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Foxy Henhouse

We've been making butter since 1945, and we've been accepting all people since the last four months.

Comments ( 34 )

Why yes, a six-way friend-fuck with multiple (up)coming chapters is exactly what this Saturday night needed. Looking forward to more, my dude

...I know I'm supposed to just ignore it and let the good times roll.

But I gotta know.

How does one kiss with a beak?

“Who fucking cares?” But then again, she hated stupid questions, and that was one she didn’t feel like she needed an answer to.

...touché. I see I've been anticipated.

She was beautiful at any height, and in any form she felt like taking on a given day — but when she was like this, when she fit in his lap and barely fit any other part of him, she was just perfect .


your Smolder voice is impeccable!!! good shit

also also also i can't not love some NBcellus

insanely good taste going on in this fic

Might want to do a pronoun sweep for Ocellus; a lot of shifting between they/them and she/her, not sure if intentional.

But looking forward to the fun!

Comment posted by Lord Headcheez deleted Nov 8th, 2022

11414662 Nice profiling there. Not even knowing who is downvoting and you instantly think its some political party. Disgusting. I mean at least try to know or understand who it is you are dumping on. Maybe they don't like the writing or how the story is structured. No you instantly think they are downvoting because they don't like that a trans/non-binary character is part of this.

One interesting bit of fun that could be had with these grown kids... Ocellus and Yona are significantly different in size. It would be rather easy for Ocellus to insert her arm, or both arms, into Yona's sex in order to pleasure her yak friend.

That's intentional. Headcanon I'm working with is that Ocellus goes by both pronouns interchangeably, so her friends swap back and forth in their heads and while talking about her aloud.

And not to "profile" any further here, but the up/down ratio on this story was like 4/11 an hour after it went up, and the more that actual view counter ticked up, the better the ratio's consistently gotten. So, y'know, who's to say what that implies?

/mlp/ also routinely posts trans friendly stories and art from Fimfiction and Derpibooru for their users to attack. (The biggest one being Sun & Sparkle) Even Admiral Biscuit wasn't safe when he posted a story featuring a trans Trixie and received over 60 pages of right wing snowflakes whining and crying in the comments.

So don't be discouraged by the salvo of downvotes. it's very much a vocal minority and even the biggest authors on this site have to deal with this. Keep up the good work!

And because it's 4chan, this isn't mutually exclusive with the Downvote Botnet Conjecture.

Even if it is a bunch of people hating on a trans/non-binary character so what? Does two wrongs make a right? No it doesn't. Just ignore it and move on.

I like this story. It's a great poly ship, and you write wonderfully.

This is going swimmingly. It's not easy writing a group like this, but you're doing a stellar job. The action is clear and concise (not to mention hot) and everyone's thorougly in character. Seriously, the small touch of Oscellus being driven mad from the ambient tension and emotions during the movie? Spectacular.

Bring on the next chapter!

Ya'll need to take your /pol/ and shove it.
Ya'll are obsessed with politics.

Lord Headcheez would be swiss; ya serious, mate?
I'd bet money that you're a minor. You walk it, you talk it, you irk my nerves with your nonsense.

I'm fairly annoyed that ya'll ruined both the mood and tone.
Now enjoy what you came to read and fuck off.

Good read once you latch onto Cell; speaking of which, alternating pronouns isn't intuitive from an outside perspective. It really does look like a mistake for a while. It's fantastic that you chose to introduce Cell in the first chapter, because it saves the headache of deciphering what the hell the other Student-Six are talking about. I suggest that maybe it'd look less like a mistake if you performed a few of those pronoun swaps in dialogue, such that it can be acknowledged in-universe. It would communicate the idea a little faster maybe, but hell if I know how to execute that. Ain't my fucking job.

Ocellus is the best

45 minutes after the story was posted, it had almost entirely downvotes and I didn't want the author to feel discouraged by it. It looks far less alarming now that it has gained traction, thankfully. The "politics" started when the hate poured in the second it was posted.

I don't want to fill the page with an argument now that it's clear it was a vocal minority that is long gone, so if the author wants me to delete my comments I will, but I was simply trying to explain why the bar was 80% downvotes after an hour. it's a good story and I'm sorry that I "ruined the mood" for you by trying to support the author.

If it's any consolation, I felt encouraged by your comments. LGBT hate is real and shutting that shit down is how the community survives.

What mood would you prefer while reading this story?
A. A group of friends cuddled up on a couch watching a movie and sipping cocktails on a TV-lit night. Or,
B. A group of strangers bickering about politics because a transient ratio bar said so.

My favorite part was when Ocellus was smol.
What was your favorite part of the story?

I ask, because I don't know; you expended your posts on the ratio bar which already changed, another author named Admiral Biscuit, and another story about a transgender Trixie.

Here, let's try to reset the mood a little bit:
What was your favorite part of the story?
What did the author do well?
What could the author improve?

I love that it's the six of them having a casual relationship, rather than a romantic one, and them doing to while MSTing a bad movie is icing on the cake. It reminds me of several get-togethers at cons I've been to. While the anthro is personally not my thing, that's more of my personal taste rather than actual criticism.

Again, the story is great and I eagerly await the next chapter. I was just concerned after the downvote parade came in that Foxy would take it personally, and I'm happy to see that bar rebounded and it wasn't nearly as bad as what Sparkle had to deal with.

If you would like to discuss this more, feel free to PM me. I don't want to clutter the comment section any more than necessary with this whole discussion.


loving how tender this story's ending up being—i was hoping for some GallBar action and you delivered so well! the tension and desire and respect and love between them is super well illustrated

this is probably my favorite chapter yet <3

So, this is great. For all the smut on this website, it's rare to find anything, y'know. Good.

Keep up the good work! Even if it would've been nice to get even gayer in chapter 3. Shoulda had Gallus just get pounded in the butt, Chuck Tingle style.

Silverstream had seen rain — seen death. She had felt it wash over her, cold and senseless, a force actually bigger and stronger than any mortal thing it touched. She had watched it batter creatures into being something other than what they previously were — something quieter, twitchier, more likely and sometimes even more eager to explode into frustration and rage.

LOVE love love this—Silverstream's grit is a large part of why I love her and her personality so much. She's seen some shit and may not know what stairs and plumbing are, but by nature of being a seapony/hippogriff she's been through the whole spectrum of the human(?) condition, which is more than a lot of other characters can say.

And that was basically why Silverstream liked this part of Friday nights the best — so late into the evening that it was nearly morning, multiple hours and orgasms already past, nothing much more than fumes left in everyone’s proverbial tanks. There was always love between her and her friends, not just on these nights but on all others and the days attached to them too. But right now was when she felt it the strongest. Right now was when she knew it was real.

So beautiful

They loved each other, in all ways and forms, and Silverstream loved watching them. From the small shifts in Gallus’ posture as he kissed her neck, she could tell he did too. Each of their motions was a statement in a conversation, a question followed by an immediate answer: “Does that feel good?” “Yes. Does that feel good?” “ Yes. ” They played off each other so well, patiently and silently, perfectly harmonized. It must’ve felt amazing. It felt almost as good just being near it.

I'm a very big fan of wordless action being interpreted as a conversation. Every time you do this it makes me smile.

This was how Friday nights always ended. They’d start in different ways, roll through different partners and positions and — in Cell’s case — sometimes sets of parts, but when things drew to a close and they were all rubbed and licked and railed down to the most basic of base desires, this was where they’d all end up. Smolder would dote on Ocellus, Yona and Sandbar would drift into another world together — and Silver would want Gallus, and Gallus would want her in return.


Or, Silverstream thought after shifting her legs and cringing a bit at how sticky and nearly-crusty the motion felt, maybe a shower first. Then bed. Definitely then bed.

shower time hell yea

Wow, every chapter of this has felt incredibly cozy and friendly, while still being very, very hot. The only downside to reading this has been that it's left me pining for more.

Saving the weird shit for last, huh?

At least making it a dream sequence (with a shapeshifter, no less!) is a semi-plausible explanation for it, but dang, yo. Y'all freaky.

... you should write something about the Mane 6 next. Ehehm.

It's always the shortstack bottoms who have the wildest fantasies. Who am I to defy centuries of well-established precedent?

This is good — really freaking good so far. Much better than I expected so far, with a great mix of character moments and outright raunchiness, and they’re all so casual and comfortable with each other. Love how you’ve given plenty of attention to groping and describing bodies. Really looking forward to reading the rest.

Only complaint so far is that I wish Chapter 1 hadn’t ended so soon. It was reaching a great crescendo of hotness as Ocellus began their blowjob, but then the story cut away from it in the middle if what had been the best part of the chapter. Oh well — here’s hoping that later chapters make up for it!

Hmm… I think the later chapters maybe weren’t quite on the same level as the first … but that’s more about how good the first few chapters were than anything bad about the later ones. The later chapters just seem a bit more detached from the reality of what’s happening, shifting more emphasis onto the characters’ inner thoughts … which are often more philosophical than erotic. Also, later chapters shift away from a full-on orgy, becoming more about individual pairings that happen to occur in the same room.

Still, though, it’s fun to see some utilization of a changeling’s ability to transform … even if it’s only to give them a dick. (Could have done so much more with that, though. I’d love to see Sandbar trying to deal with two Yonas at once. Or Ocellus transforming into a big male dragon to overwhelm Smolder. Or even making herself into a copy of the movie’s scantily clad heroine and letting all of their friends enjoy the sex scene the movie was missing.)

Anyway, I think the biggest disappointment is that the final chapter seemed a bit anticlimactic. Yes, there is the whole macro/micro cumflation scene, but knowing it’s a dream accentuates the already vey unreal feeling of it, making it difficult to take that scene seriously. As I was reading it, I just kept waiting for the real sexual climax to start … but it never did. Seems especially egregious when using a character who could conceivably transform into a tiny version of themself.

Still, though, a highly enjoyable story that ended up being so much more than I was expecting from it! Good job!

Disagreeing or calling something wrong is not hate.

I can't really add much here that Semillon hasn't already, but this genuinely is some of the best erotica I've ever read. The intimacy and feeling is really conveyed well. I especially like the actions playing out like a wordless conversation. The action itself was also really well done.

Silverstream's introspection was just absolutely amazing as well. It really conveyed why her and Gallus are two of my favourite characters and why they work so well together; there's layers in there and they have a lot more in common than it would appear on the surface. It also has a sort of je ne sais quoi when talking about love in general that is really, really well delivered and evokes some pretty serious warm fuzzy feelings.

I'm just annoyed I missed this when it was first released.

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