• Published 9th Sep 2022
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Approaching Apotheosis - KKSlider

When the days draw short and the nights grow long, the line between friend and foe becomes harder to see. The formerly-human King Phasma must stand strong with his friends against the encroaching dark.

  • ...

8- Enkidu’s Dream

Lothar is dying.

The fact echoed in King Cyne Frostwing’s mind like a bronze bell, tolling over and over and over and….

Lothar is dying.

Cyne struggled to even remember the seconds before. Rykard had said something funny, Lothar and Cyne laughed, and then a claw-long shaft of wood tipped with an iron wedge had embedded itself halfway through Lothar’s neck.

Cyne’s best friend had fallen to the ground, writhing in shock and surprise. Blood was pouring out of the wound at a rate that spelled doom for the griff.

With a gasp, his mind returned to the present. Rykard was screeching his beak off. The poor blind bird had only heard what happened– but the distinct sound of Lothar’s spine being cracked open and the stunned silence that followed left nothing to the imagination. Somewhere behind Cyne, Maia was frantically scrambling for her own crossbow, screaming at Cyne to take cover. The young griffon would be of no help here.

“What are you waiting for?” Empress Gristle whispered. “Kill that assassin before they kill you!”

As the blood pooled around Lothar’s squirming body, Cyne’s head slowly turned to where the shot had come from.

‘She’s right. I… I can’t help Lothar. There’s nothing– no, he has minutes at best, and nothing I can… The only thing I can do is make sure to catch his murderer!’

With a single powerful beat of his wings, Cyne took to the air. Rykard’s screeches became more frantic when the fire between them was suddenly blown right into the blind griffon.

Cyne made a small mental note to apologize later. For now, he had to find out who had just hurt Lothar– murdered Lothar. Murdered.

On the hill nearby, Cyne found a discarded crossbow. He swiftly picked it up and spun it around in his claws while scanning the area around the hill for clues. The grass was depressed from where the assassin– no, assassins had crawled around. Strands of fur clung to the blades of grass, giving Cyne an idea of what they looked like.

“There’s a mark there,” Empress Gristle whispered.

“I don’t see it,” Cyne responded, eyeing the necklace hanging from his neck wearily. “Where?”

The green gem, wreathed with a gold brace, sparkled with feint magic as Empress Gristle spoke.

“There, Next to your right thumb.”

Cyne swore as he saw what Gristle pointed out. The discoloration in the wood indicated that a symbol had been removed recently from the crossbow.

“The Idol,” he swore. “I knew their promises of peace were utter crap! When I finally get Cardinal Farvald, I’m going to flay that piece of shit alive!”

‘But first, I’m going to break these two griffons into pieces!’

His eyes caught the next clue; to the West, several branches had been broken outwards, away from the hill. With a snarl, the King took to the air once more, hell-bent on catching the bastards who were responsible.

Giardia remained still, her head bent low. I saw her hold her breath as she awaited my response.

"Confirm that," I commanded her.

"The Traitor lives. The Living Hero was there. His presence required a ranged attempt, as any sort of close-range attack would have been ended by the massive griffon. The shot missed. King Cyne Frostwing caught Ent as we fled. I had to attack the King to save him. We're alive, but there are patrols that are sweeping the area."

I sat back, staring at her through the communicator's magical portal.

"How did you defeat this royal Griffon by yourself?"

"I never said I defeated him, My King. I said I attacked him. I stabbed the base of one of his wings with a knife, severing many of the muscles and tendons located there. While he was howling in pain, I grabbed Ent and flew him out of there. If there had been a single other Griffon present, neither of us would have gotten away."

"Wait, didn't you say there was a third Griffon there?"

"She never joined the pursuit, My King. I don't know why," Giardia explained.

"A lucky break, I guess," I mumbled.

"We never found out why the King was with Tarsus without his army," Giardia continued. "He didn't even have bodyguards either. Nor did we know why he was meeting with the Traitor."

I sighed. "Prepare to be recalled. I'll have a team infiltrate in your stead, but we should assume that your disguises are blown. Do the Griffons know of our involvement?"

"No, My King."

"Does the Traitor know?"

"No, My King."

'Damn. Damn it all! Now this is truly fucked! I've got a Griffon King who just experienced what he will assume to be an attempt on his life, I've got one near-dead Infiltrator, and I've got a very-much-alive Traitor!'

"Prepare for retrieval," I told her.

"My King! I can finish the job," Giardia insisted.

"Forget Tarsus," I shook my head. "The mission is over. Just get out of there. That's an order."

The Infiltrator hesitated, "... Yes, My King."

Without another word, the communicator shut off.

"That's not good," Coxa whispered.

"That's an understatement," I growled, putting my head in my hooves. "I’ll go tell Celestia about this. In theory, there’s no believable way for them to figure out that it was changelings behind the attack. But reality doesn’t have to be believable. Let’s just hope things turn out for the better. You know, for once.”

"And if they don't?" Coxa asked.

"Then I'm about to get yelled at for nothing. Ugh. I'll also have to tell Luna. Not right away, but soon. She's not going to like this," I groaned.

"You want me to come with you?" Coxa asked.

"I think their yelling would kill you. Just drink some water and try to get past your hangover."

"... Right," he mumbled, rubbing his head. “Thanks for the concern.”

I chuckled weakly, "If I don't come back, just assume that Celestia has killed me."

Princess Luna looked up at me. I looked down at her.



“... Marvelous… weather we’re having.”

“Yes. You ponies control the weather, so that is expected.”



“... We must be off. Stallions first.”

“.... Excuse me?” I asked, the strange custom breaking up the awkward conversation.

“It is customary for stallions to enter first,” Luna explained.

“Is it?”

“... No,” she admitted. “Only the most chivalrous of mares practiced such customs, and even then, it was to much ridicule.”

With a shrug, I stepped onto Luna’s carriage. Luna followed after me, sitting down on the one bench and yelled an order to the six thestrals waiting to haul her chariot across the sky.

“Night Guard!” She commanded. “We take to the skies in midnight clad!”

The six Guards each returned a crisp salute before splaying their wings wide and galloping across the runway. Wings beat hard as the carriage approached the edge; before the heavy open-topped chariot could fall off the edge and into the open air above the Palace’s outer gardens, the stallions pulled on their reins and lifted the chariot into the sky.

Despite my own ability to fly, I clutched the side of the chariot and the bottom of my seat out of fear of falling. It was only when we were several hundred hooves above the ground and when the ride steadied that I let go and tried to relax.

As her guards took us from Canterlot and down to Ponyville, I leaned close to Luna to speak to her. Almost instinctively, she extended a wing and pulled me into a half-hug.

“Your friend Lacewing told me you were coming,” Luna said.

“You managed to recognize a changeling? I thought no pony could do that.”

“... She is the only female changeling who deigns to speak with me.”

“I see… You know, we haven’t spoken much about the… trial,” I said.

“No,” she agreed.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No,” Luna repeated. “I just want to enjoy this night. Leave tomorrow’s worries for tomorrow.

Rather than trying to broach the subject again, I remained silent for the rest of the trip.

Thankfully, the Night Guards, while new to Equestria, were not unfamiliar with the duty of hauling sky carriages. With their passable skills in pulling one thing from place A to place B, we were left with a relatively quiet journey to the small town.

When we had arrived above the town, Princess Luna’s carriage plunged through the clouds, descending upon Ponyville. Once again, I found myself desperately clutching the side of the carriage. The thestrals put on the brakes at the last second, coming to a skidding halt in a park close to the town square. Before she disembarked, I watched as Luna bottled up any emotions she felt and put on a wide smile.

“Excellent work,” Luna complimented the thestrals. “As unglamorous as it is, I must ask you all to stand guard near the chariot. Rest assured, there are no threats in Ponyville.”

The thestrals began to untie themselves from the chariot as we stepped away and headed towards the center of town. I saw ponies watching from a distance, each in a Halloween costume, clutching bags that were as colorful as their coats.

“Oh,” I whispered. “Right.”

“Something wrong?” Luna asked.

“I… forgot what today was,” I admitted.

“Why did you think we were coming to Ponyville, in that case?”

“I’ve been busy. Very busy.” I rubbed my eyes, “Did you have a plan for what to do when we got here?”

“I was going to make a dramatic entrance,” Luna sighed. “After last night, I think it is best that we find Twilight Sparkle and… learn what ponies do during Nightmare Night.”

As Luna guided us towards wherever Twilight Sparkle lived, I found myself asking, “Luna, just what is Nightmare Night? Because it looks a lot like a holiday from back home…”

“It is a celebration of fright and treats, I am told. It is said that the foals gather sweets from the townsfolk but must sacrifice a portion to Nightmare Moon, lest she… gobble them up.”

“... And you are looking forward to this?”

Luna smiled weakly, “Indeed!”

Fluttershy ran a hoof through her mane, trying to pay attention to her friends.

The interior of Twilight’s house had thankfully been spared the extensive scary decorations that covered Ponyville. Despite this, Fluttershy found herself struggling to pay attention to the conversation at hoof. Her thoughts kept drifting back to last night. Which, to be fair, had been packed full of… emotions.

‘Then again, changelings do love emotions. I just wish these ones were more pleasant.’


Fluttershy looked up. Rarity had finished putting on her spider-web shawl, completing her look of…. Well, a spider web. A very well made spider web with white threads criss crossing across black canvases. Fluttershy had voiced her opinion that Rarity’s dress and top hat costume was less scary and instead more… elegant. A better alternative, in her opinion, but one that didn’t quite–

“Fluttershy?” Rarity repeated.

“Oh, yes?”

“I asked if you had seen my ribbon? The one with the spider?”

“Oh, yes. You left it on that bookshelf over there,” Fluttershy pointed to where the fake insect sat.

“Thank you, darling,” Rarity said as she retrieved the spooky accoutrement.

Fluttershy watched as Spike and Twilight walked by and up the stairs in their dragon and Starswirl costumes respectively. Twilight was currently plotting out how to show off Ponyville and Nightmare Night to the Princess.

“You seem quite distracted tonight, Fluttershy,” Rarity continued.

“I guess so.”

Rarity twirled, examining her dress in a mirror.

“I think it’d be rather pointless to ask what troubles you,” Rarity mused after she finished her routine. “Cheer up, Fluttershy. Let’s put that whole mess behind us and focus on tonight!”

“I’d rather not,” Fluttershy said meekly.

“You’re doing great, though,” Rarity cheered her on. “You even have your own costume!”

Fluttershy reached up and touched the comb in her mane. At the end of it, a black spider was stuck on, similar to the one on the ribbon that Rarity had tied around her hat.

“It’s not much of a costume,” Fluttershy admitted.

“It’s the spirit of the thing. Now, Princess Luna will want to go out and see the town tonight. Are you okay with–” Rarity paused as Rainbow Dash arrived.

The pegasus had come to a skidding halt after diving through an open window. Decked out in her Shadowbolt costume, Rainbow strutted over to Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Rarity, Flutters. Check it out. How do I look?” Rainbow asked as she struck a pose.

“You look marvelous, darling,” Rarity chuckled. “I must say, whoever put together that ensemble did a marvelous job!”

“Yeah yeah,” Rainbow waved her off. “We get it. None of this was possible without you, Rares. Heh, Rares and Flutters.”

“Pinkie!” Twilight yelled, interrupting the conversation as her voice echoed across the library from the second floor. “Why did you completely rearrange my fridge?!”

“Glad to see you’re not hiding in your home again, Flutters,” Rainbow smiled.

“Well, Nightmare Night isn’t as scary as… Canterlot burning,” Fluttershy swallowed nervously. “It just seems a bit crazy to still be afraid of spiders and witches and other things. Seems less… real.”

Rarity reached over and patted Fluttershy on the back, “We understand. There was so much–”

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yelled. “I heard you come in! Where are you?!”

“First floor!” Rainbow Dash yelled back. Rainbow then turned to the other two mares, “If she heard me land, then she would know where I am, right?”

Rarity shrugged as Twilight trotted down the stairs and over to the group, “She’s had a lot on her mind, I suppose.”

“Rainbow, is the weather clear?” Twilight asked the pegasus.

“Yes, your highness, I worked on my one afternoon off,” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“I got Mayor Mare to clear your next two days off.”

Rainbow froze, “For real? Awesome! I really owe you, Twilight! How did you even do that?!”

Twilight chuckled, “All it took was mentioning that Princess Luna was coming to town on your night off. The Mayor understood the importance of the occasion. On a side note, she might be freaking out somewhere about organizing tonight. Yes, just like I am.”

A knock at the door pulled Twilight away from the conversation. Even after Twilight yelled that the door was open, the knocking persisted.

“Hey Rarity?” Fluttershy asked. “I hope you don’t mind, but I still have to leave early. Not that I’m scared or anything, but if Harry doesn’t get his dinner on time, he gets really grouchy.”

“Don’t sweat it, dear,” Rarity said. “We’ve all got our own responsibilities to take care of. I just hope you plan on– oh wow.”

Fluttershy turned to see what Rarity had begun to stare at.

“What’s he doing here?!” Rainbow Dash growled.

He is here because he was invited,” King Phasma said as he ducked through the doorway behind Princess Luna.

“Princess Luna!” The ponies exclaimed before dropping into a bow.

Fluttershy heard the King mumble, “I understand I’m big, but I was also the second person to enter.”

“Princess Luna, King Phasma,” Twilight greeted them both. “I’m surprised you came, King Phasma, considering Princess Celestia wrote to me saying you definitely wouldn’t be coming tonight.”

“My schedule cleared up,” the King explained.

“Good evening, Twilight Sparkle,” Princess Luna returned Twilight’s greeting. “Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity. How are all of you?”

"Quite well, Your Highness."

"Pretty good."

"... What they said."

"Hey," Twilight smiled, "are you not going to ask how I'm doing?"

"How are you doing, Twilight Sparkle?" Luna half-grinned.

"Super stressed out," Spike interrupted.

"Oh, good evening, Spike," Luna greeted the dragon. "I don't recall if we have met in person before?"

"Nope," Spike chuckled. "Spike the dragon, number one assistant! Pleasure to meet you officially, your highness!"

Fluttershy beamed as the two shook hooves. Hoof and a claw, at least.

"Likewise, young drake," Luna returned. "This here is King Phasma."

Spike paused, "... Hi."

“Hello… dragon?” King Phasma said slowly. “I have to say, you are the first dragon that I’ve met.”

“And you’re the first changeling I’ve met,” Spike returned.

“Not exactly a great role model,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Rainbow!” Rarity quietly admonished her.

Fluttershy froze when King Phasma looked their way. Clearly, he had heard at least one of them. Rainbow Dash took the initiative to shake off any pretense of courtesy.

“I’m just going to come out and say it. I’m not cool with this.”

“With what?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Are we supposed to pretend that last night never happened?” Rainbow questioned. “It doesn't sit right with me. If Applejack was here, she’d be agreeing with me.”

Twilight frowned, “I don’t think she would.”

“Nopony is asking you to forget anything,” Luna interrupted. “Just accept that it has been addressed and handled. Phasma is listening to us and is working to make things right.”

Fluttershy looked between the two as they began to argue, her ears pressed back against her head.

“I mean no offense, Princess Luna, but you didn’t exactly help,” Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs.

“Rainbow!” Rarity hissed. “We should trust the Princesses! If they say to turn over a new leaf, then we should!”

King Phasma sighed, “Less than thirty seconds here and we’re already getting back into this. You know what? I don’t want to ruin your night with this stuff, Luna. I’ll let you enjoy your first Halloween.”

Princess Luna protested, “You are not–”

The changeling vanished in a bright flash of orange.

“– and he’s gone. And he’s gone!” Princess Luna fumed. “I… I need to find him. Please excuse me.”

“Princess, wait!” Twilight stopped Luna. “We can help fix this.”

“You?” The Princess repeated, staring down at Twilight. “Phasma could be anywhere in town now. You can’t exactly track him down, especially if he disguises. I should be able to recognize any familiar disguise he takes. Horse feathers, this was not supposed to go like this! We were supposed to actually enjoy the night…”

Rainbow Dash, to her credit, was showing signs of guilt. She had shrunk back and her ears were pinned halfway to the back of her head.

“Uh…. sorry, Princess,” Rainbow Dash rubbed a foreleg awkwardly.

“Next time I say that we are handling it, believe me,” Luna told the pegasus. “I understand that I might not have earned your trust when it comes to being entirely fair with him, but do you think I would lie to you? To any of you?”

Rainbow grimaced, “No, Princess Luna. Sorry. I just… I don’t want anypony’s suffering to get swept under the rug.”

“So let us help fix this,” Twilight pressed. “We can split up and cover twice the ground! I’ll go with you, Princess, and Rainbow Dash can scour the town from above! Rarity can go and get Pinkie from where she bounced off to, as well as Applejack.”

Rarity nodded, giving the Princess a reassuring smile.

“If he’s undisguised or whatever, I can find him,” Rainbow confirmed.

“Even if Phasma is not disguised,” Luna countered, “You are the last pony who should approach him right now.”

“I’ll talk to him,” Fluttershy volunteered.

Rainbow turned and stared at Fluttershy in surprise, “You will? You’ll talk to the big scary changeling who…?”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes, “He’s not exactly a dragon. Besides, when did he threaten us?”

Rainbow Dash raised a hoof and opened her mouth to speak. However, no words came to her, so she lowered her hoof slowly.

“It’s really only been you threatening anypony,” Rarity pointed out. “How many times have you threatened to use the Elements of Harmony against him?”

“... They worked on Nightmare Moon,” Rainbow Dash mumbled.

“They might kill Phasma,” Luna countered. “Or turn him to stone. Or send him to the moon…”

“Don’t worry, Princess,” Fluttershy reassured the taller alicorn. “Rainbow can find him and then I can talk to him. She can apologize later…”

Luna nodded slowly, “... Thank you. We shall go with Twilight’s plan. Twilight and I shall search the town center. Fluttershy and Rainbow, search… wherever you can. Rarity, get the last two Elements and search the edges of the town. Let’s find Phasma and salvage this night before it’s ruined by yesterday’s poison.”

Author's Note:

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