• Published 9th Sep 2022
  • 6,447 Views, 1,250 Comments

Approaching Apotheosis - KKSlider

When the days draw short and the nights grow long, the line between friend and foe becomes harder to see. The formerly-human King Phasma must stand strong with his friends against the encroaching dark.

  • ...

6- Of Mice and Mares

Twilight waited patiently as Coxa turned about in his chair. The changeling scribe had been trying unsuccessfully to get comfortable for the past twenty-two minutes.

A stray hole-covered hoof knocked one of the beer bottles off the table next to him.

"Whoops," the changeling muttered. "Good thing I got twelve more, heheh," he chuckled, leaning over the armrest to examine his forest of empty beer bottles.

Twilight fidgeted with her own half-empty bottle of soda.

"It just doesn't make sense," she sighed. "You're telling me there's an entire world beneath our hooves? And it's been there the entire time?! It's not possible!"

"'S not impossible, 's improbable," the changeling slurred.

Twilight's ears perked up, ".... That's just a technicality. No, it has to be impossible. There's been what? A million scrying spells, scans, and other spells cast in the past three centuries alone that would have picked up on this ‘Underhive's’ existence, or at least hinted at its existence? If it exists, how come nopony has ever found it?"

"Filled big ol' beasties. 'N small ones, too," Coxa chuckled.

"No, that would explain why the Underhive has been unexplored, not undiscovered."

"Suppose so," he shrugged.

"So how is it that nopony found these caverns?"

"They're down low," Coxa explained, pointing to the floor as if that would help. "Lower than most mines ever reach. And the ones that do reach that low… heh, there's no garaunteeeee," Coxa stretched out the word, "that…. What were we- Oh. It's easy to miss. Upper two layers are, uh, sporadic. Sparidic. Sp… yeah. Easy to miss. You'll never dig down far enough to hit the Sunken Rot, let alone the Sunless Sea."

"But the spells!" Twilight insisted.

Coxa scrunched up his face in thought, ".... Oh! The Labar… Panar's Labyrinth. That would'a messed up any spells. It's why you can't teleport to there. Or scry it. Makes it seem like the whoooooole Underhive doesn't exist."

"Panar? That's your deity, right?"


Twilight steeples her hooves as she thought aloud, "What… is this Labyrinth?"

Coxa waved a hoof slowly across the sky, as if conjuring images of the place, "Beauutiful caverns! Crystal, gems, 'n…. some other third thing. 'S beautiful, the stories say. Beautiful. Noling alive has seen it. Last ling who did was… probably Princess Procho. She died, though. Died to death."

"How do these crystal caverns block magic?" Twilight asked. "The Crystal Caves are right beneath Canterlot, and they don't mess with magic… that much."

Coxa shrugged, "Magic. They're magic. Maybe the most magic that's ever magicked! If changelings come from the Underhive– which maybe we do– then maybe… we were born there? Or something? We eat magic, right?"

"Wow," Twilight gasped. "That would be phenomenal! A biome so filled with ambient magic that sapient life evolved to feed off of it! Where did you hear about all of…"

Twilight trailed off when she saw that Coxa wasn't paying attention.

"Rums gone," the insect philosopher cried out in despair, shaking an empty bottle. "I gotta get more. You want some?"

"Uh, no, I'm good. You should also probably stop drinking…"

Coxa frowned, ".... Probably. If I die of liver failure, Lace will be upset. Phasmuh too. 'N Thorax, but he'd cry over a butterfly dying, I think."

The changeling shifted in his seat, causing a bottle on the floor to get knocked over. Hearing the noise, Coxa leaned over to see.

"Hey hey, more rum!" He cheered, levitating up the unopened bottle. "You wan' some?" He asked, shaking the bottle in Twilight's direction.

"No, thank you," Twilight shook her head.

Coxa shook the bottle again.

"... One glass," Twilight relented.

Coxa grinned, "One glass comin' right up, Twiligh'. "

Twilight plucked a clean drinking glass from a table not too far away and filled it up with the slightly green brew. The two tapped their respective drinks together, Twilight's drinking glass and Coxa's… whole bottle of rum. Twilight then took a sip of the drink and cringed immediately, almost spitting it out.

"This stuff is revolting!"

"Heh, yeah…" Coxa giggled. "But welcome to the Hive!"


"Drinking shroom juice! You're initiated! Welcome to the Four…. to the Fifth Hive! Yer practically a citizen now!"

Twilight examined the bottle in Coxa's grip and found it to be one of the changelings' own variety of alcohol.

"I haven't signed any paperwork, Coxa. I can't be a citizen of your kingdom."

"We ain't got no paperwork for that!"

Twilight blinked, "... I've never had dual citizenship before."

"Well, now you don't gotta pay Equesssstrian taxes," Coxa slurred. "Oh, but you might be called on to die for the Fifth. Sorry if that happens."

"I can't serve in the military," Twilight scowled. "That's not who I am. Sorry, Coxa, but uh… I'll pass on the whole citizenship thing."

Coxa fake-sobbed, "Alas, we had such meh-memories together! Oh, Twilight, what a future you could'a had… If I listen close enough, I swear I could hear her voice…."

"I'm not dead," Twilight said, keeping a straight face.

"I can hear her now!" He cried out. "She says… I'm a head!"

"Okay, you've had enough," Twilight pulled away Coxa's bottle.

He relinquished it without a fight, "Now she says… you've had a…. Hey Twilight, what rhymes with enough?"

Twilight sipped from her glass, grimacing at the taste.

"... I see why Dash prefers hard cider. Remind me to get you a glass of Zapp-Apple Cider, Applejack swears it's the best in the land."

"I knew you would be a good friend," Coxa grinned.

Elder Sanguine glanced over Katydid and out the window behind the desk. She could see that within the enchanted barrier in the gardens, the changelings and ponies were enjoying themselves.

“We should not be here,” she whispered to the changeling Captain.

“Nope,” he replied.

“So let us depart,” Sanguine gestured to the door behind her. “There are several barrels full of wine that need to be emptied and I intend to volunteer myself for the duty. That is, I plan to get ‘shit-faced drunk,’ as you put it.”

“I just need one more minute, keep watching the door,” Katydid replied, pulling open another drawer from his side of the desk.

Sanguine rolled her eyes and ignored his command.

“I can taste your annoyance,” Katydid announced, “and it is definitely not any closer to the door than five seconds ago.”

“You do not command me,” Sanguine told him.

Katydid spat into a hoof and rubbed the gel he spat along the side of the drawer.

“The point of a prank is to get away with it,” Katydid replied. “Hard to get away with it if we’re both caught inside Shining’s office.”

“This was your idea,” Sanguine said.

Katydid shrugged as he worked on the next drawer, “You’re welcome to pitch in your own ideas.”

“... I do not know the Captain as well as you do. I have no animosity nor ill will against him.”

“Yet…” Katydid whispered in a voice quiet enough that would escape the hearing of most ponies.

“Look, they are serving cake,” Sanguine pointed to the party outside the window. “Let us leave for now. There is wine and cake that I must have.”

“You ponies sure do love your drinks and food,” Katydid shook his head and tutted his tongue. “You should try love. It really knocks the… huh?”

Katydid lifted a piece of paper out from one of the Captain’s drawers. After staring at it, he flipped the small thing around to show Sanguine. The small square paper was a miniature painting of orange armor.

“What is it?” Sanguine asked.

“Orange Praetorian armor,” Katydid answered.

“Praetorians, the elite royal guard of the changelings,” Sanguine recited from memory.

“Except there are only two sets of orange armor in existence– and one of them is back in the Fourth Hive.”

“Is this important?” Sanguine asked.

Katydid shrugged, “It could be. King Phasma will want this armor if the ponies have it. In fact, he’ll be pissed if they are concealing it from him.”

“Is it worth that much?”

“It is to him. It belonged to a hero.”

Katydid shut the drawer, keeping the picture with him. Then, he pulled on one of the first drawers that he gelled up. It didn’t budge an inch.

“Alright, we’re done here,” he announced.

As Sanguine and Katydid conspicuously sauntered out of the Royal Guard Captain’s office, Sanguine realized that she had no idea why they had to do all of this in the first place.

“What did the Captain do to irk you enough to demand a response?” She asked the changeling as they tried to find their way back out towards the party.

Katydid looked over his shoulder, “Hmm? Oh, I can’t remember. I think it had something to do with filing out some paperwork for his Swarm? Or a disagreement over the usage of unicorns? Personally, I think he should just fire everyone else. Unicorns really carried the fight against… everything.”

Sanguine paused, “Are you implying every other tribe is inferior?”

“In the battlefield,” Katydid chuckled. “Magic is magic. What do pegasi even do? Flap aggressively?” Katydid paused at the doorway leading outside, “You coming? If they notice our absence…”

Sanguine worked her jaw, “... On second thought, I think it is best that we take a detour, Captain of the Swarm.”

Katydid raised an eyebrow.

The Elder pointed towards one end of the hall, “The sparring pit is that way. If you believe that only unicorns can fight, I would like to see you prove that.”

Katydid let the door close as he stepped back inside, “Elder Sanguine, I mean no disrespect, but aren’t you kinda… old?”

“Ha! And I will still kick your flank from here to Timbucktu!”

Katydid sighed, “If I get in trouble when you have a heart attack… Fine. I’ll prove to you just how much better magic is than those wings of yours.”

Luna adjusted my party hat, nudging it over into an appropriately jaunty angle. I gave her a smile and pulled her closer to me, hugging her tightly.

“Do you have any tales from when you lived within the Fourth Hive?” Celestia asked me.

“Nah,” I shook my head. “That was mostly just work.”

“How about when you were a guard in that town…. Hooferville?” Cadance offered.

I tapped my chin, “Hmmm…”

“There was the whole ‘Public Indecency' thing you came up with,” Bray offered. At my confusion, she continued, “When the Prohibition kicked in, the Hooferville guard found ourselves with a problem; like the rest of Equestria, we weren’t Canterlot. Daybreaker’s ban on alcohol was… not supported. Enforced, yes, but not supported. So, heh, we’ve got to arrest ponies that are clearly showing signs of intoxication– or had alcohol on them. But nopony wanted to give these family and friends criminal records over some stupid Canterlot law.”

“I don’t remember this,” I said. “The problem of enforcing the Prohibition, yes, but where does the Public Indecency bit come in?”

You came up with it,” Bray giggled. “One afternoon, we found a mare that was as drunk as a skunk. Something about a lover breaking up with her. Rather than take her in for intoxication, which kinda ruined any chance of joining the guard, getting certain tax breaks, and so on, Phasma– or rather Lone Star here started rambling on about public indecency. Never mind the fact that clothes are rare enough, he was acting like being naked was against the law! Drunk in public? You’re naked, sleep it off in a cell. Selling alcohol? Stop being naked, it’s against the law. Distributing one of those publications that Daybreaker banned? Put some clothes on, and don’t let us catch you again!”

The ponies and changelings were chuckling at the ludicrous idea of public nudity being illegal.

“Not my fault no one’s heard of pants,” I grumbled.

Bray continued, “So many infractions disappeared into this abyss. Even the Captain of the Guard endorsed it! Said he’d rather we didn’t waste time enforcing some penny-pinchers’ laws. Oh mare, last summer so many ponies received warnings or were thrown in jail for a night for being naked!”

I shook my head, “Still don’t…. Oh. Oh. Is this when I arrested the mayor?”

“You what?!” Celestia gasped.

“Hahaha, yeah! Now you’re getting it!” Bray laughed.

“Now this I have to hear,” Cadance grinned, snuggling up with her fiance.

“But if I don’t share the story, then you’ll have to invite me to another party to tell it,” I grinned.

“Or we could just invite Bray Call here,” Luna pointed out.

I gasped, “No–!”

“Anytime, Your Highness,” Bray giggled.

I squeezed Luna, “What about me? What about my needs? What about PhasmaI?!

“Suffer,” Luna chuckled as she laid her head on my shoulder.

“We seem to be out of beer,” Bray lamented, looking around for any more drinks.

“Perhaps we should take that as a sign,” Luna suggested. “None of us have my sister’s constitution when it comes to drinking.”

“Nonsense!” Celestia stood up. “I know just where to get some more!”

Celestia skipped off– skipped off in search of her number one vice. Quick Search turned to Lacewing, who had joined our conversation group a bit ago.

“Hey, Lacewing?” He asked. “I’ve always wondered… The lings I’ve talked to mention Phasma like he’s a… well, a saint. How do you and his other close friends see him?”

As Lacewing launched into a lengthy explanation that boiled down to ‘it depends on the changeling, he’s just Phas to us,’ Luna pointed to various constellations in the sky and listed off their stories and names. Turns out, there’s a whole wheelhouse of constellations that Luna loved placing around in the sky. Sometimes she would invent stories of interactions between various characters that had been placed next to each other. Other times, she’d create new shapes in the hope that someone would notice.

Our attention was brought back to the ground when the singing that I dreaded most in life started up behind me. The ponies quickly took up the song, with the changelings looking on with confusion. Luna stood up straight, joining the singing and putting me even more in the spotlight.

“Happy birthday to you!” Celestia sang, carrying a large cake with chocolate frosting with her magic.

“Happy birthday, dear Phasma!” The ponies cheered.

“This some kinda cult thing?” Lacewing whispered to Coxa as he and Twilight joined the group.

Celestia set the cake down on the table as they sang. The large cake had a number of candles burning and sparkling across it. In orange frosting– very topical– were the words ‘Happy Birthday Hatchday Phasma!’

“He did what?!”

Celestia’s singing and smile faltered as a certain someone with a very southern accent yelled from across the party. Then, the ponies’ singing entirely dropped off as Applejack, Fluttershy, and a very nervous Thorax stomped over to the table, yelling all the while.

“Just what do you think you’re doin’?!” Applejack yelled.

“... Who?” Celestia asked, looking around in clear confusion.

“No– not you, Princess. Him!” She jabbed a hoof at me.

“... Celebrating my birthday?” I offered. “... Hatchday? Whatever?”

“Huh, you must think you're so clever,” Applejack growled as she closed the distance between us. “Didn’t think anypony’d find out, did’jya?!”

I glared at her, “What are you talking about?”

She banged a hoof against the table, sending silverware and dishes clanging.

“Tarsus!” She yelled. “What’chya did to Tarsus!”

My expression hardened.

“What is she talking about, Phasma?” Celestia asked.

I didn’t answer. I was too busy staring down the angry farmmare. If she wanted an apology out of me, she wasn’t going to get one.

“Luna?” Celestia turned to her sister.

Luna sighed, “The turncoat. Phasma passed judgment against him shortly after the victory against the Fourth Hive.”

“Judgment?!” Applejack repeated. “Is that what you’re callin’ it, Princess? Judgment?! The King here butchered somepony and called it justice!”


“No way…”


Various cries of dismay and outrage came from the ponies gathered, whereas the changelings remained silent. From the Elements of Harmony to the former Hooferville Guard, every pony was upset. Upset with me.

‘Save for Luna.’

“I told you so,” she whispered.

‘Okay, maybe Luna too.’

“King Phasma,” Celestia said, her voice quickly becoming as cold as the fall weather outside of the magical bubble. “Explain.”

I broke off my staring contest with Applejack. Celestia was staring at me from across the table, the candles on the cake below her slowly burning away and dripping wax.

“What is there to explain?”

Celestia snorted in anger, “You know the terms of living within Equestria. Tarsus… this is the changeling who betrayed you? The one who was a friend?”


“I was under the impression that he was under lock and key– just like the Captain of the Praetorians and the rest of Chrysalis’s important loyalists. What. Happened?”

“I stripped him of his rank, his honors, and his name. Then, I blinded him and banished him.”

“What was that last one?” Rainbow Dash asked quietly.

“I. Cut. Out. His. Eyes,” I said slowly. “One quick slash, reducing them to nothing. Then I banished him.” As Fluttershy began to vomit, I continued, “I wanted to execute him, but cooler heads prevailed.”

“Oh my Celestia–” Twilight whispered, rapidly looking between Celestia and I.

“You bucking remorseless–” Twilight’s brother snarled at me, only to be stopped by Cadance.

“Cooler heads?!” Cadance hissed. “How on Equus is that anything resembling a cool reaction?! You mutilated somepony!”

“You knew about this?” Celestia asked Luna.

Luna nodded, “He could not be dissuaded–”

“You could have stopped this?!” Celestia yelled.

Luna stayed her sister’s anger with a hoof, “No. I… suppose I could have, in hindsight. However, I figured that this could be reversible, all things considered. Changelings do have the ability to regenerate body parts when given their own medical treatment.”

Celestia shook her head, “Luna. You knew this was wrong. You should have stopped it. You should have come to me if you couldn’t.”

Luna scoffed, “When you were stunned and struck with War Fright?” She grunted, “With PTSD? I was on my own.”

“You could have come to me!” Cadance stepped forward.

Luna gave Cadance a withering glare, “I mean no disrespect, niece, but you have not seen the things we have seen. The things we have done.”

Cadance shook her head, “No, there’s nothing you could have–”

“Worse,” Luna cut her off. “No, this was a lesson Phasma needed to learn on his own. I could have stopped it, but he wouldn’t listen to me. I was not about to raise a hoof against him.”

“Maybe you should’a,” Shining Armor mumbled, leaning against Cadance. “Aren’t you supposed to be in charge of fixing ‘em? You’re supposed to stop him!”

“Shining!” Cadance hissed.

“No, the Captain’s right,” Celestia silenced the pink alicorn. “Luna. This is your failure, too. Which makes it mine as well…. Faust above, this is a mess. But you may be right; we might be able to reverse this.”

“No,” I growled.

“Ponies guilty of crimes are given a trial and serve prison time to reform them. They are not punished, let alone brutalized,” Celestia stomped a hoof. “You should know! You should realize that we have done so much for you– excused so much due to what you have been through! Letting Luna handle your reformation was a mistake. I’m sorry, sister, but you’ve been through too much too recently… We both have, now that I think about it.”

“I can handle–” Luna began.

“No, you cannot,” Celestia cut her off. “You are too close. Phasma has to be watched over by somepony who isn’t madly in love with him.”

“Nothing mad about it,” Luna said under her breath.

“I’ll do it,” Cadance volunteered.

“No, I’ll do it,” Shining volunteered, swaying away from his fiancé's side.

“Never going to happen,” I snarled.

“Maybe we could help him in Ponyville!” Twilight interjected.

All heads turned towards her.

“... Right, bad idea,” she admitted.

“We could give ‘em the ol’ one-two with the Elements!” Rainbow said, punching the air.

“And I could give you the ol’ one-two with a blade,” I spat. “No magical artifacts will be used. I dunno what your Harmony will do to me, but I’d rather not find out!”

Celestia sighed, “Then Cadance will take over your progress. I’m sorry, Luna, but it has to be this way.”

Luna crossed her hooves, looked away, and shrugged, “... Perhaps.”

“Then it’s decided,” Cadance said, looking at me.

‘Me? Answer to the Princess of Food? Hmph. If that half-wit soon-to-be husband of hers stays out of my affairs…. Maybe. Or maybe I need to get more pieces on my side of the board before these ponies’ ineptitude gets me killed again.’

“The first thing we need to do is fix this,” Celestia announced.

“It’s that bastard’s fault that so many died!” I yelled.

“No, it isn’t!” She yelled back. “Unless you’ve lied to us, then you murdered the changeling Eucharis at the same time that Tarsus betrayed you! Both of you started killing at the same time, unknown to each other!”

I felt my blood chill at the mention of my biological father.

“No!” I insisted. “I… Eucharis chose to side against me! He refused to listen! I spared Commander Scorpion afterwards!”

“You would have executed or banished him in the same manner you banished Tarsus,” Celestia declared. “It’s time to break this cycle of violence! Only by extending an– where are you going?!” Celestia called out after me.

Thorax, Lacewing, and Coxa stumbled after me, leaving behind the ponies. The few other changelings in attendance stared awkwardly at each other as we departed.

Author's Note:

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