• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 1,787 Views, 169 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Spyro's Adventure - RainbowRaptorDash1

It is time for a magical journey of wonder and adventure with the Goofball Trio!

  • ...

Perilous Pastures

At the Core of Light Ruins, the Goofball Trio and their new Skylander allies were now rested up and ready to find Cali.

"So, what ninja clans do you belong to?" Stealth Elf asked.

"The Hamato Clan." Pinkie and Mikey answered as Sonata gulped nervously.

"The Foot Clan." Sonata said before Stealth Elf kneeled at Sonata and revealed her Foot Clan tattoo. Needless to say, Sonata was shocked.

"I am yours to command, my mistress." Stealth Elf bowed.

"And my friends? You don't have any problems with them?" Sonata asked.

"Not in the slightest, since the Hamato Clan is the sister clan of the Foot Clan." Stealth Elf answered.

"Didn't see that coming." Mikey admitted.

"Karai will flip when she hears this!" Pinkie noted.

"Not that this isn't important, but we got to get moving." Spyro pointed out.

"He's right. The sooner we find Cali, the sooner we get to work." Wham-Shell agreed.

"Right." Sonata said.

"All rested and ready to go?" Flynn asked.

"You bet!" Pinkie answered with a smile.

"Everyone in." Flynn instructed as everyone got into the balloon.

"I just hope we find some of the others…" Spyro worried.

"How many do we need to find?" Mikey asked.

"Twenty-four." Wham-Shell answered.

"Not an army, but at least we'll have reinforcement." Sonata noted.

"Yep, I'll have this Cali eating out of the palm of my hand in no time. And who can blame her? I mean look at me! Boom! Ready for take off!" Flynn shouted as the balloon then started floating off.

"Be careful." Pinkie said in concern.

"Don’t worry, I’m the best pilot in all of Skylands." Flynn shrugged off before the balloon knocked into a pillar. "You see how I was able to hit that? That takes years of practice and skill. I know, amazing, right? You can thank me later."

A little while later, they arrived at a peaceful island.

"We’re here!" Boomer cheered.

"So hey I think we should find this Cali as soon as possible. It’s just not fair to deny the girl the pleasure of meeting me. I’ll scout out from overhead, meanwhile, you see if you guys can find her on the ground!" Flynn said as everyone else got off the balloon.

"Just watch yourself." Mikey advised as he and the others walked ahead as Flynn left. "Wish we had some time to train with these."

"We’ll improve on the way." Sonata responded before they approached a clearing when several creatures holding lances attacked.

"Drows!" Flameslinger yelled.

"What are Drows?" Pinkie asked in confusion.

"Short version, bad guys." Terrafin simplified.

"Okay." The Goofball Trio responded as Mikey charged at one.

"Let's see what this hammer can do!" Mikey said as he tripped and slammed his hammer onto the ground, causing a rock wave attack. "Whoa!"

Sonata blocked a Drow's attack as it advanced.

"Try channeling your elemental powers into your swords." Wham-Shell advised while whacking some Drows.

"Okay." Sonata responded as she jumped back and did so, causing a torrent of water to engulf her swords. "Here we go!" Sonata said as she threw the water like a projectile and nailed the Drow. "Bull’s-eye!"

Pinkie was doing well with her new weapon. "This is so awesome!" Pinkie cheered when suddenly, her flail ball detached as a skeletal projectile. "Whoa! Flying skull!"

"Help! Somebody help me!" A voice cried out.

"Huh?" The Goofball Trio noticed as everyone found a Mabu, trapped by Drows.

"You guys go on ahead, I'll rescue him!" Sonata said.

"Be careful, Mistress!" Stealth Elf responded as Sonata skidded down towards him.

"Hey, anyone ever taught you guys it ain't right to bully people?" Sonata quipped as the Drows turned towards her as she tried her move out again. "'Cause I don't like bullies!" Sonata said as she practically threw a cyclone at the duo of Drows. "You okay?"

"Y-Yes." The Mabu answered.

"Wait, you’re that Mabu from the village, right?" Sonata noticed.

"Yes. My name is Blobbers." The mabu responded.

"My name is Sonata." Sonata introduced herself.

"Thank you. I owe you my life." Blobbers said in gratitude.

"Okay, but first let's catch up to my friends." Sonata replied.

"Okay." Blobbers nodded as he and Sonata found the others fighting off Drows.

"Yikes!" Sonata yelped before Mikey slammed his hammer down to create a barrier.

"Thanks, Mikey." Spyro said in relief.

"Everyone, get behind it!" Mikey called out as everyone scrambled to cover as the Drow's advanced.

"Boomer, can you rig up some explosives on that gate?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah!" Boomer answered.

"Okay, rig up some charges and Sling will blast us out of here." Mikey planned.

"Very well. Let the flames begin!" Flameslinger said with his battlecry.

"Everyone else, cover Boomer!" Mikey added as everyone attacked the Drows while Boomer set up the explosives. Flameslinger ran, leaving fire trails in his wake as the Drows unknowingly stepped into them, getting burned.

"Sling, behind you!" Sonata called out as she fired some water, nailing a Drow that tried to attack Flameslinger.

"Great timing." Chop Chop said as he slashed a Drow.

"I try to help." Sonata smiled before Drows piled onto Wham-Shell and knocked his mace away.

"WHAM, CATCH!" Mikey called out as he threw his hammer to Wham-Shell, who caught it and whacked the Drows off of him.

"I owe you one, Mikey." Wham-Shell said.

"No biggie." Mikey grinned.

"Charges set. GAH!" Boomer yelled as a Drows stabbed his lance into Boomer's leg.

"Boomer!" Goofball Trio and the other Skylanders shouted as the Drow pulled Boomer down with him.

"Got ya!" Pinkie said, grabbing Boomer before pulling him up as Spyro knocked the Drow off his friend. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Boomer responded as tested his leg and it was injured. "Ow. Maybe not."

"Too bad Whirlwind isn't here." Stealth Elf noted.

"Who?" The Goofball Trio asked in confusion.

"Friend of ours. You guys go on ahead. Me and Stealth will hang back with Boomer." Spyro insisted.

"Okay." Sonata responded as she and everyone else went on ahead while Spyro and Stealth stayed behind with Boomer before Flynn arrived on his hot air balloon.

"Whoa! What happened?" Flynn gasped.

"Never mind that. What's up ahead?" Mikey asked as everyone saw a female anthro mammal trapped behind a gate with several locks.

"Oh yeah! I was on my way to tell you that was where Cali is! She’s not half bad. Oh, and she’s been captured by a bunch of evil Drow! We gotta save her, so she can get on with more important things… like thanking me. Boom!" Flynn boasted.

"Looks like they have a cyborg dragon with them." Pinkie noticed.

"What?!" The 5 Skylanders asked in shock as among the Drows stood the Skylanders' Robot Suit-Wearing Dragon friend, but something was wrong.

"Drobot, my friend. I am relieved to see you alright." Lightning Rod sighed in relief.

"Dudes, hold up! I’m getting major Brain Worm vibes here." Mikey dreaded.

"Enemies sighted." Drobot said.

"Drobot?" Lightning Rod asked in concern.

"Preparing to attack." Drobot informed as he launched his Tactical Bladegears attack at his own friends.

"I knew it! He’s being mind-controlled!" Mikey said as he was deflecting the spinning bladegears.

"I'll save you, my friend!" Lightning Rod declared as he charged at Drobot, taking his attacks and ignoring the Drows until he tackled Drobot.

"Release me!" Drobot ordered

"No, I won't give up on my friend. I'll save you just like you saved me." Lightning Rod responded before a huge bolt of lightning struck him and Drobot. "Remember Drobot. You saved me from the Land Whale, my friend."

"F-Friend?" Drobot asked before his suit of armor started sparking.

"Rod, get clear. He's going to blow!" Mikey panicked as he whacked a Drow before Drobot's armor stopped sparking and then he went completely limp.

"He overloaded." Wham-Shell noted as Lightning Rod set his friend down and grew very angry.

"This Kaos guy’s gotta be sick in the head." Sonata said.

"You harmed my friend... NOW YOU SUFFER MY WRATH!!!" Lightning Rod roared as the Drows feared for their lives before he released a powerful lightning bolt that attacked even his friends.

"Take cover!" Chop Chop shouted.

"Uh-oh! Zeus Wrath incoming!" Pinkie yelped as everyone took cover while Lightning Rod tore the Drows apart before the enemies retreated at Lightning Rod's fury as he calmed down, panting in exhaustion.

"You okay, buddy?" Terrafin asked as Lightning Rod coughed out some smoke.

"Aye, but Drobot..." Lightning Rod was about to say before Drobot's eyes glowed their normal colors

"Ugh…" Drobot groaned.

"Drobot!" Lightning Rod said in relief.

"Query; What happened?" Drobot asked.

"You were under our enemy's control. How do you feel?" Lightning Rod responded.

"High levels of guilt and anger." Drobot answered as Mikey walked over to Cali's cell.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault." Sonata sympathized.

"You're Cali, right?" Mikey asked.

"That’s right. Who’re you?" Cali retorted with her own question.

"Name's Michelangelo. Stand back!" Mikey said as he swung his hammer at the gate, breaking the gate open around Cali

"Wait, some of your friends are Skylanders, aren't they!" Cali noticed.

"Yeah, but we have one injured. We best scram before back-up arrives." Pinkie responded.

"This is unbelievable! I was just rescued by actual Skylanders!" Cali said in excitement.

"All in a day's work." Lightning Rod smiled as he picked up Drobot before Flynn showed up with Spyro, Boomer and Stealth Elf in his balloon.

"Ahem... and uh, ME. I helped! Flynn the Balloonist here, that's me, at your service!" Flynn said.

"Charming." Cali sarcastically responded.

"Yes, yes, I know. It must be pretty overwhelming for you to finally meet the best pilot in all of Skylands." Flynn boasted.

"How's Boom, guys?" Sonata asked.

"He's doing well, Mistress. But it looks like he'll have to stay at the Core of Light until he's fully healed." Stealth informed.

"Okay, let's move. Wanna come with us, Blobbers?" Sonata offered.

"S-Sure thing!" Blobbers answered.

"Let's move it, people." Mikey urged as Cali got onto the balloon with everyone else.

"You know, I didn't need any help back there. I had them right where I wanted them." Cali said.

"Sure you did." Flynn responded.

"Whatever..." Cali sighed in annoyance.

"We understand. We're just grateful both you and Drobot are safe." Pinkie responded before they left on the balloon as three sheep grabbed on to the rope.

Soon, the heroes arrived back at the Core of Light.

"Back! Back you vile beasts!" Hugo yelped/

"What's with him?" Sonata asked, weirded out by that.

"He’s got an abnormal fear of sheep." Spyro answered.

"Come on, sheepies. Follow me." Pinkie smiled as she herded the sheep away from Hugo.

"Honestly, Hugo! They’re just sheep!" Cali said in annoyance.

"That is where you are wrong, my dear Cali. These creatures may appear to be friendly, cuddly, piles of fluff. But turn your back on them and they turn into wretched lint-balls with beady little eyes staring at your every move." Hugo responded, sounding a bit delusional.

"Terra, mind helping me with the sheep?" Pinkie asked.

"Sure." Terrafin answered.

"Sorry about the lint-balls Hugo, but we were able to rescue Cali.

"Actually, it was Mikey, Pinkie, Sonata and the Skylanders who rescued-" Cali was about to say before Flynn cut her off.

"Oh... oh Cali. Stop with the praise! It's embarrassing. Entirely appropriate... but embarrassing.

"Hey! Could we please get on to the important thing?" Hugo pointed out.

"So, what's our next step?" Mikey noted as Pinkie and Terrafin made a sheep pen.

"Well, while you were all away, I found the old blueprints for the Core of Light. The ancients used them when they first built it." Hugo informed.

"Wait a second... I thought you said YOU built the Core of Light." Cali pointed out.

"Well, yes and no. Yes, I said that I did... but no, I really didn't." Hugo responded.

"This Core of Light... What's it do?" Sonata asked.

"The Old Core was used to repel the forces of darkness. If we can rebuild a new Core of Light, it should stop Kaos from his wicked plan to rule Skylands. Then we can focus on getting rid of those villainous sheep!" Hugo said.

"Wait, if Drobot was under Kaos' control..." Spyro realized in dread.

"The rest of our companions might be too." Chop Chop finished.

"Here we go again." Mikey facepalmed.

"Guys, fighting them might be the only way to save them." Sonata pointed out.

"Yeah." Pinkie nodded.

"They're right." Spyro admitted.

"As much as we hate to admit it." Stealth Elf agreed.

"Guess we'll have to knock some sense into them." Wham-Shell noted.

"So, what's our next move, Hugo?" Terrafin asked.

"The Far Viewer will help us find the parts we need to rebuild the Core but this cursed, overgrown bramble is blocking it off. Could you assist us? Clearing the bramble could give us a clue to the whereabouts of the Eternal Sources we need." Hugo informed.

"Chop Chop, Stealth Elf... We got some gardening to do." Sonata quipped.

"Of course." Chop Chop responded.

"Right, mistress." Stealth Elf nodded as it didn't take long for their combined skills the clear the plants away. But when the three sheep got onto the device, it suddenly bursted open, revealing a telescope as it launched away the sheep.

"You did it, guys! And wow, not only will that Far Viewer help us see distant lands but it also functions as a sheep-launching device! It’s marvelous!" Hugo smiled.

"Here, I'll show you how to use this thing. It's pretty much like a telescope but a lot more magical. This one's a little rusty, but it should be able to show us exactly where we need to go next. That's the magic part." Cali said as she got the telescope up and running.

"Uh, sorry about your sheep Pinkie." Stealth Elf apologized.

"It's okay. Accidents happen." Pinkie shrugged with a smile.

"So what do you see, Hugo?" Mikey asked as Hugo looked into the telescope.

"Yes! I see it right now! The very first Eternal Source we need, Air! The Core of Light was powered by all the Eternal Sources. If we can acquire that Air Source, we will be well on our way to rebuilding it!" Hugo informed.

"How many Eternal Sources are there?" Sonata asked.

"Only as many Elements there are, which are eight." Hugo answered.

"Okay, give us the short version of each elements." Mikey requested.

"There’s Magic, Tech, Life, Undead, Fire, Water, Air and Earth." Spyro listed.

"Fascinating. Each elements acts as a counterbalance to the other." Pinkie deduced with a detective's hat on her head.

"Whoa! When’d you start sounding like Twilight?" Sonata noticed.

"Just makes sense." Pinkie simply replied with a shrug.

"So where's the Air Source?" Sonata asked.

"It's the Stormy Stronghold! The evil Drow must have recovered the Eternal Air Source but something has gone wrong. The whole place is being blown apart!" Hugo informed as Flynn moved to the telescope.

"What's wrong, Flynn?" Pinkie asked.

"My balloon’s gonna need something… something that will PUSH me… THROUGH the storm! Heh… enh…" Flynn trailed off, lost in thought.

"You mean like a propeller, genius?" Cali sarcastically pointed out.

"Duh." Sonata agreed.

"No. No. Nothing like that. Oh you girls are so cute when you’re flirting with me. I’ve got it. We need some kind of propeller!" Flynn said.

"Really? REALLY?!" Cali growled.

"Easy, Cali." Pinkie said.

"He ain't worth it." Mikey agreed.

"Fine! Everyone knows the Drow patrol the Sky Schooner Docks. Their Elite Airship will have the propeller we need. Tell you what, brain-trust, you get back to your balloon. I'll mark it on the maps with a big crayon." Cali said.

"HEY! I LIKE CRAYONS!" Flynn pouted as the Goofball Trio snickered at the stunt Cali pulled as she turned towards them and the Skylanders.

"Gonna take me a while to find some maps for it. Best rest while you can, because this is gonna be a big adventure, and I'm your girl. But adventure takes a lot of preparation. If you three or any of your Skylander friends need some training before heading out, I might have some challenges that will do the trick." Cali advised.

"Sweet!" Mikey cheered.

"And I will accompany while Boomer recovers." Drobot added.

"Okay. Let's eat first." Mikey said as he and everyone else decided to rest while Cali searched for the right map.

Author's Note:

I am TERRIBLY sorry for the long wait.

Next Time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Sky Schooner Docks