• Member Since 30th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen May 27th


Because "fantasy erotica" sounds better than "cartoon horse porn."

Comments ( 43 )

If I die I can die happy after reading this

>sweats nervously

After much procrastinating, I've read it.
Doing so in Attenborough's voice in my head is as fun and funny as it sounds.
>thumbs up

A little death, eh?

Also, Coco is an anal slut while Smolder has a weird lizard hole. I guess these two would be incompatible...

Just moderately cursed.

I'll try harder next time.


YES YES I don't know why but YES

It's... It's... It's beautiful.

Poor dragon ladies, that's a fate no one deserves.

Eh... it's competently written, and I got a couple chuckles, but in my opinion, the joke wears thin pretty quickly.

Then it's a good thing I didn't use the five other scenes I wrote but cut...

"FBI! FBI! Open up!" The agents swung a battering ram, knocking open the door to the recording booth, arrested the narrator, and stopped the recording.

Pfff haha

Okay all of this is pretty hilarious

Depends on the other five. The first one was hilarious, the one with Thunderlane was alright, the others meh. It has potential, but limiting it to porn might have been a mistake. David Attenborough in Equestria is one of my dreams come true. Favourite narrator since I was 3.

This is great! If I had any feedback, it would be to move the fourth wall breaking segment (the first one) to be later, but honestly it works as an opener as well. A+ work here.

Remember how he narrates. he was in their bedroom. Which makes it all the more ludicrous.


Admittedly, this was a bit experimental and outside my usual skill set, and I wasn't sure how it would work best. Ultimately I decided on what I wrote, knowing it was imperfect but hopefully still good.

Regardless, I do appreciate your comments.

I could practically hear it in his voice. I enjoyed this a lot

My good sir, are you not familiar with the most marvelous marital aid known as the double-ended dildo?

Coco still may have an objection regarding the number of holes...

My good sir, are you not familiar with the most marvelous marital aid known as the triple-ended dildo?

By far the funniest part of this entire thing is the mental image of Big Mac moaning "eeyup" whenever he cums.

However, the large pink bow in the mare's mane is ingested by the hot tub's impeller, pulling her head underwater and burning out the circulating motor.

When it's gotcha, it's gotcha!

11305352 Who the hell has an arm of diameter 10" to block up that pipe?

11305368 I said arm, not cock.

Here I am, minding my own business, thumbing through the site. Im bored out of my mind and what do I see pop up?

Animal Planet Presents: Sir David Attenborough Narrating Equestrian Porn.

Now Im cleaning the coffee off my monitor after five solid minutes of laughing. And I haven't even read the story yet.

Well done.

Very well done.

“A spider’s got to spider.” -Scarheart

thats the thing, somewhere in the transition from arm to torso, there's gonna be the perfect amount of body to seal that hole. it's literally the topological equivalent of the sandwich theorem you learned in high school math.

11305865 Been near 30 years since I started high school, but we called that the Squeeze Theorem, and yes, I am sure that would also affect McIntosh Apple's turgid todger.

God imagine dying from negative pressure penis rupture >_>

Also Liked
Big Mac's Cock is an NFT
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...seems legit

I stumbled upon this unfortunate chemical reaction from 1849. https://www.iflscience.com/in-1849-a-mans-penis-became-lodged-in-a-bottle-through-an-entirely-plausible-potassium-explosion-59501
The original Boston Medical Journal Article from 1849: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM184908150410202

you seem the type who would find this amusing as well. Also those related story titles definitely check out XD


And earlier, "Pokédikdonics" and "I Can't Believe it's not Buttershy" were showing.

I have a Style™️.

Apparently there was a dude who died of genital gangrene. I don't know if that's better or worse than having it exploded or crushed but I know that I'd rather not experience any of those things.

First thought upon seeing this in the featured stories page…..”what, the actual, f#*& “

That's half my catalogue, not gonna lie.

Absolutely spectacular.

this is fucking amazing

Perfect ending! Nailed it. :twilightsmile:

I have no idea how long this sat in my 'Read later' shelf, but I'm glad I got around to it :rainbowlaugh:

There was a image of Pinkie Pie getting ready to nom on a dessert of some kind on one of my feeds this morning that inspired me to write a short Sir David Attenborough blurb. See what you think:

Heah we ah following the Equus roseum partium known colliqually as the "Pinkie" in her natural habitat, the common bakery.
She seems to be stalking her preferred prey, the humble dessert. Pinkie is what is known to zoologists as a Glucovore, thst is she gets most of her nutrient needs from Glucose, also known as sugar. Today's prey appears to be some sort of custard.

It should be noted dear viewers that Pinkie is not a solitary specimin. She shares her habitat with the Equus magicum Pistor, or Magic Baker Horse in common parlance.

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