• Published 25th Jan 2023
  • 739 Views, 21 Comments

My Little Spark: The Movie - Real Solaris

When the Friendship Festival is crashed by the Storm King's forces, Twilight is saved by some creature, and along with her friends, they are forced from Canterlot. Now, they must find a mysterious queen and find a way to save Equestria again.

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The Friendship Festival

—Six years later, outskirts of Dodge Junction—

Right by the main road to Dodge Junction, hidden behind a rockface is a police car, where a brown Mobian dog sits idly, bored out of his mind. He was assigned here to keep an eye out for speeders that regularly blast past this part of Equestria, thanks to its flat landscape that stretches on for miles. He’s been sitting for hours, and not one vehicle, carriage, or even pegasus has come down the dirt road, much to his annoyance.

“C’mon, not even one?” He complains, looking up and down the road. He shakes his hand after holding the speedometer for so long. Boredom kicks in, and he acts like he’s catching speeders, whipping the radar across the dashboard only to smack the side of his face with the radar gun.

“I'm bored!” He exclaims, resting his head against the headrest. The radio crackles and a male voice speaks as the dog pulls the microphone over.

Tom, do you read me? Are you there?

“No, Wade, I’m actually on a yacht in Adabat,” Tom says jokingly, setting the microphone down briefly before picking it back up. “With Rihanna.”

Omg, that’s amazing!” Wade exclaims. “Send pics!

“No, Wade, I’m at the speed trap.”

Already?! How did you get back so fast? Adabat’s on the other side of the world!

“Hold on, I think I’ve got something,” Tom says, pulling out the radar gun and aiming it out the window. He homes in on a meerkat crossing the road in the crosshairs, and the radar beeps, reading 10 mph. “Hey, buddy! Where’s the fire? Got kids living around here?!”

The meerkat looks at him, a confused look adorning its face as Tom sets the radar back in its place.

“I thought it was kinda funny,” Tom chuckles. “Sorry.”

Tom, we need you down on Mane Street,” Wade says urgently. “There's a violent shoot-out between the bartenders and the local gang.

Hoping to get some taste of the action, Tom guns the engine, dirt flying out from under the tires as the car pulls out and heads north.

Just kidding, a vulture stole a bagel,” Wade says. “But they do need it back.

Just as Tom pulls away, three hawks on Speed Gear zip by in the opposite direction, bearing down on the unsuspecting meerkat still in the road. As they’re about to hit it, a blue streak blitzes in front of them and whisks the meerkat away without them noticing. Nearby, a blue creature holds the rescued meerkat up to his face, tapping its nose with a finger.

“Whoa, there, little guy!” He says, his emerald eyes staring kindly into the meerkat's. He wears a black shirt with a blue symbol in the shape of his head in the center, blue jeans, and ragged, mismatched shoes. A navy blue scarf with purple and magenta stripes wraps around his neck and dangles behind him, the golden ring at the end shimmering in the daylight. Compared to the rest of his attire, his scarf doesn't look a day old, and the cloth has been well taken care of. “What are you, some kind of adrenaline junkie? Might wanna be careful around these parts - they can get really dangerous!”

He sets the meerkat down, patting its head and scratching the back of its ear, much its pleasure. After that, he zips off toward the railroad track and follows them north, avoiding any train coming down the single line.

He reaches Ponyville minutes later and takes a right into the Everfree forest, dodging trees and foliage. Heading down a familiar path, it leads to a large hill with a tunnel dug into the bottom. He dives through, curling into a ball, and lands on a blue beanbag placed in the middle of a cave filled with various items strewn around. A piano sits in the corner, a cassette player lies on a table, a makeshift hammock hangs from the ceiling, and a workout bench is placed near the beanbag.

What were you expecting? A dirty little Spark, dumpster diving and struggling to survive? Think again, bud, ‘cause I am living my best life on Equus. I’ve got a library…

Tionic flips through Issue #1 of the Power Ponies comic, speed-reading the entire series stacked up on his right and putting the finished ones on his left.

a home gym…

He bench presses a massive scrap of metal, curls some barbells, and practices karate and kung fu with his afterimage, and thanks to his speed, he looks like he does all of them simultaneously.

a personal grand piano…

Tionic plays one of Beethooven’s best music pieces, Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, on the piano, but faster and with much more vigor.

and a state-of-the-art security system.

He pulls out a pair of nunchucks, whipping them around masterfully before clocking himself in the face.


He lets go of the nunchucks, one flying across the room and knocking a brown leather bag off its hook, spilling out golden rings and a piece of paper on the floor.

Hearing the rings hit the floor, Tionic rushes over to the spilled bag of rings, scooping them back into the bag. He picks up a ring and the paper, showing a map of multiple worlds surrounding his own, all except two crossed or scribbled out in red ink. He throws the ring, opening a portal to a world full of mushrooms.

If I’m ever discovered, I’ll follow Mom’s instructions and use my rings to travel to another world, a nice, safe little world filled only with mushrooms. Gross, smelly mushrooms.

“I hate mushrooms.”

But enough about that. The town I live near is Ponyville, the greatest place on Equus. These are my people and dare I say, I am their mysterious space creature. When I first saw the Mobians, I honestly thought I was back in my world - they were so similar to the Sparks. But over time and watching, I realized they were a completely different species. The ponies are covered in technicolor fur that do not exist in nature, yet they do here. Maybe the innate magic of this world has something to do with that?

Well, one specific group of ponies and a hedgehog caught my eye more than the others. Many call them the Heroes of Equestria and Mobias, but I call them the Mane Seven since they’re always seen together.

Fluttershy Breeze, the Element of Kindness and a soft-spoken mare. While she’s timid around strangers, she does have a side to her that you do not want to mess with – not even Discord, the Lord and Spirit of Chaos, would cross that line. She has a unique ability to speak to animals, so she knows how to help any critter when they come to her sanctuary.

Applejack Smith. She is the Element of Honesty, the hard worker of the bunch, and the one who runs Sweet Apple Acres alongside her brother, Macintosh Smith, or just Big Mac, her little sister, Applebloom, her grandmother, Granny Smith, and her marefriend, Silverlay Sparkle. Her connection with the Element of Honesty makes her a walking lie detector, so she’ll know when someone’s lying and call them out.

Rarity Belle. Element of Generosity and Fashionista extraordinaire. Her skills as a designer are on par, if not better, with most designers out there, and she knows how to whip up some of the most fantastic clothing that compliments the customer perfectly. She’s quite the fighter she wants to be, and she will not hesitate to put any ‘ruffians,’ to put in her terms, in their place when they get out of line. She’s secretly an incredible archer, but she doesn’t want the others to know yet. Her generous nature knows no bounds, especially regarding her friends.

Pinkamaine Diane Pie, or just Pinkie Pie. As the Element of Laughter, this party-planning mare raises more questions than any self-respected scientist ever could in a lifetime. She pops out of places she clearly can’t fit in, pulls party cannons out of her HAIR, stretches her body in physically impossible ways, and has this thing called ‘Pinkie Sense’ that lets her see an incoming threat before it even happens. I’ve even overheard that she has ‘presets’ indicating different things. I think she knows I’m here, but strangely enough, she hasn’t said anything to her friends. Is she planning something, or— hold up, did she just wave to me?

Okaaayyy… Rainbow Ashely Dash. The Element of Loyalty, wife to Sonic, surrogate big sister to Scootaloo, Equus’ fastest flier, and currently trying out for the Wonderbolts, a team of highly skilled pegasi of incredible acrobatic prowess. I’ve watched some of her training sessions from afar, and I’ll say this: she has what it takes to be a part of the team. She loves adventure, and being married to a hero of Mobias means she gets to go on them practically every week. She gets herself in trouble more times than I care to count, and half those times, she’s needed saving.

‘Sonic’ Olglive Maurice the Hedgehog. Fastest thing alive, adoptive big brother to Miles ‘Tails’ Prower, and happily married to Rainbow Dash. He’s probably the only one who’s faster than me, but since I’m in hiding, I can’t exactly have a race with him to test that theory. He, along with the girls and Tails, kicks the butt of an evil genius by the name of Doctor Eggman regularly. I swear, are all speedsters (besides me) literal danger magnets?

Spike Sparkle the Dragon. Adoptive little/big brother, son, and personal assistant to Twilight. His dragon fire doubles as a weapon and messaging tool, as any scroll consumed by his flames is sent to Princess Celestia and vice versa. He’s a wonderful big brother to Nyx, and alongside her, he is an official member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the most dangerous group of fillies in the world, as their antics usually end up with something exploding or being covered in pine needles and sap. Spike and Nyx are their voices of reason, but that doesn’t mean something doesn’t blow up because of them every Tuesday.

And last but certainly not least, my favorite pony, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Bookworm extraordinaire, a mother, sister, and bearer of the Element of Magic. When I came here four years ago, she wasn’t an alicorn, but a unicorn with magical abilities so great that Princess Celestia took her under her wing as her student. She later moved to Ponyville and met her best friends. About a year and an half ago, she finished a spell from a very accomplished unicorn from centuries ago, and she ascended to alicornhood! After being crowned as the Princess of Friendship, it’s been a bumpy ride. But since then, she’s grown a lot, dealing with Tirek, her new home/castle, the Mirror Portal, Eggman, Starlight twice, and her constant panic attacks about being worthy as a Princess, teacher, mother, and sister. I wish I could hug her and tell her everything will be alright.

Then there’s the only one pony in the town who’s onto me, and she calls me the Pale Devil!

Lyra holds out a crude drawing of a strange creature with pale skin and blue hair, showing it to everyone in the restaurant. Bon-Bon groans in despair, downing her cup of apple cider in one gulp.

“I almost caught him last night!” Lyra insists, inciting giggles from the kids and fillies. Rainbow Dash rolls around on the floor, unable to hold in her laughter. Sonic looks at the picture in confusion, wondering why it seems so familiar yet disgusts him simultaneously. Twilight, Spike, Nyx, and Silverlay just roll their eyes.

Say hello to Lyra Heartstrings, or as everyone likes to call her, Crazy Lyra!

Lyra gallops into a forested clearing, watching as a blue blur zips over them, the bear traps she laid out snap shut on air. Running deeper in, she doesn’t notice one of her traps, and she trips it.

We have a lot of fun together!

“I know you’re out there, you devil! And I know you’re real!”

“Nooo, I’m not!”

Basically, we’re like a family… even though we’ve never met before.

“You don’t think your prolonged isolation has made you a bit crazy, perhaps?” Tionic says in a nasal voice, sitting in a swivel armchair inside a locked office and wearing a pair of reading glasses.

“No, you’ve got me all wrong, Doc! I’m perfectly fine,” he says normally, in a therapy chair.

“And yet, despite all of these so-called ‘friends’ of yours,” Doc. Tionic says, taking off the glasses. “Deep down…”

“…you are still rather lonely?”

—Three months later, Canterlot—

Today is a special day. It’s the day of the very first Friendship Festival, being held by Princess Twilight Sparkle. A few months ago, she decided she wanted to show that Equestria wasn’t the only place she wanted to spread the magic of friendship. So, Twilight asked Princess Celestia and Luna if she could host it. They agreed, and three months of planning later, the day arrived. Everyone pours into Canterlot, and even some Wisps floating about that want to join the festivities.

“Excuse me, coming through!” Spike says, hopping around ponies and Mobians, trying not to drop the scrolls he carries. He grabs onto the dangling leg of a nearby Hover Wisp, which floats up in surprise. “Important princess assignments coming through!”

“Wow, everyone from Manehatten to Station Square is here!” exclaims a cream Mobian fox with white highlights.

“I know, right?” an orange Earth pony agrees. “We almost couldn’t book a stable with how packed it was!”

On one of the watchtower’s roofs, a figure looks over the city, admiring the scene below.

“Wow, Twilight outdid herself with this one, didn’t she?” Tionic whistles, holding a hand to block the sun’s rays and glancing over the entirety of Canterlot. Ever since he heard the rumors about the Friendship Festival, he wanted to participate in some way, so he came up with a plan. Tionic wears a cowboy hat, oversized sunglasses, and a plaid button-up shirt over his usual black one. He even did his quills up into a ponytail. If he couldn’t interact directly, he could at least do it indirectly. “Man, I can’t wait for this party to start!”

Up in the air near the castle, two flyers hover around, taking in the full scale of the celebration.

“Princess Twilight must have her hooves full with this festival!” a white pegasus says. “There’s so much I can see from here; it’s ridiculous!”

“Are you kidding?” an orange Mobian hawk with pale highlights says, twirling around her friend. “She’s smart, organized, and cool under pressure. There’s nothing she can’t handle!”

Inside the hallway leading up to the throne room is the princess herself, seemingly in a meditative trance.

“Oooooohhhhhhmmmmmyyy Faust, I can’t handle this!”

…or not.

“Nothing is working!” Twilight groans. “Argh, you have to get it together. Just go in there – and ask! This is your Friendship Festival.”

“What’chu talking about?” Spike wonders, walking in on the other side of the hallway and setting the scrolls he carried near Twilight.

“I’m about to ask three of the most royal princesses of Equestria for a huge favor!” Twilight explains. “What if they reject me?”

“It’ll be fine,” Spike assures. “Just remember the most important thing.”


“Eh, no,” Spike deadpans, a little creeped out by the grin. “You’re a princess too, Twilight. Plus, you know them personally! You were Celestia’s student for years, Cadance was your filly-sitter, and you saved Luna from Nightmare Moon and made great friends with her! This is nothing different than asking a friend for a favor.”

“Right,” Twilight sighs and turns to open the massive double doors to the Throne Room. “Well, here goes nothing.”

Opening the doors, she trots into the throne room, where Celestia, Luna, and Cadance wait for her. Twilight swallows her nerves and gathers the courage to speak.

“Good morning, princesses,” Twilight says, greeting Celestia, Luna, and Cadance as they approach her. “And thank you for seeing me. I have an idea to make our friendship festival the most wonderful celebration Equestria and Mobius have ever seen!”

“Yes, Twilight, we are very excited!” Celestia says with a smile. “This is an amazing festival you have put together. I can not wait to see how it turns out!”

“Ponies and Mobians have been arriving from all over all morning!” Cadance reveals. “It’s incredible to see so many coming together for this.”

“I’d like it if it were to see us,” Luna says, pointing out something on her mind. “But Songbird Serenade might be the bigger attraction,”

“Yes, she is the ‘mane’ event,” Twilight says, chuckling at her little pun. “And to make it extra special, I could use your help. Spike?”

He pulls over a whiteboard from the side, rolling it in front of the princesses as Twilight trots over.

“Songbird’s performance is not scheduled to start until after sunset,” Twilight begins, drawing out various diagrams as she speaks. “And based on my precise calculations, to get the very best lighting from the stage, Princess Celestia, I was hoping you could keep the sun 28.1 degrees to the south, and Princess Luna, could you raise the moon 62 degrees to the north at the same time, it would reflect the sunlight from the other side and really bring the entire stage perfectly!”

“I -” Luna tries, but Twilight quickly interrupts her.

“But wait, there’s more!” she exclaims. “Cadance, if you could use your crystal magic to create an aurora above the stage, the sun and the moon would shine through it and create a truly amazing light show!”

“Presenting, Songbird Serenade!” Spike says, holding out a cardboard cutout of the singer from behind the board and climbing on top to fling a healthy amount of gold dust into the air. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, woah!”

Spike falls on his back, and Twilight opens her wings with a strained look, hopeful that she convinced the princesses to help with her plan. “Ta-da!”

“So, you’re saying you want us to move the sun and the moon, for the party?” Luna simplifies with a deadpan expression.

“Well, I’d do it myself,” Twilight says, chuckling as she looks away. “But I don’t have your magic.”

“Twilight,” Celestia says, raising her former student’s gaze to hers with a hoof. “Each of us uses our magic to serve Equestria in our own way. You are the Princess of Friendship; you already have all the magic you need.”

“Soooo…” Twilight ventures. “Is that a no?”

“Sky’s cleared and ready for the party!” Rainbow Dash exclaims, checking the skies for any clouds she missed. She spots a group of them slowly blowing in over the horizon, taking note to deal with those when she has a second.

Pinkie Pie makes various balloon animals of different sizes, her current one in the shape of a certain Draconeques. Once she’s done with it, the balloon pops, gushing air out and knocking her over from the gust. “Whoa!”

Fluttershy directs various birds and Flickies in a beautiful music piece of whistles and tweets. All of that is interrupted by a red balloon shooting through, scattering the birds.

“Watch out, guys!” Pinkie exclaims, chasing after the Discord ballon. “Out of control balloon!”

“I think it’s you who’s out of control, Pinkie Pie,” Fluttershy chides, going over to gather the frightened birds and Flickies that took off. Sonic’s up on stage, hooking up speakers and wires to a DJ stand setup nearby, when Pinkie zips through, spinning him around. The cables he’s holding fly into the correct ports, as well as the ones he hadn’t gotten to, as Pinkie rushes by.

“Yo, careful there, Pinks!” Sonic shouts, and notices all of the speakers plugged up and ready to go. “Oh, and thanks for getting these speakers ready!”

“No problem!”

“Hey, y’all!” Applejack shouts, towing a cart of apple products from her farm and holding a mug. She ducks underneath the screaming blur of pink that flies over her. “Anypony up for a free sample of my family’s apple cider?”

This catches Rainbow’s attention, and she zips over the Applejack, grabbing the mug of cider.

“Thank you!” she exclaims, downing it in a single gulp and placing the cup back in Applejack’s hoof on the return trip. “Loved it!”

Applejack then notices Rarity, who’s meticulously making sure that one of the gems was perfectly placed on a bow on the side of the stage.

“Wow, Rarity,” Applejack says, looking to the rest of the empty catwalk, then back to the singular ribbon Rarity completed. “It’s a fine job you’re doing there. You might not get done ‘till after the concert.”

“Now, darling, anypony can do fine,” Rarity says. “Twilight asked me, so clearly she’s going for fabulous. And fabulous takes time!”

“Fabulous takes forever!” Rainbow groans, and then a mischievous grin crosses her face. “But awesome…”

She blitzes off, sending Fluttershy spinning and tangling her up in excess amounts of ribbon. Raimbow’s rainbow trail wraps around the catwalk, leaving behind many mutilated ribbons that wouldn’t be passing any beauty contests anytime soon.

“…can get it done in one second flat! Faster if I do my Sonic-Rainboom!”

“AAH! N-n-no, no, no!” Rarity gasps, horrified by Rainbow’s absolute massacre. “Don’t you dare, Rainbow Dash! It’s ruined enough already!”

“Oh, come on, it’s fine!”

“I got it, Rares!” Sonic shouts from the stage, blitzing around the catwalk, quickly fixing Rainbow’s mess and appearing behind her on stage. “And no, it was not ‘fine,’ Skittles. Didn’t you take that ribbon-tying lesson from Rarity for that reason specifically?”

“How’d you know about that?!” She exclaims, her face flushed red. Sonic laughs and locks his wife in a headlock, giving her a noogie while she struggles to escape. They spot Spike and Twilight trotting over to them, her nose buried in a scroll.

“Okay, just two hundred things left to do, and we’re ready!” she mutters, reviewing the list again to ensure she didn’t miss anything.

“Hey, Twilight!” everyone says, and Sonic stops noogying Rainbow.

“Hello, Spike!” Rarity says, waving to the baby dragon.

“Uh, hi, Rarity,” Spike stutters nervously, a slight blush on his cheeks.

“How’d it go with the princesses?” Applejack asks. “They like your idea?”

“I bet they loved it!” Pinkie shouts, still chasing the runaway balloon.

“Not exactly,” Twilight sighs, putting down the scroll. “They think I need to make this perfect without their magic.”

“And they are absolutely right, darling,” Rarity says, nodding in agreement. “This festival is your brilliant idea, and we know you are up to the task.”

“What if I’m not?!” Twilight exclaims, one of her panic attacks coming in full swing. “What if Songbird Serenade hates the stage? Or nopony makes a new friend? If I fail at the festival, then who am I?!”

“Twilight, look at me!” Pinkie exclaims, grabbing Twilight’s face. “This will be the biggest celebration Equestria or Mobias has ever seen! As the Princess of Friendship, you CAN NOT fail! This day will define who you are! The pressure is intense, and it’s almost too much for a single pony to handle! AAHHH!”

“But you have us!” She chirps, bouncing back to the others. “So stop worrying!”

“Way to relieve the pressure off of Twilight, Pinks,” Sonic says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “I bet she feels so much better.”

It’s time to show ‘em what you’ve got!

‘Oh, you have got to be kidding me,’ Tionic inwardly groans atop one of the pillars in the courtyard, slapping his face in annoyance. “Another spontaneous Heart song? Really, Applejack?”

Heart songs happen when anyone, and I mean anyone, takes the innate magic in the area and casts a sort of spell with it. Even non-magic users like Mobians can do it if they have the timing down. Everyone nearby will suddenly know the lyrics to a song that’s never existed before and move in perfect sync with strangers. I’ve even been victim to one or two of these Heart songs, but luckily, I was in the background, so no one noticed me.

It’s time to go and get things done

You don’t have to do it on your own.

Pinkie Pie:
‘Cause you’ve got friends right here to make it fun!

We got this
You got this
We got this together

Rainbow drags Twilight into the air, Spike hanging onto her tail for dear life.

Rainbow Dash:
Sometimes the pressure gets you down
And the clouds are dark and gray
Just kick them off and let the sunshine through

Sonic takes advantage of the nearby clouds next to the mountain, using a series of Homing Attacks to bounce from cloud to cloud until he lands next to Twilight.

And scary as it seems
More help is on the way
'Cause friends have friends that wanna help out, too

The Wonderbolts blow the clouds away, and Rainbow catches Sonic before he falls too far, hanging from her front hooves.

We got this
You got this
We got this together

It's the festival of friendship
And we can get it done
A festival that they won’t forget

A party to be proud of
A day of games and fun
Just you wait and see
A magic day in perfect harmony

In a small animal pen, Fluttershy holds a small bird on her hoof, coxing it to repeat what she said but with birdsong.

You got this
We got this together

Harry the bear comes in behind, giving both his signature bear hug. This squeezes Twilight but barely affects Fluttershy.

With friends and family, you are never alone
If you need help, we've got your back
You can be honest
Let your problems be known

'Cause you got us to pick up the slack
We got this
We got this together

Pay attention to the details
Every gem evenly spaced
Make the colors perfect

Rarity places all heart-shaped gems perfectly along the stage, and Tionic chuckles. ‘Leave it to a song to get Rarity to do something that took her fifteen minutes to do just one; now do everything in less than four seconds.’

Taking one or two to taste

Inside and out
Beautiful throughout
Generosity is what we're all about

You got this

You got this

We got this together

Twilight takes flight to overlook the festival she hoped would go well. Tionic watches from the roof of the watchtower, smiling as she flies around Canterlot.

Today needs to be perfect
It all comes down to me
I don’t know if I’m ready
For all the things they need me to be

But that is more than just a crown
It's a promise to bring ponies together
I am the Princess of Friendship
And never let any pony down

A massive bowl surrounded by cooking supplies sits in a courtyard near the banquet. Pinkie, wearing a track headband and wrist guards, pedals on a bicycle inside, but the wheels are replaced with a single mixer strapped to it, mixing the massive amount of batter.

Pinkie Pie:
We got an awful lot to bake
Each pony needs a piece of cake
Oh wait, there's something better we can do

We're gonna need some more supplies
To make a really big surprise
She'll be so shocked
She's sure to love it, too

You've got this
We got this together
It's the festival of friendship
Together we are one

A day we will never forget
And now everything is ready
So when the day is done

Rainbow Dash:
The weather

The banquet

The style

Fluttershy and Sonic:
And music

All will be in perfect harmony!

Behind Twilight, a massive party cannon fires confetti and a giant five-layer cake high in the air. Twilight notices the shadow from the cake, but by the time she sees where it’s going to land, it’s too late.


The unbaked cake lands right on her, keeping a solid shape for a second before melting into a mound of batter and frosting. The crowd gathered gasps, some cringing at the sight - Tionic being one of them.

“Ugh,” Twilight groans, pulling her head out of the batter as a lit candle lands perfectly on her horn. “Pinkie!”

“Oopsie!” She squeaks, popping from the barrel of the cannon. “Guess my Easy-Bake Party Cannon needs a little more fine-tuning!”

“I think it’s gonna need a little more than just a ‘fine-tuning,’ Pinks!” Sonic shouts, gesturing to her cannon and the ‘cake.’ “If this was uncooked any further, someone might get salmonella poisoning!”

“I’ll get on that right away, sir!” Pinkie salutes, diving into the cannon.