• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 5,325 Views, 311 Comments

Beyond Earth: Phoenix Rising - Stalin with Da Spoon

Humanity has overcome it's failures and united together to create a world of peace, prosperity, and progress. However, when a cataclysm of epic proportions threatens the human race, actions must be taken to hibernate below, and one day, re-awaken.

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15. Surface Tension

'We who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive.'

- Martin Luther King Jr.

The bristling wind whistled around the soldiers of Europe, the grass and trees before them swaying in the heavy gusts of air. Several mountains of varying heights stood before them in the distance, with several hills around them. The sky above was clear of any clouds with only the sun shining down. The only noise besides the rustling from wind meeting greenery were the idle thrumming of the electric engines for the vehicle behind Dublin, as he called out to his fellow men over his helmet's comms-link.

"Alright lads, let's move! I know it's beautiful and all that, but we're burnin' daylight here!" A series of affirmations came from the troops as they began marching forward, the trucks behind them switching gears and following as the MCCV slowly rolled forward, it's heavy weight and mass slightly shaking the soil as it moved. The path ahead was overgrown with grass, any trace of the road that had once lead into the facility entrance were the jagged broken pieces of asphalt stabbing up from the ground.

"Oi, road clearer team, get those rocks out of the way! Don't want em' puncturing the bloody tires!" Yorkshire yelled out as a few men at the front nodded before moving forward, unfolding shovels and hammers as they began digging up and breaking apart the asphalt, while taking samples of the material and the soil around it. A couple of the men assigned to clearing duty were holding sensor equipment in their hands and mounted to their backs as they scanned for any potential obstructions via their HUD. They then placed markers on hazards and objects of interest to allow for others to see them.

"I believe we are far enough away to deploy the UAV, no?" Romoikov as he walked beside Dublin.

"Not until we find a good place to set up shop, we need to get all the sensors and instruments up and running. Not that I know how any of it works, I ain't a tech head like Herdek or Machel."

"You have a good point. Besides, I suppose it's better to just enjoy all the scenery around us before getting down to business."

"Yeah, these mountains remind me of Switzerland. Of course, the problem is this is where Berlin is supposed to be."

"Well, chances are most of the city was either destroyed by the comet or broke down over time. Or perhaps, considering how tectonics work, they got buried."

"Bloody hell Romikov, since when were you a geologist?"

"It comes from my mother. She studies the many mountains of Poland, and I believe she will a field day when she is allowed to come up here herself. Remind to take some pictures later."

"Lad, you know this mission is classified right?"

"We all know what happens up here will be inevitably declassified as according to the GSIC Act, so why bother trying to keep things so secret?"

"Fair enough."

The wind continued to flow around them, though it's whistling went unheard to those inside the interior of the Mobile Command Center Vehicle, replaced by the sound of fingers clacking on keyboards, the whirring and beeping of the server rack lining the walls and the gentle thrumming of the fans keeping the room at a cool seventy-eight degrees. The information center was separated from the command center and the cockpit, not just to allow for compartmentalization but also to reduce the sound pollution into other parts of the MCCV. Three operators sat on both sides of the compartment, working at computer terminals while the Information Officer sitting in his command seat in the center, viewing his own screen displaying the incoming data.

One of the operators had a beeping on their headset as they opened a comm-link. "MCCV-Info center reporting."

"IC, this is the forward clear team, be advised we are coming up on a large clearing ahead. Recommend running an area scan on medium range and medium duration."

"Copy, relaying." The operator said, clicking off the comm-link before turning to his superior, currently viewing the outside via external cameras on his screen while reviewing incoming data. "Sir." The Information Officer turned and nodded. "Forward teams are requesting an area scan when we reach the clearing. Med-range, med-duration."

"Sounds like a good idea, no tellin' what could be prowling around." The officer turned to his screen, silently sending an order to every operator's screen as they all began coordinating the activation of the MCCV's various sensors.

Mounted on the roof of the mobile HQ was a directional sensor array mounted to a dish, with several miniature sensors mounted all along the walls and roof of the vehicle, with three sensors even mounted on the underside. The dish was currently pointing up, however it soon leveled itself before slowly spinning, the sensors across the vehicle activating as they all began to gather data and relay it to the Information Center.

"Be advised, sensors detecting something in the higher grass, 3 o'clock." One of the operators said, relaying his data to the officer, who quickly nodded and sent it to the soldiers outside.

"Be advised, unknown heat signature, marking on HUD. Requesting check."

"Copy, moving in. Antoine, Peter, with me." Yorkshire replied over the comm before gesturing to two men beside him as they followed. The signature was small in comparison to the soldiers, about the size of a golden retriever. It's heart rate, along with several other vitals and body readings being displayed on their HUD, continued to spike as they approached, indicative of fear. Yorkshire raised a hand, signalling his comrades to stop as he stepped forward, keeping his rifle clutched close before kneeling down and peering into the grass, focusing his helmet's sensors to get a clearer view.

The small creature was quadrupedal, standing on four legs with two legs similar to a lion at the back and claws like a falcon at the front. It's main body was covered in feathers and a tail extending from it's rear, it's head having a thick beak for a mouth with two forward facing eyes.

"Bloody hell it's a Griffon... Reports weren't wrong about fantastical animals it seems." He mutters over the comms, quickly sending the data over to the MCCV. "Command, native fauna identified, requesting orders."

"Affirmative, approach unidentified entity peacefully, keep your weapon holstered and make no sudden movements. Don't try to antagonize it, just get it into view for a good scan so the boys in lab coats can analyze it."

"Copy." He said, attaching his rifle to his chests magnetic plates before turning and signalling for the two soldiers behind to remain alert as he moved closer to the bush. "Welp, here goes nothin'."

The human covered in weird armor came closer to Milern's hiding spot, prompting the small griffon to back away. As if the human could see him from behind the black glass face of it's helmet, it paused before reaching a hand out and waving. Milern slowly relaxed his muscles as he approached the edge of the bush, poking his head as he got a clearer view of the human and his friends.

His friends were also covered in armor wielding a collection of metal tubes, most likely some type of advanced weapon. Behind them were more humans, and several metal wagons gently rumbling as they moved along. The massive armor covered mechanical beast at the center of their caravan made Milern quietly chirp in fear, feeling the vibration of it's heavy movement all the way from the bushes. He returned his attention to the human, who was now kneeling right in front of his bush, glaring at him from behind it's helmet. Then, despite speaking from behind a visor, it spoke clearly.

"Hey little fella... We aren't gonna hurt you." It spoke in perfect Equish too. He was thankful that his mother had made him learn Equish as a second language to Herzlander. Hearing the calm and friendly tone in the humans voice, he peaked his head out of the bush, causing the human to turn his hand as if offering him a handshake. Slowly stepping forward, Milern raised his paw and placed it in the human hand, who gripped firmly and shook before releasing him and nodding. The human then stood, waving goodbye to him before turning to his friends and walking away with them.

Milern looked back down to his paw, still struggling to understand what had just happened.

"Did you get ze scan?" Antonie asked with a french accent, turning towards Yorkshire as they walked away from the small griffon.

"Yep. Strange little critter, seemed to understand me clearly. Not surprising, considering how we saw the footage of those two ponies taken from Bagley's surface cameras."

"But of course. It reminds me of a griffon, from what little mythological creatures I know. Makes me wonder what else we may see. Still, already off to a strange start with our surface recon. Anyways, let's rejoin ze convoy, zey said they will be stopping soon."

"Rog." The three soldiers soon caught up as the MCCV slowly came rolling to a stop, supports extending from it's sides and unfolding while several antennas extended on the roof of the vehicle. The rear and sides of the vehicle extended outwards, deploying their own supports when fully deployed as windows opened on the vehicle. The rear section unfolded it's armor plating to reveal a garage door as it deployed and lowered a ramp in front.

The several humvees and trucks around the MCCV came to a stop as well, unloading the soldiers and cargo inside as they began setting up equipment. Crates were opened as communication and sensor antennas were spread around the area, radios and data uplinks being tuned and adjusted while metal plates were placed on the ground before unfolding into metal floors where the vehicles parked. Flood lights were unpacked and set up with their cables being connected into the mobile generator in the MCCV's left extended compartment.

The other extended compartments roof opened up, as several miniature drones swarmed out and began hovering around the area, observing and gathering data with their sensors while their operators sat in the MCCV. After the several small drones, a platform slowly raised up revealing the jet black armored body of the Sparrow-54 UAV, it's engine powering up as a ramp strip extended out, catapult pulling back before launching the drone into the air. The wind carried the UAV along with it's camera feed connecting to the MCCV and being piloted remotely.

Dublin and Romikov simply watched as the new base camp was set up. "You think we forgot anything?"

"Yes, wind shields, these mountains cause heavy gusts."

"Ah come on, it ain't that bad. I'll tell you right now, the winds during the defense of Haiwaii were way worse."

"That's because you were fighting the Martian Independence Army in the middle of a hurricane!"

"Fair enough, but still, you gotta learn to live with these things. Now come on, let's go help set up the solar panels."

Establishing the data connection to the MCCV on the surface was simple once an auxiliary team was sent out to set up a new relay on top of the Berlin exit. The relay's signal was coming in clear as the connection with the MCCV and it's drones was confirmed. Everyone in the command center quickly set to taking control of their assigned drones and following their assigned directives and orders, piloting the drones in various directions while gathering data. Commander Wallace stood in their midst, observing the primary feed of the MCCV's own surveillance UAV.

"Not a single trace of Berlin in sight... Lots changed over the past million years. Alright everybody, remember what we're looking for. Any signs of civilization, ruins, or really anything of interest. See it, mark it, move on. And don't let the locals spot you, we already got word that our boys ran into some kind of Griffon creature. Just further confirms our intel on this world being full of fantasy creatures."

A buzzing was heard from his pocket as he took out his phone and answered. "Receiving."

"Research department's preparing to interview the two subjects, we'll be transmitting the feed to you. You'll disseminate it to the other special operation branches and start drafting up plans. Remember, hope for the best, prepare for the worst."

"Got it." He slid his phone back into his pocket. "Guess we're finally getting into full swing."

"Do you think this sandstorm is ever going to stop, brother?" Unanthi asked, gazing through the back view display at the still raging blitz of sand and dust.

"I sincerely doubt it, we have no way of getting a weather forecast without an orbital reading. We can only hope that it ceases before we reach a good place to set up our camp." Amorn said while he adjusted the sights of his rifle, Carlos sitting next to him who was sipping on his canteen.

"Caramba! Can't they turn up the damn AC?"

"It's already at max. Must be blistering outside- Wait, I believe it's clearing up..." He said, looking out the window to see the sand slowly dissipating, giving way to the bright blue sky with the sun hanging high above the arid dunes. "Not too dissimilar from Arabia."

"Indeed brother, remind you of home, no?"

"Indeed." A beeping was heard, the intercom coming on as a voice spoke.

"Be advised, Rhino-1 has spotted what they say is a pillar of smoke. Potential threats ahead, saddle up and get ready." With those words everybody in the APC tensed, quickly doing last minute equipment checks.

"Well then, let's get ready for a party irmãos." The speed of the APC subtly increased, it's electric engine thrumming louder with the dunes speeding by in the view displays.

On the outside the MCCV had fallen behind, with only two humvee's escorting it as the rest of the convoy sped ahead of the convoy, engines at full power as they bounded over the dunes towards the billowing pillar of smoke. The lead APC crested over the dunes to catch sight of a distant village aflame, its roof mounted turret already calibrated and taking aim. It's camera zoomed in directly on the source of the smoke, it's high-res sensors displaying several Zebras running around as flames raged and two legged armor covered creatures with white fur pursued the natives with spears. The turret quickly marked the yeti-like creatures as hostiles, before firing a single shot at one of them.

"Opening fire on unidentified enemy combatants!" The Yeti's entire upper body was blown apart with the impact of the HE round, spraying blood and chunks of viscera and gore on the ground as the APC's came to the edge of the village before slamming down their breaks as the back and side doors dropped down and soldiers funneled out.

"Move move move, secure the area! Watch for civilians, check your fire!" Amorn yelled, Unanthi and Carlos forming behind them as they quickly moved forward, helping the Zebra onto their hooves. "Don't worry, were with the Solar Associated Treaty Organization! Were here to help!"

The Zebra looked on with awe and shock as the three armor clad men of war rushed off to assist in the battle, the sound of thunder ringing from their guns as they brought a form of death and destruction that even the Yeti's would learn to fear.

Author's Note:

DAMN IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME. I blame my shit scheduling and burnout. Anyways, we back boys, and happy merry christmas!