• Published 12th Sep 2022
  • 6,848 Views, 3,039 Comments

MLP G5 Sunset: Make Your Mark - JesusG0987

What-IF? Sunset Equestria with her new generation of friends, but there are some things that would stop the magic.

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Chapter 2 Ep 1: Izzy Does It

Author's Note:

Wow, that was longer than I thought, for a 23 minute episode, for the others, but it was a worth it.

And to be clear, this takes place after Pippsqueaks Forever.

it might be even longer for me to do those as well. Try and be patient readers, I'm still working on the others, but I just finished the first episode of Chapter 2, so I hope you guys like it, that's one chapter down, 7 more to go. Tell me what ya'll think of it.

Chapter 2 Ep 1: Izzy Does It

In the magical land of Equestria, the three kingdoms of each tribe, Zephyr Heights, Bridelwood, and Maretime Bay, Ponies live in peace and harmony as Equestria’s Magic is now powerful than ever as it grows stronger by friendship and ponies living together.

At the Crystal Brighthouse, one of Hitch’s crew birds, Kenneth, flew to it as it landed on a pillow, but revealed to be a mountain of junk as Izzy searched through it as she mutterly sang happily to herself.

And a little more of this. And less of that.” Izzy sings to herself with a smile as she tosses junk out of the way as she is shown to be wearing her glasses. “And this piece makes no sense.” She sang while levitating a spactual out of the junk pile. “Unless it’s upside down!” She sings as she flip the spatula rightside up as she places it back on the junk pile. “Now we’re cooking.” She cheered to herself as she started laughing as she then climbed to the top of the junk pile as Kenneth flew out of the way as Izzy sat down while levitating more junk around.

Zipp then flies in while holding her phone as she gives an interesting look at Izzy. “Hmm.” She hummed to herself, wondering what Izzy was doing.

Sunset walked out of the Brighthouse and saw Izzy and her junk pile while raising an eyebrow at this. “Okay. Somehow, I’m not surprised.” She said to herself, seeing this coming as Izzy did something strange with her Unicycling skills.

Hitch walked to the Brighthouse with his dragon, Sparky Sparkroni, on his back while looking at the junk pile Izzy made while Kenneth and Zipp landed next to him as Sunset walked to them as Kenneth chirp at them, with only Hitch would understand him, about this junk pile Izzy made.

“Good question, Kenneth.” Hitch said with a smile as he turned to Zipp and Sunset as he translated Kenneth’s question. “Hey, Zipp, Sunset, do any of you know what Izzy’s doing up there?” He asked them, not sure what Izzy was doing.

“Not. A. Clue.” Zipp answered.

“Not sure either.” Sunset added. “Usually when Izzy does this kind of thing with her Unicycling skills, I just go with the flow.” She finished, something similar when Pinkie Pie is doing something strange, she just let it slide and not question it.

Sparky cooed as he got out of Hitch’s back and walked towards Izzy’s junk mountain. Zipp saw this as she spoke. “Hitch, uh, what’s your dragon doing?” She asked as Sparky started climbing the junk.

Izzy didn’t know see Sparky coming as she grew excited. “This is going to be the best birthday present because I finally have a friend and it’s her birthday!” Izzy cheered as she meant that today is Sunny’s birthday as she levitates a book she stacked and places it somewhere on the pile as her Cutie Mark glows.

Zipp then flew high enough to get a view of what she was seeing as she started recording Izzy and saw her glowing Cutie Mark on her phone. “Huh?” She asked herself, surprised that Izzy’s Cutie Mark is glowing.

Izzy saw Zipp as she waved to her with a smile. “Hi, Zipp!” She cheered, but then her pile started to lose balance. “Woah!” Izzy cried out as her pile was about to fall.

Zipp gasped, seeing that Izzy was gonna get hurt.

Then it revealed that Sparky took out a ball of yarn from the pile as he rolled down with it, which is why the pile starts to lose balance.

The mountain of junk loses balance as it collapses, and Izzy starts falling when she loses her balance as she starts screaming, losing her glasses in the process.

“Izzy!” Sunset cried out worrying as Izzy about to get hurt from her fall.

“No!” Hitch cried out, and then unknowingly to him, his hooves started to glow green as his Earth Pony Magic kicked in on instinct. Hitch saw his earth pony magic kicking in as it dragged him by surprise to Izzy.

“What the…?” Sunset asked in surprise before she started moving to save Izzy, she saw Hitch being dragged by his own Earth Pony Magic.

“No!” Izzy cried out as she kept falling, right before she was about to hit the ground, Hitch was being dragged towards her with his earth pony magic as he went under Izzy before she fell, landing on his back.

“Yes!” Both Izzy and Hitch cheered, glad that Izzy is safe and nopony got hurt.

“Wow.” Sunset said in amazement, seeing that Earth Pony Magic can do more than just grow plants.

“Huh.” Zipp sighed in amazement as she kept recording and saw Hitch’s cutie mark glowed. “More glowing Cutie Marks. And random Earth Pony plant magic.” She reviewed what she saw as Izzy and Hitch just listened.

“The Cutie Marks and Earth Pony magic are having more surprises popping out of nowhere.” Sunset added, seeing how magic has been developing and how Cutie Marks have been glowing up lately.

“Yeah.” Zipp said in agreement. “And also, somepony’s going to have to clean this up.” She pointed out the mess Izzy’s pile made after it collapsed as the ponies looked around and saw the mess all over the front of the Brighthouse as Sparky waddle around.

Hitch sighs as he speaks. “Don’t worry, Izzy. You’re safe now.” He said to Izzy with a smile, glad that she’s okay.

“I know.” Izzy answered with a smile as she got up and off Hitch. “I was just screaming ‘No’ because I lost my crafting glasses.” She said to her reason of the ‘No’, oblivious that she was about to get hurt, that she lost her crafting glasses in the process. But she didn’t have to worry because her glasses landed back on her face. “Double yes!” She cheered as she smiled and walked off.

“Oh, Izzy.” Sunset chuckled as she shook her head in amusement.

“I wish I could figure out earth pony magic.” Hitch said as he started to get up, wishing he knew how this new magic works so he can control it better. “I don’t like how crazy it is.” He added, but before he could get up fully, Sparkly jumped over from a pile of junk, he landed on Hitch’s back with the ball of yarn in his paws, knocking the wind out of Hitch after he flopped back to the ground from the sudden jump on his back from Sparky.

Sunset chuckled at this. “Not as crazy as handling this adorable curious dragon, here.” She said as she rubbed Sparky’s head as the baby dragon cooed at the touch.

“Okay. Second to craziest while handling things.” Hitch corrected himself, finding it fair since taking care of Sparky is a full hoof.

Izzy sighs, didn’t hear Hitch or Sunset as she looked at the pile. “But not triple ‘yes’.” She pointed out. “I didn't get to finish my amazing birthday tower of friendship for Sunny!” She stated, seeing that she was making a tower of friendship for Sunny for her birthday, but turns out it didn’t go so well, obviously. Izzy tapped a pile with her hooves in sadness, but then the pile shook as it made a piece of it fall, and that piece looked like a bracelet as it fell and landed on Izzy’s horn, who smiled at this outcome. “Accidentally awesome! It’s perfect!” She cheered, finding that amazing and found the perfect gift for Sunny. The Brighthouse front door opened as Izzy gasped as Sunny started to walk out of the Brighthouse.

Sunny walked out, with a tired look, meaning that she just woke up. “Did anypony hear that?” She asked her friends, having heard the piled crash from even inside their home. “It shook the whole Crystal Brighthouse!” She called out, meaning that pile crash was loud enough to shake the entire Brighthouse as she stopped when Izzy got in front of her with a smile.

“Happy birthday, friend!” Izzy announced to Sunny as said Earth Pony smiled at Izzy as Izzy gasped. “And happy first-time-saying-happy-birthday-friend to me!” She whispered happily to herself, seeing that this is the first time she would say that as she spoke up again. “I made you a present!” She cheered as she levitated the bracelet off her horn and gave it to Sunny.

Sunny gasped in amazement at the bracelet Izzy gave her. “Aww, Izzy!” She said in happiness as Izzy giggled, knowing that Sunny would react like this as Sunny placed the bracelet on her mane. “This is the best amazing birthday gift ever!” She happily said as she and Izzy hugged each other necks in joy. “I need to show it off!” She said, wanting to show the ponies this as she gasped. “Wanna go to the Maretime Bay Craft Fair?” She asked Izzy happily, wanting Izzy to join her and show off her crafting skills at the craft fair.

“With my friend on her birthday?!” Izzy happily asked Sunny as she smiled and turned and jumped a bit forward. “Of course I want to go to that!” She happily answered Sunny’s question, wanting to do anything with her best friend.

And then Sparky playfully roared as he ran with a bucket on his head with Hitch chasing him as the girls watched them as Hitch skidded to a stop as he got the bucket off Sparky as the dragon tripped to the ground with the ball of yarn as he played with it.

Hitch turned to Izzy and Sunny with a smile. “Alright, you two have fun.” He said to them, wanting them to enjoy the fair. “Sparky and I will clean up all this.” He pointed to the mess Izzy made when the tower collapsed.

Sparky whines as he drops his ball of yarn, seeing that his fun is over as he sits on the ground.

Sunny and Izzy giggled as they walked off, but then Sunny turned back as she looked at Sunset. “Sunset. Are you coming?” She asked, wanting Sunset to join in on the fun as well.

Sunset looks at them before turning to the pile of junk all around the Brighthouse. “Maybe I should stay and help…” She was about to suggest staying and helping Hitch clean up, but was cut off when Hitch spoke.

“Go with them, Sunset.” Hitch said with a smile as Sunset turned to him with a shock expression.

“What?” Sunset asked, wanting to make sure she heard right.

“Go along.” Hitch said. “It’s Sunny’s birthday, so go have fun with her and Izzy. I’ll take care of this mess.” He said, wanting Sunset to have fun with them since it’s Sunny’s birthday and Sunset and Izzy are the first non-earth pony friends she had at the start of their first adventure.

Sunset smiled at Hitch. “Thanks, Hitch.” She smiled before turning to Sparky. “See ya later, Sparky. Stay out of trouble you little dragon.” She said in a cute baby tone as she rubbed the baby dragon’s head as Sparky cooed at the touch as Sunset catched up to Sunny and Izzy. “C’mon girls, let’s have fun.” She cheered as she, Sunny and Izzy walked off to the fair with giggles.

Zipp then starts recording on her phone again with a smirk while flapping in the air next to Hitch and Sparky. “One case solved: Hitch is going to clean all this up.” She said to her phone, taking her detective side more so often that she recorded the records that she saw.

“Zipp will help too, right Zipp?” Hitch asked out, not wanting to do this alone.

Zipp's expression fell as she landed on the ground. “Okay, fine.” She said in a dry tone, not wanting to leave Hitch alone to clean this up. “Reminder to Zipp: Leave and then take notes.” She said to her phone, making a note to take notes after leaving as she put her phone away.

Sparky then starts cooing as he starts to walk away, but Hitch sees him as he grabs the baby dragon and brings him back as Sparky whines as Hitch shook his head in amusement while Zipp smirks in amusement at Sparky’s cuteness.

With Sunset, Sunny and Izzy are walking down the path from the Brighthouse to the fair, Sunny spoke to Izzy as Sunset flew over them.

“Thank you again, Izzy. I love this custom mane-cessory so much.” Sunny thanked Izzy again, thinking the bracelet is a mane-cessory.

“And I didn’t even know that’s what it was.” Izzy admittedly said, didn’t see the bracelet could be used as a mane-cessory as well. “How awesome is that?” She asked, finding that great.

“It’s better than awesome. It’s Izzy-tastic!” Sunny added with a wide smile as the two girls laughed with one another as Izzy’s Cutie Mark began to glow again, Sunset however frowned at this in concern.

"But Izzy, you-" Sunset started but Izzy quickly covered her mouth and said ‘Shhh…’ Implying she wanted to keep Sunny thinking she made it instead of it just falling into her hooves...or horn. Sunset muttered not liking Izzy's idea of lying but she would wait to see how this played out. Sunset then spoke to Izzy. "Hey, Izzy, wasn't Sunny's birthday not long ago?" She asked in confusion, since they already have a party for Sunny's birthday last time.

"Oh. We did, Sunset." Izzy answered with a smile. "But that was an early party for Sunny's birthday since she had the time off. Since today is Sunny's actual birthday, she have to work at her smoothie stand, which is why we had a party for her earlier." She explained her reason why they had a party for Sunny early since today is her actual birthday.

"Oh. That actually make sense now." Sunset said, making sense on why they had Sunny's party early since she has to work on her actual birthday today as the three ponies continue on their path to the fair.

And then, a pony behind them, Misty, the Cutie Mark less, blue female unicorn that has a kinky navy blue and teal hair as her mane swoops to her right with three cornrows on the left side of her scalp. She also had teal-green eyes, dark blue eyebrows, and a long blue horn with a pink gradient towards the tip and pink swirls. In addition, she has freckles on her cheeks, a pink belly, and pink fetlocks, who is hiding in a bush looked at Izzy’s glowing Cutie Mark with her binoculars as she takes a closer look at them as she put the binoculars down and watch them go and brought out a mirror that has Opaline’s face on it, it’s a magic communication mirror so Misty and Opaline can keep in contact.

“It’s true. Magic has returned to Equestria like you said.” Misty said to Opaline. “And you’re right, this Sunset Shimmer is an alicorn like that Sunny pony.” She added after seeing Sunset as an alicorn up close.

Excellent.” Opaline said to Misty sinisterly. “Then we shall proceed with our plan.” She added.

Misty closed the mirror and then gave a sinister smile as she looked at where the three ponies went off to as she started following them.

Sometime later, Sunny, Sunset and Izzy made it to the craft fair as Izzy trotted around, looking at all the stands as she starts exclaiming and aweing the the fair and giggled as she walked past the smoothie stand Sunny is in with Sunset up front of it as they waved to Izzy.

An elderly stallion came walking up to the two ponies as he smiled at them. “Howdy, Sunny, Sunset. Got your smoothie parts ya ordered.” He said to them while gesturing to his carts full of fruits and veggies, stating that he got their smoothie supplies delivered.

“Nice.” Sunset said to the stallion with a smile.

“Great!” Sunny cheered. “Uh, just drop them in the bin.” She said to the stallion, but then hearing thudding sounds as Sunny came out as Sunset watches with wide eyes as they see a lot of fruits and veggies, but jumbo size, way big. “Earth Pony Magic just keeps getting… bigger!” Sunny said with a chuckle.

“At least we won’t run out of supplies for a while.” Sunset said, really finding it weird that this many fruit can grow to this size, really surprising on how Earth Pony Magic can be this effective.

Sunny chuckled at what Sunset just said. “How about you go enjoy the fair with Izzy, Sunset. I’ll handle things here, I brought you here to have fun, after all.” Sunny said with a smile.

Sunset looked at Sunny when she said that. “You sure, because this seems big for you to do on your own, literally.” She pointed out, while also clearing that these supplies are big.

Sunny just smiled at this. “Don’t worry, they’re just more pieces for the smoothies. I can handle this. Go join Izzy.” She said, having this covered since the fruits are enough for everypony.

Sunset just smiled at Sunny’s kindness offer. “Well. Okay. But if it’s too much for you, don’t be too afraid to ask, Sunny.” She said to Sunny as she rushed off to catch up with Izzy.

“You know I will!” Sunny called out with a smile, giving Sunset some free time to have fun since for her, she hasn't been home to Equestria for generations so she wanted Sunset to have much fun to catch up, and enjoy the new festivities as well to see how fun they are.

At the other part of the fair, Izzy is looking around as she sees every stand there is. “Wow, look at that! Oh and that!” Izzy cheered as Sunset came next to her.

“Hey, Izzy. Sunny told me that I can hang out with you.” Sunset said to Izzy while placing a wing over her.

“Really! That’s great!” Izzy cheered, but then she didn’t see where she was going as she bumped into Pipp, who was looking at her phone while also enjoying the fair. After the sudden bump, Izzy smiled at Pipp. “Oh! Pipp!” She cheered.

“Hey, Pipp.” Sunset waved with a smile.

“Izzy! Sunset!” Pipp said with a smile, happy to see them.

“You knew about the craft fair, too?!” Izzy asked in excitement, thinking that Pipp is here to join in the fair too.

“It’s the only place to be!” Pipp answered to Izzy as she looked at her phone. “That’s what I’ve been saying on my socials.” She said that's what she’s been saying to her Pippsqueaks as she went live while showing the fair to her followers. “That’s right, everypony! The Maretime Bay Mane Street craft fair is the only place to be for the hottest craftables, wearables and snackables!” She announced as she pointed the camera to Izzy and Sunset. “Tell them, Izzy, Sunset!” She said to them.

“It’s a fun place to have a fun time and enjoy the fair for all of ponykind to try!” Sunset announced with the follower with a smile.

Izzy then spoke next. “Couldn’t say it better myself, ‘cause I don’t remember what either of you said!” She said with a smile as Pipp ended her livestream.

“And post!” Pipp announced as she put her phone away as she and her two friends started walking. “So, are you two here to shop, or browse or---” She started off to see what brings them here before she gasped dramatically as she placed a hoof, blocking Izzy and Sunset as she saw something as Sunset and Izzy look to where Pipp is seeing. “Oh, my hoofness!” She said in amazement as she brought out her phone again and livestream Sunny and the bracelet on her mane as Sunset and Izzy smiled at this outcome. “What is Sunny wearing?” Pipp asked as Sunny placed a giant strawberry into the smoothie blender as Izzy got in front of Pipp’s phone.

“The birthday present I made her!” Izzy answered with a cheer as she moved aside for the camera to see Sunny again. “It was a bracelet, but she put it in her mane. So it’s that now.” She said to Pipp and the camera as she got clear from it.

Pipp smiled as she flapped her wings in the air. “It’s everything!” She sang as she held out her phone as Sunset and Izzy smiled as well. “I’m calling it: this mane-cessory is the trend of the day.” She said to her friends and her followers as she faced the camera again. “Come down to craft-fair and get one for yourself, Pippsqueaks!” She said while facing the camera to Sunny again and her mane-cessory, as well as Sunny trying to turn on the blender as she slam it, but only get one turn due to the giant strawberry as Sunny fell to the floor of her stand with some utensils falling on her, which made Pipp giggled a bit as Sunny got up with a smoothie shaker on her head as she smiled, finding it funny as well as Pipp let Sunset and Izzy look at her phone of the comments and likes she has. “Look at all of these likes, Izzy! Sunset!” She said as she placed her phone down as they looked at Sunny smiling as more ponies came in after seeing the video. “And look at that.” Pipp said with a smile as Sunset nodded her head in impressively while Izzy chuckled nervously, and then gulped as she felt nervous about this.

Sunset saw this as she turned to Izzy. “You okay, Izzy?” She asked in concern.

“I’m fine, Sunset. Hey, you think you can go ahead and get some of my things from the Brighthouse?” Izzy said to Sunset, seeing that she will be busy and will need her Unicycling supplies.

“Sure thing. See you in a few.” Sunset said as she flew off at high-speed back to the Brighthouse so she and Izzy could get Izzy’s Unicycling supplies.

Back at the Crystal Brighthouse, Hitch and Zipp are putting Izzy’s things away into the closet while Sparky frolics around.

“So you know how my hooves glowed when the ground moved and then I heroically saved Izzy?" Hitch began while pridefully placing his hoof on his chest, explaining what happened today.

"Heroically." Zipp replied as she dragged her box inside.

"Good. That's how I remember it too.” Hitch said as he dragged the box inside with Sparky behind them, and then suddenly, Sunset came flying by as she landed next to them. “Hey, Sunset. You’re back.” He greeted Sunset with a smile.

“Hey, guys. Just stopping by to grab something. So how’s it going?” Sunset asked them as she went to Izzy’s Unicycling tools on Izzy’s desk.

“Just cleaning.” Hitch said before asking another question. “Hey, Sunset. You or Zipp think all this Earth Pony Magic stuff is safe, right?" He asked them, wanting to know that this kind of Earth Pony magic is safe.

“Of course!” Zipp is the first to answer. “You Earth Ponies can grow plants with your hooves!” She pointed out with a wave of her hoof.

“Yeah. This kind of magic is great and it can grow plants much faster. It’s not dangerous.” Sunset added while grabbing some things from the closet.

“She’s right, Hitch.” Zipp said, agreeing with Sunset. “How could that be bad?” She asked him why he was worried about it as Hitch brought in the spatula and put it on the ball of yarn. “But I’m still investigating what else our powers can do…” She said, still figuring out what else the magic has.

“And I’m still figuring out how this all happened when the crystals were still divided and what happened to Twilight and her friends so that we can find the answer to all this.” Sunset added as she, Zipp and Hitch walked out to grab some more boxes.

And then suddenly, Sparky then started muttering happily as he grabbed a toy blox and then surprisingly carried an entire box out of the closet without the three ponies looking.

Zipp then gives Hitch a smile as she places a wing on him to bring him closer to her to see her phone with Sunset looking from the side. “But we do know one thing for sure: whenever anypony’s ‘sparkle’ really starts to shine, their Cutie Marks glows!” She said while scrolling through the pictures she has taken of ponies using their magic and the one with Izzy levitating some things with her magic as her Cutie Mark was glowing.

“But why?” Hitch asked, wanting to know the reason as he grabbed something from the box with his muzzle while Sunset grabbed some things as well.

“Still a mystery.” Zipp answered as she flew in the air while leaning with a smile as she looked at her phone, unknowingly to either of the three ponies, Sparky grabbed three boxes with his surprise strength as he walked past them. “But I can’t wait to figure it out.” She excitedly said, can’t wait to solve the mysteries of this.

“Even I’m surprised at how the Cutie Marks glow when ponies use their magic.” Sunset admittedly said to them, haven’t not seen that kind of thing before, sure she heard from Twilight that whenever she and her friends go on a friendship quest, their Cutie Marks begin to glow after they are summoned or solved a friendship quest, but this is new, even for Sunset.

Hitch then spoke as he saw nothing but empty boxes in the closet. “Can either of you figure out why everything we just put away isn’t put away?” He asked them.

Sunset and Zipp turned around after what Hitch asked as they gave an unamused expression, which made Zipp bunch lightly at Hitch as she pointed behind the three ponies as Hitch followed along. What they saw is Sparky carrying a box full of junk as he put them down as he cheerfully spoke in baby gibberish as he put a spatula next to a ball of yarn as he put his paws in the air.

Hitch gasped while Sunset and Zipp just gave a look, while Sunset is surprised that Sparky can carry that much weight for a dragon his age. “Sparky Sparkeroni! That’s not helping.” He scolded the baby dragon.

“Sparky… Sparkeroni?” Both Sunset and Zipp asked, having heard Sparky’s full name for the first time.

“Yep.” Hitch answered with a smile. “Name him myself. Good, huh?” He asked them as Sunset and Zipp raised an eyebrow at that, wondering where Hitch came up with that name.

“That reminds me of Macaroni.” Sunset commented, hearing a rhyme to it.

Sparky then starts whimpering and then starts crying, a sign that he is tired.

Sunset and Zipp watched as Hitch spoke with a fatherly tone to Sparky. “This baby dragon needs a nap!” He said with a smile.

“Well, I gotta go. Izzy’s probably waiting for me.” Sunset said as she flew off the door.

“See ya, Sunset!” Hitch called out as he turned to Zipp. “Zipp. You wanna keep putting this stuff away while I tuck him in? Thanks.” He said while tossing a cloth to Zipp before she could even answer as he walked towards Sparky.

“Hmm.” Zipp said, didn’t get a chance to answer as Hitch picked up Sparky and placed him on his back as Sparky immediately fell asleep as he started snoring while Hitch walked off to tuck him. “Ugh.” Zipp groans as she takes out her phone again. “Another mystery to solve: How do I always end up cleaning up?” She asked herself, wanting to know how she keeps getting the clean up part.

Back at the Craft Fair, Sunny has just finished a smoothie for an earth pony customer, finally able to use the fruits in blends, before Sunset came flying towards her.

“Hey, Sunny. How was the smoothie thing?” Sunset asked Sunny with Izzy’s crafting

“It’s great, Sunset.” Sunny answered to Sunset as she gave the smoothie to the customer. "Here you go." She said to the stallion.

Handing it to the pony, he slurped it and commented, "You're smoothies are the best. What's your secret?" He asked as he kept slurping.

"Well, first I took a really big strawberry and then--" Sunny began not seeing Izzy, who somehow snuck into her truck, before she whispered to her and Sunset.

"Psst! Sunny! Sunset" Izzy whispered, which made Sunny and Sunset look at her in surprise as Izzy dragged Sunny to the ground while using her magic to get Sunset inside.

"WOAH!” Both Sunny and Sunset cried out as they were dragged to the floor of the smoothie stand.

“Izzy! Why are you hiding?” Sunny asked in surprise, wanting to know why Izzy is hiding.

“That’s what I like to know.” Sunset said, wanting to know as well.

“Shh!” Izzy shushed, wanting them to keep quiet as she whispered to the two. “Pipp told everypony how great the gift I made for you is and now everypony wants one!" She whispered in panic that Pipp made everypony want the same thing Sunny has on her mane.

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Sunny whisperly asked in confusion while Sunset raised her eyebrows at this.

“No!” Izzy cried out. “I made that one for you, Sunny.” She pointed out that she made that gift for Sunny, she didn’t want to make it a hit, she just wanted to give a special gift to a special friend, not make more to make it a hit to anypony else. “It was lightning in a glue bottle!” She cheered at the experience while Sunset and Sunny smiled at Izzy. “What if I can’t make another one?” She asked nervously, as she’s not sure if she can make another bracelet like Sunny’s.

Sunny gives a comforting smile to Izzy. “Aw, you don’t have to be afraid to share your special talents with everypony!” She reassured Izzy.

“She’s right, Izzy. You don’t need to show them to everypony if you don’t want to, they’re your designs.” Sunset said with a comforting smile, before they could continue any further, Pipp came up from the stand after hearing them.

“Right?” Pipp said. “We Pegasi always essay let your creativity fly!” She sang before she giggled as she grabbed Izzy out of the stand. “Come on, I’ll show you.” She said to Izzy.

“Woah!” Izzy cried out surprisingly from the sudden grab.

Sunset sighs at this and needs to go with them. “I better get going to see how this plays out. See you later, Sunny.” She said as she flew out of the stand while Sunny waved them good luck as they walked down the fair.

Up on the Maretime Bay bridge, Misty is still spying on the girls from a distance with her binoculars, with a stallion beside her as he playfully mimicked Misty’s binoculars’ expression before she sneakily crouched down and moved away to get in close, confusing one male pony.

Back at the fair, Izzy is walking through the fair with a worried expression with Sunset walking beside her while Pipp flying next to her as Pipp spoke.

"Oh you're overthinking it, Iz.” Pipp said to Izzy about her being nervous about this. “You don't have to make anything new, you just have to make the same thing but better!" She advised that all Izzy has to do is make the same designs instead of making new ones, but make them better with a twist.

“Like… I just have to copy myself?” Izzy asked to be sure she gets what Pipp is saying.

“Are you just saying that Izzy would just make the same thing but with a twist, Pipp?” Sunset asked to see if she got what Pipp was saying.

“Yeah, with a twist to it as you said, Sunset.” Pipp answered to both of them as she flew to an empty stage as she landed on it with her Pippsqueaks on both sides. That’s what I do with my songs. Like this one!” She announces as she brings up her phone and starts playing a song to it as Seashell, Glory, Peach Fizz, Izzy and Sunset listen to what Pipp is about to sing a new song she was working on.

(All You Need is Your Beat Song)

Pipp started singing as she twirls into the air as she spreads herself before curling herself as she floats back down.

First thing's first, you gotta look for the spark
That bit of magic way deep down in your heart

Pipp flew backwards to the others as she straightened herself as she flew around the fair as she sang while flying to a Unicorn who levitated a rose flower to her.

You gotta follow your beat (beat, beat)
And then soon you will see (see, see)

Pipp then flies to Seashell, who is bobbing her head to the song as Pipp places the rose on Seashell’s ear as she hugged her.

You won't have that far to go
Until your song starts to grow
All you need is your beat (your beat, your beat)

Pipp and Sunset bobbed their heads to Pipp’s song as they liked it. Peach Fizz and Glory bobbed to the music as they were listening to Pipp’s song as Pipp got between her two Pippsqueaks.

All you need is your groove (groove)
Hey, come on!
To get them stomping their hooves (hooves)

Pipp let go of the two fillies as they stomped their hooves to the music. Pipp then flew around Izzy and Sunset as Izzy and Sunset’s horn began to glow.

And then the next thing you'll know
Imagination will flow

Pipp flew around as she landed back on the stage as she looked at the ponies as she kept singing as they cheered to Pipp.

All you need is your beat
All you need is your beat (beat)
All you need is your beat
Ba-da-da, ba-da-da

Pipp finishes singing as applauses are heard as she starts panting from the song she just sang as she looks at Izzy with a smile. “So? What do you think? Do you like the song?” She asked.

“Pssh!” Are you kidding?!” Izzy asked with a smile. “”It’s exactly like the last one, but better!” She cheered, liking that twist.

“Yeah. Great twist to it, Pipp.” Sunset added with a smile.

“Yeah. What can I say? I know my brand.” Pipp said, with a little laugh, to her two friends with a little smile as she leaned closer to them.

“And now I know what I have to do.” Izzy cheered as she turned to Sunset and grabbed her tools from her saddle bag as continues. “But I’m gonna need to go to the Crystal Brighthouse for more supplies!” She cheered as she placed her front hooves on the stage.

“Oh! I’ll go too.” Pipp said as she smiled. “I need to write a new hit.” She said as she flew off to the Crystal Brighthouse as Izzy trotted behind her.

“You coming, Sunset?” Izzy called out to Sunset, who turned to her and sighs with a smile.

“Okay, I’m coming.” Sunset said as she followed the two ponies from the air. “And maybe clean up once Izzy finds the things she needs, because I think up until now, she needs a break from cleaning.” She said to herself, knowing that Zipp would finish cleaning up by now once they head back to the Crystal Brighthouse.

Back at the Crystal Brighthouse, Izzy is grabbing the stuff Zipp just put away out of the closet with Zipp and Sunset looking from behind.

“Need this. Oh, gotta have this.” Izzy said as she grabbed some things as she grabbed a hoof shoe with a wide smile with her glasses over her head. “And this is extra-necessary!” She cheered as she tossed it.

“I literally just finished putting all of that in there.” Zipp groans, seeing that her work is undone again.

Sunset then pat Zipp’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Zipp. I’ll clean up next.” She assured her.

“Thank you, Sunset.” Zipp thanked her for saving the pain of cleaning up the third time.

“Has anypony seen my crafting glasses?!” Izzy asked her friends, oblivious that her glasses are on her head, but then her glasses landed in front of her eyes as she gasped. “Never mind! Got ‘em!” She called out as Zipp walked out. “Time to get to work.” Izzy said as she looked at the stuff in front of her. “Okay, okay, okay, okay. Now it’s time to make something that’s better than another thing.” She said while levitation some stuff to help to make something better as she’s thinking.

“This is gonna be a while.” Sunset said to herself, seeing that Izzy will be busy for a while as Izzy grabbed what she needed and walked to her craft table. “Well, time to put the extras away.” She said as she used her magic to poof all the extra junk back into the closet. “Piece of cake.” She said with a prideful smile.

In the bedroom, Pipp was warming up her vocals while working on her new song.

Pipp sang but then stopped. “No. No.” She said as she kept singing while writing it down and searching some lyrics on her laptop as she stopped again. “That is not it. Ugh!” She groaned in frustration before her phone pinged with a message, "Oh a message. I guess I can take a tiny break." Answering it, she saw the message. “‘When will your next new hit drop?’” The question made her more frustrated that she had writer's block, "Oh I'll respond to that later. What I need now is a snack! Then make the new hit and then respond!" Pipp planned out before she fluttered out of the room.

Pipp flutters down to the stairs as she sees Izzy frustrated at her craft table with Sunset calming her a bit. “Ugh. No, that's not it.” Izzy said, can’t figure out what she’s supposed to do to make it better.

“Easy, Izzy.” Sunset said, calming the unicorn down as Pipp came to the two.

“What’s up, Izzy?” Pipp asked Izzy, wanting to know what’s wrong.

"Oof! I can't decide what to make!" Izzy sighed, feeling a blank coming in for creative ideas.

"Ah, I know what's wrong. You have a creative block." Pipp replied to Izzy, knowing that feeling.

Izzy gasped in shock. “Is it permanent?” She asked, hoping it’s not permanent.

Sunset sighs. “No Izzy. Creative’s block is just some feeling that you might have no inspiration to come up with an idea yet. And it’s not permanent, you just need to be inspired to create something.” She said, knowing that feeling since she had it from time to time when she first had trouble creating a comic book of her and her friends being superheroes with their powers.

“Oh.” Izzy said with a smile in relief, glad that it’s not permanent.

Pipp smiled at Izzy as she spoke. “And, lucky for you, Izz, I have the solution! You just need to listen to your fans and do what they want.” She advises, with Sunset raising an eyebrow at Pipp, seeing that’s her way of being inspired since Izzy doesn’t have fans.

“Uh, Pipp…” Sunset tried to give that wrong advice but Izzy spoke before her.

“Okay, that’s, that’s brilliant!” Izzy said with a smile, thinking Pipp’s idea is what she needs. “Did you come up with that when you had a creative block?” She asked Pipp.

Pipp raised an eyebrow. “Me? I’ve never had a creative block?” She admittedly said while thinking, stating she never had a creative block until now.

“Well if you ever do, then you should listen to yourself, because that totally helped.” Izzy said to Pipp as Pipp smiled as she looked back at her supplies. “Now I just have to figure out how to bring all these supplies to the Craft Fair so I can find my inspiration from pony fans.” She said as she lifted up two paper fans on her face. “Because these… did… they didn’t work.” She said sheepishly as she placed the fans down as she searched for no supplies. “Don’t know why.” She said, didn’t know why that didn’t work.

Pipp then picked up a paper fan that had her face in it as Sunset spoke. “Are you sure your advice will work for Izzy, Pipp?” She asked in concern.

“Well, she has to find her inspiration at some point, Sunset.” Pipp stated. “Okay, what do I do?” She asked while fanning herself “I'm so good at solving other ponies problems, but not my own." she wondered.

“You have to find some inspiration, Pipp.” Sunset said as she walked to the door. “I gotta go help Sunny with selling smoothies, I’ve left her alone long enough. See you around.” She said to Pipp as she flew to the door.

“See ya, Sunset!” Pipp called out as she thought. “Okay, for me to think of an idea, I should listen to…” She paused as she looked at the fan with her face on it as she gasped with a smile. “Myself! That’s it! I gotta go to the place that makes my heart sing to find my sound!” She announced with a smile as she took flight as she starts singing, leaving Izzy behind as she looked at Pipp in confusion.

Sometime later at Mane Melody, Pipp is on the stage with Jazz and Rocky watching as she practices her music, but having trouble finding the right beat as she sang an off-key tune and made a little feedback.

"That was almost it?" Jazz trailed, don’t know what to say to Pipp.

"You're sweet.” Pipp said to Jazz through the speaker. “But that was so not it." She cried dramatically, finding that tune terrible.

"But you'll get there!" Jazz called as she and Rocky smiled encouragely to Pipp.

Pipp paced a little before she gasped as she remembered what she said to Izzy. "Wait, wait! What was that amazing advice that Izzy gave me that I gave her? Oh yeah! Listen to what the fans want!”” She called as she looked at her phone, and saw her Pippsqueaks in them.

"Make a new hit!" Peach Fizz excitedly said as Pipp slid her phone to the next message.

"Just like the old one!" Glory added as Pipp slid to the next one.

"But better and different!" Seashell finished.

".....That didn't help." Pipp said with a deadpan look and tone, seeing that those messages didn’t help at all. "Huh...at least Izzy is having better luck." She said, thinking that Izzy is doing great as she is.

At the Craft Fair, Izzy managed to create a bracelet that was of similar structure to the one she gave Sunny and gave it to a customer.

“And ta-da!” Izzy cheered as she gave the bracelet to the stallion customer.

“Eh. This isn’t the special thing you made before.” The pony pointed out it wasn't the exact same one she created for Sunny before. “I’m gonna pass.” He said while tossing the bracelet back to Izzy and walked off, much to her dismay.

“Okay. Thanks for being honest!” Izzy cried out cheerfully, before flopping her head to the table as she sighed as ponies around her gave her a sympathetic look, feeling sorry for the unicorn. "I am just not feeling it." she frowned as she touched a yarn ball. “No. But it’s not about me. Gotta make stuff to please everypony else!” She cried out determinedly as levitates some of the objects on her table as she tried again to make something better.

At the smoothie stand, Sunny and Sunset are giving three ponies their smoothies. “Here’s your berry cantaloupe.” Sunny started, giving one of the smoothies to the pony on the right.

“A tootie fruity.” Sunset added, giving the smoothie to the pony in the middle.

“And a jicama-pear-shake.” Sunset finished, giving the last smoothie to the pony on the left as the three ponies smiled at their smoothies. “Do you like your smoothies?” Sunny asked them with a smile.

The three ponies slurp their smoothies. “Big flavors!” The pony on the left called out with a smile.

“Yummy fruit!” The pony on the right side said.

“Delicious!” The pony in the middle finished.

“Tastes like magic!” The pony in the background called out, drinking a smoothie as well.

And then some barrels and stuff being levitated as they see Izzy using her magic to carry that many supplies. Sunset and Sunny looked at each other as they both had the same thought.

“Uh… Be right back!” Sunny told the customers as she and Sunset walked out of the stand to where Izzy is.

Izzy set the supplies down as she flopped on her desk, with some sticky notes on her mane and a ball of yarn on her horn as Sunset and Sunny came to her.

“Uh… Izzy?” Sunset called before Izzy turned to them.

"Do I look desperate?!" Izzy asked with a crazed look as one of her eye’s twitched, making Sunny and Sunset flinch.

"A little..." Sunny and Sunset trailed in unison with nervous smiles.

Izzy then speaks with a wide smile. "Good, because I am super desperate! And I have no idea what I'm doing!” She said to them as she then gave a sad look. “I mean even my piles aren't towers anymore! Doesn't that say it all?" She frowned as she stated that she’s out of ideas, with the ball of yarn falling off her horn.

“Izzy, come on, don’t be like that.” Sunset said in assurance to their unicorn friend.

“Yeah. Don’t you see?” Sunny asked as she lifted Izzy’s chin to make her look at the two of them. “Nopony does it like Izzy does!” She encourages her friend.

“Yeah, Izzy. You make the best crafts your ‘Unicycling’ skills can make. And they are amazing!” Sunset said with an encouraging smile.

“Making a mess of things?” Izzy asked them with an unsure expression.

“No!” Both Sunset and Sunny said to her to not think of that.

“We mean that you can dream up such unique creations because of who you are.” Sunny pointed out to Izzy of how special she is.

“Yeah, Izzy. Your creations are so amazing, that nopony can do what you can. You are one of a kind.” Sunset said with a smile, seeing so much of Pinkie in Izzy, since Pinkie is great at making parties and treats, Izzy is great at creating new things that are amazing. “You just need some inspiration to come up with new ideas, Izzy.” She added.

“Yeah.” Sunny said in agreement. “Dig deep and just… go back to your roots!” She encouraged Izzy to do something that got her inspiration in the first place.

Izzy gasped in realization as she used her magic to get the sticky notes off her mane as she smiled. “Sweet sauce horseshoe toss!” She announced as she looked at the confused Sunny and Sunset, since they don’t know what Izzy is thinking. “Are you saying what I think you two are saying?” She asked them with a wide smile.

“We… yes.” Both Sunset and Sunny said. “Yes, we are!” they confirmed, even though they did not know what Izzy was thinking.

Izzy chuckled as she smiled at the two. “Thanks, Sunny, Sunset. You two are the best.” She said as she touched Sunny's cheek. “Also, Sunny: Happy birthday, friend!” She cheered to Sunny again, who smiled in response, and then Izzy placed a hoof on her cheek. “Oh, that is so fun to say.” She said to herself as she used her magic to levitate her supplies as she walked off as Sunny and Sunset smiled at this, thinking they had helped Izzy with her problem.

Back at the smoothie stand, a group of ponies chattered to each other as they walked off, revealing Misty who is sneaking around the smoothie stand as Sunny and Sunset returned back in to continue their smoothie sales.

Misty brought out a golden compact mirror wrapped in a ribbon as she gave a smirk and looked to see if the two ponies weren't looking as she placed it down on the smoothie stand as she kept smirking.

Sunset then felt something off. “Hey, Sunny. You get the feeling somepony is watching us?” She asked Sunny, which made Misty flinch, a little scared that Sunset must’ve sensed her.

“I don’t think so, Sunset.” Sunny answered. “We are in the fair, everypony is watching from the stands at times.” She pointed out the amount of ponies in the fair.

“Huh. Maybe I’m just overthinking it.” Sunset said as she rubbed her chin, finding Sunny’s words true while wanting to know what that strange feeling came from.

Misty sighed in relief as she got out of sight, not wanting to push her luck since Sunset is the most experienced Alicorn magic user in all of Equestria.

At Mane Melody, Rocky and Jazz saw the Pippsqueaks outside the window, waiting for Pipp's new hit in excitement.

"The Pippsqueaks are waiting!" Jazz urged, seeing that Pipp’s fan’s are too excited to wait for Pipp’s next song.

"But we mustn't rush her process!" Rocky replied, pointing out that interrupting Pipp’s process will be disastrous as the duo turned to Pipp, who is sitting on her stage while looking at her phone, trying to come up with some ideas.

“Ooh! How about a power ballad?!” Pipp called out as she thought of an idea, but dismissed it. “No! That'll never work!” She said to herself as she checked her phone, and then her Cutie Mark stopped glowing. “Oh no, Oh no..." She whimpered as Jazz and Rocky looked at her worryingly. "I'm finally out of hits!" she panted, out of ideas and hits to come up with a new song, meaning she got nothing to show for her Pippsqueaks.

Meanwhile at Opaline's Dark Castle, the dark alicorn herself was sitting on her throne as Misty came in.

"So nice of you to come home Misty." Opaline began. "You've been gone so long I thought you got lost...." she leaped off her throne and spread her wings, "Like the time I rescued you as a filly! So kind of me to do that." She said while reminding her of the time she found Misty as a filly as the said unicorn looked at her surrogate/adoptive mother, "Well, what have you found?" She questioned Misty.

"Uh, Uh I think....the stronger magic has something to with the Cutie Marks, Opaline." Misty replied, stammering a bit in a voice while saying how the Cutie Marks are connected to the magic.

"Don't 'think', you sound foolish." Opaline scolded.

"Maybe...if I had one I could figure it out and--" Misty tried to explain but was interrupted.

"Enough!" Opaline snapped, making Misty shrink a little. "How could the magic have anything to do with Cutie Marks?" She asked.

"They glow then it happens." Misty replied. "And the Earth Ponies, they can control the plants!"

"Hmmm..." Opaline muttered as she used her magic on the magical water pool in front, "New Magic. Well then..... even more reason to begin the plan. And when we're done...you'll get your cutie mark." Misty joined her adoptive mothers' side as they looked at the magical water. "And I'll be even more powerful than I was before!" Opaline added.

“But, Opaline. Earlier today, this Alicorn you speak of, Sunset Shimmer, nearly sensed me today before I placed the mirror on the smoothie stand.” Misty stated what happened earlier.

Opaline looked at Misty when she said that. “Sunset Shimmer. She nearly spotted you today?” She asked, wanting to know she heard right.

“Yes. I was lucky to get out of sight.” Misty answered.

Opaline thought for a moment while seeing that Sunset Shimmer might be an issue. “Sunset Shimmer is a surprising pony. But be on our guard, because since this Sunset is an Alicorn like me with magic along with this Sunny Starscout, if she finds out our plans and figures out who we are, then the plan will fail, meaning you won’t get your Cutie Mark and I won’t have my full power back!” She called out to Misty, telling her to be on guard and stay focused while undercover so that Sunset Shimmer won’t figure out and spoil her plans to get her full power back to take back what’s hers.

Misty got frightened by Opaline as she spoke with fright. “Yes, madam.” She said with a little nervous tone.

“Great! Now let us proceed as planned.” Opaline said before laughing maniacally as she and Misty are in front of a swirling magical blue and purplish pond.

Back at the fair, Sunny and Sunset gave another customer a smoothie.

“Mistic me Melon, from us to you!” Sunny said as the unicorn customer levitated the smoothie to him, after paying, he walked off as he enjoyed his smoothie.

“Enjoy your smoothie!” Sunset called out as she and Sunny waved at him.

Sunny then spotted the compact mirror and smiled at it as she picked it up. “Aw, look Sunset. Pipp must have left me a surprise birthday gift!” She said as she took off the ribbon, which showed a picture of an alicorn with a pink gem in it.

“Huh. That’s strange.” Sunset said, feeling suspicious about this. “I was with Pipp most of the day, Sunny. But she didn’t mention this as a surprise gift. Where did this come from?” She asked, feeling odd that this was on their counter.

“Maybe she wanted it to be a surprise.” Sunny suggested as she opened up to be revealed to be a compact mirror.

“Well, I suppose you’re right. But I can’t shake off the feeling that something strange is going on.” Sunset said, having a feeling about this mirror showing up out of nowhere. “But I’ll figure it out later. Come on, let’s go home. Our shift is over.” She said to Sunny, going to figure out this strange feeling later and mention that their day is over so they can go back to the Brighthouse.

“Coming.” Sunny said as she and Sunset walked out of the stand and walked all the way home.

Back at the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny and Sunset returned home, with Sunny pulling her smoothie wagon, as she and Sunset saw Zipp at the front door.

“Hey, Zipp!” Sunny called out as she unstrap her smoothie wagon as she and Sunset walked next to Zipp, who was holding her phone as she looked at the note in the front door. “What’s that?” She asked what’s on the door.

“Izzy left a note: ‘B.R.B’ Uhh…” Zipp answered as she grabbed the note and read it, but stopped a second as she kept going. “‘F.B.B.B’ What do you think that means?” She asked the two in confusion, since this is Izzy’s note.

“We have no idea, Izzy never could get a straight answer with her ‘Izzy Codes’.” Sunset said as Sunny took the note.

“That’s true. But I hope it’s ‘Izzy code’ for being inspired again.” Sunny said, hoping that it means that Izzy got inspired again.

In the path outside of Maretime Bay, Izzy’s galloping out in the open back to Bridlewood.

“Sunny and Sunset are right! All I need to do to find my creativity again is go back to my roots. Tree roots!” Izzy said to herself, while wearing her crafting glasses, as she saw Bridlewood in the distance, thinking that she needs to find her inspiration by going back to her ‘roots’, thinking that she needs to go back home to find her inspiration, something that wasn’t what Sunset and Sunny are saying. “To Bridlewood!” She announced as she kept galloping back to her hometown, running past a bush that a butterfly was on as it followed her.

“This is great! Yeah. Nothing like a Creative walk to cure Creative Block!” Izzy said to herself and stopped once she saw a butterfly and looked at her surroundings as she chuckled. “Fresh air! Fluffy clouds!” She listened as she saw a bird pasting by. “Birds…” She said as she then gasped when she saw a bird and a cloud that looked like a cat on top of the bird. “Birds! Bird hats! Hats for birds?” She asked hopefully as the bird chirped and flew away as Izzy sighs. “Yeah, you’re right. That is not it.” She said as she kept walking, didn’t like that idea one bit as she didn’t see where she’s going as she bumped into something head on, which made her gasped in pain as she fell to the floor and her glasses landed on her as she rubbed her head from the head bump as she got up. “Oh no, another creative roadblock!” She cried out as she picked up her glasses and looked at the thing that bumped her, which appears to be a rusted up motor scooter as Izzy looked at it in amazement. “Whoa!” She said, and then corrected herself. “I mean, I mean, oh yes!” She cheered as her Cutie Mark began to glow as she used her hooves to picture the scooter as she examined it. “An actual roadblock!” She cheered, finally having an idea. “I can work with that!” She said as she walked to the side of the hill as she tried to move the scooter with her horn, grunting in effort as the scooter is heavy, with some effort, she managed to move it as she dragged it across the field.

Back at the Brighthouse, Sunset, Sunny and Zipp are moving the supplies Izzy left on the front of the Brighthouse before she left, much to Zipp’s despair of having to clean up again.

“You two really didn’t have to help me clean up Izzy’s stuff.” Zipp said to them as they brought Izzy’s stuff inside.

“Oh, we don’t mind, Zipp. It's what friends do.” Sunset said with a smile, wanting to help friends in need.

“Yeah. Besides, I got to spend time with you after spending time with Sunset and Izzy!” Sunny said with a smile, wanting to spend as much time with her friends.

And then a cup fell off the cart as the three ponies see it rolled across the floor as it stopped in front of Sparky, with the animal crew around him as Sparky giggled and place the up over his head like Kenneth wearing a can for a hat as they cheered Sparky on, but then the cup fell off his head as Hitch picked it up.

“Where is Izzy? She really should be the one to pick up her stuff.” Hitch stated that Izzy really needed to clean up after herself as he walked over to the group and placed the cup back in the box with Sparky and the animal crew behind him.

“Dunno.” Sunny answered. “She left a note.” She added.

Hitch grabs the note as he reads it. “‘B.R.B.F.B.B.B.’? What?” He asked in confusion while giving a strange look, and didn't understand what that meant as Sunny took the note back.

“Sometimes Izzy’s a total mystery.” Zipp said to them with a playful smirk as she brought out her phone again. “Note to self: Learn to speak Izzy code.” She said as she and the others laughed at that, finding it funny and true at the same time.

What they didn’t see is that Sparky sneezed some kind of green dragon fire that hit Zipp’s phone, which turned into a mushroom pizza. Sparky cooed as he grabbed the phone-turned-pizza, which Zipp or the others didn’t see, but right before he was about to take a bite, he spits out another dragon fire that turned Zipp’s phone back to normal. “Woo-hoo!” He cheered as he bit on it, only to realize it’s back to being a phone as he started crying that he didn’t get to have a bite.

“I know, Sparky.” Hitch said as he leaned close to the baby dragon. “You love Izzy, too!” He said to him, thinking he is crying for Izzy.

Sunset then thought of something. “This is weird. Izzy shouldn’t be out for this long, even by her standards. Where is she?” She told the group that Izzy’s been gone for a long while and hasn't returned yet.

“Maybe we should check on her to see if she needs any help?” Sunny suggested as Zipp picked up her phone.

"I'm on it!" Hitch instantly volunteered before turning to her animal friends. "Deputies, keep an eye out for Izzy!" They saluted and got to work, except for the turtle as he got into a slower pace. “Uh… maybe you stay here and be our eyes on the ground, Curtle.” He said awkwardly as the girls looked on strangely as Sparky smiled at the turtle.

Zipp then gave Hitch a look after saying that. “You named him ‘Curtle Turtle’?” She asked him, weird since those two names rhyme.

“‘Curtle’ yes.” Hitch answered with a smile. “But Turtle is his family name.” He added.

“What is it with naming your critters that rhyme?” Sunset asked in curioust, since Hitch naming animals is weird.

“It was his name when he spoke to me.” Hitch shrugged, saying that what Curtle told him since Hitch is the only one who can speak to animals.

Zipp raised an eyebrow at that. “Uh-huh.” She said to Hitch. “New mystery: Why did that actually make sense to me?” She asked herself.

And then Pipp came flying in as she opened the door. “I feel terrible! I gave bad advice to Izzy!” She cried out as she landed right in front of her friends, thinking she gave the wrong advice to Izzy about Creative Block.

Sunny then came up to her while placing a hoof on her shoulder. “You were only trying to help a friend.” She assured me with a smile, calming Pipp down. “I’m sure she will come back soon.” She added.

"Oh no! She's not here?!" Pipp exclaimed, devastated. "She's probably avoiding me..." She said, thinking Izzy is avoiding her.

Just then, the door opened. “So it turns out bird hats are not a thing, but guess what I made!" Izzy exclaimed to her friends with a smile as she walked in.

“Izzy!” The five friends called out in unison, happy that their friend is safe and sound.

Sparky came to Izzy as he hugged her legs as Izzy chuckled at her friends' reactions. “No, I didn’t make Izzy, sillies! I am Izzy.” She said to them with a smile as she placed a hoof on her chest to gestured herself.

“Where have you been?” Sunny asked where Izzy has been lately.

“Yeah. We haven’t seen you since the fair.” Sunset added the amount of time Izzy’s been gone.

“Didn’t you read my note?” Izzy asked in confusion, since she left them a note.

Sunny brought out the note as Pipp gasped and saw what it said. “B.R.B.F.B.B.B?!” She asked in confusion, not really sure what that means herself.

“Yeah. We’re not sure what that means Izzy. What does it stand for?” Sunset asked Izzy what she meant in this note.

“‘Be Right Back From Bridlewood, Best Buddies!’” Izzy answered with a smile while Sparky was sitting on her back.

Then that hit them. “Ooh…” All five ponies said in unison, now realizing what that meant.

“So that's what it means.” Sunset said, now understanding it.

“Yeah, I was never gonna crack that one.” Zipp said, knowing that she would never crack that code.

“Yeah, that might have been obvious with the 'go back to your roots' advice we gave her Sunny." Sunset quipped, remembering the talks they’ve given her of getting her inspiration back.

"I realized I had to be more creative about being creative! And I needed more supplies." Izzy explained to her friends how they helped her get inspired again.

"So it wasn't something I said?" Pipp questioned Izzy about the advice she said to her earlier.

“It was everything you said.” Izzy answered with a smile. “You three taught me that in order to feel all sparkly and creative, I just need to be Izzy!” She stated.

“We did?” Sunset, Sunny and Pipp asked as they looked at each other in confusion, didn't remember saying that to them while giving her advice.

Izzy then turned to Zipp and Hitch. “And you two made me realize that I outgrown that little closet.” She said to them sheepishly, saying that she’s been packing too much stuff in the closet.

“We didn’t mean to say you weren’t welcome, Izzy.” Zipp assured Izzy as she landed on the ground.

“We just didn’t like all your junk everywhere!” Hitch stated, which earned a kick to the side by Zipp using her hind hoof and a slap to the face by Sunset for saying that sensitive remark. “Oof! Ow!” He cried out.

“Can you be any more sensitive to your words already, Hitch?” Sunset rhetorically asked, hating how Hitch didn’t think of his words before he spoke.

“Sorry.” Hitch apologizes to both Sunset, for not thinking what he said, and to Izzy for making that sensitive.

"You ponies were right.” Izzy said to her friends with a smile. “My style was cramped, and so it was cramped yours too. Sometimes a pony needs open spaces for maximum craftability!" Izzy cheered as her friends smiled at her. "Look!" She said to them as she hopped out of the brighthouse as her friends followed her outside.

Outside the Brighthouse, the group followed the hopping Izzy as she showed the fixed up motor scooter outside.

“Presenting… Izzy Does it, does it, does it!” Izzy announced with a little eco whispering as she showed the fixed up motor scooter that has a big square in the back with her cutie mark on it with some flowers as well.

Her friends looked on in confusion as Sparky cooed in amazement as he cooed and clapped at her creation.

“I love it! Ah! It’s perfection, like wow!” Pipp is the first to speak with a smile as she giggled before turning to her sister with a confused look. “Wait, what is it?” She asked as Zipp shrugged, not sure either.

Izzy hopped on the scooter as she smiled at them. “My Unicycling Cart!” She answered as she honked the horn.. “My trailer of treasures!” She displayed multiple compartments built into it, for her supplies for crafting along, and her tools to make them. “My wagon of whimsy!” She added as she used her magic to bring out a retractable table in it. “My--” she was about to say as Sunset and Sunny spoke for her.

“Carriage of creativity?” Both Sunset and Sunny guessed with a knowing smile.

“Boom! Zing! You both got it!” Izzy cheered with a wide smile as her friends laughed in response.

Pipp then saw something else in her cart. “Ooh. What’s this?” She asked as she saw a small sash on the retractable table as she took a closer look.

Izzy used her magic to levitate it off the table and wrap it around her waist. "My crafting sash!" She smiled, which made the others awed at this while she was displaying the items inside of the small pouches as she put on her glasses. "Glasses? Check. Tape? Check. Glitter? Whoo! A-check” She cheered as she threw some glitter in the air. “And a lot of other things I'd need on the go. Or even on the stay." She displayed a small sketch frame with Sparky and Hitch's faces painted on it as she placed it down in front of the table.

Sparky giggled as he ran towards the sketch frame as he looked at it with a smile.

“So cool!” Pipp announced with a smile. “I need to post about this.” She said as she brought out her phone.

Izzy then gasped as she had an idea with a smile. “Pipp! You just inspired me.” She said as she got next to Pipp as her Cutie Mark began to glow as she grabbed Pipp’s phone and trotted off, which made Pipp surprised that Izzy grabbed her phone without asking.

“You inspired her to steal?!” Hitch asked Pipp in disbelief.

“I’m just borrowing!” Izzy called out from a distance after she heard that, assuring that she was just borrowing Pipp’s phone for something.

“That’s okay, then.” Hitch said with a smile, relief that Izzy isn’t stealing.

“Yeah it is.” Sunny said with a smile. “Everything’s okay.” She added as she turned to Pipp. “And Pipp, I almost forgot. Thank you for the mirror! I love the Alicorn design.” She added about the detail of the mirror.

Pipp was confused by this. “Mirror?” She asked.

“The one you left on my cart this morning!” Sunny stated while showing the mirror to her.

“Oh, oh right!” Pipp said with an awkward chuckle, completely forgetting to bring Sunny a gift since it’s her birthday. “That one! Yeah! Yeah, yeah. Uh Happy Birthday, Sunny.” She said with an awkward smile, playing along since she didn’t give any gift for Sunny’s birthday.

Sunset and Zipp are however suspicious since they can tell that Pipp didn’t give that mirror to Sunny.

Sunset then spoke in a whisper tone to Zipp as she leaned closer. “We both know that Pipp is a terrible liar. I’ve been with her most of the day before going to Sunny to help with her smoothie sales, and She’s been working on coming up with new hits ideas that she didn’t get Sunny a gift at all.” She said about the things that happened today and knowing that Pipp didn’t give Sunny that mirror. “At the stand, I had a feeling somepony was watching me and Sunny, and when we turned around, we saw the mirror on the stand but didn’t know where it came from and Sunny thinks it was from your sister. It’s really strange for it to be there suddenly.” She said Sunny.

“Yeah. That is strange.” Zipp said in agreement as she turned to Sunset.

Sunset then placed a hoof on her chin as she thought of something. “But, if Pipp didn’t give Sunny that mirror, and neither of us did since Izzy already giving Sunny a gift, you and Hitch been at the Brighthouse all day cleaning up, and you know I didn’t give it to her since I didn’t know either, that who did gave Sunny that mirror?” She asked the million bits question of that mystery of where did this mirror come from.

Zipp then brought out her phone again. “Note to self: Pipp forgot something she bought and that mirror suddenly appeared on the stand from what Sunset told me? Suspicious.” She said to her phone, now she’s going to have to solve that mystery of that mirror.

Sunset and Zipp got next to Sunny as Pipp spoke. “Well, try it out, Sunny!” She cheered to Sunny as she opened the mirror.

“Looks great!” Sunny said with a smile as the mirror showed her, Sunset, Zipp and Pipp in it, and then the four gasped as they saw Izzy and Hitch popping up from behind them as they all laughed to each other, Sunset stopped as she is getting a strange vibe in this mirror, feeling something off.

‘Who gave this mirror to Sunny? And why do I have a bad feeling about this mirror?’ Sunset thought of herself, thinking something off about this mirror and is getting bad vibes to it.

At the dark castle, Opaline watched the whole thing thanks to the mirror connection to her magical pool with Misty behind her.

“So these are the weak little ponies that brought back magic?” Opaline questioned, couldn’t believe that these are the ponies that brought back the magic. And one look at Sunset’s suspicious face brought Opaline a raised eyebrow. “And....there's something unique about that Alicorn… She seemed familiar for some reason, as well as her magic." Opaline looked closely at Sunset, almost feeling a familiar vibe of how Twilight Sparkle used to be.

"Almost like anypony could do it." Misty chimed in about everypony doing magic.

"Sure, if they have a cutie mark." Opaline scoffed, making Misty turn sadly at her blank flank. And then, Sunny closed the mirror, much to Opaline’s distress as it returned to the image of the Crystal Brighthouse. “What?! No! Why did it stop?!” She demanded.

Misty then got to Opaline’s side as she spoke. “They went inside. Maybe the Crystal Brighthouse won’t let us watch?” She suggested.

“Did you just make that up?” Opaline asked, not pleased as she looked at Misty with a scowled look.

“I was just guessing…” Misty tried to explain but Opaline cut her off.

“Well stop, because you don’t know what you’re talking about!” Opaline scolded as she looked at the magic screen again. “They must have put a cloaking enchantment on the Brighthouse…” She thought.

“Like the one that used to be around Equestria?” Misty stated, meaning that there was a cloaking enchantment all over Equestria, preventing Opaline from searching around and taking what’s hers when magic first faded. So meaning that since magic returned, the cloaking enchantment must’ve disappeared in the process.

Opaline then thought of another plan. “If it won’t let me see inside from here…” She said aloud while looking at the Brighthouse as she smirked. “...then one of my allies must find a way in.” She said as she smirked

Misty widened her eyes as she looked at Opaline. “Me?” she asked with a hopeful smile.

Opaline was taken back at Misty’s question. “Don’t be presumptuous Misty. It’s unbecoming.” She frowned as she walked away, leaving Misty behind as she frowned, lowering her ears and watching the holographic image of the Crystal Brighthouse.

At the Crystal Brighthouse, the Mane 6, except for Izzy who isn’t there at the moment, and Sparky are at the dining table celebrating Sunny’s birthday as there are balloons around as the group, except for Sunny, wears party hats as they are digging in on the cake.

Sunny squeals in joy at this. “This has been the best birthday in moons.” She cried in joy. “Thanks, everypony.”

“Anytime, Sunny. Happy birthday.” Sunset said as she ruffled Sunny’s mane with a smile.

Sunny chuckled with a smile. “Thanks. And I’m so happy Izzy’s back and inspired again!” She added.

“So am I!” Pipp said with a small chuckle before she gave a dramatic sigh. “But there’s still one problem…” She said, giving a down expression.

“What’s that?” Hitch asked in confusion as the group looked at Pipp.

“I haven’t figured out my new hit song.” Pipp said to them. “It just hasn’t clicked.” She added, haven’t figured out a new hit yet.

The doors then open as Izzy's voice is heard. “Pipp!” Izzy called out as the others turned and saw that it looked like a record player with a pony hula bobble head on top with Pipp’s phone in the center of it. “Try this out.” She said to Pipp with a smile.

“Huh?” Pipp asked with a smile, curious at what Izzy just made as she flew to it. Pipp tapped on her phone as it played one of her old songs, but it’s a little different. “Izzy-- it’s my old song, but it’s…” She stopped as she looked at Izzy with a smile.

“Oh yea!” Izzy answered with a smile while nodding her head.

“Unicycled?” Pipp asked excitedly as she smiled at Izzy. “Um, genius!” She cheered.

“Sing it, Pipp!” Izzy encourages as her Cutie Mark begins glowing, Sparky, Zipp, Hitch, Sunny, Sunset and Izzy start dancing as Pipp sings her new hit song to everypony with her microphone as her Cutie Mark begins to glow as she sings.

Glowing hooves, all the earth po-onies
Unicorn lights beneath the trees
We're not just one (not one, not one)

Pipp then flew around the room as her friends danced as her Cutie Mark glow left a trail as she flew around.

It's you and me (it's you and me)
(Ponies living large)
In unity-ty-ty-ty (Ooh oo-oh)
All you need is your beat

The Mane 6, and Sparky, enjoy the party as they dance around the Brighthouse, enjoying the rest of Sunny’s birthday.

End of Chapter 2 Ep 1.