• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect


After months spent on the road for the Equestrian Games, Mrs. Harshwhinny finally comes home to the one pony who makes her feel like herself.

Cover image by FicFicPonyFic!

"...a nicely observed portrait of a moment in domestic life..."- Loganberry

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 36 )

An interesting take on the pair. I approve.

I'll upvote this because I once considered a Harshwhinny & Hemline pairing doing something that required both of them to be heavily sarcastic, like attempting to plan a bachelor party for Pokey Pierce.

I'm amazed at the writing of this story, shocked I didn't see this pairing beforehand, and mad because now I have a new ship to add onto my evergrowing list as a shipper. You got me, dear writer, and I'll be happy to add this ship to my list of new favorites.

That was a nice, cute little snippet. I've never personally found either Ms. Harshwhinny or Prim Hemline to be very compelling characters, but you did good by them. :twilightsmile:

>mfw I don't even remember who Prim Hemline is and assumed it was an OC until I read the author's notes.

Aw... That's so adorable:rainbowkiss:

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a new ship to sail:heart:
That dame clown better not try anything funny...

This pairing works marvellously well, and this little snippet of what seems a fulfilling life left a pleasant aftertaste.

Quite nice work:raritystarry:

When I'm more awake, I will give this my full attention

Wonderful story. Just some heartwarming light romance and being-at-home-ness to make me smile. Sometimes, that is worth way more than any epic tale and adventure in the far reaches of space.

I'm just waiting for the reaction from the Harshwhinny Fan Club

Very nice, and I think you conveyed both Harshwhinny's fatigue and relief nicely.

A surprising pairing, but one that you made work exceptionally well. Headcanon considered at the very least, especially the tidbit about earth pony magic. Thank you for this.

I must say I'm surprised at how straight you played this. Most of your works are hilarious and / or fridge horror (ex: "Dirty Prancing"). At the very least your stories have a certain... how to put it... perhaps "whimsically malicious"? I've always thought of you as something of the Oscar Wilde of FimFiction.

Even in "A lovely Apology" there's a certain mix of dated pop-cultural references and droll humor that give the impression of an uninvested but brilliant authorship (again, see Oscar Wilde).

Thus that this actually seemed EARNEST and straight-forward was kind of shocking. It's like watching Robin Williams in a drama, you keep waiting for zingers that never come.

I'll admit, I don't much care for Harshwinny, but you flesh her out quite well. She's almost... sympathetic... in a way. Plus your take on the strong yet quite romance of a relationship that has matured like fine wine is refreshing in its uniqueness. I look forward to writing up a more formal review when I've more time.

Author Interviewer

Ooh, someone who does reviews? How cool! :D I am also impressed you know about my writing so much. :B Guess I'll have to work harder at being taken seriously. XD


Right, obligatory gag response out of the way. This was very sweet and endearing. I've always felt these two were two peas in a pod, and I bemoan the fact that we'll probably never see either of them again in canon! I particularly love the concept of an earth pony homefinding sense.

Author Interviewer


Glad you liked. :)

10/10 NOW

There goes my idea. Well I better stop writing that piece I've been working on.
No way I could match this.
Great Match I like it.

This isn't the ship Harshwhinny deserves, but it's the ship Harshwhinny needs.

Or is that the other way around? :derpytongue2:

Anyway, very quietly sweet. A breath of fresh air. Thank you.

The tone here was very strong, and decompressed considerably over the course of the story, to the extent that (having not paid attention to the tags or cover art, and the ambiguity of "her" in a context with two mares) at first I had thought it might be an antagonistic meeting rather than what it was. Relatedly, there was just a wealth of detail in drawing the contrasts between (G.A.) Harshwhinny and Prim, from the difference in their greeting on, and yet they fit together like hand in glove (hoof in sock?). Likewise, the building of the sense of rightness in the return home, the stain especially. (And the bit on earth pony magic the point allowed.) This story exuded a sense of comfortableness that I don't think I've seen in a story for a while. Well done.

She exercised in the shirt that had comprised a tenth of her laundry for the past nine months; yoga pants were as unnecessary as watching the video. Every movement to the inch, every breath to the second, they felt and lived in synchrony. The tiredness leached from her body, replaced by the feeling of a calm, warm sea.
It wasn't even the routine of doing a particular thing at a particular time that calmed her. Simply being near Prim was enough.

This was one point that particularly struck me, because of how neatly the first sentence of the second paragraph expands on the implication of the opening clause of the first: even away from home, Harshwhinny had a degree of routine, yet the difference between her reaction to this routine, there with Prim at home, and life on the road couldn't be clearer. (And it also highlights that there are routines of choice and of necessity, which are far from the same thing.)

Minor editing point:

She could hear the whooshing as the dirty clothes being sorted neatly into their bedroom hamper.

I think the "as" should be "of", or there should be a "were" as auxiliary to "being".

Author Interviewer

Thank you for the comment! :D How do I keep missing these things?

Ebony Reviews!

By Present Perfect.

I like it.

I wrote a critique/review of this story; it can be found over here.

Huh, I'd totally forgotten about Prim Hemline. Anyway, this was cute. Not much of a plot, but I guess that's SoL for ya (honestly, I'd kinda forgotten you could do that, which was something bugging me yesterday)

Author Interviewer

It was written for a collection, the sole purpose of which was to have no plot. I'm not actually certain how well I succeeded at that, but suffice to say, I never want to attempt it again outside the realm of random comedy. :B

I enjoyed this very much.

Author Interviewer

I love reading stuff like this. Little homey slice of life scenes do more to sell me on a relationship than grandiose adventures and wild declarations of love.

Author Interviewer

Wild declarations of love tend to be pretty overwrought. :B

This brought me good vibes. I love those fics that leave you yearning to know more about the characters lives even though the story is done. I actually want to see how these two met and married in your little world, how they both found their own Persephone in the Tartarus that is other ponies. Great read.

As I mentioned...six weeks ago, according to my first comment(where does the time go?!)...I wanted to wait until I was fully awake and having of spare time to read this. On one hand, I'm glad I did, but then on the other, I wish those two things came into alignment earlier.

If the other notification of which bookshelf of mine I added it too isn't indication enough, I like this. It might be that I too am just getting home after a long and stressful day, but I really connected with the de-stressing vibe.

Hello! Just dropping by with the courtesy comment and like resulting from my recent review. The fandom could do with more stories like this about older couples, I feel.

Author Interviewer

who knows, maybe we'll age into 'em in time :B

thanks again for the review! :)

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