• Published 9th Oct 2022
  • 3,156 Views, 144 Comments

My Little Ball of Fire & Vengeance - Scootaboom1

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Ch 7

Amber Wood

Well it is official.

"I am completely lost."

I sighed as I looked around the darkened forest lit only by the cyan and magenta flames of my nirik form.

I had gone out in search of my little nook in the woods and now I can't even find my way of the forest.

If I starve out here I am blaming Trixie.

Eventually I heard a deep growling sound from the underbrush.

"That does not sound like those wood wolves?"

Looking to the source of the sound I saw something that concerned me.

Crawling from the underbrush was some kind of alligator or maybe crocodile made of rock.

With a nervous voice and smile I asked, "You wouldn't happen to be flamible, would you?"

The rockodile as I have decided to call it was just big enough to barely fit me in it's mouth but still enough to take a good bite out of me.

It let out a hiss and charged.

I knew that I could not fight it off.

I mean I literally did not know how to actually fight.

The wood wolves ran off the moment they were caught on fire.

The rockodile probably can not be set on fire and even if it could it probably would not care.

I jumped out of the way to the left a started to run.

I ran down the trail as the rockodile followed closely behind giving a loud hissing roar.

As I ran I knew that I could not take it in a fight or keep running forever.

Eventually the thick vegetation gave way to a more open area.

To the right I saw my salvation...

Or death.

Either way I will not have to worry about the rockodile anymore.

A very deep looking ravine with both sides connected by a natural narrow stone bridge.

Running in the direction of the bridge I was actually worried that it may have been too narrow for me to cross, but I did not have enough time to change the plan.

As I rushed across the narrow bridge I heard the rockodile hesitate for a second or two before it continued.

I flicked my nirik tail against the leaves on the ground to create a small wall of fire in hopes of slowing it down even a little.

It seemed to work for just long enough that I could get to the other side.

Looking back I saw that the rockodile was struggling to cross the narrow bridge with it's much wider build.

It was wobbling side to side just barely staying on.

I need to find something to nock it off.

Looking around there was no rock I could kick into it's eye so I will have to improvise.

As the rockodile was off balance decided to huk a loggy at it.

As the cyan and magenta colored flaming loggy flew through the air and directly into the rockodiles' eye.

The sudden blaze in it's eye throw it off balance causing it to slip from the bridge.

In an attempted to not fall from the stone bridge into the ravine below it tried to grab the bridge with a claw.

Unfortunately for it the narrow bridge was just to fragile causing it to break apart.

Finally safe from the rockodile my legs collapsed below me and I sighed in releaf.

That is until I heard a growling hiss.

This was not the same one that came from the rockodile, no.

This one sounded bigger and there was something else to the sound.

Standing again I looked towards the ravine only for a massive serpentine head to raise from below.

The large red bump on it's head told me all I needed to know.

"This could not possibly get any worse..."

As if on cue three more massive heads raised from below as well.

I let out a tired breath and said, "You know what, I had that coming, I really should not have said that."

I heard a scratching crash as the serpentine heads approached.

Was it climbing up a sheer rock face.

Well what ever it was doing I do not plan to stay and find out.

A random lecture hall somewhere in Equestria

"Now remember what makes it difficult to escape from hydras are not the multiple head but that their powerful legs and claws allow them to scale even sheer rock faces in pursuit of prey."

Amber Wood

In an attempt to escape the serpentine creature I ran into a area with denser foliage.

Unfortunately do to it's massive size it could push down smaller trees with ease.

Fortunately some of the larger trees held their own slowing it down significantly but it was still not enough.

I had to find a way to stop it from reaching me.

As I continued to run from the serpentine creature when a large cave entrance came into view.

If I was lucky it will be completely unable to fit through the entrance of the cave and if I get cornered then oh well.

Running into the cave I was met by an unexpected sight.

Laying atop a pill of gem stones was a massive green dragon.

"Well then this is how I die. I never knew that I would go out in such a metal way."

As the serpentine creature entered the cave the dragons' eyes opened and it shot a plum of fire at the ground in front of the serpentine creature.

Due to my near proximity to the fire breath a stray ember flew over to me and burned my foreleg even though I was in my nirik form.

Note to self; not fire proof.

When faced with the dragons' fire the serpentine creature backed away from the cave entrance and ran off.

The dragon then turned it's massive head to face me while making a low growl.

Falling to my haunches I let out an annoyed sigh and presented my neck pointed to it and said with an irritated voice, "Just make it quick, would you."