• Published 29th Mar 2023
  • 915 Views, 30 Comments

A Mare's Journey - MangaBro

Twilight is traumatized after a tragic event, which causes her to forbid herself from using her magic.

  • ...

Chaper 2 - The Wandering Mare

It's a very stormy night in the Equestrian rainforest. A mare in a black cloak gallops fiercely through the forest. Her hooves covered in wet dirt. Holding a seven foot long stick with her magic. She continued to gallop until she reached a huge rocky cave that was covered by moss and grass. Without hesitation, she walks into the cave.

"Hello! I'm here!" The mare called out. However, nobody responded to the mare's call, so she calls out once again. This time with more intensity.

"Hey! I brought you your stupid magical thingy! Now give me that amulet!" She yelled

This time, something did emerge from the darkness in front of her. Whatever it was must've wanted to stay hidden, as only it's cloak was revealed.

"Is that the wand?" It asked.

"Yes." The mare responded, as she put the wand as the creature's hand.

"Great work, Unicorn." The creature responded.

"Yeah, yeah. Now where's the amulet?" The mare asked.

"It’s right here."

The creature extended its yellow paw with the black amulet and hands it to the mare. The mare picks it up with it's horn and put the amulet around her neck. A huge grin formed on the mare's face as she felt a sudden surge of power spread throughout her entire body.

"May I ask, what do you need such an amulet for?" The creature asked.

The mare's grin grew even wider upon hearing this. There was a sudden fire in her eyes. She looked up at the creature, and said...

"To get my revenge on a certain Somepony."

It's been 10 years ever since the incident at the magic school, and ever since then. Twilight never used her magic again, in fear that she'd kill somepony, or even worse, herself. And her cutie mark... she absolutely hated it. She had gotten it shortly after the incident. She hated it with every shred of her body. Even the mere sight of it made her blood boil. She couldn't go one day, let alone an hour without putting some sort of fabric over it to cover it up

She cut herself off from the world completely, and spended the rest of her lonely moons living in a cabin in a distant forest that was far away from Equestria In a small abandoned cabin that was near the side of a cliff. She'd only go out for food, and materials. Even knowing that she could cast a spell that could make the things she needed appear. The fear of such an incident happening again held her back.

The only company she had was her Young pet dragon she had was her pet dragon, Spike. Who was a baby at the time of the incident. Twilight never told him about the incident, in fear that he might see her differently. So he had no idea why she acted the way she did. But, he still loved her and saw her as a mother figure.

Twilight also began to have numerous nightmares referencing to the incident. Either it be everyone she knew and love turn into dust right before her eyes, or just a simple repeat of the same event from before. But she'd knew what would happen, but her body would just move on its own and she couldn't do anything about it.

"No!" Twilight screamed, as she bolted up out of her bed.

It was once again another nightmare. A repeat of the incident. Twilight had never gotten used to these dreams. She'd even be afraid to fall asleep, and try to keep herself up just to not experience such horror again.

Twilight's heart was pounding and her breathe was ragged and heavy.

"Another nightmare?" Spike asked

"Yeah." Twilight replied. Pulling the blanket off her bottom legs.

After Twilight finally calms herself down, she gets up from her rusty bed and goes over and looks out the window on the side of the cabin that was turned to the Cliffside. The sun was beginning to rise, and Twilight decided that it would be a good time to go out and collect berries as they had been running out of fruit for the past few days.

Twilight went over and opened a small chest that was beside her bed. It contained a black cloak that she'd always wear to hide her face, and to cover up her cutie mark. Just in order to not be reminded of that terrible event.

Spike gave a her confused glare as Twilight put the cloak on. Spike was always confused as the why she always wore a cloak when she went out. Spike's usually always afraid to ask because to avoid Twilight getting anxious. When Spike would ask Twilight about her past or why she didn't use her magic, she would often get too scared to reply or change the subject.

At this point, Spike's curiosity was too strong to resist anymore. So he walks up to her and asks..

"Hey... Twilight." Spike said, nervously touching his claws together, "Why do you always where that thing when you go out?"

Twilight turned and gave Spike a terrifying glare. Her eyes were widened, she gritted her teeth, and she began to tremble. Her expression sent chills down Spike's entire body, and It was at this moment that Spike immediately regretted asking that.

"Um...Are you okay...?" Spike asked, nervously.

Twilight's mouth moved slightly as if she was trying to say something, but no response came out of the mare's mouth. Spike became even more anxious.

After a while of saying nothing, Twilight just looked back and said to Spike..

"Yeah.. I'm fine.." Twilight quietly responded.

Despite her saying that, It was obvious to Spike that she wasn’t. Nothing about her expression from earlier looked okay.

"Um.. are you sure?" Spike asked once more.

"I said I'm fine!"

Spike was met by a sudden slap in face by Twilight, causing him to fall backwards on to the floor. Twilight immediately regretted her decision.

Spike looked up at Twilight in disbelief. Wondering what just happened. Twilight put her hoof over her mouth and let out a small gasp. She couldn't believe what she just did.

Twilight would often have outbursts when Spike asked her about certain things that reminded her of her past, but it never got to a point where she got physical.

Seeing Spike's shocked expression while holding his muzzle from the pain. Twilight immediately regretted her actions. Once again, she had let her anger get the best of her, causing her to lash out without thinking.

Twilight looked down in shame and tears began to flow down her eyes.

"Sweet Celestia! I'm so sorry, Spike! I-I didn't mean it! I just..I.."

Though he was slapped, he knew not to blame Twilight for that. He never knew what it was, but Spike always knew Twilight most likely had something terrible happen to her in Canterlot. Twilight never told him, but he just knew.

Instead of feeling any resentment or hatred towards Twilight, he ran over and gave her a hug.

"It’s okay.. mom." Spike said, hugging Twilight's leg.

With that, Twilight's heart melted and her tears began to clear up. Twilight was glad to know that Spike didn't feel any anger or resentment towards her. To Spike, no matter what Twilight did. Twilight would always be his mother.

"You aren't angry at me for-"

"Of course not.." Spike interrupted, "If anything, I shouldn't have asked you that in the first place."

"No, it's fine Spike. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I just keep... letting my anger get the best of me." Twilight replied, putting her hoof on Spike's head, "I promise that nothing like this will happen again from here on out, okay?"

"Okay." Spike responded.

They both embrace once again, and let go after a few seconds. They both put on their cloaks, Twilight grabbed her basket using her mouth, while Spike used his hands. They then go outside to search for fruit. They started walking along the dirt path that went straight foward into the forest. Once they entered the forest, something immediately felt off to Twilight.

Usually on mornings like this, they would always hear birds chirping, or the sounds of other small creatures making noise, or even any sort of movement coming from them. But, they didn't hear anything, or see anything. The only thing they heard were the sounds of them stepping on the grass below them.

It was so eerily quiet there. But, Twilight kept her composer and went deeper into the forest to look for berries. When suddenly, she began to feel like her and Spike were being watched.

She looked to her left and to her right at the trees, through the leaves of the forest and there was no movement or sound in any direction she looked in. Despite that, Twilight still felt this eerie feeling that she was being watched. Spike quickly picked up on Twilight's strange behavior and asks if she was okay.

She stated that everything was fine, but both her and Spike knew that wasn't true. She kept trying to convince herself that nothing is wrong, but the more she walked the stronger the feeling became. As she's walking she begins speeding up because she couldn't shake this feeling Spike began to walk faster as well, but he didn't suspect anything was wrong.

Twilight was always in a rush to find food. And since there were no fruit in sight, he thought that Twilight was starting get a little desperate.

After a few minutes, they finally reach a place where there were many Bushes containing the blueberries Twilight needed.

She told Spike to go collect berries that were in the the bush beside a tree that was to the left. He went over and began putting many of the fruits in the basket, and Twilight did the same.

While putting the fruit in her basket. Twilight began to desperately rush them into her basket, as the feeling that someone was watching her only got stronger. She thought that if she didn't hurry, whatever was watching her jump out and grab her, or Spike at any moment.

After she put the last apple into her bastet, she ran over to Spike and told him to hurry up. However, Spike didn't respond. Feeling concerned, she rushed over to the bush and saw Spike was there, but he was just staring at something in the far distance.

Twilight hesitates for a few seconds before going over and looking at his direction. Spike was staring at a huge mansion that was 18 feet away from their position. The mansion made out of stone, painted In gray with candles hanging on walls. The top of the building was constructed with oak wood. looked abandoned as it had moss growing all over the edges.

While Spike was amazed by the sight, Twilight was rather weirded out by the mansion. Throughout their years of living here, Twilight never saw a mansion or any sort of civilization near the forest. Nopony lived in the area besides her and Spike. And though it looked abandoned, Twilight had a feeling that somepony was in there.

"It’s beautiful!" Spike exclaimed, "We should go inside!"

"No, Spike." Twilight said, "We've gotten all of the fruit we need so let's go."

Spike gave Twilight a disappointing stare and looked down. But, he agreed with Twilight and they went back to their cabin. After getting new and empty baskets. They went back out and collected more fruit. While they did, Spike kept glaring at that mansion in front of him. It was something about it that gave him the feeling that something in there was valuable, like he just needed to go in there.

After Twilight's basket was full, she called out to Spike. But, there was no response. Twilight wasn't worried however, because of what happened previously, but she went over to check on Spike anyways.

When she went to Spike's area. He was nowhere to be found. Twilight began to feel worried, and feared that whatever was causing the feeling of her being watched had done something to Spike.

She immediately began rapidly looking around and calling out for Spike's name. She looked over at the mansion and just barely saw a snippet of Spikes tail go inside the mansion that she feared.

Without hesitation, Twilight galloped and bursted into the mansion. Once she was inside, she couldn't see anything as it was pitch black in the building.

"Spike! Spike!!" She shouted.

Twilight went deeper into the mansion, and heard a slight crackling sound behind hed. But, before she could even turn around. She heard the sound of the door shut behind her. Twilight ran over and tried to open it but noticed that the door was locked. She tried to kick the door down using her back legs, but the door still wouldn't budge.

"Hey! Let us out!" Twilight shouted.

"Why don't you just use your magic, Unicorn?" A voice asked.

Twilight turned around and saw the silhouette of a mare wearing a hat. She couldn't see the mare because of the darkness, but she knew someone was there.

"Twilight! Help!" Spike shouted.


Twilight's ears laid flat against her neck, and her mouth opened showing her teeth in anger. Before she could say anything, the lights suddenly came on. Revealing a blue, grayish mare holding Spike using her magic. Something about the Mare looked familiar, but she couldn't tell what she reminded of. Her hat covered her eyes and nose completely as she was looking down, so Twilight couldn't tell who it was

"Let Spike go!" Twilight demanded. Letting out an angry snort

The Mare suddenly let out a slight chuckle.

"Oh, don't be like that, Twi. Don't you know who I am?" The mare asked.

"What are you talking about? Of course not!" Twilight claimed.

"Remember Jackpot?!" The mare asked

Twilight's angry expression soon turned to shock as she realizes the mare standing in front of her. She couldn't believe she couldn’t tell before. How terrible, she had thought she completely ran away from the past, even with all those terrible dreams. But instead, the dreadful memories of the past have come back to haunt her again. The mare looked up at Twilight with a mischievous grin, and pure hatred in her eyes.

The Mare who stood right before her was none other than the daughter of the instructor that was killed by her outburst of magic, as well as one of her classmates in magic school...

Trixie Lulumoon!

Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter felt rushed or underwhelming to some. I was just kinda in a hurry to finish. :) hope you enjoy it though.