• Published 22nd Aug 2022
  • 1,657 Views, 51 Comments

Solar and Lunar - marmalado

So...how do the sun and the moon move in G5, anyway?

  • ...

The Moving Experience (And Lack Thereof)

As Hitch was the one closest to where Sunny, Izzy and Terra were located, he was the first at the new structure.

"Sunny? Terra? Izzy?" he called, taking his first steps inside. He marveled at the spacious area that lay before him, noting that it looked a lot bigger than his home at the police station.

"Hitch!" Sunny made her way downstairs. "How's Maretime Bay faring with magic back?"

"Well, needless to say, everypony's pretty confused." Hitch glanced behind him. "It's gonna take a while before we get used to our new magic."

Sunny nodded. "I expected as much. But you're here to keep the town safe. And maybe you could...teach ponies how to control their magic?"

"Easier said than done. Especially since I don't have much control over my own." Hitch looked up at the top of the ramp. "But anyway, before disaster begins to strike, can you give me a tour?"


Sunny took Hitch all throughout the place, telling him about the Unity Crystals and mapping out the various rooms as well as the placement of furniture. All the while, she noticed his attention wavering, as though he was lost in thought, and her heart began to sink as she feared the worst.

When the tour was over, she decided to lay it on him.

"Um, Hitch..." She fiddled with her hooves. "I was wondering...would...would you be open to maybe staying here?"

The silence was deafening. Watching Hitch make various facial expressions of thought was even worse.

Finally, after a minute, Hitch sighed. "I'm sorry, Sunny. I'd love to stay here with you, but...I think I'd be more comfortable at the station."

"But why? Doesn't it get uncomfortable sleeping on..." Sunny stopped. "...whatever it is you sleep on? I know it's not a bed. I've never seen a bed in there."

"Moving isn't something that happens spontaneously. If I'm gonna move here, I need to think about it first."

Something inside Sunny wanted to make him stay by sheer magical force. Cast a spell that would make him housebound, unable to even step a single hoof outside. But she knew that wasn't only unrealistic, it was unfair. At the most, she could visit him at the station. With her skates, it wouldn't be too far of a ride from here.

She gave a resigned nod. "Okay. That's one down."


"Terra suggested that, because this place being built was meant for all of us to live in, I should ask everypony if they wanted to move to Maretime Bay and come live here." Sunny swept a hoof around the area. "It's huge. Too huge for just me to live in. But I just don't know if everypony will want to move."

Hitch put a supportive hoof on Sunny's shoulder. "Well, don't let me stop you. You still have Izzy, Pipp and Zipp to ask."

"Yeah...you're right." Sunny gave a small smile. "While we wait for Pipp and Zipp, you wanna help me set this place up? It should still have all of my things, and my dad's too. I just don't know...where they are..."

Hitch nodded, and together, the pair began looking in cabinets, closets, and all sorts of hidden spaces. Terra eventually joined the hunt too, after a few minutes into the search, though no one could find where Izzy had gone.

"So you...went grocery shopping?"

"Yup! Can't have a house with no food in it."

Sunny blinked in confusion. "I see."

"Soooo what did you wanna talk about?" Izzy's eyes widened. "Wait. Wait. I bet you're gonna ask me to be roomies with you again, aren't you? Then I'm gonna give you my answer: yes yes yes!"

Watching Izzy bounce up and down, Sunny realized that she knew about asking everyone to move in. Within the anxiety, it had slipped her mind completely. Still, that didn't mean she was expecting her to say yes.

"A-are you sure? What about your dad?"

Izzy stopped, hanging in midair without the use of her magic or her flight. "Oh." Her expression fell. "Well...Dad's just a hop, skip and jump away, right? I mean, Bridlewood has magic now. I could teleport there!"

"That's true."

"But living with you all these years...it's what I'm used to." Izzy landed and avoided eye contact with Sunny. "If Terra says that this house is for all of us, then I trust her."

Sunny nodded in understanding. "So you'll stay?"

"Of course!"

Sunny could feel tears beginning to prick at the corners of her eyes. "Thank you." she murmured. "It'll...I'm..."

"Shhhh. Don't say anything else!" Izzy zipped towards the front door, turned, and frantically waved her hoof. "C'mon, roomie! We gotta shop for some more stuff to spice this place up!"

In all honesty, Sunny didn't think the place needed spicing up. All of the old furniture was still here, along with pictures, utensils, and everything else. But somehow, it still felt...empty, and she couldn't pinpoint what felt so empty about it.

Still, she held her head high and followed Izzy outside, hoping shopping would take her mind off of things for a little while.

Halfway down the front walkway, she managed to spot Pipp flying towards her. She smiled and waved, but the smile faded when she saw the pegasus princess's worried expression.

"Pipp? What's going on?"

"I...it's..." Pipp paused in an attempt to gather her bearings. "It's Zipp. She gave Terra the throne, but...there was so much nervousness among the crowd that it got to her, and now she's holed up in her room!" She sighed. "I couldn't speak to her no matter what. She said she needed some time to think over things." Shifting forward, she grabbed Sunny's hoof in her own. "Sunny, Izzy, I am so sorry. I'm-"

"Pipp." Sunny smiled. "Don't worry about it. Maybe if the ponies of Zephyr Heights meet Terra for themselves, they might change their minds. When is Zipp planning on introducing her?"

"Soon. She didn't give an exact day."

Izzy, walking backwards, approached the crowd. "Well, not to rush Zipp or anything...but it should be sooner rather than later!" She turned and looked at the doors to the new house. "And you should tell Terra what's going on, too."

"I'm going to do that right now. Where is she?"

"She's inside!"

Pipp rushed in there as fast as her wings would take her, making the two alicorns' manes billow in the breeze she made.

"Hey, pick up that frown and don't be so down!" Izzy chirped, nudging Sunny gently. "Shopping isn't any fun if you're just gonna be grumpy the entire time."

Initially, Sunny didn't respond. She continued to stare at the doors, biting her lip as she thought over Pipp's situation with Zipp. There was no denying that there was still a lot of unfinished business to take care of with the return of magic, but Zephyr Heights seemed to be the most troublesome of the three locations. Which was odd, because Sunny had thought Bridlewood would be the clear winner in that regard.

"Izzy, wait." Sunny said, a realization beginning to form. "Before we go shopping, don't you think we should check up on Bridlewood first? See where they stand with magic's return?"

Izzy stood still for a minute. "Ohhhhh." She nodded. "Yeah, now that you mention it, we never did check on Bridlewood."

"Why don't you do that?" Sunny began trotting towards the doors. "I'll stay with Pipp, Hitch and Terra."


As Izzy began to take flight, Sunny rushed back inside, flinging the door open and listening for voices.

"Perhaps if Zipp were to introduce me, it would ease any anxieties the ponies of Zephyr Heights have."

"But what if it doesn't?"

"That is a possibility. But it would not hurt to try."

"Maybe having history classes would help. You could teach pegasi all about Ancient Equestria, and how alicorns used to rule it."

"Well, maybe not me, Hitch. After all, being a celebrity doesn't leave me much time for other jobs. But I bet Zipp would love to host a class like that!"

Sunny bolted upstairs and into the area where the elevator to the top resided, Sure enough, there were the ponies she was looking for.

"Sunny." Terra turned. "I thought you had gone shopping with Izzy."

"I...wait. How did you know that?"

"When she gets excited, she can be quite loud. I was on one of the upper floors."

"Ah." Sunny playfully rolled her eyes. "Well, she's off to Bridlewood to check on the situation there. I thought I'd stay here with you guys and see if I can help with Zipp."

Terra nodded. "I was just proposing that I visit Zephyr Heights and introduce myself formally to the ponies there. After all, it would be best if they saw who was going to lead them."

"That's a great idea!" Sunny said. "You two should go do that right now!"

Pipp took a deep breath. "Okay." She spread her wings. "We should take off now."

"No need. This is a rather urgent manner that should be taken care of." Terra's horn began to glow alight. "I shall teleport us there."

Pipp nodded, and the pair disappeared from the room with a bright flash.

"I should get back to the station." Hitch began to head for the stairs. "I'll see you later, Sunny."

"Oh, Hitch! Maybe you'd be up for going shopping later? Izzy wants to add some stuff to this place. A-and we still need to come up with a name for it!"

Hitch chuckled. "I'd be happy to. And don't worry, I'll try and think of some ideas."

As he trotted down the stairs, Sunny sighed. She was all alone now, but the feeling came on much stronger than she expected. She supposed that was one of the downsides of having such a big residence, one that she felt apt to explore more as she heard the front doors open and close.

After several minutes of peeking in closets, inspecting the furnishings that were already there, and even finding the basement, she wondered if she should go check on Pipp, Zipp, and Terra. If things went south, they could always use some kind of a mediator...or not. Pipp was a princess, after all. She knew how to smooth things over with ponies.

Finally, she settled on retrieving her things and setting them up in the house. It was more fun with friends, but she needed something to occupy the time while they were away.

"Ponies of Zephyr Heeeee-eeeeeeights!" Pipp called, making sure to raise her voice so Zipp could hear it from her room. Though, since she and Terra were right outside the door, she didn't need to raise it that much. "It's your gal Pipp! So, I brought back Terra for you all to meet. Wave to the camera, Terra!"

Terra did, putting on a lopsided smile.

"I know some ponies might still be a little...on edge about her leading all of Equestria. But you heard my sister. She doesn't want to lead Zephyr Heights. Meeting Terra, I've come to realize that she is a good pony. She wants what's best for all of us. And I'm asking you, as princess, to give her a chance."

The comments began flooding in.

but what'll happen to u???

you mean you're not gonna be princess anymore?? and zip won't be queen??

i support terra!! do what's best for u pipp!!! and for zephyr heights too

That last one got one or two angry reaction emojis. Pipp opted to ignore them. There were always toxic haters online. She was sure some ponies didn't like the alicorns of Ancient Equestria when they were in power. You couldn't please everyone.

"Well...I'm sorry to say this, but..." Pipp took pause for a moment. "If Terra becomes the new ruler of Equestria, then I can't be princess of Zephyr Heights anymore. And Zipp won't be queen of Zephyr Heights anymore, either. I know that might be disappointing to some of you, but it's like I said: I believe Terra becoming the leader will help Equestria stay unified. And full of magic, too."

Terra stepped forward, exchanging a glance with Pipp before clearing her throat. "Pipp is correct. I only wish to do good for Equestria. I am asking for your trust and loyalty, so that together, our beloved country can thrive."

The amount of positive emojis well outweighed the amount of negative ones. A small part of Pipp wondered if it was just because ponies were getting tired of the appeals, but a win was a win in her book.

"It seems like a lot of you Pippsqueaks really want Terra as the new leader!" she said. "That's wonderful. I'm sure Zipp will be glad to hear that." She glanced at the door behind her briefly. "She's, um...a little busy at the moment, and can't attend, for those wondering where she is."

Terra breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "Thank you all. However, I cannot be the leader of Equestria just yet. We will be spreading the word to Maretime Bay as well as Bridlewood, asking for their agreement."

A few comments expressed relief that Zipp and Pipp were still the leaders. Once again, Pipp ignored them.

"I will keep you all updated, so don't worry! Oh, and about those flying lessons, because I'm sure you all need them after magic's been gone for so long..." She chuckled. "I think Zipp is the pony to ask for that. But I'd like to ask that you all keep your hooves on the ground for now. We don't want anypony getting hurt." A worried look crossed her face for a moment, knowing that at least one pegasus has likely already been injured in some way from trying to fly. She saw a lot of them trying to fly, after all. "That's all for now. See ya, Pippsqueaks! Pipp-Pipp-hooray!"

Both mares waved, and Pipp pressed the Stop Recording button on her phone.

"I wonder..."


"Perhaps it would be best if Sunny, Izzy, and Hitch received one of those communication devices."

"One of..." Pipp glanced at the phone. "Oh! Yeah, that's a great idea. I have tons of spares. But, um...before we go to my room to get them..." Her gaze moved to the door once more. "I think we need to talk to Zipp."

"A good idea."

Pipp took initiative, knocking thrice on the door. "Ziiii-iiiipp? It's me! And Terra's here too! Can we talk?"

"I don't think there's much to talk about." came a muffled voice. "I heard everything."

"All we need is to get the permission of Bridlewood and Maretime Bay!" Pipp encouraged. "After that...you'll get your wish."


"And Zephyr Heights is really okay with this?"

"Well..." Pipp sighed. "Not all ponies, of course. But you can't please everypony. There will always be a few who don't like Terra being in power." A wan smile formed. "And that's perfectly okay! I'm sure Terra can handle whatever criticism comes her way. Right, Terra?"

Terra nodded. "Of course. There have been ponies that did not like Princess Twilight being in power, and wished for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to take the thrones once more. But that number was smaller than one would think."

More silence.

"All right, all right. If the pegasi of Zephyr Heights are on board with it, then I won't complain." Zipp said. "You two heading to...?"

"Bridlewood is perhaps the most difficult of our two options." Terra ruffled her wings to relieve an itch that had come creeping onto her feathers. "Do you wish to come with us?"

"Yeah. Just give me a few minutes to freshen up."

"Great! That'll give us enough time to get the phones."

"Ah. I must remember that. 'Phones'." Terra paused. "My apologies. It will take me a while to get used to the technological advancements of modern-day Equestria."

If one looked close, they might have been able to see Pipp's eyes shimmer at the prospect of teaching somepony new about technology. "It's no problem at all! Come on, let's go." She began to take flight and turned her head. "Meet you back here, sis!"

"Got it."

It took no time at all for Pipp and Terra to retrieve four new phones that had yet to be set up. As much as Terra wanted Pipp to show her how to use it, Pipp decided to leave the lessons until after things had calmed down, and after gathering a newly-rejuvenated Zipp, the trio set off for Bridlewood.

To say Terra's arrival made the residents of the forest town do a complete 180 in attitude would be an understatement. If Sunny's speech hadn't done anything to sway some unicorns into snapping out of their funks, Terra landing on the ground right in the center of town certainly did. Pipp and Zipp were only mere afterthoughts, despite being pegasi.

"Ponies of Bridlewood, may I have your attention, please?" Pipp called. "My name is Pipp Petals, and this is my older sister Zipp Storm! And this..." She gestured to her other guest. "...is Terra, an alicorn."

"We're here to ask something of you all." Zipp stepped forward. "I'd like to request that Terra be the pony to lead not just your town, but all of Equestria. I think having her in charge can help form new bonds of unity between unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies, as well as keep magic alive." Her gaze moved to one unicorn who was trying to get his horn to light up. An aura encased the horn a few times, but flickered out within milliseconds. "Losing magic...it was one of the worst things I've ever experienced. Don't any of you feel the same way?"

Glances were exchanged. Some gave noncommittal grunts. Others gave soft murmurs of agreement.

"But we don't even know how to use it!" cried a voice from somewhere neither Pipp nor Zipp nor Terra could see. "What's the point of having magic back if we can't even use it?!"

"Well, I know of somepony who can help! I'm sure if we ask her, Izzy would be glad to help you all in learning how to use your magic again." Pipp smiled. "So what do you say, ponies? I know Bridlewood doesn't really have a ruler -- at least, not like me and Zipp -- but Terra is a fair and kind ruler. We wouldn't be traveling with her if she wasn't."

"You're looking for a ruler of Bridlewood?"

A baritone laugh cut through the air, and a gray stallion marched forward. If he had been in the crowd before, no one had seen him, which was odd considering just how big he was. For Pipp in particular, the size disparity was like Cloudpuff standing next to a skyscraper.

"Now, I'm not some fancy princess or anything...but I think I'm about as close to authority as you're gonna get around here." The stallion stuck out his hoof. "The name's Alphabittle."

"Alphabittle, huh?" Zipp returned the hoofshake. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you!" Pipp squeaked.

"A pleasure." Terra bowed.

"Terra, is it? Please, don't bother with the formalities. And, uh, don't bother with the speech either. Izzy came by already and told us what was going on."

Zipp blinked. "She did?"

"Yeah, yeah. She got our approval." Alphabittle's warm gaze bored into Terra. "I think you'll make a fine leader, Terra. From everything Izzy's told us, it sounds like you have some experience on your shoulders."

"Indeed. Thank you, Alphabittle. I promise I will do everything in my power to protect this incredible town." Terra looked around. "Built into a forest, no less...how nostalgic..."

There was a pause. Pipp gently poked the alicorn. "Uh, Terra?"

"Hm? Oh! My apologies. I was simply reminiscing of days gone by." Terra lowered her head. "We should go to Maretime Bay to inform them of the situation. And...I believe Sunny has something she would like to propose to you two."

Zipp and Pipp exchanged confused glances.

Upon arriving in town, Pipp, Zipp and Terra were greeted with nothing short of panic. It seemed like plants of all kinds, from flowers to vines, were rapidly overtaking the entire town, taking some ponies with them as they became ensnared and trapped. Hitch was attempting to guide those fleeing towards a safer area, while Izzy was doing her best to combat the vines. A flying orange-and-purple speck near the outskirts of town was deduced to be Sunny.

"What's going on?!"

Had Zipp's face not already been white, she would have been seen blanching. "Hitch isn't the only earth pony who got magic back. Everypony else got magic back too. And nopony knows how to use it!" Her head swiveled towards Terra. "Terra, can you do something?"

"I can certainly try. I do know a spell for this, but it has been a while since I have used it, and I do not wish to cause more harm to Maretime Bay."

"It wouldn't hurt to try!" Pipp said, right before dodging a rogue vine that snaked upwards and threatened to sock her right in the chin.

Terra nodded and descended until she was hovering close to the ground, finding a safe place that was largely free of frantic plant life. She lit up her horn, letting steady waves of magic wash over the town that gradually made the plants fade away. Izzy and Hitch, meanwhile, rushed around and tried to catch any ponies that were too high up to land safely.

When the chaos had died down, murmurs of shock and confusion rippled through the area, with some gathering around the mysterious pony that had saved them.

"Do not worry, everypony. The plants are gone, and will not return. However..." Terra raised a hoof. "Please refrain from using your magic until you are properly trained in its usage, lest something like this happens again."

"We don't mean to!" shouted a yellow-furred, pink-maned pony from the crowd. "It just...happens!"

Amidst the various sounds of agreement, Terra raised her voice. "Then Izzy and Sunny can work together to prevent any further calamities from occurring. In the meantime, I am more than happy to train you."

"And just who are you?"

"My name is Terra. I am an alicorn who has raised Sunny and Izzy both into the alicorns you see today." Terra explained, trying not to let the yellow-furred pony get on her nerves. "I have come here to ask you all if you will accept me as the new leader of Equestria. Both Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood have accepted me with open hooves, and I am asking you to do the same."

To her surprise, and that of Zipp, Pipp, and Izzy, there were more whispers and murmurs of concern than there were of outright agreement.

"You would have to ask Hitch." a small voice piped up from the crowd. "He's the sheriff."

"Well..." Hitch slid next to Terra. "I believe Terra can help guide us towards a peaceful world. This plant magic, it's...I still can't believe it." He chuckled. "But Terra is here to help us with it. And that's why I support her becoming the new ruler of Equestria."

Slowly, the crowd began to grow optimistic. The yellow-furred pony was the only outlier, fixing Terra with an ugly scowl before stomping away.

"Hey, Posey!" Sunny greeted, flying down so that she was hovering in front of her as she walked. "Where are you going?"

"Away from all of this. An alicorn as the ruler of Equestria? Please. Her ridding Maretime Bay of all the plants was nothing more than a fluke. There's no way she can help us with our magic." Posey scoffed. "And if I had my way...she wouldn't be here at all."

Sunny flew up and watched her go with a look of disappointment before ultimately flying back to Terra and the group.

"Thank you for your support, everypony." Terra smiled. "I would like to invite you all to a coronation ceremony, where I will be officially crowned Princess Terra. It shall be held here in Maretime Bay, the most neutral area for all three kinds of ponies. I hope to see you all there next week."

The crowd erupted in excited hoofstomps and cheers, Pipp, Zipp, Izzy, Sunny and Hitch included. It was quite clear that the concept of a coronation was foreign to all but Pipp and Zipp, and so the very idea of it got ponies buzzing about what was going to happen.

After the crowd separated, Terra trotted over to the party of five.

"Oh my gosh!" Pipp grinned. "A coronation? Oh, we have to start planning for this right away. I can give you some tips, do your mane and tail, oh, and I bet I can make a fabulous crown for you to wear!"

Terra gave a hearty laugh. "Thank you, Pipp. I appreciate your enthusiasm, as well as your assistance. It will be interesting to see how this modern Equestria handles enthronings."

"I'll help too." Zipp offered. "Not with the mane stuff or the crown stuff, but I can give you tips too."

"Thank you as well, Zipp."

"Oh!" Sunny blinked in realization. "Um...Pipp, Zipp, I need to ask you something."

Both sisters stared at Sunny expectantly.

"See, Terra told me that my new home was meant for all of us to live in, and...I was wondering if maybe...you two would want to move in with me?"

Pipp was the first to react, giving a happy squeal. "Yes! Of course I will, Sunny!" She turned towards the buildings that sat behind her. "This is the perfect opportunity for me and my salon!"


"Uh-huh! I've always wanted to open up a salon, to help ponies with their mane and tail troubles. I was gonna open one up here, in Maretime Bay. And I know, I know, the commute would have been terrible..." Pipp rolled her eyes. "But now there won't actually be much of a commute! Isn't that great?"

Sunny nodded. "Uh...yeah! I didn't know you wanted to open a salon." she said. "But it's great that you're moving in with me! Izzy will be staying with me too."

"Yuparoonie! We're gonna be the bestest roommates ever!"

"Eh, I don't see why I can't move in." Zipp gave a shrug. "Since Zephyr Heights is gonna be ruled by Terra now, I don't need to be there all the time, sitting on a throne, doing nothing all day." She smirked. "It'll be a great change of pace."

"Whoo! Four bestest roommates!"

Sunny's gaze moved over to Hitch, who was looking at the group with a hint of uncertainty in his eyes.

"Hey." She moved over to him. "Still thinking about moving?"


The smile on Sunny's face was understanding, but filled with sadness. "Well, I'll make sure to leave a bed open for you if you want it." she murmured. "And whether you move in or not, you'll always be welcome."

"Thanks." Hitch returned the smile.

"...the Brighthouse!"

The mysterious name made Sunny turn. "The...Brighthouse?"

Izzy nodded enthusiastically. "It's a pun! Lighthouse, but with a bright rainbow...you know?" She grinned. "Our new home needs a fantabulous name, after all."

The more Sunny thought about the pun, the more she enjoyed it. It was simple, but clever. "I like it. The Brighthouse it is!"

Cheers erupted among the group.

Sunny raised a hoof. "Now, I know Izzy wanted to go shopping for some stuff to spice up our new home. Anypony wanna come with?"

Izzy, Hitch, Pipp and Zipp all gave various sounds of agreement and headed off with Sunny to check out a store nearby. Terra, however, stayed behind, watching them leave. When they couldn't be seen anymore, she turned and let her gaze sweep along the ponies of Maretime Bay.

Soon, pegasi and unicorns will populate this town just as earth ponies have. That will certainly be quite a sight to see. She smiled. Sunny and Izzy have new friends. Phyllis is gone. Magic has been restored to Equestria.

Oh, Twilight...you would be proud of the progress this country has made. And with me ruling it in your stead, I will make you proud and lead it in a new era of harmony.

With a soft exhale, she turned back around and headed towards the same direction Sunny, Izzy and the others had run off to, her entire body feeling light in a rush of happiness and relief.

Author's Note:

One more chapter to go!

Numerous events -- some IRL, some on the interwebs -- have cropped up that have led me to push this long-form fic back again and again, but I'm glad to keep working on it until the very end because this is honestly really fun to write (even if my motivation doesn't agree with me). I'm gonna try and go out with a bang, so hold on tight!

Comments ( 2 )

Thanks greatly for getting the next chapter up. Definitely appreciate the effort going into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY liked that stuff about Sunny asking around concerning her new friends as well as pointing out that they will have an extra bed for Hitch even if he doesn't decide to move as well as the stuff about Izzy mentioning that, since she can teleport as well as fly, she can visit Bridlewood and her father anytime. And, yeah, Terra joining Pipp in that message to the fans and the discussion of the opening of a new salon was also great. Yeah, that stuff with Posey was expected, but if she can train Sunny and Izzy with their magic, then she can also do it with the Earth Ponies in general.

I'm going to guess that the final chapter is going to be the introduction to Opaline and Misty, possibly with Phyllis joining them AND Cozy, so Opaline would have allies from all three of the pony types. Of course, I admit that I could be wrong about the Phyllis part. But I AM pretty sure the next/final chapter is going to include sequel set-up.

At any rate, I will certainly be looking forward to the last chapter of this story and more of this series in general.

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