• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 1,787 Views, 169 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Spyro's Adventure - RainbowRaptorDash1

It is time for a magical journey of wonder and adventure with the Goofball Trio!

  • ...

Crawling Catacombs

The Goofball Trio met up with General Robot. "Su-PERB job, Soldiers! You three and the Skylanders have done Skylands proud!"

"Sir, thank you sir." Mikey saluted when out of nowhere, darkness fell over the sky.

"I may be a great General, but when it comes to the supernatural, I am O-U-DOUBLE T-OUT! This is my last Hu-rah! Good luck with the war, soldiers!" General Robot said as he retreated into the hatch.

"Your tour is done, General." Pinkie added while she was rocking Inferno in her arms.

"The General might have the right idea. On the other hand, the spirits of the Undead don't cross over unless they are severely disturbed. Perhaps you should investigate. That noise is coming from the beach." Hugo informed.

"Okay. Terrafin, Flameslinger, Stealth Elf you three come with us for support as a precaution." Sonata ordered.

"Alright." Terrafin nodded.

"Very well." Flameslinger added.

"Yes, Mistress." Stealth Elf agreed.

"I will accompany as well." Chop Chop volunteered.

"This is just scouting, but sure." Sonata accepted as the scouting party went down to beach and to the stone door near Clam-Tron. But when the group approached the door, it suddenly opened, then a skeleton head with eyes jumped out.

"BOOO!!!" A skeleton head shouted, making Sonata, Pinkie and Mikey scream at that as Inferno only laughed while the stone door closed. "HA ha! Uh in case you weren't hip to it that's how we skeletons say hello! *Silence* Nothin'. Huh."

"That wasn't exactly funny!" Pinkie pointed out while trying to calm Inferno down, who noticed the skeleton only being a head.

"Well it figures. Not much of a skeleton right now. Seem to be missing a bone or two or 204 more like. HA! Anyway, can’t seem to find my body right now. Heh. Embarrassin’, I know." The skeleton head said.

"Okay, we'll help you." Mikey shrugged.

"It's okay, sweetie. Mommy's here." Pinkie assured a crying Inferno.

"By the way, I’m T-Bone." The skeleton introduced himself.

"Well, let's find your body." Sonata said.

"Actually, heard you making a ruckus up here. Loud enough to wake the Undead. HA! Little afterlife humor there. *More silence* Wow. Tough room. And you think I’M DEAD." T-Bone joked.

"No, I've just heard these jokes before." Sonata explained.

"HEY! You and your friends are Skylanders ain’t ya!? Oooh! You know, I could really used some help finding my body. What do you say, pals? Huh!? You want to help me find the rest of me?" T-Bone requested.

"Sure, pal. Just point the way." Mikey answered.

"AWWW! Thanks a MILLION, bub! Y’know, I’d shake your hands, but ha ha I think mine’s out there somewhere. Never mind. Don’t worry about me I’ll just put myself together as I go." T-Bone said before Inferno’s hands jumped off as Inferno chirped and mewled, like his hands were finding something in the sand.

"Ferny, we'll play in the sand later." Pinkie tried to tell Inferno.

"Wait, I think he senses something." Stealth Elf noticed.

"Indeed, possibly T-Bone’s pieces." Chop Chop added.

"Go get Slam. He can help dig." Mikey said before Inferno chirped and mewled in excitement, indicating he found something.

"Stand back." Slam Bam responded as he arrived, but when he got to Inferno’s talons, there was a pile of bones.

"Those your bones, T-Bone?" Mikey asked as T-Bone headed into the pile before coming out as a skull and a leg.

"Alright! Ooh baby! I’m feeling better already! C’mon! Keep lookin’!" T-Bone answered.

"Good thing we have a guide." Sonata smiled as Inferno chirped and mewled, excited again.

"Dig over here!" Pinkie said before the group soon found another pile of bones as T-Bone was later a right leg, a left arm/hand, a head, a pelvis and a midsection.

"Hey, looka me! Er, actually, I’m a body’s half full kinda guy. Hhhahhaha. Just need one more pile o’ bones, baby, and I’ll be the death of a party again. HA!" T-Bone laughed as Inferno clawed at the last spot. After making some turtle bridges, the group to the last pile of bones, helping T-Bone become a complete skeleton. "Ohhh yeah, baby! Feels good to rattle ‘em, again! Cha-cha-cha!"

"Good boy, Ferny." Pinkie smiled as Hugo showed up.

"Uh, no offense, Mr. T-Bone, but I can't help noticing that your head would make a perfect receptacle for the next Eternal Source. You wouldn't happen to have an extra head on you, would you?" Hugo requested.

"Hmmm. Lemme see. Extra head... extra head... Course I don't have an extra head! Sheesh! The living. Can't live with them, can't. Oh. Never mind. Actually Chubs, I could tell you where to find a pretty good one. Not as handsome as mine, of course, but you know. Actually, it's more like a mask. Will that work?" T-Bone wondered.

"Perfect! And can you take our Skylander heroes there?" Hugo asked.

"Well... seeing as how you did help me recover the rest of my body, I suppose I could help you out. Depends on you guys. Think you can handle, going down to the Underworld?" T-Bone checked.

"It's your hometurf, Pinkie. Your call." Mikey said as Inferno chirped.

"Yeah, let's do it!" Pinkie cheered as Inferno mewled in excitement.

"Right! Here we go! Oh, you're gonna love this." T-Bone grinned.

"Down we go." Double Trouble quipped.

"Mommy has work to do. You play in the sand. Sonic, babysit my son till we get back!" Pinkie requested.

"Right." Sonic Boom responded.

"Let's get going!" Pinkie urged as Lightning Rod appeared with Drobot.

"Don't count us out." Lightning Rod said.

"We will accompany you." Drobot added.

"Then let's get going, boys." Mikey declared before T-Bone opened the door as the group went inside to the staircase spiraling down with him, then the door closed by itself. "This is very spooky."

"Sometimes, it's really fun to be scared!" Pinkie smiled as Sonata hummed 'This is Halloween' before they arrived. The group noticed that the staircase they were walking down were now spines held up by ropes as they reached the bottom.

"Skull mask… Skull mask. I know exactly where it is… I think. If you think about it, it’s kinda redundant having a Skull Mask in the Underworld. You know, WHO’D WEAR IT! HA! We’re all skulls! Kinda silly." T-Bone noted.

"Thanks for the direction. You can head back up." Pinkie said.

"Oookay. Should be fine. Just as long as we don’t run into any spiders. *Spider drops in* WAAAAHHHH! Sorry, bub! You and your friends are on your own!" T-Bone yelped as he ran back up the staircase with the spider chasing him.

"Whimp. Come on, let's find that mask." Sonata urged as the group moved forward, breaking past a stone wall before encountering a few Spider Swarmers before Pinkie threw a piece of burning coal at them and easily destroyed them. The group broke past another stone wall while moving through cobwebs before encountering many more Spider Swarmers.

"These guys are just much of vermin as Oogie!" Sonata groaned while the group easily beat the enemies before Pinkie grabbed a bomb and threw it at a cracked wall, revealing more Spider Swarmers and a Spider Spitter.

"What I would give for a can of bug spray!" Flameslinger quipped while shooting flaming arrows.

"Aye, my friend! *Charging lightning* But a bug zapper is just as good!" Lightning Rod agreed as the group noticed protective clouds floating around him while the cloud titan smirked.

"Here's a conductor: Tidal Slash!" Sonata shouted before Lightning Rod fired a lightning bolt with his cloud, electrifying the attack as it hit the Spider Swarmers and Spider Spitter, beating them before Pinkie looked up to the left and saw a key on higher ground.

"Could be a bounce pad around here somewhere." Pinkie noted.

"Let's look around." Chop Chop added as it didn't take long for the group to find some bounce pads.

"Sling, keep an eye on that key. I have feeling there's trouble close by." Mikey requested.

"Blindfold, remember?" Flameslinger pointed out.

"You know what I mean." Mikey responded.

"Yeah." Flameslinger nodded while he and the others stayed alert as Mikey went for the key.

"Got it!" Mikey called out.

"Nothing happened." Sonata noted as the group moved forward before spotting a gate with three locks.

"Oh, rats." Pinkie groaned before a Fat Belly Spider dropped in, having a large behind filled with spider goo.

"Ew." Sonata gagged.

"With enemies like this, the aftermath of beating them is worse." Slam Bam explained.

"Then let's get the keys so we can get to the mask!" Mikey urged as the group attacked the spider and beat it before it exploded, leaving behind a puddle of spider goo.

"Disgusting." Sonata heaved

"Another cracked wall to the right, so we'll need a bomb. I wonder where that bounce pad goes to." Pinkie noticed.

"Let's find out." Stealth Elf added as the group used the bounce pad, heading upward and finding a bomb.

"Handy." Double Trouble noted as Pinkie grabbed the bomb and threw it at the cracked wall from above, blowing it up and opening a path forward.

"Anything on your sensors, Drobot?" Lightning Rod asked.

"Two Fat Belly Spiders and Hob 'n' Yaro, one of the spiders is behind a cracked wall with a key, and the Hob 'n' Yaro has a key." Drobot informed.

"Another bomb then." Pinkie added.

"Sounds like a plan." Sonata smiled when Pinkie was suddenly carrying another bomb.

"There was another bomb back there." Pinkie explained.

"Fire in the hole!" Mikey shouted before Pinkie threw the bomb as it exploded, taking out the wall from the inside and the Fat Belly Spider, while the key was unharmed.

"I'll get it." Stealth Elf said.

"Then I’ll handle the Hob 'n' Yaro." Flameslinger added.

"I'm right behind you, buddy!" Terrafin responded.

"Then I shall take care of the other spider." Chop Chop volunteered.

"Try using this." Pinkie said while offering her flail.

"Hmm?" Chop Chop noted.

"Just try it." Pinkie insisted.

"...Very well." Chop Chop nodded as he took Pinkie's weapon and charged. "Let's see how my bramble attack does with this." Chop Chop wondered as Cursed Bone Brambles covered the weapon, turning it into a mace. "Burning Bramble!" Chop Chop shouted as the Cursed Bone Brambles suddenly lit aflame before he defeated all of the spiders with it. "Of course... Some of elements weaken each other, but others enhance our strengths." Chop Chop noticed before the group heard spikes lowering into the ground. "Uh-oh."

Pinkie looked over and saw no enemies past the spear gate. "Looks like it's just Spyro's Soul Gem."

"Excellent. Grab it and let's go." Chop Chop said.

"Sure thing." Pinkie nodded as Stealth Elf returned with her key.

"That'll make Spyro happy." Stealth Elf smiled as Flameslinger returned with his key.

"Hob 'n' Yaro was tougher than last time." Flameslinger noted.

"But nothing we couldn't beat." Terrafin added.

"That's all three keys. Let's open that gate." Sonata counted.

"And get out of here." Mikey pointed out as the group unlocked the gate and moved forward before the area darkened as Spider Swarmers and Spitters dropped in.

"These vermin are everywhere!" Slam Bam growled while punching spiders as Chop Chop destroyed a wooden wall.

"Don’t worry, I made us a path forward." Chop Chop assured.

"Move it people!" Mikey urged as the group went into a hallway filled with piles of bones.

"Nobody look down." Sonata warned.

"Don't tell me, you think there are spider enemies under those piles?" Pinkie guessed.

"Oogie experience. Just slowing move forward and don't touch the bones." Sonata informed as the group slowly crept forward in the hall, but Mikey accidentally knock a bone over as it rolled into the other pile of bones. But nothing happened. "Huh... Never mind." Sonata noticed as Mikey sighed in relief before the bone piles suddenly scattered as Spider Swarmers and Spitters erupted from them. "OH COME ON!"

“LET'S JUST RUN!” Mikey shouted before Lightning Rod attacked with his Zapper Field, electrifying the Spider Swarmers and Spitters.

“Great job, Rod!” Pinkie smiled.

“One Strike and You’re Out!” Lightning Rod quipped, letting out his battle cry.

“Come on!” Mikey said as the group exited the hallway before the lights brightened back up.

“That's better.” Slam Bam smiled.

“Stop!” Pinkie shouted before spikes lunged out of the ground upward in front of the group after they stopped, narrowly avoiding the trap.

“Nice save, Pinkie!” Mikey said in relief as the spikes lower into the floor.

"Move!" Pinkie pointed out as the group got past the trap before encountering a Moon Widow.

"What's that?" Sonata asked as the Moon Widow moved around very quickly, leaving behind webs on the ground before the group noticed a Fat Belly Spider.

"Let's just keep moving. Stone Wave." Mikey said as his attack beat the spiders before the turtle noticed a cyclops switch from the Cyclops Castle beyond a spinning spike column trap and a bomb to their left.

"This is sad." Double Trouble sighed.

"We only have four seconds to activate both switches before the gate raises again." Drobot informed.

"Okay, four of us get to the switch and someone at the gate." Sonata planned.

"Actually, there’s another switch on higher ground that will need a bomb thrown to it." Pinkie noticed.

"Okay, we'll just rush it." Sonata admitted.

"We better get ready to hit them at once." Mikey said as everyone got ready.

"NOW!" Sonata shouted as the group attacked the switches with their abilities and the bomb, fully lowering the gate. "MOVE!" Sonata urged as the group moved forward, past traps and fighting Moon Widows, Spider Swarmers and Spitters. "It's like my first Halloween Halloweentown visit!" Sonata smiled while swinging her swords, catching Chop Chop's attention. "What?"

"GIANT SPIDER!" Pinkie and Mikey yelled out as the group encountered a Gargantula.

"Great, I hate these things." Slam Bam groaned as the Gargantula fired a string of web, hitting Sonata before pulling her in.

"Wrong me." Sonata quipped as she suddenly transformed into an astral clone. "Mystic Slash!" Sonata shouted from behind as she attacked the Gargantula.

"These things are a lot tougher." Flameslinger said as he was shooting flaming arrows.

"We can handle that." Pinkie smiled.

"Then let's take this beast out!" Lightning Rod nodded.

"Let's go!" Mikey shouted as everyone started hammering the Gargantula hard. The group soon defeated the Gargantula before it transformed into five Spider Swarmers and attacked the group.

"Nasty." Sonata gagged while slicing the Spider Swarmers before Pinkie noticed a key and a locked gate just up ahead.

"A key?" Pinkie noticed as she grabbed the key and unlocked the gate before opening it.

"Sweet." Mikey smiled as the group went into another hallway before it darkened when Pinkie saw a small ball like creature as it chirped.

"Hey little guy, wanna come with us?" Pinkie gently asked as the creature walked up to her. "I won't hurt you."

The creature's cheeks suddenly bloated up green with his eyes turned ready before it let out a HUGE green fire belch at a wooden wall, before it turned to a pile of ash.

"Whoa." Chop Chop simply said.

"What the heck is it?" Sonata asked

"Beats me." Pinkie shrugged.

"Can we focus on getting the mask?" Mikey pointed out as the group moved forward to a room, seeing a HUGE pile of bones at the center of it.

"You think it's another brainwashed Skylander ambush?" Sonata checked.

"Nope." Pinkie shook her head.

"Still, stay alert." Mikey advised as it took quite a while, traveling through the dark, beating spiders and blowing up walls before the group got two keys and soon found the gate with two locks.

"Let's get through here." Pinkie said as the group got out of the dark before tens of Spider Swarmers, Spitters, Moon Widows and a few Gargantulas dropped in. "Okay Burpy, a little help here." Pinkie requested, but the creature now known as Burpy did nothing, before the party girl got an idea. "Sorry, Burpy." Pinkie apologized as she started shaking Burpy rapidly.

"Get clear!" Mikey yelped as Burpy bloated up before letting out large fire burp on the area in front of the group, reducing the enemies to ash before a few Spider Swarmers came out of them.

"Be careful with that... Whatever it is." Slam Bam warned.

"I’ll take a look when we get back." Sonata volunteered.

"Let's just get the mask." Flameslinger pointed out as a gate lowered before the group saw the mask just ahead.

"Success!" Lightning Rod cheered.

"Definitely." Sonata agreed as the group got the mask and soon returned to T-Bone at the base of the stairs.

"Heeeey. I’m impressed. You actually got the Skull Mask? Not bad for most of you living-types. You might smell kinda funny but you guys are alright. Hey, sorry about before. It’s just, you know, spiders like to, steal my bones. Long story. Tell you over some ribs." T-Bone said.

"Wanna help us save Skylands, Burpy?" Pinkie asked as Burpy chirped. "I'll take that as a 'Yes'."

Soon, the group got back to the Core of Light Ruins with the Skill Mask.

"Here's the next piece." Mikey noted before Master Eon appeared as the Skull Mask started floating.

"Excellent! The Skull Mask of the Philosopher King Mortalannis, first Lord of the Undead." Master Eon explained as the Skull Mask floated towards the ring center with the sideways vertical gear rotating counterclockwise before its eyes glowed, causing a pair of purple eyes to glow and appear deep underneath the Core of Light.

"Awesome." Mikey smiled as Hugo showed up.

"The Skull Mask fits perfectly! Now we just need the Eternal Undead Source!" Hugo listed.

"You know where it is, T-Bone?" Sonata asked.

"Nice. Hey, sirenthroat, if you’re, uh, looking for any Eternal Undead Source, I might know a guy…" T-Bone was about to suggest.

"Uh, we’re not looking for AN Eternal Undead Source, we’re looking for THE Eternal Undead Source." Hugo clarified.

"Well o’ course! I knew that. What other kind is there?" T-Bone responded.

"Splendid then! Let’s go get it!" Hugo declared.

"Wooooooooah, slow it down there! You can’t just walk in and get it! It’s being guarded by some ghouls over in the Creepy Citadel! It’s uh creepy. You know says so in the name. What we really need to get in there, is the Skeleton Key!" T-Bone pointed out.

"You can explain more later, I’m party-pooped." Pinkie yawned as Inferno crawled up to his mom. "Oh? *Picks up Inferno* You wanna take a nap with me, Ferny?" Pinkie asked before Inferno kissed her. "Aww… Is that a yes?"

"I'm beat, too." Sonata admitted.

"Whew, better tuck in for now." Mikey agreed as the Goofball Trio were gonna take a well-deserved nap.

Author's Note:

Next Time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Cadaverous Crypt