• Published 24th Aug 2022
  • 13,600 Views, 977 Comments

Jumping In At The Deep End - Anotherrandom

A tired interdimensional traveler in the form of an adorable little filly finds a place of respite in the magical land of Equestria. And as boring as it is, boredom is maybe exactly what she needs. After all, nothing ever happens in Ponyville, right?

  • ...

Chapter Ten, Part One: In a Magical Land


Anon's whole world at the moment could be described as such. Warm, soft, and weirdly fuzzy. A safe haven, sheltered and protected. Unconquerable by all the evils of the world.

Annoyingly, it didn't want to stay that way.

Anon's blanket moved away from her. Exposed now to the cruel, callous universe and its lack of warmth and fuzziness, she started to stir and shift, trying to blindly find her way back. The slowly waking filly's silent pleas didn't go unnoticed, and something akin to a really hairy log reached out to push Anon back into the zone of comfiness.

Anon froze, her blood ran cold as the reality of her situation made itself clear.

She was trapped by an unknown force!

Panic rushed through the filly. As she opened her eyes, her power began building up. Ready for a fight she-

Oh, it's just Bon Bon.

Wait, what?

Anon, now fully awake, realized that she had two problems.

First: she was cuddled up close to the still-slumbering confectioner. The mare had pulled her close on instinct while they slept, and now was refusing to let her go.

Second: she really needed to use the toilet.

Still trapped by the confectioner's hooves, head resting on Bon Bon's belly, Anon finally noticed Lyra holding a camera with a grin. "Smile!"


Bon Bon instantly jumped up. Standing at attention and staring blankly into space, she blinked owlishly before snapping out of her confusion. "W-what's going on?"

Lyra d’awwed, holding the newly created photo of Anon and Bon Bon. "This is going straight into the album."

Bon Bon glanced outside, her pupils shrunk into pin pricks in barely concealed panic. The agent's voice quivered as she spoke. "L-Lyra, what time is it?"

The minty unicorn waggled her hoof. "Around six," she said with uncertainty that really did nothing to soothe Sweetie Drop's nerves. "We still have plenty of time before-"

"SIX?!" yelled Anon and Bon Bon at once.

Anon raced to where her discarded dress was, together with her equipment. She gathered them up in a big pile, before sprinting towards the bathroom to get ready again, shutting the doors behind her. Meanwhile Bon Bon rushed downstairs, practically carrying Lyra over her back.

Bon Bon only slowed down at the stairwell, turning to speak to her marefriend as they started their descent down."Why didn't you wake us earlier?! We're behind schedule!"

Nightmare Moon was only minutes away.

And she had somehow managed to oversleep.

"But you two were so adorable together," Lyra replied, leaning against her side for support. Bon Bon was skipping steps in her panic, but resisted leaping the last few steps, taking her marefriend's hoof and helping her on the part from there - those were always the worst.

"And you were working so hard." Lyra continued speaking without missing a beat. At this point, the stairs had become more of a well-practiced and choreographed dance than the challenge they used to be. "So I thought I would let you sleep in a little."

Bon Bon took a deep breath. This was still salvageable. They still had…

About thirty seconds to get ready.


Lyra brushed past her, tail playfully swooshing across Bon Bon’s muzzle as the unicorn went to the kitchen.

"It's not like we're going to miss anything important," Lyra noted, casually grabbing a bottle of orange juice from the icebox. "Princess Celestia always gives a speech before raising the sun, so it's not like we're going to miss the important part, right?"

Bon Bon glanced outside, at the now-blank moon, its surface now missing the image of the dark alicorn. "Right," affirmed the agent, sweating and smiling nervously. Lyra shot her a questioning look, her eyes narrowing before a cheeky grin crossed her muzzle. Quickly making sure Anon wasn’t about to burst into the kitchen before approaching Bon Bon.

"Relax, Bonnie," she cupped her marefriend's cheeks, placing a quick kiss on her neck, Bon Bon's ears turning red. "I mean, what's the worst thing that could happen?"

Bon Bon screamed internally. The mood was not only killed, but buried six under in an iron coffin. Chained shut. With a stake put through the heart to prevent resurrection.

Outside, a black mist started to move towards the town center. Darkness on the prowl, sullying the streets. Sending chills down the spines of the few ponies still enjoying the festival outside, hoarfrost marking its steps.

Nightmare Moon had returned.

The town pavilion was a site of utter chaos.

Crowded inside, confused ponies frantically looked at each other in intense worry.

After a round of fanfare, curtains had opened to reveal exactly nothing. Well, in revealing nothing, they did reveal something.

And that something was that Princess Celestia, the Bringer of Sun and the Ruler of Equestria, was missing.

Mayor Mare started sweating profusely, double-checking the time. Four minutes late. Fanfare was still playing in the background, as if the band hoped to summon the absent royal with music.

The Princess was missing.

The Ponyville mayor knew her things. Every bureaucrat - and that was much of what being a mayor is - has to deal with things going missing. Be it misplaced funds, important papers, or the main building of Canterlot Arcane Academy. (It had been turned invisible after a little mishap. The school was compensated, and Twilight apologizes for it to this day.)

Not many had to deal with a lost Princess and the fact that the sunrise was being delayed.

This was going to cause so much paperwork…

"Remain calm everypony!" Mayor Mare called to the crowd. "There must be a reasonable explanation."

Meanwhile, the doors into the pavilion opened slightly. Bon Bon squeezed her head in, sighing in relief and signaling to Lyra and Anon to come in. The three of them slipped in relatively unseen. Lyra immediately spotted a fidgeting Rainbow Dash furiously looking through the crowd for something. "Hey Rainbow, did we miss something?"

The pegasus stopped in the air, waving at them while investigating if the Princess hadn't hidden in one of the curtains.

"Oh, hey Lyra. The Princess is late."

Lyra tensed up. "Late? That's - SWEET MERCIFUL MOTHER, Rainbow! You have a black eye!"

The speedster scoffed and turned her head away from the unicorn, who was now trying to get to her and implement the decisively unnecessary healthcare worried friends tend to do. "What happened? Are you alright? Do you need ice? Speak to me, Rainbow!"

Rainbow rolled her eyes and simply dodged the fretting unicorn. "Geez Lyra, I'm okay. I just had a crash- Ehm, I mean an accident."

Lyra ceased her attempts at gaining flight by hopping, smiling sheepishly at Rainbow who just waved it off.

Bon Bon grinned at this, seeing her chance and capitalizing on the opening. "So, who did you crash into?" she asked coolly.

"Whaaat!?" said Rainbow, her wings fluttering nervously. "Me? Crashing into somepony?! Pfft, that would never..."

"Then what happened?" Lyra smiled back at her partner, winking.

It was all fair ribbing between friends. The pair considered it just desserts for the numerous times their dinner dates were disturbed by one of Rainbow's pranks.

Dash scratched the back of her head "I, eh, got drop-kicked by a purple unicorn."

Bon Bon gave the pegasus an incredulous stare. "... Are you trying to say that you, Rainbow Dash, the captain of the weather team and probably the fastest pegasus I know, were drop-kicked out of the sky by Twilight Sparkle?"

The pegasus rubbed her injury. Her pride hurt more than the injury itself. "Hey! What do you mean, probably the fastest? And how come you know her name?"

Bon Bon shuddered. "I'm from Canterlot. She has… a reputation."

"Reputation?" asked Rainbow. "As what? The Princess' personal ninja? I was just flying around, practicing my moves, when it maybe got a little out of control at the third loop-de-loop, and then wham! I got her hoof in my face!" Dash crossed her hooves and huffed. "Did what her PE teacher taught her, my flank."

Bon Bon gave the pegasus a sly smile, thoroughly enjoying herself despite the situation, remembering having to replace the thatch on her shop twice that month because Rainbow decided to ‘get a snack real fast’. "No, as the biggest bookworm to ever live."

Rainbow slumped down in defeat. "Seriously? A bookworm got me?"

Lyra beamed, pouncing in for the kill. "Oh! I heard about her, doesn't she even live in a library?"

Rainbow landed, a thoughtful expression on her face. There was only one reasonable explanation for this. It was clear as day. No other logical explanation existed in the speedsters mind.

"I think she's a spy," Dash said with absolute confidence, the pair staring at her blankly.

"A spy," deadpanned Bon Bon.

"Yeah! Think about it!" Rainbow displayed her wings, using her primaries to count. "She's acting suspicious. She avoided everypony at her welcome party. And the day after she comes to town, the princess goes missing! It's a perfect explanation! And I have a fifth sense-"

"Sixth," interjected Anon without paying much attention. Preoccupied with watching the clock ticking and counting.

"-Sixth sense that's telling me she's untrustworthy. But don't fear! No spy can sneak around under my nose. I've got my eyes on that Twilight pony! And nopony can get away from Rainbow Danger Dash!"

"The Princess isn't here!" Rarity yelled from the dressing room, still looking for the missing royal, as was Rainbow before getting distracted.

The general murmur in the pavilion died down. The ponies fell silent as the atmosphere inside changed. The temperature dropped, lights flickered and dimmed. A panicked yelp rang out from the crowd as the windows were forced open.

Anon felt a cold chill in the air as familiar magic entered the room. Black miasma, appearing like liquid darkness, crawled through the window and towards the podium. Gaining shape, morphing and changing until she became recognizable to the jumper.

Nightmare Moon.

The sharp, draconic eyes and even sharper fangs. The glistening armor made of blackened and enchanted silver. The utter contempt plain on her features, contrasted against the obvious pleasure she felt from the fear and horror around her.

"Oh, my beloved subjects." Her voice was a mix of suave and elegant, with an undertone of barely held menace just under the surface. It was a voice like a well made dagger. The ponies felt its edge on their throats as she spoke.

Nightmare Moon was a cat surrounded by a bunch of mice, and she would enjoy playing with her food. "It’s been so long since I’ve seen your precious little sun-loving faces."

Meanwhile, Bon Bon moved silently to her position. Preparing to intervene if any of the future Element Bearers appeared to be in trouble. Anon stood in place, back pressed against the wall, ready to escape at a moment's notice.

Anon's trap was set elsewhere, her lure present in the castle. Nightmare Moon would have to go there sooner or later. That was when the jumper would strike - away from any civilians, to avoid risking them getting caught in the crossfire.

Just wait for your chance.

"What did you do to our Princess!?" Demanded Rainbow, flying straight at Nightmare. She was stopped abruptly by two pairs of hooves. Bon Bon and Applejack grabbed the pegasus and dragged her back into safety.

"Whoa there, nelly," Applejack pulled the pegasus down, trying to determine if she should get her lasso out.

The dark alicorn chuckled, the sound far off from the declarations of joy Pinkie Pie was so fond of. "Why? I'm I not royal enough for you? Does my crown no longer-"

And that was the exact moment a purple laser struck Nightmare Moon on the forehead.

The pavilion stood, frozen in place as the Nightmare Moon stared at the tarnished spot on her helmet, more in shock and astonishment than any real pain.

"Twilight! Are you insane?!" yelled Spike at his caretaker.

Twilight blinked a few times, hardly believing what she did herself. "I just did what my PE teacher said. Wait for the opportune moment and then go for the neck," she said in the same tone one talks about the weather.

"What kind of PE have you ponies gone to?!" screamed Rainbow, still held back by the two earth ponies, Applejack reaching for the rope now.

Meanwhile, Mayor Mare, seeing the dazzled dark god, did the first thing that came to mind.

"Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!" she ordered.

It was a very simple plan. Effective, even.

But it did overlook some crucial details.

The guards on duty, namely Steel and Stalwart, glanced at the mayor, then at the armor-clad, twice their size, magically gifted, immortal being of legend, then back at the mayor.

"Celestia, I'm not paid enough for this," sighed Steel Wind.

And with that, the guards dove into action.

It wasn't a very long action.

Nightmare Moon's horn crackled with energy, her muzzle twisted with anger. "You foals!"

A wave of dark magic radiated out, the guards dodging at the last second. The blast shattered the windows, showering the panicked crowd with broken glass.

"You will pay for this!" bellowed Nightmare Moon, smoke rising from the scorched spot on her head. "All of you!"

With another wave from her horn, a few blobs of Nightmare Moon's mane were set free, turning into pony-like monsters made of shadow. With jaws filled with long, jagged teeth, and empty eye sockets, they appeared like living silhouettes, except much more murdery and in need of a good dental plan.

"Remember this day, for it is your last!"

A wicked smile graced the night alicorn's lips.

"Get them."

Sweetie Drop struggled.

A pony ran headfirst into the agent, eyes wide with fear. Another one fell on the ground and was about to be trampled, before Sweetie Drops jumped to their aid, lifting them back on their hooves, and vanished into the crowd again before she could be recognized.

Sweetie Drops was trained for this. She was prepared for this.

Lyra was pushed by the bodies struggling to escape the pavilion. The minty unicorn tried to go back inside, looking for any signs of her family. "Bonnie! Spring!"

Her screaming faded into the background, into the cacophony of chaos made by all the other ponies around her, the lone mare unable to stop the tide of ponies pushing her outside. "Bonnie!"

Bon Bon wasn't prepared to hear the love of her life screaming for her to come and save her, to not be able to answer that call.

Sweetie Drops was fighting with every ounce of her willpower against the urge to abandon her post, to forget her goal, to forget the whole agency.

To turn and run to Lyra. Hold her until everything is okay. Tell her that everything will be alright.

But the mission always comes first.

Fluttershy was trapped in the crowd, Rainbow was getting to her, but was finding trouble. The shadow monsters were accosting the blue pegasus, but a blast of purple magic shot some of them, sending them back.

The bearers had absolute priority over everything. After that, Anon.

The mission always comes first.

"Bonnie! Spring! Here!"

Sweetie Drops continued to work, an unseen hoof pushing ponies away, diverting attention as the bearers made their way outside. Made a path for them to follow without them noticing. Protecting them, as the guards fought with the shadow monsters behind them.

There was a sinking feeling in her chest. Tearing at her from the inside, but Sweetie Drops held on regardless.

The mission came first.

Anon ran.

Phasing through the wall was easy. Waiting until she was sure all six of the mares made it out of the pavilion was hard. Watching Lyra looking for her in absolute desperation was harder.

But she had a plan: A trap.

It wasn't like it mattered. So the nice pony who tried her damnedest to make her happy was crying. And? Two weeks, that was the time she'd known her for. And also about the same time they had left together.

After that, Spring Break would vanish, and Anon would continue on her journey.

It didn't matter. This whole world was in danger. One crying unicorn was a drop in the ocean.

People didn't matter. Cities, worlds - so many of them were completely erased every second. What was the crying of one soul in all of that?

It didn't matter. None of it really did in the end.

Anon found something in her eyes.


The jumper grimaced.

She was putting herself in danger. She had the power to just jump out of this place. Avoid facing off against what was essentially a god.

But she didn't.

This world could be saved. These people could be saved.

And to do that, she had to leave Lyra behind and run towards the forest. Enact the plan, easy.

Do what needs to be done and don't look back.

And then she heard a scream.

The pavilion was torn apart. The guards were fighting the shadow monsters. Swords and spears met their match against the dark magic used by the alicorn of the night.

One of the shadow monsters slipped past.

Diamond Tiara wanted to run, but she couldn't.

Separated from her parents in the chaos, she ventured into the streets looking for them, only to be chased by the shadow monster. Diamond, in her expensive horseshoes made to look pretty but lacking when it came to helping her run, had slipped and fell. Her leg was now feeling numb, her fetlock bent in a way that made her stomach feel queasy whenever she looked at it.

The monster closed in.

Diamond Tiara tried to stand her ground, unable to do much else. "Stop! You know who my Dad is?" The monster ignored her, simply walking closer. "I-I-f you get any closer he-"

The monster pounced.

"Daddy," she whimpered, eyes closed.

Instead of a flash of pain, Diamond Tiara started to feel movement and the texture of fabric against her fur.

Still fearful, she dared to open one eye.

Anon was dashing through the side streets, away from the main mass of panicked citizens, with Diamond Tiara hastily thrown over her shoulder. A field of gravity-nullifying power enveloped them both.

The monster was just behind them, head unnaturally twisted. Gaining speed and mass, growing bigger, limbs elongating. Walking only on its hind-legs as it grew massive claws on its front ones.

Diamond did the only reasonable thing.

She screamed.

The monster grabbed a garbage can, throwing it after the duo. "Left!" Diamond yelled, Anon dodged, garbage exploding from the can as it hit the cobblestone road next to them. "Right!" A swipe of its claws, destroying a wall of somebody's house, missing the two foals by a few inches.

Anon continued running, evading attack after attack. She needed a place where no civilians would be caught in the crossfire when she started fighting back.

What would be a place where no one in their right mind would hide?

In the middle of the town square grew a large oak tree - the town library.


"But Twilight-"

"No buts!"

Twilight sighed, standing at the doorstep, blocking Spike from exiting. Five mares gathered behind her, impatient and ready to go. "Please Spike, stay here," she said softly.

Spike tried to go around her until a corona of purple magic materialized around him and sent him back.. "I want to help!"

Twilight sat him down, the drake pinned to the floor by his tail despite his continuing attempts to dash out the doors.

"You are helping!" she assured him, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "By staying here."

Twilight's slumped down. She sat in front of him so they were eye to eye, but Spike avoided looking at her. It wasn't right seeing Twilight so…


"If you follow us, you could get hurt… or-" Twilight stopped herself, unable and unwilling to put that thought to words, as if saying it out loud could somehow cause it to become reality. "Please Spike, hunker down. Stay safe until it's over. Please."

Her voice quivered on the last word. Spike was used to the studious unicorn's quirks, but this was unlike anything he had seen before.

The town was in shambles. All those panicking ponies in the pavilion - he'd nearly lost Twilight in the mayhem. Only to be saved by a random passerby. He didn't even remember their face. Everything was blurring together after Nightmare Moon summoned the shadow monsters.

And now everypony was scared, but Twilight at least had a plan - going after the elements of whatever. Trying to defeat Nightmare Moon.

He didn't want to sit around and wait; he wanted to help. Do something useful.

Twilight hugged him.

Maybe he stayed behind, making sure nopony broke into the library. That was doing something, right? Protect the books so Twilight could read them if- when she gets back. "Okay, I'll stay... but if you get hurt, I’ll make sure Shining takes away your library card for a month."

Twilight stepped back in mock horror. "You wouldn't!"

"Yes, I would!" Spike sniffed, but didn't cry. Big dragons don't cry. "I would totally do that."

Twilight giggled. It came out somewhat strained. "Then I'll have to make sure to be extra careful… Stay safe, Spike. Protect the library, okay?"

Spike straightened his back, giving a salute. "You can count on it!"

Twilight nodded, hugged him tight, and walked out of the doors, only hesitating on the threshold and looking back three times. The doors shut behind her with finality.

Leaving Spike standing in the now quiet library, the drake suddenly feeling very alone.

Spike tapped his feet on the ground, trying to think about what he'd do until everything was back to normal, because surely, it would go back to normal. There was no other option.

Something clattered on the street.

Without much thought, the drake pushed a bookshelf in front of the doors, blocking it off. Now he was safe. Nopony would be getting to him through that!

A loud noise came from upstairs, where he forgot about the large window and open balcony.

The drake face-palmed.

Something was coming, Spike could hear it stomping above his head and heading down the stairs. Hastily, he reached for the closest weapon he could find - an encyclopedia of plants native to the desert of Saddle Arabia.

Admittedly, it wasn't a very thick book. There were only so many ways to write 'cacti and not much else'.

But what it did have were samples.

Spike opened the book, its prickly pages ready to seriously inconvenience someone. The dragon quickly hid behind another bookshelf. His improvised weapon clenched tightly in his claws as the silhouette of a strange misshapen abomination betrayed to him that something was descending the stairs.

Gathering his wits, Spike prepared for his one chance to end this madness, to strike a monster down, sword- cactus… book with a cactus in hand. He would be celebrated as a hero. Songs would be written about the deeds of Sir Spike, the Shadow Slayer. Statues would be built in his honor, and Twilight would finally allow him to eat emeralds before bed.

He doubted that last one.

The abomination reached the bottom of the stairs.

For his homeland, for his family, for glory!


And so he won, defeated the monster, and possibly gained a kiss from the beautiful white unicorn running the town's boutique.

Or at least this was going through his mind as he lay sprawled on the floor, tiny stars dancing around his head.

Diamond gave a grumpy sigh. "Great, now we have to run and hide his body."

Anon stared at her hoof, a little sore after having punched Spike straight in his face. "You okay there, buddy?"

"Ughm," mumbled Spike.

"I'll take that as a no."

The drake dusted himself off, feeling like head trauma had been a theme for him the last few days. "I'm alright. Dragons are built to last." He thumped his chest with a fist for effect. "But what are you doing here?"

Diamond Tiara, still hefted on Anon's shoulder, pointing behind them. "We were running from that!"

At the top of the stairs stood the shadow monster with its wicked grin.

It waved.

Spike did the only reasonable thing.

He screamed and threw the prickly book at the monster.

The thorny item flew at a perfect arc towards the monster. It would have been a great hit, only it flew straight through the monster, landing somewhere in Twilight's bedroom, where it turned into the world's worst landmine.

Spike sighed.

"Dang it."

The monster didn't roar. It didn't make any sound. Long limbs barely touched the floor as it moved. Jaws open, eyes locked on the ponies, empty of any emotions.

Anon tried to come up with a plan of action. The library was a bust. Occupied by a kid, no less. Fighting while there were two children that could get hurt was out of the question. One wrong move, one piece of fast flying debris was all it would take. She had to get them somewhere safer first.

The jumper noticed a trap door, leading down into what had to be a basement.

Better than nothing.

Diamond Tiara let out a yelp as she was unceremoniously tossed at Spike, the dragon barely catching her in time.

"Hide there, I’ll distract it," said Anon, pointing at the trap doors.

Diamond Tiara made an attempt to stand, falling back on Spike. The dragon dragged her into the imagined safety of the basement. "What do you think you are doing? Run!" she yelled after the jumper.

"Don't worry ‘bout me none."

The jumper smirked.

"I have an idea."

Spike looked at the monster, staring at them as it slowly approached, seemingly assured that its prey had nowhere to run now.

The drake hesitated, fighting between his desires to help fight it and helping Diamond get away. Finally, he gave Anon a single nod, before retreating into the basement, Diamond's muffled protests barely audible from under the doors.

Anon didn't turn. They would be safe there.

No, wait.

A little application of her powers. The lock turned, locking them inside the basement.

Now they are safe.

She couldn't risk Spike trying to play hero and getting hurt or killed.

He is a dragon. Those things are basically living welding torches. If they need to get out, they'll manage.

She had other things to worry about now.

The monster steadily approaching the filly gave her the same issue the timberwolves did. It was hard to hurt something that could instantly heal from any injury. The shadow monsters were even worse still, lacking a physical body, being mostly made of magic. Nothing physical could hurt them.

But this time, Anon was prepared.

The civilians gone, she now had an open field.

"Hey ugly! How's your health plan?"

The monster charged. In the blink of an eye, it reached the bottom of the stairs, limbs flailing wildly in a savage and brutal attack. Were it to hit its target, not much would be left of the jumper.

But it didn't hit.

Splinters and pieces of wood were torn right off the library tree's wall, leaving a new window the architects and local squirrel population wouldn't be too happy about.

But Anon wasn't there.

She was behind the monster, phasing around the onslaught, doing the only reasonable thing in this situation.

She punched the shadow monster through the chest, Sun orb in hoof.


The orb connected with the shadow monster, destroying it on contact. Leaving behind nothing but moon dust and a strand of blue mane.

"Huh," the jumper kicked the remains. "That was easier than I thought it-"

A second shadow monster barged in, sending books and papers flying. Anon sank partially into the floor, dodging as it tried to bite her head off.

The jumper sprang right back, circling the monster in a standoff as both regained their posture and began measuring their opponent.

"Come on, you punk." Anon muttered.

Same as before. Teleport behind it and strike.

The monster lowered its head, kicking up dust as it charged, fangs glistening in the moonlight.

Anon answered in kind, running straight at the monster. Power surging in her, bending the weave of existence to her whim. The orb pulsing with energy from within, ready to strike.

A sound similar to a bursting balloon rang out as air rushed to fill a newly created vacuum. Anon reappearing from behind the monster's back, swinging the orb at it with all her might.

The monster changed shape at the last moment, becoming long, thin, and slippery. It dodged the orb and swung around at Anon with its now snake-like body, its tail striking the jumper across her chest, ripping the cloth of her dress and creating sparks. The blow winded the jumper and sent her to the floor.

A spear, its point glowing with enchantments, soared through the air and the monster's body, pinning it down as it trashed and dissolved. Destroying the spell, holding it together.

Steel Wind picked up his spear, his face a mix of boredom and disappointment. "Punk? Really?"

Anon got up, coughing and gasping with the guard's help. "It was the best I could come up with on the fly."

Steel Wind facehooved. "I think that makes it worse."

Stalwart poked his head through the hole in the wall. Looking for his colleague. "Steel? Did you get it- oh hello Anon! You alright?"

"No, not really," said Anon, pointing at her ripped dress. The torn cloth revealing the breastplate hidden underneath.

"It got my dress."

Stalwart gave her an unimpressed stare. "You know they'll find out you 'borrowed' that from the castle sooner or later?"

The jumper smiled. It was a bit risky, stealing right under Celestia's nose, though Anon doubted she would mind much. The guards having to fill out the paperwork regarding missing equipment, on the other hand, would be much less pleasant. "Eh, I'll burn that bridge when I get to it."

"Ehm, guys?" said Stalwart. "You realize there's still an emergency going on, right?"

"Oh, right," said Anon. The town was still under attack, and she still had a god to stop, or at least inconvenience enough so the elements could activate without trouble. "There are two children in the basement here, you should probably get them somewhere safe."

The jumper tucked the Sun orb back into its place under the concave shape of the plate, then she hopped through the new hole in the wall onto the street outside.

"And where are you going?" Steel called after her.

"Me?" Anon took a deep breath. She turned her attention towards the forest.

"I have a ruined castle to visit."

Author's Note:

Part one, the second part should be ready pretty soon - this week hopefully. 

Funny story, I planned to have this done by halloween. Ah, how naive I was. Anyway, the next part is fairly more... let's say intense. So take this as a warning.

See ya soon and stay tuned. 

Also thanks to Discombobulated Soul for help proofreading and PseudoBob for editing.