• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 5,325 Views, 311 Comments

Beyond Earth: Phoenix Rising - Stalin with Da Spoon

Humanity has overcome it's failures and united together to create a world of peace, prosperity, and progress. However, when a cataclysm of epic proportions threatens the human race, actions must be taken to hibernate below, and one day, re-awaken.

  • ...

5. Gearing Up

'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic.'
- Arthur C. Clarke

"Mister President, are you certain that signs of life on the surface has truly been confirmed?" The female voice of a news reporter cried out, among the sea of dozens of other news reporters and journalists holding microphones up to the podium upon which Felix Stone stood upon inside the Washington Preservation facility, in front of a perfect replica building of the White House.

"I saw the proof of life with my very own eyes, as well as the rest of my fellow leaders. I can say for certain that this form of life is very similar to our own, aside from some biological differences." After Felix stated his response, more reporters spoke up.

"Mister President, is it true that you have decided to dispatch a military force to the surface for exploration? If so, why not a scientific expedition." A male voice cried out, holding a differently colored microphone and shoving his fellow reports aside to get closer.

"I can confirm this is true. Sadly, due to our lack of surface surveillance, we lack a clear picture of potential dangers on the surface, and we are unsure if the natives will be hostile. Thus, we must be prepared for potential hostile conflict on the surface with our explorers. An unarmed scientific expedition would be risking not just the equipment and expedition members, but our very security. A military exploration team has been formed from properly trained members for this task."

"Mister President, are you sure the team is properly equipped and prepared for a hostile encounter?"

"Why yes, I believe they will have the best equipment in the entire UNSA."

The automatic door opened with an audible beep as Commander Wallace entered the room, with newly formed Blackout Squadron walked into the room,taking a look at their surroundings.

"Gentlemen, welcome to the armory. Now I understand that you are already well equipped for this job, but you are all using outdated tech right now. Tech that we can replace with something much better." Wallace said before he turned and walked over to a keypad on the wall, pressing a code into it as it lit up green. The wall in front of him proceeded to lower as a row of six shelves emerged and slid into the middle of the room before their glass cases opened up to expose their contents. Each shelf had holographic names on the side of them that correlated with each member of the squad.

"Now, I am going to be honest with you, I have no idea how to properly explain these, so I'll let our Tactical SI explain. It'll help pass the time while we wait for authorization to commence the operation." Wallace said, before a synthetic Male voice with a slight English accent could be heard speaking.

"Greetings gentlemen, I am Mag, Tactical Synthetic Intelligence Unit, and I shall be the one who explains our new advances in the glories of combat technology. So, drum roll please, for today I am introducing the newly developed Combat Utility Enhancement and Specialization Rig. Or if you're somebody who likes to keep things short, like me, then just call them Rigs. Viable for use in both atmosphere and space with built in Zero-G maneuver packs, as well as many other features that are too much to get into. These bad boys are what's replacing those old EXO-space suits we used to use back in the Martian wars, especially after what ATLAS corporation tried to pull on us."

The six soldiers took a moment to process what they were looking at, visibly surprised as they each walked up to their separate armament shelf.

"Each Rig is specialized for the soldier using it, and as such, comes with equipment and weapons suited to your skills and specialty in combat. From stealth operations, to direct combat, to tactical engineering and support, we got it all."

"Blimey, where did R&D cook this stuff up? Better quality than most of the gear they hooked us up with back in the Special Air Service." Nigel said as he took examined the contents of the shelf with his name on it, audibly whistling.

"You got that right, must've taken a lot of taxpayer dollars to develop this. Not even us boys in shadow company get anything like this, and the boss gives us the best stuff he can find." Blackburn said while setting his EBR-800 sniper rifle down to the side and removing a large rifle from his shelf and inspecting it. "What even is this thing? Ain't seen it's kind before."

"That right there is a Ballista EM3 electromagnetic rifle, capable of locking onto a target and firing a shot fast enough to penetrate any amount of armor and go right through someone. Co-developed with the Weapons Engineering segment of Shadow Company, you're old buddies."

"Goes well with the rest of your rig, appropriately code named Phantom. Basically think of it as the perfect suit for stealth operations. Figured it'd suit you just fine."

Blackburn proceeded to remove the helmet of the Rig and inspect it in his hands, before grinning and wiping the visor, seeing his face look back at him. "I think Christmas has come early for me, boys." He said before gripping the suit and all of his equipment before entering a changing room and closing the door behind him.

"Perhaps it came for all of us, mate." Nigel said as he inspected the equipment in his shelf. "And from the looks of it, I may have gotten the best presents." He said while lifting a large cannon, placing his hands firmly on the grips before slinging it onto his shoulder and looking down the sights, inspecting it's impressive targeting screen. "Well this would be like something you'd wield, Tachanka." He said turning to Alexsandr who simply laughed at his comment.

"Indeed comrade, but it does not look like a traditional weapon."

"That's because it isn't. What you're currently holding is a one of a kind prototype developed by the Experimental Weapons division of R&D, and you know what things they like to cook up. Nigel, you now have in your hands the Gravitational Disruption Vortex Projector, or GDVP for short. It's essentially a Black Hole launcher."

Almost everybody in the room, except Ramirez who was completely unimpressed, audibly 'Woahed' at that information, with Nigel chuckling to himself.

"Well then, call me Oppenheimer, cause I am become Death, destroyer of worlds." Nigel said with enthusiasm as he held the large and powerful weapon oh shoulder, before pressing a button which allowed it to compact into a smaller and more portable version, which he slung it over his shoulder and clipped it to his back before inspecting the armor, and noticing something.

"Hey, isn't this armor design from the Mars Settlement Defense Front? Why's it on Earth?"

"Well, turns out the Martians are better at making a more technically suited rig than we are, so we decided to let them design it. You can decorate it yourself if you wish however, seeing as how that rig is your's to keep." Wallace said while he gestured to the rest of the equipment on the shelf, before Mag continued speaking.

"The Rig is code-named Artificer, and included with the Rig is the use of an advanced Smart-Utility Assistant Matrix, or SAM, which allows the rig to access and control any form of SATO robotics or equipment, including you're own, though it is limited by processing power. The SAM allows you to control this as well."

Maf said before a drawer at the bottom of the shelf extended out and a medium sized drone proceeded to hover out, it's blue eye opening as it scanned Nigel before speaking in a synthetic male voice with an Australian accent.

"New user identified. Greetings Nigel Wornswood, I am you're Rig's designated SAM system, and right now I am currently controlling this autonomous drone unit."

"Well I'll be, didn't expect the SAM to be a proper AI."

"Synthetic Intelligence to be more correct, seeing as the Synthetic Military Service Act specified that all AI, SI, or synths joining the military had to upgrade for security reasons. And trust me, they tried using a standard program, didn't work well."

Nigel let out a slight chuckle. "Lemme guess, it used the drone to shoot the test operator?"

"Surprisingly no, it's processor oberloaded and it blew itself up. Anyways, the SAM system utilizes an AI, also known as me, to operate all of you're rig's equipment, which includes this drone right here. This drone, known as a 'Tardigrade'-Class Assistance Drone, is equipped with a variety of features that would take almost forever to list off and let's be honest, we don't have all bloody day." Nigel audibly whistled after Duke completed his speech.

"Dang, if it has as much equipment as you say it does, how is it even flying?"

"You can thank the gravitional regulation thrusters for that, but they couldn't exactly fit a properly set AI core in this compact body, and had to do with me, AKA your SAM system, being the one in control. Though, if needed, you can also take direct control. Now then, as for the rig itself, it comes with the standard features of Holographic Utility Display, or H.U.D, as well as targeting, communications, vitals, and other important stuff you already know about. As for equipment, you have already seen the Projector, which you should be careful with as it is VERY unstable and could easily lead to a sizable crater in the side of the entire planet. But you also have access to this."

A mechanical tendril extended out of the bottom of the drone and presses another button as a second drawer extended out, with a tiny mechanical turret popping out, making a beeping sound as it's red laser focused on Nigel, before compacting into a small cube, leaving a very confused Nigel.

"A bloody sentry turret? What is this, some kind of class based shooter game?"

"Indeed, portable, easy to deploy, and quite useful no matter how seemingly unoriginal and ineffective it is. Plus, you have multiple turrets with inter-changeable parts, all of which both you and I can control. Now then, I advise you go ahead and get suited up while the Commander addresses the rest of the squad so we can conserve time." Nigel nodded, before gripping his suit off the shelf wall and walking into a changing room with the drone following behind.

Tachanka chuckled to himself. "I can tell those two will be great friends. Now then, what do you have for me Commander? Hopefully it is something big?"

"Oh, I think we got something you will really like." Wallace said before gesturing to Tachanka's shelf, as the large Russian man walked over to inspect it, looking at the equipment and noticing a particularly large weapon as he removed it and held it in his arms by the grips, inspecting it.

"Is this what I think it is, comrade Mag?"

"Indeed, the F-SPAR Torch, or better known by it's code name, the Steel Dragon. Auto-locking beam weapon of mass destruction. Used to be a welding tool used in orbital shipyards until someone from the SDF decided to weaponize it."

"So yeah, I know you like really big and heavy guns, so I made sure that something similar to that was included. We also packed in a compact version of the Auger Minigun, and the Titan Grenade Launcher with variable types of grenades for use, including my personal favorite, incendiary. All weapons suited for your specialty, seeing as how you like to hit hard so much." Mag said as he gestured to the other weapons in the cabinet, which Tachanka visibly nodded.

"Indeed, the ideals of slow and steady winning the race apply to many more things than just racing, including combat. I shall be a glorious Juggernaut in battle, similar to that of a Goliath. I must admit, I am both surprised and impressed by your willingness to equip us so well. Aren't you afraid this equipment may be lost if we perish horrible gruesome deths?"

"Eh, we got the money to spare, but we can't take any chances with this. Gotta be ready for anything, which is why we made sure to give your rig a special defensive package, and we even named it after you. Equipped is a bullet-proof Retractable Shield, complete with holographic imaging to let you see the other side and track enemies, along with a good way to charge enemies using your thrusters for speed amplification, kinda like a bull."

"Comrade, you had me at charging my enemies like a bull. I am in." He said before grabbing his suit and gear before heading to his changing room. Meanwhile, Wallace looked to Foley, Dunn, and Ramirez. Before the commander could speak, Foley spoke up first.

"Commander, I like that you got the others new fancy gear, but me and my boys don't need anything real fancy. Just give Dunn a medical kit, Ramirez a gun, and me a radio, and we can take on an army together." Wallace chuckled as he listened to Foley speak with pride.

"And that is why I made sure these rigs were made to especially suit your capabilities. Mag, let em' have it."

"While you're rigs do not possess highly advanced equipment or weapons systems, we have been able to outfit you with gear mores suited to you're specialties and maintained a simple rig design while doing so. Corporal Dunn, if you would step forward please."

Dunn looked to Foley, who nodded and gestured for him to go forward, as Dunn walked up to his shelf and looked at it's contents.

"Due to you're skills as a field medic and expert in tactical support, you're rig, known as Sentinel, has been outfitted with additional carrying space for medical supplies as well as tactical gear, including smoke grenades, additional ammunition, and explosives. Lots and lots of explosives. In fact, due to how much you're carrying, we had to bolster the exo-skeleton."

"So I'm a field medic, tactical support, and demolition all in one?"

"Essentially yes. Along with your rig is a powerful experimental weapon, the Eraser pistol. It's capable of reducing any target to mere atoms with one shot, and when overcharged, can unleash a devastating blast. Though do be warned, it can easily overload and cause a detonation similar to that of a miniature nuclear device."

"Works for me." Dunn said as he gripped his gear and walked into his changing room. "Yuck, why does this room smell bad? Reminds me of Ramirez's locker."

"Likely due to the cleaners skipping over it. They were quite short on time." Foley and Wallace chuckled at that while Ramirez remained silent, before turning and walking to his shelf, observing his equipment and being seemingly unimpressed. "Seeing as you are the team's designated riflemen, I took the liberty to design your rig myself, code-named Blitz. The suit features increased mobility thanks to the suit's boosted thrusters, as well as the streamlined exoskeleton boosting speed. It's signature piece, is the CLAW." Mag said as Ramirez gripped the weapon in his hands.

"The CLAW is a rapid fire spread shot firearm with ricochet ballistic rounds, capable of firing an intense amount of bullets and shredding enemies. It is ideal for clearing rooms, as well as providing covering fire. Perfect for a rifleman such as yourself."

For once, an audible noise came from Ramirez in the form of a whistle, before he gripped his equipment and made his way into a changing room, leaving only Foley left.

"I assume that I will likely be given a fancy gun as well, commander?"

"You could say that. Mag, explain."

"While you will not be receiving a hand-held weapon, you will definitely be receiving the biggest out of all of them. Your Rig, code-named Overlord, will have built in direct-access to High Commands Special Combative Support forces, meaning you basically got access to the entire Spec Ops toy box, though it's all pretty much in-operative due to our satelite network being offline.."

Foley chuckled as he inspect the rig, and seeing the large amount of communications gear on it's exterior. "So I got jack shit for now, but soon I'll be a walking talking fire commander? Sounds like my kind of load-out. Alright, time to gear up and go out." Foley said as he grabbed his rig and entered a changing room.

A few minutes later, the soldiers all emerged, wearing their rig's as well as bearing their weapons.

Blackburn wore his Phantom rig as the holographic camouflage on his shoulders activated, as he held his sniper rifle high.

"I gotta wonder what the point of the metal green bits are. Doubt there's gonna be metal plants up there."

Nigel lugged around his equipment and hoisted the GDVP over his shoulder while SAM piloted his drone beside Nigel.

"Read this quote from a particularly bright american mind. The answer to a problem is a gun, and if that don't work, use more gun."

Tachanka lugged his massive Steel Dragon cannon within his arms, chuckling as he shifted in his armor.

"Now this, is my kind of heavy duty."

Next to emerge was Corporal Dunn, wielding the Eraser pistol in his hand as he inspected his bags of equipment.

"Geared up, readied up, good to go... Up. Dang it, I screwed it up."

Private First Class James Ramirez exited his changing room next, wielding the CLAW in his hands and wearing the helmet of his Blitz rig with pride. While he didn't say anything, he gave a thumbs up.

Finally, the last to emerge was Sergeant Foley, wielding his classic assault rifle as he cracked his neck.

"Well boys, it's about high time we get to work. We got a surface to explore. Oo-rah?"

Everybody in the room, including even Ramirez, shouted back. "Oo-rah!"

"Hell yeah. We ready to go, Commander?"

"Your chariot is right outside." Wallace said as he gestured to the door on the other end of the room as it opened to reveal the back end of a bright White Armored Personnel Carrier, as both rear end doors were opened.

"Ah hell yeah, riding in style." Blackburn said as he and the squad entered the APC. "Though I gotta ask, why can't we walk? Plus, why are we decked out in such high grade mil-tech when were doing a simple surface recon?"

As everyone sat down in their seats and the rear doors of the APC closed, Wallace answered.

"Well Max, with the whole re-activation, all of the service roads across the facility are crowded, and we'll be taking a military escort to the auxiliary entrance. Once we get to the first stopping point, we unload and walk through the entrance bay, then you reach the elevator, and we get started once you reach the big door itself. As for the equipment, you can never be too prepared. Gotta have a plan for everything, and believe me, we do."

"Fair enough, sir. Here's to hoping whatever we find up there is at least friendly. Or has worse tech than us, which is likely seeing as we all know, Humans are the best. Not being racist or anything, just saying, haven't seen any other intelligent races, now have we?"

Everyone nodded in agreement, with even a light chuckle escaping Wallace.

"Sounds like a long road trip. Anybody wanna pass the time?" Nigel said as he leaned back.

"I could tell story about battle for Moscow." Tachanka said, as Dunn answered with enthusiasm.

"Ah heck yeah, Alex, tell us about how you kicked those Martians right back to New Ares!"

"Of course comrade, of course. Now prepare for quite the story gentlemen, of how the Kremlin nearly burned to the ground for the second time since the second Ukraine war..."

And while the APC's electric engine roared to life and it made it's onto the road followed by several armored trucks, Tachanka told his story to his comrades within.

All of them unaware of what awaited them once they reached the exit door...

Completely blind to what lies above.

Author's Note:

Get ready boys. Next chapter they going up top.

Also, if you felt the Gearing up scene was a bit too long or complicated, let me know please.