• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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The Love Storm! Beyond Love

Equestria. Dodge Junction. Nightfall.

Due to Chrysalis's illness growing worse, the first two effects of the Amora Scourge were kicking in, slowly building up a Love Storm. The first effect was many starting to fall in love with Ash, dropping whatever they were doing and attempting to find him, while the second effect involved jealousy among others. Even Pokemon and Trainers were competing against each other.

Currently, Ash was moving at his maximum limit, having many ponies and Pokemon on his trail.

"What's with you guys tonight?!" Ash questioned while on the move, narrowly avoiding a vine from Liligant. "Yikes!" He would then narrowly dodge the vines and thorns from many Grass-Types, not letting them capture him. They were trying to slow him down with their attacks, but they would fail miserably. Ash and Pikachu were a formidable combo and their teamwork was always flawless even when running from something.

Just then, jumping in front of him was the large figure of a Tropius, who landed right in his path. He would try to pass him, but the fruit Pokemon would not let him, blocking him and not letting him through.

"Tropius!" It cried out, immediately moving its head straight for Ash and attempting to grab him with its mouth.

"Pikachu, Quick Attack!" Ash ordered, allowing Pikachu to move quickly, evading the incoming attack and striking Ash himself. By doing so, he caused Ash to move away from Tropius, stumbling a bit but easily regaining his balance as he kept moving. Larger Pokemon were chasing him down too, shaking the ground and easily knocking others other thanks to their size.

Above them, some pegasi and Flying-Types were trying to block their path, flying right over the two. They went as far as to start diving down to catch the two, but thanks to their swift movements, they would dodge them.

He's been at this for minutes which were soon about to be an entire hour. It didn't matter how many times he dodged them or tried to get away. More and more people and Pokemon would keep appearing, keeping him from escaping and trying to capture him.

May had come to a halt, sitting on a log to rest a bit. "Hah...Hah...Boy, we can't catch a break." They had been at this for a long time, trying to keep up with Ash.

"I didn't know Ash was this fast. We've been at this for a while and he's just not slowing down. If this keeps up, the Love Effect is only gonna keep spreading." Mellifera commented

"My Slurpuff's are getting tired too." Pinkie Pie glanced over at all 6 of her Slurpuffs, who were each lying down on the ground or resting near a tree, panting. "It's late and we really wanna go to bed...but this is important. If we don't save Chrysalis, Ash is gonna get mobbed.

"If only we could have an entire hive help us. Then, we could find Ash in no time." Mellifera groaned. "But they would also end up falling under the Love Effect as well and the Love Storm will spread. If that happens, we're doomed.

"Chrysalis..." May stood up, gazing at her. The Changeling Queen was still being carried by the others. She was looking up at the Moon, her breathing becoming heavier. She was sweating a bit, her body trembling. "Is the Love Storm getting worse?"

"Not yet...but it won't be long. Once the second effect is over, the Love Storm will begin. That is the worst possible scenario." Mellifera sighed before gazing at the night sky.

"What do we do...?" May pondered, looking at the ground. "We can't keep up or reach Ash and there's no way we can get him ourselves. The Love Effect is just gonna keep spreading if we do. Just what...what...?" It was driving May crazy as she held her head, trying her absolute best to come up with something.

"Don't worry too much about it, May." Suddenly, speaking with a weak voice was Chrysalis herself. "Even though you've met me not too long ago, I can still tell how much you care about Ash. You were so determined to find him and save him. You truly love him, don't you?"

"I-I...I guess so." May's cheeks were starting to blush, looking away.

"Then, I'm sure you can think of something. For you to do all of this for me even though you barely know me and my kind. And not to mention, you've been doing your best to save Ash. I have faith in you, May. Please...I'm begging you. I'll do anything if you can just save him."

"..." May stayed silent for a while. She was trying to come up with an idea, but it was proving to be difficult. "Anything...?
Anything." May repeated those words as something came to her mind. She immediately raised her head, looking up. "I have one plan that might work."

"Yeah?" Pinkie glanced over.

"If they're all focused on Ash and only Ash and if they're gonna start fighting each other, then there's only one thing to do. They're going to have to earn the right to him."

"Earn the right to him? How will we do that?" Mellifera raised an eyebrow.

"With a battle, of course. A battle between trainers. No matter what, if there's one person loves someone on that level, they'll do whatever it takes to get their attention. I've seen something like this with a celebrity once. He battled his own fans for their attention. If it's the same with these guys, then I know just how to get their attention. They'll stop chasing Ash and fight each other instead. They'll be busy battling and then I can go after Ash. Plus, I was one of those girls back then." May explained. "We just have to give them a battle and get them to stop chasing him."

"But what if that doesn't work?" Mellifera inquired.

"Trust me. It's all I got And if one thing's for sure, people love to Pokemon Battle, especially Ash. No matter where he is, if there's one thing he does, it's Pokemon Battles. That's his true passion."

"Well, you better make it a good show." Mellifera warned her. "How will you get their attention to do it in the first place?"

"I know a thing or two about showmanship. Don't worry about that part. You leave that to me. Pinkie Pie. Do you think you could get a microphone or speaker or something so they can hear me? It's the only way we'll get them to stop."

"I know a thing or two about showmanship. Don't worry about that part. You leave that to me. Pinkie Pie. Do you think you could get a microphone or speaker or something so they can hear me? It's the only way we'll get them to stop."

"I'll do more than that! I'll bake a wedding cake and throw the best wedding party ever!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Don't you worry about a thing, May. We can take a shortcut back to Ponyville!"

"Great." May put her hands together, preparing something fierce. "Just you wait, Ash."

Ponyville. SugarCube Corner.

Taking a shortcut back to Ponyville, Pinkie Pie got to work, baking the necessary cake. A Wedding Cake. Since the love for Ash was strong and it was clear a battle would commence, why not have the ponies battle for the right to marry him? That was Pinkie Pie's mindset as she would begin meticulously crafting a cake worthy of a wedding, adding all sorts of things onto it.

Chrysalis laid in her bed, taking deep breaths while watching Pinkie Pie at work, putting all her effort into this cake. Right before her eyes, the most wonderful cake she has ever seen was being formed. Even more wonderful than what she saw at the Canterlot Wedding. This one was a wedding cake meant for everyone and Ash. Speaking of Ash, Pinkie Pie had a small sculpture of Ash made, placing it on top. It was left on its own, having no one else on top unlike most wedding cakes.

Her masterpiece was done. The largest cake she's ever made without a doubt as she stepped back to admire the beauty she had crafted for the sake of her friends.

"There! All done!" Pinkie Pie finished the cake, smiling at it. "That's the most beautiful wedding cake I've ever made. So what do you think, May? Will this work?"

"Only one way to find out." As for May, she was currently getting herself ready, setting up a makeshift arena. This was done by Fluttershy and all her Pokemon from the Pokemon House. Thankfully, Fluttershy seemingly wasn't under the Love Effect at all. There were no signs of any changes.

"Goodness. Will this work?" Fluttershy asked. "Is everyone that in love with him right now? I hope not. We're not prepared."

"You've seen it yourself. You're lucky that you're not affected. Why is that anyway?" May asked the pegasus, but Fluttershy simply shrugged it off.

"Those that were chasing Ash. Since the magic comes from my daughter, it's only natural that all females would be affected. I can only imagine how upset the males are right now. Ash might become the King of the Changelings if this love storm goes through." Mellifera added.

"Um...Is that it?!" Fluttershy's face would turn into that of fear as she focused her eyes onto the sky. Everyone else looked up to see the night sky gaining a pinkish tint. They gasped, seeing the clouds swirl around, a bright light coming from the distance. This correlated with Chrysalis suddenly gasping, her body shaking more and more.

"What is that?!" Fluttershy cried out.

"The Love Storm! It's entering its 3rd Phase!" Mellifera shouted.

At this very moment, the powerful magic radiating from the Love Storm wasn't just causing its effects to spread faster, but it was also starting to reach outside of Equestria. The storm would continue to increase in size, expanding to other regions with the first region receiving this effect being Unova.

The skies of Unova were quickly beginning to change. The weather would suddenly shift as the skies were getting darker and the wind was becoming stronger. A strange, pinkish light was emitting across the region, replacing the night sky with something more romantic, even if the night sky is something seen as romantic already.

All of Unova was suddenly awakened by the storm's effects, causing the whole region to suddenly wake up. It was a strange occurrence that they could not understand. They didn't know what was going on or what caused it. Soon, their entire region was caught in the Love Storm, but that wasn't the end of it.

From the clouds, massive hearts the size of buildings started falling from the sky. These hearts were not actually physical hearts, but were rather made of pure magic and energy. They were falling everywhere and upon making contact with the ground, they would send their effect in the form of a mist.

Unova was already encompassed and very soon, the other regions went through the same thing. Sinnoh, Kalos, Alola, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, all of them were hit. The Love Storm was not showing any signs of stopping anytime soon, only continuing to expand, causing the love of the inhabitants of these regions to rise.

The power of the Love Storm was so tremendous that they all had one thing in mind. Go to Ash's Location. As if they all had radars now, thanks to the Love Storm, they could locate the source. All of the regions were in a mad dash, trying to get to his location. It was an absolute madhouse as they all kept running.

It didn't matter how far away they were, they would gladly rush to his location. And thanks to all the gateways that were placed in different regions, leading to different areas in Equestria, they didn't even need a plane to find him.

In fact, they didn't even need directions or maps. All they needed to do was let their instinct take control and their heart would guide them to him.

With Ponyville having a gateway to Pallet Town, the first people to appear were the Pallet Town residents, jumping though the gateway and arriving in Ponyville, rushing out the building. They were all making their way to Ash's location without a second's notice. One by one, Pallet Town's residents arrived and very soon, other residents from across Kanto will be here.

May grimaced at the sight before her, witnessing the storm from afar. She saw how fast it was expanding and just how much the pink light had grown. But she was not deterred. Her mission was set. She was going to save Ash, no matter what.

"Sweet Celestia..." Pinkie Pie gulped at the sight before her.

"Alright! They're here! Now to stop them!" May would grab the microphone, ready to speak as loud as she could. Everything has been set up and all she had to do was grab their attention to let them know that Ash will be here. Hopefully.

But right before she could say anything, Twilight suddenly emerged, descending from above and standing before the rampaging people and Pokemon. May looked over at Twilight, who took a deep breath before unleashing a spell, creating a large, magical barrier, blocking their path. Everyone crashed into the barrier wall, smushing their faces against it while some crashed into each other.

"Twilight!" Pinkie Pie said with glee before frowning. "Wait! Don't tell me you-"

"I'm not under the Love Effect." Twilight cut her off immediately as she was perfectly fine. "I'm already in love with Ash after all. This doesn't affect me." Already, Twilight found one weakness of this powerful magic based on what she's already seen.

"You are?" May spoke as this was news to her.

"I know what's going on. I saw everypony suddenly rush out of their homes. Even Eve just out of nowhere started chasing after Ash, even though he wasn't near him. I have a pretty good guess as to what's going on. Chrysalis is here and it looks like the illness is taking effect."

"Don't tell me you already know about the Amora Scourge." Mellifera stepped up. "It is supposed to be Changeling Knowledge only. How do you know about it?"

"When you're friends with the princesses, you learn a few things and get some great books along with it." Twilight turned her head, gazing at May. "You've already set something up as a plan?"

"Y-Yes! I mean, we don't have Ash right here but..." May tried explaining.

"If that's the case, then let me help. If Ash really is their target, then the last thing they're gonna want is for me to protect him. This'll give them something else to focus on. I've already had to restrain Rarity and Applejack. They're not happy with me right now, but it's not like I have a choice. Not even Big Macintosh is safe from it. This is the best I can do."

"So what should we do?" Thorax asked.

"We'll wait. Get Ash here as soon as possible. I can only hold them back for so long and the Love Storm is getting bigger. We need to stop Chrysalis before they can do any further damage. But we need you all to be here. Only the girls are affected so the boys can still think straight and they can help with the crowd."

"I can do that." Fluttershy, having the most Pokemon with her could get that done easily. Thankfully, a good chunk of her Pokemon from the Pokemon House were still themselves and there were definitely some boys among them.

"Good. Let's hope you can."

With that, all the available people began their next step. Getting Ash Ketchum to this place. Fluttershy's Pokemon would make up most of these numbers as she had her own Pokemon that could sniff someone out. While not as strong as Slurpuff, they could get the job done.

Once more, Ash found a silent place and this time, it was far from any cities or towns. It was a simple and empty clearing. The two were finally able to relax a bit and breathe, sitting on a log together. Pikachu sat on Ash's shoulder, equally as exhausted.

"Hah...Hah...I didn't think it'd be like this, Pikachu. I thought I'd have a break for once."

"Pikachu." The little yellow mouse sighed, agreeing with him.

"But if this is gonna happen, then we're gonna have to do this another time. Maybe we can do this tomorrow. For now, let's just get back home and rest. Tomorrow, we'll have to try and train with my soul."

"Pika..." Pikachu's ears lowered a bit. He knew the importance of this.

"Right now...I just wanna sleep. That's the best thing to do right now." Just as Ash was getting up, he heard the sound of a twig breaking, causing him to stop. "Huh?" He looked to the side, trying to locate the source of the noise. So much for his time to sleep as someone was already here. Sitting up, Ash narrowed his eyes, seeing a figure emerge.

From the trees, slowly walking up was none other than Galar's Gym Leader Bea. "Ash? Is that you?"

"Bea?!" Ash's eyes widened, recognizing the woman immediately.

"What are you doing here? What's going on?" Based on her response, it looked like Bea was unaffected by the magic, completely casual about it and showing no signs.

"Hah..." That was a massive relief for Ash. If anyone had the power to chase him down, it was Bea with how fierce she was. "Long story. Let's just say a lot's happened today."


"Glad you're here. I thought someone else was gonna come and chase me."

"Chase you? What you're talking about." Bea was rather lost. It was a surprise that she has not yet noticed the chaos that was rapidly approaching Ash.

"Ahaha..." Ash chuckled. "Guess you haven't spotted them yet. Boy, there was this huge wave of people and Pokemon chasing me. I couldn't tell if it was a stampede or a horde."

"Hmm..." Bea looked over her shoulder, spotting the same mist that was covering the area. Her eyes then went upwards to witness the magic of the Love Storm, which had fully transformed the night sky, giving it a glorious pink tint. "What is happening to the sky...?"

"No clue." Ash would sit back down before lying on his back. "I'll figure it out in the morning. Can you do me a favour, Bea? Are you here to train tonight?"

"That was the plan, yes?"

"If you don't mind, could ya look out for me? I need some sleep. Wake me up when it's the morning. I've had so many chase me down tonight and I'm just out of it. Especially after what happened yesterday too and a few days before that. I haven't had a good rest in a while now. You think you can do that, Bea?"

"I suppose I can do that.Keep watch of you while I also train. You're a powerful Trainer Ash after you defeated me, so you deserve a wonderful rest. After all, you'll be the one to reach Champion Leon, aren't you?" Ben would sit down near him.

"Yeah...That's the plan." Ash smiled a bit, closing his eyes. "Thanks, Bea. I'm counting on ya. Wake me up if anything happens." Slowly, Ash's eyes would start closing, finally being able to go to sleep. He clocked out, his body letting him experience this blissful feeling.

"Pika-chu." Pikachu jumped off of him, lying right beside him.

"Good night, Pikachu." He would pet the Electric Mouse, feeling him snuggle up against him. Just like that, the two of them were out for the night, falling asleep together. Bea stood tall, keeping watch over them all as she would face the distance, making sure no one else would dare to come close to Ash.

As the minutes passed, Ash was sleeping peacefully, the moonlight shining down on him. He was fast asleep and not even the sound of a distant thunder could wake him up. Just then, as Bea was training as always, she suddenly stopped, her eyes focusing onto the distance. Her pupils narrowed, staring at a particular direction.

She would finally see what Ash was talking about when he mentioned a stampede. Emerging from the darkness were multiple Pokemon and people, coming their way. Their eyes were wide and had a certain, glowing light as they all looked like they had one goal in mind.

"I see." Bea nodded before facing all of the incoming Pokemon and People that were in the multiples upon multiples upon multiples and so on. "None of you are getting close to him for even a second. You can try and challenge me if you'd like."

"Out of the way!" One of the girls shouted, sicking her Metang on Bea. Metang would use Flash Cannon, attempting to force Bea out of the way, only for the Fighting-Type Gym Leader to quickly retaliate.

"Hm!" Quickly, she threw a Poke Ball forward, immediately summoning her Machamp.

"Machamp!"The second Machamp emerged, her body easily took the Flash Cannon as the beam of concentrated light bounced off of her, entering the skies instead and even piercing through one of the pink clouds.


"Ash is to one day reach Champion Leon. I know he can do it. And you all are just in the way." Having the utmost respect for Ash after their third battle, Bea absolutely refused to let disrupt his peace. She stuck to her promise, becoming his Night Defender.

It would be Bea and Machamp versus an entire horde of those who fell under the Love Effect. Machamp lunged into action, facing down Pokemon of numerous numbers. In a flash, Machamp's fists were flying forward, knocking aside the first batch of Pokemon that came her way. Her movements were fast and fluid, not giving the enemy the chance to hit her.

Machamp was quick on her feet, rushing across the field as her fists struck her opponents. With an experienced fist, honed through the years via many Gym Battles and tns of training, she sent them flying into the air or crashing into the ground. Any Pokemon that retaliated, like a Bewear that tried attacking her with a Hammer Arm, Machamp would quickly grab its fist, using its own strength against it for an immediate toss.

She was holding her own, fighting as many Pokemon that came her way. A group of Pokemon attempted to mush themselves together, forming a wall to overwhelm Machamp. But that only prompted Machamp to hold her arms out, using her incredible strength to stop them in their tracks. They pushed and pushed, but she refused to budge.

"You will not disturb him. None of you will." Bea declared. "Push through, Machamp!"

"Machamp!" Her arms would push against the group, causing them to be pushed back, separating. She would immediately take advantage, clapping all four of her hands so hard that she generated a thunderous shockwave, sending the group flying.

But even if the Pokemon were getting pushed back, the trainers were not giving up. Some were actually trying to sneak past her and get to Ash, but the moment they tried, Machamp's eyes would dart towards them, glaring. Bea's perception was just as sharp as Machamp's as the Fighting-Type would elbow the ground, creating a powerful tremor that shook the entire area.

The tremor was so powerful that it caused the trainers to lose their footing, tripping and falling over. All of them were knocked down to the ground. Despite all of this, Ash was not disturbed at all, peacefully sleeping without a single worry.

Droves after droves of Pokemon were coming in, all being met with Machamp. Machamp continued fighting, never letting any of them pass by and keeping a lookout. But despite how hard she was fighting, it was not enough to deter them. She was not alone after all.

The skies above rumbled as the Love Storm's strength kept growing and growing. Hearts began falling from the skies, falling onto the area. When the hearts made contact, they would send out a powerful, pink blast, covering the land in a pink mist. Even amidst the pink mist, Bea would press on, defending Ash's sleep.

Minutes passed by, soon turning into an entire hour. Machamp had been at this non-stop and even with the hearts coming down, the trainers would continue to try and get through. The hearts were powerful, but even when they were struck by the pink mist, it had no effect.

Gradually, the numbers were beginning to drop as of now. But really, Bea was only dealing with the current wave that managed to make it here.

"Hah... This is rather tough, isn't it, Machamp? But you can keep this up, can't you?"

"Machamp!" The Fighting-Type responded.

"Good. I'm glad. I trust in you and your strength." Bea nodded while wiping her forward, clearly showing signs of fatigue. Even she couldn't keep all of this up for long. Not against so many Trainers.


But just as Bea was getting herself ready, a new opponent had entered the fray. Running here was May, who moved past all the fainted Pokemon and people on the floor. With her were Slurpuff, Pikachu and the Changelings.

"We're here!" May exclaimed, panting hard. "Ash!"

"Hm!" Bea immediately assumed her to be another opponent and did not hesitate to stop her in advance. "Machamp! Block them!"

"Champ!" Machamp moved in, all four arms out as she attempted to force May's group away before they could even approach.

"Woah, Woah!" May came to a screeching halt before quickly grabbing one of her Poke Balls. "Blaziken!" The Fire-Type had been summoned, performing a flip upon its entrance.

"Blaziken!" Upon arriving, Blaziken would use Blaze Kick, blocking Machamp's incoming push. Its fiery kick would force the four-armed Pokemon back, making her slide.

"Machamp!" Machamp moved in, unleashing a barrage of attacks that flew in Blaziken's direction. Just like that, a clash between Blaziken and Machamp had begun.

"Use Blaze Kick, Blaziken!" Blaziken was not backing down, kicking the ground with her feet, launching herself forward. The two Fighting-Types came into contact with each other as they immediately unleashed a swift flurry of attacks, their strikes meeting with each other and summoning a gust of wind.

"Ken!" Blaziken's kicks would come in, but Machamp was easily blocking them all, not giving her the chance to hit her. Machamp's punches were just as fierce, her fists constantly moving, but Blaziken would dodge every one of them. The Fire-Fighting-Type swayed its head, using its legs to block and parry some of them as well.

With a quick movement, Machamp would attempt to elbow Blaziken, only for her to dodge and counter, using a Sky Uppercut. Machamp would use her lower hands to protect herself, the force being strong enough to push her back a bit.

A Bea who was starting to run out of steam would narrow her eyes. Out of all the opponents that have shown here so far, May was managing to keep up with her. She was quite the powerful opponent and the fact that she had Blaziken, a Pokemon that was strong against her type was a major factor.

"This might turn out horrible. But for Ash's shake..." Bea clenched her hands, preparing to go all out. "...I will not give up. No matter what, you won't be getting through!"

"Hold on! Hold on!" May flailed her arms. "We're not under the effects, I swear! We're trying to save Ash! We're trying to help him! We don't want to hurt him at all!"

"Help him?" Bea blinked, not expecting that answer.

"Hah..." May took a deep sigh. "Yeah. Just...hear us out, okay? This is something we should've done before I got into a fight with you."

Everything had been explained to Bea by May, giving her a quick rundown. Now everything was starting to make sense. From the Pink Sky to the sudden rush of people and Pokemon, even to the strange hearts raining down. Everything was now clear as day and why Ash was in danger.

"I see." Bea nodded, having heard it all. "So this is all caused by an illness. What a shame. If I knew that, I wouldn't have been so harsh."

"No problem." May rubbed the back of her head. "I can see why you did it anyway. Ash asked you to protect him and you didn't know the whole story. I would've done the same thing."

"Thank you for understanding. It's strange though. What kind of Love is that for them to start acting in such a way? I'm not exactly a love expert, but..."

"Love is a pretty complex thing." May stated, having learned this from the Amora Scourge. "But that Amora Scourge makes it pretty straight-forward. Now that we're here, we can get Ash back to Ponyville where Chrysalis is waiting. Plus, we already have a plan to fix all of this."

"And the Changelings can help too. With your aid, we can definitely stop them." Mellifera stated, speaking up. "For you to be at that for so long just to defend him is admirable."

"That sounds like a good idea."

"I'm surprised though. You didn't try anything with him when he was asleep." May spoke. "Twilight said it doesn't work on her because she's already in love with Ash. Does that mean-"

"Ahem!" Bea cleared her throat, curring May off before she could even finish her sentence. Her face was turning bright red, avoiding eye contact with her. She could hear her heart pounding in her chest. "Anyways. We shouldn't disrupt his sleep. I'll have Machamp carry him and then you can lead the way. Shouldn't we be getting to Ponyville soon?"

"That's the plan. Let's not waste any more time." May nodded. Machamp would gently approach Ash, picking him up from the ground along with Pikachu. Both were now safely in her grasps, snoring in peace. It was a shocker that they were not disturbed even once. Bea had to wonder if she was even needed or not, but she wasn't complaining.

With Ash's location finally secure, May's group and the Changelings would set off for Ponyville, having their next destination secured. They knew for a fact that returning to Ponyville meant having more people and Pokemon hot on their trail now that they were carrying Ash.


As the sun slowly began rising and the dark sky was changing, the night was coming to an end. The Love Storm was still ongoing, but things had begun to change. The clouds were starting to clear, allowing the sunlight to shine through with all of its grace. They had arrived at Ponyville where Twilight had spent the entire time using a spell to stop the stampede from approaching.

As time passed on, more and more people passed through the gateway, pushing against the barrier and forcing Twilight to increase it some more.

"Finally!" Twilight exclaimed, gradually running out of steam. She had been maintaining the barrier for hours now and it was beginning to take a toll on her. But she had to endure for Ash. "Did you find him?!"

"We did!" May shouted, holding up a thumb. "Everything's all set! Let's distract them with this contest and get Ash to Chrysalis! It's time we stop this madness."

"Right." Twilight nodded, releasing the spell, dropping the barrier. The pink magic vanished, freeing everyone that was trapped inside. Immediately, everyone was back on their feet, rushing out and seeing Ash in Machamp's grasp.

Upon being freed, they started bickering against each other while racing towards Ash, shoving each other out of the way. It was a wild frenzy of arguements and shoving from ponies and Pokemon alike. This was by far them at their most wildest.

"Stop arguing! All of you! We're gonna settle this with a contest! Whoever wins reaches him!" May would announce through the microphone which was also given a megaphone, getting everyone's attention. "How's that?!"

"Contest? What kind of contest?" One of them asked.

"Easy. A Pokemon Batle is the answer to it all!" May answered. "Whoever beats me gets to be with Ash. The loser can just forget about it and get lost."

"Wait! You?!" Twilight glanced over at May. "I thought you were having all of them battle each other!"

"Well, I was, but since they're so persistent and won't shut up, then they'll have to fight me." May put on a rather devious grin when facing all of the people and Pokemon that came this far.

"What?! Are you crazy?!" Twilight exclaimed. All of them against May was outlandish.

"I have an idea! A way to get everyone's attention. Trust me." The Trainer from Hoenn winked.

"Well, I suppose."

"You can count on me, Twi. This is a contest I'm not gonna lose." May smirked, winking.

"If you're doing it, then so will I." Bea stepped forward, standing by May's side. "You can't hope to stop them all on your own. I already had to battle so many of them earlier."

"Arent' you exhausted, Bea? You're really gonna fight for that long?"

"I can. I still have the strength to continue. I'm not a Gym Leader for nothing. I've fought against plenty of trainers. I made a promise to Ash, after all."

"If you two are doing it, so will I!" Twilight would step up, deciding to assist them both. Let's make it the three of us against them. Give Ash as much time as he needs to speak with Chrysalis. Hopefully, the cure shows itself.

"Alright!" May smiled, looking over the crowd. "You can all get started at anytime! If you can beat all of our Pokemon and I do mean all of them, you'll win! So, let's get rolling!"

The Pokemon House.

As the battle at the centre of Ponyville began, the one to bring Ash to Chrysalis, who was currently at the sanctuary known as the Pokemon House, was Thorax. Carrying Ash, who was still sleeping soundly, the Changeling Captain would make his way there, entering the Pokemon House where Chrysalis laid.

Upon arriving, Fluttershy and the Pokemon would see Thorax's arrival. The pegasus and the other Pokemon were quick to notice the man in his arms while Chrysalis would raise her head.

"Is that...?!"

"He's finally here. It looks like everything's going according to plan." Thorax placed Ash onto the bed, right next to Chrysalis.

"Ash.." Chrysalis spoke his name. Just by saying his name, Ash was starting to wake up. This was all it took to wake him up. He opened his eyes, yawning a bit.

"Oh, Chrysalis?" Ash grumbled. "What are you doing here...?"

"Sorry for bringing you here like this, but there's no time to explain. You have to talk with her. Please, do it. I'll tell you the details later. This is urgent."

"It's fine Thorax. As long as he's here. I can talk to him."

"Talk to me? Talk to me about what? What's going on?" Ash blinked.

"All of this is my fault, Ash. It's my own magic. I'm the one responsible for all of this. My own feelings took form and emerged as this, I'm afraid. It left me with this illness as well. The Amora Scourge. My magic has a mind of its own and it's causing the people and Pokemon of Equestria to fall in love with you.

"Huh. So that's what that all was." Ash was beginning to understand it.

"It's a new experience for me. Something rare among Changelings that's apparently never supposed to happen." Chrysalis took a deep breath before looking up at the skies that were slowly being lit up by the golden rays of the Sun.

"I've never felt a love like this. Never has a Queen ever had such feelings for a human, nor does it happen with Changelings at all. Not until I met you. When we first met, it was my desire for revenge and to steal your energy. But the more I hung around you and got to know you, the more my feelings grew. It's something I have never experienced. This is the love that Cadence and Shining Armor have always had for each other. The same love I tried taking for myself 4 years ago."

"Chrysalis..." Ash's eyes were starting to widen.

"When you showed me kindness, that's when the love began to take form and I realized what these feelings were. Even after entering my Purity Form and finding a new way for all Changelings to embrace love, I was still missing something. Now, I've found it. And even though it's causing such a ruckus...I'm glad. I'm glad my feelings reached you first.

"Chrysalis. I get you." Ash would smile back. "You don't have to worry anymore. I was kinda feeling out of it recently but this was awesome to hear. Thanks."

"Mm." Chrysalis's heart was warmed by this. So warmed that the magic exuding from her was beginning to calm down. There was indeed some sort of magic calming effect when the interest of the Queen is the one to approach.

"Amazing!" Mellifera gasped. "The Magic is beginning to subside! Could this be working?" Everyone held their breath, hoping that this was the key to it. However, at that moment, while Chrysalis had a peaceful face, the magic around her body would suddenly shoot upwards. A beautiful pink beam reached the twilight skies, swerving through the clouds before coming to a halt.

They gazed at the light as something was beginning to form from it. Mellifera wasn't sure what this was but there was only one thing she could assume. This was the Final Phase of the Love Storm.

"What is that?" Fluttershy was the first to speak up.

"Could it be...the final phase of the storm?!" Mellifera gasped, recognizing it.

But now, it was no longer a storm. All the energy in the sky across entire regions and all of Equestria would start rapidly flying in this singular spot, forming into something unexpected. Like a twister, vortex or maelstrom, the magic began manifesting into a familiar shape. A shape of a massive Changeling.

They watched as an avatar of some sort would form, gaining the appearance of a Changeling, specifically Chrysalis herself. Its body would be made out of all the Love Energy formed on this night, giving it the appearance of a pink mist.

During their battle, Twilight, May and Bea all looked up to see this giant avatar, absolutely stunned. When gazing at it, Mellifera reached only one conclusion.

"I've heard about this. An Avatar of a Changeling's Love. But I never thought it was real. The Amorah's Ascendence."

"That's...an Avatar?!" Thorax's eyes widened.

"An Avatar of a Changeling's Love?!" Ash was amazed, gazing at the sight. "Awesome!" Even in scenarios like this, he couldn't help but admire the spectacle.

"With that thing here, it has a Divine Purpose. It's said that the Amorah's Ascendence is driven by a singular, unyielding purpose - to spread love and unity throughout the world, transcending boundaries of race, creed, and ideology. However, her indiscriminate approach to love may inadvertently cause upheaval or conflict as she challenges everything that has built up over the years when it comes to love."

"Wow. So what do we do then? What's the big deal? That's not dangerous, is it?" Ash asked.

"It is. By absolute force, it will bring about love. But a less ideal version of it." Mellifera shook her head. "It will surely force the entire world into a state of endless love. No conflict of any sorts. But.. that also means no dreams, ambitions, goals, or personal achievements. Everyone will simply be mindless drones in a state of bliss."

"What?! That's...awful!" Fluttershy cried out. "How do we stop something like that?!"

"The same way we always do!" Ash stood up with Pikachu, gazing up at the Amorah's Ascendence. "We take it down!"

"Ash...!" Chrysalis's eyes widened, gazing at him.

"I'm not just gonna let this thing cause so much damage. Even if it's not hurting anyone right now, it could be later.

"If you're going to do that, you're not doing it in that state." Suddenly, descending from the skies was none other than Princess Cadence. She already sensed a disturbance in her sleep and knew that the balance of love as being thrown out of wack. She was very much right, showing up at the zenith of this mess.

"Cadence!" Ash smiled, seeing her. "Good to see you."

"Ash. You've already managed to make peace with Chrysalis's heart. But that Avatar transcends it. You can battle it and knock it back, but you won't be able to defeat it." Cadence explained when approaching Ash. "It's similar to my own Avatar."

"Oh yeah. The one that only shows up at Valentine's or Hearths and Hooves Day?" Ash recalled that moment. He only saw it once but it was very vivid in his head.

"The same one. But this one can show up whenever it wants. I can't stop the Amorah's Ascendance. Only the one who the original summoner loves can do so. But in an equal state."

"Again? You too? This is supposed to be exclusive to Changelings." Mellifera groaned as even Cadence had knowledge about all of this So much for exclusivitiy.

"An equal state? You mean...I gotta be as big as her?!" Ash pointed at the colossal being that was exuding a radiant aura. This aura was amplifying all the love in the surrounding area and driving everyone else to love Ash even more.

"Correct. And that can only be done if I transfer the magic used for my own avatar. By giving it to you, I can draw out your inner most emotions and manifest them as an avatar. Even though it's past Valentines and Hearths and Hooves, the spell will still work but it won't be as strong, considering the circumstances. So we'll have to settle with that."

"Sounds good. I can't just let this thing mess everything up."

"I'm glad." Cadence nodded, stepping back. "The one thing that drives you the most. Whatever it may be...let it be unleashed!" From her horn, she would summon a beam of magic, firing it directly at Ash. The beam was bright, glowing in the night sky, engulfing him entirely.

Ash closed his eyes, letting the magic envelop his body. Upon interacting with him, his Aura would suddenly start flaring up, the energy radiating throughout his body. Everyone would watch, the light growing stronger and brighter. The magic from Cadence was flowing into him, causing him to levitate in the air.

The magic would begin taking a different form, shaping his body. Instead of a being composed of Love Magic, emerging from the light was a being composed of Aura. A brilliant Azure light blasted through the night sky when rising, catching the attention of everyone here. The being's body was shaped in the image of Ash. With its body and features, the aura would start to change colour.

From a pale yellow, the aura would soon turn blue, giving it the appearance of Aura. This was no longer the magic of Cadence or a manifestation of Chrysalis's love. This was a manifestation of Ash's Aura, which was just as strong and powerful. The light would shine for a few more moments before fading, revealing a new being.

"Is that...Love?" Fluttershy questioned.

"It is. But it's also another one of Ash's deepest emotions. To be honest, I'm not sure if it's his guts, spirit or bravery. It's something so deep that he doesn't even understand. It's like he's an Aura User but at the same time, not. His Aura is so powerful. Even his own aura is a manifestation of his emotions and beliefs. That right there is the Avatar of Aura."

"Aura." Thorax repeated.

"Pika." Pikachu was amazed, watching the being descend to the ground, landing next to Chrysalis.

"WOAH. YOU GUYS ARE SO SMALL NOW." Ash spoke, his voice being a combination of both his own and the Avatar's. The voice was much louder and booming than Ash's, making it hard to even listen to him. It was as if a celestial being was speaking to them all. "THIS IS SO WEIRD AND COOL!"

"Ash, focus!" Cadence bellowed. "Right now, you're bigger than any of your Pokemon! You're going to have to battle without them!"

"ALRIGHT. I CAN DO THIS." Ash would nod, facing the Amorah's Ascendence. "I USED TO WRESTLE WITH MY SNORLAX PLUSH WHEN I WAS A KID! COME ON!"

The Avatar of Aura, standing taller than the Amorah's Ascendence and Ash, would slowly make his way over to the Changeling. The Amorah's Ascendence used magic, shooting a blast at him. Ash would block the attack, holding up his arms, shielding himself. The attack was blocked and not even a scratch was left behind.

The two avatars were now in a face-off, both staring each other down. Seeing that the first attack failed, the Amorah's Ascenence would unleash a Harmonic Resonance. Channelling the harmonious vibrations of love, the Changeling unleashed a wave of energy that only served to bring balance and unity to discordant forces.

Ash would raise his hand, clenching it into a fist before punching forward, using the same move. The two attacks clashed, resulting in a massive explosion, forcing everyone to cover their eyes and protect themselves.

Ash would then channel Aura in his right hand, suddenly summoning an Aura of Lightning, almost as if he was using Thunderbolt.

"PIKACHU'S NOT BATTLING, BUT THAT'S NOT GONNA STOP ME FROM USING THIS! HERE'S MY OWN THUNDERBOLT!" Ash would shout, throwing his arm forward. A blast of azure lightning would shoot forward, flying straight at the Changeling. The bolt would fly through the air, crashing against the Avatar, sending her staggering back.

"Pika-Pi!" Pikachu's eyes sparkled, seeing his Trainer's avatar using an attack. He couldn't help but feel proud and jealous at the same time.

Enraged, the Amorah's Ascendence would unleash a torrential storm of love-infused energy, which swept away many of the people and Pokemon at the Centre of Ponyville with overwhelming force. But the Aura Avatar, thanks to his height, was able to defend himself by placing his hands together, using his body as a shield.

The Aura around him would flare with a divine presence, flowing across the clouds and dispersing some of the Love Magic that infected them.

"TRY THIS! AURA SPHERE!" The Aura Avatar would use this moment to channel energy, an azure light forming in his hands. He was generating his own Aura Sphere, holding his hands out and lobbing it as if he was throwing a Poke Ball. The Aura Sphere was fired, flying at the Avatar. The two attacks clashed, meeting with each other.

But this time, the Aura Sphere would be overpowering the torrent, pushing it back. As if it was a battle between two divine beings, the two forces were evenly matched, struggling against one another. But even if they were at a standstill, Ash was not ready to give up. He would charge more power, causing the Aura Sphere to grow bigger, slowly overtaking the torrent.

The Amorah's Ascendence was beginning to panic, frantically using everything she had to offer for victory. From her horn, a pink lightning would fire, merging with her torrent to try and overpower Ash. But it was futile. Ash would unleash a loud scream, charging even more energy, the Aura Sphere now surpassing the torrent, blowing up the Amorah's Ascendance.

She quickly put her wings up to try and block the attack as the Aura Sphere hit her, creating a powerful explosion. The resulting shockwave was enough to envelop her body as the entirety of the Aura covered her.

The Amorah's Ascendence would unleash a horrifying yet somewhat beautiful screech as she would start falling apart. Her body would begin breaking into multiple pieces, turning into pink mist. After being absolutely shattered, the mist of the Amorah's Ascendence would disperse, vanishing from the land.

"MAN..." Ash took a deep breath, looking at his hands. "IS THAT ALL?"

"Yes. It was." Cadence nodded, smiling a bit. "Well done as always, Ash!"

"I can see why you fell in love with him." Mellifera would smile, finally seeing why her daughter would take such an interest in Ash.

"PIKACHU!" Pikachu exclaimed, leaping onto the Aura Avatar's shoulder. "Pika Pika!"

Ash looked at his best buddy with a giggle, who appeared even smaller than before. Thanks to his victory, the Amorah Scourge was dying out. As a result, the Love Storm would slowly dissipate, fading away as the morning came.

The entire event had come to a conclusion. People and Pokemon were snapping back to their senses, blinking as if they had been in a daze. All of them were starting to realize where they were and what happened.

"Wha...Huh?" They started speaking, completely bewildered by their surroundings. May, Bea and Twilight collectively sighed now that it was over. They did a pretty good job distracting them all. All the people and Pokemon here quickly went back to whatever they were doing or wherever they were, completely lost. Some of them would immediately gasp upon seeing the gigantic Ash Ketchum standing before them.

That just confused them even more.


"Sorry for this, Ash. It looks like I caused so much trouble." Chrysalis apologized, back to full health and better than ever. "It seems like I can't keep my emotions in check. It was never a problem before."

"Hey, it's no big deal." Ash waved his hands. "It was actually a pretty awesome experience. I've never seen anything like that. You should've told me earlier. We could've had a battle with those. Being that big was so awesome!"

"That could've gotten out of hand..." May scratched her hair. "To think you'd end up using an Avatar. Just like the Princess. How did we even get here?"

"On the bright side, we won't have to worry about that anymore." Twilight shrugged. "And we now have a backup power that we never knew was there. Imagine what it'll be like on the right day."

"I can make peace with my heart now, Ash." Chrysalis smiled. "Thank you for listening. You are the first to do that. I have no regrets in my heart whatsoever."

"Aw, thanks, Chrysalis. Don't sweat it."

"I should be going now. I still need to get some sleep of my own. And I can imagine all of you need it as well. I'm sure you had a busy night."

"Very." Twilight nodded. "Let's just say it's another one for the books."

"You can say that again." May would yawn, stretching her arms.

"It at least helped me grow stronger with all of those battles." Bea commented, looking at her fist.

"And I'll be here." Cadence spoke. "In case this happens again. I'll be happy to lend you a hand, Chrysalis. We all make mistakes and you'll have plenty of chances to grow."

"Glad to hear it. See you soon." Chrysalis would walk off with her mother, Thorax and the other Changelings that were by her side. The others would soon follow suit, returning to their homes to rest.

"Hang on a second..." Something finally clicked with Twilight. "I figured out that it doesn't work on those who already love Ash. But you three..." Right as she was about to face Bea, May and Fluttershy, they were suddenly gone.

"What the...?" Twilight blinked, not even realizing they had disappeared. She would look around, trying to find them, only to see Ash standing there. He was completely unaware of their disappearance.

"Twilight. Something wrong?" Ash asked, noticing her expression.

But Twilight shrugged it off before walking off with Ash. The two would speak with each other along the way, ready to clock out and get some rest during the day. Quite the turbulent experience. All of it had piggybacked from the incident at Rainbow Falls but there was some peace involved in it now. No doubt, wilder experiences will come in the future as the journey continues.

Chapter 450 End.

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