• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 10,928 Views, 1,398 Comments

And so I left - CrimsonS4ge

After decades of silent suffering, an unexpected event causes Luna to reach her breaking point much sooner. Instead of embracing her inner darkness, she makes a very different decision that will change her life in unimaginable ways.

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Shadow of Hope

As Luna stood before the large ruined doorway, she tried to push out the doubts that had wormed their way into her mind. Whereas before she was certain that she would find her answers in the wreckage of her old home, the former Princess wasn't so confident now.

Had she expected to be struck by some sort of epiphany?

What insight did she hope to divine from exploring these old stones?

Rather than things becoming clearer, she felt more confused and lost now than ever before. She almost wanted to start crying again at how hopeless the situation felt.

It took Luna more than a few minutes of staring at the entrance to the great spire before she worked up the courage to enter. Her mind would drive itself insane though, if all she did was wallow in her fears and insecurities.

Not allowing herself to dwell on her doubts, Luna stepped through the doorway into the tower.

It was dark inside the great spire. Although it had always been dark, even before it had been abandoned. The blackened stones that made up the walls, floors and ceiling seemed to absorb ambient light and heat. Leaving the structure feeling perpetually dark and cold.

She almost couldn't see the high arched ceiling in the near oppressive gloom, but the dark didn't faze her. She had walked through the Great Entry Hall hundreds of times. She knew this room well enough that she could have probably painted it from memory.

It was, because of that familiarity however, that the changes that had befallen her old home became all the more stark to her.

The Hall, and presumably the rest of the tower, had fallen into disrepair and desolation. Collapsed arches, broken pillars and cracked walls were ubiquitous as far as the former Princess could see. The wards might have held together the spire's structural integrity and slowed its inevitable decay, but it could do little in terms of actual repair or maintenance.

She had known that the interior of the tower would not have likely stood up well against its century-long abandonment, but to actually see her once beloved home as a decrepit shell of its former self was still a painful and disheartening sight.

The massive Hall had once thrummed with life and magic. It was a place of warmth and comfort, where its occupants would often socialise. Students would fuss over their studies and the Masters of the College would obsess over their latest research projects.

The magnificent and ancient walls were once illuminated by dozens of fireplaces whose flames used to easily offset the light and heat that the black stones smothered.

When the two sisters had been mere humble students under Starswirl's tutelage, one of their daily duties was to tend to some of the many fireplaces that were located all throughout the tower's interior.

Luna and her sister absolutely hated that chore. It was laborious and the soot got everywhere. The Grand Master's of the tower said that the task was to teach them the value of discipline, dedication and hard work, as well as strengthening their pyromancy skills. Luna thought that they were just lazily hoofing off grunt work to lowly students so that they didn't have to spend as much money on a large cleaning staff.

Celestia had especially despised the task as the ash and smoke seemed to cling to her pristine white coat and would refuse to be removed by everything, but the most vicious of scrubbing and bathing. Luna used to tease her sister by telling her that they could be mistaken for twins, because of how darkly Celestia’s coat would be stained.

The memory threatened to evoke a smile from the alicorn.

It was nice to reminisce on good times, but whatever Luna was looking for, she was certain that she wouldn't find it in this Hall. The former Princess lit her horn to illuminate her surroundings as she walked across the room and over debris. Statues, art and masonry created by legendary mages and heroes from ages past, littered the floor. It felt almost vaguely sacrilegious to step over such important relics from the past, but the feeling was drowned and buried beneath an avalanche of feuding thoughts and emotions that started to bubble within her.

It was an indescribable emotion that Luna felt as she slowly picked her way through the debris. It was like nostalgia that had been tainted with sorrow. To so badly miss home, only to find said home in ruins.

The former Princess lost track of time as she wandered aimlessly through the tower. Half stuck in a numbed, dazed stupor of old memories and of better times. The reminders of what her life had once been, before she had gotten caught in the whirlwind of rulership and the throne, were like an assault on her mind.

Each new room or hallway stirred half-forgotten memories and emotions from decades past that she never thought she would see or feel again. It was near euphoric, yet indescribably painful at the same time. The shadows of love, friendship, family and happiness saturated the halls of the spire, but that was all that they were, shadows. Illusive mirages of happier times that she so desperately wished to return to, but poisoned with the crushing realisation that those times were long gone and never likely to return.

It was only when she arrived at a very specific doorway, that she was shaken from her trance. The wooden door was nearly indistinguishable from any other doorway in the tower, except for one specific detail. Carved into the wood were two Talent Marks that were very familiar to her.

A sun and a moon.

It was her old room.

It was a place that she had spent years living in with her sister. Sometimes it was even a refuge from the darkness of the world. During the worst days of Discord's reign, she would often find herself in her sister’s bed where Celestia would wrap her wings tightly around Luna and whisper her favourite stories and poems to her.

It was embarrassing to need to be comforted when she was a teenager, but some nights the nightmares were incessant. Visions from both the Bad Days from her foalhood and the horrors that Discord unleashed upon Old Equestria.

Even though they were in arguably the safest place in the world, that knowledge seldom brought her peace.

Luna didn't know how long she spent looking at that door. She tried to organise her emotions and ground herself back down to this reality, but the violent maelstrom of emotion would not let her. Staying paralyzed with her hoof hovering above the rusted door handle was the most that she could do to keep her from losing control.

'Was this where she found her answers?'

'Behind this wooden door?'

It seemed like madness. Like utter delusion that she would spontaneously have the answers to her every question and insecurity by simply opening the door. As if a divine epiphany from the gods would show her the way to her destiny. She was scared of what she would find, but she was even more scared that she would find nothing at all. That she would be right back where she started. Alone and adrift in a cold, uncaring world that she had abandoned and that had abandoned her.

'What choice did she have?'

Luna opened the door.

It was cold.

That was the first thought that had entered the alicorn's mind as she stepped through the doorway.

The glass of the windows had long since been broken and the biting wind blew inside without restriction. The blackened stones had already absorbed most of the ambient heat of the tower, but the windchill made the room near freezing.

Another consequence of the open windows was that her room had been exposed to a century of weather and outside elements.

It was barely recognisable. Her bed, her desk, her cabinet, her belongings. Everything that she had not taken with her when she left. It all lay in ruin. Wood and fabric lay in nondescript piles of rot. Metal had rusted into dust. Paint and colour had long since been bleached bare by the sun and weather. The air was musty and smelled of rot and animal excrement.

'There is nothing here.'

Luna closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. Cracks appeared in her self control as the boiling sea of volatile emotions inside her yearned for release.

'There is nothing here.'

What a fool she had been to place her hopes, so naively, into a fanciful delusion of some sort of destiny. There is a reason that she never came back to this place. There was never anything here of her, other than rot and ruin.

'There is nothing here.'

The boiling sea of conflicting feelings gave way to one emotion that ran hot through her veins.


'There is nothing here!'

Luna was so sick of feeling powerless. She was so sick of crushed dreams. She was so sick of feeling like every single decision that she made in life only led her to greater suffering.

'There is nothing here!'

She wanted to take back control. She wanted to feel like her destiny was in her own hooves. She wanted to let out the dark storm of rage that churned and frothed within her. She wanted to break something! She wanted to destroy something!


Light erupted from her horn as she teleported from her old bedroom. The wide, open room that she had emerged in was one that she would have recognised as the tower's magical training room, had she not been barely cognizant with anger.

With her violent and raw emotions powering her magic, Luna lowered her horn to take aim at whatever was in front of her. She didn't know what was ahead of her, as her eyes were still closed, but she didn't care. For once in the past century, she wanted to take power back into her own hooves and make a meaningful impact on the world around her. Even if that impact was only an enormous hole in the back wall of the training room.

Forcing all of her hatred, anger and frustration to be made manifest at the tip of her horn, a ball of pure magical destruction grew at the end of the bony protrusion. Luna didn't bother forming the magic into any particular spell. Simple, cathartic destruction would serve her just fine.

When she reached the point where she couldn’t hold on any longer to the magic, the former Princess unleashed it.

The ball of destructive magic burst into a high intensity beam of pure magic at least twice as wide as herself. The shock wave of the erupting magic was enough to kick up dust from the floor of the training room and saturate the air with particulates, making it difficult to breathe. The recoil of the magic was enough to actually force Luna backwards, her hooves scraping against the cobbled floor as she pushed nearly an entire body length backwards.

As the beam made contact with the wall opposite to her, the hardened black stone simply melted under the heat. With a flick of her head, Luna cast a wake of destruction as her magic tore through the walls, floors and ceiling all around her.

When she was finally forced to stop, as the heat in her horn grew too intense to bear, she panted with ragged breaths. Her horn still steamed and glowed incandescently from the residual heat of her magical death beam.

The walls still glowed too, along the edges of the trench that she had carved into the black stones of the tower. Drops of red molten rock still dripped down from certain places on the ceiling where her magic had impacted.

A section of wall had toppled and the entire ceiling structure had only not collapsed, due to the sheer will and exertion of the tower's wards.

The alicorn's hind legs gave out from under her and she fell onto her haunches. Her horn no longer glowed, but still felt uncomfortably hot.

With her rage now spent, Luna’s emotions gave way to exhaustion. More than just magical or physical exhaustion, but complete and total mental fatigue.

Seeing the utter desolation of her once beloved old home, combined with all of the emotional turmoil of the past day, had just been too much. She thought that she had let out all of her pent up emotions when she had cried herself to sleep last night. Obviously she had a lot more to deal with emotionally than she had thought.

Despite her exhaustion, she didn't allow herself to sink back down to those depths again now. Her expenditure of her volatile emotions, had included her near paralysing sense of hopelessness. It had left her with a sort of post-catharsis clarity. A focus that she didn’t have before that moment.

'Luna would not be defeated by this.'

She would survive. She didn't know what she would do or where she would go, but she couldn’t allow herself to crumble into despair now. She would find her destiny somewhere, even if it's not here.

Exhaustion nearly consumed her, but Luna couldn’t allow herself to shut down now. She needed to keep moving. Towards what however, she didn't know.

With shaky hooves, she managed to stand up on her hooves again.

She winced as she surveyed the trenches of still cooling molten rock that she carved around her. Not since her battle with Discord had she unleashed such destruction upon the world around her. It was a frightening reminder of her power as an Alicorn and why she had needed to exert so much self-control in the past.

It was lucky that she had stopped when she had. It didn't look like the tower could have supported much more with so much of its load bearing architecture damaged or destroyed.

With nothing better to do to keep herself distracted, Luna decided to inspect the wall that had collapsed.

Her walk started off slow, but her hoofsteps gradually increased in speed and certainly. Her alicorn regeneration had already started to lessen some of her fatigue.

As she approached the rubble, her wince deepened with the realisation of just how far her magic had penetrated into the tower's structure.

It was then that she noticed the room that lay beyond in the collapsed wall. It was an old storage room. Most of its contents had been destroyed by her magical beam or the collapse of the wall. Yet, what caught her eye lay at the very back of the storage room and had somehow remained unharmed.

She almost thought that it was a deception of the mind. A mirage brought on by her exhaustion and recent emotional anguish. She needed to get closer. Stepping over the rubble and cooling slag, the alicorn ventured into the smouldering wreckage of the room beyond.

Luna didn't know why this issue suddenly became so important to her. The need to get closer to this ancient relic of her past. Despite her fatigue, that spark of curiosity burned brightly and demanded her attention.

Yet as she came to stand before it, the object of her fixation never de-manifested. It stayed firmly anchored in reality.

The focus of her fixation was a trailer, a travelling caravan. Its wooden structure was remarkably well preserved, but she supposed that she could credit Starswirl's protective spells for that. This trailer used to belong to him after all.

It was during his travels so many years ago in this trailer that he happened upon two sisters lost, alone and starving in the wilderness. It was in this trailer that he fed, sheltered and eventually adopted them as his protégés.

It looked much the same now as it did then. Its dark blue with silver trim had inspired her own preference for colours. She could feel his familiar magic permeate the vehicle. The echo of his power still lingering strongly, even after so long.

It was years before Starswirl had taken the mantle of Grand Master of the College and accepted stewardship of the tower. He was a travelling Master mage. Roaming wherever he was needed. Using his plethora of skills and vast power to help those that couldn't help themselves.

Travelling with him in those days had probably been the highlight of Luna’s life. She was awed by his feats and his magic. That fueled her determination to become like him one day.

To make a tangible difference in the lives of those around her. Not to just sit in endless meetings debating politics or coming up with legislation that the Council of Nobles would just shoot down.

Starswirl had once promised to Celestia and Luna that a day would come when they would be called to take this trailer and use it to venture to the furthest corners of Old Equestria. To help those in need and fight evil wherever they may find it.

He promised them that once they completed their journeyman adventures, they would be invited back as full-fledged Master Mages of the College.

It was something that Luna had dreamed of all throughout her time training in the tower.

Those dreams would be shattered however, as Discord's arrival had thrown the world into chaos and the two sisters were left trying to repair a fractured nation teetering on the brink of oblivion.

Luna couldn't change the past, but perhaps her oldest ambition was not as out of reach as she had once thought.

Through her exhaustion shone one emotion that filled her with a warmth that she had not felt in a very long time.


It was now midday. The sun shone brightly upon Luna’s back as she secured the caravan's harness to her back and around her torso. She had never worn a harness before, so it had taken some time to figure everything out.

It was a bit humorous in hindsight. She had made a grand declaration of seeking her destiny and helping those in need. Ready to embark on her own personal odyssey, only to spend the next two hours trying to fit the damnable harness onto her.

The thought actually managed to get a small laugh out of her.

It felt so good to laugh and smile again, even if it was at her own expense. How long had it been since she had actually laughed? Not the polite, on-cue, faux chuckle that she had to give in response to a noble's incredibly poor joke, so as not to offend them, but an actual laugh, simply for the reason that she was happy.

Her mood was a bright one, but that didn't mean that all of her wounds were healed. The callousness of her sister’s words still cut deep, but she had something now that she didn’t have when she first found that diary.

Hope for the future.

Luna looked at the road in front of her that stretched off into the horizon. She didn't feel scared anymore.

Author's Note:

Thank FUCK, I'm finally done. It feels almost repetitive to say that this chapter was my most challenging to date, because of how many of my previous chapters I've said that.

I spent so long getting bogged down in the details of this chapter. So many tangents that went nowhere. So many deadends that I wrote myself into.

I've heard that oftentimes writers despise their own work. I've never really understood what that meant until this chapter.

There was so much more that I wanted to add to this chapter, but eventually I just got so bogged down, that I had to just delete whatever tangent I was trying to write and move on, thoroughly unhappy and frustrated that I wasn't a good enough writer to say what I wanted to say.

I also believe that it gave the chapter a bit of a choppy flow, where I would suddenly pivot the focus of the scene to a different topic.

I wanted to go into greater detail in the Hall about Luna and Celestia’s past and about general life in the castle. But I got bogged down, deleted what I had written and just had Luna move on. I did keep the tangent about the fireplaces, because I think that it came out quite well.

I wanted to go into greater detail about Luna’s exploration of the tower and detail some of its history. I got bogged down in the details and hit a massive writer's block. I got frustrated, deleted what I wrote and then simply had Luna shuffle to her old room in a fugue state.

That part where I described Luna having nightmares was supposed to be much longer, where I would detail how these nightmares eventually caused Luna to discover her dreamwalking powers.

I spent two fucking weeks trying to write the scene with Luna in her old bedroom. Eventually I got frustrated, deleted what i wrote and then described a very vague scene of decay and had her teleport out.

Luna’s out burst wasn't in the original story plan, but I reached such a point of frustration in writing this chapter that that scene was probably just as cathartic for me as Luna. It wasn't all bad though, as it gave me a good narrative way for Luna stumble across the caravan.

The scene of Luna figuring out what she wanted to do and planning to complete her journeyman mage adventure, was supposed to be much longer and have a lot more introspection, as well as some more lore around how Starswirl met the sisters. I barely even touched on the physical description of the caravan, because I knew how bogged down I would get. Eventually I reached a point where I just wanted to be done with this chapter.

I'm sorry if the ending felt a bit rushed. I'll delve more into Luna’s feelings about her chosen path in subsequent chapters.

Perhaps I'm just being overly harsh on the chapter and allowing my personal frustration over the troubled writing of chapter 7 to taint my opinion of it.

I'll leave judgement to you guys however. Comment on what you guys thought of this chapter.

P.S. You guys have no idea how much your likes and comments mean to me. If this story had just 200 views, 20 likes and 2 comments, I probably would have given up on writing it by now. Hearing your comments about much you love my work and how excited you are for the next chapter, gives me the motivation to become a better author for you guys.

P.P.S Forgive me if there is a higher than average number of spelling or grammar errors in this chapter. I just want to get this chapter published as soon as possible, so I haven't done as much editing as normal. I'll probably retroactively fix any errors in the next few days.