• Published 24th Aug 2022
  • 13,600 Views, 977 Comments

Jumping In At The Deep End - Anotherrandom

A tired interdimensional traveler in the form of an adorable little filly finds a place of respite in the magical land of Equestria. And as boring as it is, boredom is maybe exactly what she needs. After all, nothing ever happens in Ponyville, right?

  • ...

Chapter Six: And A Place To Call Home

The circumstances leading to the next few moments depended heavily on several factors.

When Anon opened the doors, she ignored her growing feeling of unease, chalking her nervousness up to the fact she was still calming down from her panic attack.

Lyra and Bon Bon had both forgotten about the Surprise Welcome Party™ as they both still had a lot in their heads concerning the little green filly. One was anxious, the other was too busy trying to solve the puzzle that was the anomalous entity.

And Pinkie Pie was Pinkie Pie.


It would be an apt description of not only Anon's ability, but also personality, to call her jumpy. So when she was presented with a potential weapon, the filly did not hesitate in taking it, and when something spooked her - for example, a bunch of ponies suddenly yelling out loud from a darkened room - her reaction was a little… extreme.

All of that to say, there was now a stolen butter-knife sailing through the air towards Pinkie Pie.



Luckily for Pinkie, throwing a knife with hooves is rather difficult, and she rarely ever stays still.

The knife embedded itself into the wall next to Pinkie Pie's head; the blade making a metallic ringing sound before becoming as still as the shocked onlookers.

Anon didn't have time to observe the room falling into a stunned silence, as she became a victim of an unfortunate fact of equine quadruped biology.

She used a front leg to throw the knife.

Her other front leg was, at the moment, non-functional.

In conclusion; she had no frontal support, and she quickly found herself at risk of planting her face firmly on the floor, while all too aware that using her powers in front of this many people would be a disaster, maybe even a bigger disaster than the accidental attempted murder.

Something caught her, causing her body to seize up. A beige-furred hoof gripped her shoulder, the burns on it protesting briefly.

That's it, I’ve been here for three hours tops and I already screwed up.

It was in a rare moment of absolute clarity, often experienced by those seeing their demise approach, that Anon recognised the pink menace walking towards her.

Pinkamena Diane Pie, another one of the mysterious mares she was supposed to protect. Part of the task given to her by the near-immortal alicorn of the Sun.

And she had nearly skewered her with a butter knife.

Celestia is going to kill me if she finds out.

The pink mare approached, a large smile plastered on her face. No doubt a bad sign for Anon's continuous existence.

"Thank you!"

… What?!?

The words said by Pinkie Pie reached Anon's ears, then they traveled into her brain. The enigmatic words found a roadblock there, the place all but empty, except for a giant neon sign.

It read: Closed for percussive maintenance.

"That mosquito nearly got me!"

"M-mosquito?" stammered out Bon Bon.

Pinkie Pie gave an enthusiastic nod, bouncing in circles around the three confused ponies. "Yup! Mosquitoes are dangerous. Did you know that they’re responsible for more pony deaths than any other animals? It's the evil, evil diseases they carry! They are no fun at all, like, not even a little! But Springy here, can I call you Springy? Springy saw it and was like, whoosh and kablam! And now it's gone! She basically saved my life!"

Anon saw it, under the tip of the butter knife: a mosquito, cut in half. The diabolical insect had almost landed on the pink pony.

Anon's own confusion was matched by that felt by her new caretakers and the entire crowd of partygoers, who did the first thing that came to mind when dealing with the town's party pony.

Smile, nod, pretend to understand, and question nothing.

It was better this way for everypony involved.

"You are… welcome I guess?" muttered Anon.

The grin on Pinkie Pie's face seemed to widen beyond its already absurd dimensions. The pink pony clapped her hooves together, the unspoken signal waking up the crowd from its stupor and back to whatever they were doing before the incident.

"Time to start this party!!!"

Anon watched as the surrounding ponies got back to their partying, acting like one of their number hadn’t come this close to having a knife in their throat.

"Is this normal around here?" she asked.

Bon Bon gave her a flat look. "Do you really want to know?"

Lyra waved her off. "It’s just Pinkie being Pinkie.”

"I'm going to put these in the pantry," said Bon Bon, lifting their shopping. "But we are going to have a serious conversation about this later, Spring."

While the earth pony vanished into the house. Lyra scooted closer to Anon’s side. "Are you doing alright? If the party is too much, we can cancel it. I'm sure Pinkie wouldn't mind.. too much. Probably.”

The offer was tempting. Anon continued to stand in the doorway, already feeling a serious headache coming. But she had to do it. Play her part, gather intel and allies. If she was to protect those mares, keep her identity secret, and enact her plan against Nightmare Moon, she would need all the help she could get.

And she wouldn't get anywhere by hiding.

Look for possible escape routes, keep close to at least one. When anything bad happens… improvise.

"No, let's go and… try to have fun?”

Anon looked around. It came to her that she couldn't remember the last time she had been to a party, much less as a horse child, so she wasn't very clear on the rules.

Lyra gave her a reassuring smile. "Remember, I'm with you."

It did little to calm Anon down, but she appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.

Pinkie Pie had appropriated most of the first floor, that being the living room and the kitchen. Anon decided to ignore the game of pin the tail on the pony and the improvised dancing floor for the time being, her eyes locked onto the table brimming with snacks.

“Hey there, squirt. You’re the new foal, right?”

Anon craned her neck upwards, to a blue pegasus mare, lazily hanging in the air. “You got some moves, where’d ya learn them? Are your parents guards or something?”

The filly recognized the pegasus instantly; it was Rainbow Dash, the head of Ponyville’s weather team and another one of the mystery mares she was supposed to protect.

She had to come up with something fast, otherwise her cover might be blown. The gears in her head spun at maximum speed.

“PE Class.”

Which wasn’t very fast, sadly.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, the filly giving her a blank, unflinching stare. “PE class?”

She nodded, lying through her teeth. “Yes, real extreme PE classes.”

Their eyes met. One heartbeat, two heartbeats. Anon tensed up, readying herself to run for the doors.

“Huh, neat.”

Anon relaxed, the moment of tension over. She was now free to continue her odyssey to the snacks table.

Lyra meanwhile glared at the multicolored mare. "Dash, I need to speak to you for a second."

“Ehm, sure?”

She shrugged, landing next to the unicorn. Lyra ushered her to the kitchen where fewer ponies could overhear, closing the door behind her.

“Kay, what do ya need? Hey-”

A hoof grabbed her, pulling Dash closer to Lyra, who was almost growling at the weather pony. "Do you even know what you just did?”

Dash jumped back, taking a second to shake the shock. She had never seen Lyra so… angry before. “Okay, okay! Chill down! What’s got you so worked up? I just talked to the kid!”

“You asked about her parents, Dash!” Lyra exclaimed, like it explained the situation perfectly.

Rainbow blinked a few times, “And?”

“She’s an orphan! You were reminding her of bad memories!”

Rainbow Dash only gave a wide-eyed stare, the slow creeping realization finally sinking in. The fuming unicorn was still glaring daggers at her.

Only one response would suffice.


Dash then paused. “Hey, you think she was lying about the PE thing?”


“Sorry," she shrugged. "I just thought she was your visiting cousin or something.”

Lyra gave her a look more commonly reserved for cats who inexplicably get stuck in hard to reach places.

“Cousin," she deadpanned. "Dash, I don't speak to my family, you know that.” She sighed. “Cousin? Really?”

Sweat poured from the athletic pony, who was feeling like she was taking a test she hadn’t studied for.

“Well, I mean," Dash scratched the back of her neck nervously. The metaphorical teacher was now glancing over her shoulder and loudly reminding the entire class to read the questions carefully. "You’re both unicorns, and you’re both green… okay, it sounds pretty bad when I say it out loud.”

Aaand she got an F and died. The end.

Lyra sighed again. “Dash, did you not read the invitation?”

“There was an invitation?" Rainbow asked. "I just heard Pinkie Pie yell about a welcome party and followed the trail of confetti here.”

“Rainbow, we are fostering Spring for a time, before a proper adoption process can begin.”

Adoption was a somewhat contentious matter in some circles. With the gender balance being heavily skewed towards mares, and not everypony liking the idea of herds, adoption was one of the few ways for many families to have a foal. Sadly, this method had a myriad of setbacks.

There were very few orphaned foals with no relatives who would take them in, and as a result there was only one orphanage in all of Equestria: the Canterlot Orphanage, overseen by Celestia herself.

In its four hundred years of existence, it had never been filled to capacity. The list of potential adoptive parents was miles long and the chance of adopting was slim for most of them.

To be chosen as one of them was to be hoof-picked from hundreds of candidates, and it was even common for the Princess to be part of the selecting committee.

Being an adoptive parent was a rare privilege, an easily lost privilege at that.

“Oh, congratulations, I guess,” said Rainbow.

“Congratulations?!” Lyra spat. “It's only been a day and I'm already exhausted. So far it has been one giant catastrophe after catastrophe!” Lyra’s ears dropped, her voice barely a whisper. “I wonder if… If I have it in me. Maybe I… I shouldn’t have tried in the first place."

Lyra knew she wouldn't get another opportunity like this. If she messed this up, that was her one chance to be a mother - gone.

And she had done nothing but mess it up the whole day!

They were supposed to only foster Spring Break. The ponies in charge deemed it important for Spring to spend time in a safe family environment instead of the orphanage. After all, despite all the caring ponies and resources available there, it wasn't a home.

Ultimately, it was about what the foal wanted and what made them happy. The officials in charge may spend a month selecting the eligible ponies for adoption, but if by that time, Spring wanted to stay with Bon Bon and Lyra? Well, she could. There would be some more obstacles, but the chance at least became tangible.

But the filly wouldn’t want to stay with them. Not after all the stupid mistakes she had made. What a screw up, as always! Lyra felt tears swell in her eyes.

Her one chance was gone, and she made poor Spring suffer for her mistakes. What kind of horrible monster was she? Selfish and cruel and-

“Lyra? Lyra!” Confusion morphed into concern as Dash watched the unicorn shake like a leaf in a thunderstorm. “Listen to my voice. Take deep breaths and count to five for me, okay? In and out, in and out. Just breathe.”

Lyra nodded, doing as the pegasus instructed, the panic slowly going away, bit by bit with each breath.

Rainbow offered her a hoof to help her stand back up, she gladly took it.


Lyra nodded. “Yes, thank you. Wow, you are good at this.”

Dash shot her a cocky grin. “Of course I am, I can’t be awesome in just one way. This pegasus is made from pure, all around awesomeness, y’know?” She hoofbumbed her chest, but let her grin drop for a second. “But seriously, I’ve been friends with Fluttershy since flight school. I kinda learned a thing or two for her.”

Lyra giggled, feeling a little better. Maybe she could do this after all, become the mother Spring Break needed her to be.

“So, I know this is probably a bad time,” said Rainbow. “But where is Spring?”

A scream rang out in the living room.

The scream of little fillies.

“... Horseapples.”

Glorious sweets! Fall to me!

Successfully sneaking up to the table after Lyra dragged Rainbow away, Anon now basked in the glory of her prize. Be it scones, cupcakes, or muffins; all would be hers!

I'm so going to regret this tomorrow.

Stuffing her face as much as physically possible may not have been a wise move, considering her track record with food given to her by suspiciously generous hosts, but it just tasted so good! Each bite was a symphony of flavor on her tongue.

Man, I will be so pissed if I find out the pie is people or something.

Throwing caution to the wind, she indulged herself, forgetting her worries for a second. Maybe it was people, but she would deal with that later.

Nope, just cherry you silly filly!

She froze, crumbs falling off her muzzle, eyes frantically searching for the source of a sudden voice.

Da fuck was that?

Her gaze panned over a snow-white mare, with an elegant mane and a pretty dress, the only other pony wearing a dress in the room was a filly standing next to the mare.

"Just say hello" said Rarity, the proprietor of Carousel Boutique, one more on the list of ponies to protect.

"Do I have to?" pleaded Sweetie Belle to her sister, pawing at the hardwood, apparently trying to hide herself by digging a hole through the floor.

"It's proper! And a good way to make friends."

Sweetie Bell cut a quick look at the green filly, attacking the snack table with a fervor rivaling Pinkie Pie. There wasn't even any of the usual food gore being thrown around. Every plate was cleaned to perfection.

"Are you sure, Rarity?" she asked.

Anon grabbed a slice of pie in her magic, her jaw seemingly unhinged and she swallowed it whole.

Rarity shivered. "Well, her table manners need some work, but I think that's excusable considering the circumstances."

Anon watched the scene with slight amusement. Her ability to eat like ‘a goddamn barbarian’ won her so many bets in the past. It was one of the few things that made her special before her jumping escapades began. She once won twenty bucks by swallowing a chili pepper whole.

It had not been worth it.

Her amusement turned to dread as the filly approached her, Rarity in tow.

“Ehm, hello?” said Sweetie Belle, turning back at her sister, hoping that the attempt at social interaction appeased her enough to end the torture. Unfortunately for her, Rarity gestured at her to continue. “… You enjoying the party?”

Anon shrugged. “It’s okay. The food is great.”


Sweetie Belle evidently found something very interesting on her own hoof, while Anon started contemplating if being eaten by the timberwolves in the forest would have been preferable to this.

Sweetie Belle's face lit up - with the eagerness of a shipwrecked sailor finding land after three weeks on a lifeboat, she jumped at her first idea for a conversation topic. “So how did you get all the bandages?”

Anon thought about it, the ponies at the hospital, as well as Applejack would probably know of her escapades in the woods, so lying wasn’t an option. “Got chased by weird wooden wolves in the forest. I escaped, but, well, not uscathed.”

Sweetie Belle gasped. “You've been to the Everfree!?”

“Yes, I was only there for a few days and the plants already tried to eat me, the-”

“You've been in the Everfree for DAYS?!”

Anon heard a feminine yelp. Behind Sweetie Bell, Rarity had collapsed into a couch she would swear wasn't there just a second ago. At first she was considering helping the mare, but then she noticed the overly-dramatic posture and the fact that Rarity was not so subtly correcting her mane which got into her face when she ‘fell’.

“Nice chat, but I think your sister just fainted, see ya.”


She slipped past the speeding filly, thinking. So far, in a single day, she had met most of the mares she was supposed to protect. Only the animal caretaker remained unaccounted for. That made her job significantly easier.

But something wasn’t right. She felt a strange tingle in the back of her brain, a primal, ancient instinct, warning her of danger.

Someone is watching me.

Anon kept her back to the nearest window, the table serving as additional cover. Watching the ponies in the room, no one seemed to pay her much attention.

Except for a pair of fillies, both earth ponies of her apparent age.

The first was a light shade of pink and wore a tiara from some precious metal, possibly platinum. The other one had gray fur, a silver mane, and glasses. Both of them obviously came from very wealthy families, with the way their coats were immaculately groomed and had their manes obviously professionally done. Not to mention the diamond-encrusted jewelry.

The personal butler attending them was also a clue.

“Is it true? You were in the Everfree?” asked the silver-maned one.

Anon simply shrugged, not paying much attention to the foals. The feeling of being observed from the shadows was only intensifying now. “Yeah, can't say I can recommend the place unless you are a fan of dingy, overgrown ruins and homicidal foliage.”

The filly with a tiara stepped forward, speaking in an almost accusatory tone. “Why would you even go there?”

“I got lost.”

That wasn’t strictly a lie, but to call being thrown into a different dimension willy nilly ‘getting lost’ was the same as to call the Chernobyl disaster a ‘slight mishap’.

"But you fought off a pack of timberwolves by yourself, yes?" said the silver maned one, the excitement in her voice apparent, before she got a look from the pink one, making her shrink.

Wait, they’re really called timberwolves? That was supposed to be a joke!

"Nah, mostly I ran around swearing while they chased me."

The filly with a tiara frowned. "That sounds pretty unimpressive,” she said, sounding like she found out someone had stolen all the batteries from her favorite new toy. "After that display with the knife, I hoped you would be more… interesting."

Anon didn't mind, not caring much what some kid thought about her. As long as it didn't put her in danger, she was alright with being seen as uninteresting or boring.

Boring was good, she liked boring. Not being killed was boring and she very much liked that, too.

"Well, running for one's life ain't exactly glamorous. Though I can't say it ever gets dull."

The bratty pony huffed. "Come on, Silver Spoon, let's find somepony actually interesting to talk to, not this lame nopony."

The now identified Silver Spoon gasped hearing the words. Anon raised an eyebrow at that.

Is ‘lame’ a serious insult in Equestria? It had bad connotations with horses back on Earth, but how would that translate here?

An angry huff sounded from the crowd of ponies. Aimed at her, Anon just knew it. Somebody was watching her every move, now to find them before they made the first move.

A pony carrying a plate with drinks went past her, passing the two snobby ponies before tripping, the drinks going flying towards them. The fillies screaming bloody murder.

Not tripping - that was intentional.

Anon acted, carried by instinct and muscle memory. Balancing on her hind legs, using her healthy hoof to catch the glasses mid air.

In a flash, the cups were balanced on her bandaged hoof, but a single drop escaped and landed on Anon's muzzle. The powerful smell betraying its nature.

Sticky, red, viscous liquid. Makes my eyes water. Definitely a poison, but was it aimed for me or the rich kids?

An assassination attempt either way. Anon’s gaze focused on the culprit, trying to hide in the crowd. Whoever this was, it must have been the pony watching her, she could feel it in her bones.

A problem appeared: if she left the poison there, somebody might drink it.. She would have to carry it with her. An extra challenge.

"Excuse me for a moment," she said, towards the foals gawking at her and the impromptu show of athletic prowess, before diving into the crowd after the would-be-murderer. The game of cat and mouse was just starting.

Anon was tiny, easily overlooked and able to simply walk under most grown-up ponies. She focused on the shape of the one she was pursuing while balancing the poison-filled cups.

Her target had the advantage of being able to hide easily, blending naturally into the always-moving partygoers. It made the assassin hard to follow. The flashing lights, loud music screeching into Anon's sensitive ears, and the barrage of different scents could not distract her now. She had a purpose, a mission.

She reached into her mane with pony-magic, the true spork appearing. In the hands of anybody else, it was an ordinary item, but in hers? It turned into a deadly implement of absolute destruction.

Let's hope I won't need to release its power.

She went around a large red-coated stallion, slipping under a table and sliding under a chair. The room was a forest of legs. Her target was tricky, appearing nonchalant, hiding in the smaller groups, before moving on. Anon only ever got glimpses of the assassin. Most of their body was covered by a cloak.


At first, the calling of her false name did not alert her. Only when someone suddenly picked her up did Anon panic, nearly stabbing the unfortunate soul with the almighty true spork.

It was Lyra, who upon realizing what she just did, released Anon.

"Thank Celestia, you’re alright.”

Anon’s eyes scanned the crowd, the assassin gone, lost from view.

“I heard a scream, is everything okay?”

“Yes, I'm okay,” she said. Desperately trying to catch at least a shred of evidence left after the assassin.

A murderer on the loose, she would have to be careful, probably covertly inform the guards to avert panic and suspicion. This stay was getting more interesting than she liked…

“Hey, you brought drinks!”

She had the disassembled communication array in her saddlebags. Contacting Celestia about the situation would need to be another step, and-

Wait, what did Lyra just say?

Levitating one of the cups to her lips, Lyra took a sip. Anon leapt to intercept, bending space and time itself to reach in time, punching the glass away from the pony, but the deed was done.

Too late.

With a grim recognition, she saw how her Lyra’s eyes widened, mouth opened as if to scream, but no sound left her mouth.

Only fire.

Wait, what kind of poison is this?!?

Lyra started to spew flames, running around like a headless chicken and trying to scream something.

Milk, she wanted milk

Anon galloped, which was hard to do on three legs, jumping over furniture and ponies as they gave the unicorn space. Breaking into the kitchen and the pantry, Anon grabbed a jug of milk and galloped right back.

The green filly did not understand why the milk was important, but she was terrified. What kind of cruel intelligence devises a poison that ignites its target? What a perverse act of cruelty! Was milk an antidote?

Pinkie Pie bounced along, ignoring the fire-breathing pony, picking up an abandoned cup from the floor, giving it a single sniff. “Hey! That's where I left my hot sauce!” She took a sip, to the utter horror of Anon, burping smoke and fire. “Yummy!”

As Lyra drank the milk, putting out the inferno, Pinkie happily continued bouncing, passing Anon, who only stared stunned at the pink menace. One thing made itself abundantly clear in the green filly’s mind.

Her stay here was going to be a lot more interesting than she had anticipated.

What was the swear word Daybreaker used? Ah yes.


Author's Note:

Well, this chapter was pain. I had to start over three times before writing something at least somewhat coherent. 

Thanks for all the lovely comments, you're all great. 

See ya next week. 

Also, huge credit to PseudoBob Delightus for managing to edit this chapter in under a day because I took too long. The man is a legend.