• Published 28th Feb 2023
  • 763 Views, 7 Comments

A Heart Like The Sea - Drunk Luna

Princess Luna’s youngest daughter, Princess Cassiopeia, tries to navigate her complicated relationship with her big sister as she simultaneously discovers her ability to summon sea creatures, including the family of orcas she bonds with.

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Chapter One

Canterlot Castle was dark, its grounds lit only by the lanterns held by the Royal Lunar Guards who stood sentinel on either side of the drawbridge. Princess Cassiopeia took a final drag on her joint before tossing it into the river below, wincing slightly at the faint hissing sound it made when it hit the water. Then, she retrieved a bottle of perfume from her saddlebag and sprayed herself with a generous amount, hoping the fragrance would effectively mask the strong odor of alcohol and weed if she got caught. The pink alicorn pricked her ears, listening intently for any sign that her presence had been detected. When she knew the coast was clear, she spread her wings and flew silently through her open bedroom window. The moon was a waif-thin sliver in the velvety blue expanse outside, so Cassie knew her mother had not yet concluded her nightly duties. With a sigh of relief, Cassie slipped into her bed, her sheets rustling ever so slightly as she did so. Just as Cassie rolled over, the room flooded with light, which revealed Princess Luna, who had clearly been waiting for her.

"Welcome home, daughter," the larger alicorn said in a deathly calm voice that coated Cassie's legs with goosebumps. "Would you care to explain why you decided to sneak out while you were already grounded for doing the exact same thing last week?" Cassie rolled over, turning her back on Luna, and pulled her goose down duvet over her head. Luna's magic hummed, and the duvet was ripped violently from Cassie's body. Cassie leapt up, glaring at Luna.

"What the hell, mom?" she yelled. Luna returned Cassie's icy stare with an even colder one of her own.

"Cassiopeia," Luna said sternly, "you will not ignore me when I speak to you. Now, I will ask you one more time: Why did you sneak out tonight while being grounded for pulling this stunt last week?"

"Because I wanted to," Cassie grumbled, huffing. Luna's eyes narrowed and her tail twitched, signifying that her patience was running thin. Cassie snorted defiantly and flopped backward onto her bed.

"Cassie," Luna murmured, "why did you sneak out?"

“I don’t know, Mom. I already answered your question. Are you dumb?” Cassie replied, rolling her turquoise eyes. “Ask Neoma, since she seems to know everything.”

“Oh, no. This is not your sister’s fault, Cassie,” Luna said. “Don’t you dare blame Neoma for any of this. She has a husband and a toddler to look after. Neoma isn’t the pony who used her name and title to try to weasel her way out of trouble. You did all of those things on your own. This is all your fault.”

“Maybe I wouldn’t be like this if you hadn’t given her all of your attention when we were fillies!” Cassie cried. “I’ve had enough of this. I’m leaving Canterlot right now, Mom, and you can’t stop me!”

“Cassiopeia, those are dangerous words,” Luna warned in a deathly calm tone. “You need to calm down and let me speak.”

“No!” Cassie yelled, her horn glowing. “You have no idea what it’s like to be me, Mom.”

“Oh, I don’t?” Luna replied patiently but firmly. “Don’t forget, sweetheart, I was the younger sister, too. The jealousy and bitterness I directed towards your auntie Tia turned me into Nightmare Moon. You will not make the same mistakes I made. Take responsibility for your actions, Cassie. Own your choices.”

“I’m leaving!” Cassie screamed, spreading her wings.

“Fine,” Luna said quietly, “then I’m afraid you’ve left me no choice.” She took off after her daughter as Cassie streaked across the sky. A dark blue bolt exploded from her horn, cracking the sky like lightning as it hit Cassie. The pink alicorn cried out and dipped lower as the bolt paralyzed her. Luna swooped after Cassie and caught her daughter as she fell onto her back. She landed and sent a healing spell through Cassie’s body, and Cassie immediately took off again. Luna sighed in exasperation and rolled her eyes.

“Cassiopeia,” Luna yelled in her Royal Canterlot Voice, “I command you to land at once! I am no longer speaking as your mother; this is an order from your Princess!” Cassie groaned loudly and landed, stopping to wait for Luna on a grassy knoll that overlooked the palace. She heard the powerful beat of Luna’s wings and felt the gust of wind that encircled them as her mother landed beside her.

“Now,” Luna said gently, “are you ready to talk about it? What troubles you, my sweet one?” She nuzzled Cassie gently, and the young mare flopped down onto her back in the cool grass as she finally allowed her tears to flow freely.

“Mom, what’s wrong with me?” Cassie sobbed. “Why is Neoma so perfect, and why am I even a princess? I should never have been born into this family! I don’t even have my cutie mark yet! I’m probably the oldest pony to ever live without a cutie mark!” Luna reached out her hoof and gently lifted her daughter’s chin so that their eyes met.

“Cassie,” she said slowly, “I can assure you that Neoma is far from perfect. As I said earlier, I understand what you’re going through. I was the younger sister, too, sweetie. It would serve you well if you listened to me. Now, you just told me you feel that you should never have been born into the royal family, but I strongly disagree. You are my beautiful little storm, Cassie. You’re a free spirit, and you’re wild in the best way. You simply need to learn how to harness your power and let go of any resentment you may feel towards Neoma. Don’t make the same mistakes I did, honey. You are right that Neoma is much calmer than you are, but there is a beautiful wildness in you. You remind me so much of myself when I was your age. You will find your place as a princess, I promise.” Cassie looked up at her mother and felt a small smile lift the corners of her mouth.

"I'm sorry I yelled, Mom," the young alicorn sighed. "I shouldn't have lost my temper at you." Luna gave her daughter a soft smile, and Cassie immediately knew that all had been forgiven.

“Now,” Luna said, draping her wing over Cassie’s shoulders, “are you looking forward to our family trip to Silver Shoals next week, my little storm?" Her voice overflowed with motherly affection.

“Yeah, I can’t wait,” Cassie squealed, her spirits lifting. “It’s going to be so much fun to be so close to the ocean, and to hang out with Neoma, Silver, and little Edelweiss. We're gonna have a blast with Auntie Tia, Uncle Sombra, Suimmer, and Idalia. too.”

“Don't forget Twilight, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart. You’re going to spend every second in the water like you did last time, aren’t you?” Luna said, smiling lovingly when her daughter nodded. “You know, when you were little, you would cry every single time I took you out of the tub after bath time. When we took you to the beach for the first time, we practically had to drag you out of the ocean. You’ve always been a water baby.” She chuckled, then said, “I’m not trying to stop you from being yourself, honey. There is just a certain manner in which a princess is expected to behave. Try to find a way to use your interests for the good of Equestria instead of acting foolish just to rebel. You’ll find your place, my little storm. I promise.”