• Published 9th Nov 2022
  • 1,878 Views, 53 Comments

Unseen Hope - NnoDragonEclipse

The war against Equestria is failing. The Changelings are losing hope. Is there any hope for the tide of war to turn? Is there anyling to deliver hope?

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The Last Desperate Defense of the Las Pegasus Hive, A Burning Hatred

The aftermath of the artillery barrage was devastating, many were wounded. Not a single soldier was left unfazed, they were either terrified as someone standing right next to them were either wounded or dead. The air was still and silent, not even the guns were firing.

"Stallions form up! Pikes defend the musket men! Hold fire until my command!" the captain yelled out. Good he was still standing, and at least be competent enough to give orders under pressure, "Shields form up on the pikemen, Half power!"

A wall of green flame erupted in front of the pikemen. It soon died down to a green translucent barrier that almost looked like glass from where I'm standing behind this pikeman. It looked so fragile, almost like any touch could shatter it.

The silence was unnerving. If this was the Covenant, they wouldn't have let up on the artillery fire. Something was wrong here. One of the changelings from the forward lines survived and is now telling the captain of what we were facing, and I so happen to overhear it, "Sir they have an impenetrable shield that even our artillery can't pierce, from what we can tell it allows slow moving objects through while fast moving objects are stopped. We tried to do a cavalry charge, but they just stick they're flamethrowers through the shield and blast our entire charge. We can't hold, we need to run and blow the tunnels now!"

"Like Tartarus, look at the train station behind us, do you see all those civilians' eyes. They never signed up for a death sentence, we did. We have to hold for them if noling else. They have families, the next generation to hold the mantel of securing our future. We are already dead, but we will be reborn into legends," the captain quickly change his attention to give a speech, "You hear that, we are now dead! Through battle we be reborn like phoenixes, we will be reborn through all the blood we will spill! So, hear me now my phoenixes, do not fear the coming battle for it has already been decided by our Goddess Arachnid! She knows we can't win but she has given us the strength to give the civilian enough time to escape the coming hellfire."

"We MUST stand where our brothers and sisters have fallen! Our legend will be told of the few who stood up to the many! The ones who defied all logic and beat back all those who defy us, the ones who destroyed our homes, our families and our lives! They must go no further! They will destroy no more! We WILL hold not for glory or patriotism but for those we rely on us. For those who can't fight for themselves, for those we love and for the future of our race. Ready your spirits and weapons, get set for the worst fighting we will see in our lives. In the end it will be THEM who bash their heads against a stonewall!"

A rousing speech in a time of need, every other soldier looks ready to die when before they looked ready to run. Not the best speech I heard but good enough for them. I ready my matchlock musket, it's funny how they adapted early weapons to fit their bodies. Instead of a small trigger it had on large lever that you can pull with your hoof. Convenient for me but when I look around every other soldier is using their damn magic. I need to learn how to do that. I still have one burning question, why? Why help them? This is their fault for getting into this war. I don't even know why I stand here apart of the line.

I've seen the evacuations of planets and the Glassings of those very planets, not many make it out. This was different but similar. The city is burning as all who live try to flee. I've seen this very scene too many times. Yet this was different, they aren't my people and they got themselves into this war. From the looks of it, it isn't going well. If this is all they have to stand up to these Equestrians, then they won't last long. A few hundred men and five artillery pieces won't break this siege. It won't give them enough time. The only thing that can buy this group time is me, the only spartan here. I was created to give time to the UNSC, why not those who need it.

This isn't my mission, but to hell with it. I find a way how once I get these civies out of here, no matter the cost. I won't let what happened to any of my worlds happen to them. Just this once, I'll probably piss off ONI.

A pegasus appeared all alone into our firing path without a care in the world. He was a blue furred with a flowing red mane; his armor was red with yellow accents almost looking like fire. He had what looked like a bunch of pipes around his body that ending in a nozzle, I'm guessing that is a flamethrower. He had a sword on the other side with a enlarge handle. This is either a Messager or their leader, either way it is not looking good.

"You already know who I am but to those who don't, I am colonel Firestorm of the 867th dragon's breath brigade. I am the savior of Manehatten as I broke the long-drawn-out siege on the city and drove the griffins back to Trottingham. I Offer you the same deal I offered every other line, surrender now or be destroyed. You can't win this. No more blood must be spilled over a lost cause," he said with perfect conviction. He even held out a hoof as if we'll shake it. I had my gun pointed right at his head which was awkward with only one hoof. I'll have to try to shoot on my hind legs with both my front hooves holding the gun.

I wasn't the only with the idea, others had their guns pointed right at him. As I look around the soldiers once stern conviction was now fading, it seems like this fellow is well known by them. The captain was the first to speak, "I would kindly like to decline your offer, but buck off."

With that captain shot right at the colonel, missing. This got that pesky pegasus to back off behind cover before flying off. That is one way to say fuck off, still I probably would have done the same thing but without missing. There was no backing down now. Why do I have to get myself into do or die situation every time I deploy. I mean it's my job, but I really don't like being in the thick of it, I prefer the side lines picking off high value targets. Damn this makes me wish that I had any of my guns, all I have is the commander's sword and this musket.

"Incoming!" with that the whistle of falling artillery fell upon us. Each and every one of them barreling through any obstacle only stopping once they hit the green barrier. What looks as fragile as glass held against the immense power of this artillery. The artillery caused splashes of white waves everywhere it hit. It was memorizing and terrifying that these low-tech equines have found a way for energy shields to exist, ONI will absolutely love to study this and find a way to weaponize it. Hey that is one more point to helping them, if I could gain their trust, they might help the war effort against the covenant not with manpower or material but with this 'magic.'

It wasn't long before the first of the Equestrian line appeared. They had the same idea with an energy field, but it was blue, or would call it a magic shield? Their entire line was behind it slowly advancing, with the shield moving with them. If shields work like the Covenants, they will have to lower the shields to fire giving us an opening.

"Artillery! Forward positions, fire on my command!" the captain commanded. With his command soldiers moved to let the cannons go forward out into the field from the protection of the shield. So that's how they fight back. "FIRE!"

Even behind the shield the shockwave from the cannons could still be felt. The blue shield only shimmered with a quick flash of light before return to its natural state, the attack did nothing. "Cannons back! First line forward! Prepare to fire on my command!"

My line moved up out of the shield while the cannons moved back into the safety of the shield to reload. "READY," our guns were now down pointed right at their shield, "AIM," everyone braced for the upcoming order, "FIRE," the hail of bullets flew across the field in a blink eye. When they hit, nothing happened to the shield but a flash of white, same as the cannons.

"First line back! Second line forward! Third prepare!" we did as he commanded, I fell back to reload which was difficult with only hooves but not entirely impossible as it may first seem, though I was probably the slowest in my line. The second line did as they were told and their attack had the same effect as our, nothing. "Second back! Third forward! Fire"

Over and over again we fired upon the shield intermixing musket and cannon fire, but it was useless. They didn't respond to our attacks just keep moving forward behind the safety of their shield. "Second line back! Third line fix bayonets! Third and pike move to intercept and break their lines, target the unicorns to bring down that shield for the cannons!"

With that the third and the pikemen moved to the front, from what I know of history I knew what came next. Even the captain stood in the line, "May our goddess and our queen guide our blades to victory. For ARACHNID!"

"FOR ARACHNID!" with that they charged to cross the field. The Equestrians stopped their march forward and this time responded to our attack. Their first line stuck their barrels through the shield and fired their first volley. Our pikemen responded by putting up a shield in front of their charging units to block the incoming fire, it worked but those temporary shields cracked severely just like glass. Our charge was getting closer, the Equestrians fired another volley this time shattering some of the shields hitting some of the charging men. This didn't deter the others.

They were getting so close, close enough where the Equestria would have been worried, but they looked eager. Then I saw it, little nozzles sticking out of the shield, the flamethrowers like the soldier warned. There was nothing I could do to warn them. The line was engulfed in flame in a blink of an eye. At first, I thought they would hold with their shields, but it was not to be. Where there once was over a hundred men bravely charging now lay the screaming remains of the few unlucky enough to survive. The ones untouched were shot where they stood before they could retreat, and the ones who still charged forward into the shield were hopelessly outnumbered to make a difference.

I can feel the fear from the changelings around me, I've felt the same way with the covenant many times but just like them I stood tall. The Equestrians took their newfound advantage to stick their cannons barrels out their shield. They didn't fire in a volley but one at a time. Their first shot only caused a shimmering in the shield. The second shot cause it to crack, white crooked lines sprawled across the entire shield. The third shot, causing more. The fourth shot was the straw that broke the camel's back. The shattering of the shield sent crooked shards flying, though doing no damage.

Now with no protection, the Equestrian to complete advantage, firing volley after volley right into the unprotected masses that awaited. I saw the changeling standing right next to me go down and several others followed. Panic started to settle in, I've seen the faces of the hopeless many times before the planet was glassed. The faces that showed how hopeless they thought this situation was. I hate seeing this, the fear, the panic and the lost hope. I've already been shot enough times for my shield to break but I still stood my ground, right where the others were fleeing. I would stand where the others have fallen.

I was running before I knew it, but not back where all the others were fleeing to but forward towards the Equestrian lines. I've dropped my musket to run faster, ignoring all the bullets striking my armor and shields. The Equestrian took notice and took aim at me, too bad they won't get the chance to kill me. Round after round hit my armor preventing my armor's shield from recharging and denting my armor but that didn't deter my charge. I can see the smirks of some of the Equestrians as a drew closer, they won't have them for long.

I can already some of the nozzles for the upcoming attack, good I need that cover. With a burst of flame, the field was set alight. My vision was obscured by the that flames that now engulfed me, the alarms in my suit going off telling to get out. I march forward with all my might to cross the now narrow distance, sliding the last few meters to slow down enough to cross the shield wall. I was right in front of the flame trooper, I grabbed him a lifted him into the air and threw him down onto his back, shattering his spine. He never stood a chance.

The confusion from the Equestrian soldiers behind and beside him was evident, they won't get the chance to recover. I quickly found the trigger mechanism to the flamethrower and started to wield it against them. Their faces went from confusion to horror to what is about to happen, the burning flame itching to be released. Nothing stopped me from releasing hellfire onto their lines. The rush of fire screamed out the nozzle. The screams were terrifying. I dropped the entire tank into the line.

The sight of half burnt corpses was not a good sight to see, and for those who managed to survive their screams of pain would scare those who dare come near. Dropping the now useless weapon I looked around the field to see that now every Equestrian has their eyes on me, full of terror. Good, keep your eyes on me and not the others. Time is what I was built for and that is what I'll give them.

I pull my sword off my back and charge strait into their lines. While I may not be good with a sword in my hoof, but I made up for it with my strength and speed. While some were able to block my first strike, none survived the second. I keep striking where their armor was the weakest, with them doing the same.

I targeted the unicorns like the captain suggested before his untimely death. The shield stayed active, where is the damn projector. Damn, the artillery is still firing upon the changelings; time to change tactics, target the artillery then the shield projectors the shield is useless if they can't fire back.

Fighting through the horde of men that stood in my way, I slowly made my way towards those cannons. If I am able to destroy their artillery support, the changelings might be able to reconsolidate their forces. I was nearing the cannons; I can see the cannoneers start to panic as I drew near, killing their colleagues with swift strikes to the neck. Some even abandoned their positions and ran, but most stayed to keep fire shot after shot into the changelings.

I soon reached them I killed those who stayed, they won't be able to fire upon any others anymore. I went up to the tip of the barrel of the cannon and punch it as hard as I can. I dented the metal just enough where you can no longer load any cannonballs in effectively disabling it, though my hand, or hoof in this case, tingled from the impact. I still had four more to go.

Stab, slash, dodge, slash, dodge, cut. It is the same dance from before. Nothing will change for me; I was made for war and will probably die in war. Just like the Spartans of old, growing old was rare and a sign of respect. My brothers and sister fought till their death and so will I. Dodge, cut, slash, stab, dodge.

The training that the Equestrian received were no match for a spartan, even if I was handicapped by my new body. The cannons fell in quick succession, each one being disabled. The Equestrians artillery is down, and their infantry was mostly focused on me providing enough leeway to reorganize. I just hope it is enough.

Fast moving object moving from five o-clock fast, too fast. I was struck by a fast-moving object shattering what was left of my shields. I barely was able to dodge just enough to where he didn't strike my neck. I did get a good look at the culprit. It was the blue furred and red maned colonel. He struck again with very quick slashes that were only defected by my armored hoof. If I didn't have enhance senses, he would have crippled me with these strikes.

He flew to fast for me to effectively counterattack, this is a problem. I was surrounded unable to bring my full attention onto one target. There is to many. They are adapting and changing tactics to hinder any movement I can make. I'm a wolverine stuck in his den, angry and deadly but trapped. I was surrounded with no way out and being hit from all sides. that damn pesky colonel is getting on my nerves with his quick dives.

They never stepped down the pressure, no mattered how many went down before them. They were filled with hatred and will have their revenge, and they might just get it if it weren't for the sudden backup I received. With a fired volley right into the grouped-up Equestrians at close range, they never stood a chance. I had some shot hit me, but my armor protected me from this sudden surprise. It seems the Equestrian were too focused on me to notice the changelings crossing the barrier.

The colonel and his men had to retreat due to the sudden charge. The clash of soldiers was downright haunting, screams of the fallen and the dying. Where I was able to make quick decisive blows to mitigate their suffering this clash didn't allow for something so generous to happen. At least a stable front line was formed and one of changelings was able to get some orders to me.

"Get to the train station, we're leaving! NOW! MEN FALL BACK TO THE TRAIN STATION!" he was able to order before he was shot straight through the throat. His men took his orders and retreat with me following behind provide cover from the incoming volleys. I left the changeling behind, there was nothing I could do for him as he drowned in his own blood.

I was interrupted in my retreat by a pesky pegasus, that damn Firestorm. He won't let me go without a fight, alright without you men your dead. I began running towards the station as a distraction for him, if I pegged him correctly, he should try to attack me when he thinks I'm vulnerable. Right as I planned it, I saw him swooping down to strike, he became predictable. I quickly dodged and throw him into the ground shattering his wing. He is nothing without his speed.

I was on him in a matter of seconds, but even with his wing shattered he was fast on his hooves quickly dodging and shooting short burst of flames in my direction. He did this to blind my vision to get away but what he doesn't know about is the motion tracker, he won't get away that easily. Chasing through the fire and the flames, I was on him in an instant. I was slowly corralling him towards the train station, away from his men and his only lifeline.

It was obvious he was better with the sword as he was able to flick my sword out of my grip pretty easily but what he didn't have in his favor was heavy armor and the strength to back it up. I charged and tackled him to disarm him, but this wriggly bastard somehow got free. I could see the panic his face, crippled and alone in an unfavorable fight. Even with his doubts he still fought as hard as he could to stay alive and free from my grasp and he might get it if he drags this on for longer. The men have already loaded into the train cars on their way out. I have to finish this now.

Closing the distance, I baited him into striking. Once he did, I knock the sword as hard as I can into the ground and picked up the colonel. He tried to get free from my grasp, but I ended up throwing him through the station's wall. He tried to get up, but his hind legs wouldn't move. It seems I paralyzed him. I went through the newfound hole I created to capture the colonel; he looks up at the crew cabin loaded with soldier and civilian with squinted eyes. He turns to me, I know what he'll do, and I wish he didn't. He pulled the trigger on his flamethrower, blast massive flames out of the nozzle.

The flame went wide missing the cabin entirely as a blade was stick straight through his next, throwing his now limp body to the side. I my horn arch for the first time. I went over to inspect the remnants of what remained, what was once a proud pegasus laid a crippled and defeat colonel with his own sword in his neck. I don't know how his sword was thrown or who did it, but I'll take it. Retrieving his sword and holstering it on my back I began to make a break for it as the train began its final departure.

"Hurry Theo!" it was Millipede. He held out his hoof I as drew closer to the ever-increasing speed of the train. I don't think he really thought that though all the way as I'll bet, I'll drag him down rather than him pulling me up, but I like the sentiment. I jumped on bending the rail of the caboose as I use it to get on. "You can run fast. Hurry let's get inside before the-"

He didn't have time before the demolitionists blew the tunnel preventing them from chasing us. Shrapnel flew everywhere, I used my body as a shield to cover Millipede as I had the shields and armor to withstand it, he did not. Good thing I did as within a matter of seconds my shield broke, and I was forcefully pushed towards the ground from the impact. I looked around after everything settle, it seems we didn't get derailed. It damages the caboose only minorly.

"I will take you up on your offer to go inside, after you," I motioned towards the now shredded door.

"Who know you were a gentlestallion too? Well thank you," Millipede said on his way in. I follow in quick succession. If there was any talk in the cabin before now there wasn't now, everyone's eyes were on me. Soldiers and the few remaining civilians' eyes held something that they didn't have before, hope.

A Spy's message

Report to S.R.L Sunset Sh.

Equestrian forces destroyed most of the Las Pegasus Hive, small forces are holding out but will be destroyed with general Sword Strike on the scene. He is doing everything in his power to destroy any resistance, a tactic he used during the end of the Equestrian republican revolution. If we do not stop him, he will destroy any hope of resistance against the tyranny of the sun.

Unknown Changeling in unknown armor appeared to give the general a bloody nose. It not only killed colonel Firestorm, but also held off an entire army. Recommend recon on this changeling, if at all possible, bring into the fold. It is a skilled warrior and has decent skills with magic, a boon if it becomes an ally.

Some even say after this event was told to the general, he flipped. From what I can gather he ignited his magical twin blades and cut his desk in half. This is his first true taste of defeat since 990 at the battle of Trottingham. Celestia was not happy about his conduct, the yelling match could be heard from within the castle and the rumors spread like wildfire all around Canterlot. No pony knows what was said but he looked determined.

Some of the changeling reformers are siding with Equestria due to their mutual hatred of the reigning monarch Chrysalis, though this is the extreme faction among them. Even with the same beliefs on government they will not be allies as they hate us due to our 'responsibility' in their decline. On the other hoof, the monarchists will be more willing to find allies to even survive the upcoming war.

The only question is what the monarch Chrysalis will do. We know she hates Princess Celestia. She might even side with us as she was more moderate with the reformers and even letting them get some of what they asked for. They have a semi parliament that gives advice to the monarch on actions, ironically, they were the ones who advocated for the Canterlot invasion. I recommend contact with the reigning monarch Chrysalis.

Your servant,


A plea

My old mentor general Dragonfly

It may be hard to believe but I need your help. My honor has been tarnished by these changelings. They have started to use your tactics to maximize damage to critical infrastructure with minor casualties. They are using tactics that wouldn't be out of place out of the Equestrian Civil War.

I have other bad news, the Sunset Republicans were not destroyed during the civil war as we believed and Sunset Shimmer is thought to be alive, your life's work to protect the nation from those radicals has not been complete. I hate to pull you out of retirement, but Equestria needs you once again general.

Your apprentice,

General Sword Strike


Co. Ph.

Queen Chrysalis has been injured and is currently undergoing treatment by the Counsil, though I don't trust them with their track record, but we have to listen to the 'civilian' government on military matters. This message is secret as I don't think they have the Bloodlines best interest in mind, from what I hear they are selling us out to the Equestrians. I have no proof on the matter, but I will not let this stand. I also believe they are holding our Queen hostage; I don't know how but if they are, heads will roll.

It seems the current general is looking for advice from general Dragonfly, this could bring a great boon for us. I will update you with our next operation.

Goddess Arachnid guide you

G. D.