• Published 11th Aug 2023
  • 362 Views, 6 Comments

Conquest Among The Stars: Season One - Pinkamena666

Chrysalis stumbles upon a robot named XJ92 or, as the bot prefers, Jenny. Jenny then introduces Chrysalis to the Galactic Council to help make the changeling's life easier. However, it only sets everyone down a path towards a devastating finale.

  • ...

IV - Solar

XVII. For Research

Chrysalis opened her eyes with a groan, her head still throbbing from using too much magic. She blinked a few times before she sat up, quickly noticing that she was now in a different room. It looked a tad bigger than a bathroom cubicle. At least she was in a bed. She got up and left the room to find herself in a hallway. Looking to her left, she saw what appeared to be the front of the ship.

As she made her way down the hall, the cockpit came more and more into view, and she could see a familiar blue fox in the pilot’s seat. “Krystal?” She asked as she left the hall.

The blue fox turned her seat around to face her guest. “Welcome back.”

“What happened?”

“I found you unconscious. So, I took you on board my ship. You’ve been out for about an hour.”

“You didn’t… shoot at an enemy ship?”

“Jenny notified us that you’d be returning in an enemy ship. Otherwise, we might have.” Krystal then leaned forward in her seat. “Now, how did you survive being in space with no air?”

“I can keep air in my lungs for hours.”

“Ten hours. Good thing you wound up in the right spot. Otherwise you could’ve suffocated.”

“Yeah, lucky.”

“Your dress is interesting,” Krystal continued. “It was extremely hot when I found you. But when I went to remove it, it turned off.”

“You tried to undress me?”

“I didn’t want you burning the bed sheets.”

“Fair enough.”

“So, what about your ship?”

“I’ll have to have a new one sent from home.”

“Or… I could fly you there. Maybe even meet your people.”

Chrysalis went wide-eyed. “Uh… You want to visit a planet full of changelings?”


“Hungry changelings.”


“They’ll devour you.”

“Literally, or…”

Chrysalis sighed. “If you don’t want to end up a husk, you need to give love willingly. Meaning, if they start to climb on top of you, ready to mate, you need to be okay with that. No rejection.”


“Really? You?”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“You just seem so… proper. I can’t even picture you in an orgy. And I can picture Celestia in an orgy.”

“Whatever it takes to know more about your kind.”

Chrysalis crossed her arms. "So, you're willing to go down to my planet, get banged by a bunch of dicks, just to know more about us?"

Krystal nodded. "I can even wear my traditional outfit instead of this spacesuit."


The fox nodded and stood up. "I brought it with me just in case. Please. Have a seat in the co-pilot's seat. I'll go put it on."

Chrysalis slowly walked over and sat down in the seat as Krystal left the cockpit. She made her way down the hall and entered a room on the left, across from the one Chrysalis woke up in. The changeling then turned her chair and looked out at space. Her eyes darted from star to star, wondering how many were livable planets. After a couple more minutes, she heard a door open and close behind her.

"Okay," she heard the fox say. "Ready."

Chrysalis turned around and went wide-eyed. "What?"

The fox was now practically naked. She only had on a loincloth, bra, sandals, and golden wrist and ankle cuffs as well as a golden neck band and shoulder pads. The bra, itself, didn't do much to hide her D-cups. In addition to her clothes, her tribal marks were also visible now. On both hips were a spiral mark and on her arms just below her shoulders was a tribal ring.

"Are... you sure you aren't a slut?" Chrysalis asked.

"This is the traditional garb of my people," Krystal explained. "Before I came to space, of course."

"My children will rape you wearing that."

"I'll just... offer myself up," Krystal suggested. Chrysalis raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "I'm not a slut."

Chrysalis sighed. "I suppose, if you promise them that you'll get to each one... they may go easy on you."

"Every one?"

Chrysalis smiled. "Only a few thousand."

"Oh..." Krystal said as she nervously rubbed her arm. "So... it'll be pretty crazy, then."

"I'd say so."

Krystal blushed and looked at Chrysalis. The changeling tilted her head, trying to figure out what the fox was thinking. Krystal then began her approach. "If it's okay with you, could we... maybe..." Chrysalis just stared at her. "You know? We could it first? Together? Before I get... ravaged."

"This isn't just for research, is it? You're curious."

"Well, I saw Celestia naked when I called her about a meeting. I didn't see much but she was all sweaty and looked like she just had fun. I admit... maybe I got jealous."

Chrysalis chuckled. "Are you all horny?"

"Think of it from our perspective. Or, at least, mine. I have been up here for quite some time and the options are limited to other Senate members. I can't go sleeping around. As head of the Senate, I have an image to keep. Keep a sense of professionalism."

Chrysalis nodded. "I also must warn you that if... I... cum inside you... you'll get pregnant."

Krystal walked up to her. "Have you... finished inside any others?"

Chrysalis looked up at her and leaned back in her chair. "Four others. By their request."

The blue fox smiled and reached behind her back with her right hand to undo her bra. As it fell loose, she held onto it and pulled it away before she reached down and unclipped her loincloth with the same hand. Holding both her bra and loincloth, she held her hand out by her side and dropped the clothes, now fully nude.

"Then, feel free," she said as she took a step back. "And don't stop until you're satisfied."

The changeling slowly stood up. "Are you positive?"

Krystal nodded. "I want to be fully prepared. Besides, I still want to know everything about you."

Chrysalis shrugged and used her magic to lift her dress up and off before she set it down on the seat behind her. "And you've got years of having no sex to make up for." She then pulled the fox close so their bodies touched.

"Oh, my."

"Ready, fox girl?"

Krystal smiled. "Mm-hmm."

Celestia stood in the hangar, expecting Krystal and Chrysalis to have returned by now. She narrowed her eyes and left the hangar, heading back to her room. Once there, she sat at her desk and opened her computer. She pulled up the star map and saw that Krystal's ship hasn't moved since she picked up the changeling.

"What are you doing?"

Chrysalis laid on the bed with Krystal atop her. The fox had her head resting on the changeling's shoulder as she had her hands resting on the shoulders. She was practically out of breath and her whole body was covered in sweat and other bodily fluids. "Are you... alive?" Chrysalis asked as she rubbed the fox's back.

"Mmm..." Krystal muttered as she tightened her grip on Chrysalis' shoulders. "I don't... I can't... I don't wanna..."

Chrysalis chuckled. "Think you can still fly the ship?"

"That's what... autopilot's for," Krystal said as she started to get up, before she slid off onto the floor with a loud thud.

Chrysalis went wide-eyed and rolled onto her side to look over the edge. "Krystal?"

The fox was face-down and groaning. "Can't... feel my legs."

"Took it like a champ. You certainly have more stamina than most I've been with."

Krystal placed her hands on the floor and pushed herself up, before she slid her knees beneath her one at a time. As she arched her back and stretched, she let out a loud groan. "Just gotta get to the cockpit."

Chrysalis slid off the bed and stood up. "You may need help," she said as she offered her hand.

Krystal looked up and took it. She quickly got to her feet but fell into the changeling. "Oh, sorry," she muttered into the queen's shoulder. "Has anyone ever... made you... this exhausted?"

Chrysalis smiled gently. "Sadly, no. But you have no idea how badly I want that."

Krystal gripped the changeling's shoulders tightly and stood upright. She gently shook her legs to get feeling back in them as she eyed the changeling. "Seeing as I have the most stamina..."

"Are you offering to... give me that feeling?"

"I'll be getting some practice soon, right?" Krystal asked, before she slowly let go of Chrysalis' shoulders. "Maybe I can work up my stamina." She then stumbled over to the door. "Alright. To your planet," she said as she left.

Chrysalis smiled and followed. Once they were back in the cockpit, Krystal went to the controls with Chrysalis close behind. "Alright," she said as she pulled up the star map. "Oh..." she said when she saw all of Chrysalis' borders were closed.

Chrysalis eyed her and sighed before she went to the comms and punched in the code to connect to her home's starbase. A changeling soon came over the speakers.

"Who's this?" The changeling asked.

"It's me, Anna."

"Mother? Why are you..."

"Complications. My ship was destroyed and I'll need a new one."

"Oh, we can... have one sent to you?"

"No need. I'm hitching a ride back but I need to open my borders. Can you get into our systems for me? There should be a new file that'll give you access to my Senate files."

"One sec. Yeah, I found it, but... um... Oh! Borders. Should I open them to... everyone, or..."

The changeling eyed the fox. Krystal smiled. "Star Fox," the fox replied.

"Who's that?"

"You'll find out later," Chrysalis said. "Open borders to Star Fox."

"Got it. And... done."

"Thank you, Anna."

"Anything for mother."

Chrysalis smiled. "See ya later," she said, before she ended the call.

"Mother," Krystal repeated. "None of my soldiers are family." Chrysalis dropped into the co-pilot seat as Krystal sent the ship into hyperspace. "Should... Should we get dressed?"

The changeling queen leaned back and interlocked her fingers behind her head. "If you want. No one on my planet wears clothes. And you'll be spending most of the time naked anyways, so..."

"I see your point."

Celestia watched as Krystal's ship made its way towards the princess' old homeworld. "What's she doing?"

Krystal lowered her ship onto a landing pad and turned off the engines. Outside, she could see a bunch of changelings gathering around. "Wow. That's... a lot of naked-ness."

Chrysalis smiled and got up. "Come. Time to meet the family."

Krystal looked down at her naked body and stood up. She then quickly followed after Chrysalis. When she caught up, she led the queen to the back where she lowered the ramp. The two then left the ship, surrounded by many nude changelings. Krystal's eyes scanned the crowd, her eyes going from exposed chests to crotches and back and forth. So much nudity.

"Attention, everyone!" Chrysalis called out as she moved behind Krystal and placed her hands on her shoulders. "This is Krystal! And she came here willingly, so please be careful with her! I don't want her broken before we leave!" She then leaned in closed. "Have fun," she cooed, before giving the fox a shove.

Krystal stumbled forward and caught herself by gently grabbing a drone's shoulders. She gave a small smile. "Hello."

"Dorsa?!" Chrysalis called out before the changeling left the crowd and ran up to her.

"Yes, mother?"

"Three months ago, we found that golden tablet. Any progress?"

"Some," Dorsa replied. "It led to a chamber in the mountains, but we can't get the door open. The stone is extremely thick."

"A hidden chamber in the mountains. Any idea how big?"

"It may lead underground into a larger chamber. We're not really sure, but it's ancient."

"Interesting. Keep at it. I wanna know what's going on."

Luna entered Celestia’s room to find her sister looking at the computer. “Have you seen Krystal? I needed to talk to her about a mining operation we could benefit from.”

“I haven’t seen her in a while, either. But I know where she is.”

“Where is she?”


Luna thought for a moment before she walked over to the desk. “Home home? As in… Equestria?”

Celestia nodded. “Last I heard, Chrysalis’ ship was destroyed and she made it back in a broken Voltuur fighter. Krystal went to go pick her up, her ship staying stationary for almost an hour… then they took off back to Equestria.”

“What do you think that means?”

Celestia crossed her arms. “Ruby and her friends speak highly of her. Same with Jenny. If she’s getting to everyone including Krystal…”

“You think she is trying to take over the Senate?”

“I wouldn’t put it passed her.

“If that is, indeed, what she is up to… then we must keep a closer watch on her.”

Celestia nodded. “When she gets back… I think the time has come for us to have a little chat.”

XVIII. Sightseeing

Krystal jumped into a lake with a big splash. Chrysalis closed her eyes as the water splashed her. She then watched the fox float on her back with a smile.

“Planets like this are rare,” Krystal said as she just let herself float on top of the water.

“You don’t see much with vegetation and lakes?”

“Most of them are either all rock, all ice, full of volcanoes, mostly water… I’ve only seen a handful that look like this.” Chrysalis smiled as she sat down on the edge, her legs dangling in the warm water. “So, your kids seem nice,” she said as she lightly kicked herself in the changeling’s direction.

Chrysalis spread her legs as the blue fox floated between them, her head gently bouncing off the edge of the lake. “They seem to like you, too. So did you really last that long?”

Krystal chuckled. “Nah. They gave me a break halfway through, where they just licked me all over. It felt nice actually. They’re really very sweet.”

Chrysalis smiled. “Yes, they are.”

“How’d the war even start?”

“Oh, a lot of things caused it… But it mostly came down to bad decisions made on both sides.”

“How incredibly unfortunate. I’m sorry for your loss.”

Chrysalis gave a small smile. “Part of me thinks it may have been a mistake, going to space. If I attract the wrong attention, I could lose so much more.”

“But if you stayed here, then you’d lose everyone, right?”

“That is my fate. Everything always working against me. Always on edge. Like I’m… not meant to be happy.”

“Some have to work harder at happiness than most. But you’ll get there. I’m sure of it.”

“I hope so. Even though I may have been the villain before, with stealing love and… whatnot… I do hope that, one day, I won’t have to worry about absolutely everything.”

“That’s what being a leader is,” Krystal said. “Although, in your case, you’re also a mother. I could lose a fleet of soldiers and it won’t come close to… you losing one of yours.”

Chrysalis smiled lightly as the fox turned herself upright and faced the changeling. “I can’t begin to imagine what that’s like,” Krystal continued. “Is that why you’re always out alone? I never see any of your ships flying around.”

Chrysalis nodded. “I can’t risk their lives for anything. Because once what I have is gone… that could be it. Forever.”

“You impregnated me, right? And three others?”

“That’s only twelve. Besides, if I lose any more, I… I don’t know what I’d do. In fact, I’m pretty sure more have already died and the others aren’t telling me.”

Krystal placed her hands on the changeling’s legs and pulled herself up so they could be face-to-face. Chrysalis closed her legs on the fox to hold her in place. “You definitely have it harder than most.”

“It’s nice to meet someone who actually gets it. Celestia was never one for listening. At least, not when it came to me.”

Krystal smiled and reached her right hand up to the changeling’s cheek. “I’m not a slut.”

“I am aware.”

“And I’m far too busy for relationships.”


“But I’ll be there for you. When you need it. You know?”

Chrysalis smiled and grabbed the wet fox’s ass and hoisted her up into her lap. “You’re offering a lot, fox girl.”

“I trust you.”

Chrysalis stared at her in disbelief, not really sure how to respond. Trust was something she never really had with anyone until she met Jenny, Ruby, and now Krystal. The blue fox smiled at her silence and leaned in for a kiss.

Celestia entered a system she owned with a planet labeled Alpha. She flew down to the planet’s surface where there was a bustling city with tall white and gold buildings everywhere and hover cars on the surface. She landed her small cruiser on a landing pad and left the ship. Waiting just outside was a blue male griffin wearing a white t-shirt and brown shorts.

“Hello, Gallus,” Celestia greeted.

“Princess. What brings you here?”

“I must speak with you and your friends.”

Gallus nodded. “I’ll give them a call. They should be able to get here in a few minutes.”

The alicorn nodded. “Do it.”

Chrysalis and Krystal laid out in the grass by the lake so they could dry off. “Will I get more pregnant now?” Krystal asked as she looked over at the changeling.

“No. You won’t get pregnant again until after you’ve given birth.”

“Good. Because I don’t think my belly could hold six eggs.”

“Probably not.”

“If that happened… could you save me?”

Chrysalis smiled. “Probably. I’m pretty good with magic. There’s probably a… spell, or something.”

“That’s a relief. I’m more than happy to help you repopulate, especially if the worst should happen. I’d just… like to be alive afterwards.”

“Oh, trust me… I wouldn’t allow you to die like that.”

“Thank y…”

“Could you imagine all those unfertilized eggs?”

Krystal froze. “Wait, what? Oh, is that a joke?”

Chrysalis smiled and sat up. “I think I’m dry enough. Ready to head back?”

Krystal sighed. “I probably should. Though, this was nice. Enjoying nature totally naked… Having mind-blowing sex.”

“Mind-blowing, huh?” Chrysalis asked with a chuckle as she stood up and held out her hand.

Krystal accepted the hand and stood up, too. "I guess I have nothing to compare it to. But it was fun." She then noticed a castle up in a nearby mountain. “What’s that?”

Chrysalis followed her gaze. “Oh, that’s… Celestia and Luna’s old home. And my current one. When I’m not at the Senate, that is.”

“Oh… Can I see it?” Krystal asked with a smile. “I do appreciate a good castle.”

Chrysalis just shrugged.

Celestia and Gallus stopped their conversation when they heard the sound of approaching engines. It belonged to an orange sports car with fire decals all over it. It swerved to a stop before the driver’s door flipped up.

“Hey, princess,” an orange dragon said as she jumped out of her hover car. She was wearing a white t-shirt with black pants and a black jacket. On her feet she wore black boots. “What brings you here?”

She looked back down the road and saw a teal van, a brown pick-up truck, and a silver hover bike making their way towards them. The rider on the bike was a white female hippogriff wearing a sky blue crop top and shorts. When the vehicles all parked by Celestia’s ship, the driver’s disembarked.

The driver of the teal van was a pale green stallion wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals. The driver of the pickup truck was a busty brown yak with an oversized white shirt and loose-fitting white shorts.

“I’m glad you all could make it,” Celestia said with a smile. “We have a… problem.”

“What is it?” The dragon asked as she crossed her arms.

“Well, Smolder… Chrysalis has left her planet. Our old planet. I’m concerned she's planning on hunting us all down. Anyone who fought against her in the war.”

“But, we didn’t…” the yak began.

“Not you, Yona. Your people. Yaks, dragons, hippogriffs, griffins. I have a strong feeling that they’re all in danger.”

“So, we’re spread the word?” The hippogriff asked. “Warn everyone?”

“Yes, Silverstream. Go to your homeworlds and notify your leaders. It may not be soon, but Chrysalis will be coming for them. I’m almost sure of it.”

Everyone nodded and returned to their vehicles. Gallus went over to a blue bike nearby and sped off with the others. Celestia watched them leave before she boarded her own ship.

Krystal pushed open the doors to the Canterlot throne room. “Wow,” she said in awe, her voice lightly echoing off the stone walls. "This is your home?"

"It is now. It used to be the princess' before I took it over."

"Oh," Krystal said as she stopped in front of Celestia's throne and turned around. "Where did... you sleep?"

"In a cave in the Badlands."

"Oh..." Krystal said, her smile fading. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I stole a few beds and other furniture."

Krystal hesitated, feeling somewhat awkward, before she sat in Celestia's throne. "These are nice."

"Yes, they are," Chrysalis said plainly as she walked over to the fox. "That's why I kept them."

"Where do you sleep?"

"I took over Celestia's room," Chrysalis explained before she went to sit down in Luna's throne. "It's nicer than the Senate rooms. But it doesn't have a computer."

The two just sat in silence as they stared down the long hallway. Krystal smiled and looked over at the changeling, who tilted her head back and closed her eyes. The fox then turned on her side to face the queen.

“What are you thinking about?”

Chrysalis sighed. “I’m remembering how lively this place used to be.”

“They let you inside the castle?”

Chrysalis smiled. “I’m a changeling. I changed.”

“You say that, but I’ve never seen you change.”

“You’ve known me for two days.” Chrysalis opened her eyes and looked over at the fox. “But if you really wanna see…” A green magic engulfed the changeling before her appearance changed into that of the fox.

Krystal stared at her reflection. “Whoa… You look… exactly like me.”

“The more I study someone, the better I can copy them,” Chrysalis explained in her own voice. She then cleared her throat and continued in Krystal’s voice. “And we’ve had sex a couple times, so I know your body pretty well.”

“Wow…” Krystal said with a smile. “I look good.”

“You look hot,” Chrysalis cooed.

The real fox blushed and let out a nervous chuckle. "So... I'm no slut..."

"Buuuuuut you wanna have sex with yourself."

"How often does a moment like this come along for someone?" Krystal asked with a wide smile. "So... How about one more round before we head back?"

Chrysalis smiled. "Why not?"

Back on Krystal’s ship, the two finally got dressed again. “Shame I didn’t wear this while we were out,” the fox muttered as she looked over her skimpy outfit.

“Would you prefer that instead of walking around totally naked?”

Krystal smiled lightly. “That was pretty fun.” Suddenly, the communication notification beeper went off. Krystal reached over and hit the button. “Yes?”

“Is this… the same ship I spoke with earlier?”

Krystal thought for a moment. “Anna?”

“Yes. Please notify our queen that her ship is ready.”

“Will do, Anna.”

Krystal looked over at the changeling, who nodded as she pulled her dress on. “I heard.”

“Is it just up there?” Krystal asked as she pointed up.

“Yes. From where we are, if you go straight up, you should see it almost immediately.”

Krystal nodded and turned on the engines. As they began to lift, Chrysalis sat down in the copilot’s seat. The ship then pulled back before moving forward. “Nice planet. Good kids.”

Chrysalis smirked. “Thank you.” She then looked over at the fox. “Not that I mind the bite, but… aren’t you going to change back into your… other suit?”

Krystal smiled. “Maybe. Though, I would love to see the looks on everyone’s faces when I walk around the station wearing this.”

“Oh, you’ll get looks alright.” Chrysalis then pointed. “Right there.”

Krystal nodded and turned her ship to fly towards the station. She approached a large force field only designed to keep air inside. She flew through the energy field and landed in an empty spot. They both got up and left the ship via the ramp and the fox looked around.

“What the…” She said in awe. There were tons upon tons of changelings crawling all over the ships in the hangar like insects. She could see some cleaning, some welding, and some even building a new ship. “So, this is how you manage to build so fast.”

Chrysalis nodded. “I insisted to keep the amount of workers up here limited, but they really wanted to help.” Her eyes then fell on her new ship. “Over here.”

As they started to walk, Krystal noticed a bunch of the drones staring at her. “I think, for my own safety, I should probably… head back.”

Chrysalis stopped walking and looked back at her. She then looked around and nodded. “Yeah, that probably would be for the best.”

Krystal gave a single wave before Chrysalis kept walking. The fox then turned to head back when she almost bumped into a drone. “Oh. Apologies.”

The drone stared at her before it began to feel the furry blue hip. “Food?”

Krystal chuckled nervously and gently pulled the hand away. “Sorry, I just… had sex with a lot of changelings down there. Still pretty exhausted.”

The drones ears dropped. “Oh. Okay.”

Krystal hesitated before she sighed. “Hey, I’d love to help you out. I just don’t want to… start an orgy up here while you all are supposed to be working.”

The drone nodded. “I understand,” she said as she started to turn away.

Krystal thought for a moment before she reached out and placed her hand on the drone’s shoulder. The changeling stopped and looked at her. “Does it have to be sex? Or can any emotionally positive action work?”

“Sex gives us the most energy,” the drone explained. “But anything positive works.”

Krystal nodded. “I see. Then how about a snack?”


Krystal gently pulled the drone into a kiss. She could hear the drone’s wings fluttering rapidly as the kiss deepened. She even felt the changeling’s tongue licking at hers. Both moaned and swapped saliva before Krystal pulled away.

“How was that?” She asked with a smile.

The drone smiled back and hugged her before flying away. Krystal watched her leave with a smile. “Huh. That was easy.” She then turned back to see a line of drones waiting. “Oh, boy.”

Chrysalis approached her new ship where Anna, a drone with green eyes and a pierced left ear, greeted her. “Welcome aboard, Mother.”

Chrysalis smiled. “This ship looks amazing.”

“Thank you. It was meant to be a simple backup, but I had our workers improve the shields, weapons, and engines. Hopefully no one will be destroying this one.”

The queen smiled and looked back to see Krystal’s ship still docked. “Poor girl.”

Anna followed her mother’s gaze. “Who did you come with?”

“Her name’s Krystal. She’s with the Senate. And she… she’s actually willing to help us… repopulate.”

Anna went wide-eyed. “What? Someone’s actually willing?”

Chrysalis nodded. “Come. I’ll introduce you. Something tells me she’ll be here for a little while longer.”

When Chrysalis and Anna arrived at Krystal’s ship, they saw the fox sitting on the ramp of her ship while she made out with a drone. After the kiss was over, the drone left and another walked up. Anna slowly made her way over. As she did, the other drones made a path for her. Krystal finished her kiss with the current drone before she noticed Anna.

“Krystal?” Anna asked.

The fox recognized the voice. “Anna?”

The drone walked over to her. “It’s true? You’re helping us repopulate?”

“I have three in me already,” the fox replied with a smile. “I do hope to help out more in the fut…” She was cut off when Anna dove in for a kiss.

When Anna pulled away, the drones all started to chant, "Have sex. Have sex. Have sex."

"What, I can't... do all of you," Krystal stammered. "I'm..."

"Not all of them," Chrysalis said with a smile. "They want you two... to do it."

"But... why?"

Chrysalis went over to sit beside her on the ramp. "Anna's love for the hive rivals that of my own. She's always there for others and she's sort of become a favorite. And she's one of my oldest. So, she has a lot of respect. The others are fine with kisses even if you have sex."

"Wow. Um..."

"In fact..." Chrysalis began as she snapped her fingers.

Her horn flashed and Krystal's eyes went slightly wide. She reached down to her crotch and felt a bulge. "Uh..."

"She wants to thank you. So, let her."

Krystal looked at the drone, who slowly straddled her lap. "A-Alright, I guess."

Krystal dropped down in her seat in the cockpit with a heavy sigh. As she turned on her engines, she saw all the drones waving bye at her. She smiled and waved back as her comms beeped. She hit the button before she took off out of the hangar. "Yes?"

"It's Chrysalis. You okay? That was a looooooot of kissing."

"I'm just glad I could help. Though, I may need a nice, long nap."

"You definitely deserve it."

"You have lovely kids, Chrysalis. I hope to visit them again."

"You're always welcome here, fox. I'm sure they'd love to see you again, too."

Krystal smiled and input the coordinates to the Senate. "See you back at base?"

"Yes, I'll swing by. See if anyone else needs help with anything."

Krystal nodded and activated her hyperdrive. "See ya soon, then," she said, before she shot off, the comms cutting out.

XIX. Infiltration

Chrysalis landed her ship in the Senate's hangar and sighed. She could see Krystal's ship a few feet away. She lowered her ramp and left her ship. As she headed down, she saw Applejack waiting for her, arms crossed. "Ah, the apple one," Chrysalis said as she walked up to the earth pony.

"Why do you keep comin' back?"

"Because I'm trying to prove myself by helping out. Speaking of which, anything you need help with?"

"Yeah," AJ said as her eyes narrowed. "I got a bug problem."

Before Chrysalis could retort, Ruby came running over. "Hey, you're back! I had a question."

"Yes, Ruby?" The changeling asked as she kept her eyes on the apple pony.

“I was wondering if you had the time to… let me help you with your problem?”

Both Chrysalis and Applejack gave her a look of confusion before the changeling let out a soft chuckle. “Oh. Right. I could use a break,” she said as she placed her hand on the human’s back and started to lead her away.

Applejack turned to face them. “W… B… Are…” Applejack watched them leave the hangar. “They bangin’?”

Applejack went to their hall of rooms and knocked on Celestia’s door. “Princess?”

“Come in, Applejack.”

AJ opened the door and entered to find Celestia at her desk, going through her computer. “I think… Chrysalis just impregnated Ruby.”

Celestia stopped and looked over at her. “I beg your pardon?”

“It seemed that Ruby was okay with it, too. And I think that means her friends may have also been with Chrysalis, or plan to.”

Celestia leaned back in her seat. “And I’m most certain Krystal has been impregnated, too.”

“What do we do? They’re our friends.”

The alicorn sighed. “Not much we can do. I can try putting the fear in her, but I don’t think she’ll listen.”

“Got a plan B?”

Celestia nodded. “If she’s indeed spreading her kind throughout the Senate, I may have to take action against her before it gets out of control.”

“What about the rules of engagement?”

“Let me worry about the rules, Applejack. I thank you for bringing me this information. Is there anything else?”

“No, ma’am,” AJ said, before she left.

Celestia looked at her computer screen which showed blueprints for a large ship with a giant cannon built into the front. “I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to use you.”

Ruby and Chrysalis left the changeling’s room. The human gave the bug queen a big hug before she skipped off, humming to herself. Before Chrysalis could go anywhere, she saw Sally approaching her. The chipmunk want that tall at all. In fact, Chrysalis was almost positive she only went up to just under her large breasts.

“Chrysalis?” The chipmunk asked with a wave.

The changeling smiled as she looked down at the Mobian. “Which one are you?”

“Princess Sally Acorn, of the Freedom Fighters. But you can just call me Sally.”

Chrysalis sighed heavily. “Another princess? And what can I help you with, Sally?”

“I have a rescue mission I need help with. It involves infiltration, and you’re a changeling, right? That means you can… change?”

Chrysalis stared at her before green magic ran down her body. She now stood as a copy of Sally, her hand right on her chest to keep her overly large dress from falling off. The chipmunk took a step back.

“Wow. So you can. That’ll be a huge help.”

Chrysalis smiled. “Alright, Sally. Let’s go.”

After Chrysalis changed back, they made their way to the elevator that would take them to the lower hangar. When they arrived at the elevator, Sally hit the button just as Celestia walked up to them.

“Chrysalis,” the alicorn greeted. “I see you’re busy.”

The changeling smiled. “Helping with a rescue mission.”

“I see… When you return, please come see me. I have something I’d like to show you.”

“Oh… Okay…”

The elevator door opened and Sally entered the cylindrical room. Chrysalis backed up inside as she kept her eyes on the alicorn. Once the door slid shut, she sighed heavily.

“Still doesn’t trust me.”

“You two have quite the history, don’t you?”

“Yes we do.”

“Krystal informed me of her visit to your planet. Said she plans on helping you repopulate.”

“And it would probably be for the best that Celestia never finds out.”

“Especially that you had intercourse with her favorite mare?”

Chrysalis went wide-eyed. “What? How…”

“I’ve seen the way she looks at you. So I asked her.”


“Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.”

“Good. Celestia might actually go to war with me if she ever found that out.”

Sally led the changeling queen to her flying-saucer-like ship. The rim was brown and the tinted windows and bottom section were dark blue. There was a circular platform beneath the ship that connected to the lower section and seemed like the way on board.

“I don’t think I’ll fit,” Chrysalis pointed out. “Comfortably, anyways.”

Sally looked at her and then at her ship. “Oh. Right.”

“No matter,” Chrysalis said before she changed into Sally again. Holding her dress to keep it from falling off, she stepped onto the platform. “Ready.”

Sally smiled and stepped onto the platform beside the changeling. The platform then moved up and brought the two chipmunks into the main part of the ship. In front of them was the triangular cockpit. There was a door on the left and right wall that led to the back section where there was probably a small bedroom or rest area.

“This one’s cozy,” Chrysalis said in her own voice so as not to confuse the real princess.

Sally headed for the driver’s seat and sat down. The saucer then lifted up and flew out of the hangar. “I find it easier to handle than the bigger ones everyone else has.”

“Definitely a smaller target.” Chrysalis then looked down at her dress and sighed. She let go and allowed it to fall to the floor.

Sally looked back and blushed. “Um… You okay?”

“Dress is too big. And I don’t feel like holding onto it for the whole trip.”

Sally turned back around and set the autopilot to take them to their destination before she got up. “This way,” she said as she headed for the door to the left.

Chrysalis followed. It seemed the entire back section was a rest area with a bed, a dresser, and a bathroom. The chipmunk walked over to the dresser and opened it up.

“Lets see. I should have something your size in here.”

Chrysalis walked up to her and smiled. “Are you blushing?”

“You’re naked.”

“I’m you. Have you never seen you naked?”

“Of course I have. I just… see you as someone else.”

Chrysalis then slipped behind her and placed her hands on the chipmunk’s shoulders. “Ever wondered what it’d feel like to kiss yourself?”

Sally stopped rummaging through the dresser and looked over her shoulder. “I’m sure everyone’s wondered that.”

“Have you?”

“Maybe once?”

“I can help with that.”

Sally slowly turned around. “This what you did with Starlight? And Krystal?”

Chrysalis chuckled and shook her head. “No. They offered on their own.”

“Then, why are you hitting on me?”

“I’ve known a few princesses in my time. Something tells me you could use some relaxation.” Sally stayed silent. Chrysalis used her magic to close the dresser drawers and then placed her hands on it beside the chipmunk. “Just one kiss.”

Sally leaned back against the dresser as she stared her doppelgänger in the eyes. “Fine. Just one kiss.”

Chrysalis smiled and slowly leaned in. Sally closed her eyes before she felt a copy of her own lips against her mouth. It felt like being kissed by another Mobian chipmunk. But she liked it.

Chrysalis moved her hands lower to grip the chipmunk’s butt and left her up onto the dresser. Sally let out a startled gasp and held the queen’s shoulders for support. Chrysalis smiled and leaned in to kiss Sally’s belly.

“I can go lower,” she cooed.

The chipmunk princess sighed in defeat. “Alright, okay, fine. Do it.”

“With pleasure.”

“I just want to be clear,” Sally began as they entered the cockpit.

“I know,” Chrysalis said with a smile, now wearing a white shirt and blue shorts that actually fit her. “You’re not a slut.”

“Well…” Sally started as she sat down in the pilot’s chair. “True, but… I was going to say that I only did that because I haven’t had any in a while. Don’t go expecting it.”

“That’s fine. I still have your body. And can do whatever I want with it.”

Sally stared at her. “Just… don’t go walking around naked with my body.”

“I’m more respectful than that.”

“Good.” Sally then pointed out the window. “We’re here.”

Chrysalis looked at the planet. “It’s… all green.”

“It’s all trees and lakes. Perfect for Mobians, but some unsavory faction have invaded. The entire village is surrounded with patrols everywhere. I can’t get in, and others have failed as well. That’s where you come in. Take out one of the guards, take their identity, set the captives free, and then finish the rest off.”

“Huh…” Chrysalis muttered. “I’ve done a lot of infiltration, but I’ve always left quietly.”

“Is this going to be a problem?”

“No. Just a nice change of pace.”

Sally nodded and piloted her ship down towards the planet. When she was Just above the tree line, she stopped.

“Okay,” she said and pointed down at a clearing nearby. “That’s where the village is.”

Chrysalis memorized the distance and nodded before she disrobed and went over to the exit platform. Sally hit a button to lower the platform. As it did, Chrysalis felt the cool breeze and could hear the birds chirping.

"Going... naked?" Sally asked with a blush.

Chrysalis eyed her. "I'll be taking someone else's clothes. I won't need mine." She then looked down when the platform came to a stop. “Nice planet,” she sighed, before she jumped down.

Just before landing, she fluttered her wings and quietly dropped into a kneeling position. She could hear a patrol nearby and kept low. Sure enough, she saw light up ahead and an anthro male wolf carrying a lantern walked by. Chrysalis kept hidden behind a bush. When she saw no one else around, she lunged at him. He swung around with a machete just as the changeling collided with him. He let out a grunt as she wrapped her arm around his neck and twisted. There was a sickening crack as the wolf fell limp. Chrysalis let his body drop before she took his form. After stealing his clothes, she picked up the machete and the lantern.

She made her way towards where she saw the clearing. It didn't take her long and she didn't see any more patrols this far out. When she arrived at the village, however, she saw plenty. There were a few huts scattered about in some kind of circle formation with what looked like a gathering area in the center with a campfire. Chrysalis kept back until one of the guards passed her. She then grabbed him and pulled him into the brush before she slashed his throat.

She peeked her head out and saw about three more guards walking around. There was a hut off to the right with a guard out front, telling her that's probably where the Mobians were. She took a deep breath and stepped out as she casually made her way closer. As she headed for the lone guard at the hut, she heard two of the other patrols talking.

"Did you hear about what happened five years ago?" One wolf asked the other. "To the group on Nejara?"

"Nejara?" The second wolf asked. "You're talking about that small uprising?"

"Uprising?" Chrysalis thought to herself.

"What about it?"

"Didn't it happen on a night like this?"

"Hey, cut it out. That's not funny."

Chrysalis smirked as she walked up to the guard at the hut. Without saying a word, he looked at her before she ran her machete through his chest. Rather than let him fall, she lowered his corpse to the ground and pulled the weapon free from his flesh. She then barged into the hut to see four Mobians kneeling with their wrists bound; a squirrel, a cat, a bunny, and a pink hedgehog wearing a red dress.

They all looked worried at the approaching wolf, so Chrysalis changed back to normal. “It’s okay. I’m with Sally.”

“Princess Sally?” The hedgehog asked. “Was Sonic with her?”

“I’m not sure who this Sonic is,” Chrysalis said. “But we need to move.”

“How’d you get past the archers?” The squirrel asked.


“Burn it down!” They heard a wolf yell from outside.

Suddenly, the roof of the hut burst into flames as pieces fell down. Chrysalis growled and slid in the middle of the four Mobians before she put up a shield.

Sally kept watching the clearing where the camp was before she noticed the larger plume of smoke. “Something’s wrong,” she said before she began her approach.

Chrysalis let out a grunt as the hut collapsed on her, the weight of the rubble making it harder to hold the shield. She then let out a yell and made the shield explode outward, knocking the burning rubble away.

With the debris cleared, she noticed they were surrounded on all sides by wolves. There were the males who were patrolling the camp and now there were females holding bows. And the bows were all aimed at the changeling.

“You almost made it,” a male wolf called out to her. “We weren’t expecting a shapeshifter. Luckily our archers spotted you.”

Chrysalis’ eyes narrowed. “I suggest you let us leave. Or you’ll regret it.”

“I don’t think so. Kill them all!”

The archers all released. Cheetahs held up her hands and caught them all with her magic. It was a strain, since they were all around her, but she kept it up. As the archers all reloaded, Chrysalis dropped to her knees and shot the arrows forward. They flew over her head and some struck a target while some even hit each other.

While the wolves were reeling back from the attack, Chrysalis picked up the machete she had and threw it at the nearest wolf. After it pierced his chest, she used her magic to bring it back to her hand. She dodged an arrow before she fired a magic beam at the attacker, knocking them back a few feet.

She heard a yell from behind and stepped aside to dodge the swing of an axe. She then spun around to stack but the wolf grabbed her wrist. She then grabbed his wrist abs leaned back as he tried to headbutt her. She then tied her head forward and rammed her jagged horn through his left eye. She put up a shield as the wolf dropped to avoid a couple more arrows. When the head finally slid off her horn, she stood up and dropped the shield.

She caught another arrow with her magic and returned it with even greater force. The archer managed to dishes the attack, the arrow grazing her shoulder. With a lot of the enemy wolves dead, she looked over at the captives and held up her hand. She grabbed their binds all at once before she snapped the ropes.

She looked over as the rest of the wolves charged at her. She got ready to attack before a huge laser blast came down from the sky behind her and blew them up. There was a bloody red cloud as body parts flew everywhere. Chrysalis turned around as blood dripped down her horn to see Sally’s ship.

“I can’t thank you enough,” Sally smiled as the fourth and final Mobian made it onto the ship.

Chrysalis, disguised as Sally with the wolf’s clothes, smiled lightly. “I missed the action, so… that was invigorating.”

“I’m just glad you’re on our side.” The pink hedgehog came over to hug the princess. “You okay, Amy?”

“I am. Just get me out of here.”

Chrysalis retrieved her clothes and headed for the bedroom to change. Sally watched her leave before she headed over to the pilot’s seat. “Let’s go home.”

XX. Secret Weapon

When Sally’s ship landed in the hangar, Celestia was already waiting. Chrysalis saw her out the window and looked at the chipmunk. “Remember… Not a word to Celestia.”

Sally made the motion of zipping up her lips before Chaos left the ship. Now back in a larger space, she changed back to normal, readjusting her dress so her breasts were comfortable. She continued to make her way over to the white alicorn, who was waiting patiently.


“Chrysalis. Are you ready?”

“I just got back from a big fight. Can it wait?”

“You won’t have to do anything but stand, watch, and listen. I just have something to show you.”

Chrysalis let out a sigh. "Lead the way."

As the white alicorn turned and made her way to her small cruiser, she spotted Luna and Starlight waiting by the ramp. Chrysalis followed Celestia on board as Luna and Starlight picked up the rear. As Luna joined her sister in the cockpit, Starlight hung back with Chrysalis.

"What's going on?" Chrysalis asked.

Starlight shrugged. "Beats me. Celestia just asked me to come with her."

"She... She doesn't..."


They felt the ship shake as it shot into hyperspace. "Good. Then, what does Celestia want to show me?"

"Well..." Starlight muttered. "It may have something to do with her secret weapon."

"Secret weapon?"

"I tried to warn you before you left. I don't know much about it, but I know it's powerful. So powerful I made her promise not to use it."

"You think she broke that promise?"

"Well, things changed."

"What changed?"

"You showed up." Chrysalis crossed her arms and eyed the floor. Starlight smiled and leaned in. "I'm glad you're here."

Chrysalis eyed her before they felt the ship shake again as it left hyperspace. She then looked down the small hall to the cockpit and could see a large ship out the window. Its size rivaled that of the Senate, maybe even bigger. It was also long with a giant cannon on its underbelly. The weapon itself seemed to glow and the ship was currently parked near a planet.

"The hell is that?" Chrysalis asked.

Starlight looked, too. "That must be the weapon. Her Solar Cannon."

"Solar Cannon?"

Celestia flew her ship into a docking bay on the large ship. After she parked, she and Luna led Starlight and Chrysalis through the ship's hangar and down a series of halls to an elevator. The whole time, all four remained silent as they rode the elevator up to the bridge. As they entered, the crew all stood at attention.

"At ease," Celestia said as she brought her group over to the large window. "See that?" She said as she pointed at the lush green planet. "My recon teams have explored the entirety of the planet and found only flora and fauna. Completely void of civilizations."

"Why'd you bring me here?" Chrysalis asked.

Starlight let out soft gasp. "Oh, no."

Celestia eyed the unicorn and then the Changeling. "For a demonstration of my Solar Cannon. Fire it up!"

The crew got to work as the room was filled with a low hum. "Power at 45-percent!" Chrysalis eyed the princess before she looked at the planet again. "65-percent!" Starlight had her arms wrapped around herself, looking rather uncomfortable. "85-percent!"

"Fire when ready," Celestia commanded.

The humming grew louder before the large cannon fire an enormous beam of light that covered the whole planet. Chrysalis and Starlight had to shield their eyes from the light while Celestia seemed unaffected. The beam lasted for about a minute before it faded away. When the light died, Chrysalis looked and gasped. The once-green planet was now brown, as if all the life had been burnt away.

"What?" She asked, wide-eyed.

Celestia smiled. "Let's take a closer look."

Celestia landed her cruiser in the barren land as the crew disembarked. Chrysalis looked around at all the ash and dirt that remained from the trees that used to be there. She even saw the remains of some bones from animals that were fried. The harsh wind howled and blew dirt around as Starlight looked around in horror. Celestia smiled and walked up next to the changeling.

"I'd say it works," she cooed darkly.

Chrysalis let out a shuddery breath. "Why'd you show me this?"

"Why do you think?" Celestia asked. Chrysalis eyed her and stared into the princess' intimidating eyes. This felt like a threat and Chrysalis knew why she was shown the weapon. Celestia could tell that the queen understood and smiled. "Shall we head back?" Chrysalis looked at the barren wasteland once more as Celestia passed by Starlight. She then stopped and looked at the unicorn. "I don't know if you're developing feelings for this changeling, but I severely hope that isn't the case." She then headed back onto the ship.

Starlight was frozen in shock. Did the princess just threaten her, too? Chrysalis then turned and walked over to her. The two exchanged looks before they both followed Celestia back onto her ship.