• Published 11th Aug 2023
  • 361 Views, 6 Comments

Conquest Among The Stars: Season One - Pinkamena666

Chrysalis stumbles upon a robot named XJ92 or, as the bot prefers, Jenny. Jenny then introduces Chrysalis to the Galactic Council to help make the changeling's life easier. However, it only sets everyone down a path towards a devastating finale.

  • ...

I - Ally

V. Who’s Knocking On My Door?

It’s been two months since Chrysalis’ first space station was built. Her fleet currently consists of four science and four construction ships as well as ten fighter ships and her flagship. The territories directly surrounding her planet were also hers.

The queen was standing on the bridge at a hologram table that was protecting a map of the galaxy while two of her drones piloted the ship. She crossed her arms while she observed the map. There were still so many areas they hadn’t explored yet. One area stuck out to her where she had previously seen some activity from another faction. She wasn’t sure who or what it was but her curiosity peaked. Especially since she still needed food.

She tapped the area where she saw the ship which sent a notification to her fleet. “Abby, I need this area scoped out. Gruda will be your escort and make sure nothing happens during your reconnaissance.”

“Yes, ma’am,” both drones said before their ships began moving towards the unknown location.

Chrysalis gripped the table and sighed. “Who are you knocking on my door?” She cooed.

Abby arrived first and saw where the ship probably went. “Um… Ma’am?” She said. “I-I think I found out where that ship you saw went.”

“What is it, Abby?”

“It’s an ice planet. Too, uh… Too cold for us, but… Want us to land and investigate?”

“Might as well. Take Gruda and her team with you. The more of you, the better. And, be careful. You too, Gruda.”

“Loud and clear, my queen,” the raspy voice of Gruda said over the radio.

Both ships began their approach as Abby walked up to the console by the pilots. “Temperature’s almost, uh… twenty below freezing. We’ll be fine so long as we, um… find a way to keep warm.”

After both groups dressed up in warm winter coats, they left their ships. Gruda and her team walked over to Abby, who was looking at a device in her hand.

“Where to?” Asked the raspy changeling.

“Um… This way,” Abby said as she pointed where her device was telling her to go.

The timid changeling started moving as her science team held up scanners to make sure they didn’t miss anything. They entered a canyon with walls about fifty feet tall and at a slope that would make it almost impossible to climb in this weather.

“Are you sure there’s something here?” Gruda asked.

Abby shrugged. “I’m, uh… getting a large reading of metal o-on the surface nearby. It’s either, um… a deposit or, most likely… a ship.”

Gruda looked around and then up. “I can barely see anything in this damn weather. I hope our queen doesn’t expect us to inhabit this place.”

“Sh-She isn’t stupid,” Abby replied. “There’s no way she’d have us live here. Um… She might take control of the planet for resources or, uh… offer it as a home to a-another species in exchange for compensation.”

“I guess so,” Gruda sighed. “But, who’d wanna live here? Who could live here?”

“There could be a species out there… who prefers the cold.”

There was a very faint rumble as Gruda and her team lit up their horns and pulled out their guns. “What was that?” The raspy changeling asked.

Abby looked down as she walked. “Maybe there was an avalanche nearby. Would make sense if it’s constantly snowing.”

“Uh-huh…” Gruda replied. “And, if it’s constantly snowing… why isn’t this planet just one big ball of snow, covered all the way up to the atmosphere?”

Abby looked at her and thought. Gruda was right. If it was constantly snowing, why wasn’t this planet completely covered up to the clouds in snow? Where did all the excess snow go? Before Abby could form anymore thoughts, she spotted something in the snow up ahead.

Chrysalis was waiting for a report in her chair as she watched a shooting star fly by in the distance. The radio suddenly crackled to life.

“My queen?” Came Abby’s voice. “You’re going to, um… want to come see this.”

VI. The Easy Part

Chrysalis landed her small exploration pod on the snowy planet in the canyon near Abby's tracker signal. She lowered the ramp and left the craft to see her changelings surrounded around something. Abby looked over and waved.

"Over here," she said. "You have to see this."

Chrysalis made her way through the snow and used her magic to activate her dress. When she arrived at the group of drones, they parted so Chrysalis could see the robot head. "The hell is this?"

"I'm XJ92," the head greeted. "But you can call me Jenny."

"Jenny?" Chrysalis asked. "You're a robot?"

The head remained still before she chuckled nervously. "I tried nodding, but... Could you help me find my body?"

The changeling queen raised an eyebrow. "Why?" She asked. "I need another species we can fuck for food. You are a robot." She then looked at Abby. "Let's go. She can't help us."

"Wait!" Jenny exclaimed, sounding scared of being left behind. "Um... I'm an advanced robot! My body works like a normal girl's!"

Chrysalis stopped before she looked down at the head. "You have all the parts?"


"And, everything works?"

"Nod nod."

Chrysalis sighed and crossed her arms. "I help you find your body and then we have sex."

"Nod nod nod. And the best part is I can't get pregnant or sexually transmitted diseases! So you can just keep on... um... having sex with me."

The changeling queen could hear the desperation in the robot's voice and smiled. "Alright, then." She then reached down and picked the head up with both hands. "Your mouth work, too?"

Jenny smiled. "My face is a special metal that allows my lips to operate like yours. I have a throat but anything I swallow would just come out of my neck as I don't have a body."

"What about a tongue?"

Jenny stuck her tongue out , which was blue and seemed to resemble a real tongue down to the texture and dampness. "I was made to be as close to real as possible."

"Hmm..." Chrysalis thought aloud, before she brought the head up higher and kissed Jenny on her robo-lips.

The robot's eyes went wide as Chrysalis licked around the tongue. Red light emitters in Jenny's cheeks started to glow before she started kissing back. Before she could really get into it, Chrysalis pulled back. "Mmm. Not bad." She then noticed the red lights. "You can blush, too?"

"I-I was... made to be as close to... real as possible..." Jenny repeated as if in a trance.

Chrysalis then looked at Abby and Gruda. "Return to space and continue to scout this system. I'll find Jenny's body."

Abby nodded. "Right away. Of course." She then led her team back towards their ship as Gruda and her team followed.

The queen watched them leave before she lost sight of them through the falling snow. She then turned and headed off with Jenny. "So... How'd you lose your head?" She asked as she walked.

"Well, my ship started to freeze up and it crashed into a cliff. My head went one direction and my body went another."

"I see..." Chrysalis muttered. "Then, your body can't be too far ahead."

They continued on until they found a wrecked ship. It was covered snow with parts strewn about the area. "That look like yours?"

Jenny smiled widely. "Yes yes! That's it!"

“Huh…” Chrysalis muttered to herself. “That was easy. Now, where’s the body?”

Chrysalis carried the head closer to the ship but there didn’t seem to be a way inside as the whole thing was frozen. The changeling moved around the right side of the small ship in hopes of finding a way inside.

“I don’t think you’ll be going home in this,” Chrysalis pointed out.

“Yeah, I’ve already accepted that fate,” Jenny replied sadly. “Shame, too. It was s good ship.”

Chrysalis looked over to see a hole in the ground a few feet away. She had a good feeling the body was down there so she made her approach.

“See something?” Asked Jenny, before she too noticed the hole. “Oh. You think it’s down there?”

“Good possibility,” the queen answered as she moved closer.

“Cool cool,” Jenny muttered. “There’s something I should probably tell you.”

“What’s that, Jenny?”

“That kiss earlier? That was my first kiss. Ever. Even before my upgrades. I had nobody.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because,” Jenny began. “I haven’t really had the chance to test out my body in a… sexual manner.”

Chrysalis stopped near the hole as her eyes went wide. “What?!” She yelled, before they both heard a crack.

They looked down to see cracks forming in the ground beneath them. Just when Chrysalis was about to run, the floor gave out and they fell through into a semi-large cavern below. After about fifteen feet, Chrysalis landed in snow with a grunt as Jenny’s head rolled away.

“Dammit!” The queen yelled as she sat up. She tried to use her wings to fly but it was far too cold. With her magic, she activated her dress again to keep warm. “You’re telling me I’m risking my life trying to find your body, and you’re not even sure you can have sex?!”

“I-I mean, I tested out what I could!” Jenny called out. “I masturbated and rubbed my chest! And I felt it! And it felt good! It’s just no one’s had sex with me yet!”

Chrysalis groaned in anger and got to her feet, brushing snow off her. “Unbelievable!”

“No, look! Look!” Jenny pleaded as she projected a hologram from her eyes of what her body looked like. “See?”

Chrysalis looked it over and slowly moved closer. “Not bad. Sleek. Cute.” She then looked around the large cavern. “If your body is in here, it has to be close. Maybe it’s buried.”

She walked past Jenny’s head to where the light shown down through the first hole. She then got to her knees and started to dig. As she pushed the snow away, she started to see something shiny. Digging faster, she soon unveiled an arm.

“Got it,” she said as she dug out the rest of the body. When more than half was uncovered, she grabbed the waist and pulled the body out. “Seems intact,” she said as she sat it upright.

She then fetched the head and placed it on top. There were some sparks and a few clicks as the head reattached itself. Jenny smiled as she raised her right arm and flexed her fingers. "Feels good to move these again."

"Alright," Chrysalis said as she crossed her arms. "Let’s get to it."

Jenny stared at her. "Is that... all you can think about? Sex?"

"I'm a changeling."

The robot shrugged. "That means nothing to me. What's a changeling and what's that got to do with sex?"

Chrysalis exhaled deeply through her nose. "A changeling feeds off the love of others. Generally speaking, we pose as a loved one and sap the love out of the other. In desperate times, sex can give us energy as well. Rape, however, yields barely anything, but I'm not against it if I'm desperate."

"And... are you desperate?"

Chrysalis tried to flutter her wings again, but they still ached from the fall. "I am desperate. My kind is about to run out of food. Which is why I came all the way out here."

"I see," Jenny said with a nod. "You need... mates. People to have sex with and get food from."

"Yes," Chrysalis hissed. "So..."

Jenny smiled and walked over to her. "Shall I... remove my clothes?"

"Clothes?" Asked the changeling. "You mean... your metallic parts over your chest and crotch? Don't you have any normal clothes?"

Jenny shrugged. "They've served me well so far." There was a click before her chest armor split in half and parted. Jenny pulled it off and then lowered her crotch armor. Once she was naked, Chrysalis could see her full form. "You like it?"

Jenny's body was made up of multiple sections that allowed her to bend forwards, backwards, and side to side. Her arms looked similar in that they weren't just two pieces, but many sections that allowed her range of movement equal to that of a living creature.

"Oh, wait," Jenny said, the collars of her boot-like sections parting to allow Jenny to take her feet out. "I forgot I had toes, too. This is a more recent upgrade that gives me human-like feet."

Chrysalis looked her up and down, not really sure what she meant by human but, at the same time, not really caring. "You certainly have the body. Now, get ready for your first sexual experience.”

VII. The Hard Part

Jenny finished getting dressed as her boots clamped shut. Chrysalis leaned against the wall as she watched. “Why not make your whole body out of that synthetic metal?” Chrysalis asked. “Then you’d be even more realistic.”

“It’s an extremely rare metal,” Jenny explained. “My creator was dead long before I got this far. That was back when I was just XJ9.”

“I see,” Chrysalis muttered as the robot turned to her.

“So… I really enjoyed that. You?”

The queen chuckled and left the wall to walk towards her. “You pass. You’re a good little sex toy.”

Jenny blushed and rubbed the back of her head. “Don’t know if I wanna be a… toy, but… I wouldn’t mind doing that again.”

Chrysalis crossed her arms with a smirk. “Good.” She then looked up as her wings fluttered. “Ready to go?”

Jenny nodded with a wide smile before igniting her feet boosters. They sputtered briefly before she landed again. “I think the cold is messing with my systems.”

“Sounds like you could have more upgrades,” Chrysalis sighed as she approached the robot. “Hold on,” she said as she put an arm around her new friend.

Jenny smiled and extended her arm before she wrapped it around the changeling’s waist twice. The changeling rolled her eyes before she flew upwards. The cold and the snow made her wings want to give up, but the heat from her dress kept them warm enough. When they emerged through the hole back to the surface a large worm-like creature shot up from the ground near them.

Chrysalis used her shield to protect her and Jenny as the creature rammed into them. They were knocked to the snowy ground with a grunt as the shield vanished.

“The hell?” Asked the changeling as she lit up her horn. “A snow worm?!”

“Did you see its body?” Asked Jenny. “The thing had ice spikes all over. And its head was pointy.”

“Probably how it moves through the ice so easily.”

Jenny kept banging her wrists together. “Come on, come on, come on.”

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to activate my rockets but I think they’re still frozen.”

The ground beneath them rumbled and Chrysalis shoved Jenny aside before casting her shield again. The monster worm shot up a split second later and tried to chew through the shield. With its lower half still underground, it thrashed its head from side to side to hopefully get to its prey.

Jenny looked at her wrists before she suddenly got an idea. “Your dress!” She yelled. “Maybe you can warm me up!”

“I’m a little busy right now!" Chrysalis called to her.

“Can you turn up the heat in your dress?!” Jenny called. “Maybe you can use your shield to heat up faster?!”

Chrysalis gasped and looked down the worm’s throat. “Not a bad idea.” She used her magic to activate her dress. The air inside the shield began to heat up. “This could work.”

She fluttered her wings faster and faster before she turned off her shield and shot out of the worm’s mouth. The monster’s mouth clamped down as Chrysalis went to pick up Jenny. However, The worm’s tail shot up from the ground and whacked her mid-flight.

The changeling queen grunted as she was knocked out of the canyon and onto the snowy ledge above. She watched the worm burrow underground again, presumably coming after her. Chrysalis thought for a moment about what to do next and an option sprung to mind. This worm probably couldn’t see above ground while it tunneled. If she made a noise elsewhere, perhaps that could draw the worm’s attention.

She lit up her horn and rolled onto her stomach. She could feel the rumble beneath her as the worm moved around. Raising her hand, she fired a bolt of magic at a spot about thirty feet away from where she left Jenny. She immediately heard and felt the worm shift direction and go for its new target.

As it left, Chrysalis activated her dress before taking off towards Jenny. As she neared the frantically waving robot, the worm re-emerged. Upon seeing nothing, it turned its gaze to the changeling and dove back under.

Chrysalis grabbed Jenny by the waist and lifted her up into the air. “You’re surprisingly light,” she commented before activating her shield.

“Makes me more agile,” Jenny replied as she felt her gears start to unfreeze. “Thanks for not leaving me, by the way.”

“Yeah, well, I…” Chrysalis muttered. “I need you intact.”

“Fair enough.” Jenny clapped her wrists together a few more times before her missiles popped up from her arms. “Alright. Aim me.”

Chrysalis looked around but couldn’t see the worm. “It’s still underground,” she growled.

Jenny kept aiming straight ahead. “It’s circling.” She then looked at her arm and retracted her guns before pulling out her buzzsaw.

"The hell are you doing?!" Chrysalis exclaimed when the loud buzz of the buzzsaw filled the shield.

"I think it's softer on the inside!" Jenny yelled. "Let it eat me!"

"What?! Are you insane?!"

"I'm made of metal, remember?! Besides it's probably really warm inside! I could cut my way out easily and kill it in the process!"

Chrysalis looked down at the ground and then back up at the robot she was holding. "I hope you know what you're doing!"

“I’ll be fine!” Jenny said with a smile. “Now, get low and lure it out!”

Chrysalis sighed and began her descent, her eyes scanning the ground for any sign of emergence. “The closer I get, the more dangerous this becomes!”

Lower and lower they went, on the lookout for anything dangerous. When they were about thirty feet off the ground they heard a rumble. They eyed each other before Jenny looked down. As she did, the worm broke through and, mouth wide open, went straight for them.

“Good luck,” Chrysalis said, and dropped the robot before darting to the side.

The worm’s mouth closed around the robot and there was a moment where the changeling was worried her new sex bot was dead. Then, as if to answer her question directly, the worm let out a loud screech as a spinning saw blade cut through its side. Chrysalis watched as Jenny cut open a large hole in the worm, causing its guts to spill out into the frozen ground. As the worm fell dead, Jenny jumped out and landed in some snow.

Chrysalis chuckled softly and landed where Jenny fell. “That looked juicy.”

Jenny sat up as some entrails fell off her head. “I don’t wanna do that again. It was so gross in there.”

Chrysalis reached out and took her hand, helping her up. “Now to get my little sex bot back to the ship.”

Jenny smiled and brushed the snow off. “Hey so… you’re looking for mates, right?”

Chrysalis nodded. “For my children, yes. Otherwise, they’ll die.”

“I see… Well, I might know some folks who could help. Ever hear of the Council?”

Chrysalis shook her head. “No.”

“Well, I think they could help with your problem.”

“I see… And where is this Council?”

Jenny smirked. “I’ll show you.”

VIII. The Council

After getting back to her flagship, Chrysalis set a course to the star system where Jenny had told her to go. Upon arrival, they were immediately met with hostile presence. Two heavily armed, red fighter ships approached them. Jenny quickly worked the controls to change the radio channel before talking.

"Wait, wait, it's me! Jenny!"

The fighters slowed to a stop before a female's voice came over the other end. "Jenny? This is the emergency channel."

"Well, you were about to blow this ship up with me on it."

"We don't recognize that ship," the other female stated. "Why are you on it?"

"It's a... long story," Jenny chuckled nervously. "But my rescuer is the pilot. I was wondering if she could meet with the others. Maybe have her join us?"

The female hesitated before speaking again. "We could always use more help. Bring her in. I'll let the others know."

"Thank you, Jumbalaya," Jenny said before she used the controls to probably disconnect the radio from the emergency channel. "We are all set. Council's right there."

She pointed to a large station in the distance. It seemed big from where they were which only meant that it must be huge up close. Chrysalis piloted her flagship closer as the fighters turned and went back on patrol. The changeling looked all around as they passed a couple habitable planets. Chrysalis let out a sigh and kept moving.

"We might be too late to expand," she muttered sadly. "I waited too long."

Jenny eyed her before smiling. "If anyone can help, it's the Council."

"So, what are they?" Asked Chrysalis. "The space police?"

"Not really," Jenny replied. "It's just a collection of various species and civilizations working together. We will help to defend each other but that's about it. We don't police anything."

"I see. Sounds pretty beneficial."

"Oh, it is!" Jenny exclaimed. "I found the synthetic metal with their help. If anyone can help you find another habitable planet, it’s them.”

“What about sex partners?”

“Um…” Jenny muttered. “I guess you could search for other species to mate with.”

Chrysalis sighed in annoyance. “Still have to search… Great.”

“You might be able to find some to help you search,” Jenny suggested. “As I said, we all work together. Usually.”

“Usually?” Asked Chrysalis with a raised eyebrow. “Meaning?”

“Declarations of War. It’s procedure among Council members. They’ll be able to explain it better than I can, but… Just don’t start a war without going through the proper steps, okay?”

Chrysalis sighed heavily. “Fine, I won’t start a war.”

Jenny stared at her for a moment. “Was that sarcasm?”

“I’m not going to start a war. Not now, anyways.”

“But… eventually?”

The changeling kept silent for a few seconds while she chose the best words to convey her feelings. “My whole life, I’ve had to take. Never given anything. Why should that end now? I will take control of space… and I’ll make the Council my bitch.” She looked over at Jenny, who had a worried look on her face. “Oh, don’t worry,” the queen cooed. “I’m not starting a war just yet.”

“It’s just… there’s a lot of good people on the Council,” Jenny explained. “They’ve devoted their lives to helping others and each other.”

Chrysalis was about to reply when she noticed how close the station was. They were already about to dock at one of the hangars. Chrysalis slowly piloted her ship through the energy field at the entrance to the hangar and brought it down for a landing. She then just sat there while Jenny started to leave. When Jenny noticed the queen’s hesitation, she stopped and turned to face her.

“Something wrong?”

Chrysalis hesitated before she stood up. “I’m just… I don’t usually work well with others.” She then made her over to the exit door and hit a button. The door hissed as Jenny stepped up next to her. When the door opened and the ramp lowered, Chrysalis stepped out to see a group of various species waiting for her. At the front of the group was none other than Celestia.

“What…” the alicorn started.

“The hell?” Chrysalis finished.

To Be Continued…