• Member Since 18th Dec, 2017
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Comments ( 369 )

What scps were in this I know the contagious crystal im unsure of what the armor and weapon were by the way so far it looks pretty good im sure he has tons of scp tricks up his sleeves like the worlds best Toth brush

Hey this was really good I hope to see more chapters good luck and good job

Well brought this back huh with some alterations? Good to know and hope this one stays

Man, I already love this story! Hopes you will continue writing this. Connorcooper - you are the best! :heart:

I wouldn't blame him on being cautious on the sun itself ( Specifically Princess Celestia. ).

Considering on how this version of Earth f********* ended by a sun zombie apocalypse of all things!?

Anyway, him having that armor ( Agreed that it does look like Helghast armor suit from Killzone. ), and the many weird, but OP SCP's he is having. He is already a powerful person that you SHOULDN'T mess or f*** with.

Do you think it's better IF he told them first on what literally happened to his old world? Or what SCP's are, and NOT to piss them off.

And maybe they can at least understand on WHY he is afraid of the sun, and not to mess with the SCP's. I mean, it's NO USE keeping the SCP Foundation a "top, top secret" anymore? Considering that the Earth ( His Earth at least. ) is already doomed, and the Foundation itself is literally "gone".

No need to keep his origins story a secret to them?

Hopefully, this time. You don't make ponykind this f******** stupid to mess with the likes of characters in the SCP Universe, right? It does getting old, no offense. I just like to see ponies that can be sympathetic and befriend the OC and his "friends/allies".

P.S. When do you finally do the OC x Harem/Herd part?

Because, in any of your other stories, they have never went though with it, as of yet? It's just mainly "ponies are unrealistically terrible because of reasons, so they deserve to be slaughtered by insert OC" this, or "ponies are super racist/xenophobic just because of plot, so they need to be beaten up by the insert male protagonist" that.

I'm seeing none of the romantic/sex stuff. :pinkiesad2:

Those things were right outside the reinforced blast doors to the site, they have been for the past three days trying to pry the door open with melted fleshly limbs but luckily the doors held shut. Sadly they wouldn't hold forever he had to move quickly and get this thing finished before they found a way inside.

And with this paragraph alone, I know what SCP this is. Good choice!

It was a gate device capital of connecting two points

swap ‘capital’ for ‘capable’

I agree with you and yeah hope he takes your words into account and I think the only ponies that would be like that is one’s similar to Chancellor Neighsay

I thought he'd borrowed the still working SCP-5000 for a second. About time this X-K class scenario made its way to an MLP:FIM story.

Hey, dude.
I remember reading some of your stories a few years back.
Some were decent, others not so much.
Just wanted to see how much progress you made as a writer.
Hoping to read soon, but for now this will go on the read list.

This looks good can’t wait to see the next update this is going to go into my favour

Most likely yes but the deep grave story didn’t have the racist pony stuff just from the usual suspects.


I do wonder what his reaction will be to celestia since she basically controls the sun.

And oh boy that is going to bring back some PDST for him.

Also does this take place in season 9 or something?

This was quite interesting to read I enjoy this Approach at a SCP based story I wonder how our protagonists will react to Celestia especially since his old "died" from Daybreak

Hey random thought is 001 ends up happening in a A Equestria what happens to Celestia?


Good question I would imagine it would be a more demonic version of the daybreaker that looks like the rest of SCP-001-A with a burning mane and tail a sick smile where her mouth would be and the crown and jewelry slightly merged with her body.

Anthro version of her I imagine still wearing a white dress...

I would try to draw it but my hand is always a bit shaky.

Also assuming Celestia is the personification of the sun when the sun turns bad does that mean Celestia turned bad?


Maybe the sun itself had something to do with corrupted her?

Another chapter well done and good development and interactions here thus far between Salem and the locals. Wonder how hes gonna explain his background to them without them being shocked and horrified for life, and I bet they will try and look inter his memories to get a better idea of what hes telling them. Dont know much of SCP so have no idea which are the ones that ate the second plate of food or whoever Salem may have been talking to and looking at but I look forward to seeing who they are when they get revealed

Can't wait for next chapter 🙂

Well I believe the next chapter is going to focus on sunlight trauma either way this was really really enjoyable to read and I do hope that you're having an okay time doing this

Yes yes yes can wait for the next one this is gonna get interesting

I like the story but I can't help but feel like you are spreading your self too thin with the number of stories you a writing simultaneously.

Wait I’m so lost what the hell are the food? Was it him? If so how? And who or what is he looking at?! Is he being fallowed by someone?!

"Silence wrench I have plans for you later,".

There are more places where this sort of thing happens, likely from autocorrect, but this one is the funniest occurrence to me

Hopefully he will tell them why he is afraid of it and what happen to his world


Gahhh I hate this spelling system sometimes

I will be blunt, grammar and structure is all over the place, your descriptions of certain actions/verbs need some polishing and your dialogue needs a massive improvement.

Other than that, damn does this have atmosphere. You've left quite the impression of uneasiness and potential dread, your character perspectives/points of view are decent and several descriptions left to the imagination is straight up horror core. Well done there. Although, don't do it too often (it could lose its charm).

Overall, so much potential but badly needs some polishing. 6/10


I'm getting better but thank you.

As they say, practice makes prefect.

Well this is nice and relaxing I do enjoy those types of recovery stories I do hope this remains heartwarming

SCP-1471-a? That'd be an SCP I'd want watching my back.


Because at least she’ll give me company in case the world ended.

And will she be given a name instead of an scp number like a human like name?

And will she eventually be revealed to them and how he came across mal0

Hmmm...does SCP 1471 show up on its users dreams? That might be a surprise for Luna. Shall I bet on Pinkie being able to tell Mal-O is in the room?
Has me wondering if any ghostly SCPs hitched a ride with Salem. From dark suited humans appearing to help be there for the dying to dream men trying to help keep the world going.

Like always good job 👍

Another chapter well done and nice with the background explaining and nice to see anyone being rude or insulting after hearing it. Yeah I think he needs to watch himself for a while since Pinkie will try to hug attack him in the near future

Only time will tell and wonder if she will get her own body later on

Great work can't wait for more also i wonder if his world's the equestria girls world if sunset shimmer is still alive

This was much more than I had anticipated and, I gotta say, I've never been happier about someone ending one of my score streaks.
Keep up the great work dude, you doing awesome.

Um where did you found the book cover?


It’s not mine if that’s what your asking, I was just looking for some cool SCP armor and then put it though some photoshop for darker tones to make the red pop

Holy cr*p then as that book cover look f*cking amazing

This SCP was a fucking mess but I loved it. Something we rely on so much for food, water, and even the health of our bodies turns on us and starts to kill us.

Great SCP to go off of and give something that Celestia herself has to deal with. Imagine the star you control is related to another that corrupted and killed the world it once brought life to.

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