• Member Since 20th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen May 26th


I dream of a world where sex is not shameful.

Comments ( 17 )

That was... honestly kinda sweet.

First fic on site? Not a bad start, really.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Wonderfully sweet. An excellent first fic.

Bit short but good.
No typos or grammatical errors to be found either.

I've read a lot of romance fics in my days here on the site and listened to many more in the time that I was off the site. A lot of them feel... Almost too perfect. That's not to say that they're all the sing-songy, mess-free, uncomplicated love story where everyone's happy in the end, but the ones that aren't stick out, and the ones that do this well shine! Yours shines.

It's a frequent thing I feel in my own relationships: Unworthy in comparison to my partners. I view myself in a vicious, loathsome light and I view my partners in the most perfect and rosy spotlight. That is, I see my flaws heightened and their flaws swept away and made imperceptible. I accept them, but not myself. That's what this story communicates to me. That messy, asymmetric love where you have to learn to love yourself and grow alongside your partner at the same time. You've written this in an effortless and unique way, where it's minimalist and direct, but also memorable, and impactful all at once while managing to stay refreshing! I've felt like Octavia, and I've felt like Vinyl, both mindsets are done amazingly! It's almost hard to believe that such a fantastic story is only 1500 or so words, and moreover, that this is your first work on the site! Really, really impressive work, I'm looking forward to more from you!!

Comment posted by Sonicsuns deleted Apr 23rd, 2022

Thank you so much. *hugs*

It's a frequent thing I feel in my own relationships: Unworthy in comparison to my partners.

I'm sorry that you've struggled with self-judgment, but I'm glad that I can illuminate those experiences with my work. I've been through some pretty intense self-judgment myself, and I'm using my writing to work out my own feelings.

Congratulations on having relationships, by the way. I must admit I've got a long track record of loneliness IRL. But I've had a couple relationships. And like you I've had times when I felt like Octy and times when I felt like Vinyl. In many ways, Octy represents who I am and Vinyl represents who I want to be.

Speaking of which, I'm sketching out a much longer OctaScratch fic called "Finding the Music", which deals a lot with mental illness and recovery. I hope to distill a lot of important things I've learned over the years. But I've never written anything so big before, and I'm still figuring stuff out IRL. There was a long, long time when I didn't write any fics at all. So...thank you, so much, for being so supportive. Thank you for understanding what I'm trying to express here. I hope that my story will help you with your hangups in some way. I've always felt that good fiction isn't just entertainment; it's a guide to life.

I hope things get easier for both of us. *hugs*

It's strikingly obvious while I was reading that this was personal to you, and it felt very much so like you were writing from the hip. Some would call this poor writing, but I would call it honest writing. It doesn't pull any punches or try and sugar coat the emotions found in the story, it just works through the feelings. Often with romance stories, there's a single or a couple of hangups that get resolved by the end, like pulling a single thread in a series of knots and having them all unravel. But real life isn't so neat and clean, and that's what I loved about this.

SO! Not to repeat my earlier praise and to actually go somewhere with it, I'm stoked to see more writing from you, especially if it's going to be going through these kinds of topics! Be sure while you're writing to not get in your own head and second-guess yourself. You're obviously talented, obviously going places, and obviously traveling there with deliberate intent! I cannot wait to see where your writing takes you!

P.S. I am very fortunate, and still struggle with self-image, and still feel like a blend of Octy and Vinyl. It's a journey to achieve confidence, and it's one you walk with everyone in your life. You'll get there in time, just like I will, if we continue to do our best! It sounds cheesy, I know, but damn if it isn't true.

O O F this hit close to home. It was done really well! I like to see more intimate writing that isn't like, porn, and this fit the bill with how brutally honest it is. Liked and fav'd <3

Thank you! I hope to write more along these lines soon.😊

I was re-reading this just now and I wanted to say thanks again. I certainly hope to write more along these lines soon, though I admit I've been struggling with IRL stuff and I'm currently feeling exhausted.

I hope you're doing well.

I meant what I said then, and I still mean it now! Life has been a struggle for me too lately, and bearing the weight of that adversity and worrying about writing and reading at the same time only adds to it. Sometimes it can feel like walking with one foot on shaky ground while the other is trudging through mud, and sometimes it can feel uphill both ways.

With regards to both writing and the adversity and the mess of life, I live by a saying: Things will be alright in the end, and if they aren't alright, then it isn't the end. Take your time with your writing, and give yourself the space to breathe, and both will improve. There's no rush with either of them. It doesn't matter how fast either of these things are accomplished, so long as you don't stop, yknow what I mean! It's good to hear from you again, and my thoughts on your writing have only been reinforced with time!

Very sweet story. I like how Octavia is making an effort to correct the impulsive Bad Thoughts™ she has, like pushing back against attributing her own feelings of low self-worth to get girlfriend as well. Mindfulness is key 🙏

Gentle Lesbian Boob-Exclusive Cuddling is also just a really good and precious genre ngl. Stories that show how sex isn't something exclusive from love, but rather its compliment, are few and far between on this site (r/menwritingwomen lmao), so something like this is always nice to find.

Thank you again for all your support; it means a lot to me. I hope things have gotten better for you recently.

I wanted to mention that I finally published a new story! You can find it here.

This is a very sweet little story. I love that while we, the readers, aren't explicitly told of the nature of Octavia's trauma and trepidation, or that she even has any, Vinyl either implicitly knows or can infer just as much as we can. And that Vinyl's response to that isn't interrogation or shaming, but acceptance and comfort. That's what love looks like, and I'm glad to see that in a story here. :heart:

Thank you for writing this!

I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading =)

Lmao, I absolutely love this story’s subversion of ending in sex. The really accurate dive into general trauma was handled super well too.

Thank you! Trauma is a big deal so I'm glad I can discuss it through stories.

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