• Published 29th Mar 2023
  • 934 Views, 30 Comments

A Mare's Journey - MangaBro

Twilight is traumatized after a tragic event, which causes her to forbid herself from using her magic.

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Chapter 6 - A Mare's Curse

Spike was paralyzed in fear as he saw eight pairs of glowing green glowing eyes staring at him from the trees. Spike felt his body quivering uncontrollably as he stared at them from afar. All of the sudden, the eyes disappeared and there was nothing but silence for a moment.

Spike thought they had just gone away, but he was soon proven wrong when sixteem Timberwolves suddenly lash out of the trees and start charging straight at him; their eyes filled with murderous intent

Terrified, Spike began running uncontrollably for his life, his heart pounding in his chest. Behind him, a pack of timberwolves bared their teeth and growled; their eyes glowing menacingly in the darkness of the forest. While running, Spike constantly stepped on many sticks, causing numerous cuts on his tiny feet, and even ran face first into branches, but Spike didn't feel any pain from the intense adrenaline he felt, nor did he care. His life was in danger, so he knew he couldn't stop running.

After spending so much time running; he sooned reached the end of a rocky cliff. Now, his was mind racing. Spike searched for a way out, but he was surrounded. The timberwolves kept getting closer, their howls sending shivers down his spine.

There was only one way out of this situation; to jump off, however, Spike was hesitant to jump as he thought that he most likely couldn't survive the fall. It was a 7 meter fall to a river that's current was quite slow, but was going east.

Spike knew he couldn't swim and would drown almost instantly, however, with the Timberwolves slowing creeping towards him, ready to pounce at any moment. He wasn't given much choice but to trust his gut and jump off to avoid a painful death.

Spike took one more look at the river and took a deep breath. He then turned his back and jumped off. The timberwolves, now left with nothing to do, back away from the cliff and ran back into the forest.

Spike, who was now falling in the air; closed his eyes in anticipation of the deadly river in below. The only thing on his mind being his mother, Twilight Sparkle.

The moment Spike's body hit the water, he immediately tried his best to swim up to the surface with his small feet, however, his small feet couldn't bring his body up to the surface, no matter how hard he tried. After spending a few more seconds flopping his feet; his vision began to fade away and his body began to feel weak.

Eventually, Spike closed his eyes and fell unconscious; his body now floating face down above the water.

After a few hours, Spike regained his consciousness and slowly opened his eyes. His vision was blurry for a moment but his eyes were able to focus after blinking a few times. He knew it was nighttime as there was no more light shining through the tall trees which covered the sky. It didn’t take long for his sense of touch to come back and realize that he was laying flat on his back on the side of a rock.

He then heard the sound of running water as his sense of hearing came back. He couldn't believe it, he was somehowbstill alive. It was a miracle.

Spike let out a groan of pain as he sat up, his whole body felt extremely sore, like it had been struck by a thousand needles. When Spike looked at his arms, he noticed that they were numerous scrapes all over them; same went for the rest of his small body. Spike was confused at first, but thought back to when he was being chased by the Timberwolves

"Hello! Is anypony there?!" He called, but no voice called back. Spike then felt this feeling of loneliness and despair. He was all alone in the dark with nopony to help him, in a forest full of dangerous animals. If that wasn't bad enough, there was still his precious Twilight to worry about.

What if she's... no, that can't be...Spike tried his best to stay optimistic, but with the situation he's in right now; as well the situation Twilight was in when he was teleported in the middle of the forest. That face... Never had Spike seen Twilight so scared before, notheless that she killed someone. Spike almost didn't want to believe it, but there was no denying the truth. Twilight's face said it all.

Spike didn't know what feel, Twilight was his mother, and he wasn't even sure if the other mare was telling the truth. But the look on Twilight's face only added to his suspicion more. The thought that his mother murdered someone was just... too brutal to believe. Is that why she was always mad when Spike confronted her this morning? Spike was unsure, however, he kept it as a possibility.

Tat-tat, tat-tat Spike knew that sound all to well, the sound of hoofsteps moving closer.
Spike instantly got up, hoping it was Twilight nearby. However, he was soon proven wrong when he saw the mare from earlier, Trixie, slowly walking. Adrenaline kicked in again and Spike hopped off the rock to another rock nearby, and hid behind it. It didn’t fool Trixie however. She said casted a search spell to find Spike's location.

"I know you're here, Spike." Trixie said, her voice filled with malicious intent.

Spike's scales shot up upon hearing that.

"Don't worry... I didn't come to hurt you.." Trixie said as she stopped walking, "I just want to talk."

Spike was too shocked to say anything back.

Trixie took a few more steps foward before coming to sudden stop.

"Wa-what did yo-you do.. to mom?" Spike asked, shaking in fear.

Trixie perked her head slightly, "Twilight? She's fine.." she said, a smirk widening across her face, "But, that's what's interested Trixie, Spike." Trixie walked closer to the rock.

"You're still... so attached to your mother even after hearing what she did. I'm curious, why is that?" Trixie asked.

"Wha-what are you talking about?" Spike asked.

Trixie let out a short laugh, "Don't play dumb, Spike. You know what I'm talking about.." She said in an angry manner.

"Shut up!" Spike shouted, "That... that can't be true. My mom would never do something like that!"

Trixie again let out a laugh in amusement at Spike's response, "My my, you really do trust your mother, don't you?" She asked, "Well, if it wasn't for her, Trixie wouldn't be how she is now."

Spike had enough and ran out from behind the rock, and gave Trixie an angry glare that had a slight hint of fear along with it.

"Back there... she... said it was an accident... right?" Asked Spike.

"Yes... and..?"

"Then why are you still after her?! If it wasn't her fault, then there's no reason for you to still be after her! Just leave her alone already!" Spike shouted with anger.

Spike felt a feeling that even himself couldn't describe. He couldn't believe what he was doing. Standing up at essentially the most powerful unicorn in Equestria right now. What was he thinking?

Spike took a few steps back, and then... it happened again...

Trixie just.. laughs manically.. with seemingly no emotion on her face. Spike took a look into her eyes.. they looked terrible and insane. The eyes of a true fanatic. Spike was so taken back by this that he took a few steps back and just stood there, staring in complete shock. At this moment, Spike thinks that he has truly witnessed the worst of a pony.

Twilight... did this? That can't be... thought Spike

You... really don't get it... do you?

"No matter how you look at it, and whether the incident was an accident or not. That truth is that the one that I loved is dead! Why? Because she is a curse... and that won't ever change.

You can't run from this truth, or come to terms with reality. The only thing me and your mother have in common.. is that we both think the magic in this world is a curse.."

"..Magic... a curse?" Spike couldn't really understand what Trixie was saying.

Magic is what keeps the world together, right? Yet, it's also been the cause of wars and many deaths... including my father.

Believe it or not, your precious Twilight thinks the same thing. So, as to why I want to kill your mother, it's not only for this burning desire for revenge.. but i want to get rid of cursed and horrid creatures like her.. a favor, basically.

Your mother is a curse, and it's only a matter of time before her magic kills you too. So why do you defend her..?"

Spike opened his mouth, but couldn't really make up a response. In all honesty, he didn't know. Spike was always taught by Twilight that magic was a great thing, however, whenever he asked why she didn't use it, she would say something like, "Oh, I'm not too good at it."

This could only mean one thing, Spike was lied to by his own mother for seven years. All because she didn't want to admit the truth.

Spike fell back and stared into the night sky, hoping that all this was just a dream. He truly couldn't handle the idea of being lied to be his mother, and magic not being as, "Awesome" as he thought.

I'll admit, I'm no better than your mother Twilight. But then again, is she any better? Lying to you this all these years, and giving you false hopes and dreams about magic while constantly running away from her me, her past!" Trixie stated.

Spike moved slightly upwards, "You're wrong.. the only cursed one here is you!" He shouted.

Trixie ignored his statement and just walked past Spike, "You'll never understand, dragon." She whispered as she walked by.

Spike sat there and looked at the silhouette of Nightmare Moon on the bright moon for hours. While doing so, he had a thought. Celestia's magic is what made her sister resentful in the first place... maybe it was true. Spike's just a naive child, so he doesn't really know for sure... but one thing is for certain. His relationship with his mother will never be the same.

To Be Continued!

Author's Note:

Yes, it is apparent by this chapter, that I don't really know what I'm doing with Trixie, but oh well. I'll do better in the future.

Comments ( 4 )

The reason she doesn't is because she can't forgive herself and she didn't fully tell spike the truth because she didn't want him to hate her as much she hated herself. Celestia really should have help twilight years ago considering this was a tragedy but certainly not something anyone wanted to happen.

I feel bad for Spike. Firstly, those annoying Timberwolves.

Despite being a kid. He is a literal dragon. If he is brave enough, he could have easily burn those stupid wooden wolves to ashes.

As for Trixie, WTF is she trying to be? A delusional extremist against magic of all things, what!? Is she trying to act like Cozy Glow on "stealing all the magic" kind of thing?

Doesn't she realize that the total blame goes to the bad ponies/people that uses magic for evil?

Magic itself doesn't have a mind of it's own, or has malicious intent.

Personally, I don't usually blame the gun itself or the sword in a tragic event. Their frickin objects. They don't have legs, go around and kill random people by itself. :ajbemused:

The full blame goes to the insane people that uses them for malicious/evil intent with them.

Just as that the gun and sword can be used for good by law enforcement, the military, or the noble knights/royal guard.

You see where I'm going with this?

Plus, she is a damn hypocrite, considering she is a all-powerful unicorn that is more dangerous pony than Twilight herself. ( Considering that Twilight didn't want to use her magic for a long time. )

As for the author, when will either Celestia ( Where she can finally take down Trixie herself. And actually HELP Twilight with mental/emotional help. ), or the Mane Five show up to help Twilight and Spike? And get the real main story for this fic going?

Most likely next chapter, but I can't say for certain.
As for Trixie, it's quite obvious that's she's delusional and truly thinks she's in the right, while in reality, she's not. That's what I was trying to show here.

I'm going to be honest, this story kinda fell off after chapter 1. :applejackunsure:

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