• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 10,928 Views, 1,398 Comments

And so I left - CrimsonS4ge

After decades of silent suffering, an unexpected event causes Luna to reach her breaking point much sooner. Instead of embracing her inner darkness, she makes a very different decision that will change her life in unimaginable ways.

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Dear diary....

The line froze Luna in her tracks. The shock of having her expectations subverted utterly was like a bucket of ice water on her emotions. It was difficult to maintain the heat of her fury in the face of the growing feeling that she had just committed a very severe error in judgement. Her anger and rage sputtered out, replaced with a burning feeling of embarrassment.

While Luna was busy undoing the seal, her mind had been churning with dark and sinister conspiracies over what her sister wanted to hide from her. The fact that she had gotten herself worked up into such a senseless state, that she had lost any semblance of composure and dignity over her a simple diary deeply embarrassed the Princess.

A cold, creeping sensation of dread settled in her veins as her mind unfroze and started to think over the implications of what she had just done. She would not be able to conceal the broken enchantment. Even if she recast the spell exactly right and attuned it to unlock upon contact with her sister’s magic, she couldn’t mimic her sister’s magical signature, nor could she hide her own. Celestia would instantly know what had happened and who was responsible.

At that moment Luna wished that she had taken a more active interest in Starswirl’s lessons on temporal magic, as she realized that she had potentially made a big mistake. She had violated her sister’s privacy and brute-forced open what was surely one of her sister’s most private possessions, over nothing but her own out of control paranoia. The dread amplified as she realized how much trouble she could potentially be in.

The Lunar Princess recognized the dark emotional spiral that she was descending into and, with gritted teeth, brutally suppressed her growing fearfulness. The bitter frustration and slowly simmering anger that had served as her ever faithful companion in recent times returned to melt the icy dread that had settled in her veins from the previous shock. She also felt shame that her emotional state had been reduced to that of a filly with her hoof caught in the cookie jar.

Luna hated this. She hated that she felt like this. She hated the shadow that her sister had cast upon nearly every aspect of her life and her mind. She hated that even something as tangentially related to Celestia as her property made her feel these dark emotions.

As Luna internally organized her emotions, she turned her focus more fully to the object of her recent internal strife. Her curiosity bloomed once again.

Luna didn’t know why her sister had chosen such extreme security measures to lock her diary. Normally only the most important and dangerous artifacts that the kingdom possessed would justify such extraordinary protection. The thought over what Celestia could have possibly thought was so sensitive that needed Starswirl’s seal only reinforced that curiosity and forged a hardened resolve over her course of action.

She realized that it was too late to undo what she had just done and that she was likely to get trouble even if she stopped reading the diary right now. With nothing more to risk and nothing further to lose than what had already been risked and lost, the Princess decided to sate her curiosity and find out what her sister really thought about things and what lay in the darkest recesses of her mind.

So with a deep breath and steely determination, so began to read the diary in earnest.

Dear Diary

It’s been years now since Luna and I took power and tried to rebuild a shattered nation. It hasn’t been easy, but the safety and prosperity of our ponies has been worth every effort.

The two of us realized a long time ago that we didn’t age like other ponies. We were never certain if that was due to our nature as Alicorns or our exposure to the tree or our status as Element bearers, but regardless of the reasons, it’s something that we need to come to terms. If my sister and I were mortal ponies, we would have perished already.

I’m writing this diary because I don’t want to forget. It’s been so long that already old friends and old faces from my childhood, have slipped from my mind. If I write it down here and in subsequent diaries when this one is full, I can always come back and remind myself. Even if we live for a thousand years, I will remember.

Sincerely Celestia

Luna understood was her sister was trying to accomplish by writing this diary. She herself had being doing much the same with her art, poetry and writing. Trying to capture a moment in eternity so that you will never lose it. A soft note of melancholy joined the chorus of anger, frustration, curiosity, determination and something darker that sang in her mind.

She didn’t like to think often of her state of perpetual existence. That she was forever destined to watch any friends that she ever made wither against the slow, unending march of time. Her sister was her only true reliable constant in her life, the only one that was guaranteed to be there for her. It’s why the coldness, distance and animosity that had come between them cut so deep and hurt so much.

Luna cherished their relationship more than she had ever cherished anything else in her life. To see Celestia become addicted to the praise and love of her ponies, to see her favor arrogant and self-serving nobles over her own sister and to see her treat the one pony that loved Celestia more than any other with aloof dismissiveness. It hurt Luna more than she thought possible. Her sister served as her bedrock in this world, STILL served as her bedrock in this world.

The diary went on.

Dear Diary

I had a meeting with the Counsel of Nobles today. The topic of discussion was the implementation of a new double-entry bookkeeping system into the royal record keeping books. Lord White Castle was concerned about the cost of implementation, while Lady Ruby Diadem was more concerned about the possible major disruptions to...

The diary went on like this for a great many of the initial pages, acting more like a factual account of Celestia’s daily activities than a look into her sister’s thoughts and feelings.

Luna began to read faster, skimming the more generic entries and noticed a disturbing trend begin to form as more of her sister’s thoughts started to become more transparent.

Dear Diary

It’s the Summer Sun Celebration today. The turnout for the event has been astonishing, I’ve never seen so many ponies in one place since before the Collapse of Old Equestria.

Even though things have now mostly stabilized in the decades since those dark days, much has not yet and perhaps never will recover. So much of our history and traditions were lost, even most holidays were forgotten.

At first this holiday and Luna’s Winter Moon Festival were only supposed to be placeholder holidays. Generic twice a year celebrations during the two solstices meant to give the ponies of this New Equestria something to look forward to, a chance to be merry, to help promote unity and provide a sense of community. I never could have imagined what it would morph into when I started the tradition all those years ago.

Now it’s become more like a celebration of us Princesses and a chance for ponies to show gratitude and praise for all that we have done for our kingdom. It was awkward at first to be the centre of adoration, but now it’s more flattering than anything else. To know that I have made a positive change in the lives of so many ponies that they would travel from all over Equestria to give me thanks and praise. It’s an incredible feeling.

Not everypony was so celebratory though. Luna has gotten upset over the Festival again. I keep telling her that she shouldn’t compare our two Festivals and that she couldn’t expect our ponies to travel from far and wide during harsh winter, like they can in summer. I’m certain that ponies love her just as much as they love me, but by the pure, harsh reality of logistics and practicality, ponies just can’t celebrate in winter the same way that they do in summer.

She shouldn’t use the popularity of our respective festivals a litmus test on the common ponies’ opinion of her. Personally I think that she is just being dramatic...

Luna exhaled violently and gritted her teeth hard enough that they would have surely shattered if is was a normal pony, as she read that last line. It would be exactly in line with Celestia’s character to sit high up on her pedestal and dismiss her sister’s pain as needless dramatics. Even though her anger only grew stronger the more she read, another emotion also bloomed alongside her rage, sorrow.

...Luna approached me again today with a proposal to incorporate and give representatives from the New Towns greater political power. I keep trying to tell Luna that the Nobles will never accept having their power diluted in such a way. We need to solidify their support, unify all of the Old Towns and centralize as much power as we can under the New Equestrian banner.

New Towns are barely self sufficient and can’t protect themselves, they rely on us far too much to break away. It’s not their support and goodwill that we need to garner and cultivate. I want greater representation for all cities and towns across Equestria more than any pony, but if the Old Towns and their nobles grow too alienated and break off into city-states again, all of our hard work to unite Equestria will be undone.

I swear, she is such an ignorant foal sometimes! Does she not realize how fragile the peace is. She needs to understand that there is a process to doings things. It’s like she doesn’t even understand the most basic of politics. I have to spend half of my time managing the country and the other half managing Luna. She says that I control too much of her life, but she doesn’t realize all that I’m doing to protect her. The sheer insolent ingratitude...

With every biting insult that she read, she mourned the loss of the relationship that she held so dear to her heart.

Slowly, entry by entry, the diary become increasingly scornful.

...it’s as though Luna is actively looking for reasons to be miserable. Nothing ever seems to satisfy her. She just sulks in her wing of the castle and is hostile to everyone around her. The amount of nobility that I’ve had to sooth over, because of her tantrums...

Ever since Luna was old enough to remember, she looked up to Celestia as an idol, as a hero. Celestia kept her safe from the all the terrors of the world. No matter how dark things were, her sister would keep her safe. Even if the whole world turned against Luna, she could count on her big sister to be there for her. To protect her, to comfort her and to lift her up when she was at her lowest.

...does Luna not even realize how hard she makes things for both of us. While Luna is off on her own mission doing some sort of personal project or just busy feeling sorry for herself, I’m the only one running the kingdom.

She even has the audacity to accuse ME of being in the wrong and not making enough time for her. Does she not see how much I’m busy with. I don’t have time to coddle her feelings. She is so selfish, I can’t believe that she...

The diary went on and on and on. Everything that Celestia was too polite to say to her face.

...absolutely insufferable. And she wonders why I don’t spend time with her. Who would want to spend any time around a pony that is always so bitter and spiteful...

No matter how much animosity existed between them Luna always loved her sister and believed that deep down, no matter their disagreements, that Celestia loved her just as deeply.

...an utter embarrassment to the crown that she wears...

It was what kept Luna going even when she was at her darkest points. She could disbelieve what was staring her in the face and, even if only for a moment, pretend that things were like they were before. Before these thrones and nobles and responsibilities ruined everything. When it was just two sisters standing together against the whole world.

...I should have known it was a mistake to make Equestria into a diarchy...

Tears ran down Luna’s face as the illusion was shattered.

...making a mockery of her royal position...

Rage, sorrow, anguish and utter heartbreak churned in Luna’s mind as she felt the foundation of her world collapse in on it’s self.


She felt like she was drowning.


Like an abyssal darkness was consuming her bit by bit.


She felt numb.


She couldn’t stop shaking.


She couldn’t breathe.

...everything would be so much easier if I could just rule alone...

And then something broke inside of Luna.

Like a puppet with its strings suddenly cut, she felt her legs give out from under her and fell onto the floor. The book fell from her grasp, but she could hardly care at that point. Luna curled into the fetal position. She shook violently as her unrestrained sobs raked her whole body.

For the first time in her life Luna felt completely and utterly alone.

Author's Note:

Originally the diary reveal and Luna’s fight from the castle was originally supposed to be one chapter, but I eventually decided to break them into two.

This chapter was definitely the hardest to write so far. Juggling so many complex emotions. To write Luna being angry, then shocked, then embarrassed, then curious, then angry, then sad and angry, then devastated and heartbroken in a concise and coherent way was a bit of a challenge.

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