• Published 28th Feb 2023
  • 776 Views, 7 Comments

A Heart Like The Sea - Drunk Luna

Princess Luna’s youngest daughter, Princess Cassiopeia, tries to navigate her complicated relationship with her big sister as she simultaneously discovers her ability to summon sea creatures, including the family of orcas she bonds with.

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Chapter Eleven

Sunlight painted the mahogany walls of the library, turning them to a shade of gold as rich as honey. The young alicorn groaned as she stretched, blinking a few times to adjust to the morning's brilliance. She trudged to her window and surveyed the surprisingly small amount of damage that the previous night's storms had caused: A few palm trees had fallen, but the swim dock and floating platform were unharmed, bobbing on the ocean's calm surface as if nothing had ever happened. The sky was a cheerful blue. The palace, which was built like a fortress and sealed securely in an impenetrable magical bubble, had also gone unscathed. Cassie smiled and headed down the hallway, ignoring the stabbing pain in her chest when she saw Neoma eating breakfast at the dining table. As she entered the dining room, Cassie silently cursed the glossy marble floor that amplified the clip-clop of her hooves. Of course, I would have to speak to Neoma just after waking up, she thought begrudgingly. Cassie hastily shoved the negative thoughts from her mind; it was a new day, and she hoped Neoma had miraculously softened overnight.

“Hey, sis,” Cassie murmured as she approached the table. Neoma’s thick eyelashes fluttered as she looked up. The bat winged alicorn’s expression was unreadable. Cassie lowered her head respectfully.

“Listen,” she said, “I’m sorry about everything I said last night. I… I want you to know that I’m here for you.” Neoma’s face softened, and she wrapped a foreleg around her younger sister’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry, too,” Neoma replied. “I… I found out I was pregnant a couple months ago.” Her voice faltered as she swallowed hard. “I lost the foal last week.” Tears began to flow down her face. Cassie’s throat tightened.

“Oh, no, Sis,” she whispered, holding Neoma closely. “Does Mom know?” Neoma nodded wordlessly, sniffling.

“I’m so sorry,” Cassie breathed. "Why didn't you tell me? You've always come to me about everything. We've always talked about everything."

"Cass," Neoma said slowly, lifting her ice blue eyes to meet her sister's turquoise ones, "I can't really remember the last time we had a deep conversation. Part of that is my fault. After Edelweiss was born, I threw myself into being a mother. I wanted so badly to make everypony happy. I've always been that way, you know? I've always looked after you, I've always been the 'mom friend,' I've always been really nurturing and giving. My entire identity is wrapped up in making sure everypony else is okay, but I have failed you this time. Mom has told me about how absolutely crazy you acted before we came here. I know we've talked about it before, but Cassie, please tell me what makes you think I'm so perfect." She chuckled and shook her head. "You have to learn how to be a bit sneakier, sis. If you're gonna sneak out and party with a bunch of friends, at least take the time to put some pillows and a fake alicorn horn under your covers. I did that shit all the time but never got caught because, well, I knew how to stay under the radar." She laughed again.

"As crazy as it might sound," Cassie giggled, "I'm actually not really interested in partying anymore. I think I might wanna go back to school and get my marine biology degree. I belong near the ocean; knowing what I know now, there is no way I can go back to Canterlot. My heart is here." She opened the large French doors that led onto a wide veranda overlooking the sparkling cyan ocean. The wind flirted with her mane and tail as she inhaled its fresh, salty aroma. Seagulls cawed as they glided across the clear blue sky. A pelican dived into the water and took off again a few moments later, its beak visibly heavy with fish. The palm trees mingled lazily with the warm, gentle breeze, and the ocean lapped softly at the soft white sand.

"What do you think Mom will say about that?" Neoma dismissed a waiting butler with a nonchalant flick of her hoof. The unicorn returned a moment later with two mimosas and a basket of assorted pastries. Cassie's stomach flipped as she was forced to confront the validity of her sister's question. She had made so many stupid, careless mistakes, so Luna's possible skepticism would not be unfounded. Cassie opened her mouth to reply, but no words could be spoken. Neoma gave her a sympathetic smile and placed her hoof on top of Cassie's.

"You don't need to have it all figured out right now," the older alicorn said gently. "So, you made some shitty choices; big deal, everypony does. I think you're being a little too hard on yourself. If you want to prove Mom wrong, I'll support you, and I'll help you however I can, but you can't just sit around and wait for your life to magically get better, Cass. If you want things to change, you're going to have to work. Show everypony what you can do. Believe in yourself, because I definitely believe in you." Cassie smiled and wrapped Neoma in a long hug, then the two sisters giggled.

"Hey, everypony," Celestia trilled, making the two sisters turn around, "I, for one, want to see those beautiful orcas again. Cassie, what do you say?" Cassie smiled at her aunt, then looked at Neoma.

"Join us this time?" she asked, holding a hoof out to her sister. Neoma grinned and nodded, and the princesses headed down to the beach.