• Published 9th Oct 2022
  • 3,160 Views, 144 Comments

My Little Ball of Fire & Vengeance - Scootaboom1

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Ch 16

Amber Wood



Dinky and I rolled our eyes and I repeated, "I am not teaching you three to be ninjas. I am teaching you related skills but not how to be actual ninja.

Besides your guardians would skin me alive if I taught you anything involving actual weapons."

Scootaloo asked with buzzing wings, "Hey Amber can you teach us some rope tricks too!?"

Sighing I responded, "If we have time than maybe but remember that we are on a schedule."

As I was about to begin my lecture when Rumble came flying by and shouted, "Hey cutie mark crusaders something is going on in the town center. Trixie is back!"

He immediately flew back to the town center where he came from as I started to see red.

Fortunately I managed to contain my nirik form as Dinky asked, "Should we check it out?"

I didn't think that I was going nirik just yet but I would soon regardless if I didn't release some heat.

"Why don't you four go on ahead to see what's up while I clean up a bit so we can reschedule."

Dinky and the crusaders looked between each other before Apple Bloom asked, "You sure?"

After I gave a quick nod Scootaloo said, "Okay then..."

Going into the bushes I quickly went nirik and back before heading over to the town center to check out what was going on.

Keeping out of sight to hide from Trixie I decided to observe events unfold from the bushes, and the first thing I noticed was Trixie using magic to terrorizing the town ponies.

But something was wrong...

Even if Trixie was a blowhard there is something different about her, but I can't figure out what.

When the small puddle I was standing in started to evaporate I decided to change hiding places.

After changing bushes I noticed that Twilight had arrived to confront Trixie.

As they began their magic dual I was shocked by what I saw!

"An age spell!?"

Okay now I know for sure that something is wrong.

If I was not worried about her seeing me and revealing my secret I could get a closer look at Trixie.

Twilight was unable to match the age spell Trixie cast.

Trixie then began to laugh maniacally rather than her normal haughty one.

She used her magic to launch Twilight out of town before teleporting away.

There was no sign of trouble from Trixie until a giant glass dome formed over and around Ponyville.


That can't be good."

Trixie teleported back to the town center somehow laughing even more evilly than before.

This time I got a much better look at her and I noticed an odd gleam in her eyes.

In fact now that I could get a look at her front I noticed an identical gleam of light from a piece of jewelry around her neck.

I guess that now is the time to visit the library...


... after Trixie finished shouting out demands of course.

I didn't want to get caught by her for now.

When the coast is clear I will have to make my way to the library.

Somewhere in the Everfree Forest

Twilight looked around and asked, "Since we are speaking of Trixie at the moment, do you know where that nirik lives."

Zecora responded, "Despite having tried my best I'm still not sure where it is she nest."

Amber Wood


"There are entire volumes about magical artifacts but none of them are near each other!?

Are age spells transfiguration or alteration!?

What's the difference between transformation and transmogrification!?

And why are they all different sections that are not anywhere near each other!?"

I felt like I was boarding on going nirik but doing that in a wooden house that also doubled as a library, or was it a library that doubled as a house.

Regardless starting a fire here sounded like a bad idea.

As I continued to search for a book that could answer my question Spike and the other friends of Twilight Sparkle entered the library.

Rainbow Dash spotted me immediately and with an accusatory voice asked, "What are you doing here!?"

Rarity rolled her eyes and said, "Rainbow Dash honestly she could be here too hide from Trixie.

Oh, Amber before I forget Carrot Top is looking for you dear."

"Thank you miss Rarity but I'm not here to hide.

Something about that piece of jewelry Trixie was wearing around her neck rubbed me the wrong way. So I thought to check the library for answers but the organization of this library is completely insane!"

Spike let out an exasperated sigh and said, "Tell me about it...

If I hadn't lived with her for my whole entire life and the fact that she makes me I wouldn't be able to wrap my head around it."

Applejack came up and rest a hoof on my back before saying, "Well thank you kindly Amber for your tip, but Carrot Top is getting a mite worry for you. We'll take it from here but you hurry along and make sure Carrot Top knows that you're okay."

"Okay then...

Oh, by the way the books in that stack are the ones that I already looked through but the ones on that table are the ones that I was about to search right now."

As I was about to leave the library I remembered that I had left a bag of smoke bombs on the table, "Oh! I'm not sure if you can make use of them but my bag has a bunch of smoke bombs that I was going to use they with the crusaders.

Just bring it back to Carrot Tops' house later on."

Fluttershy nodded as Pinkie Pie waved and cheerfully said, "We will!"

After I returned home Carrot Top ran up and hugged me.

With tear filled eyes Carrot Top asked, "Where were you and why did you not say anything!?"

"Sorry but I was just checking the library for answers to what was going on?"

Carrot Top sighted and said, "Next time tell some pony."

I nodded in affirmations and joined the others in hiding.