• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Past Feelings

Equestria. The Frozen North. Night.

During a search for more of the shards, Lena's group dealt with those crafty Sableye who managed to snatch one of the shards. The Flying-Type Shard. At this very moment, the Sableye, who have covered themselves in crystals to blend in with the Crystal Empire's environment were taking flight. Now that they were away from the Crystal Empire, their camouflage would drop in efficiency.

"Is that what happened with those shards, Miss Lena?" Speaking to Lena was the older Flurry Heart, who was caught on up the whole Shard Debacle. The group were pursuing the Lena

"Mhm. It was also my fault. I got a bit too rash at that moment since I was thinking on the spot." Lena said. "I didn't plan to break them into smaller pieces but...that was the only option that would've worked."

"You never told us about who else was going after them." Jessie questioned. "Who else would want those shards? Besides anyone who knew what they could do."

"I didn't? Guess not!" Lena laughed. "I'm surprised it was just the two of us going for it. I also didn't think he'd have such intentions. I still don't get why you would do that. Volo..." She spoke the name of the one also pursuing the shards. For the first time, they heard the name Volo.

"Who's Volo?" Flurry Heart asked.

"Well...Someone I still consider a friend of mine." Lena spoke. "Even if he's the reason we're in this mess. It was back when I first appeared in Hisui. Meeting the Professor, Akari and everyone there.

200 Years Ago. Hisui. Day.

In her early days in the Hisui Region, Lena's path intertwines with that of Akari, a member of the Galaxy Expedition Team, and other inhabitants of Jubilife Village. She still had memories of the past which had not been lost and Lena vividly remembers seeing the golden silhouette of Arceus, who sent her here. For what reason? She still had no clue.

I was made a member of the Galaxy Expedition Team by Captain Kamado and it was my job to study Hisui, much like them. No one knew where I came from so they didn't know what to do with me. And I knew for a fact that I was too far from my own time. But even so, it wasn't hard for me to get used to everyone there.

Despite never having caught a Pokémon herself, Lena's extensive knowledge and firsthand experiences with these creatures from her travels in the ancient world make her a unique and invaluable resource to Akari and the Galaxy Expedition Team. Lena's approach to Pokémon is rooted in empathy, observation, and mutual respect, rather than the conventional methods of capturing and battling.

Not that Lena was skilled in it anyway. She still couldn't use a Poke Ball after all, seeing it as an apple. She would even start biting the early rendition of a Poke Ball and the biggest surprise was the fact that her teeth didn't hurt.

"Don't bite into it, Miss Lena!"Akari bellowed.

It felt like I was starting a new life in that world, even though I knew I had to return to my time soon. I got the chance to meet so many more Pokemon in Hisui. Jubilife Village reminded me of my own village back in the past. Even after being thrown into the future, I still felt at home.

One day, while exploring the rugged terrain of the Hisui Region, Lena's path intersects with that of Volo, a passionate researcher and mentor figure much like herself.

"Oh. Are you the one who fell from the sky?" Volo said, already aware of how Lena got here. "You must be Lena Ketchum. Heard a bit about you."

"This here is Volo. A Merchant of the Gingko Guild. He also helped teach me a few things about Pokemon." Akari said, introducing Lena to her. "Ooh...I guess I have two mentors now."

Lena smiled warmly at Volo's greeting, acknowledging his awareness of her unusual arrival in the Hisui Region. "Yes, that's me," she replied with a hint of amusement. "I don't suppose you know how to get me back to my time, do you?"

"Not really. But an interesting thing to start with." Volo replied. "But I've also seen you in action. The way you do things is just as old as what everyone in Jubilife does. You won't even use a Poke Ball."

"Well...I'm not really all that used to everything here still." Lena chuckling.

"But if you're lost, I'm currently doing my own research out there." Volo continued. "There has to be a reason why you fell from the sky. Things like these don't just happen and this has never happened."

"Well...I did see a Pokemon before I came here." Lena recalled. "I never got its name. But it did give me this. Something called an Arc-Phone." From her pocket, Lena revealed a special phone that resembled the style of Arceus.

Volo's eyes widen in astonishment as Lena reveals the Arc-Phone, its design unlike anything he has ever seen before. Its sleek, futuristic appearance stands in stark contrast to the ancient relics and tools typically found in the Hisui Region.

"By the stars," Volo breathes, his gaze fixated on the strange device in Lena's hand. "What manner of artifact is this?"

"What's a...phone?" Naturally, Akari and Volo had no idea what they were looking at.

"I don't know myself" Lena shrugged. "But it's been incredibly helpful. The Pokemon who gave me this brought me here for a reason. I just haven't figured it out."

"That shape..." Volo observed the style of the phone. Specifically the golden parts. There was something familiar about them that he was trying to make out."What was the Pokemon that sent you here?"

"I didn't get its name. I did see its shape but...it was so bright for to make anything out of it."

"How about I chime in then?" Volo asked. "If you need help getting back, then maybe own expeditions can mix well with yours. There's something I'm itching to solve myself."

Volo's offer piques Lena's interest. She could use all the help she could get, especially when it came to getting back home. "Work together? Well, sure. I'm already getting help from the Galaxy Expedition Team so this'll help."

"Two of my mentors working together. Wow..." Akari's eyes lit up with amazement for a moment. "Wait. What about your job as a Merchant?"

"Mmm." Volo shrugged. "I can do both, Akari. You don't have to worry about that. Now, you were making your way to Eterna Forest right?"

And so, with their alliance solidified and their resolve fortified, Lena, Volo, and Akari set out on their journey together, united by a common purpose, they would work in unison to help Lena back to her time. However which way they could pull it off.

As Lena continued on her journey through the Hisui Region, the help she got from others, especially Volo, proved to be invaluable. Guided by Volo's knowledge of the region's landscapes and Akari's insights into Pokémon behaviour, they navigate the rugged terrain with ease, their shared determination driving them forward.

For weeks, Lena worked hard, finding the Noble Pokemon and befriending them, such as Hisuian Braviary, Sneasler, Ursaluna and so on. She wasn't sure if she was getting closer to her goal, but she was having such a wonderful time regardless.

As Lena delves deeper into her expeditions throughout the Hisui Region, she occasionally finds herself pleasantly surprised by unexpected encounters with Volo. Whether she's exploring ancient ruins or traversing dense forests, Volo's sudden appearance never fails to catch her off guard.

And over time, I did start to see him more than a friend. All those times we've worked together was building up to something new for me.

As Lena and Volo encounter each other here and there, Lena finds herself increasingly drawn to Volo. His unwavering support, the similar way he reacts to Pokemon much like her and charming personality gradually capture her heart, and she begins to develop feelings for him beyond friendship.

At first, Lena is unsure how to navigate these newfound emotions, hesitant to disrupt the dynamic of their friendship. She finds herself stealing glances at Volo when he's not looking, her heart fluttering at his laughter and the way his eyes light up with excitement.

As time goes on, Lena finds herself daydreaming about moments shared with Volo, imagining what it would be like to explore the Hisui Region hand in hand with him. She cherishes their every interaction, treasuring the moments they spend together and longing for more.

Yet, she hesitates to confess her feelings, fearing rejection or the possibility of jeopardizing their friendship. Instead, she buried her emotions deep within her heart, silently cherishing the bond they share while secretly yearning for something more.

That was my own fault. Maybe if I had told him sooner, what happened next wouldn't have happened. Then again, I was never supposed to be in this time, so it was never a possibility from the start.

As Lena's feelings for Volo deepen, so too does the realization that their time together is limited. The knowledge that she must eventually return to her own time weighs heavily on her heart, casting a shadow over her budding romance with Volo.

Despite the happiness she finds in Volo's company, Lena grapples with the bittersweet reality of their situation. She knows that their time together is precious and finite, and the thought of eventually parting ways fills her with a profound sense of sadness. She did have the power to stay here if she wanted, but she knew that to preserve the balance of time, she had to return one day.

As Lena wrestles with her conflicting emotions, she finds herself torn between the desire to cherish every moment with Volo and the pain of knowing that their love may be destined to remain unfulfilled. She longs to confess her feelings to him, to savor their time together without the burden of secrets or regrets.

And that was when it happened. That fateful day when everything changed. The day they found the shards. Or rather, the items that shards all made up.

As Lena and Volo stumbled upon the mystical life plates, their discovery filled them with wonder and awe. The Electric and Dragon Plates, each resembling the essence of their respective Pokémon types, radiated with an otherworldly glow that captivated their senses.

Lena marvelled at the intricate design of the plates, her mind buzzing with curiosity about their origin and purpose. She couldn't help but wonder about the secrets they held and the role they played in the ancient history of the Hisui Region. Looking at it reminded her of the Pokemon she saw. Arceus, of course.

Meanwhile, Volo's gaze lingers on the Dragon Plate, a shadow crossing his features as he contemplates its significance. As Volo holds the Dragon Plate in his hands, a wave of energy washes over him, causing his eyes to widen in astonishment. He hears strange, ethereal sounds emanating from the plate, a haunting melody that resonates deep within his soul. With each note, visions dance before his eyes, revealing glimpses of a Pokémon unlike any he has ever encountered.

His mind races with questions as he struggles to make sense of the mysterious images and sounds. "Could this be...Almighty Sinnoh?" The very thought sends shivers down his spine, for he knows that the legends speak of a creature of immense power, capable of shaping the very fabric of reality. The people in Hisui believed it to be two Pokemon but Volo had a strong suspicion that it was just one Pokemon.

As Lena and Volo continue their adventures and uncover more of the mystical plates scattered throughout the Hisui Region, Volo's fascination with the shards and the Pokémon they relate to begins to consume him. What started as curiosity soon morphs into an all-consuming obsession, as Volo becomes increasingly fixated on the power and potential that the plates represent.

Driven by his desire for knowledge and power, Volo delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding the plates, his thirst for understanding pushing him further down a dark and dangerous path. With each new shard they discover, Volo's obsession intensifies, his thoughts consumed by visions of the legendary Pokémon they are linked to.

Lena watches with growing concern as Volo's behaviour becomes increasingly erratic and unpredictable. She tries to reason with him, to pull him back from the brink of his obsession, but her words fall on deaf ears. Volo's mind is consumed by visions of power and glory, his obsession blinding him to the dangers that lurk in the shadows.

Figuring out their power, Volo used the power of the Life Plates for one goal. He wanted to reach Almighty Sinnoh. Otherwise known as Arceus. He and I eventually figured out that these plates were related to Arceus and that was enough reason for Volo to start using their power when he got the chance.

Volo started to figure out what these Plates were before I could. And when he did, he started using their power, experimenting on the Pokemon themselves. The Pokemon turned into ethereal and far more destructive versions of themselves, all as a way to bring out Arceus.

He even used it on his own Pokemon.

With a rather devious grin, Volo brandishes the Dragon Plate, Ignoring any ethical concerns, he presses the plate against Gabite's forehead, channelling its energy into the Pokémon's very being. As the Dragon Plate's power courses through Gabite, the air crackles with anticipation, and a transformation begins.

At first, nothing seems amiss, but then, with a deafening roar, Gabite form begins to warp and contort. Its scales darken to a deep, ominous hue, and jagged spikes erupt from its armoured hide. Its once razor-sharp fins elongate into deadly blades, crackling with raw elemental energy.

"This is it! I'm closer to Arceus! I just know it!" With a fearsome cackle, Volo's Gabite has been transformed into a nightmarish entity of destruction, far more powerful and fearsome than ever before.

"Volo! That's enough!" As Lena stands face to face with Volo, her heart sinks at the sight of the seven Plates in his possession. The gravity of the situation weighs heavy upon her as Volo reveals his dark intentions—to use the Life Plates of the Alpha Pokémon, Arceus, to reach the legendary being itself.

Dread washes over Lena as she realizes the magnitude of Volo's plan. The thought of such a reckless endeavour fills her with fear and uncertainty, knowing that tampering with the very fabric of reality could have catastrophic consequences for the Hisui Region and beyond.

"Don't try and stop me, Lena. Not when I'm this close." Volo uttered.

With a heavy heart, Lena confronts Volo, pleading with him to reconsider his course of action. But her words fall on deaf ears as Volo remains steadfast in his determination, blinded by his obsession with reaching Arceus at any cost.

As Volo begins to channel the power of the Life Plates, a fierce dimensional disruption engulfs the surrounding area, threatening to tear Hisui apart at the seams. Lena watches in horror as reality itself begins to warp and distort, the very foundations of their world crumbling under the weight of Volo's folly.

With no other choice but to intervene, Lena summons forth the remaining Life Plates in her possession, their energy pulsing with a brilliant light. With a final act of defiance, she confronts Volo, standing firm against the chaos that surrounds them.

In a climactic showdown, Lena and Volo's plates clash, their opposing wills locked in a battle for the fate of the Hisui Region. As the dimensional disruption reaches its zenith, Lena was determined to protect Hisui while also gutted by what Volo was doing.

As the fierce dimensional disruption caused by Volo's reckless actions reaches its peak, the once-mystical Life Plates in Lena's possession begin to crack and splinter, their energy dissipating into countless shimmering shards.

With each fracture, the plates lose their divine essence, devolving into mere fragments of their former selves. Lena watched in dismay as the shards scatter across the landscape, their once-glowing aura dimming with each passing moment. Some landed near her while others stuck to Volo.

As Lena rushes towards Volo in a desperate attempt to seize the remaining shards from him, the blinding light of the dimensional disruption engulfs them both. In that fleeting moment, time and space distort around them, folding in on itself like a tattered tapestry.

The shards of the shattered Life Plates, now mere fragments of their former glory, scatter in all directions as the blinding light consumes Lena and Volo. With a flash of brilliance, they are engulfed by the chaos, their forms disappearing into the swirling vortex of energy.

That's how I ended up in the modern day, moving through time again. I could still remember what it was like moving through that dimensional space. But, even though we were both enveloped by that light, I didn't see Volo in there.

In that moment, Lena's senses are overwhelmed by a cacophony of sights and sounds, her surroundings warping and shifting around her as she hurtles through the fabric of time and space. Colours blur and swirl in a kaleidoscope of motion, the very air crackling with raw energy.

As she journeys deeper into the dimensional space, Lena's consciousness feels stretched thin, her mind struggling to comprehend the surreal experience unfolding before her. Visions flicker and dance at the edges of her perception, fleeting glimpses of past, present, and future merging into a mesmerizing tapestry of possibilities.

Through it all, Lena clings to a single thought: the shards of the shattered Life Plates, scattered in the chaos of the disruption. She wondered where Volo was and if he was safe. Right now, she had no clue as to where she was heading.

"Mmm...Mrgh?" As Lena's consciousness slowly returned, she found herself lying amidst the verdant grasslands of the Unova Region. The warm rays of the sun beat down upon her, casting a golden glow over the tranquil landscape. The first Pokemon in front of her that was responsible for waking her up was a Minccino.


Blinking against the bright light, Lena struggles to make sense of her surroundings. The modern-day world of Unova stretches out before her, its vast expanse a far cry from the ancient landscapes of the Hisui Region.

As she sits up, a sense of disorientation washes over her, mingling with a profound sense of unease. How had she come to be here, in this unfamiliar place? And where was Volo, the friend she had been so desperately trying to reach?

As Lena's mind races with questions, she takes stock of her surroundings, her gaze sweeping across the rolling hills and lush greenery of the Unova Region. In the distance, she can see the towering spires of Castelia City, a beacon of civilization amidst the wilderness.

Equestria. Frozen North. Nightfall.

"That's why I want to find all the shards and fix everything." Lena finished. "And maybe, I can patch things up with Volo again. Hopefully. I know what he wants but..."

"Oh, Miss Lena. That's-" Flurry Heart was about to express how she felt about this.

"The worst!" Jessie would interrupt Flurry Heart with a thunderous shout. Jessie grizzled her teeth aggressively, as it enraged her and saddened her as seen by the tears flowing. "Breaking an innocent girl's heart like that! That jerk! When I find him...!"

"Well, I don't think that part is that big of a deal." Lena chuckled. "But I have a good feeling that I can make things right. I have all of you with me. It's always better than being alone."

Diadora listened to it all, taking it in. She was rather stunned by what she had heard. And here she thought she had it hard. While Lena did take away her opportunity for control, Lena did go through her own struggles and one of them was a broken heart.

"Life Plates?" James said, attempting to recognize where he heard it from. It clicked with him. Team Rocket do recall the Life Plates when they were at Michina Town. Things from the past just seem to keep coming back.

"Sable" Breaking up this sentimental moment were the Sableye. Their cries could be heard in the sky as they were still airborne. The shards seemed to allow them to fly indefinitely.

"Ah! There they are!" Lena bellowed, using the Steel Shards in a heartbeat. As Lena, Flurry Heart, Team Rocket, and Diadora closed in on the elusive Sableye, they could see the mischievous Pokémon darting through the night sky with remarkable speed and agility. The Sableye, empowered by the Flying-Type shards, moved with uncanny grace and manoeuvrability, making it difficult for Lena and her companions to keep pace.

However, with Flurry Heart leading the way by taking flight and Lena harnessing the power of the Steel-Type shards to create tall Steel Platforms, they were able to narrow the gap between them and the flying Sableye.

As they drew closer, Lena could feel her heart pounding in her chest, adrenaline coursing through her veins as she prepared to make her move. With a determined gleam in her eyes, she focused her energy, channelling the power of the shards to enhance her speed and agility.

Lena could see the glimmer of the Flying-Type shard clutched tightly in the grasp of the lead Sableye. With a determined gleam in her eyes, she focused her energy, channelling the power of the Steel-Type shards once more.

"Sorry...but I really need this!" Lena said to the Sableye, thinking about what was at stake here. With a burst of speed, Lena lunged forward, closing the distance between herself and the flying Sableye in a matter of seconds. With lightning-fast reflexes, she reached out, her hand closing around the elusive Pokémon with surprising accuracy.

But to make sure Sableye dropped it, Flurry Heart used her magic to unleash a massive beam of magic. But it was not intended to harm them. Instead, once the beam connected, the Sableye began laughing uncontrollably as they felt incredibly ticklish. Flurry Heart landed a Tickling Spell on them to break their focus.

"Eye?!" The Sableye cackled as Lena managed to slip the shard out of its grasp.

"Gotcha!" With a triumphant cry, she seized the shard from the grasp of the surprised Pokémon, her fingers closing tightly around the glimmering crystal.

As the shard fell into her grasp, a sense of relief washed over Lena and her companions. With the shard reclaimed, Lena would harness its power, gaining the power of Flight herself. Doing so, she would quickly soon to catch the other Sableye, preventing them from crashing into the snow.

As Lena descended back to the ground, the Sableye looked up at her with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. With a reassuring smile, Lena gently released them, watching as they scurried away into the night. That was a rather fun time for them. After all, they were just playing around, even if they can get carried away very quickly.

With the Sableye safely out of harm's way, Lena turned her attention back to her companions, her heart filled with satisfaction at their victory. With the shards reclaimed, Lena and her companions prepared to call it a night. It was getting late after all and Team Rocket were already visibly tired.

"Very soon, Volo." She looked at the Flying-Type shard, thinking about Volo and where he could be. And of course, returning all the shards and uniting them as the Life Plates once more. "I know you're out there somewhere."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 409 End.

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