• Published 9th Nov 2022
  • 1,878 Views, 53 Comments

Unseen Hope - NnoDragonEclipse

The war against Equestria is failing. The Changelings are losing hope. Is there any hope for the tide of war to turn? Is there anyling to deliver hope?

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Objective Achieved, Redeployment Imminent

Noble Class? I'll ask later. One of the soldiers didn't speak up, he looks important with his armor covering more of his body than the other, not only that he had an elegant sword as a backup to his spear. He was just staring, though with what emotion he had I couldn't tell due to his compound eyes, with half squinted eyes.

"What hive are you from, you are not of Crystal blood nor of the Obsidian bloodline. What does your Monarch want?" He asked with a hint of hostility in it. How close are they insects back home as this could be taken in different ways. I need more information.

"My leader wants nothing from you. I'm from the UNSC, or more accurately ONI," I told them to the extent that I'm allowed to. That confused them further. The commanding officer looked for his peers to see if they could confirm if they knew anything, all he got were blanks stares and confusion.

"Well Noble Theo of the ONI hive of the UNSC bloodline, we must thank you for your help. I am Private first-class Millipede, a worker of the Cystal hive of the Obsidian Bloodline. We have been fleeing the Equestrian Army for two weeks and in dire need of resupply and medical attention. I have a medic who can manage to stabilize everyling but we would be without protection during this time. I must ask you for help before you head back to your hive," he sounded dejected at that last statement.

"I understand your plight and will help, but all of you must hurry. They know we are in hiding and will try to seek us out. We will rest here only for a short time but then we must move right away, understood," I told him.

"Understood sir," he responds. He moves to the other side of the entrance as I put back on my helmet. "May I ask something? Why are you out of your hive? Nobles aren't known to be out in the field."

"You will only get limited answers and I'll ask something in return; I have a duty to my people to serve and die if necessary to protect them," I responded, "Where is your commanding officer?"

"We got separated after the blast, I gathered this group and moved to the rally point in the southern desert. We managed to avoid most of Equestria's forces until now. Next question, where are you from? I didn't know of any UNSC bloodlines anywhere near Equestria. The only one that was near us were the Ruby bloodlines in the griffin isles, but that was before the Griffonian republican/monarchist civil war. We lost the entire bloodline in that war," he said solemnly.

Should I tell him? Reach stands no chance against the covenant. It will fall like every other Planet before it. They glassed every single one of them since Harvest. Once I return to UNSC space I'll avenge in the name of Reach. "I'm from Reach, a place very far from here. It no longer exists."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I guess we lost another bloodline that we didn't even know about. Seven bloodlines lost within fifty years, now eight. I guess the web master, Arachnid, has chosen not to help us in our time of need," he said sadly. I turn to look at the others. The one I guess is the medic was applying green globs of spit onto the wounds of the other soldier that then hardened to form a flexible resin that seal the wound.

"My 'bloodline' isn't dead just yet, we still have more to protect, and we must never stray from our duty. How many other bloodlines still exist?" I asked.

"Two, if you consider the Zebafrican bloodline but most don't due to its fragmented state and structure, each hive acts independently of another. If we don't only one, us the Obsidian bloodline. We lost hives all across Equestria that the only one truly left standing is the capital, The Enkindled Spring. Made right after the Obsidian wars with Equestria over One thousand years ago. I guess I get to see it now after all this time, just wish it was under different circumstances. It was my dream once, now it is a nightmare waiting to happen," he said.

"I see, what was this Obsidian wars? You said it was against Equestria," I noted.

"The Obsidian wars started over a thousand years ago for some unknown reason, all that is known that Queen Obsidian fought for seven years against Equestria and lost everything. The only thing to survive was then young princess Chrysalis, who just lost her mother, when she commanded her hive to flee instead of fighting. The capital at the time Obsidia, the greatest city known to anyling, was sacked and destroyed. The Enkindled Spring was made in honor of Queen Obsidia and her fallen hives. It was also made to show the bloodline endured! That Queen Chrysalis is still alive! It is even said to rival the beauty of Obsidia! Now I don't even know if it will survive the war unscathed," he remarked gloomily. He then started slowly, "How was Reach, I mean before it fell."

"Everything you could hope for, beauty to rival the stars and the military backbone of the UNSC, all turned to ash," I said, "Been that way since Harvest."

"Harvest? Is that another hive?"

"In a way, yes."

"I'm sorry, I believe Queen Chrysalis will take you in, though food supplies will be tight."

"Consider it being thought of, but no. I must return to the UNSC. I must do anything in my power to return and fight even if it is certain death."

"Why? Is it not better to hide away? We changeling know what happens when we are revealed. We are stomped on like the bugs they see us as. We are nothing but mindless drones to them. If they think us as 'individuals' and give us sanctuary, they discriminate against us to the point where lynch mobs are a common practice. Whoever is attacking you won't stop until you're gone. Might as well make them think that by disappearing, it will be better for the bloodline of the UNSC if you did," Millipede stated. He is starting to tick me off with this defeatist crap. Doesn't he know the only viable option that when faced with extinction, ever alternative is downright preferable if not necessary.

"NO! In the face of extinction, we have an undeniable right to defend ourselves, every option will be considered, and every option is on the table. Right now, our options are to fight like hell and give the Covenant one hell of a bloody nose! Hell, I would even destroy every damn settlement, ship and factory if I had the chance! So no, private first-class Millipede, I won't stand back as this Covenant destroys everything I know and everything my brothers and sisters died for! To many have already died for this cause, what is one more to the growing pile!" I downright yelled at him. That made him back up against the wall. He looked downright terrified. When did I get so close to him? With that I turned around and moved to the other side of the cave opening to keep watch, "Have the medic check you for wounds to get stitch up. We move at moonrise."
Captain Breaking point

Damn it all to Tartarus. I had those damn bugs in my procession. They were mine! Then I had a damn merc disable my men and free them for "justice," yeah, those bugs don't deserve justice after what they did to Canterlot. Canterlot is my home and they defiled it.

"Captain Breaking point, colonel Quick Spear has responded quickly to our request for backup, sir," lieutenant Flash point said. The foal did just as he was told yet still went down in one, a broken nose and bruised ribs, who was that merc?

"Understood lieutenant, tell colonel Quick Spear to come in for debrief then get your flank to private Mending Hooves for medical care," I responded.

"Sir, yes sir," with that the lieutenant got out of my tent and the colonel, a unicorn, with his second, a pegasus, took his place. With a quick salute as a tradition, we got back to business.

"Captain Breaking Point, I am colonel Quick spear and my second is first lieutenant Spear Thrust. I received some dragon mail from General Sword Strike himself saying that some changelings got you well and I want to know how," the colonel commanded.

"Colonel Quick Spear, there five known changelings and an unknown attacker who we believe is a mercenary due to having training in combat illusions spells and an unknown armor. We manage to surround and capture the five changelings but the one merc got us good. He engaged us in close combat with an invisibility spell active and it didn't shatter when he hit one of my men which tells us about his proficiency with this type of magic. I had one of my men use a flash spell to overload the spell matrix to reveal him. We tried to surround and pin him down but each time we tried to strike he disable one or two of my men in quick success, so I called a retreat before he could harm or kill any more of my men. He used nonlethal tactic to disable and not kill, sir," I said to debrief him. The colonel sat there think for a bit on the situation.

"Huh, interesting, now tell me what he looked like," the colonel demanded.

"He was as tall as her majesty Princess Luna and as well built as lieutenant colonel Brute Will. His armor covered his entire body, so we weren't able to see what he looks like, but we know he has a horn. His armor was black as the night's sky and his helmet had a golden visor on it. He had two black armor pieces on his back, but we can't confirm if he has wings or if they are a protective cape. He wielded no weapons, but his hooves dented armor and broke many ribs with one strike to each of my men, sir," I responded.

"Huh, most interesting, he almost sounds like General Sword Strike; but anyways your men that are capable will join mine in a search and capture mission," the colonel commanded.

"Sir, I would recommend against that. The merc has top of the line training to take down my men. Not only that he did it by himself without any support. He is a dangerous individual," I warned.

"Don't worry, I don't want to fight him directly. What I want to do is talk him down and if he is a Changeling, I'll see if he is a reformer and get him a free pass to Mount Aris under the protection of Queen Novo. Then he won't be our problem anymore."
Profile Report Captain Breaking Point

To her Majesty,

Princess Celestia

Name: Breaking Point
Species: pony
Tribe: Earth Pony
Coat: Dark blue
Mane: light yellow
Birthplace: Canterlot regional Hospital
DOB: 2/29/974 CLE
Highschool: Canterlot High School
Rank: Captain
Joined: 10/17/993 CLE; Joined the guard right after high school
Status: Active as of 4/13/1 RE/1001 CE

The captain is a patriot to be sure but with the attack on his home city he has become erratic and prejudice. He has lost his honor as a guardian of the people and violated the holy tenant that every guard must follow. The only reason as of today he is still in active duty is that he is an effective commander and trained his men in jungle warfare. We need him as the Changelings flee south into the jungles. I recommend after we retrained our forces in jungle warfare, we take him from active service until this war is over. I recommend training our men as soon as possible before he loses his honor any further, for if he does, I doubt he will be able to regain it.


General Sword Strike

Author's Note:

The Poem I got the city name from

The Enkindled Spring


This spring as it comes bursts up in bonfires green,
Wild puffing of emerald trees, and flame-filled bushes,
Thorn-blossom lifting in wreaths of smoke between
Where the wood fumes up and the watery, flickering rushes.

I am amazed at this spring, this conflagration
Of green fires lit on the soil of the earth, this blaze
Of growing, and sparks that puff in wild gyration,
Faces of people streaming across my gaze.

And I, what fountain of fire am I among
This leaping combustion of spring? My spirit is tossed
About like a shadow buffeted in the throng
Of flames, a shadow that's gone astray, and is lost.

Where I found it: The Enkindled Spring by D. H. Lawrence | Poetry Foundation
Also, thanks to Red Vs Blue for the Leonard Church speech for giving me the ideas for the mindset of Spartan Theo
“It is an undeniable and may I say fundamental quality of man that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable.”
CLE: Celestial Era
CE: Common Era
RE: Reunion Era