• Published 25th Dec 2022
  • 161 Views, 5 Comments

Harshidays - Necrogen Lord

Harshwhinny takes a simple walk around town for the holiday.

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Shine on like a Diamond

As snow drizzled down the street, ponies ran back and forth, cheering and singing as they got into the holiday swing. The brilliant shimmer and shine of the ponies' fur glistened as much as the ice dancing around them, a testament to the strength of their spirits after all they'd endured.

Hearth's Warming in the Crystal Empire was a beauty to behold, every creature could agree on. Once anyone had stepped into the Empire, it would forever be burned into their memories. The glistening spire surrounded by beautifully sculpted homes and halls across the land, a pristine paradise in the midst of what was once a barren wasteland. The sheer demand for hotels and inns was so overwhelming that some ponies had to book their stays months, even years in advance. To be able to get to see the Empire in winter, especially during Hearth's Warming, took not only impeccable timing, but plenty of bits to put into a decent place to stay.

Thankfully, Ms. Harshwhinny had both in spades.

Wrapped in a thick purple sweater and green scarf, the mare smiled as she took in a deep breath, striding down the wide street. Her stride was slow and steady, her body aching from months of work due to the Equestria Games. She'd spent many a countless night up past what most would consider insane, some weeks not getting a wink until she'd passed out. Thankfully, her coworkers and friends had helped string together a nice vacation for her to take some very needed time off.

Being able to walk down the streets of the Empire was a gift in and of itself, but her stay had landed her in the prestigious Princess Precipice, a five-star resort right in front of the Castle itself. Truly, her night seemed to be-


She tumbled over another pony in a sudden flash of green and red, landing on her side with a yelp.

Shaking her head, Harshwhinny huffed in annoyance and stood up, dusting the snow off of her coat.

"Well, just where were you in such a rush too?" she said, turning to face the pony in question.

Laying on the ground was a short stallion, cloaked in a red scarf and brown cloak.

"Apologies, ma'am, I seem to be caught dreadfully unaware of my surroundings!" he said. "I do hope I didn't cause any damage."

Harshwhinny let his words and mannerisms bounce around her head for a moment and relented her sneer. She offered a hoof to him to ease him up and he accepted. He stood a few centimeters shorter, and hid a slightly curved horn under his hood. Red eyes pierced through and she could see a fang or two in his smile.

"Ah, my dear thanks, madam. Again, terribly sorry about that, was simply losing myself in the visuals of the city. Quite nice, isn't it?"

"Hmm. Absolutely, I'd say," she said, eyeing around the street. "The lighting in this city is astonishing, honestly."

"Yes, positively aglow with arcane grace, wouldn't you say?"

"Indeed. Ms. Harshwhinny, by the way," she said, offering a hoofshake.

"Well met, my name is... well, you can simply refer to me as Shade, I suppose."

"Shade, is it? Well, forgive me, but I noticed that you're not a Crystal Pony. Visiting for the holiday?"

"That, and visiting a dear friend of mine. I suppose you're here to celebrate as well? Meeting anypony special?"

"No, just visiting for vacation," she said.

"It's truly a sight to behold, isn't it?" Shade said, looking at the caroling ponies. "Everypony so full of cheer and merriment. It's... it's hard to believe, what with all they've gone through recently, hmm? I never thought I could see ponies so happy."

Harshwhinny watched as foals galloped around them, ponies snuggling up on the benches and carolers singing their way down the street. She'd been privy to such a sight in Manehatten for years, but there was something special in their merriment. Something genuine in their spirit, she couldn't put a name on what it was, but they were definitely throwing themselves into the festivities.

"Yes, I can definitely see something special here," she remarked. "Is it the Crystal Heart?"

"I doubt it," Shade said. "The Heart only amplifies the emotions of the ponies if they're all focusing into it. This celebration, the festivities, it's all them. It's all in their hearts."

"Are you familiar with this?"

"No. I could never be," he remarked solemnly. "Not with what... I'm getting ahead of myself, pardon me. How are you enjoying yourself this holiday?"

She took note of the deflection but nodded anyway.

"It's going well. Honestly, some of my colleagues pushed me significantly to invite a plus one to all of this. They say that a pony shouldn't spend the holiday alone."

"Well, you know, I've spent almost all of my holidays alone."

"And you turned out well?" she said.

"HA!" he barked. "I was about to remark that maybe your friends have a point, if I'm used for an example."

"I see," she said. "Still, I insisted that I spend some time alone. I spend so much of my time already surrounded by ponies, Griffons, Changelings, all sorts now that the Equestria Games is opening to more and more species every year. Is it so much to ask for a few weeks to myself, just to relax?"

"Oh, absolutely not!" Shade said. "In fact, I think every creature should be entitled to some alone time here and now."

Harshwhinny nodded in agreement. She slipped a hoof into her pocket and pulled out a pocket watch, the hands encroaching towards her scheduled dinner.

"Well, it's been a charming chat, Mr. Shade, but I must be on my way now," she said, pocketing her timepiece.

"Well, I suppose that this is 'goodbye' then," he said, giving her a slight bow.

"Well, it doesn't have to be farewell, I have the rest of the month and some change here for a time. I would enjoy spending a bit of time with some company."

"My my, what happened to wanting some alone time?" he said, an eyebrow raised.

"Some time by one's self is surely needed every now and then, but it wouldn't be right in spirits to simply stick the holidays out totally alone. After all, it's supposed to be friends and family. Or, perhaps I should assume the Crystal Guard shadowing you is related in some way?"

An orange furred Pegasus slowly backed around the corner into the shadows as the cloaked Unicorn scoffed.

"Ah, him. Definitely a close friend, prone as he is to dance around the subject. But I'm sure he'd be just as delighted to befriend you when we've a chance. I won't keep you longer, you have a very Merry Hearth's Warming, Ms. Harshwhinny."

"And you as well... Sombra," she said with a wink as she walked off.

As she made her way towards the hotel, she beamed and hummed along to the tune of the carolers. This time of year truly was magical, and perhaps, Harshwhinny reckoned, it wouldn't hurt to share some goodwill with those around her every now and then either.

Comments ( 5 )

Huh, it never once occurred to me that that other pony was Sombra, even when looking back it should have been obvious. Although, I must wonder, what's up with his new demeanor?

Although, I must wonder, what's up with his new demeanor?

If it weren't for the still-curved horn and his eyes still being red, I could have seen this being placed after the Siege of the Crystal Empire comic arc, in which case the demeanor change would be appropriate. Or it's also possible that the Sombra from the end of the Reflections comic arc made his way through somehow, in which case him being followed would also make sense.
Either way, though, guess it'll remain a mystery. :trixieshiftright:

Thanks for taking the reins (lol) on this one, Yoshi. ^^;

Always glad to help out, and spark a little interest while doing so!

I'd like to start off this comment with double apologies. The first apology is for being late. For some reason it made sense in my head yesterday to just read your story and move on. That wasn't an indication of dislike, though.The second apology is for the initial prompt I gave, cause Mrs. Harshwhinny, great as she is, doesn't describe a story all by herself. The second prompt wasn't very specific either, to be honest, and I'm sorry if that made writing this a bit hard. I was going in with the idea that no matter what the story was, I'd like it if Ms. Harshwhinny was in it, and forgot to consider the feelings of others.

With that out of the way, I can get into telling you exactly why I love this story. It all boils down to juxtaposition. Typically, all the Harshwhinny stories I read keep the character in a state so strictly professional that you'd think she was born with a suit attached, it's a real breath of fresh air to read her just taking the day off, especially since you included the fact that the sneer was something she had to hold back when bumping into Totally Not Sombra. It really gives the feeling that while she is certainly still professional(how else would she have managed to afford this vacation?) , she also knows that the holidays are just the right time to lay it off. She's not in front of professionals, she's out on the street absorbing the Hearth's Warming cheer.

Harshwhinny's not the only character in this story that's strayed away from typical fandom depiction for the better, this story's also blessed me with another one of my favorite characters, Sombra Shade. I don't know if a little birdie told you or something, but somehow you managed to include another one of my favorite things, post-evil Sombra. The story works with him well, demonstrating one of his better qualities typically masked by desire for world domination, namely his genuine understanding of the magic that keeps the Empire safe from the Frozen North. Combine that with a real regret over his past actions and a conversational style that just feels right for someone of his age and personality(to the point that I feel like I could crack open a beer with him) and you've got a Sombra that I want to see more of.

Honestly, the only issue that I have with this story besides

"Well, just where were you in such a rush too?" she said, turning to face the pony in question.

(I'm pretty sure that should be a to) is that I really wish there was just more. I want to know more about this Sombra, how he managed to get on what appears to be parole, and more about this more chill Harshwhinny. I also definitely want to see them out on a date. Who knows, maybe I'll write it myself.

In short, thank you for this story, and sorry that I didn't tell you all this sooner.

Please don't apologize. I thoroughly enjoy a vague prompt, as it gives plenty of room for interpretation. I'm just glad that you enjoyed it!

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