• Published 15th Jan 2023
  • 201 Views, 1 Comments

Star Wars: The Dark Side of Everfree - sonicdash123

Having trouble getting over the dark past, Charming Thunder goes camping with his school of Canterlot High. A mysterious magical presence is also in the air during their trip.

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Chapter 7: The Crystal Gala

Everyone was cleaning up the camp grounds while Charming Thunder had an ice pack on his head while standing next to Celestia and Luna. Gloriosa approached and said, “I am so sorry. I only wanted this to be the best week Camp Everfree has ever had. Then instead I've made it the worst. Maybe it's for the best that I'm losing the camp to Filthy Rich.”

“No,” Celestia said. “It's not. This camp has meant so much to so many people, my sister and me included.”

“Why do you think we wanted our students to come here?” Luna asked.

“They’re right,” Charming Thunder said after removing the ice pack from his head and tossing it aside.

“We can't let Filthy Rich take this place away!” Twilight added. “If camp meant so much to you two, maybe it meant as much to the other campers who came here in years past.”

“And maybe we can get them to help save it!” Sunset said.

“Like a fundraiser?” Applejack suggested.

“Or a ball?!” Rarity added.

“Our band could play!” Rainbow shouted.

“I could help write a new song just for the occasion!” Fluttershy said.

“With one of our photographers from Canterlot High in charge of advertising it, of course,” Peter said.

“Those are all good ideas, but where would we hold it?” Gloriosa asked.

“We could hold it in the crystal cave!” Sunset said.

“A Crystal Ball?!” Rarity said. “I’m on it!”

“I admire everyone's enthusiasm,” Gloriosa said. “Really, I do. But I-I just don't know how we're going to plan a ball by tomorrow and invite everyone.”

“What was the phrase you always said before, Gloriosa?” Charming Thunder asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

“We got this!” Charming Thunder, Peter, and the girls said in unison.

“Just think of the results of this event!” Peter said.


I’ll be working on dresses, including some suits
To see people wearing them at the ball
It may take time for preparations to finish
Poised and polished and gleaming with charm
I'll be courting again, chic and sporting again

Rainbow Dash

Which may cause several girlfriends alarm

“True!” Charming Thunder said with a laugh as Rarity blushed.


Let’s all grab a table


And always be yourself

Sunset Shimmer

And hopefully save the camp as well

Sunset went through the checklist for the Crystal Ball in the cave while students helped with the decorations.


When we save the camp
From being bought
When it will forever be a nature resort

Pinkie Pie

Little push, little shove
People could, whoosh, fall in love


Ah cherie, won’t it always go well?
I'll wear lipstick and rouge and a really fancy dress
That will fit the theme of the ball
I’ll exude know how, wear makeup, and hair brushed
It’s my prayer to make it succeed

Charming Thunder taught Fluttershy how to interact with the raptor while the two were taking a break from setting up the ball.

Charming Thunder

When we save the camp
From being bought
When that man finally leaves this place alone
I could unwind for a change

“Really?” Fluttershy asked. “That is new for you.”

Did I even notice when I got t-t-tense
Reading a book on a boat, while sipping some tea
Let my new life commence
Far from those darn mosquitos, I’ll get down to hang out with my friends


Back at the cave entrance, some campers moved some rocks away from the opening and some from inside to make some space.


When we save the camp
So lift up some rocks
And put them all aside
We can feel, we can tell
Someone might cast a spell anytime now

Rarity used her magic to make a diamond chandelier over the area where the ball is going to be held.


Shine up the room with diamonds


Inform people around town


If all goes as planned
Our time may be at hand anytime now

Fluttershy rolled out a welcoming rug with Spike’s help.


Lay out the rug to welcome some guests

Fluttershy then looked at some birds holding some lights on wire.

Put those here and those over there


Sweep up the years of pride and joy
And bring in new ones

Pinkie brought in a tray of cupcakes and decided to put sprinkles which accidentally caused them to explode in her face.


Twilight was reading a book at a picnic table until Timber arrived. “Not to brag or anything, but it's pretty cool how I saved all those campers from those rubus fruticosus,” he said before rephrasing. “Blackberry brambles.”

“I'm familiar with the genus,” Twilight said. “It's just a little weird for you to say you saved the campers. I thought I saved them.”

“Yeah. But I saved you from falling on the docks so that you could save the campers. So technically, it was all me.” Twilight giggled. “You know, you are not the only hero of this camp.” Timber pointed to Charming Thunder who was petting the raptor. “Who knew that your friend there was able to tame an actual velociraptor by himself. Not to mention an expert on robotics as well. You deserve to be with a guy like him.” Twilight blushed at the thought.

“You are right about that, Timber. It’s like Sunset once told me; everyone deserves a second chance. I am glad to meet a friend like you, Timber.” Timber began to take his leave as Charming Thunder walked past him. He winked at him to wish him luck before gently punching him on the arm. Charming Thunder then noticed the title of the book she was reading and decided to recite a quote from it.

“When Guinevere heard that Arthur was slain, she stole away to a convent and no one could ever make her smile again,” Charming Thunder said. Twilight smiled and gently closed the book after bookmarking it. “That was a beautiful story you once read to me.” Twilight chuckled as she remembered.

“It was your favorite after all.” Charming Thunder sat down across from Twilight. “I’m glad you came on over here because I wanted to ask you something.”

“Anything, Twilight.” Twilight then placed her hand on his as he blushed.

“Would you like to dance with me at the ball when the day comes?” Charming Thunder’s eyes widened at the fact that Twilight Sparkle, the girl he loved, is asking him to dance with her.

“Dance? Me? With you?” Twilight nodded with a smile. “Well, that would be, I mean--” Charming Thunder then smiled as he placed his other hand on hers. “Oh, why the heck not!”


With final preparations being made, the campers deserved some R&R to do some camp activities before the night of the Crystal Ball.


When we save the camp
From being bought
When this party finally begins
Cheeks a-bloomin' again, we're assuming again
We’ll resume our school camping trip

We’ll be playing again, gazing at some stars
Maybe tell some more scary stories
We can go sailing or canoeing
Do some arts and crafts
And go on some nature walks
Thanks to him, thanks to them
Drawing closer and closer and closer
Closer and closer and--

We’ll be dancing tonight, we’ll be twirling tonight
We’ll be whirling around with such ease
When we save the camp
From being bought
We'll go waltzing those old one-two-threes
We’ll be rock climbing after, we’ll be swimming after
Enjoying our week as it should be
Like the way this place should be, we’ll be young like before
But on that night when we will finally
Save this camp from being bought!

Pinkie tossed some sprinkles in the air to make fireworks as the campers cheered with their preparations for the Crystal Ball has come to a close.


Inside the aquamarine tent, Charming Thunder was making the final touches to his suit and tie as Spike rushed in to see him. “Tonight is the night, Charming,” he announced as he jumped up on the bed.

“I’m not sure if I can do this,” Charming Thunder said, nervously.

“There is no way you are turning away from Twilight this time. You must be bold and daring.”

“Bold and daring, huh?” Charming Thunder then began to brush his hair while looking at a mirror.

“There will be music provided by the Rainbooms themselves and romantic lights, and when the time is right, you can confess your feelings for Twilight.” Charming Thunder then puts gel on his brushed hair and looks at himself.

“Yes, I ca--” Charming Thunder then looked nervous. “No, I can’t.”

“You care for Twilight since you reunited with her, didn’t you?” Spike then jumps up, letting Charming Thunder catch him.

“More than life itself.”

“Well then you must tell her. What are you even afraid of?”

“Nothing, Spike. Nothing at all.” Charming Thunder then puts Spike down on the ground as he shows him his outfit for the ball. “How do I look?”

“Like you are ready.” Charming Thunder smiled as Spike gave a thumbs up. Peter then entered the tent with his suit on and cleared his throat to get their attention.

“Our dates await,” Peter said as Charming Thunder nodded before walking with him to the crystal cave.


Charming Thunder had a cup of punch while he looked around to see people having fun. The stage was set up for the band and Fluttershy was with the velociraptor with people who wanted to pet it with everything he explained to her. He then remembered hearing from Sunset about the necklaces that she and the other girls were meant to have them. He also remembered that Timber thanked him for attempting to save Gloriosa from herself. Although he regretted fighting her before her transformation, he was glad that Gloriosa is doing alright now. He saw Sunset leave Peter to take the stage with the other Rainbooms to get ready to play a song. He gulped the rest of his drink and put the cup in the trash. A slow dance song was being played as he loved the sound of the tune. He noticed Twilight approaching in her beautiful dress. He was amazed with how she looked. He then approached her with a smile as she smiled back. “You look beautiful,” he complimented.

Twilight blushed before she replied, “And you look stunning in a suit. It has been a while since I have seen you wear one. Although....” She then approached Charming Thunder as he blushed. She then fixed his tie for him with her magic. “You still need to work on that tie.” He chuckled. She genuflects to him as Charming Thunder bows. They then walked to the dance floor arm to arm to join the others. Sunset then stood close to the mic.

Sunset Shimmer

Tale as old as time
True as fate can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody falls

Just a little push
Courage in the heart
Maybe a little scared
Or prepared for anything
Love brings in harmony

Charming Thunder then places his hand on Twilight’s waist as the two begin to dance together. Spike watched with Peter as the two danced.

Ever remained the same
Ever a surprise
Just like before
But gets even better
As the sun begins to rise

A light shines as a spotlight over Charming Thunder and Twilight from the diamond chandelier Rarity made.

Tale as old as time
Hearts beat for each other
Very sweet and beautiful
Finding that one can change
Learning they were wrong

Twilight placed her head on Charming Thunder’s chest and sighed as he smiled. “There has been something I have been wanting to tell you since we reunited,” Charming Thunder said.

“Hmm?” Twilight said as she enjoyed the moment together.

“Even though I thought you moved on since that incident, I--” Twilight hushed him with her finger on his lips. She then looked at him with a smile.

“I was going to tell you the same thing as well, you know. I love you, Charming. No matter what you are.” Charming Thunder smiled.

“Twilight....” Charming Thunder and Twilight pressed their lips together for a kiss as they danced. They broke the kiss as they smiled at each other.

Certain as the sun
At the dawn of day
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Love brings in harmony

Twilight giggled as Charming Thunder twirled her as the song almost came to an end. They then came close together again and continued to dance.

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Love brings in harmony

Twilight and Charming Thunder’s foreheads met each other softly as they both closed their eyes with a smile. The audience clapped at the end of the song while the two walked over to Sunset and the others who were now off of the stage. “It’s adorable to see you two together,” Rarity said. The two then blushed as they were still holding hands.

Charming Thunder talked with Twilight together as Peter and Sunset observed drinking their cup of punch. Peter then chuckled a little. Sunset gently punched his arm. “What?” she asked.

“Reminds me of the time when we first met,” Peter said. “You were showing me around the school as I became a new student. Way after the Fall Formal?” Sunset chuckled a little.

“Yeah. You had glasses back then.”

“Until I was bitten by a radioactive spider on that one field trip.” Peter then held Sunset’s hand. “You know that I love you, right?”

“Of course.” Sunset then pecked Peter on the cheek with a smile. The two then noticed Twilight and Charming Thunder walking up on stage.

“What are they doing?”

“They were going to sing a song for everyone with the band playing. I heard that it is a song they both wrote for each other.” Music began to quietly play as the two detached their mics. Twilight hummed to the tune of the song. Before the lyrics came, Charming Thunder regained the courage after being nervous before he sang first.

Charming Thunder

I was the one who left it all
I was the one who decided my own fate
I was too late to realize how wrong I was
It’s like a snowflake in a fiery grip
While I tried to shake away the pain

Twilight Sparkle

I took a step through the door

Charming Thunder

I close my eyes to make it go away

Twilight Sparkle

Let me help you

Charming Thunder

I always let her into my heart

Twilight Sparkle

To heal your pain

Charming Thunder (overlapping)

How much more can I even take

Charming Thunder looked at Sunset for a moment and then back at the audience.

Charming Thunder and Twilight Sparkle

Now I know she’ll/I’ll never leave me/you

Charming Thunder

Even as I run away

Twilight Sparkle

I still loved you then

Twilight then hummed to the tune of the song as Charming Thunder sang.

Charming Thunder

She may still torment me
Calm me, hurt me
Move me, fight by my side
Lost alone in the dark room

Twilight Sparkle

Did you call for me?

Charming Thunder

Until a bright light shines at me

Twilight Sparkle

I hurried to your aid

Charming Thunder

I fooled myself, she walked in

Twilight placed her hand on her heart.

Twilight Sparkle

In here

Charming Thunder and Twilight Sparkle

And stayed with me/you for evermore

Charming Thunder walked to the side of the stage.

Charming Thunder

I once cursed this feeling I had

Twilight Sparkle

I sensed the good in you

Charming Thunder

The pain that it gave me

Twilight Sparkle

I was there to redeem him

Peter wrapped his arm around Sunset as the two enjoyed listening to the most romantic song ever sung. Charming Thunder returned to his spot on the stage.

Charming Thunder

Though I left her after my own fault
It was the wrong thing to do

Twilight Sparkle (overlapping)

It was the right thing I did

Charming Thunder and Twilight Sparkle

Now I know she’ll/I’ll never leave me/you

Charming Thunder

Even as she fades from view

Twilight Sparkle (overlapping)

I’m someone who cared for you

Twilight hummed to the tune of the song again.

Charming Thunder

She has always inspired me
Been a part of everything I do
Lost alone in the dark room
Until a bright light shines at me

Charming Thunder and Twilight looked at each other as they sang.

Twilight Sparkle

I reached out for you

Charming Thunder

I fooled myself, she walked in

Twilight Sparkle

To hold your hand

Twilight held Charming Thunder’s hand before looking back at the audience.

Charming Thunder

And as tonight will soon come to an end

Twilight Sparkle

With nothing to fear

Charming Thunder

I'll think of all I might have been
Waiting here

Twilight Sparkle (overlapping)

We’re together now

Charming Thunder and Twilight Sparkle

For evermore

The audience cheered when the song came to an end. Pinkie Pie wipes off a tear on her face with a tissue after playing the song for Twilight and Charming Thunder.

Outside of the cave as the party resumed, Charming Thunder sat down with Twilight as they gazed at the stars together. She then pointed towards a constellation as he saw it as well. “That is Aquila,” she said.

“It looks like it is shaped like one of my favorite types of birds; the hawk,” Charming Thunder said. “You know what?”


“Maybe I would like to sing on stage one day with the girls. I sang at a school talent show once with my voice and won the whole thing.” Charming Thunder then chuckled. “That was way before I met you.”

“Really? I had no idea. You should bring that up with Sunset and the others.” Twilight sighed as she rested her head on Charming Thunder’s shoulder. “You know, when I thought I was going to let Midnight take control of me, my friends were there to help me.” She then nudged his shoulder. “Tell me you love me. I want to hear you say it this time.” Charming Thunder then looked at Twilight’s face with a smile.

“I love you. I love you so much. I always have.” Twilight smiled before she kissed Charming Thunder on the lips again. The two then broke the kiss as Twilight realized something.

“Hey, what about that velociraptor? Have you thought about keeping it now that you tamed it?” Charming Thunder thought for a moment and then nodded.

“I did come up with a name for her though. How does Blue sound? It’s because of the blue pattern on her scales.”

“I think that is a nice name.” Twilight then got up and stretched as Charming Thunder did the same. “I am so beat. What do you say we grab some shut eye at our tents?” He smiled with a nod as the two held hands to walk back to the camping ground.


Comments ( 1 )

No offense, but the blonde mf on the cover looks like tommyinit

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