• Published 12th Sep 2022
  • 6,791 Views, 3,039 Comments

MLP G5 Sunset: Make Your Mark - JesusG0987

What-IF? Sunset Equestria with her new generation of friends, but there are some things that would stop the magic.

  • ...

Chapter 4 Ep 6: A Little Horse

Chapter 4 Ep 6: A Little Horse

In Bridlewood, a unicorn filly trotted as some other ponies as she went up to two of her friends as one of them had her phone out as it started buffering.

At Zephyr Heights is the same thing as the ponies are looking at their phones while the big screens are buffering as well.

At Maretime Bay, the Pippsqueaks huddled together as they looked at their phones, which were buffering as well.

“Only one more minute until another live update from Princess Pipp!” Seashell said in excitement.

“I wonder what she’s going to do?!” Peach Fizz asked in excitement. “ A big announcement? A song? A big announcement about a song?” She added with a twirl as she squealed in excitement.

Glory then looked at her phone as she widened her eyes. “Low battery? No, no, no, no.” She said as she looked around. “Where’s my charger? Where’s my charger?!” She panicked, not wanting to miss Pipp’s videos.

At Mane Melody, Pipp is getting ready for her live video as she look at the mirror to make sure her mane and looks are good, she flew to the stage as she tosses the stage’s microphone away and brought out her lucky microphone as she gave it a kiss and put it down as she then flew to her laptop as she brought it in front of the stage as she pressed a button as Electric Blue appeared on the screen.

You ready for this?” Fretlock asked with a smile. “Electric Blue and Pipp Petals…” He started as his bandmates smiled while Arpgreggia cheered. “Live collab! Together again!” He announced.

Pipp pressed a button on her laptop as its camera turned on as Pipp flew in front of the camera with a smile. “Hey everypo--” She tried to speak, but then she suddenly started coughing, which made Electric Blue surprised and worried as Pipp then spoke again. “Hey. hey, hey, everyp--” She tried to say again, but she started coughing again as her voice began to rasp. “Hey…” She tried to speak but only made a raspy sound.

With the Pippsqueaks, they were taken back by Pipp’s coughing and raspy voice.

“Is this some kind of performance art thing? If so, genius!” Seashell cheered to her friends before she gave a down face. “If not, I’m pretty disappointed.” She added as Peach Fizz nodded in agreement.

“Yeah!” Glory said in agreement. “If her new song is just coughing and silence, then I have notes.” She added as they looked back at the phone.

Back at Mane Melody, Pipp quickly grabbed a smoothie cup as she took a quick sip as she flew back to the stage as she grab her microphone.

“Technical difficulties!” Pipp said in a raspy tone as she spoke through the mic. “Gonna reschedule until tonight.” She said as she gave a small smile to her viewers. “Stay tuned and thanks for watchi--” She didn’t get to finish before she started coughing again again as the viewers who were watching gasped in worry for Pipp as she closed her laptop and turned to Electric Blue as she shot off the facetime screen on the stage.

“We were watching the stream!” Hitch called out as he and the rest of the Mane 6 rushed into Mane Melody.

“Yeah, I love Electric Blue. So much.” Zipp said with a smile and a twirl. “They’re the best musicians ever!” She excitedly added.

“Ahem!” Izzy said while giving Zipp a firm look before speaking. “But we were watching you, too! What happened?” She asked Pipp in concern.

“Yeah, Pipp. You started coughing up a storm.” Sunset pointed out. “Are you okay?” She asked in concern.

“I’m fine! I’m fine!” Pipp said to her friends in her raspy tone with a smile as she flew over her laptop as she landed in front of her friends. “Really! I think I just ate a weird apple or something.” She insisted as she gag a bit as she covered her mouth.

Zipp saw that as she gasped. “Oh no.” She said as she flew in front of her sister as Pipp coughed. “You’re… sick!” She called out.

“Again?” Sunset asked in surprise and concern as they remember the last time Pipp got sick is because she overworked herself from the livestreaming.

“Yep. It’s happening again.” Zipp nodded as she came up to her friends. “Fair warning reminder: she’s about to become very high maintenance.” She reminded her friends with a small smirk.

“No! No, I am not!” Pip denied. “I’m…” But before she could finish, she started sneezing like crazy as she sat on her hunched as she sneezed again.

“Pipp, there’s no denying it. You are sick again.” Sunset pointed out since she knows Pipp is trying to cover up being sick again like last time.

“It’s okay, Pipp.” Sunny assured her with a smile. “Let us help you! You need to rest.” She added.

“I promise! I’m fine.” Pipp raspy assured her friends as she stood up. “I’m probably just allergic to exciting collaborations with amazing bands.” She insisted before she started sneezing so hard that she flew back and landed on a mane dryer chair as she spun around as Sunny walked up to Pipp and took off the mane dryer helmet. “Okay. I guess I’m sick.” She admitted.

“At least you admitted unlike last time, Pipp.” Sunset said with a small smile as she and the others walked up to her.

“Yeah.” Pipp nodded as she then grew worried. “But what about Electric Blue?” She asked in worried.

“They’ll have to wait.” Hitch said with a smile. “Now let’s get you better!” He added as Sparky nodded in agreement.

“But, but, but, but….” Pipp started stammering as she looked at her friends, who had a small smile as Sparky gave her a firm look with his hands on his hips.

“Pipp, you know you can’t do your video in your sick condition.” Sunset pointed out since they know that Pipp can’t do her videos while being sick. “You need to rest to wait out this sickness.” She added firmly.

Pipp starts sobbing as she realizes that Sunset is right. “Okay, fine.” She said to her friends as she then flew up to the stage. “But I’m taking this.” She added as she grabbed her lucky microphone as Zipp flew to her as she gave her sister a smirk and a raised eyebrow. “What? It’s my lucky microphone!” She said in defense with a small smile. “I’ll just sing a little teensy tiny bit…” She tried to say.

Zipp then flew in front of her sister. “You will not!” She said firmly as Pipp flinched a bit as she took Pipp’s microphone. “Two words, Pipp: vocal rest.” She advises.

Pipp started whimpering from that as she doesn’t like that idea.

At the Brighthouse, Pipp was typing on her computer before she heard Zipp's voice. "How's my little patient?"

Pipp gasped and quickly flew back into bed all while having a thermometer in her mouth as she covered herself before her elder sister came in. Pipp sobbed. "Being sick is the worst feeling in the world!" Zipp felt her head and took the thermometer out to see her temperature. "I just wanna feel normal!"

"Hey come on. Tough it out!" Zipp reassured her sister. "We all get sick sometimes. It's a part of life!"

"Yeah, I guess." Pipp sighed before she coughed.

"Aww, you poor thing. I'm sorry for the tough love." Zipp apologized. "It’s what works on me, but clearly not on you."

"Yeah, did you just come here to be mean to me until I feel better?" Pipp asked, sounding a bit stuffed up.

"No, not totally.” Zipp said as she shook her head with a smile. “I prepared a back up plan to help you in your recovery."

"A miracle cure?" Pipp asked hopefully.

"Kinda." Zipp replied before she hovered in the air.

"What is it?" Pipp asked in curiously.

"An escape from your nasty cold," Zipp began as she vanished from sight for a bit before returning with a huge bookshelf filled with books. "...and entrance into the world!"

"Is that what I think it is?" Pipp asked.

"Yep. My favorite books." Zipp confirmed as she pulled herself in front of her sister's bed, "Aka every volume of the greatest fantasy series of all time: The Chronicle of Chevalia! Including expanded universe, official canonical side adventures novellas and...." Zipp pulled out one book and took it to Pipp, "The Official Chevalipedia!"

Zipp opened the book as she continued. "Every term defined, every creature species classified, and every map you'll need to find your bearing in this expensive and amazing universe!" Pipp all the while smiled sheepishly before she got out of bed and hovered a bit near her sister.
"Well, that-that is a lot." Pipp replied while looking at the books. "Thank you Zipp, but, um how long do you expect me to be sick for?"

"Whether it's two days or two moons, there's always time to throw yourself back into Chevalia!" Zipp said while looking at the bookshelf with a fond smile.

"I do love reading. But for the record, let's hope it's two days." Pipp replied, taking a book before frowning. "I can't take two moons of this!" She fluttered onto her bed and sat down sadly.

"Enjoy the journey and tell me when you get to the 'Tree of Fortunica'!"” Zipp said with excitement. “Don't worry it's not a spoiler. Oh no, saying it is a spoiler is sort of a spoiler, but not really." She quipped as she left. "Oops, uh you'll see."

Pipp just sighed from that as she’s about to open the book until Sunny appeared.

“Hey, hey!” Sunny called out, which startled Pipp as she gasped and fondled with the book and started sneezing. “How’s my friend feeling?” She asked with a small smile.

Pipp recompose herself as she turned to Sunny with a smile. “Sunny! I’ve--” She cleared her throat. “I’ve been better.” She finished. “It’s just a quick little cold, though. I’ll be fine in no time!” She assured as she gave a sad expression. “I just have so much I want to do.” She whimpered.

“Oh, I know that reeling, but try to relax.” Sunny said with a smile. “Is there anything I can do? Any food you like when you’re sick? Home remedies that help?” She asked.

“No, not that I can remember.” Pipp answered as she placed a hoof on her chin. “Hmn…” She then gasped as she was having a flashback.


When Pipp was filly, she was lying on her bed being sick as Queen Haven came up to her daughter with a bowl of soup as she spoon fed Filly Pipp with some as Filly Pipp smiled at the taste.

End of Flashback.

Back in the present, Pipp had the same smile as she spoke. “Actually! There is something.” She said as she looked at Sunny. “Whenever I got sick, Mom would make this amazing soup. THat stuff was a miracle!” She said fondly at the memory.

“Say no more!” Sunny said with a smile as she held out her phone. “I’m on it, in it and around it!” She said as she twirled around and tossed her phone in the air before catching it with a smile as she gave a small chuckle. “That means I’ll get it.” She explained. “So, what was in this magic soup?” She asked as she was about to write it down.

“Oh there was um…” Pipp tried to say, but then stopped. “Uh…” She tried to before she shook her head. “I don’t remember! It was just this um, this soup.” She said as she spread her wings as Sunny listened with a small smile. “You know, good soup! The yummiest, like a warm hug for your taste buds.” She said as she lay on her bed and hugged a pillow with a smile. “Oh! Wow, I feel better just talking about it!” She commented quickly before looking at Sunny. “Thank you so much, Sunny.” She finished.

Sunny looked at her phone while feeling confused. “A warm hug… uh-huh. For your taste buds” She listed out, which made Pipp lay on her bed again and hugging her pillow with joy. “Okay. I’ll get that, then.” She said as she walked out of the room.

Sunny made her way downstairs as a critters are flying around the Brighthouse. “I have no idea how to make this soup, but that’s never stopped me from doing something before.” She added, recalling all the times when she had no idea what to make but always succeeded as she rushed downstairs. “Oh, it is on, Hitch!” She suddenly called out in a determined look as she trotted past Hitch and Sparky.

“What is?” Hitch asked in confusion, not sure what Sunny is talking about.

“The soup!” Sunny called out as she made her way out of the Brighthouse, Hitch just shrugged with a smile as he and the critters walked upstairs.

Hitch stopped as he turned and saw Sunset in the kitchen. “Sunset, what are you making?” He asked in curiosity.

“Making a special remedy for Pipp.” Sunset answered with a smile as she poured some contents in a pot. “A special remedy my friends showed me how to make if any one of us get sick. It will take some time to process but it will be worth the wait.” She explained with a smile.

“How long will that take?” Hitch asked again.

“Not long. Maybe a couple of hours.” Sunset explained as she turned up to Hitch. “Going to show Pipp some critter activity?” She guessed.

“Yep.” Hitch answered with a smile as he walked up.

“Okay then.” Sunset nodded as she put in the final ingredients in the pot for it to mix together as Hitch walked up to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Pipp sighs again as she opens up a book, but then Hitch’s critters come in front of her.

“Huh?” Pipp asked in surprise as she saw Hitch coming in as Sparky made gurgling sounds as he jumped on Pipp’s bed and jumped on her. “Oh, oh wow.” She said in surprise as she smiled sheepishly at them. “Hi, everycritter! What’s going on?” She asked Hitch in confusion.

“Well, pal. We thought you might be bored in here all by yourself!” Hitch started as he placed Curtle on the bed. “So…” He tried to continue with a small smile.

“I actually haven’t been by myself yet.” Pipp answered with a straight face since she wasn’t alone yet since her friends have been coming in to check on her every second after the other.

“That’s why the critters and I thought we’d cheer you up!” Hitch announced as the critters chirped in agreement.

“Oh, that’s so sweet!” Pipp said with a small smile as she petted Sparky. “But nothing would cheer me up like being outside on this beautiful day” She said as she looked off with a fond smile.

“Hey! Is outside more interesting than some fascinating nature facts?” Hitch asked with a smirk, taking some charts from the squirrel and Pipp giggled.

"Um, I guess not." Pipp answered.

A little bit later, Pipp is really feeling bored as Hitch has read all the charts about nature, which he read for a while to her.

“And that’s why they’re called, say it with me, pine cones!” Hitch announced as the critters chattered.

“Oh, wow.” Pipp said tiredly from that long chart lesson.

“Aha!” Izzy cheered as she appeared from the stairs as Pipp and Hitch looked at her. “Thanks for stopping by, cuties! But now it’s time for the holistic healing helping hoof, Izzy!” She announced cheerfully with a wave of her hoof as she hopped next to them. “Izzy! Izzy! Izzy!” She mimicked an echo around the critters playfully.

“Don’t worry, Pipp, we have a lot more nature facts to share.” Hitch assured with a smile as the critters jumped off the bed. “We’ll be back.” He said as he, Sparky and the critters walked out of the room.

“Oh, Pipper!” Izzy called out with a smile as Pipp turned to her. “Once I work my magic, you’ll be back to your old chipper, sparkly, singing self in no time!” She said cheerfully.

“Uh, okay, Izzy, but--” Pipp tried to explain but was cut off as Izzy hopped out of the room.

“My crystals reminded me of the ultimate tea potion for your flu!” Izzy called out as she rummaged through some stuff downstairs as Pipp just looked on in confusion before Izzy came back up while levitating a giant teapot and a tea cup. “Here it is, my Unicorn Remedy Tea: guaranteed to cure what ails your tail! And the rest of ya.” She said as she poured some in the tea cup and gave it to Pipp.

Pipp smiled as she held the tea cup and took a sip out of it. She smiled at the taste. “Wow. I was skeptical, but it’s delicious!” She said as Izzy smiled from that. “Thank you so much. And it’s a magic cure?” She asked as she took another sip. “I can feel it working!” She cheered, but then she just sneezed again. “Okay, maybe not.” She said after the sneeze.

Izzy looks at the tea closely as she realizes what she did wrong. “Oh yeah. Oh no. I forgot to actually add the magic!” She said cheerfully as she gave a laugh at her mistake. “Yeah. I just made a tasty tea. But I can fix it.” She said as she levitated the tea cup and kettle again. “I’ll be right back! Keep resting! No moving!” She added as she walked out of the room.

Pipp just sighs from this again as she laid her head on her hoof.

In the living room, Zipp is flying around as Sunset is still waiting for her cold remedy to finish as she just came back from outside. They walk past Sunny in the living room, having stacks of books around her as she looks at her phone.

“‘Maic get-well soup.’” Sunny type in her phone, but it gives a beep. “Nope. ‘Magic get-well soup, Zephyr Heights?’” She types again as before her phone beeps again. “Nothing. Uh, ‘Princess Pipp’s perfect magic soup recipe for when Pipp is sick soup.’” She typed again with a smile, but it gave another beep as Sunny groaned in frustration as she leaned back.

“Sunny? Sunset sees that something on the stove smells kind of strange…” Zipp called out from the kitchen.

“And I think it’s burning.” Sunset added.

Sunny then gasped in realization. “My test soup!” She called out, having forgotten about the soup she was making for Pipp as she rushed to the kitchen.

Zipp and Sunset saw the pot with the soup burned up as smoke smog exploded out of it as Sunny rushed to it with a gasp as she turned off the stove.

“I’ll take that.” Sunny said with a sheepish smile as she took the spoon from Zipp as the three ponies looked at the pot as Sunny tapped the spoon on it as the liquid was hardened.

“Yikes, I think I’ll make other lunch plans.” Zipp cringe in disgust.

“And I’ll take some takeouts.” Sunset added with a disgusted look.

“No, this isn’t for us.” Sunny revealed with a smile. “I’m trying to make your mom’s special soup for Pipp, Zipp!” She explained as she walked off. “I should just go to Zephyr Heights and ask her--” She tried to finish.

But Zipp flew up as she stopped her when she said about her mother’s soup. “Oh… Maybe don’t do that.” She suggested.

“Huh? Why not?” Sunny asked in confusion.

“Yeah. Why couldn’t she, Zipp?” Sunset asked as well.

“Mom only made that soup when we were sick.” Zipp pointed out.

“So?” Both Sunset and Sunny asked at the same time in curiosity.

“If she knows one of us is sick, she’ll freak out and like, fly here and stuff!” Zipp explained as she landed on the ground. “Be cool about it, Sunny?” She asked to not bring out Pipp being sick so that Queen Haven won’t go into overdrive in mother mode.

“Cool? I can be cool!” Sunny said with a wide smile. “I can be very cool.” She said while acting cool.

Both Zipp and Sunset just gave Sunny a straight face. “Maybe not too cool to be weird.” Sunset added with a straight face, since Sunny’s acting can be really bad at times.

“I’ll try. But no promises.” Sunny said with a small smile.

Zipp then sniffed the air before she cringed. “But maybe you should take care of that first…” She pointed to the burnt soup pot.

The three ponies then looked over the pot as they sniffed it and gagged.

“Sweet Celestia! This stuff stinks in the after smell.” Sunset called out as she covered her nose.

Sunny covered her mouth from the gag after she smelled it. “Blech! No, good call.” She said to her friends as she closed the pot.

“In the meantime, I should give Pipp my special remedy and see how this works.” Sunset said as she poured some of her own soup into the bowl.

“Okay. And I’ll get Queen Haven’s recipe for her soup.” Sunny said as she trotted out the door.

“Good luck, Sunny!” Sunset called out as she turned to Zipp. “Wanna join me in giving Pipp some of my special remedy soup, Zipp?” She asked.

“Sure.” Zipp nodded. “I need to check on her to make sure she's okay.” she added as the two ponies went upstairs.

Meanwhile, Pipp was in her room but she was trying to practice singing when she should have been resting.

"What's that sound? It's the sound of the…" Pipp coughed. "...thundercloud. Crash, you gotta believe in the…" She coughed some more when Sunset and Zipp came in and saw her on her phone trying to sing.

“Hmm…” Zipp said as she looked at Sunset as the two nodded in agreement.

"Ahem!/Hey!" Both Zipp and Sunset barked, spooking Pipp and she fumbled her phone right into Zipps' hooves.

"You’re supposed to be resting, Pipp." Sunset frowned.

"Vocal Resting!" They both said in unison.

"No! Not Bestie! Give her back!" Pipp frowned, hovering up but Zipp blocked her with her hoof as she tried to reach her phone while waving her hooves around while screaming a bit until she stopped.

"No more secret singing! No more ClipTrots! No more livestreams! You can have this back later. Give yourself a break for now! Sheesh." Zipp stated before flying off.

Pipp sighed and grabbed a Chronicles of Chevalia book and opened it up. "Pipp, if you keep stressing your voice, you'll lose it. And then you won't sing or even talk ever again!" Sunset gently frowned.

Pipp gasped as she held a hoof to her neck. “I don’t wanna lose my voice!” She cried in panic.

“Then vocal rest your voice and don’t stress it.” Sunset advised as she brought out her soup she made. “Here. Have some of my homemade soup. Should help with the cold and your throat a little.” She added.

Pipp looked at the soup as she ate some while widen her eyes from the taste. “Mmm. This is delicious, Sunset.” She said with a smile.

“I tried my best to recreate the recipe Applejack showed me for one of her remedy soup.” Sunset said with a smile as she turned. “I’ll leave you alone for now, Pipp. But remember, rest is the key to getting better.” She quickly added as she walked out the door.

Pipp sighs from that. “Okay!” She managed to say as she continue to read the book as she took some more soup.

At Zephyr Heights palace, Queen Haven is leaning on her throne with a wide smile as she is playing a game on her phone as she exclaimed in laughter.

Haven didn’t notice that Sunny entered the throne room while being escorted by Thunder and Zoom.

“Hi, Queen Haven!” Sunny quickly called out as Thunder and Zoom walked off. “I mean, Your Majesty!” She quickly corrected herself with a bow.

Queen Haven heard Sunny and was surprised that she was here, not wanting her to see her playing on her phone, she tossed her phone away as she stood up.

“Oh, please, Sunny.” Queen Haven said with a small smile and wave, acting like nothing happened. “Call me: Your Majesty Queen Haven.” She said as she flew up with her wings spread and did a pose. “To what I owe the pleasure? And where are my girls? Are they here?” She asked as she looked around for her daughters, thinking they were here as well.

“Play it cool…” Sunny said quietly while acting cool as she turned to Queen Haven. “Well, Zipp has some sleuthing to do and Pipp is sick…” She suddenly said as Queen Haven went wide eyes. “... at skateboarding!” She quickly corrected herself. “She’s so sick at it. Stick means good. She’s skating.” She added as she gave an awkward chuckle.

Queen Haven calmed down as she flew down to the throne. “This is a satisfying answer.” She said with a calming smile.

Sunny sighs in relief as she speaks. “I’ll just cut to the chase and tell you that, that…” She trailed off as Haven looked at her in confusion as she raised an eyebrow. “I’ve entered a cooking competition!” She quickly covered. “Yup, I did, and I need to bring some Zephyr Heights elevated flavors to Maretime Bay. I think it’ll be the height of sophistication!” She added as she then gave a laugh. “Get it?” She asked.

“Oh, how lovely!” Queen Haven cheered as she flew towards Sunny. “And you’re right about that. Our cuisine is second to none. I love to help.” She said, which made Sunny smile from that answer.

Back in the Brighthouse, Hitch is back in the room with the critters as Pipp watches on what they are doing.

“Okay, Hitch.” Pipp said as she placed down the book she was reading. “Whatcha got for me, now?” She asked with a small smile.

“My incredibly talented critters and I have prepared a play for you!” Hitch revealed as the critters got on the desk as Sparky clapped his hooves as he turned off the lights as Pipp looked on in confusion. “Our story starts in a humble wooded thicket right here in Maretime Bay…” Hitch started as he translated while he shines a flashlight on Kenneth as Pipp watches in interest while Kenneth did some movies. “Hark! To what do mine eyes see but a spotted owl?” He continued as he made hooting sounds.

Pipp gave a giggle as she got a pillow as she watched the play with a smile.

And then the play continues one critter at a time, Kenneth chirping as he is holding onto Curtle with an old Anti-Unicorn mind reading helmet.

Then the next one shows Sparky growling while hearing his mask when he was in the Maresquerade Ball as McSnips jumped on with a pen, acting like it’s a sword as he poke Sparky, who pretended to be stabbed as he lay down and his mask came off, playing dead.

And then Kenneth did a pose as Hitch spoke again. “And there was never a war between the spotted owls and the striped lemurs ever again!” He finished as the critters waved and the squirrel released some streamers.

Pipp clapped with a smile from the play. “That was cute!” She cheered as she rubbed her nose. “Oh, one question, though. Did the winged gopher learn to fly because it was inside him all along or because the Breezie fairy granted him a wish?” She asked. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little unclear. Feels like a first draft.” She pointed out.

Kenneth grew frustrated as he threw his can hat down and chirped off angrily.

“He’s says…” Hitch tried to translate but stopped himself. “You know what? I… won’t share that one.” He said, wanting to not to translate a word that could never be said.

Back with Sunny, she was still walking with Haven through the hall past some large clear windows. "So would you happen to have any special soup that might heal, I mean...wow the judges?" She quickly corrected herself.

"Oh, do I? I do!" Haven grinned. "There's Cream of Marshmallow, Egg Cloud Bisque and Pegasus Wedding Soup. My personal favorite." She said with a fond smile.

Sunny came beside her and added. "Oh, not exactly what I'm looking for. Uh, but they all sound great." She said as she looked down in thought.

Back at the Crystal Brighthouse, Izzy came into the room again.

“Okay!” Izzy called out cheerfully as Pipp was laying on her bed as she heard Izzy come in. “Pipperoni and Cheese, this time I think I’ve got it.” She said as she brought out the tea kettle again. “The magic potion tea to cure your bug and bring you back to maximum sparkle!” She announced.

Pipp smiled with her wings flapping as she stood up. “Ooh, I’ll try it! The last one really was delicious.” She commented. “Notes of cinnamon, and ginger, and…” She listed out as she stopped for a sec as she rubbed her nose. “Cotton candy?” She finished with a small smile.

“Oh you noticed, aw!” Izzy said with a smile as pour some tea on the cup and gave it to Pipp. “Okay, here you go! Bottoms up!” She cheered.

Pipp smiled as she took a sip of the tea as she smiled. “Again, delicious.” She said, but now Pipp sounded like Izzy somehow, which shocked her from that after hearing what she just said. “Wait, why do I sound like this?! I’m you, Izzy! I mean-- I’m like not you but like, I have your voice! Oh no!” She cried out in Izzy’s voice.

“What?” Izzy asked in surprise as she was not expecting that either. “Let me try!” She said as she took a sip of the tea as she tasted it a bit before she smiled. “Mmm tasty!” She said cheerfully before she felt the aftertaste. “Huh? That was new! Must have been the bumbleroot.” She said as she then gasped. “How’s your voice now?” She asked Pipp.

Fa la laa--” Pipp tried to sing, her normal voice returning but it’s still raspy. “Still the same.” She answered with a down expression.

“Oh, flying rats!” Izzy called out. “But I’m not gonna give up yet.” She said in determination. “Potion tea magic is real! I’ll be right back!” She said as she gave Pipp back the cup as she walked off with the kettle.

Pipp looks at her cup of tea before putting it aside, not wanting to sound like Izzy again as she finds it weird.

“Look who came to see you, Pipp.” Zipp called out as she and Sunset walked into the room.

“It’s somepony we know so well.” Sunset added with a smile.

And then Misty slides into the room next to the two ponies with a smile.

“Misty?!” Pipp asked in surprise. “Haven’t seen you since the Manesquerade Ball!” She said with a smile as the three ponies came up to her.

“I know, I’ve uh, been busy.” Misty said with a small sheepish smile. “But I saw you on the live stream and I wanted to check up on you.” She explained.

“Aw! Aren’t you sweet?” Pipp asked with a smile at Misty.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, very sweet.” Zipp quickly said as she drew close to her sister. “Okay, sis, it’s time we talk turkey.” She said in a serious tone.

“Oh, I don’t know any talking turkeys.” Pipp said as she tilted her head a bit before she gasped. “You should ask Hitch!” She suggested.

“No! ‘Talk turkey’ is detective speak for ’get down to business’!” Zipp explained with a smirk.

Pipp looked confused by what her sister meant.

“It’s about our research and Zipp’s detective work we’ve been doing recently.” Sunset explained with a small smile.

“Oh!” Pipp said in realization.

“We wanna take you through our ongoing case against the nefarious evil pony who wants to steal magic!” Zipp explained.

“Aka, Opaline.” Sunset said next, which made Misty gasp from that.

“Oh, ooh!” Pipp said excitedly with a clap of her hoof. “Okay. You mean the dirt. The goss. The tea?” She asked eagerly.

“No! It’s not ready yet!” Izzy’s voice called out from hearing that as they turned to where she called out.

“No! Izzy! We’re not talking about that kind of tea!” Sunset called out next.

“Okay!” Izzy answered.

“The facts!” Zipp answered.

“I love it, let’s get into it.” Pipp said eagerly.

“Or uh…” Misty called out while looking nervous. “We could play a game instead!” She suggested.

“Nah, I like my idea better.” Zipp said as Misty really nervous as Zipp continued. “So after hours and hours of digging through everything, including the book Misty helped us find…” She started.

“And the book I’ve found to find out about the Dragonstone…” Sunset added.

Misty gasped in shock that she gave the Alicorn book to Zipp and Sunset somehow knows about the Dragonstone.

“...We’ve determined that this evil pony is definitely an alicorn!” Zipp declared.

“And that this Dragonstone needs actual dragonfire like Sparky’s to charge up!” Sunset added as Misty looked nervous.

“And this Alicorn, she’s been around since the days of Twilight Sparkle!” Zipp continued.

“But maybe even way before that! Like maybe during the time when Celestia and Luna were really young!” Sunset finished, which made Misty look in shock that they knew that.

Pipp gave a dramatic gasp from that. “I love this theory! Keep going!” She said eagerly, but then she started coughing again.

“Whoa, easy on the voice tone, Pipp. Don’t want to ruin your voice.” Sunset said as Misty looked on in worried that they know about Opaline and the Dragonstone.

Back at Zephyr Heights, Sunny is still listening to Haven’s soup.

"Apple Bisque, Tomato Bisque and Biscuit Bisque," Haven continued to run off the list of her winning soups recipes to Sunny, "But that one's not very popular."

"Your Majesty, I'm just going to say it." Sunny replied. "What was that soup you would make for Pipp? She made it sound so great, the way she talked it up."

Haven gave a soft smile, "You mean the Special Sick Day Soup?" She asked. "For days when she was sick? Why? Is she sick? My baby!" She panicked as she went into mother overdrive mode.

"No! I am." Sunny quickly excused remembering what Zipp said before she faked a cough.

"Oh, you poor dear. But please for the love of Cloudpuff, don't pass it to me." Haven stated. "I have places to go and ponies to see! I'm meeting Alphabittle for tea later." She said with a smile as she walked off.

Sunny gave an awkward chuckle which turned into a grimace when Haven was gone after hearing that.

Back in the Brighthouse, Pipp is reading a book as Zipp flew in.

“Sis! I forgot to share a key detail!” Zipp called out as she, Sunset and Misty came in. “The book says Alicorns can harness other types of magic other than their own.” She explained.

“Even I’m surprised by that detail. And I know Alicorns well.” Sunset commented in agreement since she didn’t know Alicorns can harness other types of magic.

“I’m not following this turkey talk.” Pipp said in confusion as she placed the book down as she wiped her nose. “If an Alicorn already has Unicorn, Pegasus, and Earth Pony magic, what other kind of magic is there?” She asked in confusion.

“That’s where the Dragonstone comes in, Pipp.” Sunset started.

“Dragon magi--” Zipp tried to answer, but was cut off when Misty started to fake coughing.

The three ponies turned to her while Sunset raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong, Misty?” She asked while feeling suspicious of Misty.

“Oh!” Misty said with a nervous chuckle as she clears her throat. “Ahem, I must be coming down with what you have, Pipp.” She lied nervously as she gave another fake cough. “Anyway, uh, I just came here to bring this get-well gift.” She said as she held out a newspaper wrapped present with some ribbons on it. “It’s a mane brush. ‘Cause, a pony never have too many mane brushes!” She said as she gave a laugh as Pipp smiled at the present and then at Misty. “Am I right?” She asked with a smile.

Pipp gave a happy gasp. “How thoughtful!” She said with a sniff. “Thank you so much!” She said.

“That is actually pretty generous.” Sunset said with a small smile.

“Hey Misty, tell us that story you shared at the unicorn sleepover again, would you?” Zipp asked, wanting Misty to tell her story about Twilight during their first unicorn sleepover.

“Yeah. We would like to hear it again for future references.” Sunset said in agreement, while knowing that is not true, they need to hear it again to connect some dots and clues while giving a look to Misty that is un-noticeable.

“Uh… Uh, uh…” Misty said nervously before she spoke with a nervous smile “Sure I, uh… I just, uh… I just gotta get some water first.” She quickly said as she fake cough again and trotted out the room as she headed downstairs.

“What’s stuck in her mane?” Pipp asked in confusion as she pointed a wing to where Misty trotted off.

“Hmm hmm.” Zipp shrugged.

“No idea. She is an odd pony. Not as odd as Izzy, but a little bit from the mane part.” Sunset commented with a shrug, while she knows why Misty is doing this, she still finds Misty’s attempts a little strange.

“Remember that one time I got a candy apple stuck in mine?” Zipp asked her sister with an amusing smile.

“No, that was me.” Pipp said in a deadpan expression as she placed Misty’s gift present down.

“Wait, seriously? You had a candy apple stuck in your mane, Pipp?” Sunset asked in surprise.

“Yep. Zipp put it there. At the carnival.” Pipp answered while still looking at her sister. “Took Mom an hour to get it out.” She added.

“Yikes.” Sunset cringed from that, having something stuck in the mane will be having a hard time to get it out.

“Oh yeah!” Zipp said as she now remembered as she gave a chuckle. “Classic.” She smiled fondly at the memory.

Pipp and Sunset just kept giving a bored expression at Zipp from that.

“Zipp, seriously?” Sunset questioned in a bored tone.

“I mean, sorry about that.” Zipp quickly apologized with a sheepish smile.

Meanwhile, Sunny was still keeping up her 'being sick act' to try and get Haven to make the soup for her, "So, can I get that recipe or-" Sunny coughed while Haven was on her phone.

"My, aren't you a persistent one." Haven suddenly frowned, throwing away her phone.

"Is there something wrong?" Sunny questioned, suddenly worried about the Queen.

Haven took a deep breath and admitted, "Okay, fine! You don't have to keep twisting my hoof! I admit it! The soup is not homemade! It's from the Souper Ladle Food Cart!” She yelled out as Sunny was surprised by that as she looked around before facing Haven again as she sat down. “It's the number 12, add carrots. I've been ordering it and passing it off as my own for the girls' whole lives. I'm embarrassed! I'm a good mother, but a terrible chef." She admitted while looking down.

"Oh no, I don't judge you!" Sunny replied quickly. "I'm sure it's delicious either way!” She assured her.

Haven wiped her tears as she clapped her hooves as Zoom came to them, holding a bowl. “At least take the official Royal Ponyware for authenticity.” She said as Zoom gave Sunny the bow as she guided her out the door. “I did always serve it in this. Good luck and feel better, my dear!” She called out as Sunny left.

Zoom guided Sunny out the door as she closed it. “Wait, where’s the Souper Ladle Food Cart?” Sunny called out from outside, since she doesn’t know where that cart is.

Back at the Brighthouse, Pipp is going through her makeup supplies as she moves them around and putting them down as Sunset and Zipp came in again.

“Sis, you won’t be better for days if you’re not--” Zipp spoke but was cut off.

“Don’t say resting.” Pipp said as she pointed a makeup bottle at her sister, while Zipp and Sunset stood in surprise as Pipp was about to lose it. Please. Please don’t say resting! I’m so sick of resting.” She cried out as she flew to her bed. “I’ve been resting for hours. I’m done!” She pointed out as she sighs while Sunset and Zipp listen. “I feel crummy, but doing nothing is making it worse!” She added.

“I’m sorry! I just…” Zipp tried to explain as she felt guilty for pressuring her sister. “Never mind. I’ll go.” She said while looking down.

“Wait, Zipp.” Sunset said to Zipp before the pegasus could move before turning to Pipp. “Pipp, what got you this worked up when we’re trying to help you get better?” She asked in concern.

“I’m just so over being treated like a patient.” Pipp answered as she lowered herself to her bed and kicked some tissue away. “It’s not any of you. I’m sorry!” She apologizes while feeling bad that she snapped at her friends as she sat on the bed.

“It’s okay.” Zipp said. “We’ll give you your space…” She said as she walked off as Pipp groaned stressfully.

Sunset sighs as she walks up to Pipp and sits at the edge of the bed. “Pipp, Zipp is only like that because she is concerned about you. We all are.” She said.

Pipp sighs. “I know. It’s just that, I just don’t wanna be treated like a patient and do nothing when I’m sick. It drives me crazy and I don’t wanna just sit around and do nothing.” She said with a small frown.

“Pipp, I get that. But it doesn’t change the fact that we are concerned about you.” Sunset explained. “We may have gone a little too far on you being sick, but that just shows how much we care about you. We just wanted you to get better and be there for you when you’re sick. You should’ve told us about this to give you some space.” She added while giving Pipp a sympathetic look.

Pipp gave it a thought for a sec as she gave a sigh. “And I’m grateful that you guys are taking care of me, it’s just that I needed some space as well and I needed to do something other than doing nothing at all.” She said.

“And we can respect that. Just don’t stress yourself too much and take it easy while you're sick.” Sunset said as she stood up and walked off. “Just, let us know if you need anything.” She said as she walked off while Pipp was long while giving some thought to what Sunset just said and how her friends cared about her.

A little bit later, Pipp is reading the book again as she has a small smile.

“Hey Pipper-suarus!” Izzy called out as Pipp turned and saw Izzy coming in with a new tea cut while wearing protective goggles.

“Ugh, Izzy, I know you’re really trying here but--” Pipp tried to say as she closed the book and sat on her bed.

“Just taste it, silly.” Izzy said with a smile. “I promise I got it right this time.” She promises with a cheery smile.

Pipp took a sip of the cup as she smiled. “I love it! What is it?” She asked with a smile.

Izzy took a deep breath as she spoke. “It’s just chamomile tea.” She answered with a smile. “I finally stopped looking for a cure and decided to settle on something to just make you feel nice.” She explained.

“Aw that’s exactly what I needed!” Pipp cheered with a smile. “Thanks, Izzy, you’re the best!” She said as she took a closer look at her tee. “You’re sure this won’t mess with my voice?” She asked, wanting to make sure it doesn’t change her voice again after sounding like her unicorn friend.

“This one is just 100% chamomile flowers, honey and water.” Izzy assured her. “Oh, and love.” She added with a smile.

“Now this is some magic I can get behind!” Pipp said as the two smiled at each other.

Meanwhile, Sunny went to the Souper Ladle Food Carry to get Pipp her soup.

“Number 12, add carrots.”

“Ooh, so sorry, we just ran out.” The salespony replied.

“Oh no. Now Pipp is never going to get better.” Sunny said in worried for her friend, but the salespony’s face lit up hearing Pipps’ name.

“This is for the Princess?! Well why didn’t you say so?” The salespony called. “I need an extra number 12 with carrots for the Princess!”

Then the Chef appeared before Sunny, “For the Princess?! coming right up!” He went right to work on the soup.

“And don’t keep royalty waiting!” The salespony added before winking at Sunny, who smiled in response.

Back at the Brighthouse, Sunset, Zipp and Misty came in again with a board as Pipp saw them come in again as she put the book away again.

“First of all, I want to say, I’m sorry for getting on your case all day.” Zipp apologized. “I just care about you, okay?” She added.

“I know. Sunset told me about it.” Pipp said while looking down. “I’m sorry for being Little Miss Cranky Hooves.” She apologized next before she sobbed. “I’m just stir-crazy from being inside today.” She added.

“Yeah. Being inside all day can do that to a pony.” Sunset commented in agreement.

“Then, let us knock your stir-crazy sock off.” Zipp joked as she flip her board to show her the clues and hints of Opaline and the Dragonstone.

Misty gasped in shock while Pipp starred in awed.

“We’re gonna give you the rundown of all the clues we gathered after Twilight’s message.” Sunset said with a proud smile.

“Now, here’s how all of our theories connect!” Zipp started. “On Alicorns, on dragon magic, the Dragonstone, on glowing Cutie Marks…” She listed out with a smile.

Misty squeaks nervously as Pipp watches in interest as Sunset and Zipp explain their theories while connecting the clues together while also replaying Twilight’s message while Sunset explain what the Dragonstone could do and guessed what Opaline plan to use it for as they explained every detail and every clues they have researched and gathered, which made Misty even more nervous while Pipp looked in awed by this.

After a few minutes or so of explaining, Pipp kept silent in awed as she was amazed about the theories they had gathered before she spoke.

“Amazing! I love it.” Pipp said with a smile as Sunset and Zipp smiled back at her. “I mean, I don’t love that we have to stop this evil Alicorn, this Opaline character, but excellent work.” She added as she now has a thought. “What do you think about it, Misty?” She asked.

But once the three ponies turned, they saw Misty was gone.

“She’s gone.” Sunset said in surprise since neither of them noticed that Misty was already gone.

“Oh no, I hope she’s not getting sick too.” Zipp said in concern.

“I hope she’s okay. Because I’m starting to worry.” Sunset said in concern, having a feeling where Misty went and hoping she doesn’t do something she’ll regret.

At the Dark Castle, Misty told Opaline the whole thing, which she didn’t take well.

“What do you mean ‘they know’?” Opaline questioned in anger while she and Misty are in the study room. “Who is ‘they’, and what is it that they know?” She demanded.

“Zipp, Pipp and Sunset, they know everything!” Misty answered. “Well, not-not everything, but a lot. They know who you are, well, almost.” She added.

“Ugh, almost?” Opaline scoffed. “They had never heard of moi? The great and powerful Opaline?” She questioned as her horn lit up in flames as she spread her wings out.

Misty backed up nervously in fright from Opaline’s rage.

Opaline retracted her wings and her horn died out. “What are they teaching these ponies in history classes? Nonsense? Gibberish?” She asked while looking at Misty, who stood in silence, not sure what to say. “Well?” She questioned, which made Misty flinch.

“Oh uh, uh, I’m sorry.” Misty quickly apologized. “Uh, I, I don’t know. I thought it was one of those questions you’re not supposed to answer?” She said in honesty.

Opaline just groaned in annoyance from that.

Back at the Brighthouse, Pipp is watching the critters, and Sparky, playing instruments as they started a band together to entertain Pipp while Hitch listens to the music in the background with a smile as she starts rapping for them and then they all sing together.

Pipp started clapping lightly to them. “Oh, wow…” She said with an uncertain smile. “Yay, uh… That was great.” She said, not sure how to say it since she couldn’t understand a word they said but she smiled at them. “Hitch, I really appreciate you trying to keep me entertained all day, but what I could really use is somepony to hang out with.” She said with a small smile. “Can we just chill?” She asked.

Hitch just sighs with a smile at her. “Boy. Wow. Thank you. Yes! I gotta admit, we were running out of stuff to show you, weren’t we?” He asked his critter friends and Sparky with a smile, since they were running out of ideas to entertain Pipp.

Sparky gurgled in agreement as he took off his sunglasses as Hitch and Pipp smiled at each other as Pipp hugged her pillow.

A little bit later, the Marestream returned as Sunny came out and trotted into the Brighthouse with the soup.

Inside the bedroom, Pipp and Hitch are playing a board game while Sparky is sleeping with a pacifier while laying on a pillow as Sunny comes into the room as she places the bowl of soup down.

Sunny sighs tiredly. “Wow, that took all day!” She said with a smile at the amount of time the soup needed to be made. “Pipp, I got it! I did it! I have your magical soup!” She cheered as she pushed the soup closer to Pipp.

“Sunny, this is so nice, ah!” Pipp said before she continued. “But I should tell you, there’s nothing magical about it.” She revealed.

Sunny was surprised by that. “There… isn’t?” She asked in surprise.

“It’s special because of the effort my mom went through to get it, and the stubbornness of her insisting it was homemade!” Pipp explained with a smile, revealing that she already knew her mother’s secret behind the soup.

“Oh! You knew?!” Sunny asked in surprise that Pipp knew.

“But I love it!” Pipp cheered. “It always made me feel good when I was sick. And this is the nicest thing. You’re the best.” She added while giving a smile to Sunny.

“Hmm.” Sunny said as she was about to take the soup back.

“Hey!” Pipp suddenly called out, which made Sunny stop from taking the soup. “I know I said it was the thought that counts, but it’s also really delicious soup.” She explained, really loving the soup even though it was bought. “Give it, please?” She asked politely.

Sunny smiled as she gave the soup to Pipp as she accepted it.

“Thank you!” Pipp said as she drank down the soup.

Back at the Dark Castle, Opaline is pacing back and forth as Misty sat on the floor.

“So, what do you want me to do?” Misty asked uncertainty.

“What do you think?” Opaline questioned firmly as she turned Misty in a slight panic. “That little detective girl and the Guardian of Harmony are getting too smart. We must act.” She declared, since Zipp and Sunset are finding out more about her and need to work up her plan real quick before they plan something.

“You mean me, right?” Misty asked as she stood up. “I must act?” She questioned.

“Yes!” Opaline answered as she walked up to Misty. “We’re going to do whatever it takes to gather all the dragonfire. It’s time.” She declared with an evil smirk. “Sinister laugh, commence now.” She laughed evilly with her wings spread as her laughter echoed out castle as thunder crackled at the side of it.

A little bit later at night, the Mane 6 san Pipp are in the living room, looking tired as Izzy is sleeping on the chair while snoring while the others are looking tired on the couch.

“Hey, ponies!” Pipp called out, as she is now better as she sounded normal, which caused the others to wake up. “Listen to this.” She said as she flew to them and landed on the table as she clears her throat. “Hey Pippsqueaks, it’s ya girl Pipp! Please welcome my guests, Electric Blue!” She called out with a smile as her wings spread.

“She’s back!” Hitch cheered as the others smiled at her.

“Feeling better already, Pipp.” Sunset added with a smile.

“See?” Zipp asked with a smirk as she flew next to her sister. “All you needed was a little rest!” She added with a wink.

“A little tea!” Izzy added next with a smile as she came next to her friends.

“Some yummy soup!” Sunny added next.

“A special remedy!” Sunset added next.

“And a good hangout!” Hitch finished as he place his hoof on Sparky as the baby dragon cheered as Zipp flew to the baby dragon as well and placed a hoof on his head.

“Yeah!” Pipp said in agreement. “I’m sorry if I was a difficult patient.” She apologizes at how she was stressed at her friends when they were taking care of her. “You all worked so hard to entertain me, keep me preoccupied, give me a special remedy, and even get my health back, but all I really needed was to know my friends care about me. Like Sunset told me that when I was getting stressed out by it.” She finished as her friends smiled at her.

“Ah!” Izzy called out with a wave and a smile. “If I knew that’s what you needed, I wouldn’t have tried so hard!” She said cheerfully.

The rest of the Mane 6, and Sparky, laugh from what Izzy said, finding it really funny when she said things like that. “Izzy, you funny Unicorn.” Sunset said with a chuckle.

“We’re just glad you’re okay.” Zipp said to her sister with a smile before she remembered something important for Zipp. “But you gotta get to Mane Melody for your big livestream with Electric Blue!” She reminded her about the livestream that her sister needs to do.

“Oh yeah, you’re late!” Hitch added in concern.

“You should get going if you want to start the livestream, Pipp!” Sunset added in concern.

Pipp just gave a smile to her friends. “You know what? I think I’d like to do it here, with you ponies.” She said as her friends smiled at her. “You’re the reason I feel good enough to stream, after all!” She added.

“I think we can help with that!” Sunny said with a wink at Pipp with a smile.

“Let’s get started, ponies!” Sunset called out to them with a smile as they got started.

A little bit later, the Mane 6 are setting things up for Pipp’s livestream as Hitch rolled out Pipp’s laptop as Sparky opened it up, Izzy levitated the microphone holder as Pipp place her lucky microphone in place as Zipp turned on the TV where it showed a screenshare of Electric Blue as they waved to them on the screen as they waved back as the Mane 6 are doing the finishing touches for Pipp’s livestream.

But they didn’t know that trouble and danger would be coming for them sooner than they expected.

End of Chapter 4 Ep 6.