• Published 25th Jan 2023
  • 730 Views, 22 Comments

My Little Spark: The Movie - Real Solaris

When the Friendship Festival is crashed by the Storm King's forces, Twilight is saved by some creature, and along with her friends, they are forced from Canterlot. Now, they must find a mysterious queen and find a way to save Equestria again.

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“Is it really her?!”

A commotion in the crowd draws everyone’s attention as a pale pegasus, flanked by two agents pushing through the crowd, trots up to the clearing. “It is! It is!”

“Hiya! I’m looking for the pony in charge?” She says, looking around. “I need to set up for my sound check.”

Her mane and tail are two-toned, one side black, the other blonde. A large pink bow sits behind her head, and her mane covers her eyes entirely. She wears a black one-piece with two gold buttons on her collar. She poses in several positions perfect for the camera ponies that pop up in quick succession.

“Songbird Serenade!” Twilight exclaims, pulling herself out of the cake batter. “Um, I was just about to check on you! I’m Princess Twilight, and I’m sorry about the mess. I’m usually not so…”

“Caked in… cake?” Songbird suggests, chuckling. She was about to say something else when a clap of thunder interrupted her, drawing everyone’s attention to the skies. Ominous, dirty clouds roll in from the south, blocking the sunlight and casting a shadow over Canterlot.

“What the..?” Tionic frowns, raising an eyebrow. He spots a tower closer to the crowd, and sticking to the alleyways, he blitzes over to get a better vantage point. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this…”

“Storm clouds?!” Twilight exclaims. “I ordered perfect weather! Rainbow, what’s going on here?!”

“Uh, I don’t think those are storm clouds,” She says nervously.

“That looks like engine smoke,” Sonic says, narrowing his eyes. “Looks like ol’ Eggy couldn’t resist to crash this party of yours, Twilight.”

But to his surprise, what emerges from the cloud isn’t an Eggman creation, but a bright blue symbol, followed by a large, metal ship held by a balloon.

“Ooh! I think those are the clowns I ordered!” Pinkie exclaims, bouncing a little. The bottom of the ship collides with three towers, destroying them. Everyone backs away as the rubble crashes to the ground, and some debris crushes a clown stand. “Or definitely not the clowns I ordered.”

The ship settles into place, hissing before a gangplank drops from the side, revealing a small figure silhouetted by the smoke inside. Walking out, everyone sees a tiny Equusian hedgehog holding a blue box with the same logo on the ship, walk down the gangplank and place it down at the end. The box opens, letting a tube extend and expand into a megaphone, and the creature takes the microphone hanging from the side.

“Ponies of Equestria!” He says, his amplified voice echoing through the city. He pauses momentarily when he sees the Mobians, reeling back slightly. “And… whatever you weirdos are, we come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful, the almighty Storm King!”

A banner drops down from the side of the ship’s balloon, depicting a yeti with horns traced with blue lines, wearing a chestplate with presumably his logo and a black cape. The crowd starts to murmur, their nerves on end.

“Wow, this is horrendous,” Sonic mutters, shaking his head disappointedly. “Eggman gives better entrance speeches than this tiny tike, and I’ve heard all of them.”

“And now, to deliver the evil, evil message!” The hedgehog continues, and he gestures back to the ship’s entrance. “Put your hooves together for Commander Tempest!”

Another figure comes through the haze in the ship, showing a unicorn mare wearing black body armor. Her right eye has a scar running over it, but everyone’s attention is drawn to her horn – or lack thereof. It’s been shattered down to a nub, but magic sparks from it, little wisps of blue mana popping from it like fireworks.

“Is that… a unicorn?” Twilight squints, eyeing the broken horn.

“I think so, but what happened to her horn?” Spike wonders. “It looks like it was shattered.”

Before the topic can be questioned further, Cadance, Celestia, and Luna land between the newcomers, placing themselves between them, the ponies, and the Mobians.

“Tempest, is it?” Celestia says, her gaze stern. “How may we help you?”

“Oh, I’m so glad you asked,” Tempest grins menacingly. “How about we start with your complete and total surrender?”

“PFFFFT! HAHAHAHAHAHA!” Sonic busts out laughing, shocking everyone as they stare at him in varying degrees of horror and confusion. Tionic questions the hedgehog’s mental state, but chalks it up to him smashing his head against Eggman’s robots one too many times. Tempest glares daggers at Sonic as he laughs, grizzling her teeth as her horn sparks to life.

“What’s so funny?” She growls. “Do you have a death wish?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s just, *SNRK*, that was just way too corny not to laugh at,” Sonic chuckles, slowly regaining his composure. He walks in front of the princesses and folds his arms, grinning. “That has got to be the worst threat I have ever heard in my life, and I’ve heard some bad ones over the years.”

“Who do you think you are?” Tempest demands, walking down the gangplank. “What are you, for that matter? You don’t look like any creature I’ve ever seen before.”

“I’m Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!” He pronounces, jabbing a thumb at himself. “By the way, have you been living under a rock or something? There was a whole world colliding event years ago. Equus and my world, Mobias, combined to make one super planet. How have you not noticed any of that?”

“That would explain the sudden appearance of those weird animals we’re using in the ships,” Tempest muses. This visibly takes aback all of Canterlot, and Fluttershy and Sonic grit their teeth in anger. Tempest shrugs. “Oh well, I suppose that doesn’t matter right now.”

“Well, that’s just great,” Sonic growls, clenching his fists. “Eggman stops using Flickies to power his machines, then somepony else comes along and does it all over again. Now I’m gonna make sure this invasion of yours goes straight down the drain!”

“Don’t make me laugh,” Tempest chuckles, reaching the bottom. “Although you already have, you are no match for the full night of the Storm King’s army.”

“Mare, please,” Sonic scoffs, rolling his eyes. “I deal with planetary threats and evil geniuses every month, so this Storm King of yours is just a normal Tuesday for me.”

“As if you could do that,” Tempest says, thinking she’s calling his bluff. Sonic shrugs, smirking, while Tempest turns to the princesses. “Here’s the deal, ladies, I need your magic. Give it up nicely, or we make it difficult – for everypony!”

“And why should we cower before you?” Luna asks. “There’s one of you and hundreds of us!”

“I was hoping you would choose difficult,” Tempest grins, and hairy, bulky creatures emerge from the ship, wielding shields and spears. Four more vessels emerge from the haze, and more guards jump down and surround the crowd. Panic sets in as everyone runs in fear, and the princesses look around in shock, trying to find a way out of this. Tempest notices this, and she takes advantage of their confusion and jumps into the air.

A green, crystalline orb emerges from the pouch on her side, and she kicks it at the princesses. They gasp, and Cadance jumps in front, putting up a shield. But instead of bouncing off, the orb drills into the shield, and green energy from the orb cancels out Cadance’s magic. She can’t hold it back, and it hits her, shattering in a cloud of green smoke.

“Cadance!” Celestia exclaims. She, Twilight, Luna, and Sonic watch in horror as black crystals consume her body and turn the Princess of Love to stone.

“Okay, that’s it!” Sonic growls, revving his feet. “You’re going down!”

“Sonic, don’t!” Celestia exclaims, pulling him back with her magic. He tries to protest, but the dire look on her face says otherwise. Sonic nods and runs the other way to help the others. Celestia then turns to her sister. “Luna, head south, beyond the Badlands! Get help from the Queen of the Hippo-!”

Before she can finish her sentence, another orb hits her, and Celestia turns to stone in a few moments. Luna gasps, and she runs off, blasting back a creature before taking off. She gets a reasonable distance away before Tempest snipes her out of the sky with a well-aimed orb. Luna plummets to the ground as she turns to stone, punching through the stage roof. She would’ve been pulverized had Twilight not caught her in her magic, saving Luna from certain death.

“Luna!” Twilight exclaims, but while concentrating on keeping the lunar god from hitting the ground and shattering, she doesn’t see Tempest send another orb her way. But someone who watched the whole situation escalate does, and he blitzes down the tower and streaks toward her.

“TWILIGHT!” The alicorn mare looks up in confusion, and to her horror, she finally sees the orb beelining for her. An electric blur whisks her away as a grey pegasus jumps in front of them. The globe shatters, engulfing the pony and turning them to stone.

“Easy as pie,” Tempest chuckles, trotting over to admire her handiwork.

“Ooh, I love pie,” The hedgehog says, drooling at the thought. As the green smoke clears, it shows not Twilight, but Derpy encased in stone. She had galloped over to save Twilight and take the orb for herself – a true hero. The hedgehog doesn’t notice the difference, even when the purple party hat falls off Derpy’s head. “Oh, you totally got the last princess!”

“That’s not the princess!” Tempest growls, her temper rising as she turns on him. “Grubber, find her now!”

“Gyeep!” He exclaims, and scrambles to carry out her orders. “Guys, we need to get the princess!”

Back with Twilight, Tionic carries her over and around the Storm Guards littering the courtyard. A close call with a fist knocks his sunglasses and hat off, and Twilight sees who saved her.

“What the -?!” She gasps, staring at her savior. “Who are you? What are you?!”

“There’s no time for that!” He exclaims, setting her down. “Just run!”

“Over here, y’all!” Applejack exclaims, waving the pair over to the rest of the Mane Seven. Tionic rushes over, surprising everyone as he decks any Storm Guards that get in the way halfway across the courtyard, clearing a path for him and Twilight.

“C’mon!” Rainbow shouts, rushing toward one of the exits leading to a bridge spanning one of the rivers cutting through the city. “This’ll take us out of Canterlot!”

Right as they reach halfway, two Storm Guards drop down from the other side, blocking their escape. Twilight gathers her mana and fires at them, but to her shock, the mana bolt bounces off the shield and hits the bridge. It detonates the center, sending them flying. Without a way to defy gravity, the Mane Seven, Spike, and Tionic plummet into the rushing waters below.


Debris, ponies, dragon, hedgehog, and Spark splash into the water, and avoiding the rubble, everyone breaches the surface. Sonic struggles to do so, but Rainbow swims over and wraps his arm around her neck, keeping him afloat.

That’s when they saw the waterfall they were fast approaching. The current is too strong for them, and they fly over and fall to the lake far below Canterlot. Above the waterfall, Grubber and two Storm Guards look down, trying to spot the ones they were chasing, but to no avail.

“Which one of you guys is going down there?” Grubber asks, one of the guards grunting in response. “I would, but I just had a hearty meal, and I will sink.”

They start to head back, but Grubber spots something close to the edge of the bridge. Embedded into the concrete is a glowing blue quill, which crackles with electricity occasionally. He stares in awe at it, amazed by how cool it looked.

"Ooh, I bet this would look good on Tempest!" He exclaims, pocketing the quill before catching up to the Storm Guards.

Far down the river, the Mane Seven and Spike drag themselves onto a bank a few miles downstream and finally take a breather underneath a dead tree over an entrance into the forest.

“Everypony okay?” Applejack wonders, pulling her hat out of the river and slapping it onto her head.

“I’m going to smell like river water for the next month,” Sonic groans, shaking the water out of his fur. “But I’m fine.”

“We just got our cupcakes hoofed to us by the worst party crasher ever!” Pinkie exclaims, her happy demeanor diminished.

“We gotta go back there and fight!” Rainbow says, throwing a few punches.

“You saw the size of those… goons!” Spike exclaims. “You seriously want to go back?!”

“So now what?” Applejack asks. “We can’t hide here forever! And let’s be honest – we can’t go back! Look at what they did to the princesses! We gotta be there for Twilight.”

“By the way, where’s that guy that saved her?” Sonic questions, wringing water out of his gloves. “Wasn’t he with us when the bridge collapsed?”

They don’t have to wonder for long as another voice sings very familiar lyrics comes from the other side of the tree trunk.

Rolling around at this speed of sound
Got places to go, got to follow my rainbow!
Can’t stick around, got to keep moving on
Guess what lies ahead, only one way to -!

The figure stops, realizing it has an audience. Everyone turns to look at their visitor, and their jaws hit the ground. Tionic, holding a brown bag in his right hand and a small ring in his left, locks eyes with the Mane Seven and Spike.

“Uuuuhhh… meow?”



Twilight instinctively fires a sleep spell at Tionic, hitting his left thigh.

“Ow!” He exclaims, and staggers as the spell immediately takes effect. He struggles to power through it and keep his eyes open, but the last thing he sees is Canterlot off in the distance, billowing clouds of smoke. “W-what the… Canter… lot?”

He drops the ring he was holding, which rolls forward before dropping on its side. The ring expands, showing an aerial view of the city, making everyone’s jaw drop even further, if that was possible. Tionic collapses, dropping the bag into the portal, and it lands on a balcony. The portal slowly closes as Tionic reaches out in an attempt to get it, but it closes, and the sleep spell finally takes over as he falls asleep. Silence reigns supreme before Sonic breaks it.

“Was that really the best way to thank the one who saved you?”