCREAM’S BROTHER!!” shouted Pumpkin as she used her magic to float herself next to Spike.

“This is the coolest thing ever!” Stormy added as he flew around them in circles.

“Spike, I’m so happy for you!” Flurry said, wiping her tears. “I thought we’d never find your family!”

“I thought I never would either! I got pretty discouraged about it after that whole ordeal with Sludge, but Buttercream’s right: better now than never!”

“Uh, kids, Spike, what’s going on in here?” said Starlight Glimmer as she walked in with Sunburst and Trixie.

“Guys! We just found one of Spike’s family members! Or rather, she found us!” Pumpkin told them.

“Wait what?! Miss, you’re related to him?!” Sunburst said, adjusting his glasses, which nearly fell off.

“This is Buttercream the dragon! She’s from that one video game we play called ‘Super Dragon Warriors!’” Stormy told them.

“Wait, that’s Buttercream!?” Trixie exclaimed. “I’ve played that game before and that is her! Sweet Mother of Twilight Sparkle, Spike! You’re related to a celebrity!”

“He sure is!” Buttercream said as she hugged Spike again.

Spike stared up at the ceiling as he wiped more tears from his eyes. He continued to hug the chubby little dragoness as they rocked back and forth and everyone else continued to talk amongst each other. All he could think about was the fact that he had finally found someone he was related to and that his questions about where he came from were finally being answered. This was already the happiest day of his life.