> Star Wars: The Dark Side of Everfree > by sonicdash123 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... STAR WARS FRIENDSHIP OLYMPICS After the events of the Friendship Games, a field trip has been proposed by Principal Celestia to go camping at the Everfree Forest. Charming Thunder relearned the ways to fight from Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, as he struggles to be rid of his past guilt during his time as the evil Green Goblin. With Twilight Sparkle also plagued by nightmares, the bus taking the students to Camp Everfree almost arrive at their destination while Charming Thunder takes advice from Sunset Shimmer.... > Chapter 1: Settling In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Twilight woke up from a nightmare, she gazed out the window on her side of the bus. She then looked back at Sunset. “Hey, Sunset?” she whispered. Sunset looked up at Twilight. “Where is Charming Thunder seated?” “Back of the bus by himself,” Sunset said. “Why? Something wrong?” “Just wanted to check on him.” Sunset looked back at Charming Thunder who was sound asleep in the back of the bus then looked back at Twilight. “He has been through a lot, you know? It’s like he feels that he wants to be alone or something.” “Probably couldn’t get his past out of his mind. At least Peter is with us as well. Not just for taking photos.” Sunset blushed and rubbed the back of her head. Since the students of Canterlot High found out that he was Spider-Man, she has been dating him after the events of the Friendship Games. She then shook her head at the thought.  “It would probably be best that you wait to talk to him until we get to camp.” Twilight nodded and sat back down before the bus arrived at their destination. At the camping grounds, the bus was being unloaded with bags while the students went for them. "Isn't Camp Everfree just beautiful?" Fluttershy asked. "I can't wait until we have our first nature walk." "I definitely wanna go on one of those," Spike said. "You wanna see all the adorable woodland creatures, too?" "Yeah! Specifically squirrels. More specifically, so I can chase 'em!" Spike barked and panted for joy. "I'm just lookin' forward to roughin' it.," Applejack said. "I'm gonna make my own shelter, forage for food..." "Uh, you know they provide us with food and tents, right?" Rainbow said. "Yup! Still gonna forage though." "I'm just after some R&R," Rarity said with a sigh. "The past year has all been a bit too much for my tastes." “I'll say!” Pinkie added. "We fought three evil sirens who tried to hypnotize everybody with their singing, one ridiculously competitive rival school, two demon friends, and an emerald elf on a glider!” Good thing Charming Thunder wasn’t out to hear the last part. “Uh, no offense.” “None taken,” Sunset said. She leaned towards Twilight. “You’ll get used to it.” “Yep,” Applejack said. “Canterlot High has become a regular magic magnet. Gonna be nice gettin' away to a place where we don't have to worry about that kinda stuff.” Flash arrived holding Twilight’s backpack. “Here you go, Twilight,” Flash said. “Thanks," Twilight said. “It's...Flash, right?” “Yup, that's me! And you're you. And we don't know each other very well.” “Right. I guess I'll... see you around.” “You know how there's that girl who looks just like you when she's here but lives in another dimension and she's a pony princess?” Sunset asked. “Uh-huh,” Twilight said. “Flash kinda had a....thing for her.” Twilight then noticed Charming Thunder step out of the bus with a yawn. He had his backpack in his hand. She rushed on over to him. “Hey, Charming.” “Huh?” Charming Thunder said before noticing Twilight. “Oh, hey.” “Hey, you okay?” “Yeah. Just needed some sleep during the ride. Why?” “Well, you haven’t--” P.A feedback was heard as students covered their ears from how loud it was. “Hey, everyone!" a female said from the P.A. "If you could start heading to the courtyard, that would be rad! It's time to start the best week of camp ever!” “You were saying?” Charming Thunder asked. “Maybe after we settled in,” Twilight reassured. Spike barked as everyone gathered at the camp courtyard to see a girl holding a mic and a man standing next to her. “Hi, everyone!” the girl greeted. “Welcome to Camp Everfree! I'm Gloriosa Daisy, your camp director! Think of me as your friendly camp and nature guide. And this is my brother, Timber Spruce!” Timber grabbed the mic and did tricks with it. “Think of me as that awesome guy...who should always be invited to fun things.” “We aim to please, so before we hand out our tent assignments, we'd like to hear from all of you. You're free to do whatever you like here.” “Uh, except hike near the rock quarry. That's off-limits." Timber turned to look at Twilight as Gloriosa continued. Charming Thunder looked at Twilight then back as he listened. “Y-Yes, but otherwise, your options are wide open. So what activities will make this the very best week of your lives ever?” “Rock climbing!” Rainbow said. “Done!” “Archery!” “Of course!” “Tetherball!” “Naturally!” “Rainbow, I know you're excited, but maybe give somebody else a chance to make a suggestion,” Sunset said as Charming Thunder rolled his eyes with a smile. “Arts and crafts!” Bulk said. “My mom....needs new pot holders.” I’ll supply the looms!” Gloriosa said. “Cookie decorating!” Pinkie said. “Ooh, I do make a mean sugar cookie.” “Early morning nature walks?” Fluttershy asked. “With walking sticks for everyone!” “Something I would want to do myself,” Charming Thunder said to himself. “A fashion show!” Rarity said. “Where I design the most fabulous camp looks inspired by today's hottest trends and have them modeled by my classmates in a gorgeous outdoor setting!” “A camp tradition!” Gloriosa said. Timber and Gloriosa then started talking which Peter got concerned about. He didn’t make out what they were saying since he was standing next to Sunset. “What about the camp gift?” Celestia asked. “That was my favorite Camp Everfree tradition.” “The camp gift! Of course!” The two talked again which made Charming Thunder concerned as well. “Every year, campers work together to create something useful. A gift for future campers. Working toward this common goal is key to forming the strong bonds that will last well beyond your time here at camp! Which is why it's so important. This gazebo was a gift from last year's group. Oh, oh, oh, and the totem pole and the sundial were also made by campers!” “The sundial was our year's gift!” “Even though 'some people' thought it was a little impractical, since the sundial can't be used at night,” Luna said. “You all seem like a-a really amazing group,” Gloriosa said. “So I'm certain you'll come up with something inspiring to leave behind.” The campers cheered. “Speaking of leaving things behind, now's the time when we give out tent assignments so you can leave your heavy bags behind,” Timber said. “Uh, girls will be getting their assignments from Timber. Guys, you're with me.” Charming Thunder and Peter went up to Gloriosa as they grabbed a card one by one. Charming Thunder was next and grabbed a card with a picture of an aquamarine stone as Peter got the same one. Charming Thunder heard Twilight talking to Timber and shook his head with a sigh. Peter then came up to pat his back. “Looks like we’re in the same tent, Charming,” Peter said. “Hooray for the hero of Canterlot High and the city, I suppose,” Charming Thunder said. “Are you sure that you wanted to come along? I mean, you are supposed to be a crime fighter as well.” “I’m sure that there are others out there that can handle them. I need a long break anyways.” Charming Thunder and Peter walk to their assigned tent as the other students settle down. Inside the aquamarine tent, Charming Thunder was unpacking his bag until he took out a deactivated robot designed for exploring. He placed it on the table along with the tools needed to work on it. He turned to see Peter took out a photo of himself with his aunt and uncle. “Are you ever gonna to tell any of our friends about your uncle?” he asked. “You only told me so far. Why not Sunset?” “I will when I get the chance,” Peter said as Charming Thunder went back to examining his robot. Peter noticed it. “You decided to finish up with making the little guy?” “Yeah. Since I learned how to make robots with my mom, I always wanted to make this little guy.” “Not to change the subject or anything, but what’s going on with you and Twilight?” Charming Thunder stopped packing for a moment and then sighed. “I did appreciate the fact that she gave me the cure, but I am afraid of what might happen if it happens again. She’s not the only one with a dark past, you know?” Charming Thunder then shook his head. “Maybe we should stop talking about it for now.” > Chapter 2: The Legend of Gaia Everfree > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the docks, Peter talked with Sunset while Charming Thunder hung out with Fluttershy feeding the ducks. “Aren’t they the cutest?” He nodded as he fed the ducks next. Peter’s spider sense went off as he saw Twilight tripped back on the dock, but was then caught by Timber. Everyone noticed as Charming Thunder got up. “I know I'm charming, but you don't have to fall for me,” Timber said; jokingly. Charming Thunder facepalmed at the wrong time for a joke. Luna and Celestia checked where Twilight walked and Luna said, “This is a safety hazard. I suggest we close down the dock for the remainder of the camp.” The campers complained at the news. “Oh, I'm sure it won't have to be for the remainder of camp,” Gloriosa reassured. “Just needs to be patched up a bit. I've got this!” Applejack then got an idea. “Or maybe we do!” Applejack said. “If you ask me, this whole dock needs to go. Building a new one could be our camp gift. Sure, it would benefit us, but a nice new dock would benefit future campers, too.” The campers then cheered. “I don’t know,” Timber said. “It's an awful lot of work. I wouldn't want you guys to miss out on doing other fun camp stuff because you're so busy building a dock for future campers.” “Well, what’s your idea then, Timber?” Charming Thunder asked. “Hire someone to repair the dock? I don’t think so!” “I hear what you’re saying, Timber, but we're Canterlot Wondercolts,” Rainbow said. “We've got a reputation to uphold! And there was no way we're gonna leave this place without contributing the most awesome camp gift ever! I'm with AJ. Building a new dock is definitely it! What do you guys think?” The students cheered as an agreement. Charming Thunder crossed his arms as he began to get concerned with Gloriosa and Timber getting tense. He then walked back to the aquamarine tent with Sunset looking with concern. Charming Thunder wore his goggles while working on his robot using his portable welding tool. He placed his tool down on the table and checked the wiring. Sunset knocked on a piece of wood in her hand and tossed it aside to get his attention. Charming Thunder looked at her for a moment and then back to his project. “What brings you here, Sunset?” he asked. “Just wondering why you just headed back to your tent other than working on that robot you brought from your home,” Sunset said. Charming Thunder used his screwdriver to screw things up tight just in case of anything loose. “You know, Twilight is worried since you were cured.” He then slammed his tool on the table which made Sunset jump. “I am fine, Sunset. No need to get concerned as her. Besides, isn’t she hanging out with that guy who runs the camp?” Charming Thunder monitored some readings on his pad. Sunset then looked worried. “Come on, Charming. Please talk to me. We could always talk.” Charming Thunder was silent as he finished checking the readings on his robot. “Twilight told me about the good times you both had in the past. She told me that one time, you two once pulled a prank on her big brother by dumping a bucket full of ice cold water.” Charming Thunder was still silent. She sighed and was about to leave. “If I recall correctly, she was the one who dumped it all on Shining.” Charming Thunder turned to look at Sunset. “No. It was you. She didn’t do that.” “Oh, yes. She did. I loaded the bucket up with ice and water while she--” “Lured him in to let her pour it on him?” “Yes! And when their parents found out, she pointed fingers at me saying that it was all my idea! I was furious! She was always getting me into trouble!” Charming Thunder sat down on his bed with his hands on his face. He sighed to calm down while Sunset sat next to him and placed her hand on his back. “But then....” He chuckled before looking at Sunset with a smile. “She was always there to get me out of trouble again. Why can’t things be like the way they were before this whole incident happened?” He then stood up from the bed and looked at his robot. “Was this what Twilight wanted to talk to me about since we got here? If so, why?” “Because I know what it was like to gain power and control.” Sunset then stood up. “There is going to be scary campfire stories tonight. Everyone will be there. Including our friends.” “But do you think that everyone will accept the fact that I have changed?” “I’m sure they will in due time.” Sunset stopped at the opening of the tent. “Let the past die. Kill it if you have to. It’s the only way to become what you are supposed to be.” She then fully left the tent as Charming Thunder looked at his robot and sighed deeply. Charming Thunder sat next to Luna around the campfire as Rarity was telling a scary story. “And that's when she looked down and realized she was wearing purple socks with a burgundy dress!” Rarity said before crying out in fear. Everyone looked bored except for Charming Thunder who had a confused look on his face. Pinkie was eating a lot of marshmallows. Rarity stopped, noticing everyone wasn't even scared. She tried to explain and cried out again but it did no good. “Uh...that was a terrifying story,” Applejack commented, causing Peter to snicker. “Yeah, I'm terrified she'll try to tell it again,” Rainbow added. “Hear, hear,” Charming Thunder said. “Anyone else have a spooky story?” Luna asked. “I heard of a legend from an old friend in my world,” Sunset said. “Is it something related to mythology like a hydra?” Peter asked. “No. In fact, it is not really scary.” Charming Thunder chuckled and leaned forward. “Go on,” Charming Thunder said. Sunset then grabbed a flashlight and lit up her face to make it look scary. “Does anyone ever hear of the tragedy of Darth Plaguies the Wise?” Sunset looked at the others who were silent. “I didn’t think so. It was a story the other Charming Thunder told me about one time. You see, it’s a Sith Legend that no Jedi ever told about. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.” Charming Thunder’s eyes widened. “He used to....save people from death?” Sunset nodded. “The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.” “Well, what happened to him?” Peter asked. “He became so powerful. The only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep.” “The apprentice killed the master?” Charming Thunder asked. “Interesting.” “Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.” Sunset then turned off her flashlight as the story ended as it gave Charming Thunder the chills. “I have one,” Timber said. “But I'm warning you, you might as well hug a friend now. That's how scary it is!" The students except Danny hugged the person next to them. Charming Thunder held Twilight's hand in case she got scared. "It's time I told you about the legend of Gaia Everfree. Many years ago, my great-grandparents came to this forest. Seeing its beauty, they decided that it would be the perfect place for a camp. But once they started building, strange things started to happen. One pitch black night, when the wind was howling, a tree branch crashed through the roof of their cabin! They screamed and ran outside, only to see the giant creature rising from the earth! She had wild hair like the roots of a tree. Her mouth had jagged rock teeth and her eyes were pools of black tar. But her aura shimmered like diamonds. Anywhere she went, she left a trail of gem dust in her wake. Trembling, my great-grandparents asked who she was and what she wanted. In a deep and hollow voice, she told them that her name was Gaia Everfree – an ancient spirit who held domain over the forest, and that my great-grandparents were trespassing on her land. They begged her to let them stay and build their camp, to share this wonderful place with others. Gaia Everfree finally agreed but warned them that they would not be able to keep it forever. Someday, she will return and reclaim the forest as her own. So if you see a trail of gem dust, you'll know that it is...Gaia Everfree!” A shadow figure appeared behind him which caused the students to scream and Charming Thunder hid behind a log he sat on. It turned out to be Gloriosa the whole time. “Hey, guys!” Gloriosa said. “Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!” “Then why did you come out of the bushes?” Sunset asked. Charming Thunder popped his head out of hiding a little. “I....took the scenic route, because the forest is beautiful at night. But no one else should do it without a guide, kay? All right, everybody, time to head to your tents.” Snips approached Gloriosa. “Oh, hey, Gloriosa,” Snips said. “Do you have extra toothbrushes? I forgot mine.” “Sure do! I’ll get one for you!” “I'm scared of the dark!” Snails added. “Do you have flashlights?” “Of course! I got this!” Charming Thunder then noticed that Fluttershy was hugging Spike really tight. “Uh, Fluttershy?” Charming Thunder said. “The story is over. You can loosen your grip on Spike.” “Sorry, Spike!” Fluttershy said. “I guess that story got to me.” “Which one? Sunset’s or Timber’s?” “Both.” “One, Sunset’s was just a legend.” “And two, the other one can’t be real,” Applejack added. “I don’t know,” Rainbow said, concerned. “Gaia Everfree could be some creature that got booted from Equestria and ended up in this world. That's what happened with the sirens.” “Sirens?” Charming Thunder asked. “It’s a long story,” Sunset reassured. “I have been missing out on a lot of things.” “Sounded more like something that Timber was making up just to scare us,” Applejack said. “At least I hope it was. Last thing I want is to have camp ruined by some power-crazed magical creature.” “Oh, hear-hear,” Rarity said with a nod. “We've had to deal with more than our fair share of those. At the Fall Formal, a musical showcase, the Friendship--” Charming Thunder eyed Rarity as a sign not to bring that topic up. “Well, I mean, you know, everything turned out alright, of course.” Charming Thunder then looked down at the ground with worry. “I’m kinda tired,” Twilight said. Hearing Twilight’s voice made Charming Thunder look up at her. “I’m gonna turn in.” He wanted to say something to her, but didn’t get the chance to when he stood up. He then turned to look at the rest of his friends. “Maybe lay off bringing up what happened at the Friendship Games?” Sunset suggested. “I think she's still pretty sensitive about it. Even Charming here.” “Our lips are sealed,” Pinkie said with her mouth full of marshmallows. Charming Thunder looked back at the direction where Twilight was heading which made the girls curious. “What’s wrong?” Rainbow asked. “You look as if you have seen a ghost or something,” Applejack added. Rarity then gasped. “Don’t tell me that you still care for Twilight, darling,” Rarity said. Charming Thunder’s eyes widened and his face turned red. “How cute!” “I’m not cute,” Charming Thunder said as he shook his head. “I used to be deadly.” He then crossed his arms with concern. “Is he always like this during training?” Sunset whispered to Peter. “Not that I am aware of,” Peter said. Charming Thunder then began to head back to the tent to get some shut eye. Charming Thunder sat on a log at a campfire until he heard footsteps approaching. He stood up and looked around for the source of the sound. “Hello?” he called. The sound came closer and closer as he suddenly heard evil laughter from the Green Goblin which made his eyes widen with shock. He then heard Midnight Sparkle’s laugh as he turned to look at the trees. “Who’s really here?” The sound of footsteps stops. “Son,” a familiar voice said from behind. Charming Thunder slowly turned to see his mother; Radiant Hope, standing in front of him. “I’m home.” He gasped at the sight. “Mom? I thought you were--” “No. I’m only alive in you, Charming Thunder. Because it is time.” Charming Thunder stood six feet away from Radiant now. “You once swore to make Spider-Man pay. Well, make him pay.” “But Peter is my friend.” “And I am your mother. You are weak. You were always weak. You will always be weak until you take control again.” Radiant chuckled. “Now, you know the truth about Peter.” A tear began to slide down Charming Thunder’s cheek. “Be strong, Charming. And avenge me.” Charming Thunder slowly shook his head. “No, mom.” “AVENGE ME!” Charming Thunder picked up a rock from the ground. “NO!” Charming Thunder threw the rock at Radiant which then made her figure shatter to pieces. Charming Thunder quickly got up with a cry of fear which caused Peter to wake up. “What’s going on?” Peter asked. “Another supervillain?” “Nothing, Pete,” Charming Thunder said. “Just another nightmare.” > Chapter 3: New Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charming Thunder sat down alone at the picnic table as he reflected on the dream he had. He didn’t like the fact that was called weak by his own mother and slammed his fists on the table without breaking it. A loud crash was heard and he looked up to see the newly built dock was destroyed by a boat. He stood up and was about to investigate until Twilight ran past him. He turned to see her run into the forest and decided to follow. After a few minutes of walking, Charming Thunder followed the path in the forest hoping to find Twilight, but decided to give up. He then punched a tree in anger which caused hand to be in pain. “Darn it, Twilight!” he yelled. “Why must you run off on your own like that?” Sunset and Spike were walking on the path until she noticed him by himself as well. She hid behind a bush and grabbed Spike to hide with her. He then shook his head and deeply sighed. “I just hope it wasn’t something I did to hurt her at the Friendship Games. She just doesn’t understand that there is so little left in me!” He then began to quietly cry. “What is happening to my life as a normal human being?” Charming Thunder And in my twisted past There’s not a slightest trace Of anything that hints of forgiveness And with this guilt I carry Only comfort from my friends I see, but deep within is losing faith in me Hopeless As my dream dies As the time flies Loved a lost illusion Helpless even Unforgiven Cold and driven By my pain and suffering Charming Thunder placed his hand on the trunk of the tree. No beauty could move me No kindness improved me No power on earth, if I can’t move on No passion could reach me Sunset’s lessons have taught me How I could love her again and be a normal person too If I can’t move on, what then? Charming Thunder picked up a stick and swung it around like a sword without hitting the tree. Long ago I should have done All the things I could have been But careless and greedy, I moved away Charming Thunder swung at the tree with his stick really hard which caused it to break. He then got on his knees and banged his hands on the ground in anger. Sunset became overwhelmed at his situation as she eavesdropped. He then quickly looked up at the blue sky. No pain could go deeper No life would be cheaper No point anymore, if I can’t move on No angel can redeem me No hope left in me now Hope I could’ve stood up and then finally said no But it did not happen If I can’t move on Charming Thunder got up from the ground. Let them all be rid of me A snap of a twig was heard and Charming Thunder quickly turned to the bush where Sunset and Spike were hiding. He slowly approached the bush to investigate. He tilted his head and then decided to head back to camp. Once he was far enough, Sunset got out of hiding with Spike. “Should Twilight know about this if we find her?” Spike asked. “I’ll tell her later,” Sunset said. “I never knew that he went in to look for her as well. Let’s press on.” Charming Thunder was in the aquamarine tent making final adjustments to the robot and checked the readings on his pad. The results were green and he thought it was time to turn it on. He flipped a switch on the back of the robot’s head and stood back. The robot’s antennas raised up and the robot raised its head and looked around. It jumped around in joy as Charming Thunder was surprised that the project was a success. He smiled and walked up to the robot. He held out his two hands to let the robot jump on them for him to hold him. “Amazing!” Charming Thunder said. The robot then beeped to communicate. He then puts it on the ground gently as Peter enters to see the little robot. “It works?!” Peter asked. Charming Thunder gave him a thumbs up. “Wow. You really are a genius at robotics.” His spider sense went off as he quickly turned and looked outside. “What is it?” “Normally my spider senses would go off whenever there is danger, but everything is calm as--” Peter stepped out of the tent until he got knocked down accidentally by Rainbow’s super speed. Charming Thunder rushed out with his robot and helped him up on his feet. “You okay? Was that Rainbow Dash?” “Sure looked like it. What is going on here?” Rainbow stopped in front of the two while Twilight and the others arrived. “You really should learn to look before you run, Rainbow.” “Sorry,” Rainbow said. “Trying to get used to my new super speed.” “Super speed?” Charming Thunder asked. “You have powers now?” “Yeah! And not just me.” Charming Thunder looked at the others. “Applejack has super strength. Rarity can make barriers. Fluttershy can communicate with animals. And Pinkie can make explosions with sprinkles.” “Either I should be freaked out or jealous. This trip is getting weird by the minute.” The robot beeped and jumped up and down. The others noticed and Fluttershy knelt down to its level to pat it on the head. “You finished your little project?” Twilight asked. “That’s great!” “And you were worried that it would blow up in his face?” Peter asked. “For now, this little guy needs to shut down for a bit and recharge just in case,” Charming Thunder said before flipping the off switch and carrying the robot back into the tent. Twilight was working on a lantern by herself at a table. Charming Thunder sat at a table with Peter and the others. He looked at Twilight who was alone with Spike. He closed his eyes before going back to making his lantern. “Okay, everyone!” Gloriosa said. “It's time to watch your lanterns fly!” Everyone began to get up while Charming Thunder noticed Twilight talking to Timber again. He huffed in anger and looked away. He did not pay attention when he now stood next to her. “Ready? And....go!” Everyone let their lanterns fly. Everyone was admiring the view until there was a thud and everyone looked, seeing Pinkie's lantern hit the ground with a thud. She was disappointed and then smiled again. “Oh, well!” Pinkie said. “Now I get to eat it!” She began to eat a marshmallow from her lantern. “Yep, beautiful and delicious.” Peter had his arm wrapped around Sunset’s shoulder as everyone watched their lanterns fly. Charming Thunder was resting until he heard rustling coming from outside of his tent. Without waking Peter up, he looked outside of the tent to see Sunset run into the forest for some reason. He snuck out of the tent and followed her. Charming Thunder went deeper into the forest as he wondered why Sunset was up. He then stopped to hear her voice, “Twilight, there's no Midnight Sparkle,” she said. “There's only you.” He then hid behind a tree and began to eavesdrop more. “How did you know what I was thinking?” “Yeah, Sunset,” Charming Thunder said, which made Sunset and Twilight jump in shock. “How did you know what she was thinking?” He then stepped out of hiding. “When I touched your hand, I could see things,” Sunset explained. “I could understand why you were leaving. My new magic...! This is my new magic! This is incredible!” Charming Thunder was surprised at this news. “No, it's not!” Twilight shouted. “I'm infecting you now!” “Twilight, you have to stop looking at this as a bad thing.” “Easy for you to say. Magic turned you into something beautiful. The last time I tried to use it, it turned me into a monster. I'm just so afraid it's gonna happen again.” “Yes, last time I turned into something amazing, but I've let magic turn me into a monster, too. So if anyone understands what you're going through, it's me. I can help you, Twilight. And the rest of our friends can be there for you, too. But not if you run away.” “Woah, leave me out of this!” Charming Thunder said, angrily. “And what has you all worked up all of a sudden, Charming?” Sunset demanded. Charming Thunder growled as Twilight began to look over her options. “I'll stay,” Twilight said. “But I still don't think it's a good idea for me to be near the rest of our friends right now. Not until we know why this is happening.” Twilight then looked at Charming Thunder with concern as well. “What is going on with you, Charming? Really?” “Lips sealed,” Charming Thunder replied. “Sunset?” Sunset nodded as she approached him. “Get away from me. I don’t want you to--” The three then heard rustling coming from the bushes. Charming Thunder got into a fighting stance just in case. they saw something in the view and both Sunset and Twilight screamed. Then they heard a guy scream as well. That is when they see that the guy was, in fact, Timber Spruce. “Of course. Who else would be here?” Charming Thunder turned away with his arms crossed. “Wait,” Timber said. “Twilight?” “Timber?” Twilight said. “I'm so glad it's just you!” “I’m not,” Charming Thunder said to himself. “Wait, what are you doing out here?” “With an axe?” Sunset added. “I was chopping down firewood,” Timber said. “In the middle of the night?” “We needed more for tomorrow night's campfire. And if I didn't take care of it tonight, it would be one more thing Gloriosa would add to her list.” Timber then imitated Gloriosa. “I’ve got this!” Twilight giggled at what he did. Charming Thunder shook his head with annoyance. “What about you three? Why are you hanging out in the woods in the middle of the night?” “I was sleepwalking. Twilight found me and was bringing me back to camp.” Twilight nodded. “Charming here just happened to be helping.” Charming Thunder looked at the three and then looked away with a huff. “Don’t mind him. He usually likes to get his rest without any interruptions.” “Come on. I'll walk you guys back. I'll protect you from Gaia Everfree.” “Come on. That's obviously just a spooky story you made up to tell around the campfire.” “Oh, no. It's legit. How else would you explain what happened at the docks? And that weird thing where the earth shook? Come on. I know a shortcut back to the tents.” Timber and Twilight began to walk away. Timber never noticed his pocket was spilling glowing powder. Sunset, Spike, and Charming Thunder looked at it. “Legit, huh?” Sunset knelt down to investigate. “I think we just found our 'Gaia Everfree'.” “But why would he work so hard to make us think she was real?” Spike asked. “You heard what he said about wishing his sister would sell this camp. If nobody wants to come here because it's home to some angry ancient nature spirit, it sure would help his cause.” Charming Thunder gasped at the news. He then walked past Sunset, but was stopped by her. “One of these days, you are gonna have to tell me what is going on in your mind.” “You will find that it is in many places if you do,” Charming Thunder said before he continued to walk away. “We should tell Twilight,” Spike said. “About both Charming Thunder’s thoughts and Timber’s fake story? Not yet. She's obviously going through a lot right now. We should probably be a hundred percent sure before we tell her the guy she likes is a jerk who's trying to run everybody out of camp.” > Chapter 4: Peter's Secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ​​The girls were working on rebuilding the dock. Rainbow carried a stack of wooden planks in her arms as she struggled to keep balance holding them. Applejack was trying to hammer in a nail without trying to over use her strength. Rainbow sighed before looking at Rarity, who was sitting and sewing a cloth. “Uh, you gonna give us a hand here, Rarity?” she asked. “Oh, I'd love to, but I really need to get the stitching on this poncho done if it's going to make it into the camp fashion show,” Rarity said. “Though at the pace you two are moving, I don't know that the runway will ever be finished.” “The dock is our gift to the camp, and it's gonna get finished,” Applejack said. “That is, if Rainbow Dash would hurry up and bring me more wood.” “Oh, I can't go any faster!” Rainbow said. “I don't want to end up in the woods again.” “Don’t be silly.” “Really?” Rainbow began to gesture how Applejack was hammering a nail. “I know I said we should try to forget all about this new magic business, but I can't. What if I hammer the board into splinters?” Applejack reached her hand into the box of nails which turned out to be empty. “Aw, shoot! I'm all out of nails.” “Oh, here you go!” Pinkie said before tossing a box of nails. “Pinkie, no!” Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash shouted in unison. Rarity puts up a barrier while the others take cover. Applejack took a peek and noticed that there was no explosion emitted and sighed with relief. She then looked at Pinkie. “What?” Pinkie asked before realizing something. “Ohhh, did you think the nails would explode like the sprinkles? Wow! Glad that didn't happen, huh?” Rarity sighed before helping Rainbow and Fluttershy, who she pushed down with her diamonds when she used them to defend herself. “Sorry, girls,” Rarity said. “I didn't mean to. I don't know how to control this.” Rainbow and Fluttershy accepted the hands. “It’s okay,” Rainbow replied. “Oh, none of us do,” Fluttershy added. “Which is why we shouldn't pretend this isn't happening,” Sunset said as she approached the dock. “Do you have them now too?” Rainbow asked. “It started last night. When I touch people, it's like I can feel what they're feeling and see their memories.” “Oooh, fancy!” Pinkie said, excitedly. “Try me, try me!” Pinkie grabbed Sunset’s arm and her eyes began to glow. They stopped as she released her from seeing what’s going on in her mind. “That explains so much.” “Yep.” “Does Charming have powers now too?” Rarity asked. “Or is it only the skills he learned from Spider-Man?” “Just the same skills,” Sunset said. She then looked back to see Charming Thunder who was practicing his fighting skills with Peter. “I am worried about him though. But we can't just brush these powers aside because it doesn't seem like the ideal time to get them. What if it turns out that they could actually make things better?” Sunset Shimmer Oh the power we don’t understand And the things we learn We will soon understand in time During the quest we have started The answers will come to us later And it will be us who will climb to the top And stand on the peak of the mountain Learn to control, what’s in us Let your spirit set you free Someday this mystery will be solved Learn to control, the magic we bear More students come to team up with Sunset and the others. Pinkie used her sprinkles to drop it on the spot to burn a hole on each piece of wooden planks. Rainbow had a hammer in hand ready to build a bench for the dock. She used her super speed to quickly build it in just five seconds flat. The two high five each other. Though that there is no guide for us No one to teach us But with faith and understanding We will journey from student to master Learn to control, what’s in us Let your spirit set you free Someday this mystery will be solved Learn to control, the magic we bear Charming Thunder observed the work for a little bit and then decided to walk back to the aquamarine tent. Rarity noticed Derpy falling off of the boat. She used her magic to save her from falling in the water. Applejack used her super strength to carry a signpost with one arm while Flash pulled the rope to help Bulk and Valhallen raise the other one. Sunset sat next to Fluttershy who had a bird on her shoulder. In learning we will then teach In teaching we can also learn You will find a place in the Rankings on the board Oh and all the things we have noticed The visions that I have seen The time is finally drawing near soon It is our destiny alone Learn to control, what’s in us Let your spirit set you free Someday this mystery will be solved Learn to control, the magic we bear Sunset and the others met up with each other after finishing the dock and admired their achievement. Learn to control Learn to control, what we are destined to wield While the girls were working on the final adjustments on the dock, Sunset noticed Peter walking up to them and rushed to him. “How’s Charming?” she asked. “He hasn’t been himself since last night.” He sighed and looked back at where Charming Thunder was talking to Luna. “You may be right about that,” Peter said. “He is probably going through what I went through before I became Spider-Man.” “What do you mean? What’s wrong?” Peter lifted up his arm a tiny bit. “It’s best that you see for yourself with your magic.” “How did--” “Charming told me.” Sunset sighed and gently grabbed Peter’s wrist and her eyes glowed. Peter was walking to the meeting place where he was supposed to be picked up. He noticed people surrounding someone and decided to investigate. “Excuse me,” he said as he went through the crowd to get a closer look. When he got to the front, an officer stopped him as he struggled to get past her. “Please stay back, sir,” the officer said. Peter’s eyes widened as he looked over her shoulder to see his uncle on the ground. “THAT’S MY UNCLE!” Peter got past the cop and knelt down to his uncle. He looked back at the cop. “What happened to him?!” “Carjacker. He’s been shot. We just called the paramedics. They’re on their way.” The cop continued to hold people back as Peter looked at his uncle. “Uncle Ben?” Ben slowly opened his eyes and looked around. “Uncle Ben?” He then looked at Peter with relief. “Peter,” Ben said, weakly. “I’m here, Uncle Ben.” Peter held Ben’s hand as he smiled at his nephew. “Peter.” Ben then slowly closed his eyes as Peter’s eyes widened when the unthinkable happened in front of him. His own uncle died in front of him. He closed his eyes and quietly cried. He then heard some cops talking. “They got the shooter,” another cop reported. Peter’s eyes quickly opened as he listened. “He’s headed south. We got three cars in pursuit.” Peter, now filled with rage, decides to go after the shooter himself. Peter rushed into an alley as he threw off his sweater that covered his first spider suit. He then puts on his gloves and then his mask. He climbed up to the top of the building and ran. He leapt from roof to roof until he reached the point where he saw the car his uncle owned driving away from cops. He then used his custom web shooter to fire at a wall and slowly stood up with the web in hand. He gulped as it was going to be his first time swinging down from a great height. He then jumps down with the rope and swings towards a building. He shuts his eyes and fires another web to continue his swinging to pursue the carjacker unseen by the cops. He lands on top of the car and slams his fist through the roof of the car in an attempt to grab the carjacker’s face. The car started to swerve back and forth which caused Peter to release him. He then jumps to the front of the windshield and smashes it with his fist. The carjacker then lost control of the vehicle as Peter turned to see where it was going to crash. He then leaps up in the air out of sight and the car crashes at the front door of an abandoned building. The carjacker recovered quickly and gathered his bag full of money he stole and rushed inside while the cops arrived. Inside the building on the second floor, the carjacker had his pistol out and ready for anything as he slowly walked, cowering. A spotlight lit up through the window as a shadow of a man was crawling on the ceiling without him knowing. He quickly turned after hearing a noise. “Who’s there?!” he demanded before firing shots at the shadow. Peter then descended upside down from a web strand. He carefully jumps down and then runs towards the carjacker with a kick in the arm to disarm him. Peter then punches the man square in the jaw and takes off his mask. “Don’t hurt me! Just give me a chance. Just give me a chance!” “What about my uncle?!” Peter asked. “Did you give him a chance? Did you?!” He then grabs the carjacker and lifts him off the ground. “Answer me!” The light from outside revealed the carjacker’s face to Peter as he recognized him. He remembered when after he was scammed after a wrestling match, he stepped aside to let the same man before him get away from robbing money. “No! Not you!” Peter then took a few steps back in shock as the robber aimed his gun at his face. “See ya.” Peter then got blinded by rage and grabbed the man by the wrist holding the gun and twisted it hard to break it. The man then took a few steps back from Peter until he suddenly tripped backwards and fell out of a window. Peter tried to save him, but missed the chance as the man fell fifty feet down from the building. He looked down to see the murderer of his uncle now lying dead on the ground. A police chopper from above lights up the window with its spotlight he is standing in front of. “FREEZE!” the cop on the speaker shouted. “WE HAVE THE PLACE COMPLETELY SURROUNDED!” Peter turned as he heard footsteps approaching. By the time the cops arrive, he was long gone. Peter, who was still wearing the suit, sat on the roof of the diner with his head dropped in his hands alone. Tears ran down his face as he quietly wept before going home to tell the news to his aunt. Sunset lets go of Peter’s wrist and stands back in shock after what she saw. “Peter,” Sunset said, worried. “I’m sorry.” She then hugged him really tight to comfort him. “I got what I wanted, but it didn’t make things better for me, Sunset,” Peter explained. “I fear that Charming might get rageful like how I did to that man. Please, you need to help him.” “You know that I will.” Sunset and Peter’s foreheads met each other softly as she smiled. “It’s what I do.” She then noticed Charming Thunder looking at the lake. “I think that I should tell Twilight about this and have her embrace the magic. If she has any.” She walked towards Charming Thunder and was about to get his attention until she heard Goriosa's muffled voice. “I just wish you didn't tell them that ridiculous story!” Glosriosa said. “Ah, this is all too much for you!” Timber said. “You have to let it go!” Sunset gasped. “I knew it!” Sunset whispered. “He wants her to get rid of the camp!” The door slammed open on her as her presence wasn’t noticed by Gloriosa and then Timber who both stepped out. Charming Thunder turned to notice Sunset and rushed on over. He stopped when he saw her and Flash bump into each other. “Sunset Shimmer?” Flash asked, confused. “What were you doing behind that door?” Charming Thunder hid without being noticed. “What? Um, nothing. I, um, lost an earring.” Sunset then pretended to look around and then looked down. “There it is!” She then bent down and picked up a pebble and put it in her pocket. “Hey, listen. I'm glad I ran into you. I really wanted to thank you.” “For what?” “For the tough love. Telling me I should get over Twilight. I needed to hear that.” “Sure, no problem.” Sunset then began to look around as she was searching for something. “Is something wrong?” “What? No. Why?” Flash then had an unconvinced look. “Come on, Sunset. We used to date. I know when something's bothering you.” Sunset then sighed in defeat. “Two things actually. One is that my friend really likes someone, but I don't think that someone is who she thinks they are. I don't wanna upset my friend by telling her what I think, because I also want to protect her, because if what I think is happening is really happening, then she deserves to know. You know?” Charming Thunder’s mind was taking some time to process what Sunset was explaining to Flash. “No. But what I do know is that your friend is lucky to have someone like you to look out for them.” “Really?” “Yeah. You know, you've changed a lot since we went out. You're so much....nicer.” Sunset blushed at the compliment. “Thanks. I'm glad you noticed.” “What’s the second thing?” “It’s another friend. He seems troubled since he got here and just can’t get over what he has done in the past.” “You mean Charming Thunder?” “Yeah. How did you know?” “I have been noticing it as well. When the time comes, he will get the second chance he deserves from the rest of the students of Canterlot High.” Charming Thunder quietly sighed at the thought and shook his head. “Is that it?” Sunset nodded. “Uh, look, I know that you are dating Peter and all, but maybe if you want, you and me, we could start over as....friends.” Sunset noticed Timber walking into the forest as she patted him on the back. “Uh, uh, sounds great. I gotta go!” Charming Thunder got out of hiding as he approached. “Cool, yeah! I want to start over later, too!” Flash then kicked a pebble. “I’m sure she meant yes, Flash,” Charming Thunder reassured. Flash turned to look at him who was smiling. “What did you mean by that you used to date Sunset? What was her purpose?” “She only dated me only to make herself more popular at Canterlot High.” Charming Thunder crossed his arms in thought. “But since the other Twilight came along, she changed her ways and became nice towards others.” “If only that were me as well.” Flash then patted Charming Thunder’s shoulder to reassure him. “It will take time. Trust me. It worked for Sunset.” “Thanks for your vote of confidence, Flash.” Charming Thunder then walked to the direction where Sunset was going. > Chapter 5: A New Purpose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was following Timber as he walked in the woods alone. Then, he went down another path which made her lose him. She then heard footsteps approaching as she looked around for the source. She then felt a hand touch her shoulder. She then grabbed it and quickly turned around to punch the person in the nose with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes to see that it turned out to be Charming Thunder she accidentally punched. “Ow,” Charming Thunder said. “I guess I deserve that for last night anyways, huh?” He then fixed his nose. “Oh my gosh!” Sunset said. “I am so sorry! You shouldn’t sneak up on me like that, you know?” “It’s fine. I’ve learned my lesson.” Charming Thunder then shook his head to get rid of the pain. “I have a feeling that you kinda declined Flash’s offer. Any idea why?” “I didn’t. I was just in a hurry searching for someone.” “Someone ran off again?” “No. Just investigating. Why are you so concerned?” “Are you losing trust in me already? I am trying to help.” “Well tell me something, what has been going on with you since the day we got here? You sat alone on the bus ride and you feel like everyone is rejecting you.” “Just had a lot on my mind since I was cured. I know you said to let my past die, but I just can’t.” Sunset approached Charming Thunder as she listened. “I also feel like Twilight has moved on and found someone else.” She then shook her head and then decided to grab his wrist to access his memories. Her eyes then began to glow. Charming Thunder was shown looking at Twilight talking to Timber before he looked away with a huff. The next image showed Charming Thunder killing his own mother even though he didn’t have control over himself. Charming Thunder was then shown getting angry at Radiant for calling him weak in his dream. “AVENGE ME!” she demanded. “NO!” Charming Thunder shouted before throwing a rock at Radiant causing the image of her to shatter to pieces. The final image showed Charming Thunder talking to Peter in the tent alone. “Your uncle....he died, huh?” he asked. “Yeah,” Peter replied as Charming Thunder placed his hands on his shoulders. “I just wished that he was alive for you just as I wished for my mother.” “Your mother loved you. That’s the main thing you should know.” Sunset released Charming Thunder as he backed away. “I wish that you didn’t do that, Sunset!” he shouted. “Now, my shame is complete.” “How can you say that?!” Sunset asked. “You are you now. Your mother never wanted this to happen to you. She miscalculated with that formula. Don’t blame yourself!” She then approached Charming Thunder and wiped off his tears with her thumb. “Why are you even out here?” “I have a suspicion about Timber trying to force his sister to give up the camp. And I intend to find out why.” “Then let me help. I know I don’t deserve a second chance, but I can prove myself to everyone that I have changed.” Sunset then thought for a moment and then nodded. “Follow me.” Charming Thunder followed Sunset as they heard rumbling as they came across a cave with something glowing inside. “Ah, shoot! He's definitely up to something!” Sunset then took out her phone as Charming Thunder got concerned. “Who are you texting?” “Twilight.” Charming Thunder nodded and then observed the cave for anything unusual. Twilight was reading when she heard her phone going off and grabbed it to look at what it was. “It’s Sunset,” Twilight said as she looked at the message. “She says to meet her and Charming by the rock quarry.” “I thought we weren't supposed to hike out that far,” Spike said. “She says it's important!!” Twilight got up, along with Spike, and were heading to the forest, her direction towards the rock quarry. That is when Twilight noticed a glow of lavender in the sky nearby. “What is that?” She ran into a web and shrieked, but was cut off when Sunset covered her mouth and Charming Thunder removed the web. Sunset removed her hand and grabbed Twilight's hand and all three went behind trees and saw a lavender light emitting from behind two giant boulders. “What's going on down there?” “I think it's Gaia Everfree,” Sunset explained. “Or rather, someone who wants us to think she's back. C'mon!” Sunset, Charming, Twilight, and Spike got up and went into the cave, but when they got inside, they saw all sorts of crystals and more. It was a very beautiful sight. “This is a peaceful place.” “There's Equestrian magic here. I can....I can feel it.” “Why Sunset, since when did you become a Jedi like my counterpart?” Charming Thunder asked. “It’s not like that, Charming.” “Wait, I thought Timber was just faking there was a magical nature creature,” Spike said. “Are you saying it’s real?” “Timber?” Twilight asked. “What does he have to do with any of this?” “I don’t know,” Sunset said. “But Charming?” Charming Thunder looked at Sunset after admiring a crystal formation. “Do me a favor and keep yourself restrained even if it is Timber, okay?” “No promises,” Charming Thunder said. “He did nothing,” a voice said as the four turned to see Gloriosa step out of the shadows with a grin and one of her eyes twitching madly. “It’s all me.” “Goriosa?” Sunset said. “But... Timber. I was sure he was the one trying to make it seem like Gaia Everfree was back. It was you who was trying to scare everyone away?” “I would never try to scare anyone away from Camp Everfree.” Sunset grabbed Gloriossa and entered her mind. After a minute, she released her. “Timber wasn't talking about letting go of the camp,” Sunset said. “He was talking about you letting go of the magical geodes! All those things you were doing to make this week the best week ever. Every time you used magic to do them, you caused another problem somewhere else! Timber was....covering for you!” “How do you know what I was doing with the geodes? How do you know about the magic?” “I can see things. Feel things. Because I have magic, too. And so does she. And so do our friends.” “Gloriosa, Timber wasn't wrong,” Twilight added. “Maybe you should stop using magic. Too much of it can be dangerous if you can't control it.” “Oh, I got this,” Gloriosa reassured with a maniacal look. “And I'm going to use it to save my camp. I just need more power!” “No, you don’t,” Charming Thunder said. Gloriosa stopped before grabbing the last three geodes on the pedestal. “Excuse me?” “I said no.” “And what will you do to stop me? Use your powers as well?” “I may not have powers, but I have capable skills I have learned from a friend of mine who turned out to be a hero.” Gloriosa laughed. “You seriously think that you can defeat me? You know, I happen to know the trouble you are going through during your time here.” Charming Thunder’s eyes widened. “Yes. I know your little secret that you were once the Green Goblin a long time ago. It was Twilight who cured you, yes? You think that you are weak and vulnerable since you lost your abilities.” Charming Thunder clenched his fists. “Charming,” Sunset said. “Don’t let her get to you!” “No,” Charming Thunder said as he slowly approached Gloriosa. “She made her point. Now, it’s time to make mine.” He then stomped on her foot and then grabbed her and threw her aside to stand in front of the geodes. “You’ll have to go through me to get to these!” “I’ve had no other way, boy.” Gloriosa then charged towards Charming Thunder to shove him aside to get the geodes. She aimed her hand at Twilight and Sunset as vines came from the ground and grabbed the two along with Spike. She then began to transform into a new form. She was floating in the air and wore a green dress with some leaves and flowers on her. Her hair was dark green and her whiteness was black while her pupil color was pure green. She was surrounded by a green glow. “Sorry, everyone. I know what I need to do. But I feel like we're not on the same page. So....” A rock hits Gloriosa in the back and quickly turns to see that Charming Thunder was the one who threw it. “We’re not done yet!” Charming Thunder jumps high in the air to tackle Gloriosa to the ground. He eyed the geodes on her neck and was about to rip them off until Gloriosa punched him in the face then kicked him off of her. She got up as Charming Thunder felt his jaw.  “How did you like that, Gobbie?!” The two circled each other as Charming Thunder laughed. “I had Spider-Man hit harder than that! Come on!” Charming Thunder taunted with his hands before Gloriosa dashed towards him with a strike. He blocked the strike and threw her through a crystal formation. Her lip got scarred, but her magic healed her scar up like it was not there. “Didn’t it sting?” “I’ve had the worst cuts before and now I am going to make you regret that!” “Oh, I’m so scared.” Gloriosa summoned vines as Charming Thunder avoided them. When he was about to get close enough, a vine suddenly threw a large rock at him out of nowhere causing him to impact on the stone wall. He struggled to get up as she floated towards him. “You gonna finish me off like a villain you are?” “I don’t need to convince you to join me.” Charming Thunder looked down on the ground in defeat. “Aww. Look at little Goblin Jr. Gonna cry to mom?” He got up full of rage, but was punched back down to the ground by Gloriosa. She began to leave the cave while Charming Thunder secretly took out one of his pumpkin bombs out of his pouch. “Saved this in case of an emergency. Looks like it is one.” “No, Charming!” Sunset said.  “Wait!” Twilight added. Charming Thunder pressed the button on his bomb and then threw it at a great distance towards Gloriosa. A vine appeared to catch it and tossed it back at the right moment for it to explode. Gloriosa grinned and used her vines to block the entrance but not enough to block their air supply. “Did you really think that you could stop me, Charming?” Gloriosa asked. “I’ll have my pet eat you both up.” A few minutes later, Spike broke free earlier and used his teeth to break both Twilight and Sunset free from the vines. “Nice work, Spike,” Sunset said before patting Spike on the head. She rushed over to the boulders blocking the cave entrance. “Wait, Gloriosa said something about her pet. What did she mean by--” A loud bark was heard along with a hiss. Footsteps were then heard as the four looked around. Charming Thunder looked at the dark area of the cave and saw something approaching. “Uh, girls!” Charming Thunder said, which made them look in his direction. Yellow eyes glowed as it came closer and closer. When it stood into the light, it was revealed to be a blue patterned reptilian creature that both Twilight and Charming Thunder recognized. “A velociraptor!” Twilight and Charming Thunder said in unison. The raptor then roared as it got into a pouncing stance. “Get back!” Charming Thunder said to the others. “If only Fluttershy were here for this one!” He then began to encircle along with it. The raptor then pounces in the air and lands on Charming Thunder in an attempt to bite him. He struggled to keep its teeth away from his flesh. He then took the advantage to kick it off of him and quickly got up. He then hid from it as the raptor got up to recover. It shook its head and sniffed for its prey. It then barked as it turned to look at Twilight, Sunset, and Spike. It slowly approached them until a rock was thrown at its face by Charming Thunder. He then had his hand out in an attempt to tame it. It hissed as he slowly approached it. “Down, girl.” It roared as he stood back a little before continuing to make his approach. “What is he doing?!” Sunset asked. “Is he trying to get himself killed?!” “Wait, I have seen this in a movie!” Twilight said in realization. “He’s trying to calm it down.” Charming Thunder then went for something in his pouch carefully while looking at the raptor. He then slowly took out a raw piece of bacon and shook it. The raptor tilted its head as it sniffed. He then tossed the bacon to it and it quickly caught it with its mouth to eat it. “Was that what you wanted?” Charming Thunder asked. He then shuts his eyes as he gets close enough to allow the raptor to pet it. The raptor purred to the feeling while Twilight and the others sighed with relief. “She was just hungry, girls. Nothing to worry about.” “Did you just manage to tame a velociraptor?!” “Incredible!” Spike said, amazed. The raptor then turned its head to the other three and barked a hello. “You are fine, girl,” Charming Thunder said. “Would you like to join us?” The raptor then looked at the three and then at Charming Thunder with its head tilted. “I’ll probably take that as a yes then.” Sunset then continued to struggle to push the boulder. “Twilight, you have to use your magic!” Sunset suggested. “I don’t think I can lift something that big!” Twilight said. “It's our only chance of getting out of here and helping our friends!” “I’ll be right here if anything goes wrong,” Charming Thunder reassured. Twilight then aimed her hands at the boulder and it began to glow. The two boulders blocking the cave moved. Twilight released them and was about to collapse until Charming Thunder caught her. “You three go. I have to come up with a plan of attack on my own.”  “What do you want us to do?” Twilight asked.  “Make an opening in case of any barriers or walls.” The three nodded as they made their way back to the camp. “I think that it is time to test some new equipment.” He then took out a pad and pressed a button on it to call for something. The raptor then stood next to him and hissed. “You will be part of the plan too, girl. Don’t worry.” At the garage in Cadence’s house where Charming Thunder was staying, a snowboard like device was plugged in on some wire until it began to glow green as it began to make noise. > Chapter 6: The Final Fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mane Five, Peter, and Timber were fighting against Gloriosa. Timber was trying to talk sense into her, but all attempts were futile. It did not stop the others from fighting her though. “Why are you fighting me?!” she demanded. “I'm doing this to save our camp! I'm doing this for you!” “Gloriosa, let's just think about this for a moment, shall we?” Rarity said with a chuckle. “I mean, I think Camp Everfree is absolutely delightful, but I just don't know that I'm quite ready to give up my weekly trips to the spa.” Gloriosa had an insane smile on her face. “To the spa? To the spa?!” Roots began to surround Gloriosa and Peter and the girls began to back away. Rainbow tried to dash at her, but she used her power to make Rainbow trip, making her yelp. Rainbow hit her friends and they hit like bowling pins. “Gloriosa, this isn't the way!” Timber shouted. “I appreciate your concern, Timber, but I got this!” “No, you don’t!” Sunset, Twilight, and Spike arrive in front of the wall of vines that now surround the camp. Sunset and Spike attempted to rip through the vines, but had no luck. Sun set turned to Twilight. “Twilight, do you think you can use your magic?” she asked. “I don't want to use too much,” Twilight said with concern. “Midnight Sparkle can take over.” “Come to your senses, Twilight. What do you think Charming would do if he were in your shoes? Our friends are in there.” Sunset held Twilight’s hands and she ponied up. Twilight struggled to find courage and then nodded. “Okay.” Twilight then used her magic to open a way into the wall. Timber struggled to break free from his vine prison. “Please, Gloriosa!” Timber pleaded. “What you're doing is crazy! You have to listen to me!” “That isn’t Gloriosa!” Sunset said as she along with Twilight and Spike went through the opening. Twilight released the vines which covered up the opening she made. “Twilight!” Rarity said. “Sunset!” Applejack said. “You’re okay!” Rainbow said. “Where's Charming?” Fluttershy asked. “Should be here soon,” Sunset said. “Rarity, make an opening with your magic for him.” Rarity nodded as she used her magic to keep a spot open on the wall of vines as it slowly covered the camp. Sunset and Twilight stood next to Timber. “That isn't your sister. It's someone who's been consumed by Equestrian magic.” “Whoever you are, you have to let my sister go!” Timber said. “Please, Gloriosa, come back! I need you!” “If you won’t help me, Timber, then I guess you and your campers will be destroyed,” Gloriosa said. She aimed her hands towards Twilight, Sunset, and Timber and charged up her magic. A pumpkin got thrown through Rarity’s barrier which then reformed and then flashed into Gloriosa’s eyes to blind her. “What was that?” Applejack asked. “Look!” Pinkie shouted excitedly as she pointed to the barrier as a mysterious figure on a hoverboard bursts through and whips Gloriosa with his board which causes Timber to break free from the vines. She impacts on the ground that formed a small crater as the figure hovered down towards Twilight, Sunset, and Timber. The mask lowered to reveal Charming Thunder’s face after he jumped off of his board. “You came after all!” Twilight said. Charming Thunder smiled at Twilight. He then looked at Timber and offered his hand to him. Timber looked at his hand and then took it. He nodded at Timber as he helped him up. “And it looks like I got here just in time for the party,” Charming Thunder added. “A couple minutes with her wouldn’t have been so bad either,” Sunset said. “What are you going to do without me then?” Charming Thunder chuckled until the ground began to shake. He turned when a group of vines appeared out of the ground. “Timber, do me a favor. Protect the campers.” “What are you going to do?” Timber asked. “I am going to have a chat with your sister.” “Please be careful, Charming,” Twilight said, worried. Charming Thunder looked at her. “If anything goes sour, use your magic to stop her. Don’t let Midnight take control.” Charming Thunder winked at her as a sign that he will be fine. The three then met up with the other girls while he walked up towards the vine as it lowered to reveal Gloriosa stepping out when it reached ground level. He then stopped a distance away from her. “Charming Thunder, you survived,” Gloriosa said. “I was beginning to miss you anyways.” Charming Thunder only remained silent as Gloriosa looked around at her handy work. “Like what I have done with the place?” “This madness ends now!” “I know it does. I've seen it. That's why these campers will have to enjoy the show. Because we all know that I'm the one that beats you.” Gloriosa clenched her fists while Charming Thunder did the same with his mask returning to cover it up. The two then ran towards each other and fought with their fists. They mirror one another, neither one gaining or losing ground until each sees the exact same opening. Simultaneously delivering a thunder packed punch that sends both men flying backwards. Charming Thunder lands on his feet while Gloriosa impacts on her wall of vines. They then dashed towards each other again and wrestled. Gloriosa headbutts Charming Thunder and delivers a heavy kick which sends him flying back and impacts the wall. He looked up for everyone to see that the lens of his mask cracked open. Gloriosa then floated off the ground as Charming Thunder got up to dash towards her. The two then hit each other in the face which made them impact on the ground. Gloriosa got up slowly while Charming Thunder looked up at her with his mask now completely off and his lip bleeding. “Can you feel it, Charming Thunder? The madness closing in on you? I really should thank everyone. Your friends taught me the true purpose. My purpose is to protect this camp.” Charming Thunder shook his head before he spat out blood. He then slowly got up off of the ground.  “Poor Gloriosa. Too weak to save your own camp.” Charming Thunder then got into a battle pose and used his hand to taunt Gloriosa with a grin. “I’ll show you who's weak!”  “Atta girl.” Another fury roars as the fight between Charming Thunder and Gloriosa continues. At the right moment, Charming Thunder an explosion of kicks. He then kicked Gloriosa far back. He took a step forward a little as she used her magic to form a sword. “Ooooh!” Pinkie said in the crowd. “Sword fight!” Charming Thunder then drew his small katana-like sword on his back. He and Gloriosa charged and clashed their blades together. They both broke the clash and then Gloriosa strikes as Charming Thunder blocked each strike. He then kicked her back away from him as they stood. He aimed his hand at his glider as a pumpkin bomb shot out of his hoverboard towards his hand like a magnet. He then threw it and made it form a razor bat. She then used her vine to catch it and throw it towards her opponent which caused it to explode. Smoke appeared as Twilight and the others struggled to see what was going on. Once it began to clear, she gasped as she saw Charming Thunder wrapped up in vines. “CHARMING!!!” Twilight shouted as Gloriosa used her vines to electrocute Charming Thunder for a moment and then toss him towards Twilight and the others. He slowly got up after a very long electrocution. Twilight attempted to approach him, but was stopped when she and her friends were surrounded by vines. Rarity used her magic barrier to hold the vines in place around them. Charming Thunder noticed his friends trapped and got on his knee to get up. “I can't keep this up forever!” Rarity said. Sunset looks at Twilight. “It’s up to you,” Sunset said. “You can use your magic to pull the brambles apart and save Charming!” “No!” Twilight said as she shook her head. “There's too many of them. It would take too much magic. I can't!” “It's the only way! You have to embrace the magic inside you!” Twilight had a look of doubt. “What if she takes over? What if instead of saving everyone, I turn into Midnight Sparkle and only make things worse?” “That won't happen! We won't let it. Don’t just do it for us. Do it for someone who cares for you the most; Charming Thunder.” “Charming....still cares about me? After all the things he did? After what I did?” “Of course he does. He was just afraid to admit it because he was blinded by jealousy when he saw you with Timber.” Twilight’s eyes widened and then realized that Sunset was right. “What have I done?” Twilight then heard voices going on outside the barrier. “Why, Charming?!” Gloriosa demanded. “Why?! Why do you persist?!” Charming Thunder shook his head as he stood up on his feet. “Not because I have to, but because I choose to,” Charming Thunder said. “Oh, and that raptor you somehow brought here, I didn’t just take it down. I tamed it.” “A mere bluff! No one could ever tame an animal.” “Really? Mess with me, and she will poke your eyes out!” Charming Thunder whistled to signal the velociraptor to jump on top of the wall of vines surrounding Twilight and the others and roared at Gloriosa. He then pointed his finger towards Gloriosa who was now frightened. “Get her!” The raptor then pounced on top of Gloriosa and attempted to bite, but she dodged the sharp teeth quickly and used her vines to push it off of her. It then hissed as it was getting ready to pounce. “Enough!” The raptor then stood down and backed off from Gloriosa who was now out of breath. Charming Thunder slowly approached Gloriosa as he had his fists clenched. “I forged myself into a being worthy of saving this camp from Filthy Rich!” Charming Thunder stopped in his tracks. He then looked back at the barrier where his friends were still trapped. “So am I.” Gloriosa’s eyes widened at what Charming Thunder said. “From a monster that you have become.” Gloriosa was now full of rage as she got up to fire a vine to wrap it around Charming Thunder’s neck to choke him. She approached him as he struggled to break free. The vine released him as Gloriosa then grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground. “It’s over, boy. Give up.” Charming Thunder chuckled weakly. “Well, it has been fun. But I think our time is up.” Charming Thunder eyed the vine barrier as it began to glow inside. She looked as well and tossed him past Timber leaving him unconscious. He tended to him as Twilight suddenly broke through the vines with wings now on her back. She gazed at Gloriosa. “No! This is not fair!” The geodes left Gloriosa and went to its new owners which gave them power. Each girl transformed into superhero-like outfits with the geodes turning into a necklace. Peter was a little jealous before he covered his eyes until the bright light was released by the seven and exploded causing the vine dome to crackle and explode. Wisps of light then started to rain down on Camp Everfree. The principals and campers who were trapped inside a building stepped out to see the wisps. The two then noticed Charming Thunder down on the ground next to Timber and rushed on over to his aid. “Is he okay?” Luna asked. Timber was about to check for a pulse until Charming Thunder stopped him when he regained consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes to see him and gestured with his head to go to his sister while Celestia and Luna helped him up. Timber walked up to Gloriosa who was back to her normal form. “Gloriosa?” Timber said as a small green particle of magic hit Gloriosa’s face and she opened her eyes, groaning. “What happened?” Gloriosa asked. “It's okay. It's gonna be okay.” Timber looked at Twilight and the others and then to Charming Thunder with a nod. The seven landed on the ground then the campers cheered for them. Peter rushed over to Sunset and hugged her. “You did it, girls!” Peter said. “Even better than Spider-Man.” Sunset chuckled at the compliment. Spike jumped at Twilight, who caught him. “Nice bling,” Spike said. “What are these?” Applejack asked. “I’m not sure,” Sunset said. “But clearly we have some kind of connection to them.” “I almost don't care what they are,” Rarity added with enthusiasm. “They are gorgeous! And will totally go with the other collection I was working on for the camp fashion show!” She giggled before stopping when noticing the awkward expression of everyone else. “That's probably canceled, isn't it?” Chuckling was then heard from Charming Thunder as he held his waist from the fight. “Those would look great for a future fashion show actually,” Charming Thunder reassured. “You girls did great by the way.” Rainbow then dashed towards him to raise his hand high in the air. “I’d say three cheers for the real hero right here!” Rainbow said. The campers cheered as Charming Thunder looked at everyone with a smile. He then looked at Twilight with a nod towards him. > Chapter 7: The Crystal Gala > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone was cleaning up the camp grounds while Charming Thunder had an ice pack on his head while standing next to Celestia and Luna. Gloriosa approached and said, “I am so sorry. I only wanted this to be the best week Camp Everfree has ever had. Then instead I've made it the worst. Maybe it's for the best that I'm losing the camp to Filthy Rich.” “No,” Celestia said. “It's not. This camp has meant so much to so many people, my sister and me included.” “Why do you think we wanted our students to come here?” Luna asked. “They’re right,” Charming Thunder said after removing the ice pack from his head and tossing it aside. “We can't let Filthy Rich take this place away!” Twilight added. “If camp meant so much to you two, maybe it meant as much to the other campers who came here in years past.” “And maybe we can get them to help save it!” Sunset said. “Like a fundraiser?” Applejack suggested. “Or a ball?!” Rarity added. “Our band could play!” Rainbow shouted. “I could help write a new song just for the occasion!” Fluttershy said. “With one of our photographers from Canterlot High in charge of advertising it, of course,” Peter said. “Those are all good ideas, but where would we hold it?” Gloriosa asked. “We could hold it in the crystal cave!” Sunset said. “A Crystal Ball?!” Rarity said. “I’m on it!” “I admire everyone's enthusiasm,” Gloriosa said. “Really, I do. But I-I just don't know how we're going to plan a ball by tomorrow and invite everyone.” “What was the phrase you always said before, Gloriosa?” Charming Thunder asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder. “We got this!” Charming Thunder, Peter, and the girls said in unison. “Just think of the results of this event!” Peter said. Rarity I’ll be working on dresses, including some suits To see people wearing them at the ball It may take time for preparations to finish Poised and polished and gleaming with charm I'll be courting again, chic and sporting again Rainbow Dash Which may cause several girlfriends alarm “True!” Charming Thunder said with a laugh as Rarity blushed. Applejack Let’s all grab a table Rarity And always be yourself Sunset Shimmer And hopefully save the camp as well Sunset went through the checklist for the Crystal Ball in the cave while students helped with the decorations. Campers When we save the camp From being bought When it will forever be a nature resort Pinkie Pie Little push, little shove People could, whoosh, fall in love Rarity Ah cherie, won’t it always go well? I'll wear lipstick and rouge and a really fancy dress That will fit the theme of the ball I’ll exude know how, wear makeup, and hair brushed It’s my prayer to make it succeed Charming Thunder taught Fluttershy how to interact with the raptor while the two were taking a break from setting up the ball. Charming Thunder When we save the camp From being bought When that man finally leaves this place alone I could unwind for a change “Really?” Fluttershy asked. “That is new for you.” Did I even notice when I got t-t-tense Reading a book on a boat, while sipping some tea Let my new life commence Far from those darn mosquitos, I’ll get down to hang out with my friends --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at the cave entrance, some campers moved some rocks away from the opening and some from inside to make some space. Campers When we save the camp So lift up some rocks And put them all aside We can feel, we can tell Someone might cast a spell anytime now Rarity used her magic to make a diamond chandelier over the area where the ball is going to be held. Rarity Shine up the room with diamonds Applejack Inform people around town Campers If all goes as planned Our time may be at hand anytime now Fluttershy rolled out a welcoming rug with Spike’s help. Fluttershy Lay out the rug to welcome some guests Fluttershy then looked at some birds holding some lights on wire. Put those here and those over there Campers Sweep up the years of pride and joy And bring in new ones Pinkie brought in a tray of cupcakes and decided to put sprinkles which accidentally caused them to explode in her face. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was reading a book at a picnic table until Timber arrived. “Not to brag or anything, but it's pretty cool how I saved all those campers from those rubus fruticosus,” he said before rephrasing. “Blackberry brambles.” “I'm familiar with the genus,” Twilight said. “It's just a little weird for you to say you saved the campers. I thought I saved them.” “Yeah. But I saved you from falling on the docks so that you could save the campers. So technically, it was all me.” Twilight giggled. “You know, you are not the only hero of this camp.” Timber pointed to Charming Thunder who was petting the raptor. “Who knew that your friend there was able to tame an actual velociraptor by himself. Not to mention an expert on robotics as well. You deserve to be with a guy like him.” Twilight blushed at the thought. “You are right about that, Timber. It’s like Sunset once told me; everyone deserves a second chance. I am glad to meet a friend like you, Timber.” Timber began to take his leave as Charming Thunder walked past him. He winked at him to wish him luck before gently punching him on the arm. Charming Thunder then noticed the title of the book she was reading and decided to recite a quote from it. “When Guinevere heard that Arthur was slain, she stole away to a convent and no one could ever make her smile again,” Charming Thunder said. Twilight smiled and gently closed the book after bookmarking it. “That was a beautiful story you once read to me.” Twilight chuckled as she remembered. “It was your favorite after all.” Charming Thunder sat down across from Twilight. “I’m glad you came on over here because I wanted to ask you something.”  “Anything, Twilight.” Twilight then placed her hand on his as he blushed. “Would you like to dance with me at the ball when the day comes?” Charming Thunder’s eyes widened at the fact that Twilight Sparkle, the girl he loved, is asking him to dance with her. “Dance? Me? With you?” Twilight nodded with a smile. “Well, that would be, I mean--” Charming Thunder then smiled as he placed his other hand on hers. “Oh, why the heck not!” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With final preparations being made, the campers deserved some R&R to do some camp activities before the night of the Crystal Ball. Campers When we save the camp From being bought When this party finally begins Cheeks a-bloomin' again, we're assuming again We’ll resume our school camping trip We’ll be playing again, gazing at some stars Maybe tell some more scary stories We can go sailing or canoeing Do some arts and crafts And go on some nature walks Thanks to him, thanks to them Drawing closer and closer and closer Closer and closer and-- We’ll be dancing tonight, we’ll be twirling tonight We’ll be whirling around with such ease When we save the camp From being bought We'll go waltzing those old one-two-threes We’ll be rock climbing after, we’ll be swimming after Enjoying our week as it should be Like the way this place should be, we’ll be young like before But on that night when we will finally Save this camp from being bought! Pinkie tossed some sprinkles in the air to make fireworks as the campers cheered with their preparations for the Crystal Ball has come to a close. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the aquamarine tent, Charming Thunder was making the final touches to his suit and tie as Spike rushed in to see him. “Tonight is the night, Charming,” he announced as he jumped up on the bed. “I’m not sure if I can do this,” Charming Thunder said, nervously. “There is no way you are turning away from Twilight this time. You must be bold and daring.” “Bold and daring, huh?” Charming Thunder then began to brush his hair while looking at a mirror. “There will be music provided by the Rainbooms themselves and romantic lights, and when the time is right, you can confess your feelings for Twilight.” Charming Thunder then puts gel on his brushed hair and looks at himself. “Yes, I ca--” Charming Thunder then looked nervous. “No, I can’t.” “You care for Twilight since you reunited with her, didn’t you?” Spike then jumps up, letting Charming Thunder catch him. “More than life itself.” “Well then you must tell her. What are you even afraid of?” “Nothing, Spike. Nothing at all.” Charming Thunder then puts Spike down on the ground as he shows him his outfit for the ball. “How do I look?” “Like you are ready.” Charming Thunder smiled as Spike gave a thumbs up. Peter then entered the tent with his suit on and cleared his throat to get their attention. “Our dates await,” Peter said as Charming Thunder nodded before walking with him to the crystal cave. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charming Thunder had a cup of punch while he looked around to see people having fun. The stage was set up for the band and Fluttershy was with the velociraptor with people who wanted to pet it with everything he explained to her. He then remembered hearing from Sunset about the necklaces that she and the other girls were meant to have them. He also remembered that Timber thanked him for attempting to save Gloriosa from herself. Although he regretted fighting her before her transformation, he was glad that Gloriosa is doing alright now. He saw Sunset leave Peter to take the stage with the other Rainbooms to get ready to play a song. He gulped the rest of his drink and put the cup in the trash. A slow dance song was being played as he loved the sound of the tune. He noticed Twilight approaching in her beautiful dress. He was amazed with how she looked. He then approached her with a smile as she smiled back. “You look beautiful,” he complimented.  Twilight blushed before she replied, “And you look stunning in a suit. It has been a while since I have seen you wear one. Although....” She then approached Charming Thunder as he blushed. She then fixed his tie for him with her magic. “You still need to work on that tie.” He chuckled. She genuflects to him as Charming Thunder bows. They then walked to the dance floor arm to arm to join the others. Sunset then stood close to the mic. Sunset Shimmer Tale as old as time True as fate can be Barely even friends Then somebody falls Unexpectedly Just a little push Courage in the heart Maybe a little scared Or prepared for anything Love brings in harmony Charming Thunder then places his hand on Twilight’s waist as the two begin to dance together. Spike watched with Peter as the two danced. Ever remained the same Ever a surprise Just like before But gets even better As the sun begins to rise A light shines as a spotlight over Charming Thunder and Twilight from the diamond chandelier Rarity made. Tale as old as time Hearts beat for each other Very sweet and beautiful Finding that one can change Learning they were wrong Twilight placed her head on Charming Thunder’s chest and sighed as he smiled. “There has been something I have been wanting to tell you since we reunited,” Charming Thunder said. “Hmm?” Twilight said as she enjoyed the moment together. “Even though I thought you moved on since that incident, I--” Twilight hushed him with her finger on his lips. She then looked at him with a smile. “I was going to tell you the same thing as well, you know. I love you, Charming. No matter what you are.” Charming Thunder smiled. “Twilight....” Charming Thunder and Twilight pressed their lips together for a kiss as they danced. They broke the kiss as they smiled at each other. Certain as the sun At the dawn of day Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Love brings in harmony Twilight giggled as Charming Thunder twirled her as the song almost came to an end. They then came close together again and continued to dance. Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Love brings in harmony Twilight and Charming Thunder’s foreheads met each other softly as they both closed their eyes with a smile. The audience clapped at the end of the song while the two walked over to Sunset and the others who were now off of the stage. “It’s adorable to see you two together,” Rarity said. The two then blushed as they were still holding hands. Charming Thunder talked with Twilight together as Peter and Sunset observed drinking their cup of punch. Peter then chuckled a little. Sunset gently punched his arm. “What?” she asked. “Reminds me of the time when we first met,” Peter said. “You were showing me around the school as I became a new student. Way after the Fall Formal?” Sunset chuckled a little. “Yeah. You had glasses back then.” “Until I was bitten by a radioactive spider on that one field trip.” Peter then held Sunset’s hand. “You know that I love you, right?” “Of course.” Sunset then pecked Peter on the cheek with a smile. The two then noticed Twilight and Charming Thunder walking up on stage. “What are they doing?” “They were going to sing a song for everyone with the band playing. I heard that it is a song they both wrote for each other.” Music began to quietly play as the two detached their mics. Twilight hummed to the tune of the song. Before the lyrics came, Charming Thunder regained the courage after being nervous before he sang first. Charming Thunder I was the one who left it all I was the one who decided my own fate I was too late to realize how wrong I was It’s like a snowflake in a fiery grip While I tried to shake away the pain Twilight Sparkle I took a step through the door Charming Thunder I close my eyes to make it go away Twilight Sparkle Let me help you Charming Thunder I always let her into my heart Twilight Sparkle To heal your pain Charming Thunder (overlapping) How much more can I even take Charming Thunder looked at Sunset for a moment and then back at the audience. Charming Thunder and Twilight Sparkle Now I know she’ll/I’ll never leave me/you Charming Thunder Even as I run away Twilight Sparkle I still loved you then Twilight then hummed to the tune of the song as Charming Thunder sang. Charming Thunder She may still torment me Calm me, hurt me Move me, fight by my side Lost alone in the dark room Twilight Sparkle Did you call for me? Charming Thunder Until a bright light shines at me Twilight Sparkle I hurried to your aid Charming Thunder I fooled myself, she walked in Twilight placed her hand on her heart. Twilight Sparkle In here Charming Thunder and Twilight Sparkle And stayed with me/you for evermore Charming Thunder walked to the side of the stage. Charming Thunder I once cursed this feeling I had Twilight Sparkle I sensed the good in you Charming Thunder The pain that it gave me Twilight Sparkle I was there to redeem him Peter wrapped his arm around Sunset as the two enjoyed listening to the most romantic song ever sung. Charming Thunder returned to his spot on the stage. Charming Thunder Though I left her after my own fault It was the wrong thing to do Twilight Sparkle (overlapping) It was the right thing I did Charming Thunder and Twilight Sparkle Now I know she’ll/I’ll never leave me/you Charming Thunder Even as she fades from view Twilight Sparkle (overlapping) I’m someone who cared for you Twilight hummed to the tune of the song again. Charming Thunder She has always inspired me Been a part of everything I do Lost alone in the dark room Until a bright light shines at me Charming Thunder and Twilight looked at each other as they sang. Twilight Sparkle I reached out for you Charming Thunder I fooled myself, she walked in Twilight Sparkle To hold your hand Twilight held Charming Thunder’s hand before looking back at the audience. Charming Thunder And as tonight will soon come to an end Twilight Sparkle With nothing to fear Charming Thunder I'll think of all I might have been Waiting here Twilight Sparkle (overlapping) We’re together now Charming Thunder and Twilight Sparkle For evermore The audience cheered when the song came to an end. Pinkie Pie wipes off a tear on her face with a tissue after playing the song for Twilight and Charming Thunder. Outside of the cave as the party resumed, Charming Thunder sat down with Twilight as they gazed at the stars together. She then pointed towards a constellation as he saw it as well. “That is Aquila,” she said. “It looks like it is shaped like one of my favorite types of birds; the hawk,” Charming Thunder said. “You know what?” “What?” “Maybe I would like to sing on stage one day with the girls. I sang at a school talent show once with my voice and won the whole thing.” Charming Thunder then chuckled. “That was way before I met you.” “Really? I had no idea. You should bring that up with Sunset and the others.” Twilight sighed as she rested her head on Charming Thunder’s shoulder. “You know, when I thought I was going to let Midnight take control of me, my friends were there to help me.” She then nudged his shoulder. “Tell me you love me. I want to hear you say it this time.” Charming Thunder then looked at Twilight’s face with a smile. “I love you. I love you so much. I always have.” Twilight smiled before she kissed Charming Thunder on the lips again. The two then broke the kiss as Twilight realized something. “Hey, what about that velociraptor? Have you thought about keeping it now that you tamed it?” Charming Thunder thought for a moment and then nodded. “I did come up with a name for her though. How does Blue sound? It’s because of the blue pattern on her scales.” “I think that is a nice name.” Twilight then got up and stretched as Charming Thunder did the same. “I am so beat. What do you say we grab some shut eye at our tents?” He smiled with a nod as the two held hands to walk back to the camping ground. THE END